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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Sunshine sisters! No children in this household, so I miss the excitement of the Easter Bunny coming. And the candy too!

    Vickie: That was a cute story about nate and the carrots. And a dump truck filled with Candy. Geez - he must be excited. Im was raised Catholic and in the days that I was little - we couldnt eat anything until we went to Easter Sunday Mass. So we would have all those goodies. Mom would bake a Lamb cake which was one of my favorites. Ya never saw more children figeting during service than on Easter Morning. Being a skinny kid, I devoured the whole Easter Basket before the day was over. I was a hyper kid to begin with, so can you imagine me flying around the house after all that sugar?

    Liz: I think I know exactly how your feeling. Gonna send you a pm. Hmmmm - see your in healthcare too. Ready to be there anytime to help someone else, but when we need help, we become quietly scared. I hope you know this is the place to come to talk about your feelings. If you have concerns, we can help you through this. Sending you a warm hug. Maybe you can come sit by the campfire with me on a quiet day. Im sure we would have lots to talk about. Gosh - I have known you for almost 2 years! Can you believe that.


    Thanks to all of you about your support regarding my son and grand children. MargaretB: I do believe fate had alot to do with this. I mean how in the world in this big city, did we all meet by chance at a nursing home of all places?
    I dont know about any doors being open. If I know me, I will just crawl right back into my little protective shell that I have been in for years. Im still a little unsettled about the chance meeting. Can still feel the younger grandson hugging me. He was so happy to see me. Had to take an extra xanax last night to get through the emotions of this whole thing.

    Jankay: I have seen some people who have had this surgery and did very well with it. It sures sound scary though. Your poor little girl. 13 years old is a tough age. My dad was sick all through my teenage years. It was hard, I remember that. BTW - you will find lots of people from chat coming here. Im so glad you found us.

    Debc: Have you ever watched the movie "Heart and Souls?" I saw it by chance the other day and just loved it. Had some really good laughs too.

    CY: So sorry to hear about yet another young person having to deal with this stuff.

    Tracey: Only you would find a flashing Easter Bunny. Hahahahaha.

    OK - I know I have missed many. I think one of the hard things about keeping up here is we feel a need to respond to every single person. I just want you all to know, you are in my hearts and if I missed ya this time, Ill catch up with you next time.

    Have a wonderful day.


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    My Voice by Diane Kiser 4/07/07

    My voice was strong. It was loud they say.

    But today, my voice is quiet. Only I can hear myself speak.

    He is beside me, yet I am alone but not lonely.

    A quiet man he was; now a voiceless man.

    My voice is strong. It will be loud again.

    And today, I raise my voice. So that others will hear my song.

    We are never alone, as we stand beside each other.

    A quiet man he is; a voice he will always have.

    Because of you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Jankay...that was a beautiful way to start the day. Thank you. Hope your day is wonderful.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning From Your Sunshine Sisters.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies. Just popping in from my daughters house. No time to read. You won't be seeing me for several more days. My satelite at home died a sad miserable death. Spent 4 pickin days on the phone with tech support in INDIA. Only to come to the conclusion that the dish needs to be replaced. They promised a tech by next friday. I am having serious withdrawl issues here.
    So not fair.
    Anywhos. Happy Easter. Love you all to bits.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Happy Easter Ladies!

    I'm just popping in for a quick hello. DH has been on a busy tear and keeping me hopping all weekend. We've watched movies, done chores, gone shopping. I have no time to post . Now I have to get ready to go to our youngest son's house for dinner. This is the first year I haven't had Easter dinner here. The one good thing about that is that I didn't buy any candy! .

    I have got to get my butt in gear. I just quickly scanned the posts and will try to catch up tomorrow when I have more time to say hi to all of you.

    Bugs and fishes!
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good morning everyone.

    First...Happy Easter. We are heading to friend's house for dinner today. I made a salad and one frind is making lamb.

    This is going to be short because if it's not I'll just be sitting here crying and typing.

    First Colleen, please don't stop posting your experiences. I really appreciate everyone sharing their expereinces. I learn how other cope or what might happen, etc. So Colleen and everyone else please keep it up.

    Denise, I could have written your post. And I didn't think it was whining. I'm just so sick of feeling the way I am. This week my DH had to see a new diabetic doctor. He changed Tony from one of the cap meds to insulin. Immediately, Tony is feeling so much better. One of the SE's of this is you lose weight. Please don't get me wrong. I'm so happy he's feeling better and just know when some of the weight he's dealing with is a thing of the past, it will be great. But crap. I weighed 170 when all this began 2 years ago. And at 170 I needed to lose some. Now, 2 frigging years later I'm at 213. I was laying in bed last night feeling my huge stomach. I can see us in a few months passing each other. He'll weigh less than me. THIS STINKS!

    I'm teary all the time any more. I'm ready to throw in the towel at work. I didn't even go to church today. Easter Sunday of all days. And I could care less right now.

    Ok, I need to just chill out. I'm hoping to get through this week without killing my new boss or getting myself fired. I've never been like this. If you hear about a wild eyed partially balding fat 53 year old in TN who went on a rampage, well just send cards to the Washington County TN jail. That's where I'll be.

    I'll be better, I promise. It's just been a bad week with another bad one coming up. Sorry for being a downer, but I need you guys right now.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    (((Betty)))...oh my I'm so sorry it's been such a bad week. You are beautiful no matter what size you are. It's what's inside your heart that matters and you have a big heart. Have you tried antidepressants...they have completely changed my life and don't know what I'd do without them. Still have my weepy moments but it isn't overwhelming any more.
    Now I'll have to watch the news!!! We'll come break you out...that's what we are here for. To pick you up and dust you off and send you on your way to a happier day.
    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    aauugghhh...bad Jake found the Easter bunny!!!
    heehee...sorry ladies...couldn't help myself
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Hope all of you gals are having a great Easter.I feel like crap.I have got something going on in my head and chest.coughing,congestion,wheezing you name it and I am sleep and tired.I am going to try and trick Noelle into taking a nap until her mom gets home then I am going to bed and might not get up today.
    I wanted to go shopping today but it is so cold to add to my crappy feeling I havent made it.The Evil just left so I can relax.
    talk to all of you later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Betty –

    I'm sending you the biggest cyber hug I can muster up. I know that when things are dark and you are in a pit of sadness it is hard to see the edge. It is up there above you...I promise. The sun is shining up here and all your sisters are up her offering you a hand up.

    It is sometimes hard to know what will upset me these days. I know you don't mean anything bad toward Tony...but I do understand what you are feeling. I sometimes feel like people are moving beyond me and I can't catch back up.

    I have learned that when I have days (or weeks) like that I try and just slow down and appreciate the little things in my day. If I really focus on one little joy in my life...if I really squeeze every bit of joy out of that one thing...I feel better. It can be something very small like the smell and taste of a cup of lemon tea, or reading a beautiful book, or just watching the fire in my fireplace. I don't know why it works. I have a friend that accuses me of "faking" being happy. Maybe, at the beginning, she is right…but the happier I act, the happier I become. I don’t mean to say you should plaster on a fake smile to make other people happy…but instead, that you should find the joy you DO have…the happiness that this damn cancer has buried under crap, and claim that happiness for yourself.

    I hope this makes even the littlest bit of sense to you. I worry sometimes that my posts sound like a warped hallmark card….but I can feel the pain in your post, and I wish there was some way I could help take a bit of it away. Look for the love and joy in your life and grab some of it back from the beast.

    Don’t worry about missing Church. God knows your heart. Church is just a place. It will still be there for you when you need it…and so will God.

    Sending you heaps of blessings and prayers.

    Deb C
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    Hey CG'S, no happy easter at my house, rocky was picked up good friday and today he will have his easter meal with inmates, he gets sentenced monday i think 6 to 10 years sorry but i had to come home and let my family know my heart is breaking dont know when i come back but love yo all and no more prayers i am gonna start hitting the blue drinks i have not drank for 4 years now recovreung alcoholic, guess im gonna just drink my blues away love you all pup
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Robin-

    Hugs to you too! I'm late, but wanted to say Happy Easter. We must have been posting at the same time...

    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    (((PUPPIE))))you dont need a drink to get thru this,find your inner strenght girl.It is in there.The bottle will always let you down.
    Thanks Deb.
    I will always remember you girls in my prayers and you are never far from my mind.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Wow! I just wanted to pop in before I get ready to go to my SIL for dinner. Just sending great big HUGS to everyone.

    Betty: I truelly understand. We are close in the weight thing!

    Robin: Sounds like bronchitis. You might need an antibiotic.

    Puppy: Though shall not drink. Orders from me.

    Catch up will you all later.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Happy Easter!!!

    Oh my, some big hugs need to go out to so many.

    Puppy, draw from the strength of everyone here. You, Betty, Mena, Robin, ALL of you were with me today at Easter services. Remember, that there are times when we can't pray..I don't think there are very many people that have not experienced this situation. These are the times you let friends pray for you...

    You, each of you, are never far from my thoughts..from all our thoughts...

    Hugs, Madison
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, that sure does look like big bad Jake. DD flew out to OK this morning and we have "custody" of Jake until Wednesday night...

    DD taught this dog to hug he jumps up-wraps his paws around your waist-puts his head on you and "talks" to you....He won't settle down until he gives everyone a hug...
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    I wanted to wish everyone (who celebrates) a very Happy Easter. I get to celebrate both Passover (I'm Jewish) and Easter (my husband's not). I'm cooking, which is something I don't usually do . . .

    This has been an awful week for me also. All I seem to do is cry - at least when I'm either driving or home alone. Every ache and pain, of which there are now many, I live in fear. I have a horrible toothache and I've never had one before. My dad was a dentist/oral surgeon and doesn't it just figure I get my 1st t.a. when he's no longer here.

    My husband, who under normal circumstances, is a wonderful person, started drinking again after 18 years. Yesterday, he went to play golf, was supposed to be home at 1:00, called at 9:50 p.m., drunk and asked me to pick him up -- I told him to take a cab. Thank God for Al-Anon. Anyway, he drove home and I found him sleeping in the car. This is NOT the man I married. Not only do I feel like I will never have my life back, but I will never have my husband back either.

    He's leaving for Taiwan and Soeul on Thursday (for business) and I can't wait to have some time to myself!

    Sorry to whine -- you girls are all I have with this situation cause I won't share with our friends.

    Love, Sue
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Just a quick note to wish everyone a blessed day.

    Sending chocolate covered hugs your way.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Denise, I had to reply to you before I even finished reading the rest of the posts. You must have read my mind. I hear you sister! I am so tired of my body betraying me every time I turn around. I've been in such a funk lately, that I finally saw my pcp Friday and he looked at me and said that I'm depressed. Now, he also said the other things are valid, but because I'm so beaten down by all my problems I'm depressed. I'm not saying you are, but I guess I needed to hear it. Whether you are on meds or even want them is another story, but don't be too hard on yourself. Do what you can and try not to feel guilty when you can't. I'm not exercising either, so don't feel bad about that. Just getting around on a daily basis is about all the exercise I can handle right now.

    You are so right, people here do get it.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Seems like lots of hugs are in order today.

    CY, glad to hear that your dad is doing so well.

    Jankay, I seem to recall that someone on the board had brain surgery - girls, anyone remember - was it Shelliks? I admire your positive outlook.

    Vickie, if it makes you feel any better, I heard yesterday that Oahu was 27 degrees - when Hawaii gets that cold, you know it's cold!

    Nicki, I'm sure yesterday was an emotional day for you. I'm a big believer in fate. Can you put that shell aside and call to talk to the grandkids? I seem to remember that your son had changed his number - I hope the chance meeting was the start of a new beginning for you and your son.

    Betty, sending your warm hugs from California. It's awful to end a week bad but to start another week bad...wish I was there to give you a hug in person instead of a cyber hug.

    Puppy, don't pick up the bottle, it doesn't help. We'll do the praying for you.

    Sue, did something happen for your husband to drink again after 18 years?

    Here's a helping hand to those who need it.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    I just finished reading the rest of the posts and it sounds like there's been a lot of us in a dark place lately. I think my dr thinks the depression is making me notice all my aches and pains even more than usual, instead of being able to discern the ones that are truly worrisome. For me, that is a big milestone.

    Deb, I call your philosophy "Fake it until you feel it". We use it alot in acting. It usually does work. Sometimes it works so well most of the people around me think I'm just peachy keen wonderful. This week was different, you could tell I wasn't "right". I'm feeling better already, just not sure if it's the Cymbalta (too soon, I'm sure) or dropping the other med. It really put me in a fog.

    Just took dd back to school. She's down to her last 4 weeks. I can't believe her first year will be over. I am really proud of how she has matured. I do believe sending a child away for college can be a great experience.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Puppy - I know you can get through this. This is for you.


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hi ladies,

    just got home from grocery shopping and got my turkey in the oven.... gonna be a late dinner but thats ok...
    well i went in today and talked with my boss.... i told him about the other job offer and he thinks the pay sucks for the position and with staffing shortages i will be working 12 hour days! but he didnt say not to do it he thinks i have better potential then that!! so he is going to give me a pay raise.... he also said he was grooming me for when he left this hotel then i would be next in line for the managers job he figures in 2 to 3 yrs they will move to there summer home!!!
    so....... thats over with.... hahahahaha
    oh ya doing up my turkey, with mashed potatoes,yams, carrots, broccoli, cranberrys, and my favorite stuffing
    going to go sit outside and enjoy my drink for a while so see ya soooooooon!!!!!
    hahahah nikki glad you liked the flashing bunny

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Home from dinner. And Im stuffed, just like my picture. Lots of food, lots of family, lots of fun.

    I'll catch up with you all in the morning.

    Time to enjoy the eveining and watch the Soprano's.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Wow, the house is quiet! Hope everyone who celebrates had a nice Easter. Ours was small this year as the family is getting scattered around. My dd and sil and granddaughter along with my Mom and a Sister. Good enough for me!

    Nicki: I forgot to thank you for my cheese last night! The pic was perfect!!

    Betty: Thank you, and I hope we can hope to pull you forward also.

    I haven't read but a couple of posts cuz the kids just left and I am pooped.
    Want all to know that I'm thinking about you and I will talk to ya in the morning!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    this is a hug for all of you having a bad day, week...etc. Wish I could be with all of you and hug you personally.
    Puppy...sending you warm hugs. Stay away from the know it won't help. I am here whenever you need me. Send me a pm or email. If you need to talk send me your number and I will call you. Praying for you and your family anyway!
    Deb...I'm with you...I feel like everyone around me has moved on and I'm lagging way behind. I decided today that I don't care. I will catch up when I am ready. I will take it one day at a time.
    Nicki...your picture looks like I did this afternoon! Nate and I both took a nap and it felt so good. Think I could have slept till morning though.
    Margaret...ooooo...that's cold for Hawaii! We aren't getting warmer than 40 all week by the looks of things. Maybe next week.
    Hugs for Denise, Betty, Sheri, Sue, Jankay and Liz.
    Mena...where are you? Cheri...yoohoo...haven't seen you today.
    Tgirl...hope your day was fun filled.
    Madison...spent my afternoon (when I wasn't sleeping) crocheting. How is bad Jake behaving...he's a little big to be giving hugs!
    Is Shel still in the Keys...lucky girl and she was supposed to pick me up!
    I love ya all...sorry to all I missed...gotta get back to crocheting.