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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Nicki I am so glad everything went well.
    jan you crack me up
    Deb-- I hope your shoulder is going to heal soon! I am so sorry about your friend. I met a new girl today too. It is unbelievable what is going on today.
    Vicki I am glad Sarah is doing well.
    Amy, can Mazer wear her hat tomorrow??
    Puppy, there is nothing for you in a bottle... the first sip may be heaven but the next ones are hell and only lead to more hell.... you do not need it. You beat cancer- you don't need any other problems. I am not sure who Rocky is, but whoever he is - he is responsible for himself and you can't help him on the other side of a bottle. I know you can do this and are strong!
    Sue/Ishop, I am so sorry about your DH. That sinking feeling in your gut when you hear "that voice" on the other end of the phone, even after 15 years, is like driving a knife through you...whatever made him start up again is in his his own head and no matter what we try to do we can't change it or him---I just pray he realizes how much better off he was sober than he was the other night. A big hug to you. Be strong and also be good to YOURSELF.
    Susan, I hope your knee is better!
    CY- are you OK with the gyn problems??
    Hey Jasmine--- I still have the possessed microwave but I have a plant on it now!
    Madison, sending you a big hug.
    Kristin- Howareya!Good to see your name!!
    Tracey, GOOD LUCK! With that new job!!!!
    Robin, I was induced- WE COME OUT OK!!
    Denise, what is medical weight loss? A new diet plan?
    Colleen, I LOVE hearing all about you- so don't you stop!
    Cheri, those sure are cute puppies!!
    MB, I am going to ask tomorrow about what I will be doing and where I will be at in August.
    I also just want to say hello to everyone, I am sorry I have been away this weekend with no computer.
    I did this without notes so I am missing a lot of people!
    But you are all in my heart.

    Tomorrow that new doc better have had a good breakfast- SHE IS IN FOR IT!!!!

    BTW- my old onc who dropped me NEVER CALLED HER OR SENT MY RECORDS.

    He is on my list now. Officially.

    I will try to come back later.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi All,

    Just checking in for a minute before I go play with my birthday present. (My son bought me my very own GameCube - how cool is that?!)

    It was a very special day for me because of all the birthday wishes. Thank you for thinking of me! You guys are the absolute best!

    I start rads tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, just because I don't know exactly what to expect, but I think I'll feel much better about 10 minutes after my appointment time.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Anne, have you been mapped already?
    If you have and it is your first appointment for a rad treatment this is what happens-
    You go in, take off your top- they have you lie on a table- they point a machine at your chest and line it up- then everyone runs out of the room and they close a door that is at least one foot thick....
    you expect the world to end but instead you hear a tiny "click" and then they open the door and tell you to come back tomorrow.


    Have fun with your present!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Wow Gina, you hit the rads treatment right on the mark.(no pun intended!) Best wishes Anne, you will be fine..If your markings are done, you will be in and out procedure in 5 minutes. What hospital or center do you go to?

    NS: My favorite word, "WHATEVER" to your old onc, and best wishes with your new. Let us know how it goes.

    Nicki: Sounds like your day with the Onc was pretty informative. I think it took a lot of courage for you to take the step and initative to ask for the scans. I tend to panic and do nothing about it because I'm afraid of the results. I'm a mess!
    I hope you know I was joking about the Italian Nutty Nurse thing. I read it on a post and thought it was kinda cute!!

    Vickie: I'm glad Sarah is doing alright .. big relief for you, I know. They are still our kids no matter how old they are!

    Deb: Glad you found out about your shoulder. Has the pain let up any? Be a good girl and follow Doctors orders!

    Susan: You're Back!

    NS or Amy: Not sure which one asked. Medical weight loss is a physician supervised weight loss thingy. Website is I'll find out more tomorrow!

    Gotta get ready for bed, god forbid I stay up past 10:00p!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey ladies

    Just got home a little while ago from my adult hip hop class. It's terrible, way too hard and we hate it! Only 4 more weeks to go.

    My sweet little boy is driving me bonkers! He is still up at 10:22pm trying to finish his chore of cleaning out his guinea pig cage and vacuuming. He can make brushing his teeth take 15 minutes, so you can imagine how long he can drag this out!! LOL I try to be so patient with him (he has significant distraction/attention issues) but I am only human and every so often I just cannot take it any more! So, I just heard a crash and a bang, and he's in tears now, so I have to go. I'll try to check back in again later.

    Nicki - glad to hear you made out OK, your onc sounds like a doll, mine would give me that disapproving look I'm sure!

    Deb - Sorry about your friend's daughter, I can't believe this is touching your life again! It's so like you that your first thought is how you can help support her. But make sure you remember to take care of yourself too.

    G - sorry your computer was on the fritz, glad you're back. In my skimming I saw something about a crazed microwave - not sure if it was a joke or not! I hope all is well!

    Susan - good to see your smiling face.

    Cheri, Vicki, Tracey, Anne, Madison, Amy, purpleMB, Denise, Jan, Sue/Gus, yikes, who else? Robin,

    Shoot, he's sobbing now, I really gotta go!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    What a day. Glad it's coming to an end and hope tomorrow wont be so crazy!
    We had two girls go home sick, then I had to ask to leave early to take the MIL to the Dr. Her care giver called all panicked cause Mom was hurting so bad she could barely walk. It took me 1.5 hours to get to her house this afternoon and then we were late to the Dr. but at least they saw us. Mom has a urinary track infection. I keep trying to remind her that she needs to change her depends twice a day but she thinks they're clean and wont. So I got the Nurse and the Dr. to tell her she needs to change them at least twice a day and that she won't run out that she has a whole closet full of them! She also thinks she's drinking a ton of water and she's not! So I filled two shelves of the frig with water and told her that she had to drink it all in the next three day! That and the cranberry juice! I finally got home after several hours and am just beat. Can't think straight to work on taxes tonight.

    NS we will be with you tomorrow!
    Vickie glad Sarah did good. I pray it heals quickly for her.

    Puppy, the blue rinks are gatorade with a lot of imagination. The bottle is only trouble and you will only be able to help Rocky if you continue to stay sober! We love you dear and know it's hard. But as you know we all have to lay in the beds we make. I pray that he will do some serious soul serching and turn himself around. Not sure what he did but now the good Lord will watch over you both.

    Nicki, glad you were able to talk with your Onc about all the questions you had and that he is going to get those tests done for you. Somethime it's better not to tell the hubby everything.

    Robin. Some Dr's like to induce at midnight so the paient has more hospital time for insurance reasons. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and Jasmin. Gently remind Karen that she can pay a sitter or accept the fact that when she comes home from work it's her time to watch her child and that you need to rest so you can heal!

    Deb, the Lord must know how gentle and caring you are and how much you can help those lives you touch. I know it's hard to see this beast over and over again. But you my dear are a Saint and ayou give hope where ever you go!

    I know I've only mentioned a few of yo but my heart and prayers are with you all,
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited April 2007
    Just a hug and a hello to all CG's. I've been reading when possible, trying to keep up. Just not alot of time to take notes and reply to all.
    You are all in my heart daily.
    Counting the days to Pinkstock and we will hug for real, for real.
    LOL, I will surely post again before then.
    Gotta cruise by some other posts and forums beore bed-
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    here it is another sleepless night in tennessee. i still havent caught onto everybodys name but i hope i will soon. I told iamhere4u and skybaby about the circle because both of them mentioned how they dont get to chat very often. Skybaby is having her nipples put on tomorrow on her new boobs and then she hopes togo back to work.
    Also tinkermax is leaving tomorrow to go to hampshire (ithink) for recon. she cant wait to get her big ones.
    Nicki and robin i hope all goes well with u guys and that goes with the entire circle also.
    see u in the morning
    Love jankay
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good...uh...middle of the night ladies. Geez, I have got to do something about having my days and nights mixed up! I slept all day and now, after midnight, I'm wide awake and at the computer. So if there's anyone gets up and has trouble sleeping I'm probably on here.

    Betty, I understand about you being upset over your husband losing weight and you not. I have a terrible weight problem and I don't have anything to blame it on but not being able to keep my head outta the feed bag! Oh I'm sure some of my meds make it difficult to lose but then, how would I know since I don't try? lol At least you're doing something about yours. When my dh and I got married 17 yrs ago, he weighed 165 lbs. I weighed 176, which wasn't bad because i'm 5'10" tall. He was just about an inch taller than me. A little guy. I started gaining and losing over the years and now I have gained 100 lbs. For real, a hundred pounds. That's alot! My husband...still weighs 165 lbs. I can't exercise because of my ankle being broken and I'm not using that as an excuse...well ok maybe i am. lol

    Shirley, no dish, no computer. Ooooh, that's rough going without the computer. Although, I need to stay completely off of mine one day and catch up on bills and all the other things that I put off to be on here. Yes, I am a boardaholic. I've missed you.

    Anne, so sorry I missed your birthday. Slept right through it. But it sounds like you had a good one. So, happy belated birthday.

    Robin, I do alot of babysitting myself. I don't mind but sometimes I'd like to have some time to myself. My daughter is an only child and we're very close. But she's married with 3 boys in all and they lived here until Jan. then rented a cute little house in town. But as I'm typing she and her dh are sleeping on the hide abed couch behind me. She's spent every night but about 6 at my house since they moved. lol She didn't want to move in the first place but her husband did. So now they're paying rent, elec. water, and phone at a house they don't live in. They were paying rent and half the elec here and buying some of the groceries, but they don't do that anymore. I love having them here but they shouldn't have moved if they weren't actually moving. She's got her house decorated so cute and its spick and span. My house is turned upside down. BTW, she had to be induced with both her sons. Hoping all went well with Jasmine and the baby. Sounds like you have a house full, too. At least I don't have to deal with an ass of a husband...well most times I don't. lol

    Neesie, thanks for the kind words. Not sure which post it was but I've got it in my notes I took at some point. lol

    Sheri, glad you felt good yesterday. Hoping you have another good day today.

    Nicki, sounds like your onc appt. went well. He was very informative. Maybe the tests will put your mind at ease.

    Susan, glad you're work is picking up. I know you enjoy it. But I miss you when you don't post.

    NS, I hope your appt. goes well today. I sure would hate to be in your old oncs shoes...or your new one for that matter. lol Go get em Sparky. That's what I love about you...the spark you have. It's all in the attitude.

    Colleen, adult hip hop sounds like fun. Did the guinea pig get loose? lol

    CY, sorry you had a rough day and hope your MIL gets better. You're a nice person.

    Jankay, sorry you're having another sleepless night. Do you sleep during the day? You have a 13 yr old daughter? OMG, I wouldn't go back to those terrible mutant teen-age years with my dd for nothing. My sweet little spoiled dd turned into somebody I didn't even know. But now we're best friends. We still disagree but that's just natural. Your daughter will be back

    Vickie, so glad Sara made it through the dentist alright. I sure hope she doesn't get a dry socket they hurt worse than any tooth ache I ever had. I had to go into town every day for 2 weeks to have one packed once. At least the bleeding is under control and that was the main concern. I saw what you put in my Easter basket on the party thread, you are so BAD!

    Hey to all that I missed. Wishing you all a good day today. In fact, I'm wishing you all an excellent day!

    Thanks for the comments on my little puppies. They are sooo sweet. I'm trying to talk Ethan into letting me give away his mini-pin because of his bad habits. And I'm trying to bribe him with keeping both pups. He's like me when it comes to dogs. If our whole place was fenced I'd have a bunch of them. Right now, counting Mork and Mindy, we have 5. Thats quite a few. Well, I guess I'll get some knitting done cos I'm too awake to go back to bed like I should.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning all,
    Oh well, its cold here again today. Wish spring would hurry up and get here!
    Nicki...wake up sunshine girl. I hope you get your appointment for your scans soon and the results right away so your mind can be at ease again. Sending you hugs.
    Cheri girl...sheeesh...up in the middle of the night again! I went to bed early and wish I were still there at the moment...gotta get woke up this morning.
    Colleen...hugs to your son. What a frustrating thing. An adult hip hop class...what were you thinking LOL. I am such a klutz I wouldn't dare join a dance class...they'd laugh me out after the first one.
    Hi Christine...hugging back!
    Anne...glad your day was a special one, you deserve it.
    Puppy...I loved CY's description of our blue drinks (gatorade with a lot of imagination). Come join us in the cyber party thread and pretend for a while. Maybe we can put a smile on your face. Stay away from the real stuff and let us help ease your worries instead. Thats why we are all here.
    Jankay...hello and I hope the new girls come join us soon. The more the merrier. Don't worry about remembering everyones name, you'll catch up quick. bad Jake still with you?
    Talked to Sarah late last night, still bleeding and had run out of gauze so she was going out to get more. She's trying to keep it packed so that she doesn't get the dry socket but isn't having any luck getting it to clot. She was still really groggy and hard to understand but they are not letting her come to work for a couple of days so thats a good thing. I'll call her later and she hows she's doing. On the verge of buying an airline ticket and flying down there!
    Gotta get in the shower and start my day...hugs to everyone I missed and I missed a bunch of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Its another cold day here in the chicago end of the circle. Im ready for Spring already!! 2 weeks ago I was walking along the shores of Lake Michigan. Where did all that beautiful weather go?

    Today is the BIG day at work. Meeting about the new dress code and uniform policy. I am so resistant to change! But I have decided, Im just gonna go there, dress like they want and be done with it. Im hoping the only thing different for me will be the pink lab coat. Cant fight this though - as a manager I have to support the decisions of administration and ownership.

    Vickie: That picture you posted last night was beautiful.

    NS: I say begone with that old onc! Its ashame that everything is always big business with some doctors. On the otherhand, you have a new cancer and starting out with a new onc might just be the best thing. Just remember I will be in the room with ya. And if you forget to ask a question or hesitate, I will give ya a nudge! This is the day to get all your questions answered. Hope you have a list.


    Denise: I think the thing I struggled with most, was mentioning my vague hip and femur pain and asking about a bone scan. Im like you, a big part of me would rather not know. I feel a sense of peace now. And for some reason Im not feeling panicked about the bone scan. Just want to get it done and move on. No offense taken. I think "Italian Nutty Nicki Nurse" is a great line.

    Colleen: While your son was still up doing his chores, I was sound asleep! Tahts the one thing I want to change this summer. I go to bed every night at 7pm. I need to make myself stay up longer.

    CY: Glad you got your mom to the doctor. Urinary tract infections can be wicked, especially in old people. Hope she drinks the water and cranberry juice. Is the caretaker with her all the time? If she is, she should be making sure your mom drinks water and changes her depends. I have found older people tend to depend on their depends. I met one lady who wore them at night cause she just didnt want to get up to go to the bathroom!

    Jankay: Wow, I havent talked to skybaby in months. Please say hello to everyone on the chat for me.

    Christine: I sure do understand about the lack of time. Work keeps getting busier and busier - taking away my computer time. Glad you checked in to say hello.

    Cheri: I feel a sense of peace now that the onc appt is over.

    Susan: Hope you have a great day.

    OK! Time is up, gotta go get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    aahhh...there's my sunshine sister. Good morning Nicki?

    Warming up the magic carpet this morning so we can all go to Gina's appointment. Wake up girls...get Distorted Humor, Mazer and the chocolate fountain ready. I'll bring the Phish Food for after the appointment. Dear Gina...we are all with you today, holding you hand. Hugs to you.

    Off to work back later
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sisters...

    Ready for the magic carpet ride...
    Gina, Hope all goes well today.
    Anne, if you have been "mapped" already, the treatment this morning will be "quick" took longer to set up the machine..thank the actual treatment. I know, it is scary when you don't know what to expect.
    jankay, how are you this morning? I tried chat once (but couldn't figure out how to post....not one of my finer moments!!!).
    I quickly scanned through some posts but don't see any news from Robin on the grandbaby....
    Nicki, good luck with the dress code today
    Vickie, how is Sarah this morning? Saying prayers..
    Please say a prayer for one of my Air Force daughter's airman who developed a staff infection in his knee, the infection has gotten into his blood stream....pray that it does NOT get into his bone....if it does, they will have to amputate!! They call him Radar!!
    CY, hope all is well...
    Cheri, hello - worked on that "project" last night...should be done soon.
    Colleen, adult hip hop sounds interesting...are you doing it for exercise?
    christinek, Pinkstock will be fun...can't wait!!
    Thinking of all I missed.
    Be back later....Think I just hear Mazer (Gina, he has his pilot's hat on this morning) so the magic carpet must be close....
    Have a good morning all!!

    Oh, Jake is still here...that is 2 nights I have spent on the sofa because my cat is hiding under my bed...Jake has to sleep on the floor next to you and if I try to sleep in my bed...all I hear is my cat growling and hissing from under the bed....the things I do for my girls....
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Good morning, just checking in quickly. this is Tuesday. It's off to the Y for me. Exercise class and them water aerobics.

    Happy b-day a day late Anne. Hope it was a good one.

    Be back later. You might have to stop with the magic carpet at the Y. I might have to come in a towel. That could be cold on a day like today. It's 24 degrees this A.M. in central Michigan.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hey gals! Just a quick one to wish all good luck with appointments today. Enjoy the carpet ride.

    Vickie, glad to hear Sarah is doing well so far. Cheri is right with the dry socket. I had one with a wisdom tooth extraction. Yikes!

    I spoke to Robin's daughter, Karen last night. Robin was asleep getting ready for the midnight inducing. Karen said she still wasn't feeling well, Robin---if your accent is like Karen's, then it isn't that bad.

    CY, been there done that with the UTI's and Depends with my mom. She ended up in the hospital with one very bad one last year. She is slowly getting better with her incontinence but it is a long road ahead. For some reason, I think they feel if they don't drink water they won't have to pee. But it is more detrimental. I have a link somewhere to a caregiver's website and can put it in a PM when I find it again. You can sign up for a monthly newsletter that has been helpful.

    OK, everybody have a great day and see ya 'round the boards.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Madison: Saying a big prayer for "Radar" - hope they can get that infection under control.

    Sending some healing light his way.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Gina - I’m sure you are right about today’s treatment. That’s why I’m looking forward to 9:30 (my appointment’s at 9:20). How are you feeling?? Are your drains still out? Hopefully, there’s still no significant fluid accumulation either. You know we are all thinking of you! Let us know what the new onc says today. Who’s driving the magic carpet?

    Denise – I go to Troy Beaumont, which is all of 3 minutes from my house. It’ll take me longer to walk from the parking garage on the east end of the building to the area where the rad onc has her offices in the west wing than it will to drive there. They have some reserved parking spots on the west end for maternity, endo, and rads patients, but so far they’ve all been full when I’ve been trying to park.

    Connie – I raised 2 boys who had the whole distraction/attention deficit thing, too. I can so sympathize with your frustration. I’m sending a dose of patience and a hug, and I hope that he, like my two, will get better about this as he gets a little older. In the meantime, lots of deep breaths for you, and plenty of hugs from you to him. Remember to come here for hugs if you feel like your stock of them is running low.

    CY – Sorry to hear your Mom is having troubles, but how nice her doc saw you yesterday. UTI’s get so painful so fast – she must have been miserable. I wish I could do your taxes for you, but you probably don’t want that. I am thinking of you.

    Deb – how is your shoulder? How is your family and the whole rest of the town with the strep thing? Seems like you’ve had so much to deal with lately. I hope all is going okay. Remember, when there’s a lot on your plate, you can come here and let us support you for a change. Usually you are the one cheering us up, and we’d love to return the favor.

    Cheri – Sorry you were up in the middle of the night. That can be so frustrating. I know that losing the weight is something you might want to do for the health aspects, but remember – You Are Beautiful, dammit! And your cheery personality is a wonderful asset to all of us.

    Vickie – I’m still saying prayers for Sarah. Wouldn’t it be nice of some of these sci-fi transporter things were real? It would make it so much easier to be there for our far flung kids when they need us.

    Nicki – I’m not sure I can speak for the weather in Chicago, but we are teasing my DS that he brought the cold with him. It got cold here the day he arrived and he flys home on Sunday. Our weather returns to more seasonable temps on (you guessed it) Monday.

    Madison – I’m praying for Radar and his doctors!

    I need to go eat breakfast and make my lunch and all that stuff. I’m sure today will be an easier day at work than yesterday. We’d lost our phones/internet Thursday about 11 AM and didn’t get them back until noonish yesterday. I’m the one who gets to try to solve all things tech related, so I was on my cell with our tech support guys and the phone company. That with several other small things made me really glad when it was time to lock the door behind me yesterday.

    Could I ask for prayers for my friend/boss, please? She was back at the office Thursday after 10 days out with bronchitis that was trying to become pneumonia. Yesterday she called in, and they think she has measles. She’s pretty sick, not to mention frustrated and tired of being sick.

    I’ll check in later. Probably from the office, bad employee that I am!!

    Hugs to all, good days, good doctors appointments, and sunshine for all of us!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Don't forget to pick me up for G's appt. today. Anne, sorry I missed your birthday; hope it was a good one.

    I'll be waiting on the front porch with resh coffee and hot chocolate.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning!! Sorry I've been away so long - I've read some trying to catch up and there is just way to much so I'll jump in like a new gal.

    Been working long hours - worked with a teenager for 5 weeks and then ended up letting her go. Should have done that before then but she was nice and it was her first job - I felt bad but she just wouldn't move but in very slow motion. Trained another one that worked out and today I start working with another new one. I have never had so much turnover even with teenagers. They stay a long time but they are graduating and moving on to college. Parents aren't doing any favors to their children by not letting them do chores/have responsibilities at home. They can't sweep, mop, and have never washed a dish and forget them knowing how to use a knife - so you have to teach them even the simplest of things and that they have to wipe and clean when not busy.

    I have developed LE - I'm sure overuse of this arm set it all off. I was told with only 8 lymph nodes removed I couldn't get LE - oops, someone goofed there. My compression sleeve and gauntlet should be in this week. I didn't order that darn bra they felt I needed - surely there has to be something else!!! Don't have the massage down right but I need to check to see if we have LE specialist here so I don't have to drive an hour.

    Puppy, RobinTN - good to see you posting. Life is precious- don't let others rob you of happiness. I guess we have all learned storms come and we are tossed and battered but they do end or subside. They seem to come as big bad ones or smaller ones but they do come. I know, we get tired and just want some rest and sometimes get a breather and here they come again. Hang tough.

    Gina, sounds like you needed a new oncologist. Hope all goes well today. I have learned more here from you and Nicki, DebC and others than I ever did from my oncologist/surgeon.

    The sun is out at the moment but it is still cold for this time of the year. As with many of you, the freezing temps have ruined the azaleas and blooming trees. We had had such warm temps and the peach trees even had small peaches on them - they are gone. We think produce is high now - just wait.

    Everyone have a beautiful sunshine day. Say a prayer this teenager works out and catches on so I don't have to work such long hours. I didn't take notes - sending healing hugs and prayers for all having difficult days.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi gals,

    Just stopping in for a quick hello before exercise and work. I'll be waiting to get picked up for the magic carpet ride with Gina! There's always time for a ride with friends.

    NS, your old onc needs a good old-fashioned ass whoopin'!! Why are some docs such buttheads??? Good luck with your appt. today!

    Nicki, sounds like you got lots of very good info yesterday. You'll feel a lot better when the scan is behind you and everything is fine. I hope they don't make too drastic a change with your dress code today.

    Anne, rads is a piece of cake!! The only pain is having to be there every day. You may get some burning on the skin, but it will be ok.

    Madison, ooooh!! A staph infection?? They are really nasty! I hope Radar does well and recovers quickly!

    Vickie, I glad your DD is doing ok. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry yourself into a tizzy. She will be alright!

    I've got to get my fat butt in gear and head down to the dungeon and the dreaded elliptical. I know I missed many, but you are always in my thoughts!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope everyones day goes well.

    Vickie, hope Saras tooth clots over and she's fine. I know how you worry, I do it with Amber.

    Nicki, glad you got some peace with your onc. appt.

    Madison, prayers going up for your dd's friend, Radar. I've had 4 staph infections since my accident in my leg, had the PICC line and all that. It really can make you sick. Can't wait to see the finished project.

    Anne, I hope today is better and not quite as busy as yesterday for you. Sending prayers for your boss. It's so nice that you have a boss that you like so well. For the most part, I was lucky to work for nice people. I just didn't work for the crappy ones, life's too short.

    Margaret, I guess I'm driving the Magic bubble-up girls! lol

    Brenda, sooo good to see a post from you. I think you've been working too hard. I'm sorry about the LE.

    Mena, do you ever even lurk? Get well soon.

    NS, we are there for you today. Good luck to you.

    Where is Lini and Shokk?

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    I Love My CGS, thank you all for your love, and prayers! I have really battled over drinking, But Your Prayers and Love, was much stronger! UH , or maybe it was that Italian finger in My Face! " Thank You! I now feel so selfish after reading about Our Sweet Ishop! sorry swettie, But maybe his preasure is too much! The Prayers from this "Our House" Really work, and Yes I feel Your Pain! to all that are having a hard time, My Love, and Prayers go out for You All! Rocky is My Son, My Youngest He has been out of the Army now(honorable discharge) for over a year! He is very messed up mentaly, and a Drug Addict, Just wish he lived closer, maybe it would be easier! have not heard anything yet, I will let ya know when i do!!! One more Prayer, please Sisters, My DH plant may go on strike this friday, if this happens I will not be able to get my meds. nor my much needed Mammo. and MRI! Gods Speed and I love you all! Puppy

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Puppy, good to see you surface! {{{{puppy}}}}
    If the insurance coverage is a problem, you should be eligible for COBRA. If it is oral meds, talk to the doctor and see if he can get you samples. I will talk to you later if you are up to it.

    Sue, you know a phone call is in order. Hope your tooth is getting better or getting attention from the dentist. Look out for yourself and lean on us when you need to.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    {{{{BETH}}}} xoxoxo Puppy

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning CGs,

    RobinTN, I can painfully relate to your shoulder problem. I have a severe total tear of my left rotator cuff. I hope you're feeling better and the good news for you, it will heal. I can't wait to hear about Jasmine and the new baby-how exciting to have a new baby . . . And, it will be so much nicer when your nasty husband is out of the picture.

    Denise -- I know how frustrated you feel--aches and pains seem to be the norm with this 'new' life we have. I'm also very impatient, especially when I find I cannot do something and I hate asking for help. Thanks for the mwlc website. I lost 60 lbs a couple of years ago with a plan called HMR (Health Management Resources) which is a dr. supervised weight loss program. It was great -- until I got BC.

    Nicki - you are doing so well considering all of your medical/mets issues. I think you are so much stronger than you realize and I admire you so much. Keep on trucking . . .

    Kristin - that's so exciting about your songwriting. My BIL is a drummer who starting drumming on cardboard drums in the basement when it was little. After he finished school, he packed up a moved to Nashville. Now he is one of the most sought after drummers in and out of the country. He is currently touring with keith Urban. My point being, you never know what can happen with drive and determination. BTW, rads will be a piece of cake after everything you've been through already.

    Betsey - how is your hip doing?

    Anne - Belated Happy Birthday! I'm sending healing energy to your boss/friend and hoping that she doesn't have the measles or anything worse.

    Jan - I would have (wanted to) killed the mailman. I'm an animinal lover . . . Thank you so much for your support re my DH's drinking. I'm really not sure of the reason. But I can tell you it has escalated over the past couple of years. You would think that now that things are getting better (no more bc treatment, he's doing very well on his job, the kids and gks are all doing great) he would n't have this need to drink . . . BTW, I'm going to the dentist today at 1:30.

    Beth - it was great speaking with you last week and I'm glad you got things worked out the hospital billing office. One less thing to worry about. Thanks for your support and, just so you, if Jen was having her c-section on 4/30, I'd be at Abington with you on the 7th!

    Deb - I hope you're feeling better. What can I say about the shoulder? Ugh - I can so relate. Did anyone suggest PT? It has helped me some. BTW, I must have a 100+ CDs and the only one I listen to in my car is the one you sent, which I love, and I get to listen to my BIL playing the drums. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter -- your friend is so lucky to have you!!!

    Jankay - congratulations on the NED. I read somewhere (wish I could remember) about a possible cure for Parkinsons? Brain surgery? Know that I'm thinking of you.

    MB - how is your elbow? Any less painful?

    Sige - LOVE the Barbie!

    Vicki - what exactly are you looking for with the journalling? My cancer center had a woman come in from one of the pharma companies and tell us all about journalling and gave each of us a beautiful journal that she designed herself and which was actually published. I'm so glad Sarah is okay and my healing thoughts go out to iamhere4u.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. The internet and satellite gods are smiling on me this morning. For some reason the stupid thing is working. Scared to try and change the page tho, so I'll just catch up on this page as best as I can.
    Son got a job yesterday. Yehaw. Which means he will be doing even less around the house then he already does but at least his butt won't be sitting on the couch watching the boob tube all day.
    Had a lovely time at daughters. We weren't going to go cause I was supposed to have appt in sacramento for a dexa scan on monday morning. But they called and rescheduled it so off we went for the day. A very long drive to spend one day but seeing the grands run amok hunting plastic eggs was worth the backache.
    Anywhos. Hope everyone is snazzy. I'm still not breathing all that well. But the problem went away when we went to daughters. She lives on the coast. No oak pollen or burning going on. So I am guessing once the air clears around here all will be well.

    NS, how are you feeling? I just read an article in CURE magazine yesterday about bc treatment and weight gain. Something about a study being done. Conclusion so far....weight gain during breast cancer treatment is NOT a result of over eating. Well DUH!!
    Putting your old onc on my list as well. Shame on him.

    Puppy, I don't know what is going on but great big hugs for you.
    And for you as well Sue.

    Happy Birthday Ann. You'll probably be done with your first rads when you see this and be in here posting "gee I don't know what I was so afraid of".....I was totally freaked out on my first day too.
    Love NS' explanation. Perfect.

    Hi Denise.

    Nicki, what scans?

    Colleen, I just bought a hip hop exercise video to go along with my salsa dancing exercise video. It is just as difficult to watch from the couch as well.
    Hope the cage got cleaned.

    CY, adding your mom to my prayer list.

    Jasmin is being induced? UGH such a barbaric practice. But I'm sure it is for the best. Hugs to her Robin, and smooched for your new grandbaby. Smell her head for me.

    Hi Christine. Have a great day.

    Jankay, those are names from the past. Haven't seen them in chat for a very long time. Tell them all I say HI!!

    Cheri, your 5'10"....yikes...are you sure your my sister? Being computer deprived has done my house a world of good. I've even dusted my desk. Not sure how long this is going to last. Might go kaput as soon as I click the button. But for now all the little lights are on on the box so I'm taking advantage of it.

    Vicki, gentle hugs for Sarah. Praying she heals quickly.

    Nicki, you will look grand in your pink lab coat.

    Madison, praying for Radar. Why isn't Jake sleeping with his mommy?.... O my gosh I just figured out my problem. My satellite took a nose dive just when Jake showed up. Hmmmmmmmm?

    Have a great class Laura. Do a few squats for me.

    Hi Beth.

    Ann, praying for your boss. Measles? Yikes!!

    Hi Margaret.

    Brenda, hugs to you. Take care of your arm.

    Jan, hope you have a good workout. Whats an eliptical?

    Whats wrong with Deb's shoulder?

    ok thats it for this page. Everyone cross your fingers. Here goes the clicking.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    yehaw it worked.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Checking in from the wild and wacky carpet ride. Cheri and Mazer are at the wheel and there is lots of screaming going on but its all in fun. Mazer was so excited to get to wear her pilots hat 2 days in a row. She was sounding off with her donkey noises early this morning to be sure I was awake and ready. I honestly thought she was going to leave me when I couldnt get my butt in gear this morning.

    Nicki-oh my gosh 7 o clock sleeping? for real? Tuckers baseball practice isnt over until 6 and then home to do farm chores and take little sweet pea out of her crate and out to the grass areas to have a snack. That is my relaxing time and while she eats I sip on a nice cold one. I am usually sleeping by 11 or so which probably is the reason I have a hard time getting my butt to wake up in the morning. You need to borrow some of my night time awake hours and I need some of your morning hours. Congrats on asking for the scans and I am sure that nice little nudge that Mazer gave you had something to do with it when you hesitated in asking. It was a nice nudge you have to admit.

    NS-We are with you today. New Onc, new plan and kicking some cancer butt.

    Anne-Good luck on the first rads today. How do you like the game cube? The bongo donkey kong game is pretty fun if you like stuff like that.

    puppy-woohoo we knew you were stronger than the bottle. As far as the insurance and all companies may be different but I have BCBS and premiums are paid for the month so regardless if a job is lost you are covered until the end of the month. Call your doctor and explain and see if can get any type of sample or work something out.

    Biker-Congrats on the exercising.

    Cheri-you cant get rid of that min pin missy! Its little and cute and would be lost without you. Bless its heart. It cant help it that it has issues. Hows that for a guilt trip? Wish I was closer and I would take it in. Hmm, like I dont have enough animals.

    Madison-lol at you sleeping on the couch. I know its not funny but the things we do to keep everything and everybody happy huh?

    Vickie-glad you daughter is ok from the surgery and hopefully no dry sockets.

    Kristin-glad you enjoyed your church service on Sunday and sorry you couldnt get home to your moms. I am sure she missed you all.

    Brenda-oh how I would hate training teenagers...bless you.

    Laura-water aerobics sounds like fun. I love swimming.

    Colleen-I have the same type of son. He can also spend 15 minutes brushing his teeth and even longer than that when making his bed.

    Margaret-thanks for the fresh coffee this morning although there is no falling alseep when Cheri and Mazer are at the wheel. Luckily I brought my sippy cup!

    RobinTN-good luck on the inducing. How exciting!!! I was induced with my son due to toxemia or however you spell it but pretty sure that isnt what made him lazy,,lol.

    Took some cute pics of sweet pea so going to have to post those. yep she is still in the house and happy as a lark in her little crate. She knows if I walk in the utility room which is off of the kitchen that the cookies are in there so she gets all excited. Yesterday SO walked in there to get something off of the dryer and sweet pea jumped up on her back legs and got all excited. SO said whats that about, why are you so excited all of the sudden? I said uhhh, the cookies are in there and well we have a little routine. She just laughed and came out with a vanilla wafer and sweet pea won once again.

    Hey Shirley-what kind of satellite internet do you have?

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    I was afraid of getting knocked off, so:

    Gina - I'm thinking of you and wishing you well on your appointment today. You are an amazing woman!

    Madison- I'm sending positive healing thoughts to Radar. Let's hope that his staff infection gets cleared up before spreading anywhere else.

    Cy - I hope your mother's UTI is going away. It's hard enough to deal with you're young . . .

    NS - thank you so much for your support regarding my DH. He didn't drink for about 18 years and a couple of years ago we went to one of my BIL's house for the Eagles playoff and that's when it started. He has 5 brothers and one sister and they all have a drinking problem (some more than others). It seems to have gotten progressively worse. He doesn't drink at home -- usually after golf (like on Saturday) and then he's out of control. As I probably mentioned before, he's leaving Thursday for Taiwan and Soeul for a week and I can surely use the break. BTW, we lived together for 17 years and got married 10 years ago.

    MB - thank you also for your kind words. How is your elbow doing? It seems like too many of us have limb problems -- what's that all about?

    Puppy - I am so sorry about your son!!! As they tell us in Al-Anon, 'you didn't cause it, you can't control it and you can't cure it' (the 3 Cs). I feel your pain! And, I am sending positive vibes -- NO STRIKE!

    If I left anyone (Mena, Theresa), I apologize.

    Love, Sue
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon all..just a quick hello...
    Ok the elbow thing,,,has to do with work, kinda like tennis elbow cuz I run a puter for 10 hours a day...and have for over 13 don't think it will go away but massages help

    Puppy so glad you held on strong we knew you could do it but remember we are here for you...
    Sue,ishop...keep your head up and stay strong...I can't wait to meet you at Pinkstock...

    Kristin..hmmm you sing...maybe you could try the theme song for much but could be pretty funny...and no one wants me to sing how are the boys doing in karate?...

    Nicki...hmmm...still haven't seen you post that you have your room for this Summer?...we need to have a this is a crazy ride we are on, I hope for both of us it gets better soon, but until then we have each other...NNN....

    ok i keep missing the magic carpet...I have to be at work to early...but know I am here with you.... must get rid of the possesed microwave...please have someone return it....and just know we would love to have you at PINKSTOCK but you must take care of you first, even though you know you wouldn't be lifting a finger..and maybe Vickie could find some cute pool boys to fan you all weekend...hugs...

    wow that got long and work is piling up...just told boss how long I was going to be gone for gasped, I've never taken that much time off in a

    Please anyone is welcome...and we will hold you hand and hug and sing really crazy campping songs around the campfire...

    hugs MB...