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  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    wow gus that sounds awsome.... glad it went well for your son!!!! looking forward to pictures

    hey susan good to see you.... been missing you!!!!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Gus congrats on your son and cant wait to see the pictures! Woohoo you needed something good to happen.

    Susan-are you sick? spring cleaning? Geesh, I am starting to worry about you. Sit down, have a drink and kick your feet up. Word will get out that its time to clean and we dont need that.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Gus, can't wait to see Pictures....rpictures with tears of joy are always appreciated here....
    Susan...i though tyou were a couch cleaner....glad you are up and about...snd I'm sureDH is come on over to my house...
    Amy isn't it nice and shouldn't you be out working...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Sue/Gus, That's great about your son's school play. I'll bet his ad libs WERE hysterical. Kids do say the funniest stuff ever. Spring cleaning??? Somebody grab her and give her a stiff drink and a reclining chair!

    Deb, I'm with you. Never did handle the puking thing too well . Our youngest used to throw up every blessed time he got sick. Once he threw up on DH at a cub scout Christmas carolling event at a nursing home. We got a lot of milage out of that one! I won't disgust you with the details.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Thank u ladies f or the welcome. I am sure i am going to enjoy this thread. I got good news today. My 18 year old son will be home for the weekend since it is easter. He is a freshman at the university of tennessee majoring in engineering. My pride and joy he is even on the deans list. I also have a 13 yr old daughter who is my pride
    and joy also.
    see u guys latere
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Well Jankay lets see now,,I thought I liked you but then you go and toss out that Tennessee Volunteer thing and now I am not sure. Just kidding ya know but big Alabama fan here. Congrats on the good son and the good grades.

    MB-I am working my day job now, cant you tell??? lol. I will be outside in exactly 35 mintues and on my way to the farm. Mazer will be excited to see me or at least excited that its grain time.

    Oh speaking of Mazer her 1 year old birthday is coming up,, April 21st! Gotta get her a honey bun cake so she can celebrate. They will all get one cause when it comes to honey buns and donkeys they dont like to share. The goats will attend the party also. I think Molly, Mazers mom, is hoping Mazer moves out when she turns 1 but its not happening.

    Gus cant wait to hear the stories because my aunt loves to hear autism stories. Gotta remember to tell you what happened yesterday in my SO's class with her autism girl. Its a hoot!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon girls.I am late checking in.I had company almost all day from a dear friend who I havent seen in a long time.It was a good day for a visit.
    I gave my puppie his first nail clipping and a bath today boy did the bath ever make him mad,he is snuggled up under his blanket in the recliner now asleep.
    I still didnt get any house work done but can do that tomorrow,after chemo.ugh!!.
    Still no baby so nothing else to report as of now.!
    Hugs to all of you!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    sunshinelite: What part of TN are you in?

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Amy, those animals are so cute…the dogs just can’t understand why the grass doesn’t go down.

    Sue, congratulations on your son..please post pictures soon

    Susan, shhhh-don’t mention spring cleaning…

    Betty, give Trey a big hug and thanks from me…I am an Air Force Mom…

    Robin, I’m glad you are posting and feeling better…big hugs

    Deb, yep BIG BAD JAKE is coming. He should be here by 7:00 tonight. I told DD to get his shot record faxed to my office and I will pay for Doggie Day Care…it will be cheaper than replacing what he eats (other than food)….

    jankay, you should be proud of your child....have a wonderful time together.

    Time to go home….see you all later.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    evening ladies,
    Amy...I so love baby goats. I love the pictures. I would have a barn full if I could find the energy to take care of them. (and I'd probably have the babies in the den!!!)

    Susan...put up the cleaning supplies...spring hasn't sprung yet. At least not here. Got a little tease yesterday with 60 degrees and sunshine then down to 30 with gray, damp, disqusting weather.

    Sue...isn't it a wonderful feeling to see your child on stage...tears of joy are the best. Can't wait to see pictures. Tell him all his "aunts" are proud of him.

    Jankay...sounds like you have to wonderful kids! I have a daughter who lives in Florida, she is 25 and Nathaniel is 8. I adopted him at 15 months and they are both my pride and joy too.

    Tracey...I think what you have is contagious cuz I am just plain flat out friggin miserable tonight!
    Gonna go have a good hard cry.
    I'll be back.
    Love ya all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    ****Passing out the tissues*****

    Just sending out some hugs (from work...don't tell)

    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    this is jankay

    I am in Northeast Tennessee ,Kingsport Tenn. about 1 to2 hours from Knoxville. Robin where are u>

    IV i have many friends in alabama too so I can overlook the crimson tide. lol
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Lookee what I found last night!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Hoping everyone is doing great. I doing pretty well except that Im tired. Had a busy day.

    This is sort of how I feel tonight.


    Have a wonderful evening.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Anne..that is great!!
    What is his specialty??
    Hi Jankay!!

    Just got the mail and saw this rose next door, had to take a quick pic...

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Anne, who is that handsome young man? Could that be your son??

    Amy, Mazer's birthday??? We shall all have a big partay for her, since she is our mascot!!!

    JanKay, sounds like you have quite the family!!

    Nicki, we have the same head today

    Tracey, what the heck, we'll all have a big group cry and then a big group HUG!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Well good afternoon Circle Girls! Today was a fantabulous day. Just finished a very tedious work project and now for a few days of downtime! yeehaw!

    Robin - I loved the pic of your daughter and that puppy is adorable. What kind is it? Its just the right size in my opinion. I have a 50 lb skeerdy dog and she's too much to handle at times now.

    Cheri - Where are you? Haven't seen you post all day. That's not like you! Your the life of the party on here. I look forward to your posts.

    Nicki - its a shame you won't be posting in the Cirle anymore. We'll miss you. I hope you find what you need. I think its great that you want to be more available to help others outside the circle. I guess I just don't see why you can't do both. I post in other forums as well as here. I don't see it as an 'either/or' type of thing.

    Sheri - how is your neck? I sure hope its better soon and you get some relief.

    Sherloc - I agree. There is a place for laughter and joy even in the midst of fighting this horrible disease. I think folks are attracted to things that lift their spirits. Laughter is good for the soul and very healing.

    Jan - I love what you said. What do we have if we can't laugh.

    Vickie - you say things so well. You are so core to the group.

    TracEy - I've heard of the seasonal affective disorder but usually in relation to winter. Had no idea people could have it for spring and summer too.

    NS - yeehaw on getting the last drain out. Whatever will you do without your extra appendage? I do have a question? Why are you still boiling water on the stove instead of using your new microwave for that? I hardly ever put a tea kettle to boil anymore. It sounds to me like it might actually turn out for the better that your old onc no longer takes your insurance. The new place sounds good if its new and state of the art. You never know. Maybe God did that for a reason to put you in a place better able to deal with your new diagnosis.

    Margaret - love the pics you posted. I would love to go to Vegas one of these days. I want to see Wayne Newton. Yes I'm old and I like Wayne.

    Ishop - boy it sounds like you have your hands full! I don't know how you are going to do all that with a torn rotator cuff. I had frozen shoulder and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced and that includes my mastectomy and reconstruction. Your granddaughters are beautiful. I know you must be very proud of them.

    Joyce - I really don't know what is going on since I joined the circle rather late but you are in my prayers.

    Jankay - welcome to the circle. Its nice to have another chatter join us. I've gone to the messageboard as well since its so hard for me to keep up in chat in the evenings now. You will feel very welcome here.

    Vickie - I was also told to take heavy doses of vitamin C starting a week before my reconstruction. This was advised by my plastic surgeon so there must be something to it.

    Cheri - You put things in perspective I think. I see the circle as a strong base with strength to offer to any who need safe harbor. I've tried calling Mena a couple of times now. I don't know if I've offended her but she isn't returning the calls. I hope she is talking to you.

    Betty - it sounds like you had a nice time at the 'drop in'. I would definitely wear the sleeve when doing anything outside like mowing. It could also be a bit of sunburn on the arm. Be sure to use sunscreen on the affected arm now. Anything that would cause more blood flow to the arm like an infection or sunburn or muscle strain.

    Purplemb - dial up at home??? Time to upgrade and come into the 21st century.

    Madison - I don't know the story behind Jake the Bad Lab Puppy but it doesn't sound good. That almost sounds like a childrens' book. Maybe you could write one about your misadventures with Jake and get rich. Sorry you are sad today.

    Lizws - howdy...where have you been???

    Tracey - so sorry about the night shifts. Don't you think working nights might be having an affect on your moods too? Its probably got your circadian rythm all out of wack. That will mess with you melatonin levels I think.

    Denise - I hope you post even if you don't have time to catch up. Sometimes I just post without addressing everyone personally, especially if its been a busy day. Its always nice to hear from everyone even if its just a short post to say 'hi'.

    RobinTN - I'm so glad you are posting again too. I think coming here where you know you will always have someone to listen and share with is essential. Everyone needs a place like that.

    Gus - that is so great about your son. I can't wait to see the pics.

    Susan - wow you have been missed. I hope you are going to start posting more often now.

    Anne - is that your son? Woohoo! Very nice! if I was just 30 years younger....

    SoCalLisa - your pictures are just awesome. Do you mind if I ask what type of camera you are using?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Jan: You just made me laugh out loud. It's a good description isnt it?


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    I use a Kodak P850 Camera..glad you like the photos!!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Yep, Jan, that’s my youngest.

    Lisa, like Shirley’s son, he’s a Nuke. (Translation from Navy slang – he’ll run the nuclear reactors on an aircraft carrier when he finishes school in 6 more months.) He got in for 10 days yesterday. Wow – that is a beautiful rose. I just looked out the window and it’s snowing….

    Which brings me to a question. I know some of you have mentioned that you are on antidepressants. How do you know when you need them?

    I went for my final positioning today, and it was horrible. I must be totally spoiled by my regular onc and her staff; they were all so kind and supportive and wonderful about explaining and answering all my questions – even the dumb ones. This group is different; there was some sort of problem today, and the only thing that was said to me (after they drew and erased on me 3 times) was, “I’d explain the problem, but you wouldn’t understand.” I didn’t come up with a snappy retort until I was out to my car. I was given the time for my first treatment, (next Tuesday) but I still don’t even know how many I’m getting. It’s probably me, but I haven’t felt like I could ask questions yet. Hopefully I’ll get past whatever my problem is and get them answered on Tuesday.

    Before this turns into a real cry and whine session, I’m going to go sit with my son, watch a movie and crochet.

    Hugs to all my sisters,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, your not posting here anymore? Hmmmm is that your evil twin?

    Tiring day girls. Another one not breathing well. Spent the morning outside doing some planting. Hmmmmm me thinks there is a pattern here.
    Had a meltdown with the kid this afternoon. Told him it's time to start earning his keep or find someone else to keep him. Tired of attitude.
    Thats it from me. Have a great night.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Shirl, maybe I misunderstood her post earlier.

    Wow, second time you have breathing issues. Maybe you need to make an appointment with your pcp for some more test. Does it hurt or anything or are you just short of breath? Could it be pluerisy (sp)?
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Anne, I had a similar experience when I started rads. The original doc was from India with a very heavy accent. I couldn't understand most of what he said to me. Not a bad reference to his nationality, just that I have very bad hearing and have a really hard time with accents. Anywhos, talked with him, learned nothing, but didn't say anything. I was being the brave soldier I think. Who the hell knows. Met with the team. Had two techs. Lady tech did my marking. Barely spoke to me. Sends me home with no other appts. I didn't know what was going on till I got home to a message on my machine from the hospital telling me about my appt for CT. I had no idea I had to have one. Scared the crap out of me. Called the rad clinic and talked to the nurse. She was a sweetie. Apologized profusely. Made sure I wasn't freaked out anymore about CT. Blah blah blah. Next day met with tech at the hospital. She was a totally apologetic too. They all figured I had got the info from the rad onc. Long story a little shorter. That doc left suddenly. Apparently he was only filling in for some reason. Met with new doc a couple of days later.....and now the most embarrassing moment of my life.......He is on the board at my church. I thought I was gonna die right then and there. But he is the sweetest man, and very very professional.
    Well shoot now that I read that I guess it wasn't all that similar....but the point is. You will get to know them and they you. Everyone will warm up. Ask questions and insist on answers. Tell them what for if they give you the "you won't understand" crap again.
    That would have put me in a tizzy.

    oops forgot to say...have a grand time with your son. Mine will be home on the 16th. Then he's headed to the Enterprise.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Jas nothing hurts. Just feels like I am not getting enough air. They ran all kinds of tests at the ER on monday. Couldn't find anything. But did say the xrays and ekg had to be read and they would send report to doc. He will call me if anything is amiss. Me is thinking it's probably just seasonal stuff. Wild flowers are blooming here and the lilacs are starting as well. Lilacs always do me in, tho I've never had any breathing issues before.

    I was just teasing miss Nicki. I figured you misread her post.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Hi again...was just experimenting with a pic I took today..

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh wow! Those flowers look like an oil painting!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    very very pretty. What kind of flowers are those? I planted some yellow daisys today. hope I don't kill them.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    LOL...I planted some silk flowers on my mantle last year. They bloomed all winter.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007

    I think they are kind of like the african trailing daisies we have here in S.Cal...don't know the name..

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Hi Jankay,

    You're my neighbor. I'm in Jonesborough. How cool is that.

    For everyone else - Kingsport and Jonesborough are about 25 miles from each other. Jankay is in the next county.

    I'll post more tomorow, but couldn't resist saying "Hey neighbor."

    Hugs to all,
