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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Geesh! I got thrown off the site in the middle of my post! Froze right up!

    Anne: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your turn for the teary eyes, huh? I hope you are feeling better...if we could market a cure for the tears, we'd have enough money to find a cure for BC!

    Shirley: No Satellite or Internet..and I thought I lived in the boonies!

    Betty: Hope you are having a better day, dear. New bosses are never easy to deal with. I understand the weight thing. Nicki has said the same thing about her DH. They lose weight so much faster than woman. However, they won't admit it. They just think they are better at dieting. Hogwash!!

    Puppy: I'm going back and reading your post. I do know that you need your cyber friends right now, and we are here for you. Please feel free to ask for help, hugs, and whatever.

    Madison: Custody of Jake! My dd has tried to give me temporary custody of her Weinereimer (sp), ain't no way! The thing is wild and is the one thing that is bigger than me!

    Sue: I hope your tooth is better. I feel every ache a person has with their teeth! Every tooth (except one) is crowned and almost all have root canals. I'm sorry about the issue with husband. I do love the fact that you had the guts to tell him to take a cab! We have talked before, I'm here if you need a shoulder to lean on.

    Gus/Sue: Power is on!! Sad that we are facing WINTER power outage's in April! Go take a HOT shower, heat up some HOT tea, and sit and chat with us for awhile!

    Okay, alot of work related phone calls coming in, so I better "take care of business!" Hmm, I don't work on Mondays.......guess it doesn't matter!

    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Cheri: How could I forget you? Wanted to tell you how cute your little puppies are!
    Also, you asked if you could do anything to help all that are down in the dumps. Just you being You is a big help! Keep it up!
    Margaret, MB, Sheri, Odalys, I have left out so many........Hugs to all of you.

    I'm actually going to call Medical Weight Loss and see if They will give me a quick intro and maybe some prices too!
    Wish me luck!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007


    Whew!! The weekend is over and I have some time to myself again. We had a very nice dinner with DS and DIL. We got to see the two GSs, who were running on a sugar high the whole time we were there. The best thing was, I didn't have to cook and I also bought no candy, since no one came to my house!

    I'm going to try to catch up the best I can. If I miss you, it was unintentional!

    Colleen, please keep posting your experiences. It's the only way we know if others are going through the same things.

    Betty, I know how you feel about your DH losing weight. You certainly don't wish anything bad on him, but I really wish that weight loss was a SE of one of OUR meds!! We all have our bad days. I had a doozy last week. I agree with Deb. If you try to think happy thoughts, sometimes it actually makes you feel better.

    Puppy, oh no!! I assume that Rocky is your son. How awful! That bottle won't do you any good. Just keep talking to your friends!! If that doesn't work, go to a meeting, do something!

    Sue/Ishop, maybe DH is depressed because of your bc. 18 years is a long time to be sober and go back to drinking! My DH is drinking a little more since dx, but I wouldn't classify him as a problem drinker. I think he is depressed by my bc. His mom also died of cancer. Multiple Myeloma. Toothaches Suck!!!

    Tracey, congrats on the raise!! Just think, you'll be the manager soon!!

    Nicki, holding your hand today at your onc visit. You don't have the scan set up for today, do you? I felt good being busy this past weekend also. I got a lot done!
    Did I miss something about you and your son not speaking? What a shame!! I'm glad you got a chance to see your grandkids. I'm with you, I feel like I'll never move beyond either. How can you forget about something so life altering?

    Vickie, we are definately with Sarah today. I can't believe her DH is not going with her! Scumbag! Did your onc run an FSH on you to determine if you had gone through menopause?

    Cheri, hi!! What cute pups!!!! I love puppies and kittens. Oh what the heck!! I love all baby animals!!

    NS, good luck with your appt. with the new onc. Let us know how it went.

    Robin, good luck tonight with Jasmine. I hope everything turns out ok. Please take time for yourself!!! You need the rest. So what if the family gets upset with you. Tell them all to take a hike!

    Has anyone been watching that series on Discovery, "Planet Earth"? OMG!! DH and I are hooked! The photography is beyond belief!

    As usual, I am doing laundry (no, Amy, not yours ). Today is sheets and towels. I have to get the guest room ready for the two GS this weekend.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey all you beautiful ladies.

    I don't have time for a long post, but I wanted to check in. Easter was wonderful. Church services were so great. we had a huge balloon rainbow over the alter that the teens made, there were flowers everywhere, the bell choir played...Just lovely and very refreshing to my spirit....then I walked out into the lobby and got a hug from a friend who whispered in my ear that here daughter was just Dx with BC.

    It felt like a punch in the stomach. I don't know her daughter, but plan on meeting her and trying to be supportive some time this week. Sneaky frickin' cancer. Just when I am having a wonderful day it manages to stick its filthy snout into the room.
    We had everyone here for dinner...quite a crew and we ate so much that we all laid around the living room and groaned for an hour or so and then ate again...then naps all around.

    I also had my shoulder looked at. I have an inflamed tendon where my bicep muscle attaches to the shoulder. I might also have some rotator cuff problem, but if so it is minor. Thanks for everyone’s concern...I think this will heal up with a bit of ice, exercise and anti inflammatory.

    Someone asked what time zone I’m in….well…when I am not living in the twilight zone I am 4 hours earlier that Easter Time. When it is Noon in Detroit it is 8:00am here.

    I slept through most of the carpet ride this morning. I woke up on one especially large loop, but just tucked my head down and snoozed again. How did all the appointments go? I know Mazer got into the honey buns and we had to have a conversation about sharing….but other than that…how did everyone do??

    I’ll be back later to read and catch up
    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Gonna try this again,

    Happy Birthday Anne!


    Well I don't know what's happening with Photobucket, but I can't post any pics. Sorry Anne!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007

    Ishop...hugs and lots of hand holding...but stay strong...MB

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon all,

    Mazer did get into the honey buns but her excuse was that we left so gash darn early that she needed the sugar to keep her awake.

    Nicki-I was outside with Mazer running laps because of her sugar high so what did the doctor tell you?

    NS-same to you-somebody had to babysit you know so please let me know.

    puppy-sorry about your son, or at least I am assuming its your son. I cant imagine the pain you are feeling. We are here for you.

    ishop-same for you. Sorry you are dealing with alcohol issues. Thinking of you. Good for you in telling him to take a cab. Too bad he decided to drive.

    Biker-some friend you are not doing my laundry. Geesh, I thought you loved me?!?

    Madison-ok inquiring minds wanna know,,what did your daughter say about my precious lil Mazer Tazer. Bad Jake looks like my lab, Shad. Madiso-be nice,,thats your daughters baby ya know even if you are in custody.

    Deb-sorry to hear about another person getting hit by the beast of BC. You will be a great inspiration to her no doubt.

    Cheri-wow, what cute lil baby pupsters. Makes me wanna kiss them on the nose.

    Sherndon-hope you are feeling better and at least headed in the right direction. Your pics were great and your youngest son has really grown since I last met you.

    Vera-where are you?

    Mena-hmmmm,,do we have to buy you stuff to make you appear?

    Denise-would be interested to hear what medical weight loss tells you.

    Shirley-contemplating the satellite internet myself,,any thoughts on it? Probably not a good time to ask since yours is down.

    Jankay-glad to see you jumping right in here. The surgery sounds very promising and I am sure your 13 year old in scared. I have a 12 year old so familiar with that age for sure. Mines a boy so a bit of difference no doubt.

    Robin-happy to hear about Jasmine but I know you are worried. Your DH--grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,I need to just smack him and I think I might feel better.

    LauraB-are you lurking?

    Anne-posted a happy birthday to you but going to say it again,,happy birthday. I know you are enjoying your son being home.

    Vickie-Did you see baby Derrick? will be interesting to hear what Sloan says when their study is done. Be sure to let me know.

    Liz-anything we can do to help? Thinking of you.

    Susan-glad to hear you are improving.

    ok gotta run as work is busy but I shall return. Love to you all and I didnt leave anybody out on purpose.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Sarah update...I called the dentist office and she came through surgery ok and is still sleeping. The bleeding seems to be under control so far...keeping my fingers crossed!
    Thanks you all and I'll be back when I hear more.
    Gina...are you home yet?...thinking of you. about you?...thinking of you too.
    Love and hugs to everyone
    I'll be back
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    well this is Jankay. i dont have much too say sso i will just say hello and fill you on the weekend later. i dont feel up to typing rfight now.
    Love Jankay
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I am back- I lost my computer for three days.
    I have to read and catch up because I know that people were having things done today-
    Nicki? How was the onc?
    MY ONC appointment was never scheduled for today- I must have dreamed it. It is actually tomorrow!
    I have a ton of mail to answer but I will be back!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    OK NS, we'll come back tomorrow with Mazer, Distorted Humor, and the Magic Carpet!! We are always up for a road trip! Good luck!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    this is for those of u who know iamhere4u. I just got off the phone with her. She has to start chemo monday. they thought they had the bc contained in the ducts after her double but they have not. she will have tc with a drug
    before,day of, and after chemo. she couldnt remember what it was. she thinks she will have 4 cycles of chemo d..
    Every 3 weeks. she requests to be prayed for. she also gives her thanks aNd love to all of u.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Iamhere4u is in the inner circle where we will keep her safe. Chemo sucks!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Jankay, is this a recurrence or mets for Imhere4u. I remember her from chat. She was/is a fun chatter.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Is it just me or is something up with this website today? First it froze up in the middle of my post. Finally got back on and finished (in another post.) That was around 12:30p and I haven't been able to login or read post since!
    Thought I was a bad girl and the puter police snatched my chat privledges away!

    Vickie: Glad to hear that Sarah is doing okay. Hopefully you will be able to relax a little bit.

    Amy: Medical Weight Loss told me I was Fat! No, No, I'm just kidding. Not kidding about being fat, but kidding that they said that! Actually, over the phone I didn't get much info. but I am going in tomorrow afternoon for a consultation..then I will find out about types of programs. They say that you eat grocery store food, but I know they have somethings you have to buy there too. My SIL did it about a year ago..I remember her saying that she really liked it and something about products can be pricey, so we'll see. They do a lab workup on you first....I'll let you know when I get back tomorrow! How about appt. that I don't need the Magic Carpet for!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Denise, I've had a terrible time on the boards today. I couldn't post a single pic for Anne's birthday. I finally got one posted and when I came back later, it was gone . I couldn't log off, so I just logged off the net.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Jan, Denise and All,
    I think the website has been having problems...couldn't get on the boards at all today.....
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the update Denise. Nothing like being told something that you really dont want to hear, huh? Good luck tomorrow for the appointment.

    NS-I did that with my appointment for this week also. I thought all along it was tomorrow for my chemo and then realized when I looked at my calender that it was for Friday. I'm glad its not tomorrow but really dont want it to be Friday either,,hmmm. Let us know what you find out.

    Nicki-hope everything went well for you tomorrow and I am sure you will tell us all at dark thirty in the morning while I am still sleeping.

    Thanks for the update Jankay and moving iamhere4u right to the center.

    Cant wait to tell mazer we had a magic carpet ride with extra honey buns on the wrong day. She will think thats great news. Honey buns for nothing,,how cool is that!

    Vickie-Thanks for the update on Sarah.

    ok gotta run and stop on my way to pick Tucker up from baseball and get dogfood. With as many dogs as I have its a good thing I drive a truck.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Back to school today. I seem to still be feeling ok.

    Vickie, glad Sarah's surgery went well. I hope it continues and she heals quickly.

    Nicki, how did your onc appt go? Did you schedule a scan? I know these appts are stressful, do you feel any better now that it's over?

    NS, sorry you have to wait another day for your onc appt. I'm curious to hear about your treatment plan.

    Cheri, your pups are adorable.

    Hope this has been an ok Monday for everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Just got home. Spent about 45 mintues with my onc. Had all sorts of questions to ask him. He ordered a bone scan and an x-ray of my right femur. To put my mind at ease. Says that since EE he has been ordering alot of bone scans, so Im not the only expressing concern. CBC was great. He did CA15-3 and CEA. Oh and he did a throat culture cause I told him I have a sore throat. So Im feeling better after I talked with him and if all the test are good I dont have to see him for 4 months.

    Oh and he brought up the fact that I gained 15 pounds. Cant get away from it lol.

    Lord I asked questions and got some really interesting answers.

    1) your homrone status can change with mets. But usually it goes from er/pr positive to negative and not the other way around.

    2) Lots of treatment options out there for triple negative. He told me about one of his patients who had mets to the liver and he used Abraxane and Carboplatin and he mets are gone. She is NED.

    NS: I will send you a pm cause I asked him about xeloda and taxotere.

    Anyways, he says whats up with all the questions and I say, I have many friends here on and Im trying to get answers for them. Then we talked about baseball and other stuff.

    PurpleMB: Im on this crazy bizarro world bus and it wont stop. Why 2 years is such a big deal? I dont know. Seems harders than the 12 yr anniversary. And my grand children - oh no no no, Ive already surpressed that. One day at a time.

    Robin: I swear I just punching the heck outta that black cloud that seems to be following you. I cant believe your daughter is gonna have a baby right when you have this awful cold. Im hoping by now, her labor is over and your a proud grand ma.

    Denise: Italian Nutty Nicki Nurse? Well that really describes me! Im a nut case thats for sure.

    jan: You cant keep up with the stories because something crazy is happening everyday. Im on a wild, wild ride right now. At least when my onc pointed out I gained wt! He confessed that he did too and had to go buy new pants with a larger size. Then he says - hes gonna lose wt and get back down to his regular size. Bets he loses more wt. than me.

    Debc: Glad you had your shoulder looked at. I just want to say, there is BC all around us. Im totally fudging amazing. The women at church felt connected to you. The Church services sounded great.

    Amy: All I can say is for some reason, Im not worried. What will be will be. I felt better after I talked with my onc. Now Ill get these dang tests over and done with. I didnt tell my husband I was worried, but I did tell him about the bone scan. Said its a routine 2 year thing. So at least he's not flipping out.

    Jankay: Sure was good to see you post. Hoping everything is going well. And dont worry about typing with caps. No body would mind. Thanks for the update on Imhere4U! Sure am sorry to hear about her needing chemo. Tell her to come to the wagon circle. We will help her get through this.

    Sheri: Im glad you had an ok day. Better than a bad day. You are such a sweet person. Sometimes I feel so connected to with you. We seem to have so much in common.

    NS: Whew! Glad you back, I sure missed you this week-end. So the appointment is tomorrow. Make sure to bring your list of questions. Distorted Humor is napping. We are both gonna be in that office with you tomorrow when you talk to the onc. How can you go wrong with having the spirit of an Italian nutty nicki nurse?

    Vickie: Sounds like Sarah pulled threw the surgero ok. Thank goodness. See ya in the morning.

    Saying hello to everyone else. I have so much more I want to say and dont have anymore time. I will try to catch up with ya in the morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Ok...keep trying to post and something isn't working right here. I'm sure it's being worked on.
    Trying again
    Talked to Sarah when I got home from work...she is very groggy and sore. They are concerned about the bleeding but she is keeping a close watch on it and packing it with gauze. They think she may end up with a dry socket because of the bleeding disorder as her blood won't clot and told her if she has any pain to come back asap. Whew...what a day.
    Thank you all for your support and wonderful thoughts...I appreciate it so much. Don't know what I'd do without you all.
    NS...looks like a magic carpet ride for you tomorrow. Looks like Distorted Humor and Mazer are going to be there. Chocolate fountain and blue drinks! Hope that all goes well for you and you like your new oncologist. If you don't then give me a call...I love mine...he's great. I'll just have to come pick you up and take you to him and you'll have to stay with me...what fun we could have!
    Nicki...did you have scans today. Thinking of you. Know that all will be well. Hugs.
    Imhere4you in the center of the circle for extra love and attention.
    Hi to Madison, Cheri, Shel, Margaret, Jan, Susan, Liz, Colleen, Cheryl, oh heck...chemo brain...hi to all. Really tired!!!
    I love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Oh my...everyone is posting at the same time LOL. Nicki...glad to hear that your appointment went well.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    I've been gone for a couple of days. Had a good weekend.
    Betty, I have no idea what is going on for you but I can relate to the pain and the feeling overweight. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. If you end up in jail in TN we will come and bail you out.

    Puppy, I still love you and so sorry that Rock is having to go through this. You didn't cause this. He's a big boy and can make his own decisions. Take care of yourself. I will call.

    Robin, well, hope things go quickly for Jasmine and I hope you are feeling better soon. I don't think kids or other caregivers realize how much this takes out of you. Talk to Karen. I'm sure she wants you to be healthy more than anything.

    Nicki, I'm so glad to hear that you feel better after seeing the onc.

    Deb, atnoher friend with BC. You will know just what to do to ease her pain.

    Vicki glad your daughter is doing well.

    Cheri, the puppies are so cute. I want to come visit but I think my work is going to start picking up again.

    Hope you all had a good weekend. I haven't read all the posts but I gather there is a lot of stress right now. This is me giving you all a nuggie. <nuggie> If you don't know what a nuggie is, I'm rubbing the top of your head with my knuckles. It makes you giggle. Kinda like crummy buttons.

    Love all ya'll

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls! Got busy for a couple of days because of the holiday. I usually go 'home' to my parents' house for Easter, but this year it was not really feasible to make the 7 hour trip because of rads. Technically,we could have done it, but we would have had to travel on Saturday and then come back on Sunday and with the two kids it just seemed like too much. So I was kind of bummed. But we had a nice Easter anyway and it was nice to sing at Mass on Sunday (I usually miss singing in my own church at Easter and Christmas since I go to my parents' church).

    Anyway I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

    Happy birthday Anne!

    I skimmed through the posts I missed and it seems that many sisters are struggling. It is great that we have a place where we can go and share with sisters who understand! It is not whiney, but healthy, to be able to express your concerns! Ishop, Puppy, Robin, Gina, Nicki and everyone else, my heartfelt hugs to you. I did not take notes and I know I missed sisters in need, but I swear my chemo brain has gotten worse since I started rads. (Is there such a thing as rads-brain? LOL)

    I am going to try to get out for a walk before it gets dark. Goodnight CGs!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hey girls!

    Nicki, Your onc gained weight?? Mine is kinda pudgy also . But........Being a man, I'll bet he loses more than you. I could just scream!!!!! Some day I'll find out all the "stories". I have lots of my own, believe me! I have some really good estranged family stories! I'm sure all will be well with with your tests. It's probably arthritis, but better safe than sorry! We can sit and exchange stories at Pinkstock!!!!

    All is well on my end of the circle tonight! The holidays are over and things are calming down. I hope all of us can find a little peace in our hectic lives.

    Vickie, thank goodness your DD did well with her surgery!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    hmmm....look at the view outside out circle tonight ladies.
    Peace and calm. Sweet dreams for you all. Many thanks for all your well wishes for Sarah...she thanks you all for being there with her today.
    Too tired to write to everyone and heading to bed with my crocheting.
    I love you all sweet sisters.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    uh oh...sorry that was so big...i think we are nearly to a new page though.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    LOL...and here we are!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Thanks Vickie,

    Peace and a good night to you!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Yes we are!!! Brand new and much smaller!!