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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Vera, we missed you.

    Mena, I was thinking about you and something made me come upstairs to see how all the cg's were doing tonight....I am so glad you received the afghan. You know we love you....we are always, always here with you. Boo-Sue made the heart.

    Nicki, I'm telling you all heck broke loose about an hour ago....Jake put one of my dog's favorite "funny bunny" toys in his!!!I have never heard such yapping in my life....DH immediately opened a bottle of wine, poured me a glass (and him one also)....Jake is better tolerated with numerous glasses of wine...

    Mena, big, big hugs...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I'm so glad you received your afghan! Just imagine that each square is one of us giving you a hug!! (That was meant to be comforting, but guess it could be kinda scary too!)
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Mena, Denise is could be kinda scary with all of us giving you hugs...hope you sofa can handle all of us sitting with you!!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    WooHoo...hugfest on Mena's couch

    Glad you got your afghan. There are few things in life better than a snuggle on the couch with a blankie and a cat...add a sunbeam and you're on top of the world

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Meaner than me, well at least you know I worked really hard on that one little triangle! Probably ripped it out a dozen times. Glad you got one after I started contributing. Just think, it could've been a perfect one and that's not nearly as good. We put our hearts and souls into those little squares. Poor Vickie and Madison, I bet they crochet in their sleep. Anyway, glad you liked it and it did bring you out.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Nicki, this post is exlusively for you! I feel that there is something going on with you that is causing you so much pain. I've been prowling around the board and I saw the post you posted about what your husband said to you. Personally, I don't care how many beers he had in him, nobody has the right to be so cruel to another human being. Its mentally abusive. I know you know what post I'm talking about. After all you do for him and so many others, he needs to see you for the beautiful soul you are.

    As for our misunderstanding, I misunderstood your post originally. It seemed to me that you were expressing a desire to move beyond the circle and reach more people in the other forums and I wanted you to feel free to do that. I still think we can all do that without having to give up posting in the circle but that is for everyone to decide for themselves. Honestly, I would have followed you around the board wherever you went because I look forward to your posts each day. I just didn't want you or anyone to feel bound to the Circle if they felt it was time for a change or to move on to something else. I'm VERY HAPPY that that is not the case and thrilled to be so wrong.

    I think we can find a balance in here where someone can post when they are down but we can still have good times as well. I've seen it with Laurab and others. We laugh and have fun but when a sister posts with an issue, I've seen the circle stop to respond and support the one going through a hard time.

    As for recurrence issues, I think you may be internalizing some of the things going on with EE. I guess I've been a little shocked by how so many responded to that news. I didn't realize so many people would be shaken. Maybe I'm the one living in the land of denial, who knows. I don't think you have a recurrence but I do think a bone scan could set your mind at ease.

    Try not to let the fear of recurrence take away your joy of living. I know that's easier said than done. The circle is here to support you when you need us.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, what are you even talking about?? I wasn't there to support you when you needed it? I never realized you needed support. You said you put your heart on a plate this morning and I didn't remember you doing that. So I went back a couple of pages and re-read your post and I have to say, I stil don't get why you're mad at me. For one thing I didn't direct my post to you, wasn't even thinking of you. (sorry) And I didn't know you thought you had Mets! You didn't say that, you mentioned your leg and hip hurting and needed to get it checked out, but I didn't know you were confessing anything or asking for support. It didn't seem worded like that to me. I couldn't even remember your morning post and had to look for it! Maybe I need to learn to read between the lines or pay more attention. I feel bad for you if you're going through a hard time but I didn't even know it. I just want to make it clear that if I post TO someone they know it because I use their name and I don't beat around the bush. Hoping you feel better soon.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Just stopping by to say hi. Still recovering from 13 drive form Virginia yesterday.

    Caught up on all the posts though.

    Welcome, Jankay and Jayne.

    GS was a pure joy to be with.

    MIL is in rehab due to hospital stay. She's having OT, PT and recreational therapy. I don't know how to abbreviate that one. Her anti-anxiety meds seem to be working well. Thanks for all your prayers and concern. This has been very hard on DH.

    This is a big weekend for us. DH and I are in the choir, and we have services to sing for every day. I got some last minute additions for tonight. I have a saying that I use when I make a mistake singing. It's "Nobody died from my singing a wrong word or note." A mistake in singing is never the end of the world. I was kind of nervous though. Some times last minute changes throw me.

    I'm happy for those who have good news, and I'll pray for those in need.

    Hugs and healling to all.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, I have to admit I didn't realize that you were worried about a recurrence. If I did I would have been the first person there to hold your hand. Sounds like from Jasmine's post that your DH has been mouthing off. Again, that's something else we have in common and I would have been there to hold your hand. And I know Cheri would have been there to hold your hand also. And Jasmine and everybody else. We would have stoped joking. We just missed the clues. Please come and tell us what is going on. We love you.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007

    Mena, so glad you are enjoying your afghan. I don't have any rectangles in it. I'm a newbie in the crochet/knit thing but glad you got one of cheri's triangles. woohoo. You deserve it.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    I am so sorry you are feeling stressed and worried. I sometimes miss part of your post because I read while you are still in the process of adding things. Then I don't remember to go back to read the end of your post, which is usually when you post about yourself. I read back today and saw I missed a few things....sorry I dropped the ball.

    I did see that your hubby has said some unkind things in the past few days. It sounds like he is stressed too…not that that makes it OK for him to say mean things….remember Boys are stupid….throw rocks at them….

    I saw you post on another thread about a bone scan. I thought you were "just checking” I didn't get it that you were really apprehensive about a symptom....sometimes I'm a bit slow on the uptake. Is there more than your hip pain? I thought you thought that was probably arthritic. Can you fill me in on what is going on?

    When is your appointment on Monday? We want to make sure we are there for you to hold your hand. Let us know how we can help…

    Gentle Hugs
    Deb C
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies, too far to go back so I picked a page to start from and I'll just jump in.

    Jasmine, I got a new digital camera and it's small enough to keep in my purse. It's a good camera, just have to learn to use it right.

    Deb, I hope your shoulder is feeling better. Loved the worm story.

    Jankay, I hate people messing in my kitchen. I know where everything is and it's terrible when I have to search for something.

    Nicki, I always check to see who posts first every morning, you or Vickie - doesn't matter - you both start my morning off right. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you thought you had a recurrence. Have the body scan, it will give you peace of mind. We'll be with you on Monday. I think Jasmine/AlwaysHope said it well: We laugh and have fun but when a sister posts with an issue, I've seen the circle stop to respond and support the one going through a hard time.

    Hi Jayne, just jumping in is the way to do it. I'll have to go to the Welcome thread and see what you posted. I admire you for public speaking - I have to give a little speech at a dinner next month and I'm dreading it. Picturing the people sitting in front of me wearing no clothes does nothing for me, doesn't make it any easier to talk.

    Madison, Jake is back huh? The keyboard......

    Shirley, I get a lot of anxiety attacks now - I never used to. Feels like you'e having a heart attack. The son would definitely bring on the anxiety. I love my baby but I wish he would move. He'll appreciate it more when he gets on his own. You're not missing much by not watching Idol.

    G, your new microwave runs by itself????? Have someone take it back for you. The man at the wig place sounds very compassionate. I had two wigs, a really nice one and one that I bought on the Paula Young website. No one knew I was wearing a wig.

    Cheri, you are who you are and we love you for it.

    Sheri, hugs to you. We all have those days when we cry for no reason and when we feel we need to take a break. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Liz, great picture of you and Brandi.

    Vera, glad that you dropped in; hope you are doing well.

    Mena, how nice that you got an afghan. Cheri keeps telling me to get the Knifty Knitter (I think that's what it's called) so I can learn to make squares.

    I'm tired so saying goodnight to all. Love you all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Welcome to all the new gals and to everyone worried, tired and in a funk I'm thinking of you

    hugs & Prayers
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited April 2007
    Just a quick Hi and a hug to all.
    I have scanned over the past two days and feel the need to:
    Welcome Vera Home, Vera please check out PinkStock thread, you and Ty would have a great time and we would all love to meet you. I know you guys like road trips, c'mon!
    Nicki- you are always here for all, we are here for you,
    hopefully you will be saying- It was nothing!
    Mena- hey stranger, glad you got an afghan, I had nothing to do with it but my thoughts and good wishes are right there, wrapped up in it.
    Welcome to Jayne
    Susan- Go Cards! The season is long and we will prevail!
    Vickie, maybe it is time Nathan got a lil bro, for keeps?
    Deb, hope your shoulder is better, has anyone taught you how to massage at home?
    Cheri- cover up your flowers girl, we are in for a dah of winter for sure!
    Love to Madison, Jan, Laura and Margaret,Sue and the others I have missed- you are in my heart.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    I do feel much better since I have started to post again physically and mentally.We all do need a safe place and this is my safe place.In the past week I have even began to formate a plan for the future.You know what they say garbage out,garbage stay out.That is what I am gonna do.
    Well I finished cycle 1 of the abraxene and avastin and am off next week.Then 2 more cycles and hopefully fewer spots and RFA then Recon then Hair.
    I am gonna dream big anyway.

    The day Max is 8 weeks old now he is a minature dashund.He has the shortes legs I have ever seen.I have been taking him to chemo with me for the past 2 weeks and carrying him in one of noelle's toy carring case well today when I got ready to go he wouldnt fit in it.I have got to get him a carrier now.I am working on him a bed of his own he is trying to sleep on it tonite.He looks like a different puppie than the one I brough home 2 weeks ago.His coat is so shiney and he is so fat he tummie drags the ground.I just love him.
    I will post more pix of him as time goes by.
    Good nite all I am tired,chemo day makes me tired and then i came home and worked on jasmines room for 2 hours tonite and am about to get it ready.should have already been done but she like always has waited till the last moment knowing i will go ahead and do it like i always have.
    I went by the hospital today and picked up the should film that showes the broken bone and it looks terrible.I dont know how it is ever going to heal the way it looks.It certainly didnt break as i turned over in bed as one doc told me.
    the more i think of it the madder i get.
    SO I am gonna go to nite nite.
    See you'all tomorrow,I am off to some yard sales tomorrow.Does anyone know if the banks are closed tomorrow for Good Friday?
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2007
    It's the end of a long day and I decided I had to post. It's been a while and lots has gone on. But first, Prayers to NS that the new onc. will be good - and that you will feel comfortable with him/her.

    Niki, I know that when one is used to caring for others its really hard to let on when you're the one who is hurting. You should by all means get that scan - and relieve your mind. Then make plans for those new mipples.

    I got a mipple job a couple of weeks ago and its is great - looks very natural and much better than staring at a flat piece of skin. It didn't hurt and I was actually at the airport that evening welcoming my daughter and partner home from Australia.

    Cheri, I was taken back when I saw your picture - you look so much like a favorite aunt of mine who just passed away last month. Uncanny. Love to see your smile.

    Amy - here's hoping your new onc. closer to home works out. Then you have more time with Mazer!

    Mena, glad you got the afghan - a super way to feel loved and cared for. Let's hear from you more often.

    RobinTn - I'm praying that you have a good meeting with the lawyer and can get rid of the creature who darkens your doorway.

    It's been a hard week - a friend who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer while I was having chemo last summer passed away last Friday. She was a gentle soul who had much suffering with Rheumatoid arthritis before the Ca. Funeral was today. It was difficult to know that she didn't make it and here I am getting back into the swing of things. Makes me think of the randomness of who lives and who doesn't. I wonder what Creator's plan is for me.

    The sky has been so grey with snow more days than not - and I am tired of the whole mess. Times like this I long for a warm and sunny climate. Guess this is all sounding a bit blue. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow...

    And I shall try not to be so much of a wallflower.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    i am so glad to see you posting, but sorry to hear the pain in your voice...I have noticed that when I lose someone i care for it always makes me reevaluate the world and my place in it.

    Spring is headed north...hang in there. soon us northern girls will be basking in warm sunshine when all our southern sisters are baking in the heat.

    I am sending you an extra-special gentle hug.
    I hope you keep posting. I miss you when you are gone...

    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Well once again i am amazed at this thread. I wish i had gone exploring sooner and found it sooner. If you will notice it is almost 4 in the morning and with the kids home for the holidays, this is my computer tiem. So if there are typos it is bedcause i am typing in the dark.

    Nicki, I have wonderred where u were. I have missed seeing u in th e breakfast cxlub. I cant imagine what u
    have been going thru and it pains me that i coulsdnt bea chatter friend.

    Robin - i still dont know what part of tennessee u are in but rest assured that my dooris always open, if u need me.

    The same goes to everyone else, i may be in a wheelchAIR with parkinsons but that has not affected my mouth, ears or heart. My door or my computer is always open..

    Cheri this is a great thread. thanks for telling me about it. I was wondering where u were. For the rest of u, it will take me a while to renenber your names, bvut have faith. I will.

    Li z good to see u and the picture was beautiful. The honorry brits club has been concerned about u. Join us one day soon.

    Have a good easter everyone. Have post will travel.
    Love Janice, alias jankay al ias sunshine lite
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Boy, I sure wish I took today off. Since I didnt, Im hoping the traffic will be lighter. I drove another 136 miles yesterday for my job! Had to go downtown Chicago 2 days in a row. Northwest Memorial Hospital is one of our big teaching hospitals and its campus is huge! So I did lots of walking in addition to driving! For some reason, alot of the patients Im evaluating are having complex medical issues - sad sad stories. Makes me thankful for who I am, where I am, and what I have become.

    Madison: That abd lounger sounds like it will be fun to use. I have an "ad doer" and if I used it everyday, I might see my waistline again.

    Jan: Once upon a time I had 3 sisters. I was the baby of the 3 of them. About 12 years ago, my middle sister passed away from cancer of the ovary at 46! they didnt do genetic testing back then. Her gyne/onc told me I should have a bil. mast and removal of my ovaries and at the time I thought he was a crazy guy. If I would have listened to him, things would be much different now. Im er/pr negative and her2+. That shocked the heck outta me. Then my older sister was diagosed with bc 3 months after me. They caught hers much sooner than mine. Anyways she came back er/pr+ and her2-! I still cant figure that one out. She is on Aromasin, so when I hear all of you talk about the aches and pains from the aromatase inhibitors, I can at least understand what you are talking about. 1 out of 4 women are er/pr negative. So I lost out in the statistic arena.

    Madison: I do love those bad Jake stories. Always makes me laugh. Maybe you should give bad Jake some wine. I had my fair share of wine last night. Have the headache this morning to prove it.


    Jasmine: Thank you, thank you for your words of wisdom. I always seem to put others first (including my husband) in most situations. So the eye opener was "Im gonna do whatever I want to do cause Im beautiful dammit." I get tearful just talking about this. I have never learned how to be a patient. I go to doctor visits like a zombie just saying "I feel great" cause I want them to think Im a super woman and a super patient. I dont know how to accept support from others. That makes me cry. I know how to help people, Im good at that.

    Susan and Debc: Thanks for the kind words. The only way I can explain things is what I just said to Jasmine in my above post. I guess Im vague when it comes to issues about me. I just dont know how to be a patient. Somehow that has to change. So on Monday when I see my onc, Im not gonna say things are great!! Im gonna talk to him about some concerns. My doctors have known me for many years. Worked in ICU and they knew I was a feisty one. So when they see me, they know the nurse in me. Ah geez - I cant really explain what Im feeling. All I know is Im out of sorts here, trying to climb up a never ending wall.

    Robin: Did the x-ray show it was a displaced fracture? Im wondering if you shouldnt be seeing an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in that area. Sounds pretty painful to me. Garbage out? I love that saying.

    Jeannette: Im so sorry to hear about your friend. Its very sad.

    Jankay: Im so glad you found the circle. You made me smile, I forgot all about the early morning breakfast club on the chat. Life just changed for me when I went back to work. Didnt have the computer time to chat. So here I am on the discussion boards. I can talk with my friends around my work schedule. Sending you another big hug, cause Im so glad to see you. Its been along time.

    For those of you celebrating Passover, I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday. Most of our doctors have taken this week and next week off. Lucky them - they went to Florida. We celebrate Easter and I cant believe today is already Good Friday. Being raised in Catholic Schools, this day has alot of meaning. Im not coloring eggs this year. Just dont feel like it. But I did go to world market and bought my husbands favorite licorice mixture. Its very hard to find. Also found some chocolate mint fudge and Im gonna make him an Easter Basket. And since Im on South Beach - Im getting myself some cheesecake!

    Hoping everyone has a grand day. If I didnt mention your name, please dont feel bad. Im thinking of you.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Nicki-I am so sorry you are going through a rough time.I haven't had a chance to read or post much this week. I will try to catch up with everyone this weekend.My DH and I had a rough weekend last weekend. I know when he is worried or stressed I am the one that he seems to attack verbally.Men.....I just wanted you to know I am praying for you. Please know that we all care and want to be there for you.
    They are letting us out at three today. Yeah!! I love getting out early. I will check on everyone later and this time I am taking notes!
    Love you all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sunshine sister,
    I overslept and my period is back! Freaking out! WTH! Where did menopause go...I am ER positive and taking Arimidex...not ready for more surgery to take out my ovaries and don't want to take the Tamoxifen (sp?). Help...I know I need to call my oncologist....
    gotta get ready for work..
    I hate this crap.
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Joyce: Thank you so much for your kind words.

    Vickie: Man oh man, I have forgotten what its like to get a period.

    To my sunshine sisters.


    They arnt letting us off work early, but Ive decided Im gonna leave early.

    Have a great day.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Liz thanks for the picture, you and your cousin are beautiful.

    Vera, good to see you.

    Nicki, hugs.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies! I have a busy day planned today and I have to get going soon, so I didn't take notes, but you are all in my thoughts. Nicki, sending you extra hugs. You have been a great source of support for me over the last 8 months, fellow HER2+ sister! I hope that you start to feel less out-of-sorts soon! (((Nicki)))

    My boys have off (they are ages 7 and 9) until the 16th, so today I am taking them to my firend's house for a playdate with her twin boys (age 8). It works out really well because she is the friend I am working with to record a CD of our original music (although she wrote most of the songs....I have just recently started songwriting). I wonder if there is any chance we can keep 4 boys quiet enough to actually do some recording? LOL! Probably not, but that is OK, we will still have fun! 9 songs for the CD are complete....only 3 left to go!

    Then we are off to Good Friday services (my friend and I are providing the music for the service). Then I am off to rads. So I will not be home until much later today. I hope everyone has a great day!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    just popping in quick at work...shhhh...don't tell.
    I called my oncologist (what a great man he is)I was freaking out as he had told me that it was very important that I call immediatly if my periods started again. Anyway...he called Sloan Kettering and talked to a collegue of his and they decided since I am "only" 45 to put me back on the Tamoxifen. Sloan Kettering is in the middle of a study right now to determine the best course of action when you are pre menopausal...1. Tamoxifen 2. Lyron with Armidex or 3. Ovary removal and Armidex. He want to wait and see what the results of the study show before making any other decisions. Whew...didn't want my periods back but he assured me that I will be fine on the Tamoxifen till later this year and then we will decide what to do.
    Hi Kristin...have fun with the kids! We are going to the Good Friday service tonight and Nate is so excited.
    Nicki...was hoping I could forget what it was like to get a period too! Oh well. Happy to see my sunshine sister and sendin you hugs and love.
    shoot...gotta right back
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies........
    just want to share this!!!

    Life in the Millennium

    1. take into account that great love and great achievement involve great risk.
    2.When you loose dont loose the lesson.
    3.Follow the three R's Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions.
    4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
    5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
    6.Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
    7.When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
    8.Spend some time alone every day.
    9.Open your arms to change but dont't let go of all your values.
    10.Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
    11.Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you will be able to enjoy it a second time.
    12.A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation of your life.
    13.In disagreements with loved ones deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
    14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immotality.
    15. Be gentle with the earth.
    16.Once a year go somewhere you've never been before.
    17.Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
    18.Juge your success by what you had to give in order to get it.
    19.Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

    have a great day ladies......
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Jeannette :thank you for your kind words.I am axious to talk to the attorney also and I so want to be away from the monster that isnt even human to me anymore.No human would do what he has done to me.One of his women had the nerve to call the house day before yesterday and pretend she is from a doctors office.I told her she would have to call the dh on his cell phone.he was standing right beside me when i said it and he just walked away.The last time she call MY HOUSE was when I was in the hosp in nov not knowing if i was going to live or die or even what was wrong with me.She called and karen answered and she pretended to be from the insurance company that time.SO she knows everything that goes on with my health.I am getting so humilated.A dog should not be treated the way he is treatime me and I am so getting ready to end it.I have a plan working even if the lawsuit dosent work.I have just got to get away from him.He brings me down and he want to.

    SunshineLite.If you get on I40 and head west toward nashville you will see the crossville exit.That is the town where I am.Thanks for yo ur kind offer also.

    Nicki: I picked up the xray and results yesterday and they are calling it a nondisplaced fx although it looks to be more than that to me.He also is calling it a psyhological fx is that the correct word but also said he is not certain of the etiology.He dosent know about my port placement though.I know it pops and cracks with any little movement,i cant sleep for it hurting it is miserable and I have had pain before but this is really something.This was all uncalled for.Maybe I am making a big deal out of nothing.But most people dont get inadequately sedated have to have force used on them and end up with a fx and severe pain.Least I have not see that happen.That violates a whole lot of standards of care in itself.

    MENA:it is good to see you posting again.I hope and pray you post more.I tell you this board has been a lifesaver for me.I was gone for a while not posting and got so depressed over time.So last week I started posting and pm'ing my friends and then this week I noticed a difference in myself mentally.The fog that was hangin over me is not gone.It makes me feel better knowing I have a safe place to go where I can say what I want about what I want.
    I dont know what your situation is,but feel free to read up on me.This I am living is going to be the old life soon and I am doing thru all the ladies out there who send me prayers,strenght,light,who hold me up before the Lord and just remember me each day.Their words are giving me the strenght to do what I must and the courage to act on it.I feel a new stirring inside me since I have been posting agin that I have not felt since before I was diagnosed.
    You can to if you will just as I say let it all hang out and we are here for you.
    Please pm me anytime you like and we can talk about anyting you want.believe me i have done it all see it all both in my persoanl and my professional life.SOrry for the typo's hard to type with a arm in a splint.
    Think hard about my words ok MENA and please come back to the circle where you are loved.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Well, ladies this time i can see. It is light outside. jUST GOt back from t he doctors and found out if it wasnt for the parkinsons i would be healthy. The breaks
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes. I remember I was having a desperately sad dream, but not what the dream was about…I have been farklempt all morning…just sad and weepy…afraid I won’t be here to see my girls turn into women.

    I’m going to go take a long hot shower and start today over. I wish I knew what brings this feeling on….hate it hate it HATE IT!

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Morning CG's or should I say afternoon since its 11:00 central time?!?

    Susan-you bet I know who you are. Can I just say chemo brain?!? No other excuses so that ones gotta work. Please dont take it personal its just me thinking with half a brain.

    Nickie-I hear you loud and clear. Mets is a scary thing and I can understand the funk. I am going to toss something out here and its not meant to worry you or anybody else but always good to have info, ok? My bone mets was not found on a bone scan so you cant say if bone scan is good then you are good. If you think you have something going on then push it. Mine was determined by an MRI. The bone scan actually showed a place on my lung which I freaked out about but then the skeletal survey didnt show it. Like I said, not meant to alarm you but knowledge is power. I really didnt understand that you were that worried and concerned so my apologies, ok? I mean I know we all have worries and concerns but yours has escalated beyond our "normal". Mazer is packed and ready for your Monday appointment and promises to make you laugh. As for the man thing,,,,,oh I better keep my mouth shut.

    Robin-you sound much better and stronger than I have heard you in the past. I cant believe your uhh well he doesnt deserve the husband word,,lets just say the man that lives in your house. Oh and you are not over reacting on the shoulder thing. Thats just uncalled for.

    Mena mena mena-Is that really you? Dont just tease me now and show up and disappear again. I read your comments on the mets board and wishing you the best on the new cocktail. There is a cocktail for all of us and maybe thats yours. From what I have read its a great drug and xeloda acts differently with it. ok missy, dont go MIA again, got it?!?

    Speaking of MIA-Holy cow is that Vera? Nawww cant be. I was beginning to think one of the UFO's in Fyffe got you!

    Sherndon-stick around here girl. We are a great group and you would just miss us. Thinking of you and I know before you had said you were not taking all of your meds so are you taking them now? Those things effect our moods ya know? Just a thought.

    Biker-Mazer will take a hug any day of the week. Get all your washing done? I didnt but I figure it will be there whenever I get around to it.

    Beth-glad to see you stopping by and sorry to hear you are having rough times.

    Cheri-Dont stop with your sense of humor. If you make one of us laugh then you have had a good day.

    Deb-thinks for the cold weather you are blowing my way. We are going to be 25 degrees this weekend at night. Oh my gosh, I cant wait. Perfect sleeping weather! Too bad I have so much to do I dont even have time to sleep but will work it in somehow.

    Tracey-congrats on the new hires and maybe they will stick around and keep you off the night shift.

    sunshinelite-glad to know you can like roll tide fans. I dont like TN vols but I must say Pat Summit is one lady to be admired. I'm a UCONN fan when it comes to womens basketball.

    Vickie-ok any journals that I can look at to see what you have in mind. I want to do this for you, just need to see what you have in mind. Dont want to be the odd ball ya know.

    hmm drawing a blank here and I know I have left so many out. i shall return and to all those not mentioned, know that I love you all.
