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  • betsy43
    betsy43 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2007
    Morning All,Just had breakfast, but could use a cup of coffee,, just got an appointment to find out what the gs wanted to talk to me about. Since I've already had the mastectomy, just don't know. Am scheduled for hip surgery on the 23rd Keep me in your prayers.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hi Betsy...welcome to the circle. I hate when they call and say they want you to come in to discuss something and then you get to worry worry worry!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    TGIf Everyone...already thinking ahead for the weekend. the picture

    CY sorry we couldn't hook up when you were down here..I am glad your father
    is doing well. Maybe next time!!


    Nicki...good to see you...

    Mena..glad you liked the afghan..we sure send hugs with every stitch!!

    Jas on the camera it is all in the lens..a good lens takes good photos..helps to have a few megapixels too but I only have 5.1

    Amy..UCONN usually has a great time.the vols did it this year tho..believe it or not I played intercollegiate basketball in the early sixties...sure was a different game then!!

    Robin..glad you can hold your head up and do what you have to do...we hold your hands...

    Jankay..good to see you and glad alot of stuff is the alternative!!

    Deb..I had a frozen shoulder too...I went to one physical therapist who did squat and then found another who fixed me up quickly..

    Vickie..before we knew your April Fool's Joke..I thought maybe you bought your pregnancy test kit at a 99 cent store...

    NS thinking about you...hope you are drainfree...

    Madison and Vickie...thanks again for all your hard work on the afghans...

    Hugs to everyone...

    I just went out to the mailbox again and snapped this flower in our yard..

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi there all you CGs!!

    Mena, I'm so glad you got an afgan. I wish I could say I helped, but I can't crochet my way out of a paper bag . I am there in Circle Girl spirit, though!

    Cheri, I'm sure that your triangle makes the afgan totally unique! It is definately one of a kind. I love the humor you bring to the circle . I wuv you *sniff*.

    Jeannette, how sad that your friend passed away. I know I always think about my own mortality when someone I know dies.

    Nicki, for sure dealing with tough medical issues every day is not helping your mood. It's got to bring you down.
    I didn't realise that you had two sisters with BC. Oh man! Sorry to hear that your one sister did not win the battle with the beast. No wonder you are going through such a tough time. Please know that you can ALWAYS lean on us. I am a person who puts everyone else before me also. I don't like to ask for help and always tell my docs that everything is fine. I have to learn to bitch a little more and maybe they will pay attention to what I say.

    Vickie, your period came back??? Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! What a terrible stroke of bad luck!!

    Kristin, you are writing songs? How very cool. I wish I could do something creative like that.

    Tracey, thanks for posting that great list of ways to live your life. We could all benefit from them.

    Betsy, good luck with your hip surgery! A friend of mine has had 3 hip replacements and he did very well each time.

    I don't have a lot of time to post. DH and I are both home today and we have lots to do. And yes Amy, I did finish my laundry......for now . I know I missed a lot of you. You are all in my heart every day!

    Bugs and fishes to all!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Lisa, what a beautiful flower!!!!! Thank you!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    TGIF is right...can't wait for it to be time to go home!!!
    Lisa....beautiful picture! We are getting snow and wind again. Bitter cold outside. No flowers in sight.
    Jankay...healthy except for the Parkinsons!!! sheeesh...what kind of uplifting comment is that...I would probably have kicked him in the knee. bad you couldn't just kick that nasty hubby of yours out! Is there any way you could leave and go somewhere away from him and no longer allow him to be around you. Maybe until a divorce settlement is reached it would be the easiest thing to do. Leaving your house would be hard but leaving behind someone who behave the way he does isn't helping your health any either. Hugs to you.
    (((Deb)))Did you go back to bed, get up and try again?
    Nicki...Gonna ride the magic carpet with you on Monday! Mazer and Cheri driving should be a treat! What would you like to drink...the blue stuff might not be a good idea at high altitudes. Everything will be fine...praying for all to be well.
    Cheri...been a stressful day for me...could really use a laugh and a blue drink. Wait...better get my blue drink for Jan cuz you'll drink it before I get a chance.
    Amy...I have lots of ladies doing journals but haven't seen one yet so I can't help you there. I am writing about my before, during and after bc journey along with stories about my kids, family and friends who helped me along the way. A bit about where I live etc. Just a "story" about who we are and what we are all about...our hopes, dreams, wishes, rants, raves...whatever. You won't be an oddball silly...I love to read what you write here so your journal will be fine and dandy. Include pics if you can!
    Betsy...welcome to the loving circle. Prayers being sent your way.
    Susan...if I make a bookmark and post it do you want to add it to the Pinkstock store or can just use photopaper or cardstock and have them laminated for everyone...?
    Iris...where are you?
    Missing a bunch of you but sending my love to all...gotta get back to work!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    We were posting at the same time Jan and I couldn't remember that and wanted to send it to Deb.
    Yep...period is back and yup it really really sucks. Scared me pretty badly this morning but I've calmed down now and back to the Tamoxifen.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls!

    OK, I'm not going to try to read 642 posts on 10 pages, can't believe I've been gone since March 27th!! I hope you are all well. I've been busy, and mostly good, with some sad moments sprinkled in. I need to get my bills/mail organized and my taxes done (ugh!) but I wanted to say a quick hello.

    I think about you all every day, even when I don't make it online. Hugs, Colleen
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    I'm glad you have calmed down, Vickie. I had a hysterectomy when I was 29. Don't hate me, but I haven't had a period since 1979 .

    Nicki, you know we will all be with you on Monday!! I am sure it is nothing. Can't hurt to get everything checked out, though. If just to put your mind to rest. Is Cheri driving? If so, I will need a blue drink and extra bubble wrap please. It's been so windy, the past few days, we may need to take the Magic RV instead of the carpet.

    Robin, is there no way you can get that monster (can't even call him a man) out of your home? I absolutely cannot believe the garbage he has put you through. Take care of that shoulder! I wish I could take away your pain. I would if I could!!

    The mailman maced my son's Labrador the other day. I couldn't believe it. He was outside with my DIL and he trotted up to the mailman, wagging his tail, and the guy sprayed him with mace when he was about 10 ft. away. He would never hurt a flea. The worst he has ever done to anyone is slobber all over them. Poor thing was gagging and choking. It was a sub mailman and he didn't know the dog. He never said one word to my DIL. No apology, no reason why, nothing! He just kept walking down the street. Maybe he had a bad encounter with a dog, in the past. Who knows.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Colleen!!!!!! Welcome back!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    OK...back up, showered, tears wiped away....I hate mornings like this one.

    I got my big girl panties on...don't dare try the big girl thong, the sound of my naked butt cheeks flappin' together would be deafening! LOL

    I’m doing better and I’m sure I will be fine…just not going to dwell

    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007

    Trying the one sentence and then save thing... bear with me!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Jasmine, Puppy and Robin, because of you guys, I thought I would stop by. I am feeling better about the bills from surgery. I talked to the hospital adn we worked a payment plan. Next, I have to call the docs too but they were all gone for the holiday. Monday is soon enough.

    Nicki, I can understand being around the patients being evaluated and getting down. Every time I visit my mom at Sunrise (her assisted living facility) I see someone else now with oxygen, now in a wheelchair or bed-ridden. But today we had a great visit and spent the time like we used to before her fall 2 years ago.

    Special shout out to Mena: I am tired of phone tag, girlfriend! I will try to catch up to you later today.

    I may not say hi to each and every one of you but you are all in my heart and my prayers.

    Got a question for your opinions though, totally off topic. Input greatly desired on this. DH and #2 SS have not spoken since before Thanksgiving. We cannot figure what happened between them. No clue at all. So, ss is playing with his band tonight and I would love for them to patch things up or at least draw it to a head and have closure if that is what will be. DH is pretty non-confrontational but I know he really misses his son and the grandkids. It will be an empty Easter without them for our egg hunt and dinner. We spent all last week filling the eggs. Our nieces are coming over with their kids too but the one son missing is getting to him. What should I do? Their home number got changed and we don't know the new one. #2 ss has not talked to #1 ss either and we see and talk to him all the time and he is clueless as well.

    Thanks for letting me vent. The stress doesn't do anyone good and it helps to be able to talk aobut it here.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hi ladies...

    whewwwwwwww what a day,,, glad it just about over!!
    i found when i am posting a post i just type it in and then copy it so if i lose it all i have to do is paste it in... works good this way you dont need nopepad or anything!!!!
    try it!!!


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, we must have some kind of psychic connection--I guess I've been fearing recurrence more than I thought. I made a joint appt with my pcp and my dd this morning. When it was my turn I started to tell him about my neck, how the new med the neurologist had me on wasn't working (topomax) how I cry constantly, started crying, in fact, lookded at my test results with him. When I told him how my hemoglobin, hemocraticrit (sp) were low and sed rate was high (48) he asked if the onc thought it was the cancer I REALLY broke down. He said that first of all he thinks I'm depressed, the topomax isn't what I need for the chronic pain, and is going to talk to my onc. I told him I needed someone to be my band leader. I had all these drs, but felt like I was just so lost. He thinks I'm extra afraid of recurrence right now, especially because of the pain, even though the MRI said it's not there. To make a long story not much shorter, he prescribed Cymbalta. He said that is for depression as well as chronic pain. Has anyone had any experience with it? He was really nice and wants me to come back in a few weeks.

    Vera, I'm so glad to see you again. I thought about you and Amy while I was in Alabama this past week. I wasn't up to a get together, sorry Amy. Maybe we can do something again soon.

    Deb, I missed why you are teary, I guess I've been pretty caught up in my little world lately. I hope you are feeling better.

    Mena, I'm glad you liked your afghan.

    Cheri, your avatar keeps changing on my computer. Are you changing it or is it part of my brain going haywire?

    vickie, my period came back after being on arimidex for about 6 months. I had my ovaries out last summer. Seriously, I don't know if I'd do it again.

    Amy, I've been back on most of my meds, but keep forgetting to refill my arimidex, how's that for playing games? I think I need a refill now. I will call the onc next week.

    Good Friday services tonight. It's ok to cry at this one.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Deb, very funny. hope you are feeling better.
    Robin you are the best. I'm so glad y ou are feeling better.
    Colleen, where have you been. What, do you think you have a life or sumpin'. ( this is me joking)

    Jan, poor doggie.The mailman is probably doing what he has been told but poor doggie. Anybody that knows dogs know that Labs aren't viscious.

    Lisa, such a pretty picture. I bet it's warm there, huh. It was 35 this morning. What happened to spring?

    Betsey, hip replacement? I just had a knee replacement. arrrgh. I have found a great website for knees/hips with discussion groups sorta like this. PM me if you want it.

    Mena, hugs.

    Nicki, make sure the magic carpet stops for me.

    who did i forget?? who are you there?? who are you anyway? Oh yeah, who's on first. What's on second. Idon'tknow's on third.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Just a quickie for now!
    Deb: I read your first post and felt bad for you. Then I read your second post and you made me laugh! I think that's why we love you so much!!

    Vickie: I had a period last Sept. after not having one for 2 1/2 years. I did the natural thing and panicked, knowing that Femara was strictly for Menopausal Women. Gyn did the exam, bloodwork and the ever so famous....Vaginal Ultrasound. And all was okay. He said that I must have just had a bit of Estrogen left over and that My Ovaries did one last "hurrah"!

    Nicki: I am so sorry, I didn't realize you were having Medical problems either. I blame myself as sometimes I try to read all the post that I have missed....and end up missing something important. We will all be with you Monday.

    I'll be back later on tonight!

    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    I had a very busy day. Our census is down, and I actually went to the hospitals to count empty beds. Really - its a way to explain to the owner why our census is down. But - hey, once I was done, I got to come home early.

    Kristin: Oh my goodness, you go girl. I have known my husband for 32 years. Married 27. He was and is a musician/song writer. Lots of recording going on. Sometimes he lets me sing with him, but only to Paul McCartney songs where I can be Linda McCartney. Now that tells you how good I can sing. I sure hope you had fun today.

    Robin: Sounds like the fracture was caused by stress to the bone. My gut instinct says that fracture would not have occured if the anesthesiologist did his job. Go after him and the hospital. Bigger bucks there. No surgeon should have to deal with a patient that is not sedated properly.

    Jankay: Congratulations on you NED status. That was a good report! Parkinsons is a wicked thing to have to deal with. Sending you a big hug.

    Debc: Oh I hate waking up after having one of those dreams. Seems like Im unsettled for the rest of the day. I also agree with Amy. I swear you are our weather predictor. All winter, when it was cold there, it would eventually come here. The high today was 36 degrees. I went to Gillison Park by Lake Michigan today. The waves were high and the water didnt have its usual beautiful blue shades. It was only last week I was wearing a tank top and walking barefoot along the shore. Now thats a drastic change in weather.

    Lisa: OMG your flowers are so beautiful. What kind of flower was in your last pic? I am so antsy to plant my flowers. But it been a tad below freezing here in Chicago - too early yet.

    Jan: Its bizarre. I never thought about it before. But 3 girls and all of us had cancer. 1 boy - he is schizophrenic! Man I inherited some wicked genes!! Both my parents were born in the same town in Italy. Makes me think.

    Vickie: Im in such a mood. I think I will have a shot called "slippery nipple" before I see my onc! Its Baileys with another liquoor that I cant remember the name of right now. Chemo brain here. There really is a shot like this. I used to drink them all the time.

    As far as the magic carpet ride? You all get together and go with MS. I know when Im there you will be in my mind and heart as Im getting all of this frustration and angry out with my onc. Got a call from some dork at my oncs office who left a message on my cell phone saying I owed $110-00 dollars and they didnt want it to go to collection. Now mind you, I have not received a bill, have made all my copays. More importantly I knew my onc as a young doctor first starting his practice in 1978. So believe me, he is gonna get an ear full. Hs is gonna earn every dime that I have to pay.

    Colleen: Man its good to see you.


    Beth: I dont know how I got through this whole thing without going bankrupt. The costs are phenomenal. But if you were denied payment by the insurance, I think with your history, you have an appeal. I have 4 grandchildren. Wont be seeing them Easter. Family issues really stink! No advice here, as Im scratching my head trying to figure out whats wrong on this end.

    Sheri: I have seen such wonderful results with Cybmbalta. And yes we are connected. My surgeon was my "band leader" "quarterback" or whatever. Anyways, he is out of the picture for now. My PCP is the leader and after reading your post, Im gonna make an appointment with him. The sedrate is "sededation rate" its will be elevated when there is inflammmation. Probably not related to cancer, but then - who knows - seems like every ache and pain is related to cancer.

    snowmen in thong: Thats how I know you from the chat. I love ya.

    OK - I have spent 4 hours on the computer today. Its Friday night and my husband hasnt been off a week end since September. So Im gonna go enjoy the evening with him.

    If I missed anyone, rememeber I love ya. Just ran outta time.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Nicki:I agree with you,that is what I am leaning toward,I didnt like the anesthesis from the time I met him,young and full of himself,had to ask for my own pre-op.I know something terribly went wrong.I am paying the price now in pain.Just wish I could get my MR but i will see them when the attorney gets them.If he dosent want to sue then he is not the only lawyer around these parts.
    I worry about mets all the time and will for the rest of my life I guess.I am sorry you have to worry over this demon also.

    Deb:Glad you are feeling better,for some reason a hot shower after a crying fit always makes me feel better along with a xanax to that is.

    Susan:thank you.You know how I feel about you!

    Vera:Glad to see you back.Hope we can visit soon.

    Beth:Thank you for your kind words I am glad I have a part in wanting you to check in.I have said it before and i will say it again.this group is a life saver.If I had not came back and started posting I would still be crying and wallowing in self pity.If you ever need to talk about anything feel free to pm me.

    Jan:I dont have any family is the problem and where ever I go now I have to take 2 adult daughters and 2 grandaughters in tow.I do they go.But I am working on a plan.I will need to find out some things from the attorney on wed and will fill all of you in then.He is not a human he is EVIL that is what i call him THE EVIL.

    Sheri:How are you? Havent heard from you in a while.How about a pm to fill me in?

    Vicki:He is gonna get what he deserves in the end,he thinks if he hangs around long enough he is gonna get mucho money boy is he gonna be suprised I already changed my will and my insurance.He gets what he deserves.Will know more about my suit after wed he is seeing dollars already.I am not going to sit him and his next woman up in the life of luxury like he thinks I am .

    SoCalLisa:Thank you!

    Betsy:welcome,you are in the right place.If I can ever do anything for you please feel free to pm me OK?

    Amy:thank you so much for your words,If the change reflects in my words I certainly hope the change is evident in my actions and things here.I just told him off again.About how I hate lies.He always lies about his check so I asked him how stupid he thinks I am that I get a bank statement each month and know exactly how much he keeps out.He just couldnt believe I had figured it out.SO now he will go in and remove me from our checking account so I wont know how much he gets.He is so &*^% greedy.I never thought it possible to hate the way I do.I ask God to forgive me each day for the hate I feel.Love turned to hate is the most bitter emotion there is.

    JanKay:Sorry about the parkinsons.Glad you can see.
    Did you figure out yet where I live.Best I can tell we are about 2 hours away.

    Hugs and much love to all of you.Thank you for helping me drag out the old me.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    {{{ROBIN}}} "You go Girl" Nicki, Your "BEAUTIFUL DAMIT" Mena,(*/ I'm with you Sister) to everyone, my prayers for a happy Easter! Gods Speed. Puppy
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    This post is for a very good friend who is celebrating her one year anniversary on April 20th. I got your Pm and was so glad to hear from you. I almost cried. I wrote you a long reply and when I went to send it, I couldnt cause your box was full!!

    It was just so gosh darn good to hear from you.

    Lots to celebrate on April 20th.

    1) One year survivor

    2) Quit smoking - I am so jealous of that

    3) We have know each other just about one year

    4) Mithel is not with a hot topic one year later.

    5) Remember the "Barbie Doll" party?

    Oh and now, I would give you a run for your money when it came to posting pics!!

    To you my friend



    I just love you too pieces

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Friday Evening Circle. Its been a long day!

    Kristen - Hi, how are you this evening.

    Shokk - hi to you too. And I'd rather put 'the ice cream incident' behind me so no mention of that. Just kidding!

    Jayne - hi again. Hope you had a good day.

    Susan - how did your PT go? And, how is your knee doing?

    Denise - so sorry to hear you have bronchitis. I hope you are feeling better today. That's $10 a pill and if you do the 90/10 that would make them $100 a pill. Wow, that better be some good stuff! I bet you are looking forward to your son's wedding in November.

    MB - what happend to your elbow again? I think I must have missed that.

    Shokk - I don't know if your bc can change hormone status on progression or recurrence. I'm sure anything is possible in this unpredictable world of bc.

    Deb - I love the robin story. What a kindhearted and compassionate daughter you have.

    Cheri - you are perfect just the way you are. I think some people are naturally happy and optimistic and I think you are one of those. Its just your nature to look past the hard times and to continue to find joy in the little things.

    Kristen - just think, another week of rads behind you today! I think you are right about bravery. Bravery is facing what scares you the most with courage. I think this board is full of the most amazing brave women. They should call this the 'bravery board' or am I being to corny?

    Amy - that is great about find an oncologist closer to home. I'm so glad that it looks like this local place is going to work out fine. Commuting sucks big pickles.

    Jan - hi

    Vickie - I think you should definitely go for the new job. Updating your resume. I need to do that too but I just dread it for some reason. Its so hard to know what to put on it and figure out what they are looking for these days.

    I love the circle credo you posted. That pretty much says it in a nutshell.

    NS - that is so great on the wig place. If I lose my hair again, I'm definitely going to explore my options more. I pretty much took the first thing that looked halfway decent because I was thrown into chemo so fast. I don't care what they said on the call to the company, I've never heard of a microwave that runs any parts with the door open. I would exchange it for a different brand. I usually try to stick to well known brands with a good reputation on things like appliances even if it means spending a bit more money.

    Cheri - you made me laugh with your 'I am what I am' statement. Are you channeling Popeye now? I ams what I ams....toot toot!

    Shirley - theres nothing like getting a geograhy lesson on a support call. ROFL! I work with a lady from India and she is the sweetest person I've ever met. She's young and her hubby works for the company too and they are such genuinely nice people.

    Just laughing about taking the dead fish back to Walmart. How did she explain its defect?

    Tracey - that is great that they finally found a night time replacement. Good luck on talking to the lady about the other job. Its always so hard and scary to think about changing jobs. I have to get to a really bad place jobwise before I will change. I'm not the adverturous type and I like safety. I'm pretty much a coward and will tolerate a lot from a job just to avoid the fear of moving.

    Sheri - I'm so sorry you are having such a tough week! I'm glad you were able to talk to your PCP. You have so much on your plate with your job and your children and then your health issues. I hope this Cymbalta helps you. Sounds like you had a good visit and maybe will get some direction on your health issues. At least some better coordination.

    Jankay - I love going to Walmart but I really hate when it is crowded. I do my Walmart shopping at 6am on Sunday morning. There is hardly anyone there and I can shop without having to say 'excuse me' 5 times just to get down one aisle. I can get all my shopping done in an hour - hour and a half and still have time to get home and dress for church. Congrats on your hubby find a new job.

    Beth - hi. Its so nice to see you popping in. Glad you found some answers to your financial issues. I don't know what I would have done without insurance paying for most of my treatments.

    Madison - that must be hilarious seeing the little dog go after the big lab. I hope you are getting that on video. I had thought about getting an ablounger a while back but I joined the community center instead.

    Liz - I love the picture of you and your cousin.

    Vera - wow, where have you and Ty been? I missed your humor and sense of fun. Did you ever join the Red Hats?

    Mena - I'm so glad you got an afgan. How are things with you? I'm sorry about the news of the progression and I'm hoping that this Tykerb/Xeloda combo kicks some bc butt.

    Cheri - that is too kewl that Mena got an afgan with one of your 'squares.'

    Laura, Cy, Christine - hi, hope things are going well for you.

    RobinTN - you sound like you are getting stronger every day. Good for you! I might be careful about tell the man how much you know. Maybe better to keep all your cards 'close to the vest' as they say. Don't want him figuring out ways to put up roadblocks. I hope you keep dreaming big. Time for a change for the better...a new wind blowing to set some new sails for you and your daughters and granddaughters. Max is the most adorable little thing. My next dog will definitely be much smaller. I think that is so cute that you take him to chemo. He must be the center of attention when he goes.

    I hope you get some pain relief from your broken shoulder soon. Try not to do too much until it is healed.

    Jeannette - so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend.

    Nicki - your commute for your job is loooong. Do you like driving that much? WE'll be there for you on Monday and I'm anxious to hear what your doctor has to say. Hopefully, you can get the bone scan done pretty soon in the next week. Are there long wait times for those in your area? I can't believe you went and bought hubby's favorite candy after the mean things he's said to you lately. You are a better person than me!

    Vickie - bummer about the period. I've considered early menopause to be the one and only 'perk' in all of this. I do not miss the cramps and inconvenience of having a cycle. And right at the end it would really put my lower back out of sorts it ached quite a bit. Don't miss it at all.

    Kristin - I didn't realize you had such young children. Maybe one day you can post some of your music for us to listen too.

    Vickie - is going on tamoxifen a good thing for your? Have you done tamoxifen before?

    Tracey, thanks for posting Life in the Millenium. Very uplifting!

    Jankay - funny but when I was diagnosed with bc and went to the oncologist and had just had my 2nd round of chemo and the sides were minimal, he said 'well you are a very healthy person.' I just about fell off the table. I couldn't help thinking 'well yeah...except for that insignificant cancer diagnosis thingy'. Duh! Now your doctor tells you you are healthy except for that Parkinsons thing. You have to wonder if these doctors realize what they are saying when they say these things.

    DEb - I'm so sorry that your day started out so sad. I hope the shower and starting over helps.

    Betsy - again, welcome to the circle. I look forward to getting to know you!

    Lisa - wow, another spectacular picture! I want to learn to do those kinds of pictures!

    Colleen - hi! Hope you are having a good day. I haven't started on my taxes either. I sure hope the Taxcut software is user friendly this year.

    Beth - hi again. So sorry to hear about the problem with SS and DH. Its always hard on everyone when there is discord between two family members. I hope things work out.

    Tracey - that baby looks like an alien-human cross to me for some reason. But its very cute!

    Puppy - hi, hope you are doing well.

    Well, its finally after work time on Friday. I've been waiting for this all week. Going to have some fun this weekend before the next work project starts on Monday and I'm stressed to the max. Cheri, come out and lets play!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007





  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, sorry but, Aaahhhaaahhhaaahh!! Caps!!!

    Sheri, my BIL was taking Cymbalta for pain with his MS. The insurance comapny denied it for him and he is suffering. It is prescribed for pain though.

    Nicki, Slippery Nipple is Bailey's and Butterscotch liquor. Yummy, yum, yum!!!! I still have a headache from last night .

    Robin, The Evil!!!! ROTFLMAO!! Seriously, get rid of his sorry ass!!! I can't say what I want to here!!!

    DH has been home today and we are going to watch a movie. Can't stay long, need to say Night, Night to all!!
  • Bodil
    Bodil Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2007
    nosurrender, my chemo was taxotere and cytoxin, four rounds.

    Deb I have those moments, thinking about my kids growing up without a mom. I SHOVE those thoughts away. Begone!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Evening sweet sisters,
    Tired out so probably will miss a bunch of you but it's not intentional!
    Went to the Good Friday service...always makes me a bit sad and makes me cry. Better now.
    Jankay...brain surgery?!? My mom had brain surgery and she did just fine. It is a scary thought though and my thoughts are with you. Aren't new boobs great! I got new ones a couple weeks ago and love the new look.
    Sheri...I hope the Cymbalta works well for you and you get feeling better soon...sending you hugs. Why wouldn't you have you ovaries out if you had it to do again?
    Colleen...welcome have been missed. period seems to have stopped so maybe I'm just having a last hurrah too! I doubt it though as I am pretty crampy tonight. Yuck.
    Alwayshope...I did do the tamoxifen before but the oncologist thought that I was in permenant menopause so he switched me to Arimidex. Oops...he called Sloan Kettering and it was their recommendation for the time being. He said it was fine and not to worry. They are doing some studies at SK and we are waiting for the results to see if I should have my ovaries out, have them supressed or stay on the Tamoxifen. Not ready for more surgery right now.
    Nicki..ok...its a slippery nipple drink for you! I'll have to look that one up...sounds interesting!
    Puppy...good to see you and Happy Easter to you too!
    Madison...where are you...please say Jake the terrible doesn't have you hiding in the bathroom!
    Cheri...hows about a blew rink?
    Beth...hmmm...that's a tough one. I think I would just look up ss and tell him what you wrote here. He should at least be able to give you a reason for the "no contact". Maybe just a simple misunderstanding that can be easily cleared up.
    Vera...I do believe you've gone AWOL on us again. What are we gonna do with you!
    Robin...I am just sending you hugs.
    Lisa...I love working on the afghans...keeps my mind of the scary stuff and I love to make people happy.
    Where is Deb...hmmm...gonna have to check the cyber party thread!
    I love ya all and will see you in the morning!
    Vickie your you too sweet sister.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Aw sure know how to make a girl cry (was a good cry)!!!

    This one's for you...the "real" Barbie comes out of hiding...


    PS: Not sure why mailbox was full...I emptied it today (you may have sent it prior to that, though!)
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Jasmine: I just figured out it is you didnt realize you had changed your name.But then I am a little slow these days.
    I am way ahead of you girl.In fact he is so pissed oops broken shoulder syndrome.that he thinks i am not going to even talk to an attorney about it.I told him i was not going to sue anyone and he cant make me.
    I am just a bit smarter than he is.Dosent take long to figure that out.
    Karen is picking up my pictures of the bruise behind my ear and will post them for all of you to see.Anyone can clearly see it is the size a mans thumbprint and i bet large enough for identification.wouldnt that be something.
    Id'd by the neck?..
    I gotta get my laughs where I can these days.My humor will improve as time gone by I promise.
    I am gonna turn in now I havent been sleeping to good.

    Max is the center of attention at chemo.He acted up yesterday though and I dont know if I will take him until he matures a little.He is getting used to everyone up there and thinks everyone is supposed to play with he when he is ready.

    Nite everyone
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Sige: I just noticed the picture.I love it!!!

    and Cheri: I wanted to ask you what kind of bait u used when you went fishing? I have never seen such fish.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Sige...great avatar! Good to see you and love the Barbie...we are BEAUTIFUL!