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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Evening all!
    Niki I believe Lisa's flower is a white hydranga. I have blueish purple ones.

    I just looked at the pics my SIL took in San Diego and he took a lot of the plant life. It was so refreshing to see all his boyish wonder at the new sights to see. I have the greatest SIL in him.

    Has anyone heard from NS today? Didn't she have an appointment with the new Onc?

    Hope everyone is going to have a great weekend. The sun shining the last two days has been heaven. I was afraid I'd come home to rain and cold but it's been really nice.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    i dont know what to do!!!
    i got offered that manager job and with a bit of a pay raise.... so...... everyone is saying not to do it!!!
    i think it could be opportunity! i am so confused!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Oh my goodness have I missed a lot!

    Nicki - are you OK? Why are you going to the doc on Monday? I'll have to scroll back and see what's happening. Hugs to you!

    Jan - What the heck? Who maces a lab for crying out loud? I still have my coffee mug with Jake's picture all over it (I had it made for Tim for Father's Day a few years ago) and I get a little misty whenever I use it. I miss him more than I miss Tim I think!

    Deb - Sorry you had a bad dream! They're the worst! Warren has been having a lot of them lately, and the therapist said that between the hours of 3-4am our REM sleep does something and that's when we tend to wake up from dreams! I prefer the other explanation from Cheri I think?

    Tracey - I'm trying the Notepad thing for the first time, and it is much easier, but I'm not sure it's going to be successful! It's not scrolling, just creating a really long line. We'll see...

    Sheri - I don't know anything about Cymbalta, but I'm glad the doc was nice and I hope you're feeling better.

    Susan - I know, it's kind of nice to think you're too busy with "life and stuff" to get online, but it's hard too cause I really miss coming here. I need to find a set time to check in, so that it's not so overwhelming between posts for me. How is your knee doing? How are your spirits? I did scroll a bit and I loved your picture with your PinkStock shirt!

    Denise - Wow, after 2 1/2 years? It's been 2 years this June for me, but my gyn told me a year ago that I was fully in menopause and would not get my period again. I was 41 when I started chemo. I'm not sure how she knows that though?

    Hey again Nicki - counting empty beds? Well, at least you got to go home early! Thanks for the hug!

    RobinTN - hope you're hanging in there! I obviously missed something with the anesthesiologist, so I hope that you're OK. Hang in there and keep standing up for yourself with your DH!!

    Jasmine - I STILL didn't do the taxes and I agree about tracey's baby picture - slightly alien looking!!

    Jan - butterscotch liquour? I never heard of it, but I must get some! Yum!

    Hi Jaynie5 - Welcome to the Circle? You've probably been here for ages, but I've been MIA for the last week or so!

    Vickie - hope you got a good night's sleep, thanks for the welcome home, I missed you all!

    Everyone else - cheri, amy, madison, christine, ArmyNavyMom, Odalys, I'm thinking of you all!

    I hope this works! About to copy and paste - wish me luck!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Why are people telling you not to take it?

    Can yo sit down and make a pro and con list? Write down all the good things and bad thngs about each job....It might help you clarify what you want to do. COngrats on the job offer. Even if y ou don't take it you might be able to use the offer as leverage to get a raise (or no NIGHT shifts) at you current job...

    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, I emailed you my BC Journal, revised of course, from the one I did for the rads exchange.

    Tracie, if the job feels right then go for it. Be sure to ask lots of questions about what you are expected to do and the hours you are expected to work so you'll know going into it.

    OK I'm off to bed I'm still trying to catch up on sleep
    Hugs & Prayers
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2007
    Hello ladies,

    I'm here! I appreciate that ya'll are concerned - it really warms my heart. I've become an occasional lurker. I have been focusing on creating my new life - selling my house, helping my daughter prepare for her first apartment, finding my dream career (which is working on my own), and keeping myself focused on finding joy and happiness in each day. Unfortunately, I found that visiting this site too often was keeping me focused on my disease more than I believe is helpful. I do come around and check on you all - and while I don't think I can make Pinkstock I will definitely be there in spirit. I hope this isn't perceived as abandonment - I care about you all and check in often.

    I know that many of you are past your dx and treatments but like some others, I have found that being in the second dx is much different. I treasure everything I have found here - and will continue to be here - just less often until I feel I can master the emotions attached to it.

    I am doing fantastic in my recovery and have never felt better about who I am, where I am, and how I am. This site - and all of you - have been a key factor in that process - and for that I am grateful and forever in your debt. What a gift this site and all of you are. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on this planet.

    I have several ideas of a contribution to Pinkstock but whatever it is, it will be merely a token compared to how you all have contributed to my health and well being over these months.

    I love you all very much.


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Tracey,, You need to follow your guts. Wouldnt it be easier to guit the managers job if it didnt work out than to regret not trying it. You definitely dont want to miss opportunities. So, i appologize for the caps in the last posting, will try better.
    Love Jankay
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2007
    Hi there,all Circle Girls!
    Wow,it is great to be back again!!! Hey,to you,Vickie,too. I have been away for several days and then had workmen still repairing the lines,fixing doors,alarm,etc. IT has been quite the week! One of the workmen set off the new alarm and here came the police! I was laughing because a small fine of $50 is better than the loss of thousands! The first false alarm is we shall see. I was so glad to see the car and the officer was very nice and knew abt my place being vandalized. Still difficult to deal with...things are and safety are not.

    Miss all of you and keep you in close to my heart.Without you,the weeks would have been so much worse. I think it was Madison who wrote abt the serial #s(old brain--prob wrong!) Anyway,hope all of you will take a moment to write down thse numbers esp on the electronics. Never thought it would be this crazy! I hope my experience might help someone else. I had the receipts on some;however,my stuff was everywhere! That is a pattern in the rash of break-ins around here. I have worked so hard to clean up,donate,trash,etc. This place is much better organized. Just hard to sleep--esp around 4AM which is the suspected time of burglary. That Ambien is not kicking in and may have to tell dr on Mon. If I delivered papers or something,would be good to go.

    Did get me a smaller and more simplified cell phone! Still working out the kinks--nothing like that Motorola Q! They insisted I keep it and I said it the last thing I would ever want. It sure looks like a Blackberry;too challenging for this older,foggy brain.

    I am so far behind reading posts since being gone. Will keep reading and wish all of you a Happy Easter (if that is one of the holidays you celebrate) or Happy Spring!

    All the best to my CG friends,wishing good things for each of you...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Morning time here in the circle. Walking the perimeter and things are fairly quiet. Many a still sleeping. It cold at this end of the circle so as I walked it was strange to see all the signs of Spring. The trees now have buds, there are flowers just starting to sprout up from the ground - althugh the weaker ones didnt make it through the below freezing temperatures. Even though its cold, when I took a deep breath I could smell Spring is in the air.

    Today will be a busy day for me. Going to help my friend audit charts. So I will be gone most of the day. Which is healthy for me - I need to keep busy.

    Jasmine: Living in Chicago always makes things alot easier when it comes to treatment and tests. There are 5 hospitals within a 15 minute radius from me. My job involves driving. I go from hospital to hospital to evaluate people.

    So I bought the licorice at World Market. Didnt realize it was imported from England. The two of us opened up the bag and demolished it! It was so darn good. Think I will be pooping green today

    As far as my husband - he has been very supportive of me. Helped me through this whole journey. He doesnt even realize he said some hurtful things. And in a way, Im glad he said them. Cause it reminded me that this whole journey is about me! I gonna do things I wouldnt have done before. I might even ask my PS to redo my implants. I always thought at my age 57 - I should be happy right where I am. But hey, I dont look 57 and I certainly dont act 57. Ive also decided Im gonna look into getting a personal trainer. When my husband says something about the cost, I will just look at him and remind him he told me Im severe obese. That will shut him up for sure.

    Jankay: Is the brain surgery to help with the Parkinsons? All I have to do is think of Michael J. Fox - a reminder how debilitating Parkinsons is.

    Jan: Yes! Yes! Baileys and Butterscotch liquor. I forgot how good they were. Goes down smooth and all of a sudden bites ya in the butt.

    Vickie: I had my ovaries out when I had my mastectomies. I was glad to get rid of them, but ya have to remember I was 55 y/o at the time. Im still the Hot Mama of Hot flashes. Wondering when that will ever end.

    Peggy! OMG you found a barbie doll that looks just like me! Just give her black hair. Its so good to hear from you. Hmmmm - so you cleaned out your mailbox after I wrote that long post to you and lost it!! Glad to know I can communicate with ya now.


    CY: Is the hydrangina a perennial? Sure is pretty. NS has her onc appointment on Monday.

    Tracey: Who is telling you not to accept the new job and what are their reasons? Does it mean you will still have to work week-end, nights, etc? If you dont accept the offer, dont do it cause of fear. Look at both jobs and then figure out which one will make your life better.

    Colleen: My onc appointment is my usual 3 month check up. But ever since EE, I have sorta been freaked out. Having vague hip and femur pain. So Im gonna ask for a bone scan. I was thinking, maybe you should get a new puppy! How is you son doing?

    Ginney: It is so good to hear from you. Keeping busy and enjoying life - thats a good thing. But we sure do miss you when your not here.

    Iris: So glad that you back here. We sure did miss ya.

    Well - time to go. I need to exercise this morning, take a shower and then hit the road. So I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning,
    Hey sunshine sister...I see you! No sunshine here and it's COLD! Snow on the ground again...ewww. The poor robins hae got to be shivering. Thinkin I need to get some worms (like Deb's daughter did)cuz I doubt there are any out there for them to eat LOL...ground if frozen solid!

    Ginney...I am happy for you! Go out there and enjoy life. You aren't deserting us and we know that. Glad to see that you are ok. I have days when it's hard to come here but I'm a boardaholic and just gonna live with it LOL.

    Iris...yeah...your back. Glad that you got your house "rewired" and safe. Was a bit worried that a burgler came back and stole YOU! You are the most valuable thing in that house!

    Tracey...I am in the same spot you are and don't know what to do either. The new job I have been offered is a gem but I do love the job I have. Yesterday was a rough day for me and they all chipped in and bought me Papa John's pizza with breadsticks and we had a little party at lunch. How do you walk away from people like that? They have been so very good to me in so many ways. Follow Deb's advice about the pro's and con's.

    CY...gonna go read your journal next...oh thank you so much! I can't wait..yours is the first one!

    Jankay...up at 4am! Hmmm...had I known that I would have come on and talked to you. I was awake off and on all night.
    Jan...if someone maced my dog I'm afraid that I would probably be next as I would be furious!
    A bit chilly in here so I'm gonna light the fireplace, shower and get dressed, read CY's journal and I'll be back.

    I love ya all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Vickie: Good Morning Sunshine sister! Its weird. I didnt sleep very good last night. Kept waking up.


    Im looking for the sunshine too. High today is gonna be 31 degrees - but no snow here thank goodness.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. I laid down to take a much needed nap yesterday around 2 p.m. and when I woke up it was 2:30 a.m. So I must've really needed that nap! I was wide awake so I got on up. I had a bunch of posts to read and I didn't even miss a whole day. I'd left my computer on cos I was just intending on sleeping an hr or so, it was still on when I got up! Logged in here. lol

    Robin, what a nice post to Mena. Hope she reads it. I'm so glad you're posting again and it's making you feel better.

    Laura, good luck with singing in the Choir this week-end. Enjoy yourself.

    Margaret, hey there. You know you can pick up a Knifty Knitter at any Wal-Mart or many other places. Ya see, I really have your best interest at heart. I don't want you to miss out on this great experience of contributing to these afghans, it's quite rewarding. Plus, once you get started you'll find it very relaxing while you're watching a movie etc. I just don't want you to cheat yourself out of a good thing. lol

    Christine, so glad to see you posting. It did turn winter on us didn't it? I want Spring!

    Jeanette, sorry about the passing of your friend and your Aunt. So I look like your Aunt, huh? I look like Shirleys mother so she and I are sisters now.

    Janice, so glad you like it here in the Circle. I knew you would if I could ever get you here. Don't you worry about having to use CAPS, if it makes it easier on you then go ahead. We all understand. Typing can't be easy with Parkinsons. So that's just fine. As long as you keep posting we don't care how you have to do it. Just glad you're here.

    Tracey, I liked your list about living.

    Amy, you're just a good cookie.

    Janny, you're so silly that's what I wuv about you. BTW, what kind of person maces a Lab?? They're just the greatest dogs.

    Lisa, you're a great photographer, loved the pic.

    Colleen, nice to see you posting again.

    Sheri, I haven't messed with my avatar since I posted my pic on it last week sometime or the week before, can't remember. When I first posted it the computer wouldn't take it and then the next night while I was on here, it just changed! So I haven't noticed anything again with it.
    Hope you start feeling better.

    Denise, hey. Haven't talked to you in awhile.

    Jazmanian, thanks for the kind words. My not posting yesterday was simply cos I was sleeping, I didn't get my feelings hurt. There was no reason I would've. I don't get them hurt very easily, i'm pretty hard shelled. But I do appreciate your concern.

    Janice, congrats on the new boob!

    Jaynie, keep posting. You'll soon get acquainted with everyone.

    Sige, cool picture.

    Robin, we don't bait the big old hooks. We use 1 lb sinkers and pull back and forth from the bottom of the lake. It's called 'snaggin' and great fun but hard work. And those big old Spoonbill fight too. I fought one time until the fish actually pulled me out of my boat seat but I hung on. It weighed 57 lbs. I can't do it anymore, those pics were taken before I had the wreck and got sick. But I sure miss it every season. The fish are delicious, too. No bones.

    Ginney girl, so glad to see a post. It's great that things are going well for you. You didn't desert us, you just did what you had to do for your own well-being. Pop in from time to time.

    Iris, good to see you posting again. Don't run off now.

    CY, so how long was your journal to Vickie and what was the topic? I'm like Amy,don't want to write something different than the others and look plum silly. lol

    Vickie, good morning. I was up at 2:30 this a.m. shoulda got up and me, you and Jankay coulda talked. lol

    Nicki, hope you're feeling much better this morning. Let me know if I can help in any way.

    NS, wishing you well and hoping you're doing better.

    Mena, hey. Don't tell me you're just a material girl? I've done all this nagging and can't draw you out. Liz sends you you are! You receive an afghan in the you are! I'm beginning to see a pattern. TAG, your IT!! hahahaha

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, it's good to have you walking the perimeter again. It's a nice sunny day here, but very cold. We had snow flurries yesterday, which is pretty rare for this time of the year.

    Peggy, good to see you!

    Robin, I'll PM you, I'm glad to see you posting again. I really missed you.

    Now that I know I have a plan to work on my depression, yes, I admit it, I do feel better. I'm sure it will take a little time, but I like this plan better than the one the neurologist had. The topomax just made me feel lost in a fog.

    Here is a medical question--the mri report says "There is evidence of degenerative disc disease at C4/4,C5/6 and C6/7. Once again, the changes are most pronounced at C5/6 where there is fairly significant osterior marginal osteophytosis, slightly more pronounced on the right side. This has worsened slightly in severity since last study...." There is more, but I won't bore you with the whole thing, however, my question is, if is more pronounced on the right side, why does it hurt the most on my left side? My right side doesn't even hurt. The left hurts like crazy. Am I missing something?

    Thanks for the positive on the Cymbalta. Right now my biggest complaint is the expense. Insurance only pays one third, so if it works, I'll have to get it on mail order, that will save some money.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    OK! This will be my last post for a while. Off to the world exercising and auditing charts.

    Cheri: Thanks, I feeling much better.

    Sheri: Thats a bit confusing. Im wondering if its related to the bone affecting the nerves?


    See ya all later

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies!

    It's bright and sunny here this morning, but still cold I think. I'm more than ready for warm weather!

    Robin - hope you slept well last night!

    CY - Glad to hear you've been having nice weather at least! I just saw some beautiful hydrangeas for sale at the grocery store of all places! Purple, white and blue. I think they are my favorite flower after daisies.

    Tracey - I don't get it either, why wouldn't you take a job that sounds like a promotion with a pay raise? Would you be the manager of your former co-workers? I know that can be tough sometimes, but is doable if everyone acts professionally and there aren't any co-workers who feel like they deserved the position, etc. I agree, you need to ask a lot of questions about what would be different, and absolutely go for it if you think it's a good idea.

    Hey Ginney - I'm glad to hear that you are feeling positive and strong. I understand what you mean about having mixed emotions about spending time here. So supportive and empowering, yet can sometimes feel like it keeps cancer in the forefront of your mind. I can only imagine that the second dx is just more of everything - more scared, more strong, more everything. I always love your posts, your contributions to this board are always positive, thoughtful and kind. I don't want to speak for anyone else, but my guess is the general reaction will be, "read when you can, post when you feel good about it, be well, and know that we love you too"

    Iris - Glad to see you back, and glad that the alarm system is working. I think they pretty much expect to come out for a least one false alarm whenever they install one of those! You made me laugh about the cell phone. I got mine 3 years ago now I think, and I am holding onto it! I told the guy I just wanted a phone that was a phone, I didn't need it to take pictures, send e-mail, be a calendar or access the internet, I just needed to be able to reached if my son was throwing up a school and needed to be picked up! He thought I was crazy but I LOVE my simple little phone!!

    Nicki - OOOHHHH! I love really good licorice! Totally get the freaking out since the EE thing, sorry that you're having a tough time. Hope your onc is nice about it. One of the things I really hate about bc is that we are responsible for dx a recurrence or mets. It's up to us to determine if an ache or pain is just an ache or pain or if it needs to be brought to the attention of the onc. About one year out of treatment I started having serious pain along my spine and both sides of my rib cage (cancer and non-cancer.) After it had been going on for 3 weeks I called my onc and was shocked to find myself having a bone scan the very next day! Well of course it came back negative, and I swear she kind of gave me the "every little ache and pain isn't cancer" look/lecture. So of course now I hesitate to say anything hurts, because I don't want to be accused of crying wolf. It's frustrating! Anyway, if it comforts you at all, I've had hip and femur (that's the thigh bone right?) pain off and on for a year now. I think we had the same chemo (DD AC/T?) and I had a really bad reaction to the taxol and sometimes think it just permanently messed up my bones. It certainly permanently messed up my nails!! Stay strong and try to enjoy the weekend. And speak up for yourself on Monday! You know we'll all be right there with you!!

    Vicki - I might just copy you and light myself a fire too! I'm alone this weekend (Warren is at his Dad's) and I don't have any plans today except cleaning, bills and those darn taxes! A fire, a cup of tea and a good book sounds really good to me right now!

    Cheri - OK, I need something to do with my free time (since I'm not doing the things I'm supposed to be doing, like exercising, cleaning, etc.) so I think I will check out this knifty knitter situation this weekend! Now, I am able to knit a square or rectangle using regular knitting needles, I just make mistakes along the way. I'll have to check out the thread about the afghan and see if I can get involved. I'm assuming that even the squares that are made with more love than skill are welcomed!! LOL

    Sheri - First of all, I'm glad to hear you're feeling even a little bit better. Every little bit counts. I know nothing about backs or spines, but I do know that when I hurt my muscles in my back on my right side, my left side hurt worse after a time. It was something about the bad muscles pushing the good muscles out of shape as well, and me holding myself in a weird way to protect the bad muscles that actually strained the good muscles. Does that make sense at all? I'm not sure it would relate to discs or bones though. You can see how it kind of make sense with muscles I guess. I am so sick of ins co not paying for stuff! I hope you are able to work it out on mail order so it's not too expensive.

    Now, I have a question for you girls... It has been pointed out to me that when someone tells me soomething, I respond with a similar story of my own, and that this is annoying. I re-read my post, and I definitely do this. In my head, I think I'm trying to say to the person, "you're not alone, I can relate to what you're saying, etc." I'm really trying to take this criticism in the spirit in which it was intended, cause I would never want anyone to feel that I wasn't listening, empathetic or that I was trying to "one-up" them. What do you girls think? Do you think it makes me come across as only thinking about myself? No matter what, I'm going to be conscious of it now, but I'm truly interested in your honest feedback. One of the things I try to make sure I do post-ca is to really live in each moment or whatever that expression is. Not to be sitting there thinking about everything I have to do if my son is taking 10 minutes to tell me about a scene from a movie that I've already seen a hundred times! LOL The suggestion was that instead of talking about a similar experience, I just say that a similar thing happened to me once so I can really understand how you feel. I don't know, even as I write this out I'm realizing it's all a matter of degree I guess. Anyway, thanks for listening!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Ginny so good to hear from you. Sending you a pm. want to talk more about working on your own. I'm trying to do the same.

    Nicki, shame you have to work on the weekend but as cold as it is, why not. My husband told me once I was overweight. I'm exercising and dieting and when I am "hot" he better watch out. He's gonna have some competition. LOL

    Sheri hope you are feeling better soon. It's hard to work on depression while you are in pain. Of course you are depressed. You are in pain.

    Cheri, you get a little bit of sleep and you are down right chatty!

    Tracey, if everyone is telling you to be careful...i'd be careful. I've turned down managers job cause the stress/pay just was not worth it. If your boss when you become the manager isn't good, it can be a horrible situation. I'm not saying that's the case, just that being a manager isn't always great.

    Iris, I don't know why I missed this. I didn't know you had been broken into. that's horrible. There's nothing worse than being afraid in your own home. thanks for the tip about recording numbers and finding receipts. I'll have to add that to my list.

    colleen, I'm doing pretty good. I can walk without a cane. I still have problems with stairs. I am going to a physical terrorist who is really very sweet. she tells me I am doing fine. I hear that it is about 6 months before you feel good again. I'm at 10 weeks.

    Christine, GO CARDS!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Ok done exercising and have 15 mintues before I leave, so of course, I had to sneak in again.

    Colleen: You described the pain Im feeling exactly. It just like the pain from taxol/taxotere. I forgot all about that. Now what is this about it pointed out to you that you answer with similiar stories. I do that ALL the time. When someone says something, it usually reminds me of a similiar experience. You would see I do that alot in many of my posts. There isnt a wrong or right way to posting. So I say - dont worry about how you post. Just keep posting! So just shake away having any second thoughts about what your write.


    Good Morning to ya Susan. Hoping you have a nice day. Give my husband competiotion?


    Ok. This time I mean it. Gotta go. Have a wonderful day.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!

    ohhhhh this has been a super long week!!! glad its my friday!!!!
    jankay sorry about the parkinsons.. i really dont know much about it but i am going to definatley google it to learn more!! is this the jankay from the chat room????

    robin i am sorry for your situation.... that is truley horrifying!!! i am thinking about you and sending you all my good vibes!!

    siege so good to see you!! i miss seeing your posts.... hope all is going well!

    ok i had a few drinks last night and just blah blahed on...
    so right now i work for a hotel and was told i would be ass manager but......... i am doing all the work a ass manager would do but they have not offically titled me... the company i work for now is paying for a managers course through the college...i have 3 more units to finish to complete it... so anyways i do love my job.... i have a great boss... good shifts for the most part and we do have benifits but i dont use them as my hubby has a good plan through his work...
    so this other job is for SAAN stores,, which is like a clothing store but they are adding lots of other stuff..... so i guess like a mini walmart but not quite the variety of stuff... the store is only about 15,000 square i have been offered the managers position there .... and right now the staff is in shortage... they start there reg employees at 9 bucks a hour which is low... starting wage typically is around 10 or 11 bucks a hour around wage would be just about 16 bucks a hour if i calculated that on a reg 40 hour week.... but with such staff shortage i could be working 60 hours a week.... right now the store is only open to 6pm but with summer coming up that will change to 9 pm..... this store has had managers that havent stayed long and i question this... i have talked with a girl that used to manage and she says no dont do it.... i think most ppl say no dont do it because they think i will be the only one working with the staffing i know i am blah blah on again...
    i am totally confused and dont know what to do.... thinking i will talk with the boss today and ask for a friend to friend opinion i guess!!!!
    well back to work for now.....
    cant wait for my after work nap!!!!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Girls!

    I've read most of the posts...without taking notes. So, in advance, I love all of you and hope everyone has a Great Weekend in this Sun-deprived country of ours!

    NS: I've been keeping my eye on you. How is it going without the drains? I know you are going back to Dr. this week, but see what happens when I don't take notes! Did you get rid of your possessed microwave? Hugs and prayers to you, and your posts always carry a great sense of wisdom.

    Cheri: Wow, give you 12 hours of sleep and you are raring to go! I must really are one Funny Lady. Never quite know what's you gonna say next! (that is a compliment!)

    Colleen: Pay no attention to whoever said that about your posts. I think we all have a tendency to "relate." I don't think any of us are intentionally trying to "steal the show" or "one up" anyone. Most of the time, we ask if anyone has had a similair experience, and the rest of the time I think it reminds us of a similar experience. I find comfort in knowing I'm not alone with so much crap going on in my body.
    Keep posting, I love ya!
    Also, The period thing was just a one time thing. Not to be confused with a "one time fling!"

    Sige: Love the Barbie Pic!

    Nicki: Enjoy the slippery nipples before you get the mipples! Oh, those were the days!
    My DH, has been supportive with me through this whole adventure. But, they don't get it. Nobody but the 40,000 ladies on this site get it. It's over when it's over. They don't understand our fear of recurrance. How our minds turn every ache/pain into mets. That's why I feel so blessed to have found this site and you girls.

    Robin: A bruise behind the ear? I missed something. I know Mr. Ass needs to get the he** out and fast, but am I right in assuming the "male thumb print" behind your ear is from him? I'm so glad you are remaining strong in your decisions and seeing your attorney. Utilize all the advice he gives you, get rid of the Ass and we'll help you pick up the pieces.

    Jankay: Brain Surgery? What's up? I was gonna congratulate you on the 2007 model of matching boobs, then I remembered something about Brain Surgery. Goodness, please fill me in.

    Tracey: Can you try the job offer, and if it doesn't work for you can you go back to where you are? I can feel the frustration over trying to decide what to do. I've been knowing for quite awhile that I have to make a change..but my feet are locked to the ground and I can't seem to make myself do it. I wish you the best. And make sure that whatever you do, that it is your decision.

    Dryer just buzzed, so I'll be back in a bit!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Nicki and CY just a quick note..that blue flower is just a flower on a bush not a hydrangea..don't know the name of it though...
    Happy Saturday

    here are some more roses from my next door neighbor's yard.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Colleen, I don't know of anybody who doesn't do that. I bet if the person that pointed out to you would read back through their posts they would find instances where they did it too. We all do. Don't worry about it just post the way you always have. don't sweat the small stuff.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Just popping in.

    Colleen, I can't believe anyone would actually pm you with that either. Doesn't sound very nice. I wouldn't worry about it. If they don't like your posts they can just scroll on past them if it bothers them just like some do with my posts. Its a messageboard and there is room for everybody.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning All,

    I couldn't sleep last night either (wonder what's up)...anyway took a sleeping bill at 2 a.m.....

    Hugs to all....just too crazy at my house to stay on computer very long. My puff ball dog is even growling in her sleep if she even hears JAKE's name said.....DH NOT happy with this situation!!! DD is flying to Oklahoma Sunday and leaving JAKE with us until Wednesday…..not good, not good.

    Ginney, thank you for posting…I am glad you are okay and understand the need to go away for a while.

    Tracey Good luck deciding on the job. Sometimes former employees can give you more insight on what the job situation will be in the new position. Tough decision my friend, but you will make the right one….

    Deb, you gave great advice to Tracey…a pro and con chart will put it all on paper..
    Glad to see you were feeling better…I really to try to take each day a second at a time (however, that doesn’t even work sometimes)

    SoCalLisa:great picture…we have blooms in this southern zone at this time.

    Nicki, we will be there with you Monday. Glad you will talk to your doc about doing scans

    Vickie, I saw on the news that you were getting snow…time for Spring in your area..Wishing you some warmer weather next week.

    Amy, Mazer was on my mind yesterday so I grilled Vet daughter about donkeys….she thought I was crazy but inquiring minds want to know.

    Cheri, my MRI showed problems at C4, C5, C6 & C7...bulging disc, etc. anyway HATED this ortho doc I saw...he said do physical therapy and take Advil, Aleve, Aspirin for pain and muscle relaxers...well He-double L...guess what-- I now have more burses than you can count on my body and hurt all the time....I don't know what your doc will say....let me know and we can compare notes. I don't think these doctors realize that chronic pain, in and of itself, can cause depression. Add BC and chronic pain and you have a combination for misery. Good luck....I really and truly do feel your pain and anxiety. It SUCKS...I'm crying right now because I feel the exact same thing....

    Susan, those physical terrorist are working you hard…but walking with no cane is GREAT.

    Cheri, you got lots of sleep. I was on this site at 2:00 a.m. this morning and it was pretty quiet…..

    Iris, I’m sorry it is taking time to get everything settled….that was such a disruption in your life

    Betsy, missed the post earlier concerning your hip surgery…are you having hip replacement?

    Jan, can’t believe the MM maced your Labrador…labs are not aggressive animals.

    Robin...take care of Number ONE - you!!!

    Colleen, I am as guilty as you are about throwing in “me” comments…life experiences are what we share, the good, helpful, bad, ugly, beautiful, etc.. See I just did it….

    Jeanette, so sorry about the passing of your Aunt and friend

    CY, great to see you back.

    Seige, great pic

    Missed many, but DD needs the computer…therefore this is not proof-read…sorry for all errors and omissions…

    Have a good thinking about each and everyone...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, I would like some advice and I know this is going to sound vain and silly. But since chemo my nails have been awful and even 3 years out they never got back to where they looked halfway decent no matter what I buy or use. So, I decided I would try the new Nail Center that opened in Walmart and get a manicure to shape them, do cuticle therapy and polish so they will start looking more professional. I've never had a manicure and was just wondering what I should ask for or look out for. I've read that I should bring my own tools for them to use but what do I need to take?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Okay, 5 more minutes on the computer and I've got to get something done!

    Madison: I hope you and DD had a good time with your parents yesterday. Is DD staying for awhile?

    Vickie: Two questions! First: Did you get to see Baby Derrick? What about the job?

    Lisa: Beautiful pictures! However, I'm afraid that if you don't quit posting the beauties, you are gonna end up with a bunch of Circle Girls on your doorstep!

    Amy: How's Sweet Pea? He is to cute! I'm glad you found a Onc closer to home. If I may borrow Alwayshopes phrase, "commuting sucks big pickles!"

    Cy: How is your Dad doing?

    Betsy: Welcome! Hip Surgery on the 23rd.? Sometimes I think that somehow we all signed up for future surgeries and treatments without knowing it! Best of luck to you!

    Deb: How is your shoulder?

    Jeannette: I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. There is so much of this "early death" going around. I'll leave it there. Blessings to you.

    Sherndon: Cymbalta for pain? I have not heard of that, but alot of Meds do double give it a try. I, too often feel like I'm lost in a sea of Doctors that do not communicate with each other. Example: The RX I was given Wednesday. (the $50.00 copay for 5 pills), says right on it not to take if you have tendenitis/carpaltunnel, other joint aches. HELLO-----look at my records. So like any sane, rational woman....I took the pills!

    Nicki: I had forgotten about the strong Cancer factor in your family. Love your last sentence about the parents though! Gotta keep a sense of humor in this game!

    Susan: No physical terrorist today? Take the guy a Chocolate Easter Bunny and tell him to take it easy on you!

    Sunshinelite: Healthy, except for Parkinsons, eh. I'm sure he was trying to be nice..but........that's like Regis Philpin, he just had quadruple bypass and the DR's told him he had the heart of a 19 year old!

    Alwayshope, Iris, Shokk, Jayne and a bunch of others...have a good one and I'll try to sneak back this evening.
    Just having a few over for Easter tomorrow...DH is bustling around here and I'm feeling guilty. I told him to Chill, there isn't that much to do!

  • betsy43
    betsy43 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,

    Just wanted to send thanks to all of you. So many answered my post I just can't remember all the names. However I remember all your good wishes and promises of prayers. Your answers were a great comfort to me. Now
    I don't feel so alone. Please keep in touch. I go for
    the hip surgery April 23rd. As if the breast surgery wasn't enough. Aw well, THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!

    Hugs to all,
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    AlwaysHope, yes, I am so glad to have week #1 of rads behind me! 1 week down, 6 more to go! And I would love to share some of the songs we have done once they are finalized. We are basically finished with a lot of them, but are putting them aside for now and will come back to them to do some final tweaking in a few weeks. Then we are going to get them professionally mastered and reproduced. Hopefully we will get a website up where you will be able to go and listen to them, too. I will keep you posted!

    Jankay, the thought of brain surgery must be pretty scary, but hopefully you have a medical team that can put your mind at ease. Are you going to get a second opinion? That might also help to put you more at ease with whatever decision you make.

    Jan, hope you enjoyed your movie night! I am going to do that tonight with my DH. We have the Royal Tenenbaums from NetFlix to watch.

    Jaynie, I know what you mean about shoving those thoughts away. Sometimes I find myself thinking about how many years I need to at least get my boys through the most formative years (at least 10, but 15 or 20 would be better). But then I think about how I still need my own Mom sometimes (and I am 38!), and I realize that I could never really settle on a number, so I have to just stop thinking about it and try to enjoy every minute of every day!

    Vickie, hi!

    Sige, love your new avatar! And the Barbie!

    Robin, so glad to see you! Keep taking care of you….that is absolutely what you need to do right now!

    Tracey, you have a tough choice to make! I have no words of advice expect that you need to follow your heart!

    Ginney, glad to hear you are feeling so centered! Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself feeling good about your life and who you are and know that we are here whenever you need us!

    Cheri, wow, you must have really needed that nap! Hope it left you feeling refreshed.

    Colleen, I am a little surprised that someone would complain about you always having a story of your own. I agree with you that it helps us connect with and relate to each other! I, for one, usually feel better when someone can post back, saying, ‘I have been through that too!” I think we all can learn a lot from each other’s experiences if we open ourselves up to listening to others. So I hope you don’t stop sharing all your stories!

    Lisa, beautiful flowers! Thanks for posting those pics!

    Had a really nice day yesterday at my friend’s house. We did not get to record any vocals (between her boys and mine they were too loud) but we did get some keyboard done. As my energy starts to return, we plan to go back to performing at open mics in the area! My kids were angelic at the Good Friday service, and also in the waiting room at the rad onc office, so I bought them some extra Easter candy today!

    NS, Nicki, Anne, Madison, Christine, Jasmine, Denise, Susan, Sheri, Deb, Iris and everyone else, I am thinking of you!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Ha - thank goodness for cut and pasting. I pasted my post and then get the message about no longer valid......grrrrr. I'm pasting again.

    Tracey, Deb gave you good advise. Make a list - I know you have been unhappy with your current job. What's the worst that could happen if you don't like the new job? If you leave on good terms and don't like the new job, maybe you could take your old job back. I just read your additional post - talk to your friend and get a second opinion. How about taking a leave of absence or vacation from your current job and try the new one and if you don't like it go back to your old one.

    Colleen, good to see you posting again.

    Vickie, do you want the journal on 8-1/2 x 11 paper or on actual scrapbook paper?

    Ginney, I can totally understand the space you are in. Know that we think of you often. Just drop in occasionally to say hi.

    Iris, what's a Motorola Q? I had a Blackjack but took it back - I'm very technically adept but it had more whistles and bells than even I could use. I have a Razr but don't like it.

    Nicki, I like the new attitude. I think a personal trainer is a great idea. I'm exercising at least twice a week now and I'm starting salsa dancing lessons - figure it's exercise. I'm watching what I'm eating so I'm doing good.

    Cheri, I think I'll have to look eBay for the Knifty Knitter. I don't have a Walmart close to me and seriously, I don't even go shopping any more.

    CY, I'm like Cheri, I don't know what I should journal for Vicki.

    Sheri, glad you are feeling better. Is Cymbalta one of the Walmart $4 prescriptions? Or how about Montel's prescription program?

    Colleen, my son breaks every phone he has had so I started buying used phones on eBay and haven't told him so at least he has a phone when he breaks one. As a side note, I've never thought you were thinking only about yourself. Like you, I post similiar stories, so now I will be conscious about posting because I don't want to come across that way.

    G, how are you doing?

    Madison, on your own with Jake???? Uh oh.

    Jasmine, my manicurist sells the kits so I bought my own a few years ago and she keeps it for me. I couldn't tell you what's in it though, cuticle trimmer, nail clippers, the normal stuff, including the little tops for her electric buffers.

    Time to go do my errands. Everyone have a great day.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Good to see you again Kristin.You need to take care of yourself also.Hang in there..

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Denise:I want to just leave his peaces laying where they fall.No the bruise happened during sugery and not from him.If he ever lays a hand on me he will be dead though.That is one thing I will not tolerate.I got some pictures of the bruise to take to the attorney to bad karen didnt see it until 19 days later I would hate to see what it looked like fresh.