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  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Checking in with a quick hello. Been busy lately with work and just "life"

    Jankay--welcome to the circle. Pull up a chair and jump in whenever you feel the need. We can be a talkative bunch thats for sure.

    Nicki-You do help others just by being you and dont forget that.

    NS-wow drainless?!? Congrats! Not so sure about the cooking though honey. I know it sounds like a great idea but thats alot of work and well you and the stove havent been getting along.

    Cheri-pm'd you but I am sure you will notice. Hows the pups or guinea pigs or lil piglets? They were so cute in those pictures. I just wanted to pick one up and snuggle.

    Adriona-dont think I ever told you before but I love your sense of humor. I must confess though, I also like gross things like you. I had a dog last week that got a thorn or sticker stuck in her skin and it festered all up. You couldnt see the thorn at all so I wondered if she had gotten bit by something or what so off to the vet I go. He says looks like alot of infection trapped in there and can lance it or with time it will pop and at that time put iodine on it and other type of cream he gave me. He said he hated to lance it since it would hurt her and time would do the same thing. Well sure enough, two days later I was putting warm compresses on it and it exploded. My SO was grossed out and couldnt help me but my son helped me with her. Too bad you werent there to join in on it,,lol.

    Madison-I think our chanting worked because we are expecting some 30 degree weather here. Woohoo, I cant wait but then again the next day it will probably be 90 so the good stuff wont last.

    biker-laundry? yuck! I gotta some of that waiting for me when I get home today and I am so not looking forward to it. Enjoy your Friday off and try not to rub it in too hard to the rest of us. OH, what dates are you going to Maine?

    ok quick post here as my desk is all covered and I have got to get it clean. I shall return.

    Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. After the story I am sure you all will wonder how I could forget such a thing. I have a new baby goat. Yep, only about 10 pounds and 3 months old. Got a call that somebody had one and it was pitiful so I called and sure enough it was a bad thing. Poor baby goat all alone and snatched from its mom while still nursing. Stupid guy knew nothing and said she cried all the time so she must be spoiled. Yeah right, shes lonely and hungry. Shes just a baby. Well, needless to say SO is as bad as I am so I emailed her during the day and said a stupid guy has a Nigerian dwarf and has no idea what he has and we are going to buy it. It was in the sticks of Alabama and so bad that he is giving me directions and in mid sentence says, you do drive a truck dont you? I said yes, and he said oh good cause otherwise you couldnt get down my road. Well got there and shes cute as a bug but he had let her ger her head stuck and she had sores all around her heck. He of course said it must have happened that day because she wasnt like that yesterday. LIAR LIAR, pants on fire! You dont get scabs like that in a day. I said ok how much he said 50 I said nope she is pitiful and I am taking her to the vet which will cost money. He then said what about 20 and I said sold. Well, guess where the lil goat is? I'm really not as redneck as this sounds but she is in my kitchen. Yep, right in the kitchen. She is in a small dog fence and happy as a lark. She will soon get to go out to the pasture but not until she is all healed. I take her outside with the little pups and they all start grazing. I am not sure if she knows shes a goat. ok going to post some pics but they were taken with my phone so wont be the best but you can all see how cute she is. Oh her name is sweet pea.

    Amy-pics to follow
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Happy hump day. It is wednesday right? I spent the day yesterday putzing. No recurrence of breathing issues so I'm guessing something was blooming and I was having a reaction?? Good a guess as "we don't have a clue why you can't breath".

    Gina, yehaw, no drains. Now lets keep it that way.
    Excellent idea about greeting new girls separatly.
    Your cooking Easter dinner? Are you crazy? Good gracious, I don't do that when I'm feeling well.

    Any new sisters out there lurking, please introduce yourself and say HI.

    Hi JanKay, great to see you in here.

    Sue, Hannah and Madison are darling.

    Joyce, bubble indeed. Still praying.

    Margaret, You looked like you were having a grand time in Las Vegas.

    Vicki, have a great day at work.

    Betty, no mowing the lawn. Let someone else do it. Prayers for Trey and his family. I have a niece in Iraq.
    Spring is alive and well in California.

    Cheri, agreeing with me means your not gonna beat me up right? Love you bunches Sis.

    Jan, good morning to you. I have laundry you can fold if you run out.

    NurseNicki, I love you to bits. Glad you are OK.

    Madison, O NO, Jake the dog is coming back. Were gonna start losing our names again. I say JUST SAY NO!!!!! Have a grand visit with your daughter.
    Hugs for your tears. What are you stressed about?

    MB, I don't think blue drinks and squares will be a good combo. But they should make for good conversation.

    Cheri.....your not coming to PinkStock? Why Not!!!!! You have to come to PinkStock.

    Tracey, I'm sorry you are having to work nights.
    Hmmmmmm summer depression? My advice.....delete google from your computer.

    Good Morning Denise. Work does have a way of getting in the way.

    Jas, Thanks for saying that. I was feeling just a bit snarky for that comment. Didn't think I got my point across. But yep thats exactly what I meant.
    Couldn't let that one go. You've got to be kidding indeed.

    May each and everyone of us have a simply smashing grand day. Wishing you all sunshine and spring flowers and all that warm fuzzy stuff.
    I love you all.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    ok Tracey sending you lots of warm sunshine to help get you out of the dumps...and maybe some nice spring flowers for your table...hugs...

    Amy...more goats..hehehe in the kitchen....well we know they are all loved at your "farm"...

    Shirely..hmmm thursday again for me for some unknown reason boss thought we should have Mon off too....whoo hooo a really long weekend...lots of time to get ready for pinkstock....

    Ok this sneaking in and out while at work is hard but just wanted to make sure everyone one has a good day and someone tells them they are loved...
    So you are all loved
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    well how weird is that. Got the "form no longer valid" page but theres my post in all it's glory.
    Geez Jake is starting before he even gets here. Not good.

    Amy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE baby goats. There are the cutest picking wittle things. Not sure if I told you this. I homeschooled my boys thru middle school and we raised mini goats for science. Bought a neutered male named Tyler and a female named Peaches. Lady we bought them from didn't know Peaches was pregnant. Poor girl just got fatter and fatter till one day she popped out three of the tiniest little creatures. All white and fuzzy. We kept them in a box in the living room for a bit. Peaches was an escape artist and was constantly leaving them to fend for themselves. She wasn't a very good mommy.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    HI MB

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok pics as promised and I still havent gotten around to bringing my card in from my camera to show the other new goats that are coming but heres in the new baby anyway. Oh and one of Jackson which is one of the pups that got dumped at the farm and he has grown up to become quiet a good looking boy.

    Sweet pea

    sweet pea grazing with her pup dog friends. The dogs start eating grass and hacking and they cant figure out why she doesn't.


    And last but certainly not least is Jackson.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Thanks margaret.I know it sounds strange but I am starting to feel better mentally since I have posting again.It feels like I have friends I can talk to and share with.
    I just got to work on getting my picture posting right.

    It came a bad storm here last night until 3am.and it is also a full moon,I just knew jasmine would go into labor but she didnt.She sees the doc tomorrow and I think friday is going to be her last day at work for awhile.We still have alot to do to get ready for little Tesslia.Will let all of you know if anything happens.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    I posted a picture of my community afghan under that thread along with my new puppie if anyone would like to see it.I just love my afghan and so does Max.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Amy, I love little baby goats too!!!!! You are so big-hearted to take her in! We will be in Maine 7/21 to 7/27. Are you going to be there around that time? I love the pics of the new baby and the dog. You are collecting quite a menagerie .

    No, I am not doing anyone's laundry! I have quite enough of my own, thank you very much!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Amy, sweet pea is adorable!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007

    We will be in Maine the week of the 4th. Hopefully we will leave it all in one piece for you to see it by the time you get there,,lol. I sure wish we were going at the same time.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning girls
    Gina – Glad to hear you are ready to do some cooking and having Easter dinner. That should be nice. Hope the drains STAY out. Hugs..

    Welcome to janKay. I think we talked one time in chat…one of the few times I went. I just can’t keep up with the speed there. I type too slowly. I don’t know much about Parkinsons, but I bet it is a lot of work to do you Physical therapy. Don’t worry about going back and catching up…by the time you read all that there will be 20 more pages…LOL…Just jump in.

    Robin – good to see you posting. I want to see more puppy pictures. The little mite sitting on your new blanket was just tooooo cute.

    Margaret – Glad you had fun in Vegas. I saw the photos of your son on another thread…handsome dude

    Sue-ishop…Your GD’s are beyond beautiful! You sure have your plate full. Sending you some energy-filled hugs! I understand what you said about your energy levels not being what they use to be. I still struggle with that too. Don’t worry about catching up…just drop in when you have time

    Joyce – Wow…every time I read one of your posts I realize what a strong woman you have to be. I would just HATE not knowing what caused Kevin’s arm problems. I hope he continues to improve. I would still like to send Kevin a package to cheer him up. Can you give me some idea of what he likes to do? With his age it is hard to know what he might like….Sending you hugs. By the way…how are YOU doing???

    Vicky- Sounds like you need to batten down the hatches. That sounds like quite a storm. I PM’ed the powers-that –be a few weeks ago to ask if they have some type of interactive calendar they could post at the top of our page with a sticky. I thought it would be nice if we could have something right there where people could post their important dates and we could all keep track. I never heard back from anyone, so I guess they don’t have anything.

    Cheri – Sounds like you are still having fun with the knifty knitter. Who would have thought it when you were having so much trouble learning . It’s so frustrating to learn, but so relaxing to do once you “get it”. Your pup photos were too cute. Does mom have any lab in her? The pups little folded up ears look like a friends lab pups. I have a friend who has a Pomeranian (little red fluff-ball dog). She just had pups and they weighed 3 ounces when they were born. I think they will be that size of your pups when they are fully grown.

    Good morning to you too Nicki. Enjoy your day

    Betty – LOL…Yup, I snitched spring! I woke up to the first cloudy day we have had in weeks and weeks. We have had a huge high pressure system overhead for ages. The sun was nice, but even this time of year clear weather means COLD weather. The High finally got chased out of town and it has warmed up to above freezing the last 3 days in a row. There are actually spots you can start to see the ground through the melted snow. I shoveled the snow away from the chicken’s door and they ventured outside for the first time in Months….I think our break-up is on the way. I laughed SO hard at your poor grass shivering in the snow. I’m glad that Trey is home…is he a “third”…named after dad and grandpa? I have a friend nick-named Trey that was…

    MB- Screaming pigs???? Do tell….Oh, and I think my best friend from MI will come to Pinkstock with me I’ll let you know for sure soon. Thanks for the PM about the camper.

    Jan – Laundry…..ewwww. I have my daughters 12 and 14-years-old training to take that job over LOL

    Madison – OH NO....Jake again? Quick….hide…well…EVERYTHING! LOL. Who knows, maybe he learned some manners. I’m sorry you are feeling weepy. I hate that. Here is my cure. Put on some wild music, make a huge pot of coffee, eat a bite of chocolate and dance in the living room. It’s hard to be sad when you dance….Bugs and fishes to you hon…

    Hi Liz…hope you have a good day.

    Tracey – LOL at “Bi-springular”, but sorry you are having the blues…try the dancing…can’t hurt…might help. I wonder if switching back and forth between day shift and night shift is messing up your sleep cycle and contributing to the problem??? Just a thought. Tell your silly boss you need DAY shift….I know...easier said than done. Hugs

    Denise – I laughed at your comment about work interfering with your personal life…I sneak on at work some times too…shhhhh don’t tell

    Amy – I laughed at your puss story. Sounds like life on the farm. I think if you spend a lot of time around animals you get used to things that would make other people cringe. I have given shots, helped sew up a bear bite on a pony’s behind, watched just about every animal you can imagine give birth, taken poripine quills out of dogs…you name it. I think the one that was the worst though was an abscess in my dogs mouth that broke….smelled so bad I can not begin to tell you! The dog healed up and did fine though… OH, and BABY GOAT!!! I want goats, but can not figure out how to keep them away from the damn bears…hadn’t thought of keeping them in the kitchen LOL. Actually, I lie. I would have the baby in the house in no time flat. My problem would be keeping it OUT of my daughter’s bed. I’m looking forward to pictures.

    Shirley – I am such a ditz I thought you were kidding about it being Wednesday! Had to go look at my calendar…thought it was Tuesday. I miss my brain….

    OK…there are probably 20 more posts since I started writing. I have a meeting in 30 minutes and I still need to get ready…Yikes…I’m LATE.

    Hugs to everyone I missed. Be back later…at work LOL

    Deb C
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    o goody bigger pics. Thought I was gonna go blind trying to see the first ones.
    Awwwww to pickin cute.
    O my gosh, Jackson looks just like my Rat Terrier. His name was Moo. I miss him.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Deb, I so agree on the dancing. Did that yesterday for an hour. It was grand fun. Today I hurt. But all is well.

    I miss my brain too.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Ok i guess I need to get all the brains out from under my that's whats been making all the least its not a mouse.... my youngest GD loves to dance especially when I carry does that count for extra exercises....

    ok now for the silly ? of the day...when does spring arrive...they said that word I'm with more snow please....

    Ok off to work, agian...hmmm not getting as much done as I

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Deb if you get goats you need a great pyrenees to keep the bears away. Whats a few more animals? I would also get lamanchas since they dont have ears and you wouldnt have to worry about frost bite. Then again, its probably not that cold in your house,,,lol.

    Oh if your daughter puts the goat in her bed make sure she doesnt eat the brown mini jelly beans,,yikes!

    Shirley-yep I think Jackson is part terrier for sure. He is bigger than my rat terriers but they are tiny as in 5 pounds and 4 pounds. Jackson is far away from 5 pounds,,lol. He has a sister named Emma and another sister named Libby. I sure wish I knew somebody that would give them a great home because they wont all kinds of attention and as you know I have other animals also. I would be very picky who they went to though and that goes to show why I still have them. There is no way I could run a free ad, no way,,no how. I love them anyway but if I could find them a great home I would do it for their sake. Wanna dog Shirley?

    Below is another pic of them all grazing with the new goat.

    The smallest pupster is peanut Annie.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Deb be sure and check out the pics in case you have forgotten what green grass is,,,sorry,,couldnt resist!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Amy: I want a goat!!! Always have wanted a mini one! Sweet Pea is so cute, and you rescued him!! Thanks for compliment on my sense of humor, and thanks for realizing that some of the things I say are humor! My mouth has always gotten me in trouble..after I say things, I realize OOPS, that didn't come out right! So now I just go with the flow, don't read back over what I write. It's me!!

    Madison: Bad Jake, oohh. My dd has a weinaramer. That isn't even close to the spelling. Anyhow, I call him alot of other names. The thing is huge and they live in the city. The amazing thing is, this is the child of mine that actually has a brain and uses it!!

    Denise is sick of being sick, so I'm doing the unthinkable and actually going to my PCP today. Wonder what wonderful words of advice he'll have for me today. (Remember a few months back, "that was then what is bothering you now?") Anyhow, dh has quite the case of Pneumonia and I decided that maybe I will need a antibiotic to kick this. The thing is, I hate going. My B/P is usually very low. But I can not stand waiting to be seen. So My B/P will probably Spike. Then I sit there and listen to everyone snorting, coughing and spitting in the waiting room. Then my anxiety level rises as I picture all of the germs dancing around in front of me. So Now I've got elevated B/P and Elevated Anxiety, and I haven't even been seen for the damn Respitory Infection yet! Oyy, Oyy, Oyy, some days it is so hard to be me!
    I'll check in when I get back. Appointment is at 3;20p so I'm guessing I'll be back in the comfort of my little home by 8 or 9 tonight!!

    Love and Hugs,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Shirley, are you dancing on or off the couch?? Wasn't it you who was salsa dancing on the couch? I love to dance. I have a bad knee and everytime we go to a bar or whatever, I end up dancing like a fool. Of course, I am crippled for a week after, but I don't care!

    Tracey, Hmmmmmm, Bi-Springular. Dat would splain how I been feelin'. I always thought it was differences in barometric pressure when the seasons change. All I know is, DH and I always gain weight every winter. You know we need to put on that extra fat layer to protect us from the weather. And then I get depressed when I realise I need to lose the weight for summer .

    Deb, I trained my kids to do chores when they lived at home. Now they are grown and out of the house, so it all falls back on me! Thank goodness DH cleans bathrooms, irons, sews and pushes a mean vacuum. All true I swear!! His mom trained him well . He can't cook worth anything though. Our running joke is that if anything ever happened to me, they would find his mummified body at the refrigerator. He would starve to death cause he can't do anything but start the microwave .
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007

    Wow Jan can I send my son to your husbands mother cause it sounds like she did an excellent job! I do try to teach him but heck I'm not the best housekeeper either so the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. I much rather be outside doing whatever than inside cleaning. YUCK!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Denise, add me to the group of lovers of all things gross! I have said before that I have the sense of humor of a 12 yr.old boy. I work for a dentist, and whenever anyone has an abscess, we all come running to see the pus . Burps, farts, whatever, it will crack me up every time. There is a video on YouTube, of a guy from my area, who made a video of a kid in a library with a Fart Machine hidden under his clothes. Priceless!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Amy, unfortunately his mom died about 25 yrs. ago. If she was still around, I'd say go for it! I'm not the best housekeeper either, but it's only DH and I. How messy can we be? My older son is very neat, but the younger one tends to be on the sloppy side! I'm with you! I would much rather be outside doing anything, than stuck in the house cleaning. Shoveling donkey crap is even acceptable
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    ok jan you have a stomach made of iron......
    well chemo killed mine now if the hubby farts i gag!!!!!!!
    and all those other things you mentioned well thats just gross!!!!!! hahaha
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    I just knew I'd get to somebody, Tracey! LOLOLOL!!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    lol it didnt get to me. I am thinking I am in the wrong profession cause we see nothing gross here at my work.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Meeting done I have 10 am I cleaning my kitchen???NOPE LOL

    I am fine with gross as long as no one upchucks...I am a Sympathetic puker…LOL I even have to leave the room if the cat has a hairball…

    My hubby always took care of the kids when they got sick, because if I tried to help her would just have to clean up after BOTH of us. Anything else is fine…just no puke.

    OK...enough gross talk gotta get to work
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Thanks for that update, Deb. Glad you got it all out of your system now!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Jaz, we share the good, the bad and sometimes the at least we share everything...
    hugs ..
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    Since you all have listened to my whining, I wanted to share some good news about my son. He performed in his kindergarten class play today, and he did great!! He said all of his lines (with a couple of hysterical ad-libs) and sang all of the songs. This is a huge deal for him because he has extremely high levels of anxiety and because music and singing usually bother him. I'll try to post a picture later -- I'm not sure how great the pics came out since I was crying and couldn't really see through the viewfinder!

    Thanks for all your kind words in the past couple of weeks. It has helped more than you know!

    I'll check back in later. Love to you all!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    173 posts. oh my good ness. Well, as for me, I've been spring cleaning! Now before you all go nuts and wonder who I am and what I have done with the real Susan McMurray, I must tell you it really is me and I really have been cleaning.

    the rest of the story: DH has been doing so much housework and doing such a good job and not complaining that I was started feeling guilty. See you do get more flies with honey than vinegar. I'm tired now and going to nap. Spring cleaning is over till next year!

    hope you all are doing good.
