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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I answered some posts and forgot to change pages
    so it was deletttttttted dont feel like doing it again

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Quick pop in to say that

    HERE, 45 minutes from below sea level land...


    I just posted a picture of JAKE and my little dog on the picture thread

    This weather is crazy.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good Afternoon ladies,
    Only got a minute to post as Nate wants the computer back! Gonna have to get another one at this rate. Freezing cold here and snowing. Soooo tired of this gray cold nasty weather. on the 23rd...looks like it's a magic carpet ride for you. We give all the girls magic carpet rides to appointments and bring along the chocolate fountain and all our support and love so we will be there with you.
    Alwayshope...I have never had my nails done but I do know that you should bring your own tools for safety sake. My daughter gets hers done at WalMart and is very pleased with the results.
    Hmmm...lots of girls didn't sleep last night. We need a buzzer on our computers so we all know when someone else is up and sleepless!
    I have not gone to see baby Derrick. I know I told Nathaniel that we would and soon but my heart is telling me NO...STAY AWAY!!! I so want to but I know that he will steal my heart and I won't be able to walk away.
    Still haven't decided on the job and I have to do that this week. Totally torn!
    Deb...where are you?
    Madison...crocheting like crazy here. I think we need to send EE's on to someone else as I have another almost ready. We will eventually come up with an address for her.
    Margaret...HI...8 1/2 by 11 is best. I have some really nice scrapbooking paper that I may use to make it all really pretty. your journal...oh how I loved it! Can I copy some of your pics of Cloe and you and a few others you have here and include them?
    Colleen...never worry about talking about yourself...I do it all the time and it's nver meant to draw attention to myself and away from anyone else...just to show that we all have the same problems.
    Kristin...would love to get to hear your music someday!
    Lisa..thanks for the flowers...wish we had some blooming here. I did buy tons of daffodils at the grocery store for Sunrise Service tomorrow. The tulips and daffodils outside haven't even begun to peak themselves out. GRRRR. No buds on the trees yet either. We may have spring in August at this rate.
    Cheri...did you lay down and take another long nap...where are you?
    Gina...missin you sweetie. You meet your new oncologist on Monday...right? Can't remember anything!
    I really need to figure out a calendar for us all. I will work on that later...promise.
    Nicki...don't work to hard today!
    Ok...Nate is booorrreeeedddd....heehee. He's anxious for spring too.
    Be back later
    Love ya all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, let me know if you need names and addy's to send the afghan onward....My DD has be busy preparing for finals and hasn't asked about EE's addy yet...maybe she will next week

    Dear friends, we still need some suggestions of possible recipients....and THEIR REAL NAMES AND ADDRESSES...

    Thank you so much.

    - - Back to the kitchen to cook - -
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    We have a picture page? I'm gonna look it up. Okay, I crashed and burned this afternoon for no reason. My poor DH hasn't been back in from the garage since!
    This is pathetic, but it all started when I was trying to put a folded rug on the shelf in the coat closet. I'm standing on a little step stool and I just couldn't get it up there. DH was in the living room, and usually he comes to my rescue, but today he didn't. I threw the rug down and said a few "bleeps" and walked away. Mature, huh!
    I finally said to him that I do not like my life the way it is. Okay, I told you this doesn't make sense. It seems to me that everyday I have a new problem. I'm sick of complaining about them so I can only imagine others (not here) are tired of hearing it. I am tired of aching. My feet ache and my kneecaps hurt. Is it the wait I'm asking them to support, or something else. I can't get down on the floor without great planning and god help me if I had to get up fast. Anyhow, I think I blew my ligament in the back of right knee Thursday. Painful! I am actually thinking of going off Femara for a month and see if I improve. Only way I can think of to see if that is what has caused all of this. I was fine on tamoxifen. Another bright idea, eh.
    Anyhow, I am trying to tell myself that this is the new normal....but I can't except that. I literally feel like my body is 20 years older than it is. I read where so many are exercising, and get upset..Most days I'm doing good to just walk. So anyhow today, I've got this short, pudgy buddy on a step stool and the "new" hurt in my leg made me loose my balance. I blamed it on something else to dh cuz,,,just cuz. How can I explain to anyone what I feel like? Shi*! I'm running out of body parts to ache! Hands, fingers, I can live with that..And I will not quit knitting! Okay, I have no idea what caused this rant...and I'm sorry. Give me an hour and my mood will change again!
    I hope everyone has there Cheese out...........ya know, would you like some cheese with that whine!
    Why do we come here all the time? Because there is not a single person outside of this site that knows what we are going through, or can even pretend to understand.
    Love to all of ya's!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi to the Cg's today. DH and I soent a nice long day together and no kids so we can steel ourselves for the onslaught tomorrow, LOL. Thinking of each and every one of you.

    Just one dose of my 2 cents:
    Sherndon, I see you are going to take Cymbalta. DH was supposed to take it but never started it. It was not on the "preferred" formulary at all and was prohibitive price-wise. My suggestion is to see if you can get samples. I know the pharmacuetical company is still giving samples to the doctors' offices because we recently got them. Option two (and this is for everyone to consider with meds) is to request the doctor's office to fill out the Compassionate Care form for you. It should be available and the office manager should know about it. This form enables you to get the RX for free, sometimes a 90 supply at a time. The dr fills out his portion and then you fill out yours, give it back to them, they send it in and the meds are sent to your dr. When my mom did not have a prescription plan or a drug was not covered, she took advantage of it. The dr's office will NOT suggest it, you have to inquire about it.

    Anyway, Happy Easter to everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Just got home and before I read everyones posts I need to share with you a "bizarro world" experience. I think I have mentioned to you in the past that my brother has schizophrenia. Ive also mentioned that I havent seen my son since my surgrey and its been about 4-5 years since I have seen my grandchildren.

    It gets better!!

    The nursing home my friend owns is for mentally ill patients. So my brother is one of the patients there.

    Im sitting in the conference room auditing charts and my son walks in with 2 of my grandchildren to pick up my brother. (I have 4 grandchilden). My son "gives" my 2 grandchildren permission and they come running into the room. Hug me like there was no tomorrow. Especially the youngest. He doesnt remember me as he was too young. I was speechless. Didnt even know what to say. Gave them both one of my cards and wrote my cell phone # on it. Told them to call me anytime they needed something. So what a way to end a very emotional week!

    I had my son when I was 17 and my mom really raised him. I dont know if I should cry cause I was happy to see them, or cry cause Im sad I never got to know them. Its all so very complicated.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Please accept my apology for my recent post. I know better than to attack the computer before sorting out my feelings. There are so many sisters out here with major health concerns and I dare to whine. I know you all understand and care, but I'm feeling a bit sheepish for ranting over something that is out of my control.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Now, let me just start over!

    Tracey: Heres my 2 cents!


    Maybe you have some goofy hours where you are, but you dont have the stress that you will have working as a manager at that store. Also if your salaried, then are you gonna be working all those hours overtime for nothing? I decided one thing for sure after bc, and that was Im not gonna take a job that is too stressful and demanding.

    Now a big pay raise? I might consider it. Someone told you to write down positive and negatives about both. That will surely give you your answer.

    Lisa: You roses are just beautiful. Did ya ever watch Andy from Mayberry? It reminds me of the show where Aunt Bee grew the award winning rose contest. I realized I have Hydrongena in my yard. Planted it last year as a Perennial and its just peaking out from under ground. Hope our cold weather doesnt hurt it.

    Denise: Those echoing words. They just dont get it! And they dont. That is the one reason I come here. No one else really understands.

    Madison: Poor little Jake. Oops poor Madison. But bad Jake really makes me laugh.


    Denise! I got you some cheese for the whine. But its really the wine that makes it better. At least it is for me tonight.

    Beth: good to see you and that was great advice about getting samples of the Cymbalta. Its newer and the drug companies try to rule! Too expensive even though it might be the one thing that works.

    Vickie: I will cath up with you in the morning.

    Jasmine: Man - I dont bring any instruments when I go for manicures and pedicures. I just didnt get them done while I was getting chemo.

    OK! I am tipsy, tired, and need to go relax. Hope you all have a wonderful evening.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone, I've been reading but just not posting. Have some issues/pain/concerns I need to work out. I think of you all daily. It's one of those days!

    Love you all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh Nicki...cry just because. You just opened a door and hopefully it will be a door that leads you to lots of love from your son and your grandchildren. It sounds like they really love their grandma...I'm betting that you will get lots of calls...sending you hugs!

    Denise...sending you big hugs. We all understand totally. I too can't get up when I crouch down. I feel like a 90 year old women some days and hate it when they look at me at work like I'm crazy when I say that I hurt all over. I am off the Arimidex and onto Tamoxifen now so hopefully I will feel better but I do understand. It sucks. Rant all you want...thats why we are here.

    Beth...Happy Easter to you too. I need to check into the prescription thing...this is getting way too expensive!
    I'll be back
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 need to apologize sweet's ok to rant!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Beth, Happy Easter...thank you.

    I have to echo what Vickie said...
    Nicki, great big hugs...a door was opened today and there must be a wonderful deserve every bit of happiness this world has to offer!!
    Denise, don't feel bad about ranting...we ache..hubby asked me why I was crying I need a reason? No, you don't need a reason to rant, you are hurting and constant pain will affect your mood. We understand.

    Liz, can we help? Are you okay?
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    This is jankay. Tracey this is the jankay from chat Alias sunshinelite or janice. Sunshinelite is a nickname one of my nurses gave me because she said i was always smiling.

    Nicki-the surgery is for the parkinsons. It is called
    dbs-deep brain stimulation. It is where they put electrodes in the part of the brain that doesnt work to stimulate it to life. The surgery either works or it doesnt because of the fact they dont mess with brain tissues.

    Nicki my heart also goes out to you when u were talking about your son and grandchildren. How awful it must have been.

    It never occurred to me to take notes. I will learn.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    This is jankay. I am going to try to answer the posts i did earlier when the parkinsons interferd.

    The only thing i have noticed in the various posts is the amount of coonsideration and friendship.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Jankay...I have heard wonderful things about that surgery and hope and pray it works for you! There is all kinds of consideration, friendship and love here. One big happy loving circle...that's what we are!
    Love and hugs
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Good evening all,

    Boy, if ya get busy for a couple days, you come back to 6 pages of posts to read. Wow.

    I’ve missed you all, but it’s been a busy weekend. We took my son to see my in-laws yesterday - from one side of Michigan to the other and back in one day. Whew! And there was a ton of lake effect snow on the trip home. My DH did the driving and I did the worrying – a fair division of labor. Then today I was out early for a First Aid/CPR class. I was recertifying for the umpteenth time, but I was dozing during the afternoon; I felt horrible because the instructor is a good friend, but he understands about me. Not to mention gives really good hugs... This evening I’m starting to get my act together for Easter dinner tomorrow.

    Denise – I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. I can identify with that feeling. Vent away, it might make you feel better! I’m sending big hugs.

    Tracey – I don’t know what to say about your job decision, but I will be thinking of you and hoping you are happy with your decision.

    Lisa – I love all the flower photos. You make me jealous because my daylilies look like this stupid cold spell has killed them. Have I mentioned that I’m REALLY tired of winter???

    Nicki – I can’t begin to imagine all the feelings you must be having. Sending you some hugs.

    I know there were many more things I wanted to say to people, but chemo brain is really bad today. I’m thinking about everyone! I just remembered one thing that was interesting. I saw an article in a cancer magazine in the oncs office that said that they’ve now documented chemo brain with MRIs. The article said it can take up to two years to go away.

    I need to get off the computer, as the boy needs to book his plane tickets back to SC. I’m getting a tear just thinking about it, and he doesn’t leave for another week. I am such a wuss.

    I’ll be busy with church and dinner and family tomorrow, but I hope that everyone has a nice Easter.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I've sat here all day and knitted and popped in & out of the party thread. Seems I was mostly the only one that did. lol I've been in & out of here also, everybody must be busy with it being a Holiday week-end. We're coloring eggs tomorrow with the boys.

    Jankay aka Janice, I mentioned it before but if it makes it easier for you to use CAPS then you do it. Nobody will mind. It amazes me all the things you are able to do. I know typing must be very difficult. I'm glad you are so....stubborn? Bet that's what it is isn't it? lol I'm sure your hard head works in your favor. But then, there's alot of us that keep going cos we're stubborn.

    Vickie, hi ya. You weren't much help with the party thread today or tonight. Oh well. Another time.

    Awwww Neesie, I'm sorry you had a hard time today. Sometimes it just happens to us. All of us. You don't ever have to apoligize for venting that's what we're here for. It'll all be alright. I don't talk much about how bad my ankle/foot hurts all the time for the same reason you felt bad about venting. I just feel like there's so many others that are so much worse off than I am. But we are allowed to vent, too. We all are.

    Hugs to Kristen, Nickie, Liz, Madison, and Anne. I think that's all that's posted since I did the last time.

    I guess I finally wore poor Margaret down. She's ordering her Knifty Knitter. WooHoo You'll love it Mags. lol

    Wishing all of you a nice evening and wonderful Easter Service if you attend. If not, wishing you a wonderful day.

    It's been quite a little bit since I got up this morning at 2:30. I'm beginning to wear down some. Maybe I won't sit here all night!

    Gina & Mena, hoping you both feel better.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Thanks to all....that's why I luv you all so much! Geez, nothing like a hormone deprived, lopsided boob, menopausal blonde venting!!

    I wanted to let you know that Family is coming over tomorrow, so if you don't hear from me, that's why. I didn't want to freak out tonight and then disappear tomorrow! We all are Mother Hens, ya know?!
    p.s. Cheri, I kinda like of my old friends kids used to call me that when she was a tyke!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Well, Neesie, haven't you figured out that I'm just a kid at heart? lol Glad you liked it. Have a nice day tomorrow.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, do you have surgery scheduled? I saw a report on TV but I've never known anyone who went through it.
    Don't worry about posting perfect. We can take the time to figure out what you are trying to say, all caps or no caps!

    Denise, I am also tired of the aches. And sometimes I complain about it. I would love to go off the AIs but then how would I feel if the cancer came back. i would be kicking myself if I had gone off the medicine. it's hard and it's ok to complain.

    Nicki nice story about your son and grandkids. Hope you get to see them more.

    cheri, have a great time with the kids tomorrow.

    Kristen it will be fun to hear your songs. How exciting.

    Jasmine, I'd like to start getting manicures also.
    Margaret, how much is the kit?

    everyone have a wonderful Easter or a really great Sunday.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, hopefully seeing your grandkids today is the start of the healing process for you and your son. Don't you feel like it was fate that you were there?

    Madison, I saw the picture you posted. Both dogs are cute but I know what the devil dogs are like cuz I had one.

    Liz, we're here for you when you're ready.

    Jankay, I take notes but it's more because I like to read and reply and if I type in Notepad and then copy and paste, I don't lose my post.

    Susan, I figure I'll order the kits on eBay - there's a ton of them there - Cheri recommended one for $6 and then I found the same one for $1.00 so I'll pick up one for under $10. I'm not in a hurry for it anyway so eBay works for me.

    Hope everyone has a nice Easter tomorrow. I bought Easter baskets for the grandkids but I didn't feel like doing anything so nothing is planned. I did buy a ham and my sister is coming over (she lives three blocks away) but that's the extent of my planning. Night all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    OK ladies here's my take on the journal, I actually had 4 1/2 pages typed. it covered who I am, where I'm from, what I do and a bit about my family. It also covered how I found out about the BC and how I did with treatment.

    Vickie you are welcome to post it for others to see if you'd like and you are welcome to use any of the pictures I have posted too!

    Thank you all for the continued prayes that my Dad does well. I talked to him last night and he sounds like he is really doing well.
    Thank you again
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    last summer I met a young women that was dealing with the return of the beast. She is a very young women with two young children. I have been following her treatments and her journey ever since. Nothing seems to be working for her and it just keeps spreading. She posted that it has spread yet again. I don't know how she does it but she keeps her head held high and finds the will to live every day to the fullest. She is aware that she very will may not be able to see her children grow up. But is determined to live every single moment she has with us. I pray that we all can find the strength to live life and enjoy they time our maker gives us and to let our loved ones know how much we love them.
    That being said I want you all to know I love you all!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Oh My...I just watched the greatest movie...Stranger Than Fiction...It is sad and sweet and sappy and happy. I am not a big movie person. I usually prefer books, but this one was nice.

    I'm off to bed. Happy easter all.

    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters and Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Yup...up early this morning. Nathaniel was up at 5am...He set up a trap for the easter bunny, he took a little bag of carrots, tied a piece of yarn around them and ran the yarn all the way to his bedroom and when he went to bed he tied the end to his finger. That sneaky bunny managed to get the carrots and not wake him up LOL. I asked him if he was going to keep him and he said no he just wanted to see what he looked like. I got him a dump truck that really dumps for the bunny to fill.
    Tracey...funny pic silly girl!
    Cheri...that's a pretty one!
    Nicki...yup it's Sunday but I'm tweaking your toes anyway. Sending you a hug.
    CY...what a sad story. Makes us all realize how much we love each other.
    I love each and every one of you. I think about you all, worry about you all, pray for you all (whether you believe or doesn't matter), try to make you all smile, wish I could give you all a big hug. You make my days brighter...every day and I don't know what I'd do without you.
    gotta get in the shower to go to the sunrise ya all
    ewww...27 degrees outside...hope we are having the service inside!!!