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  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Hi CG's
    No time to catch up but wanted to say hi.
    Amy - I love goats!
    NS - yipee NS has no drains!!!!!
    I had my first post treatment MRI today. So glad it's over.
    Hope everyone is well,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...done crying. Don't know what's wrong with me...geez. Some days I'm just a big ol baby. Miss my daughter and wish she'd hurry up and come home. Miss my wonderful grandfather and my mother. Miss ME.
    Lisa...I soooo love that picture! I'm going to put it on my desktop at work for everyone to see. really sounds like anxiety. When I get an anxiety attack I can't get enough air either. It almost feels like I need to yawn and can't get any air in my lungs.
    Anne...I couldn't make it without my antidepressants. I take two 1 mg Xanex a day (some days only 1)and a Lexapro before bed at night and it has improved my life drastically. How did I know I needed them? Hmmm...the anxiety part was easy...I couldn't breathe! Hyperventilating over nothing and stressed out beyond anything I could cope with. The antidepressant was started to help me cope with the unexplainable crying jags. I truly feel much better taking them. I didn't want to until my BS told asked me "If you have a headache do you take tylenol?" . Well...yes. and she told me that it's no different. If your unhappy for unexplainable reasons then take the meds...if it improves the quality of life then continue to take them...take them forever if you need to as you will know when you no longer need to.
    Nicki has an evil twin...oh my! No way...I want my sunshine sister! I need my sunshine sister. I think I have an evil twin though and she really reared her ugly head today...I was such a witch at work today that I'm probably lucky I still have a job! I am never like this but man, everyone got on my nerves so bad. Gotta be better tomorrow.
    Deb...thanks for the tissues...used half a box so I owe ya!
    Missin a bunch of you and I'm sorry...Love and hugs to Alwayshope, Shokk, Lisa, Silvergirl, NS, Mena, Shel, Susan, Boo, Sheri, Jankay, Jan and Cheri...everyone!
    I love ya all and couldn't make it without you. Promise to be my cheerful self tomorrow.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi Jankay
    I wanted to say welcome to you. the circle is a very busy place. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed, expecially if you don't post everyday. Ask questions or send pms if you get confused. I've been here since the beginning and I still don't know what's going on.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Jas, THANK YOU. I have been obsessing and filled with worry and dread about meeting this new onc. I have actually made myself sick over it. Thank you for centering me- I needed that. My grandma used to tell me that God gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him... and I should remember that He is taking care of me and that this change may be just what I need. Thank you for breaking through my panic!

    OK- now I have a confession- I haven't mentioned this to you girls but many of you have brought it up-
    I am afraid of my new microwave.
    I tried it once and it kept running even after I turned it off and opened the door. I think it zapped me with microwaves rays or something. I have read the instruction manual from beginning to end and it says NOTHING about it running even with the door open. In fact it says DO NOT open the door while running. So it is sitting there UNPLUGGED in my kitchen. I threw the box away too so I am stuck with it!

    Anne- I MELT at the sight of a man in uniform.... your son is GORGEOUS!

    Welcome Jankay. I am so happy you came here. I am clueless what is going on because I have been away for a while so you can come sit by me in my wagon.

    Love to all,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Gina Gina Gina! You bought it at Walmart. As long as you have your receipt, take it back and exchange it for another one. Its defective. It shouldn't keep running, especially with the door open.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    NS...HI...can I come sit in your wagon...I'll bring Cheri and Jan and blue drinks. We will all feel fine in the morning. My mom was afraid of her microwave too. It won't run if the door is open. It will shut off automatically...if that helps any. I rarely use mine...only for quick baked potatoes, soup and heating veggies but I like to cook. Heeeheee...I melt at the sight of a man in uniform too...actually at this point I melt at the sight of any man LOL! Praying you like your new oncologist. I can honestly say that I loved mine...he was the best and still is. Thinking of you often. Love and hugs to ya.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    OH...I didn't know it kept running after the door was OPEN!!! Duh...can't read tonight...yes...if you bought it at WalMart you can exchange it without a receipt or the box. My daughter is a manager at Walmart so I checked with her. It is definetely defective!!! Sorry.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Yup! There's nothin like shoppin at Wallyworld!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...really going to bed now...
    Each and every one...thanks.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    holy cow g take that microwave back even if you did throw the box out.... it shouldnt run open or when it is turned off!!!!!! and thank god girl you unplugged it!!!!
    hahaha jas and the silk flowers!!!
    lisa you do take some marvelous pictures!!!
    i hate working nights..... ugh!!!!!!!!
    well he gave me my sun mon off next week but i still have one night to do next week but he says only till we can find another person that can run the front desk!!!!
    well i am going to go watch some tv so bbs
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    Gina – I’m so happy the drains came out. I agree with Jas, take that idiot microwave back. It should not continue to run once the door is open. Please be careful cooking and DON’T lift anything heavy.

    Jankay – welcome again. Glad the kids are doing well.

    Vickie – I cry at the drop of a hat. Always have but it seems to be worse since treatment. Heck, I just cried while watching American Idol. Hugs sweetie.

    Madison – Has your daughter started looking for a place to live in Stillwater? I’m there often so anything I can help you guys with just let me know. Now is a good time for her to start looking since the college kids will be leaving soon. How’s Jake? Hope you have a better day tomorrow hon.

    Sher – I did exactly what you’re explaining awhile back. I was told it was anxiety even though I didn’t think I was anxious about anything. I have my trusty Ativan and have taken it occasionally when I feel something like that coming on. I know you have a hard time with any type of allergy med. Hugs

    Lisa – as always gorgeous pictures.

    Jas – I heard from Doris. So glad she’s doing well. I love the comment about the silk flowers. LOL

    Nicki – sweetie I think I understand. Know that we miss you terribly though. Hugs

    Betty – cool you live by Jankay. She’s a real sweetie. I’ve know her for a long time.

    Susan – I must confess – I have caught myself saying crummy buttons a lot lately. I just love that saying. It’s better than what I might say. How’s the knee? Cleaning? Ewwww.

    Amy – darling goat. Are those the pups that were dropped off? They have really grown.

    Robin – glad you like your afghan. I think I recognized some of my squares in it. I love the puppy. What kind is he?

    Gus – how wonderful for you and your son! That’s great. I’m so happy for you both.

    Anne – woohooo! He’s a cutie.

    Tracey – me thinks you need a vacation sweetie. Sorry you’re having such a rough time.

    Deb – Jan – add me to the non-puking also. Hate it still.
    Joyce – your family and Kevin are in my prayers

    Margaret – I can’t see the pics. Maybe I need to reboot. Glad you had a good time.

    Cheri – If I were driving to Pinkstock, I’d pick you up. Heck if I don’t get a flight booked soon, I may end up doing just that.

    Betty – glad the new mower did great. My DH just had to have a riding mower this year. We don’t have that large of a yard. He had the best time today mowing though. LOL

    MB – I have dial-up here as well. I’m just too blasted cheap to break down and get cable. I need to though. I get so frickin frustrated when I’m trying to do something.

    I’ve missed many I know. Hugs and prayers always.

    As for me, I’m doing okay I think. I have some pain under my arm (bad side of course) and in the rib area. Of course, I’m thinking all kinds of things. I have labs on the 25th and see my oncologist on the 2nd.

    My cousin is getting out of rehab tomorrow. I’m going down to the ceremony. Taking her grandmother and my mom with me. Her mom and aunt will be there as well. She told me last night that getting out was kinda scary. I told her how we feel when we’re done with treatment. How we have continuous appointments and treatments and then we’re just done. She said that was exactly how she felt. She knows I’m always here for her and please pray that she continues to do well. Am going to try to take some pics tomorrow. Might even post one. I’ll warn you first though. LOL

    Thanks again for always being here girls. I may not post daily due to all the family things but I try to read daily.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,
    Once again I have gotten myself so far behind that catching up is hopeless! But please know that I think about all the Circle Girls every day even if I do not post. The past week was so nice and I have been outside with the kids. The neighborhood is waking up and we are all outside chatting and spending time getting caught up on all the neighbor gossip!

    Today was my 3rd rad treatment. My boob is already a bit swollen and sore. But not red yet.

    And what is up with Nicki? Nicki, you can't go away, you are my hero!

    Goodnight CG's. Thanks for always being here for me!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I decided on this to put on my cousins plate. I like it so much and I feel it applies to you all as well. Hope you like it.

    May you find serenity and tranquility
    in a world you may not always understand.

    May the pain you have known
    and the conflict you have experienced
    give you the strength to walk through life
    facing each new situation with courage and optimism.

    Always know that there are those
    whose love and understanding will always be there,
    even when you feel most alone.

    May a kind word,
    a reassuring touch,
    and a warm smile
    be yours every day of your life,
    and may you give these gifts
    as well as receive them.

    May the teachings of those you admire
    become part of you,
    so that you may call upon them.

    Remember, those whose lives you have touched
    and who have touched yours
    are always a part of you.

    May you not become too concerned with material matters,
    but instead place immeasurable value
    on the goodness in your heart.
    Find time in each day to see beauty and love
    in the world around you.

    Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard
    you may be more than compensated for in another.
    What you feel you lack in the present
    may become one of your strengths in the future.

    May you see your future with promise and possibility.
    Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience.

    May you always feel loved.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    It is nice to see some familiar faces. Sherloc hopeu are fine and SoCalllisa it is nice to see and your pictures are beautiful. I am sitting here trying 6o recover from idol. I am so surprised'
    Love Jankay
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Does anyone have any experience with a frozen shoulder? Can you get it 8 months after surgery??

    I have the weirdest thing going on with my shoulder. I have a deep seated ache and my movement seems almost restricted. I was in the driver’s seat of my car today and reached kind of behind me without turning around to set my purse in the back seat. It was almost like my shoulder locked up. It made almost a snapping feeling and then started moving again….really strange and quite painful.

    I have noticed a tightness and pain that I have been blaming on my LE, but that has been under good control the past week and my shoulder actually is worse…reduced flexibility and aches….I do NOT want more appointments, but is this something that progresses?? Enquiring minds want to know….

    Thanks ladies
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Sounds like a rotator cuff injury. Its very painful. And yes, it progresses.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Deb, I had frozen shoulder in September..ended up in the ER on a Sunday because I COULD NOT move my arm. It started similar to what you are describing...then got worse...couldn't reach behind me, or overhead, or out to the side. They did an MRI to rule out rotator cuff careful and have it checked out.

    The ortho surgeon injected the shoulder in the ER and gave me some a prescription for some muscle relaxers...then I spent 6 weeks in PT to get mobility back.

    I have to admit that when my shoulder locked-up I was crying because of the pain.

    I am back in PT because my shoulder was beginning to freeze again.

    I know you don’t want anymore more tests, but you need to find out if the rotator cuff is torn. You might have bursitis in the shoulder. Bursitis is very painful.

    Good luck. I know it is painful.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Stopping in to wish everyone a good night.
    DD arrived safe from Alabama (with JAKE)...all heck broke loose between her dog and my 2 dogs and cat. Oh well, love her-love her animals. She’s a veterinarian so we will always have her animals visiting when she comes home. I just don’t know how one dog can cause such a ruckus!!! My maltsu will not get off my lap.

    Liz, she will begin looking for apartments very soon because she is moving in June. We will visit her sometime this summer…I will let you know when we are going to drive up to Oklahoma. Will keep your cousin in my prayers... I think the post you selected is great.

    Gina, please, please bring the microwave back to the store. It is not supposed to run with the door open. Do you have someone that can carry it for you?

    Vickie, sorry you were crying today. I spent the better part of today repeating…it will be okay…it will be okay. I think, like Tracey said, there is something called seasonal depression.

    Tracey and Deb, Amy and I need to send you some southern weather to help warm up your area.

    Lisa, beautiful flowers….we have all the azalea bushes in bloom..

    Alwayshope….funny how those artificial ones last and don’t need water…I must admit I have a few of them!

    Shirley, I sure hope you are okay. Do you think it is allergies? Do you have asthma?

    Margaret, glad you had a great time….love the pictures.

    Anne, you have a handsome son. Your son is getting some great training. I also wanted to comment on the rad oncs….mine wasn’t personable….but the staff worked really hard to help me understand everything happening. I hope all gets better for you.

    Kristin, hope the rad treatments go okay…..the rad staff will monitor your skin. Please make sure to tell them if you have any problems.

    Jankay, I was also shocked by the Idol decision!!!

    Gotta go referee between my cat and JAKE….

    Hi to all I missed…
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I need to go google frozen shoulder....I'n not even sure exactly WHAT it is...inflamation? Hmmmm I'm hoping i just strained something and it will get better, but the popping thing was weird. I need something else...

    Madison- Is a maltsu like a maltese? We had friends that had a maltese when we were kids. It was TINY...They came to visit when our BIG mamma cat had kittens. The dog came running in the house and jumped right in the box with Mitten's babies! By the time we got this little 2 pound dog away from the pissed of Mamma cat, her white fur was pink with blood. She was not badly hurt, just covered with scratches. Our friends were staying with us for 3 days. Our cat hunted that dog the whole time they were there. I am quite sure she would have killed it if she could have. Mama cat was sure this little dog was trying to kill her babies. Not sure why I told you this...just thinking about maltese I guess...

    Hope bad Jake doesn't live up to his name

    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    I'm Home!

    Lisa, sorry I wasn't able to connect with you it was very hectic trying to get things done at my folks so Dad could come home. He was able to come home on Monday.

    It was very hard to leave all that beautiful San Diego weather!
    Cloe loved it cause she could go outside to play. My SIL loved it too! That and all the lifted trucks everywhere.

    We spent 5 hours in the airport yesterday or flight went from delayed to cancelled so I had to get my mom to come back and get us. It was harder to leave today than it was yesterday.

    I'm hoping someone can do a recap of whats been happening in the circle as I will only breiefly have time to scann it in the next week cause I really do have to get the taxes done and now it's time to do the business taxes too!

    Thank you all for your prayers

    Hugs and prayers
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Jankay

    Liz.The puppie is a minature dashund and he is not supposed to get much bigger than he is now.He is growing but growing longer.I just love him.His name is Max,my grandaughter noelle calles him nax,she is so jelous of him if i dont watch her she bites him.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Ladies, thanks for the welcome.
    Liz glad to see u in here havent talked with u in a while. I hope everything is going better. I am here if u need to talk.
    Robin-you still didnt say what part of tennessee u were from.
    Deb-I hope i never have a frozen shoulder. It sounds awful. The lack of movement i can relate too though.

    Yesterday or last night - I guess u could say i threw a temper tantrum. I a m in a wheelchair, temporarily if i have anything to say about it, I still like to cook s upper and i absolutely got feed up because i couldnt reach anything. Granted I dont always feel like cooking, so when i get stuff where i can reach it, the next person cooking moves it. Last night it just got to me and i just guit cooking left everything out and ordered something to eat. Why cant i get people to realize
    i am trying not to become more dependent but it would sure h elp if they would put stuff where i could reach it.
    I guess i can go take medicine now since i have vented.
    Thanks for listening.
    Love Jankay
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Im trying to pull myself out of this funky mood Im in. There has been lots of emotional stuff going on with me this past week. First of all 2 years from diagnosis on April 3rd. Sort of gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about it.

    I see my onc on Monday for my 3 months f/u. I have decided to get a bone scan. All this stuff with EE has sorta of freaked me out. And Im having a weird pain in my hip and femur. The hip thing I can easily blame on arthritis, but the femur thing is different. Like a sharp pain, only lasts for seconds, but makes me catch my breath. I have had this for a while, but thought - the 2 weeks rule. Well this started about 2 mnths ago. Ive kept track of it this week. Has happened on 3 different occasions.

    Then to make matters worse, my hsuband is freaking out about my onc appt. He like many others thinks this whole thing is over. So I have decided to not tell him about the bone scan.

    This has also been an incredible busy week for me. yesterday I drove 135 miles! And after work, I had to go to my friends nursing home and help her audit charts. They are getting ready for "survey." She has been paying me $500.00 per month as a consultant since my diagnosis - so it's time I earn some of it. I will be spending all day Saturday helping her and part of Sunday. Then have to go to my SIL for Easter dinner.

    Remember my wicked administrator? Well I have worked very hard to get along with her. And it worked! I got my yearly evaluation on Tuesday and it was wonderful. She made me feel so good. Like what I was doing is really worthwhile.

    Im hoping I didnt hurt anyones feelings. What I was trying to say is that sometimes it seems like when one of us is having issues, we hesitate to talk about them. Thats how I felt this week. From most of you, you words were so encouraging. Made me smile. I cant explain it - I was feeling overwhelmed, scared, and at the same time needed to "run" away.

    I dont remember ever saying I was not coming back. Just needed a break. So Jasmine, your post to me made no sense. Actually, I thought is was a bit hurtful.

    Jankay: This is Nickii from chat. I was so happy to see you post. Its been along time since I have talked to ya. Just wanted to say welcome. The circle is a wonderful place. Its a safe place. Lots of support, lots of friendship, and lots of laughter.


    Sherloc: Your so funny. I do believe I have an evil twin. Yesterday was so busy for me, I hardly had time to look at posts. Got up at 5am and was at work by 7am for a big doctors meeting. And actually I should be exercising right now - but what the heck. Ill do it when I come home.

    Lisa: Your flowers are beautiful. I am so anxious to plant my Spring flowers, but here in Illinois its a dangerous thing to do in the beginning of April. Temp went down to 28 last night and the high will only be 32. So I have to wait until the end of April. I dont have one single rose bush and after seeing your pictures Im gonna get on this year.

    Vickie: Hey you sunshine sister is back. Done having my self pity party. I made another decision this week. When I see my PS at the end of the month, Im going for mipples and tatoos. Tired of looking at myself in the mirror and seeing 2 knobs. I think part of my problem is lack of self esteem. And I say the heck with it, today Im getting a manicure and pedicure. Gonna start working at making myself feel pretty. Evil twin - do we share her? One of the things I was told on my evaluation was that I need to develop a "thick skin" - that I let things bother me too much. Dont think thats a goal Im gonna be able to reach.


    NS: Going to see the onc on Monday has to be so stressful. I remember going the first time and thinking I was living in "bizarro" world. And then having to deal with a new onc - has to be overwhelming. I do believe though, that once you see the onc, you will have a treatment plan, and that will make you move forward. Living in Limbo stinks. I changed oncs in the middle of chemo and loved my second one. Hated the 1st one. Have you decided what flowers your gonna plant this summer?

    Tracey: When I was a young nurse, I had to rotate shifts. I absolutely hated nights. So I feel for you. There is definitely emotions that go with the change of Seasons. Especially Spring and Fall! I hope you dont have to work anymore nights!

    Amy: I cant tell you how much your kinds words meant to me. Distorted Humor raised his ears when he heard that Mazer is almost one year old. He's been waiting along time and wants to know how much longer does he have to wait. Your goats are so cute. When I was a little girl, we had a farm. There was a billy goat. I was about 6 years old and that dang billy goat chased me all over trying to buck me. Im still afraid of billy goats to this day.

    Liz: Thanks for understanding. Can you believe we have known each other for almost 2 years? Unbelievable. I think you and I are going through similiar emotions. I hate having nagging pains and then the worry. This morning I woke up with a headache. Went to take a Darvocet, husband goes "whats the matter. You have a headache. Do you think anything is wrong." He is freaking out for some reason about my onc appointment on Monday.

    Debc: Shoulder pain could be so many things. Frozen shoulder, torn rotator cuff, arthritis. I know you hate doctor appointments, but if your still having pain you should find out whats going on. Treatment might be as simple as physical therapy. Hope your feeling better soon.

    Madison: Oh my goodness. Bad Jake is back? Good luck with him, and enjoy this time with your family. I sorta forgot that tomorrow is Good Friday! This whole week has been one big blurr. Im not even in the modd to color Easter eggs!

    Jankay: You should have an occupational therapist come to your home and do an evaluation. They can recommend so many things to help you maintain your independence.

    Well, I must say, I have enjoyed my time on the computer this morning. Hoping everyone has a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    We have snow on the ground again!!! Ewwww. I am sick of snow. It's not supposed to get above the 30s for a week! What's goin on with this weather. I suspect the robins are as confused as I am.
    Good morning Jankay! Sending you a hug. My mom was in a wheelchair and she hated it so much. She had a long handled thing that was like a hand that she used to reach things (can't remember what the heck it was called)and she used it all the time. Vent all you want...that's why we are here. I hate to be dependent on anyone. Get someone to rearrange your kitchen for you so you can reach what you want. shoulder did the same thing. I was reaching in the back seat of my car to grab my purse and the pain was horrible! I restarted my post mastectomy exercises and it eased up gradually. Not sure how long your supposed to do those exercises but I still do them every morning. Probably worth it to go have it checked thought just to be on the safe side.
    Liz...what a beautiful poem. Always good to see you!
    I missed Idol...what happened?
    Madison...Oh no Jake the terrible is back. Can you hide under your pile of yarn? Have a grand time with your daughter. I think I'm going to force mine to come home for a visit next month when it warms up. I found some cheaper airline tickets. I soo need to see her. She bought me a webcam for Christmas so we could see each other when we IM but she quit using it because it was making her sad. I miss actually seeing her but don't want her sad so I don't mention it.
    CY...welcome home. We have missed you. I hate airport delays. Glad your dad is home.
    Nicki...good morning sunshine sister. Love ya. time to write to everyone but you are all in my thoughts.
    Love to all and warm hugs,
    I'll be back later
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning All,

    Deb, I hope you shoulder is better. You may be able to alternate cold and heat. Like Vickie, I am "supposed" to exercise my arm every day, but didn't..that is why I am back in PT. I learned my lesson!! I have a 1/2 maltese/1/2 shitzu mix dog and she was the terrible one last night. How can a 7 pound puff ball think she can charge a full grown black lab?
    Cy, good to have you back. I'm sorry you ran into that bad weather on your return flight.
    Vickie, I knew you would get snow because we are supposed to get into the 30's this weekend...if we are cold-I know my neighbors to the north will be colder. Missing our kids is hard...My DD living in this city is going on a job interview today and if she gets this one, she'll be moving away. I like the idea of getting a plane ticket so your DD can visit..keep checking prices on the various websites.
    Nicki, good morning!! It is Thursday and I know many have Friday off of work.
    Jankay, hugs to came to the right place..we are here for you.
    Robin, I saw a puppy like yours in the Vet's office a few weeks ago...they are so cute and don't get very big. A woman came in the office with 2 standard poodles and those poodles made my dog and the minature dashund look very tiny in comparison.
    Need to get ready for work. Have a good morning all.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Deb - A tidbit to offer about your shoulder. When my DH tore his rotator cuff, it was very painful to lay on his back. The ortho said this was typical. He didn't have to have surgery, just had to rest and take OTC anti-inflamatories. Hope it feels better.

    I woke up to cold weather and stinkin' snow again. I am SO tired of winter. Didn't take notes while I read this morning, but I'm thinking about everybody, and hope all are doing well.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good morning to everyone.....I have been reflecting the last few days reading all the posts (which is not easy) and first thing I want to address is our dear Gina......Gina sweetheart I am so sorry that you were hesitate to post during this most difficult time in your own gave birth to this thread at a time when so many ladies were having such hard times with this dreadful disease giving them a safe place to come and rest and talk about treatments, scans, test, and all the other grap we have to deal with that unless you are living it no one really understands.....friends and family are ready to move on but for us it is so damm hard...I feel like the beast is constantly nipping at my heels.....Gina when I first came to the boards I had posted in the triple neg thread and you were the very first person to respond to me and you told the story of being diagnosed when 9/ll happen....I will never forget it and you gave me such hope....sweetheart you need to come sit by the fire (can someone get Gina a lounge chair) in the inner circle and let us take care of are in my prayers every single day......I just know that the new onc is going to be the best...I agree with Alwayshope.....sometimes we have to let God take charge....there has to be a plan.....please know that you are the best and even though we can carry on like "Monkey Children" Gina we need you here and we need to know what is going on with could never bring us down only up..we love you..............................

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, Madison and Shokk! Good morning sunshine sisters. I can feel your warmth and love right through this computer screen.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    You deserve the great evaluation. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Morning Happy Campers. Time to get up and get the joint jumpin. Just one more day till Friday!!

    Lisa - thanks. I've been wanting to get a new digitial camera but its so hard to know what to get. So many choices so I've decided to start asking people when I see their great pictures. I know alot of it is talent for composition and having the 'photographer's eye' but it also helps to have a camera that is shown to be able to do what you want it too like lovely pictures of flowers and such.

    Anne - So sorry about the rad session. I'm a big believer in asking questions. I don't care if it bothers them. Their getting paid big bucks by me or my insurance company. They work for me! I would have told that tech who said 'you wouldn't understand' to give a shot anyway. The place where I had my rads had a 'patient's bill of rights' and it included being treated with respect.

    Betty - how cool is it to find someone you post with right next door!

    Boo46 - hi Boo. This name reminds me of the guy from 'To Kill a Mockingbird. I just am so tempted to say 'hey boo' like little Scout from the movie. So .... hey boo!

    Vickie - so sorry you were having such a hard day yesterday. It sounds like you have a job that is high stress at times. Maybe today will be better. How long has it been since you've had a vacation? By the way, how is the new baby doing? He sure was a cutie in the picture you posted a while back.

    Susan - its so nice to see you posting a bit again. Did you guys up in Missouri get this freak cold spell too?

    Gina - I'm so glad that anything I said made you feel better. That's how I believe too. Sometimes things that happen don't make sense to me and can get me so stressed but then it ends up being even better. Its hard to let go of that control we want over our lives though and to just trust that God really knows what is best for us. You're going to be okay! Remember this dx is hormone positive and you've got alot more in that arsenal to throw at it!

    Vickie - I have to say that I think the microwave is the greatest invention. And now they have the vegetables that you can steam in the bag for the microwave. Its so nice to just pop in a bag of cauliflower or broccoli and then just toss that bag away. NO DISHES to wash!

    Tracey - maybe you need to go out and help recruit a night time replacement! Do you have any friends that need a job? I'm glad you will be getting Sun and Mon off.

    Liz - I talk to Doris alot. She just called me the other night. We are meeting up in Wilmington in June. Sure wish you could come. We'd have a ball. I'm renting a car and Doris and I are planning to hit the town and have a ton of fun.

    Kristin - don't worry about catching up! Just jump right in. Its nice to see everyone even if its just to say 'howdy' and let us know what is going on with you. I've been trying to do the personal post thing and its not as easy as it looks. I've been using Notepad now so its so much easier than flipping back and forth and having to scroll.

    Make sure you talk to your onc about some time of cream to put on your radiation site. My onc prescribed some Radiacare gel. Its a script and I used it from the beginning. Also, get some scent free 100% aloe vera gel from walmart to use.

    Liz - I love what you decided to put on your cousin's plate. How lovely.

    Jankay - it is nice to see some fellow chatters isn't it! I'm so glad you are here.

    Deb - I sure hope you get your shoulder looked at. It definitely sounds like a frozen shoulder or torn rotator cuff. The sooner you get it looked at and start physical therapy for range of motion the better.

    Madison - so glad your daughter got home safe. Wow! A veterinarian. That is so awesome. Has she said anything about all this pet food recall stuff going on? She must have alot of clients panicing about all this.

    Cy - glad you made it home safely. I used to love to fly but it sure isn't what it used to be. At least 5 hours in the airport is better than being stuck 5 hours in those little planes in those tiny seats for 5 hours.

    Robin - your granddaughter bites the dog????? Now that's a new twist. The puppy is adorable and so is your granddaughter.

    Jankay - it sounds like you are just going to have to bang some heads together and make them stop moving things around on you. I can't believe you want to cook though as I hate cooking. If it doesn't say 'microwaveable' on the box or bag, I don't buy it!

    Nicki - I just don't know what to say to you. I sure didn't intend to hurt your feelings. I reread my post and I said we would miss you and that I hoped you find what you need. If that was hurtful then I humbly and sincerely apologize. I would never want to hurt or offend you.

    Vickie - snow!!! But its April! We're having a cold spell too but thank goodness NO SNOW. In fact we didn't get any snow this year. And I'm definitely happy about that.

    Anne - you have snow too??? Wow, but we're supposed to be globally warm!

    Shokk - I so agree that this thread needs our sweet Gina. I think we have all been holding our breath waiting for her sweet presence to return. Gina you are so unbelievably fundamental to this thread and forum.

    Well, I get a play day at work today. Its the down time that comes with finishing one project and waiting for another to begin. I expect next Monday will find me full force again but for today and tomorrow, I'm going to have fun fun fun!

    Happy Thursday everyone!

    Cheri - where are you? Please don't let the turmoil from yesterday get you down. This thread is still vital and alive regardless and you are greatly missed.