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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Cheri, I've been in my house 11 years now and my stove and oven look brand new cause they are hardly used ever. I figure it will be a good selling point if I ever decide to sell my house.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon all,

    Quick check in here little later than my normal time. I went to my local oncologist this morning so that I can start having my treatments closer to home and I think its all going to work out. I will still have my oncologist in Birmingham also. He agreed with everything that was going on which was good. It was a nice office and very friendly also.

    NS-I agree the microwave shouldnt run when the door is open buttttttt don t you go picking it up and taking it back. Its too heavy and dont even try it.

    Deb-loved the robin story. I have bought worms to go in my goldfish pond so that they can enjoy them also and I have also bought worms for my chickens. Crazy? yep thats me. I have thought about making a worm farm recently for the good dirt and the chickens will love them.

    Nicki-woohoo made my heart smile when I read your post. Congrats on the mipples and tats also. You deserve them and if you want them you should have them. Everybody deserves me time but I was a bit selfish and wanted you also,,hope you dont mind. As far as Distorted Humor having to wait,,well, lets just say we cant have the worlds fastest mule until Mazer is past 2 years old and they carry their babes for a year. Kinda hard for me to imagine Mazer being a mom. Hmm, wonder if anybody ever had a donkey in their kitchen?

    Madison-Poor old bad jake. I'm sure he is just the sweetest angel and you are making him out to be bad,,right? When you talk of him I always think of my Australian cattle dog because she is the most loving thing but loves like a bull in a china shop. Love shouldnt make bruises but somehow she manages. Give Jake a big ol squeeze for me!!!

    Cheri-hey there missy. I did as I promised believe it or not. Hows those cute lil pups?

    Vickie-still thinking about a new job? I dont think I ever heard your decision on that?

    Shirley-breathing might be something to do with the weather since you were working outside. I'm no doctor though so my 2 cents isnt worth alot.

    k4katz-nice to see you popping in. tag team parenting is a good thing.

    Shokk-good luck on your appointment.

    Liz-thinking of you and your cousin and you are so right about it being scary when they come out. Its a good thing she has you though.

    ok gotta run get some work done since I was away this morning.

    Oh MB-nothing but dial up available in my area either so dont feel bad. i dont spend my weekends on the computer anyway so its not too bad.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi All, again quickly checking in from work.

    NS, I'm sure you will like your new onc. Man, you are having some kind of bad luck in the kitchen lately!!

    Nicki, welcome back my Sista!!! I hope you are feeling better after your little break. We miss your daily posts . You always make me smile! Sorry you've been so overwhelmed at work. Did I read that you got a good evaluation? I can't remember. If so, congrats!!! Oh yeah, watch out, cause me, Vickie and Cheri are gonna come to your wagon with blue drinks

    I have to get back to the grind now, so I'll check in later.

    And a big welcome to Jayne!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good afternoon ladies!!!

    first of all welcome to jaynie you have found a great place!!

    hey debc loved your bird story!! sorry your shoulder is giving you grief!! before dx when i worked for the bank i used to get a bum shoulder hurt just to touch it... i think mine was from stress!!

    hey g good to see you posting hope things are getting better for you!! i sure have missed you!

    hey nikki hoping to have a few beers with you saturday maybe huh?

    well i am getting ready for my afternoon shift work till 11 pm tonight then up for 6 am to be at work for 7 am tomorrow morning!!!! ugh!!!! when i was at work yesterday someone called about the job posting so hopefully that will pan out when i was working last night that other job called for a room and she asked me if i was still interested so i will talk to her about it again tonight when she arrives!
    i dont feel as crappy today as i have been..... hmmmmm maybe its all the water i have been no booze haha!
    going to do a turkey on sunday cant wait!!!! thinking i will take my youngest out for the easter egg hunt in town here!!
    well hopefully i can get some homework done at work tonight i tried last night but man it got busy... lots of young guys here working construction and staying at the hotel....makes for a interesting night its usually pretty slow during judge judy and joe brown i can go to a room to watch them.... only if i take the cordless hahaha!!
    well i got to find something to eat and start getting ready for the dreaded night shift so see ya soon!!!!!
  • Bodil
    Bodil Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the welcome. Wow, this is really a fast moving thread...

    I certainly hope that my hormone status was accurate.I made the big decision to have my ovaries removed because of it. It was weakly er+ (6%) pr- and I found research showing that AIs were more beneficial than tamox. for this pathology. Not only that, but there is some evidence that the pr- and tamox. can be a really bad combo.

    But since it's done now, I'd be afraid to have a retest.

    The rest of my backstory: Dx Stage 1 Lobular, almost exactly one year ago. I was 41 years old.

    I had a lumpectomy, then 4 rounds of chemo then went back in for a bilat mastect. Last chemo was June 22 06, therefore I now have short curly hair - 9 months worth.

    No rads. Had my ovaries removed. Currently on Arimidex with no noticable side effects. Tissue Expanders went in Jan 07 to be replaced with saline implants May 07.

    That's it in a nutshell:)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Jayne...this is a fast moving thread but we are a loving, patient bunch (except on our hormone deprived pms'ing days LOL). Just jump right in and join us.

    Jan...I'm ready with the blue drinks...hmmm...seemed to have lost Cheri somewhere! I'm sneaking in at work too. lets hope a better job offer that allows you some free time pops up soon. Glad you are feeling better now. Lots of young construction guys huh...hmmm...maybe I should move in that direction instead of south!

    Amy...still considering the new job. I have my resume almost done and just need to copy my certificates and such and send them off. The job won't be posted for another week but they have asked I apply before that so I will probably give it to them on Monday. Not sure if I will take it or not...I hate making decisions!!!

    Hey...just spotted Cheri.
    Madison where are you?
    Oops...boss back later
    love ya ladies
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    In this circle
    We believe in living deeply
    Laughing often and loving always.

    We believe we were brought together
    To support and care for each other.

    We believe in celebrating together...our faith...our heritage...our traditions.

    We believe that everyone's feelings count, and that the uniqueness of each of us strengthens us all.

    We believe in the power of forgiveness to heal and the power of love to carry us through.

    We believe in one another, in this family, in this circle.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Jayne!
    I am a newly dx'd lobular too. I had a tripneg five years ago and just got this new one. Has a bilateral in the beginning of march with expanders. I am waiting to meet my new onc on Monday. What chemo did you have? I will have to get a port and they are talking about taking out my ovaries at the same time-- I am thinking NOT!

    I called the manufacturer of the microwave after all your prompting! They "THINK" it is an automatic cooling system that is running... and not the microwave. THEY THINK??

    I went to a new wig place today that was recommended by Julia/jdash here and it was really nice. They match your hair and your color and they made me feel so much better. The man's wife had cancer so he was very knowledgable. He is helping me with insurance covering it too. He spent a good hour with me - I think this has helped me get ready for Monday's appointment.

    Love you all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Um Tracey,

    I know we call men by alot of names...............but you're "
    Gonna do a Turkey, Sunday!"

    I know, I've got a dirty mind, but I couldn't let that one go!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Awww, Vickster that was so nice. I liked it. You are soo mushy, that's what makes you so sweet.

    Iris, where are you? I haven't seen a post from you today or maybe longer. Are you lurking? C'mon on in.

    I'm just not the type to be very serious. I like to laugh, it's what keeps me going. So if this is supposed to be more serious then I tried posting a laugh free post earlier and I didn't care for it. Girls just want to have fun!! I can get serious if the situation calls for it but on a daily basis, nah, I just want to forget my troubles and giggle with someone. I am what I am.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    To all the new and all the old friends,
    Hope all are having a decent day. Seems like quite a few up coming I right?
    NS: I know you have one Monday. And I think a couple Of others do to. Sorry, brain freeze!
    Weird Microwave....tell them that if THEY THINK it is a cooling fan that YOU THINK you don't want it!

    Deb: Somehow I can picture you and your daughter buying the worms for the robins. She sounds like a sweetie! And just so you don't get "home sick" Michigan is flipping freezing right now! almost 80 a couple days last week and today it is 27 with snow showers and a high wind advisory!

    I'll be back a bit later!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Denise, I've...uh...dated alot of Turkeys in my day! Pre-second marriage.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Stupid satellite has been out since last evening. Spent two hours on the phone with tech support this morning. Very nice gentleman who actually spoke decent english. We had a lovely chat about India.

    O my gosh Vicki. Thats exactly what I was doing. Yawning to breath. How weird is that. Even weirder that my daughter says the same thing. Don't have a clue what I would be anxious about tho. Everytime I've had an axiety attack it comes with feeling of panic. No panic yesterday or monday. But both times I had been out in my yard. Hmmmmmm As long as it's not a blood clot in my lung I guess I'm good.
    hugs honey, hope today is better for you.

    Gina, microwaves running with the door open can't be a good thing. Did you keep the receipt? You can return it without the box if you have that. Especially if you got it at walmart. They take everything back. My daughter took a dead fish back once that she had kept in her freezer for weeks and weeks. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Poor girl at the counter would not touch the baggie it was in.
    And lookie there. Everyone else says the same thing, so we must be right.
    The only thing I use mine for is heating up my coffee. Some say you can actually cook in the things.

    liz, well shucks, theres that anxiety talk again. hmmmmm could be. I do have an idiot son that I'm trying my best not to boot out into the street. Grrrrr hubby actually told me today he was going to tell him to find someplace else to live cause he didn't want to listen to ME every day.
    I'm ready to spit nails today. Not to mention breathing just fine.
    Only time I cry is over sappy tv shows and songs.
    I'll continue praying for your cousin. She still has a long road ahead of her.
    The poem is beautiful.

    Kristin, gentle hugs. Aloe gel, lots and lots of aloe gel. I really believe it saved my skin from burning.

    Jan, I haven't watched Idol this season. I hear it's not up to snuff this year.

    Deb, that sounds scary and painful. I'm sorry I don't know anything about frozen shoulder.
    Hubby has a torn rotator cuff. Not something to mess with. Go get it checked out.
    I used to have a Maltese. They are the sweetest dogs. Mine lived to be 16. I miss her.

    CY, all those lifted trucks serve a purpose you know. Poor folks wouldn't be able to leave their houses in the winter without them. You know San Diego gets snowbound every year. hahahahhhahahhah

    Robin, grand daughter bites the dog? hahahahhahahhah uhoh. I used to have a mini doxie too. Another great dog.
    Just thinking about it.....I have had a lot of pickin dogs in my life time.

    Awwwww Nicki, hugs to you hon. I am the only one who remembered my two year cancerversary. I was annoyed that no one else did.
    Of course you got a great eval. What else would you get?
    I was just guessing that pic was of your evil twin. She has nice bunns. they are perky.

    Everyone hang onto your names. JAKE IS BACK!!!

    Madison, I hope you have a grand time with your daughter in spite of Jake.
    No asthma, have never had allergies of any kind till last summer. Who knows what the issue was. If it continues I'll go back to the doc. I promise.
    Puffballs have little dog syndrome. My maltese thought she was queen of the planet.

    Jas you can't go wrong with just about any camera from Kodak or Canon. Sony is pretty good too. Just decide what you want to do and research which ones have the features you want.

    nice to meet you.

    Shokk, you crack me up my dear.
    I have always wondered what a Curio is?
    I kill silk plants even.
    Thats it. I'm asking the doc for some xanax when I see him next.

    I don't get the itchyies either. Hmmmmmmm. Anyone? Anyone?

    MB, I wish I could come to your house for Easter. Except for the snow part. Not doing anything here cause my butt has to be in Sacramento at 8am on monday morning. Have never had holiday without my grands. Sniff sniff.....o wait there was the cruise/florida trip. But that doesn't count cause I was having fun.
    Whats wrong with your elbow?

    O my gosh Deb. Me the non cryer is boo hooing over that. Carol is a keeper I do believe.

    Cheri, I was beginning to wonder with all this Where are you stuff. HI
    You absolutely, positively must come to pinkstock.
    I'm with you hon. Laughing gets me thru my day.

    Amy, very good point....NS don't pick the silly thing up.
    Glad you liked the new onc.
    Allergy stuff was my guess on the breathing too. But then lots mentioned axiety and o hell I don't know. I'm sticking my head back in the sand.

    Hi Jan.

    Tracey, only 8 hours between shifts. Yuck, I used to hate it when my boss did that to me. Would throw a hissy everytime. Thank goodness she didn't do it very often. Hope the night thing doesn't last much longer for you.

    Vicki, that needs to go on a bookmark or something for Pinkstock.

    Denise, I think the weather man needs a memo. That is just wrong.

    well dear friends. It is now 2:15 and I've not done a pickin thing tody except get a lovely massage. Must do the dishes. See you later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Well Im home late again. Blew off exercise and wanted to pop in and say hello.

    Vickie: The dwarves of menopause?

    PurpleMB: Ok Im trying to understand what you were saying. Your having pain in your elbow? That could be so many things. Most common cause is "tennis elbow." One thing I learned is that mets rarely go to the lower part of your arms and legs. And why is fat supposed to cause pain. I looked at myself today naked, my left side which was the good side before the mast has a big pouched drooping below the implant. Oh my gosh, I think its a fat pocket! So get the elbow checked out. Maybe try Aleve. Sending you a big hug.

    Debc: That was such a cute story about your daughter and the worms. One year, I fed squirrels. Well it started with one cute brown squirrel who I called fat face cause her face was so puffy. About 3 months later, one morning after a snowfall, I opened the door and I counted 18 squirrels. I recognized them all and they all had names! I actually went to the store and bought them walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts! Crazy girl that I am.

    Kristin: It so good to hear from you. Look how far you have come along. My goodness, I remember when you went to your first chemo. RADs will be done soon.

    Amy: Your such a sweetheart. I cant tell you how much I love ya. I have to tell ya, Distorted Humor is pretty much throwing a temper tantrum. Pouting big time. He has to wait another whole year!! I am so happy you can get your treatment local. I guess living here in Chicago, I was lucky. My onc was 15 minutes away. Hmmmm lucky or spoiled.

    Tracey: A couple of beers on Saturday night sounds grand. You have off Sunday. Whoooo hoooo! Its just so bizarre that the people who offered you the other job are staying there. Ya know, sometimes things change start moving quickly. I always believe you have to go with the flow.

    Jayne: Im so glad you have found the circle. Its a great place. And dont worry about it moving so fast. You dont have to respond to every single post. We support each other and have alot of fun too.

    NS: Im so glad you went and looked at wigs. When I had chemo last time, I didnt get a wig. If I had to go through chemo a second time I would go to a special place. Get a wig that made me feel and look pretty. I know Monday is gonna be a hard day for you, but I also think it will help you to think things more clear. You will have a treatment plan! I see my onc on Monday too - and Im gonna ask him so many questions. Besides boring him with me, Im gonna ask him what he thinks about xeloda and taxotere. I trust this doctor. Ive known him for 20+ years. I dont know what to say. I feel your sadness and strength. Going through chemo a second time just stinks!!

    Sherloc: Do ya think maybe it might be Springtime allergies? That can cause shortness of breath. Now if I went to my PCP - (hes such a cute little jerk) he would make me have a stress test. Could be anxiety too. When its really humid outside I get short of breath. Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon.

    Shokk: I am so confused. I thought EE was er/pr positive. I need to go read that forum in the hormone thread. This stuff really scares me. I mean I was so upset I was diagnosed er/pr negative and her2 positive. That was a heart breaker. My sister 3 months later was diagnosed with er/pr positive. My older sister mind you. Now I wonder if they were wrong. Well the her2+ wasnt wrong cause that was by FISH. I dont know how someone can go from negative to positve. Another question to ask my onc on Monday.

    Cheri: No one asked you not to joke around. This morning, I put my heart on a plate. Im scared I have mets, Im having some really bad issues going on right now. And your response is you still want to joke around. I feel sad - I have tried to help so many over the last two years and when I need help Im scared to post it here. Im amazed at the response I have gotten from so many here in the circle. So many of you have been so supportive of me. You will never know how much I appreciate it. I have carried the burdon for so many of my patients over the last 36 years and thought here on I found a place where I could just be me. So - Im sure one of your jokes will make me smile. They always do. But where was your support when I needed it.

    Sue/Gus: I have been meaning to tell you this all week. Last Saturday I watched Larry King on CNN and his whole show was about "Autism and Aspergers." I started taking notes but chemo brain interfered! Anyways there is one thing I remembered which I though was incredible. 1 out of 150 children are born with Autism or Aspergers. I find this such an alarming statistic. Anyways, you made me smile when I read your post about the play. You must have been so proud! A proud mama - not stressed. If I remember thats the part he chose isn't it? I feel happy for you tonight.

    Jasmine: Once again, I must apologize. Im just goofy all of a sudden. I dont know whats wrong with me. Love ya.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Vicki I think I am all of the dwarves at the same time.
    Also, I agree with Shirley. Wanna put that on a card and sell it in the pinkstock store? (the poem, not the dwarves)

    Deb, I hope your shoulder is better. I don't know how far you have to drive to find an indoor pool, but I'm finding that the water really helps me stay away from my muscle aches. my carpel tunnel was coming back and since I have been able to start my aqua aerobics again i'm much improved. If you had a pool in your back yard it would be frozen, huh. Well, anyway I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Tracey are you and Nicki getting together in real life for a beer. That's cool. I hope the new job works out tracey, you seem to have to work wierd hours (like weekends)

    Jayne, welcome. I think there are some threads in here about dx and roll call. Some of us have posted there so you can find out a little bit more about us like dx, etc.

    Amy, onc appts closer to home is a good thing. You know you kept calling RobinTN, Susan the other day. I was getting worried about you. You know I'm Susan right???

    RobinTN it is sooo good to see you posting.

    Nicki is getting mipples??

    Hi Cherie, are you up for another visit?? gotta see those pups!!

    later, ya'll
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hahaha denise i can imagine how that sounded!!!!!!!
    yep doing a turkey on sunday.... well see maybe sat night if i have some drinks!!!
    ok i got to work and the boss hired someone!!!!!!!!! i get my reg days off plus alternate weekends off!!!!!! she had to give two weeks notice so i have two more night shifts but hey this is good!!!!!
    plus i will be interviewing one more lady on tuesday for the graveyard shift!!!!!
    yay!!!!! oh ya will find out about the other job tonight!!!!
    will let you know
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Hi, cgs. Having a crisis this week. Just keep crying for no apparant reason. I got home from my parents yesterday and instead of being happy to be home I crabbed at everyone. Today when I went to pick up dd from school for Easter weekend I just started crying all the way there. My dd has an appt with our pcp tomorrow and I'm going to ask him to look at my meds and see if something is off. I really don't feel right. I got the MRI report in the mail and it does say that there is progression in severity since the last one 4 months ago. Maybe we are looking at this wrong, I just don't know. I just know I can't take it much longer! Seriously, I thought about driving myself straight to the emergency room today, but then what do I say? I just dont feel right?

    I also have struggled with whether or not to take a break from the circle. One minute I say I'm not going to check in, then I say I will and someone else is on the computer, so I say I will later, then I say I won't... I think I'm going crazy right now.

    Actually, I need to go to church, it's Holy Thursday and we have a special communion service. I just hope I make it through without crying.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Someone said earlier that this is a fast moving thread. I believe that is an understatement lol. I was adventurist today, I went to wal mart. Can u believe that there is a time when u were exxcited about going to walmArt. With jacob coming home, i had to stock up on food.

    More good news. Chester, hubby,starts work sun night. He lost his job in Oct. after the plant closed. It was the only place he had worked and he had been there 30 years. He is excited and n e rvous.

    So since i Had been gone all day, I havent been on the computer very much. So I will tell u now, with jacob home and jessica out of school, i will have to fight for the computer. So in case i miss some of u, I hope you have a good weekend and a happy EASTER. Love Jankay
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Just posting a thank you to you guys here. I have gotten several pm's when I posted about some problems I am having pre-surgery, primary among them, financially.

    I especially wanted to thank Gina for her wonderful suggestion. In the midst of all of her problems post-suregry, she took time out to help. So, Gina, I emailed Susan G. Komen Foundation and received an auto email back saying someone will be in touch tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. We will see if I get some help or more suggestions.

    Hope all is well and Happy Passover and Easter to everyone. Well, one advantage to a mixed marriage is getting to celebrate all the holidays. Good thing dh's family tradition is lamb and not ham! They even bought matzah for me and ds. At this time of year, I am counting my blessings and realize this site is one of them and so are all of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Susan: Im laughing so hard hard. Yes Im feeling witchy.


    Its like lightening struck or more like "gee I coulda had a V8." The other night my DH who is wonderful but proud he has lost 20 pounds was talking about having a face lift!! So here I am, sitting with my knobs. We started having a conversation and I said maybe Im just too old to try to look pretty and be young. He says - yeah, its ok to be ugly! Now mind you it wasnt directed at me, more about getting old. Then it dawned on me. Im beautiful dammit and my PS is gonna do something to make me look better.

    Sheri: Well of course your crying. You read your report and it said progression. Have you actually sat down and talked to your doctor about the test results? Im feeling super sensitive. So we can help each other pull thought this strange feeling. We have so much in common. HER2+ and having to stop herceptin. What are we trying to break away from? Anyways just sending you a big hug. I think I understand how you are feeling.


    Jankay: Wow! Your husband must be excited! This is a good thing. Maybe that black cloud went elsewhere.

    Beth: What can I say. I had a little tear when I saw your post. Im hoping you are having a wonderful Passover. The Nursing Home I work for had a special dinner today. I know it was a little late, but it put a smile on my face to see many of our patients sharing a meal together. And they got wine Anyways, nice to see ya.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Just checking in with everyone (with the 6 pound terror on my lap, she keeps charging the lab-crazy here)...

    Sending Hugs to all who need it... Nicki and Sheri and NS and all, please know you are loved.

    Nicki, I bought an ablounger to work on my middle roll (which I don't do)...DH uses the thing..he is so disciplined I want to scream sometimes!!!

    Beth, I hope you are able to get help..

    Gotta go Jake is trying to eat the keyboard.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Finally home girls. It was a lovely, emotional ceremony today. Still teary eyed. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. Brandi (my cousin) told everyone how I was a bc survivor and how my dx had affected her and how I have shown her that she can be a survivor also. Crap - crying again. LOL So anyway, I don't like posting pics of me (here's your warning) here's one of Brandi and I. It's colder than you know what here and the wind was blowing big time. Thanks again guys. Couldn't do all this without you.

    Love ya

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Sorry it's so big guys. I need to resize it, but honestly, I'm too flippin tired. I'll fix it tomorrow.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies, have been out of the loop for a while now, took a little vera space....
    I do hope all is well,if not hope all is being worked.
    I haven't forgotten any of you and so many new faces....
    ciao for now
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Vera-

    good to hear from you
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Liz: Man, I have been so out of the loop I dont even know what happened. But that is a beautiful picture of you and Brandi.

    VERA!!!! OMG - It was so good to see you post. I have missed you so much. At work, we have adopted a troup and we are collecting things. PLEASE please tell me what I should buy.

    Madison: I love bad Jake. In fact I forgot how we joked about the ghost of bad Jake.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Vera, where the heck have you been????

    Hi Deb!!!!

    Amy, I'm sure the new onc will work out just fine. Give Mazer a big birthday hug from me .

    Tracey,, I'm not cooking this year, for the first time ever!! AAAHHHHH!

    Jayne, you are lucky not to have any SE from Arimidex. Most of us are not so lucky!

    NS, good luck finding a nice wig. I didn't get one the first time, although I don't know what I'd do if it came back!

    Denise, do a turkey????Bwwaahhhaaaa!!!

    Cheri, you know the humor keeps us going!!! You are still my partner in crime !

    Shirley, if you are yawning and not catching your breath, it is stress, girlfriend!!! Just the BC would be enough!

    Nicki, I didn't know about your sister. She was er+?? You're Dh said it was OK to be "ugly"? Give him a big SMACK from me!!! I hate that men lose weight so easily. Damn SOBs!!!

    Madison, I wanted to say something to you, but I can't read my notes!!

    Good night all my good friends! I shall see you in the morning!

    Sheri, don't cry. Everything will be ok!!

    JanKay, good luck to your hubby with his new job!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2007
    Hi CG's...

    Nicki and others having to stop Herceptin: get your oncs to get you on's available now. Although I know it's approved for use w/Xeloda for metsters (let's hope this is my magic potion), but maybe oncs will use it off label for those who can not tolerate's worth checking out...

    Madison and anyone/everyone who's knitting and crocheting for the afghans: YOU ROCK. I got mine several hours ago and have been wrapped up in it ever since. It's so warm and charming, knowing you guys did all the work yourselves...I've even found Cheri's's a triangle!...And who took the time to cross-stitch the hearts on? That's just da bomb...When my daughter brought in the packagage she saw the return address in the corner, Madison, and asked, "What's a Circle Girl?" hahahha...I wasn't quite sure how to respond...

    She knew by the look on my face that whatever she is, a Circle Girl makes mommy happy...and I have always loved a warm afghan that covers me from head to toe. This is going to get lots of use. My cats love to lay on it with me, too. So, I do hope I can throw it in the washer? Someone?

    Thank you all so very much...I love the note and card, too Madison...all of you have lifted me up and I am grateful for you support, kindness, generosity, hard work, and compassion.

    I'm going to be like Linus now with this goes where I go...Mena...xo
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    I'm so glad you got your afghan. It is a gift of love from your sisters. Whenever you need a little comfort just wrap yourself up and know we care.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh glad you got your gift of love. Just throw it in the washer and always dry it in the dryer. If you hang it to dry it will get out of shape. deserve it.
    VERA...DON'T YOU DARE DISAPPEAR AGAIN. Where are you and how are you? You have been missed!
    Sheri...aww...sending you big warm hugs. Talk to your doctors ASAP. You need something to make you feel better. Cryin all the time sucks! are beautiful! I love pictures.
    Beth...glad you got some help from Gina.
    Ok ladies...I'm missin a bunch of you but so stinkin tired I'm about to fall out of my chair so I'm off to bed! Promise to catch up in the morning.
    Love ya all and sending you all big hugs.
    OH...I will try to make us bookmarks with the poem.