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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 more thing. Sarah's surgery is at 10am tomorrow morning. Dear husband (NOT) is not going with her and she is going alone. Can she have a magic carpet ride? Cheri...will you drive? She loves roller coaster rides LOL. I am very worried about her bleeding disorder. Send prayers her way if you can. I will let you all know when I hear from her. So very much wish I were there with her. Putting it in God's hands to care for her since I can't.
    Thank you and hugs
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Happy Easter to all that celebrate!

    Yikes, I should have been more clear! It wasn't anyone here who gave me the constructive criticism, it was a friend. And I really don't think she meant to hurt my feelings or be mean. It was more of a "you do this a LOT" thing. But everyone who said, "I love you just the way you are..." to me - a big thank you. Denise, Cheri, Jas, and then I stopped reading to post this. I have 67 posts to read, and then I'll be back!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Well, we had the kids over for the easter egg hunt this morning. Funny watching them pick them up with gloves on! What happened to Spring?

    And Vickie, know how our docs tell both of us the memory thing is due to lack of estrogen? Well, you can't take pics without batteries in the camera because I forgot to buy more batteries! Sheesh!

    {{{{{Puppy}}}}}You know how much I love you, my sweetest sister! I was glad we talked tonight on the phone. If having a good cry helped then that is good. Don't you dare forget that we are here for you through good things and bad. And good to hear the blue drinks didn't get near your lips! You go girl, you can do it and we are here. Now go get some dinner or I will have to come down there with some of MY home cookin'. And remember, I'm a Yankee!

    Speaking of memory loss, I also forgot that we had tickets to the theater this afternoon. So, after the kids left, it was noon and mom is calling, when are we picking her up? So we dashed out of the house and after the show, we went to our oldest son's for dinner. If you ever get a chance to see "Enchanted April" do it. Great show. It really lifted my spirits.

    For all the rest of our dear sisters who are not feeling up to par, please know how much we all love you.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, praying that Sarah's surgery goes without a hitch.

    Nickie, I'm so very happy you got to see some of your grandchildren! Your son must keep a picture of you or the youngest one would not have known who you were. It also means that he talks about you. I pray this will open the door for you to see more of them!

    Beth, My SS wasn't talking to his Dad for about 6 months. I would call every once in a while to see how the baby was and he finally called us one day out of the blue. I hope that your SS will figure out that family is important and call too!

    We had a beautiful morning for the egg hunt and then I came home for a nap and found it raining again. Typical Seattle weather!

    OK have to get back to the taxes. Does any one know on new home loans what can be taken off on taxes?

    Love, hugs & Prayers to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi CY...can't sleep...too worried...thanks for your prayers.
    I think you can take off any points you paid, any interest, closing costs etc. If you sold a home and used the money to purchase your new home then you don't have to pay the capital gains on the sale of the first home. Use the long form...turbo tax is good and it will lead you through all the questions and most are written pretty simply so it isn't too hard to figure out. I haven't done taxes in the past two years so I can't remember all the ins and outs but will help you if I can...just send me a pm.

    Beth...speaking of memory loss! I DIDN'T TAKE ANY PICTURES TODAY!! Oh my...I ALWAYS take pictures. I am a camera freak...never gave it a thought. geez.

    Speaking of lack of menstral cycle seemed to be returning on Friday...I spotted a bit in the morning and was really crampy. Oncologist put me back on the Taxomofin but whatever it was has disappeared. No sign of it at all. Back to the volcanic hot flashes...what the heck! Maybe I'm still menopausal after all..who knows. I will find out next month at my visit.
    Got to get to sleep...time for a nighttime Xanex I do believe.
    Sarah thanks you all for your thoughts tomorrow, she is really scared. Just wish she weren't alone and so very far away...sorry...whining again!
    Love ya all
    Sweet peaceful dreams and I will see you in the morning.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, just a thought could the spotting be from polyps?

    We did a refinance on the house in Dec. and I thought there were some things I could take on the taxes but wasn't sure
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hmmm CY...I don't know about the polyps...never had that before. I actually think my estrogen levels may be slowly rising and my period are going to return. I am only 45 so the possiblity of that is pretty good. I would like to have my ovaries out my my oncologist wants to wait until Sloan Kettering finishes there study to decide.
    There are things you can deduct on a refinance too...I will try to look it up tomorrow and let you know. Stupid chemo brain LOL!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    I went into full meopause at 41, but almost two years later had three cycles that my GYN/ONC thinks were due to polyps

    I don't know why I waited for the last minute to do these taxes and them I had to go home for over a week so I'm way behind. any help is appreciated I was really bad with my records this past year. Chemo and rads took the front seat!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you and Sarah tomorrow. I don't remember what the surgery is for. (Memory loss!) We'll pick you up and be on our way to support and comfort her.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    vickie- I will be there bright and early for the carpet ride...heck, my time that is still night. Just hover by the bedroom window and yell...I'll hop on. I'll bring leftover ham sandwiches and apple pie...

    I'm sure her tooth will be fine and the bleeding will be controlable. Sending hugs and prayers...

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Hy ladies. I started posting several hours ago and then my husband came in from the road and the kids came about the same time, Easter Baskets, egg coloring and hiding, all kinds of things going on while I was trying to post a paragraph at a time. Had some good thoughts going too. I didn't lose my post but after so long it just sends you back to the forum. I wasn't finished yet so of course I hadn't copied so it's just gone. Too tired to go back through but had read through part of them already. The postings as of late have been rather troublesome. Alot of you having problems and my heart goes out to you. If there's anything I can do to help let me know.

    Vickie, we'll have the Magic Carpet ready earlyl in the morning. Sarah will be fine with he tooth. But we'll be there anyway, and I think Gina sees her new onc tomorrow and there was a few more things going on.

    We brought the 2 little puppies in today for awhile. They are 2 weeks old today. They are just adorable. I took 4 pics to post so I'm just going to post one here and the other 3 I'll post on the Wagon Picture thread. They're so soft and cuddly.

    I'll do better with my posting tomorrow, i'm just too tired toight. Hate it I lost my first one, although it had taken me so long I'd still left out posts from girls who had posted when I first started.

    NS, where are you? Did I miss a post? Hey, Susan, Janny, all the rest of you. Meaner.

    These are my babies down below this post, unless someone posts at the same time.

    Have a good nights rest.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Mindy's on the left nibbeling on Morks ear, he's almost got his eyes open and so does she. They don't look so guinea pig like anymore.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning,
    Yup I'm up early. Didn't sleep much. Thank you ladies for your good wishes and prayer for Sarah. I told her last night about the magic carpet...she thought it was the neatest thing she's heard in a long time. If it weren't for her bleeding disorder this would be a piece of cake but a little bump creates a bruise and a tiny cut can take weeks to heal. Praying she has a good VonWillabrands day! (that's the name of her disorder...pretty much the same as hemophilia).
    Gina gets to ride the carpet too...oh my...put her and Sarah together and it could be a wild day! Sweet Gina...praying you like your new oncologist and get some sort of timeline today as to what they are going to do.
    Nicki...sunshine sister...wake up.
    Deb...thanks and are you 5 hours behind us...I can never remember if it's 5 or 6! We will hover outside your window...probably scare your neighbors again LOL! beat us all up this morning and I'll bet you'll be sleeping in today. What an exciting day you had. Love the pics of the puppies.
    Thanks CY...I will try to find you some tax infor today...
    Denise...thank you. You were up late too! I am usually to bed by 9 at the latest.
    Hope that everyone has a grand day. Lots to do at work today but I will pop in with a Sarah update.
    Gina sweet girl...please let us know how you are when you can.
    Is there anyone else needing a magic carpet ride today? Know that we are there for you...always.
    I love ya all and will be back later
    sheesh...this mothering instinct is pretty powerful stuff. I think I'm more nervous about DD than I was about myself the day of my mast...tell me to suck it up!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I cant believe the week-end is over with. Guess thats cause I was busy both days - no rest for the wicked.

    NS: I hope your doing ok. Miss not hearing from you. I know your appointment is today with your new onc and its gonna be difficult. But I stil believe, that as scared as you are, once you see the onc you will have a treatment plan. Be able to move forward with this whole thing. Please know that we will all be with you. The spirit of "Nutty Nicki Nurse" will be right beside you - and ready to wave her Italian finger at anyone who attempts not to be nice to you. Im sending you lots of love. I be will be right there - holding your hand.


    Vickie: Good morning my Sunshine Sister. I know in my heart Sara will do fine with the surgery. They have taken alot of effort to make the plans. Distorted Humor is in a happy mood as he got lots of left overs last night. So we have no problem swinging just to make sure things go well. What a stupic husband she has!!

    Tracey: Hope your dinner was great. Looks like the decision was made pretty easy. Same job, better money, and not having to work 12 hour days. Sometimes life is just good!

    Cy: Thanks for the kind words about my grand son. He really did hug me tight. My son is another story. When he told them to say hello he referred to me as his mother, not their grand mother. I have been doing alot of thinking since this unexpected and brief meeting. Think I will write my grand children a letter and hope that they get it. Hope all is going well with you.

    Jan: I hope you had a great week-end. I was really busy too, and to tell the truth, it actually felt good. I enjoyed both days and was able to keep my mind busy.

    Sherloc: I hope your satellite gets fixed really soon. OMG! I would hate being without a computer. Im missing you already.

    Betty: My husband now weights 20 pounds less than I do! I look at him and he looks so good. Sometimes I just wonder why it is easier for men than women to lose weight. I struggle with this issue everyday. Then life has to become more complicated with a new boss? Man - jsut take a deep breath. I had some really big issues last year when my administrator was new. I finially just thought to myself, either learn to work her way or leave. Now in the past - I would have left. But its a nice job, no stress, pays well. And things worked out for me. One year later - we get along great. But let me tell you it took alot of work on my part.

    Debc: I feel the same way. Everyone around me seems to be moving beyond and I running after them trying to catch up. I think I have come to accept that I will never totally move beyond this whole bc experience. Im at a point where no one other than my friends here will understand. I realized after this week-end, I must keep myself busy.

    Robin: Im hoping your feeling better this morning. Pretty bad cold virus is still going around. Thinking maybe you should call your onc and get some antibiotics. I really hate COLDS!

    Puppy: When your feeling down, let your friends help pull you back up. I have a special blue drink for you. Fresh blueberries and ice cream put in the blender with a little pineapple juice. You will just love it. You cant stop praying! I need your prayers lol. I take it Rocky is your son? Im sorry to hear this sad news and just hoping for some peace in your life.

    Madison: I can picture Bad Jake hugging and talking to you. He looks so much like my dog "Mister" and sounds feisty too. When I come home from work I have to stick my hand in the door first with a treat, otherwise the dog gets so darn excited he will knock me over. Then he runs around the house crying like a baby. I have to stop everything to hug him and tell him hello. Put Jake and Mister in a house together and it would look like a tornado hit.

    Sue: Toothaches stink. I hope you can get in to see a dentist today. To me, nothing hurts more. I have had toothaches before and couldnt get relief from any pain medication. The husband drinking thing after 18 years must be so hard. Do ya think he is depressed? My husband came right out and told me his beer is his antidepressant. Sometimes life just gets so complicated. Sending you a big hug.


    Odalys: Man it was so good to see you post. Im hoping all is well. Im also anxious to hear how the new job is going.

    Sheri: My goodness, I cant believe your daughter is almost done with her first year. I remember talking to you when she was trying to get into college. Time is just flying by.

    Well, time for me to go. I have an emotional day ahead of me. Busy with work and other things. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    For those of you I have missed, you must know that I have you in my heart.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sunshine sister and thank you. I am sorry all for my preoccupation with Sarah today....know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers to. I would never leave a single one of my sisters out.
    Love you all and hope you have a grand day.
    Gina...really praying that you get an onclolgist like mine...he is simply wonderful!
    Love and hugs to all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning Nicki and Vickie and All,

    Magic carpet ride for Sarah and Gina today. I saw a box of 12 honey buns at the store yesterday so I picked them up for Mazer. Tell Sarah we will try to keep Mazer out of the chocolate fountain.
    Seriously, I am praying all will be well with Sarah.
    Gina, praying you will like your new onc.
    Nicki, you also have an appointment with your onc today....will be thinking of you also
    Cheri, those pups are so cute.
    Sherloc, no satellite, no internet, we'll that won't be fun..hope all gets worked out quickly.
    Nicki, writing a letter to the grandchildren is an excellent idea.
    Cy, those computer tax programs are GREAT. They walk you through the entire process, tell you what you can and can't deduct...
    Puppy, still thinking about you...
    Tracey, glad the job situation seems settled.
    Vickie, you have a decision about your job...gosh, it is so hard to know what to do..good luck
    I'll be back later. Have a great morning.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Betty – I’m so sorry you are feeling teary. Me too. And it’s nice to know I’m not the only who finds it hard to care about much. If we could just figure out the solution. In the meantime I’m thinking of you! I’m baking the cake with the file right now – what’s your flavor choice?

    Vickie – you say you couldn’t help yourself, but the question is did you try? <VBG> It is a funny picture in a gross sort of way – but after 15 years as a Boy Scout leader, I like gross humor. Hugs to you and Sarah, I’ll be praying all goes well.

    Robin – Sorry you aren’t feeling well. There is so much crud out there. Get lots of sleep and fluids, and go see the doctor if you need too!

    Puppy – so sorry about Rocky. I wish I could be there to hold your hand. Don’t go away! We are here to talk, and I think that’s what you need. If cyber drinks and cyber friends aren’t enough, find a Group in your area!! Sweetie, I’m praying for you!

    Sue – Passover and Easter; the best of both worlds! How neat! Hope they were both happy. So sorry about your hubby. Hugs to you too, friend. And we’re here for you to share with! It ain’t whining.

    Time to run. I’m going into work early to try to get our phones and internet issues from Thursday sorted out with XO Communication. If I can’t resolve them, I won’t be back until this evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Vickie and Madison: Good morning to my sunshine sisters.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Sweet Armynavymom!! And many many more.
    Love and hugs
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Happy Birthday Anne!!! Have a GREAT Day!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    I'm ready for the magic carpet so don't forget me. Nicki, don't you have an appt today too?

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Anne...happy birthday...who did I tell you ow handsome your son was...hmmmm..wish I were single

    Ok not much time at work to catch up but...vera welcom back and mena too....

    Nicki, it sounds like I need to make a trip to Chicago ....I want to be there to hold your hand and to share the wine ...let me know...hugs...GF...
    NS, hoping thing are getting better...

    Kristin so glad you are posting too...

    ok off to work, lot to catch up to post a new exercise and check on pinkstock
    hugs to all, anyone want the snow I got over easter?....and lini...where are you? sige?...hmmm....
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I've been without internet access for the past few days due to the April snow storm we had last week. Some trees in the nieghborhood couldn't handle the weight of the snow, so down they went, taking the utlity lines with them. All is well now, though.

    I just have a second to check in, but I wanted to say that I'm ready for the magic carpet rides today. I'll say a prayer for Sarah, NS, and Nicki that all goes well with your appointments and procedures today.

    Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNE!!! Have a wonderful day and do something fun to celebrate!

    Love to you all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    uh oh...I have totally missed something...NICKI...are you on the magic carpet? Are you having a scan today...I am so sorry. Sending you lotsa love and best wishes.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    To all who have appointments or scans, good thoughts are being sent your way.
    Vickie, prayers especially for Sarah! Makes it all the more difficult when she is so far away.
    Anne, Happy Birthday!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Happy Birthday Anne!

    Thanks Nicki:I am gonna have to call the onc if I dont feel any better,my throat is starting to get sore now.

    They are going to admit jasmine tonite at mn can you believe that and start her on pitocin and if that dosent work they are going to break her water in the morning.I cant believe they are starting this at mn.and I am so sick,lord how am I going to make it thru?
    I have to be there.Pray for me to make it past the next 48 hours and we should be back home.If I am amiss that is where I am.Dont know if they have wireless service or not there but will check and see if so can communicate that way.
    I am just so tired.It seems like there is never a time when I can get some rest.Karen dosent understand since she went back to work that I am still on chemo and still tired and noelle wears me out.I like to lie down in the evenings when she gets home from work and she gets so made at me for resting.I dont understand.WHen they were little I would have been overjoyed to have my mother babysite and for free at that.
    Oh well all in all the good deeds out weight the hurtful words.
    I am just so upset about jasmine it has worried me sick for the past 9 months and the time is come.
    Pray for my strenght girls.
    Hugs to you all,will check back in later this afternoon ,I have to do just a bit more cleaning to get ready to bring the baby home,got the majority ready just have to bring the cradle downstairs and put the crib in jasmine's room and vaccum her room then can rest for a few days,the rest can be done when she is able to go thur noelle's baby stuff which is about a ton of clothes.
    Hugs and love to all of you
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Vickie: We are with you and Sarah, and don't you dare be sorry for your concern over her. I just know she will be alright, however I am a Mother and I know those words mean little..we have to see and know first hand that all is well!

    Deb: Is Alaska 5 hours behind us? I was just thinking that you are a night owl! I have to agree with both you and Nicki. Moving on isn't quite as simple with BC. It's not like having tonsils or Gallbladder out..where you heal and all is well. We live with the constant thought of "what if's. Cure, remission, survivor, mets.......not alot of other people have those words in their resume of life. Only this site and all of the dear friends will ever understand.

    NS: Hope we are being quiet enough at your appt.! Can't quite hear what the Onc is saying, so please be sure and let us know. Prayers.

    Nicki: A bit of my post to Deb, was in answer to you also. We are with you today, also. Please let us know how your appt. went.
    An Italian Nutty Nicki Nurse! I like it!!!!

    Tracey: Funny how some things are decided for us! Same job, better hours and more money! Very happy for you!

    Robin: I hope you are feeling better. Inducing Jasmine tonight, eh? Prayers to you and to Jasmine and the new baby. How are you going to make it, you ask? You just will. You are a Woman, a Mother, A Grandmother and Beautiful Damnit! Somehow, we just do. But please put abit of Robin time on the clock. If possible, take a good hour and go to your room. No interuptions allowed.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    Happy Birthday

    Passing you a smore
    Bugs and Fishes...
    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    i was worried about the mn induction myself and I had jasmine call the doc and they said that she always induces them at either mn or 5 am,that they can get a bed easier that way.
    Well after a good cursing from the dh for asking him to carry some totes upstairs to make room for the baby i am good to go.
    talk to you all soon
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Happy Birthday Anne!

