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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Nicki when I was first lurking not just on this thread but other threads as well I actually remember thinking "who in the heck is this "Nutty Nurse?".....I just want you to know it has been a privilage to know you and I think it is great for you to post and start new are a nurse and have so much to offer especially the "newbies"......congrats on the two year aniversity.....I have my 3 month check-up on Tuesday....I am already a nervous go girl and get those deserve it.........

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I second what Shokk just said! You have alot to offer, Nicki. I always wish you the best because you definitely deserve it. I look forward to reading and following your wacky sense of fun and wonderful sense of humor in the forums. You always make people smile
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Good morning girls! I slept in today because the kids are off for Easter break so I am off until next Wednesday. DH is taking off next Wed and Thurs and then I am off on Fridays. We call it ‘tag-team’ parenting! LOL It sure beats paying for a sitter!

    Nicki, so glad to see you post! I almost had a cardiac event (LOL!) as I was skimming through posts reading things about you going away. I was not able to find out what happened but it sounds like you were just taking a little break like many of us do. The Circle is great, but there is no harm in getting some distance every now and then. Besides, when you do come back, you appreciate it all the more!!

    Jankay, I have not welcomed you yet. Nice to meet you! I understand about being frustrated by limitations. My limitations have been mostly minor, but are frustrating nonetheless! My heart goes out to you and I hope that venting helped at least a little.

    Vickie, you have snow? Ugh! It is colder and windy here, but thankfully no snow. Although someone told me that we might get some snow on Saturday. Yuck.

    Deb, sorry about your shoulder. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another! I don’t have any advice, but I will share that I am also having trouble with my shoulder. Or maybe it is my back, I am not sure. When I turn my head to look over my left shoulder, I get a sharp pain near my shoulder blade. It is hard for me to really pinpoint the location though. I am hoping that it is because of having my arms over my head for rads over the past few days. This is really my first experience with a strange pain and wondering if it is worrisome or not. I guess I will just wait and see if it goes away.

    Anne, I just put 2 and 2 together and realized that we are on the April rads thread together! I am such a flake sometimes. Anyway, sorry you have to do rads too but so glad to have a Circle sister going through it with me! See you on the rads board!

    AlwaysHope, thanks for the tips. My rad onc gave me Biafine cream and I am applying it twice a day. Hopefully that will help to stop the SEs before they start!

    Gina, I have been checking your blog frequently. You are an inspiration to us all! But this does not mean that you always have to be positive. Being strong does not mean never feeling down or even angry. I always tell my kids - you cannot be brave if you are not scared! I think the same is true here – and this is a great place to express your feelings, positive or otherwise. One of the great things about the Circle is that there is always positive energy around, even if many of us are going through tough times!

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Vickie....why do I have a feeling that every single drawer in your home is completely organize?......I was worried I thought maybe I swatted you to hard on the nose for freeking us out with your "April Fools Joke" but then I got to thinking......hmmmm.....first there is the weight gain, then there is the "new boobs", mood swings, looking radiate in her new pic......wait a minute.....omg maybe Vickie really is pregnant.....ha.....born again virgin....yea right......but seriously Vickie I think you just need to wrap your arms around your daughter....we need to get together and try to find some cheap air flights so Vickie can get her daughter to come home or better yet get her on a plane to sunny Florida to get a hug from dd............

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Well, with a new bout of snow on the ground I bet Vickie would love the chance to go to Florida for a nice vacation to see her daughter!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Popping in quick at work before I start to unbury my desk!
    Welcome home sweet sunshine sister. Missed ya like crazy. Hmmm...only painful three times over three thinks it's nothin! I demand it is NOTHING. Like anybody listens to me LOL.
    Feeling better today. Yesterday was incredibly overwhelming. My job is just so huge sometimes that I can barely keep my head above water. On top of that I got to thinking about my chemo anniversary date coming up (April 19th will be one year from my last chemo). How hard it was on my kids and family. I was remembering the day I spilled 5 gallons of white paint on my bedroom carpet. I was sitting there covered in paint, wearing the last pair of pants that fit me without falling down, the cat runs through the paint over my nightstand and across the bed. Then the phone rings...its Sarah...oh my. I took the phone (with hands covered in paint)and she asked what was going on and I lost it. I just sobbed and said "Oh Sarah...I so wish you were here". OMG...I would have given a million dollars to take those words back! She cried and said she'd drop her classes and come home and I begged her not to. I was just having a tough day and her future was too important to me to have her drop everything and come home when I was really ok. I then missed an award at Nathaniels school...totally forgot and he came home in tears. Sobbed and sobbed that he was the only one without anyone there with no one. Of course I totally fell apart and we set on the bedroom floor for an hour crying and me apologizing...anyhoooo....that was my thoughts yesterday. Just things that I wish I could know...just wish for life before bc.
    Enough said...gonna put myself right back there if I keep going. Post traumatic stress!

    Baby Derrick update. Nathaniel is telling everyone at school that he has a new baby brother and is convinced that we need to go get him. He is too smart for his own good as he feels that if she couldn't care for him, how is she going to care for Derrick. I called Nicki (Derricks mother)and talked with her and she said I can come get him any time I want and bring him back whenever I feel like it! Just as casual as can be...somehow I am not surprised. I may go get him this weekend so Nathaniel can spend some time with him and get some pictures. My only fear is that this will make Nathaniel want him even more. Ah well.
    Gotta work again..geez!
    Love to all
  • Bodil
    Bodil Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2007
    Hello to all. I'm just going to take the advice of "jump in don't try to catch up." I'll read along a bit and won't fret too much about not knowing all of the backstory:)

    I introduced myself in the Welcome to the Wagon thread and I also just started the Public Speaking thread. I won't repeat myself here but it was suggested that I stop in to this main thread so here I am!

    Best to All...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Morning Shokk! Oh I sooo hate snow! I think she may be coming up in May. She has her surgery on Monday at 10 so I am freaking out about that too but I'm sure all will be well. Well...almost every drawer is organized LOL! My DD used to call me Martha Vila (Martha Stewart/Bob Vila)! There really should be a law that your kids can't move more than six hours from home!
    Good morning Alwayshope and Kristin
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hi Jayne. Welcome to the Circle. You'll find alot of support, a shoulder when you need one, a place to vent, and a place to laugh and have fun inspite of the bc. I look forward to reading your post and getting to know you. I guess I don't read the other 'Welcome' thread so I missed your post there. I did read the one on public speaking. I think it takes alot of courage to speak in front of a large group about something so intimate and personal so kudos from me!

  • Bodil
    Bodil Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2007

    Thank you for the welcome and the kudos. But as far as the kudos go, it (the speech and the whole event) was fun for me. Although as soon as the speech was over, I was fretting over how I could have done it better - but that's normal, I think. I'm OK with learning as I go along.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    NS, your new onc sounds fine. Hope the two of you click.

    Liz so good to hear from you. The pain around your ribs may be the same thing I had. Can't remember the name. The tissue between the ribs is inflamed. It moves around and goes away. At least that's what mine did. I called the onc and went in for a check. She told me. Tell you cousin congratulations and give her a hug from us.!

    Kristin, at least you are not doing chemo, right?

    Madison, Jake is back!!! Looking forward to the stories. hee hee hee. (that's my evil laugh)

    Cheryl glad you are home.

    where is cheri???? miss you

    gotta run. terrorism appt.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Welcome Jayne to the are going to have to give us some "back story" about your dx, type of bc, treatment, etc.....I did check out your blog and I see you will be joining the "skinney girl squad"......Alwayshope can fill you in on that.......ha......and I also want to welcome Jankay...I will sometime refer to you as "Little Miss Sunshinelite"......Cheri has been talking about you for sometime and I'm glad you have decided to join us......oh and Kristin thank you so much for your thought "you cannot be brave if you are not scared" have no idea how much I needed to hear that...3 month check up next Tuesday and I am very scared........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Nicki I did't finish my story about you kiddo.....for some stupid reason I kept getting Chemosabi mixed up with Nicki the Nutty Nurse....the only reason is maybe because ya'll are both nurses....I know it sounds really stupid now but I thought you had two screen cause you gals don't realize it I am not the sharpest tool in the shed especailly with the computer....anyway I finally got the two of ya'll straight and thats my story and I'm sticking to it...........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Martha it......sorry Vickie but I am going to have to call you Martha Vila at least every once in a while........

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Why am I so lazy lately......I need a stick of dynamite to get going in the morning. Well, my wait at the Doctor's yesterday wasn't bad at all.(knock on wood) I got my 3 minute DX of Bronchitis and was on my way. He gave me a RX that I have not heard of before. All I know is 5 pills cost $50.00 WITH insurance. That was my copay.

    Deb: I'm with you. Gross is fine, but I don't do Puke. Never could, never will.

    Alwayshope: Sounds like you've got the same green thumb I do! I'll have to send you a pic of the beautiful silk plant that adorns the top of my Curio Cabinet!!

    Vicki and Madison: You both sound like you are down. We all seem to look to you both for alot. Do you think that maybe we have layed to much on you, are the afghans adding to your "have to get done" list? Love ya and don't want to over burden (not a good word) you!

    Liz: I'm so glad to hear your cousin is doing so good. I hope she is aware that she has a Very special Cousin! Beautiful piece you picked for the Celebration plate.

    Gus: That's wonderful about your little guy in the school play. I remember those days and miss them too.

    Nicki: Love ya, Love your knowledge, Love your wit, Love your humor!!

    Shirley: Anxiety and Breathing can really go hand in hand. I'm not handing out Medical advice, but last Nov. when I landed in ER for the passing out (almost) thingy and had all the usual heart tests, we all chalked it up to anxiety. I still feel my breathing doing wierd things now and again and a xanax will help. In fact, in people with chronic illness or COPD, sometimes Xanax is prescribed "as needed" to help with breathing.

    Anne: Son is home!! Does he get to stay for awhile? I'd check with your PCP about antidepressant. He should be able to steer you in the right direction. What hospital are you getting your rads treatments at?

    Vicki: I've been wondering about Baby Derrick. So sad. Have a good time with him this weekend.

    Madison: Enjoy your daughter and tolerate Jake!!

    I'm missing my Son. We were supposed to visit him last Nov. and that's when I had whatever was wrong with me going on. I want to go now, but dh doesn't seem real enthused about it. I was going to give Son my vouchers from cancelled trip in Nov., but he doesn't know if he can swing it. He is getting Married in Nov., so we will be flying out then. I agree, all kids should live within a few hours drive!

    Cy: Glad you made it home and that your Dad is home and doing okay.

    Jayne: A big CG welcome to you!

    Susan: PT...seems like you are doing better. Am I right? I know what you're thinking............easy for me to say, right!

    Deb: I don't think I've had Frozen Shoulder before. My SIL is constantly nursing a Frozen Shoulder. (she always has something!) A couple of months ago, out of the blue, my shoulder kinda locked. I could move it, but it hurt like heck. I kinda lift that arm with my other arm to really move it. No range of motion. Anyhow, the next morning when I got out of bed I reached for my robe and actually heard and felt a popping sound. It has been fine ever since.

    I have got to get my rear out of here.

    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    shokk: Nutty Nicki Nurse and Chemosabi are one in the same person lol.

    OMG - did I actually sneak in at work. Yes I did and now I have to hit the road.

    Jasmine: Sorry for misunderstanding. Im just one hormone deprived, emotional wreck.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    And I am all of the above!

    Cheri...hmmm...wake up and post lazy bones! LOL...I know...I already talked to you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Perfect pictures Vickie!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, I've been each of the 7 dwarves except 'itchy'. Just wondering what that is all about????

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008 it really a good thing for those menopausal little dwarves to be carrying sharp objects???

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    LMAO vickie, I know all those dwarfs...
    Jayne welcome and enjoy the warmth of the circle....
    NS...hugs...but please return the mutant microwave....
    Oh yeah...nothing faster for internet at my

    ok can I crab a bit today..before the really long weekend and no puter ... and Im stealing a seat in the center, just cuz i want to....
    I'm sitting here with a heated rice bag on my elbow and its not helping...crab crab crab...and at last Dr visit BS told me my fat hurt me and not to worry, well it still hurts only down to the bones...and what fat, I had a I'm gonna take some ibupro and hope it gets better, even though it hasn't so know we got those STUPID thoughts in our head and they don't go away...wish there was a Dr for paranoid patients...and they just run scans so you can go home with peace of mind that your just getting old and thats what happens ...

    ok now I feel better and thanks...

    I want everyone to have agreat easter...I will be shoveling snow and cooking up a storm...NS pop over...and anyone else who doesn't cook...

    take care MB
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    I was reading on the EE on Femara thread (this is why sometimes I try not to go to other threads because they scare the you know what out of me)and was she triple negative and the new mets are er+ and pr+....does this happen.....when you go to get your markers done do they also check your blood to see if you may become er and/or pr+?????????????I know I am going to ask onc about this but I just don't know if I will be able to ask the question correctly.....I know NS's new primary are er+ but that is a new primary.....that I understand.....but reaccurance or mets can they change from - to +????????

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Just a little story for all you ladies having spring snow storms…..

    When my daughters were about 3 and 5 years old, we were living in Michigan. Spring had sprung and the robins were in the yard eating worms. The kids were getting a huge kick out of watching them.

    Overnight it went from spring, straight back to winter when we got a foot of snow. I was in a totally nasty mood…I was NOT in the mood for snow. When we got up we had 3 sad robins sitting on the top of the swing set, all puffed up and sad looking.

    My 5-year-old was SO upset. She was worried the robins would starve so she talked me into going to the bait shop and buying them worms for breakfast….Off we went. The old guy at the bait shop thought we were NUTS, but Carol put the worms on the deck railing, and I’ll be darned if the robins didn’t come and snatch them up.

    The cold snap lasted almost 2 weeks, and Carol kept feeding those robins. By the time the snow melted we had about 20 robins hanging out in our back yard mooching worms! Carol even got different types of worms…wax worms, night crawlers, red worms…from the bait shop because she was afraid that the robins would get bored eating the same thing all the time!

    She even won over the crusty bait shop owner…he gave her a big discount on the worms when she told him that she was spending her allowance. She said that she usually put it in the offering at church, but that God didn’t mind because He sent her some robins to feed.

    Sometimes snow can be a tiny little miracle….

    Sending you all big old bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    I don't know the details on EE's Dx, but don't let it scare you! There is So much just flat WRONG info running around.

    First a BIG disclaimer....because this is NOT something I have researched myself....but I did read that she was very weakly er+, and was pr- on her first surgery. I have NO idea if that is correct or not...just what I read.

    I got really worried that my hormone status was wrong after my treatment was finished. I'm triple neg and someone posted that their original hormone status was wrong and they were really er+ instead of er-.

    I went into total freak-out mode. Made and emergency appointment with my Onc...drove 2.5 hours to her office...I was a mess. I was sure mine would be wrong too.

    My Onc was so kind. She pulled out me chart and went over my path reports line by line with me. Not only did my initial surgery (lumpectomy) show triple neg status, but so did the second opinion of that tissue AND my needle biopsy. By the time we did bilat mast after chemo there was no more cancer to test (WOOHOO)...but I felt way better after realizing I actually had 3 different tests that sadi triple neg.

    WHEW...sorry that was sooooo long. What I learned is that most women have had 2 or 3 tests done by the time they are done...usually there is one on biopsy and one on surgery at the veyr least. It might ease your mind to go back over your chart. You may already have the confirmation you need for peace of mind right there.

    Sending big hugs
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Thanks DebC I needed to hear that......your right I sometime feel like we are playing that kids game were you stand in a straight line and a person in front says a sentence to the first kid in line and then that kid says it to the kid behind them all the way to the end and the last kid repeats what was said to the first kid and it is completely different then what the orginal sentence was....geez.....DebC I really do forget that you are so seem so wise beyond your grandmother would say you are an "old soul".......

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    LOL...I don't know about "Old soul" but today I have a 99-year-old shoulder you can have cheap!

    I remember that kids game...we called it telephone. I loved to play that. You are is just a great demonstration of what happens....

    Speaking of my shoulder (see, I can make any convesation about ME...LOL) It is sore this morning, but it is moving better. My sister works for a PT and does evaluations for treatment, so I will have her look at it on Easter. If it is not better i will be a good girl and go see my PT

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Hope everyone's day is going well.

    Liz, I don't know about Pinkstock yet but thanks for the thought. You are very good to your cousin.

    Jankay, I'm so glad you decided to come here. I wish some of the other girls from chat would. I'll keep working on it. I told you the ladies would make you feel welcome. It's a great place and you'll just fit right in. When I had my car accident a few years ago I was in a wheelchair for quite awhile. I had my dd (dear daughter) lower some items in the kitchen so I could reach them. Not that I cook.

    CY, glad you made it home safely. I've missed talking to you.

    Jazmanian, (Always Hope) I'm like you. I do not cook I microwave. I could live without my stove but not my trusty microwave.

    Jayne, welcome. You'll like it here. All the ladies are very friendly and easy to get acquainted with. I haven't read you on the other threads yet but I will.

    Susan, I'm here. Such as I am.

    Shokk, don't worry about your 3 month check up all will go fine, if you need us we'll go with you and hold your hand. We're always there for someone in need, if they let us.

    Denise, hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Sheri, hi. Hope all is well with you.

    Hey to Vickie, Madison, Robin, Shokk, Mena, Gina, and everyone else.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Jayne, welcome! So glad you found us!

    Susan, you are right, at least chemo is over! Rads are a pain and a daily cancer reminder (although it isn’t like I was forgetting, anyway), but so far they are nowhere near chemo on the awful-experience scale.

    Shokk, glad my comment helped you….I think I heard it somewhere years ago but I can’t remember where. Anyway, my 9 year old has some fears that are completely irrational (the child was afraid to go on a swing until he was six, for goodness sake). One day he commented to me that all the other kids were so brave, and I said, “no, they may look brave, but they just aren’t scared. YOU are the brave one when you are scared of something and you try it anyway”. That seemed to help him least he is not so down on himself for being scared of things anymore. And the older he gets, the more he is growing out of those irrational fears.

    Wow, Denise, those pills are expensive. I sure hope they do the trick!!

    Vickie, LOVE the dwarfs! Thanks for the laugh!

    MB, hope your elbow feels better soon!

    Deb, that is a precious story about your daughter! And thanks for the thoughts on the testing. I have wondered a couple times if I should ask for my pathology to be confirmed. But if I just doublecheck to make sure the path reports from both my surgeries match, I think I will feel confident that it is all correct!