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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Wow---I keep flying in for quick posts lately...I think I must be busy! LOL

    My shoulder is doing better. I think that I just pulled that bicep muscle connecter (ligament or tendon??…can never keep that straight). I have been doing my ice and stretches and it is much better. I still can’t pin down what started then inflammation, but it is going away.

    All you girls that sent me warm weather sound like you need some BACK! Our snow is melting like crazy and there are puddles everywhere. It smells like spring. My chickens are out in their yard clucking and scratching.

    I am thinking of all of you special ladies…keeping you in my heart and in my prayers.

    I have about 20 4-H kids coming here at 4:30 to make a display about their relay for life team. It will go up at the local home show, so hopefully they will get lots of people fired up about the relay. I’ll try and remember to take a photo. I am so proud of these kids I could bust a seam. We raised over $7,500 last year and they set their goal at $10,000 this year…they dream big

    I’ll try and post later
    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    I'm here, I'm here. I was hiding and no one came to look for me....hehe.

    Been out of my mind busy at work with the weather (nice and then snow) and involved with a gianormous convention for the builders of NJ at the Atlantic City Convention center supplying the grand entrance and flowers. Crazy but 1 more week and then just crazy spring to deal with.
    To all of my sisters going through such tough times, I am thinking of you and light a candle each Sunday at mass for all of you(tough if you don't believe, I'm still doing it for all of my sisters) xoxo glad you stayed strong, I can only believe how it's on your mind 24/7 especially with your son and his life right now. It just sucks how they can still run our lives. When people ask what I want for my sons, I've always said to be self sufficent. Don't know if it will ever happen, but I'm in your corner all the way.

    Madison...I went to a "pet cumminicator" last week. She told me my dog can't help the way he is. No sh**!! I could have said that.

    Kristen, I've heard you sing...go girl...keep it up. xoxo

    Mena...glad to see you're and we'll come running anytime, you know that.

    Sue(ishop) so I keep missing you. I'm calling after I'm done posting so we can have lunch next week. xoxo

    Vickie...Good luck with your "little girl" she needs mommy now. I had the dry sockets and they really hurt.

    Anne...good luck on the rads and I want the WI game so my husband can play duckhunt.... What a great system.

    Amy...thinking of Mazer...
    For Pinkstock, I'm trying to save all kinds of western stuff and songs for the campfire.
    Back to hell love to all xoxoxo
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Time for a short post after lunch. I hope everyyhinb is ok with everybody. Istill havent taken the time to take notes. One of chesters old bosses called wanting him to come to work with him. This would be more along what chester did and it doesnt seem too promising wh ere he is.

    wish everyone well. Jankay
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    OK, scrolled back to Easter, cause I missed a lot...

    ishop - sorry your having a bad time, I hope you're feeling more positive, and that the cooking went well

    Sheri - how are you feeling? I've started eating cookies and ice cream at night again in addition to not exercising (well, except for the dreadful adult hip hop!) Screw it I say!

    Puppy - missed your actual post, but hang strong girl!!

    Vickie - how did Sarah's surgery go? You probably posted an update - I'll get to it eventually!

    CY - glad you got the egg hunt in!

    Cheri - pups are way too cute!

    Margaret - how was your appointment?

    Gus - couldn't believe that storm! We were OK (I'm in Framingham) but NH was all over the news. Did I PM you about the "shut up about your perfect child" article and website in the Globe? I have a friend with a bi-polar child, and she told me about it. It's billed as a "sanity site" for parents of kids with autism, bi-polar, add, etc. You were just talking about your son, and having to go fight with the school system (which I can relate to, been fighting for a 504 for my son since last May) so I thought of you. Hope your sweet little boy is doing well!

    Whoops, I have a 1:30 meeting to call into, just reminding myself I'm on page 364

    Later gators!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok finally getting time to post the pic.

    cuddle time with Sweet Pea!

    Nice afghan huh? Have I told you wonderful ladies lately how much I love it?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies...I only have a office looked like an office supply store blew up. It's truly that bad.
    Awww Amy...what a grand picture. How totally sweet and gee...I seem to recognize that afhgan! You so very much deserve it.
    Talked to Sarah a bit ago. DH went to work so she's home alone. She is still groggy from yesterday which seems a bit weird to me. Says she feels ok and the bleeding isn't bad so hopefully it will heal and soon! I thank you all so much for your sweet caring words for her. Your the best.
    I will catch up later...just had to pop in to tell all my sisters just how much I love them!
    Gina...are you home yet?
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Colleen, you must come to will do you good...
    Amy...awwww how cute...and is that you?....
    Vickie...tell Sarah to make sure she's drinking water to flush her system if she's still drowsy...she is in my prayers...
    Jankay...just keep popping into say hello, son't worry about keeping up, we just want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers...
    Cy...whoops I missed you coming back..hope all went well and glad your back...boy you miss alot if you blink...
    off to work again I'll pop back if I can
    MB...the crazed ..or at least that's what my DH called me
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, glad you spoke to Sarah.

    Amy, too cute. You are so much like me...I had my dog, Jake and myself sleeping on the sofa last night.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon CGs! I am still home with my boys who are off school for Easter break. Tomorrow will be DHs turn to stay home with them, so I will be going back to work!

    Had rad #7 of 35 today. My breast is really swollen and looks significantly larger than the other. Always wanted larger breasts but was hoping it would be BOTH, not just one! LOL

    NS, thinking of you today and hoping your appointment goes well.

    Tgirl and Ishop, would love to do lunch with you ladies sometime! I can usually get away from work for an hour for lunch Mon-Thurs. Maybe sometime next week or the week after?

    MB, my boys are doing great with karate, thanks for asking! They just got their brown belts and they are so excited. They are taking Tae Kwon Do. They will be ready to test for black belt sometime in the next year but I am a little worried that the requirements are too much for their ages. For instance, I can't imagine my 7 year old being ready to write a 20 page report in the next year or even two. And I certainly don't want to be writing a 20 page report either! LOL

    Vickie, glad to hear Sarah is hanging in there. Hopefully she will feel a little better every day!

    Amy, what an adorable picture! I imagine it is moments like that that make it all worth it, eh?

    Colleen, great to see you!

    Deb, I am so glad your shoulder is feeling better!

    Robin, let us know how everything went when you get a chance!

    Hugs and prayers to all I didn't mention...I am going to go enjoy the rest of my day off is still cold but a little warmer than yesterday and all the kids in the neighborhood are outside playing!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Got home late again so I dont have much time.

    Checking to see if we heard anyting yet from NS. Ive read everyones posts, I'll catch up with ya later.

    Sending lots of love

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,
    I'm sorry I don't have more time these days. We can blame it on my physical terrorist. why not, I blame everything else on her. It used to be easier to keep up in here. There are so many people and we are all so talkative. I'd like to respond to everybody, every post, but now it's hard to even keep up with what is going on with everybody. You are all so special.

    Robin and Puppy, so glad you are posting more often so we can keep up with you. Now, if we could get Mena out of her shell.

    baby news, robin?

    Brenda so good to hear from you.

    Sunshine girls ( the early morning crowd) I love reading your posts. and the pictures too.

    tgirl, I did miss you. I'm just not here that much myslef. I will bee at Pinkstock. see you there.

    amy, wonderful picture

    ns, how did it go with new onc.?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Gina Gina Gina...where are you sweet sister of ours. We were all there today but couldn't hear a thing. Had a glass to the door, tried sneaking outside to peek in the window, had Mazer and Distorted Humor keepin the nurses busy, slipped a couple of blue drinks to the receptionist and still nothing! Think I may have overdone it in the chocolate fountain...buzzy with energy.
    love ya
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Evening Girls!
    Gina: You're making all of us crazy with waiting!

    Colleen: Hip Hop Class? My Hip Hop Hopped away about 2 years ago!

    Deb: Once again you've been hit with the "bad news bear."
    I'm so sorry about your friend. I am happy that your shoulder is feeling better though. Ahhh, 4H..used to love that when my kids were young!

    Cy: You do have your hands full. Taking care of an elderly parent is so much more draining than taking care of 10 kids. Hopefully the UTI will clear up fast. I have clients/patients that will re-wear a depend from the day before because, "it's not wet." Right!

    Cristinek: Good to hear from're thought of here often.

    JF: Good luck to your BC friends getting mipples and boobs today. Don't worry about names, you'll get them....but we answer to just about anything!

    Cheri: Will you sleep already!!!! You are a tall one, eh?
    I just realized that I'm not FAT I'm just SHORT!!

    Vickie: Glad Sarah is okay and that the bleeding isn't to bad. Always a worry..Sounds like she has a darling ass for a husband. Did they put a stitch or so in to control the bleeding?

    Nicki: I hate having to be nice to owners/CEO's! Good luck with the Dress Code. A Pink Lab Coat would be nice though. We (field staff) don't have to wear scrubs anymore. I like it cuz several years of scrubs gets old. But on the flip side, never had to worry about what to wear. Seeing some of the outfits a few wear, it wouldn't surprise me if the Dress Code made a comeback! The bone scan will give you peace of you have it scheduled yet?

    Madison: I love it! You are sleeping on the couch to keep bad Jake from making the cat, who is hiding under the bed, from growling. Gotta love what we do for our kids!

    Anne: Hoping your Rad treatment went well today. You must live quite close to my dd. She goes to Beaumont in Troy and it's only a few minutes from her house.

    Madison: Prayers are being sent out to your daughters friend, Radar. I do hope they caught the infection in time, they can be nasty. dd has had enough sadness with friends lately.

    Robin: Do we have a new baby yet????

    Laura: Exercise and Water Aerobics? Who are you and where did you get the energy?! Just kidding, that is great that you are doing it!

    Beth: A hearty hello to you!

    Anne: Prayers to your Friend/Boss. My goodness, she needs a break. Ironically enough, I've been treated for bronchitis and DH is being treated for Pneumonia.

    Margaret: Good to see you on the Magic Carpet today! Cheri almost took your roof off when she swooped in for a landing!

    Brenda: Sorry to hear that you have developed LE. How long has it been since your surgery?

    Jan: Hats off to you for exercising before work. I admire those that are disciplined enough to do that.

    Puppy: I so hope your DH plant doesn't strike. You don't need the added anxiety on top of the problems with your son. I wonder if Al-Anon would help you cope with your son's problems...can't hurt to try. It won't help your son, but it will help you.

    Ishop/Sue: Hope things are going okay with you and yours.

    MB: I was asking what you did to your elbow and then I read a bit further and see you've developed tennis elbow from work. Take it easy..I know that is easier said than done. Especially when you are on the computer all day.

    Shirley: Woo Hoo, you're connected! Son got a job and you got to see your Grands! See, life is good! (gaggin myself here!)
    It does sound like your breathing ailment might be allergy fed!

    Amy: I just love Sweet Pea! And I must say that Mazer looks really cute in his pilot hat! Oh how I remember the days of kids, practices and never ending evenings!

    Theresa: Of course we looked for you! No one hides from the CG'S for long!

    Mena: Hello to you!

    Sheri: And a Hello to you also!

    Kristen: Boys still on Easter Break?! Yikes! Hope your rads are being gentle to you. I don't remember my boob swelling up.....but then again, Memory loss!

    Susan: Tell that physical terriorist to lighten up..she is taking your computer time away from you! It is getting hard to keep up with all!

    I just know I'm gonna lose this post cuz of the size! I'll tell all about my trip to Medical Weight Loss a bit later!

    Love and Hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Well well...still no news from Gina...gonna send out a posse. Who wants to sign up. I got a horse I can ride!
    Sarah is still groggy but eating. She makes me worry!

    Denise...laughing about your hip hop hopping away...mine too! I am a klutz, trip over dustbunnies. nice to see your smiling face!
    Brenda...LE...oh I'm sorry. Hope you get it under control and soon. How soon will you get your sleeve. I have gained enough weight that I don't think my sleeve is fitting right any more...its way to tight and I can only wear it for a while...time to go get it checked again.
    Sheri...are you feeling better?
    Ishope...sending you hugs. Thanks for think of Sarah.
    Jan...exercising before work! The most exercising I do in the morning is walking to my car LOL.
    Puppy...oh I so hope there isn't a layoff in the future for you DH. Sending hugs and prayers.
    Deb...hugs to you...sheesh. Don't even know what to say.
    Kristin...Nathaniel has been off for spring break too. I have taken him to work every day this week, as has everyone else. I have the biggest office and a sofa so they all hang out with me. He is staying with my sister tomorrow and I don't think there will be any other kids there...need a day of peace and quiet to get caught up! Love having the kids there but it makes it hard when they get bored and the pool is out of service so they couldn't even go swimming. Too cold to play outside...aaauuugghhh.
    Cheri...If I'm up in the middle of the night I'm gonna check and see if you are online and send you to bed!!
    ahhh...geez...I'm tired. Gonna grab my crocheting...send Nate off to bed and check back later.
    Love ya all...
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to pop in and tell you all how much I apprecite you. Sorry I was a downer on Sunday.

    I called my onc today about upping my effexor. I'm not happy about that, but if it will help. My boss is a bully, I've decided. I've gone through too much these last two years to put up with someone like that. I might start looking for another job. I love what I do, but this woman is a real pain.

    Better finish my presentation so she can rip it up tomorrow.

    Big hugs,

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    here i am stuck in the ft myers airport lol!

    just wanted to give a shout out to my friends!

    i had a great trip, tan is 'bitchin' ....... now i get to go home and duke it out with my employer and my insurance company some more .......... geeze i'm not looking forward to it!

    my flight is delayed indefinitely, so i thought i'd log on and say hi to everybody. i didn't read through all the posts from the past 10 days, but i will when i get home. i hope everybody is ok!

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    This a pic of my DIL and 4 grandchildren (L to R) Alex (12), Hannah (4), Madison (2) and Ava (1) and baby Brison should be here any day.

    Okay, my suggestion is that the microwave be sent to RobinTN's husband and I can think of a few goodies to put inside . . .

    Cy - took care of my mother while she was dying of mesotheleoma (asbestos cancer) and then my dad came to live with us and I took care of him (no easy feat) for 6 years. I feel your pain.

    Tgirl and Kristin - I'm free Monday, Thursday and Friday for lunch next week. Since you both work, give me a day, time and place and I'll be there.

    Tomorrow a.m. I have my training at the hospital for the patient advocate position.

    Will post again soon (maybe even tomorrow).

    Gina and Mena -- where are you 2 hiding?

    Love, Sue
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I am sorry I haven't posted sooner. I am still trying to process everything.
    The new onc was nice and compassionate but she came from the LETS TELL HER THE WORST NOW school of thought.
    So she told me how bad my cancer REALLY was and how she wants to treat it with everything she has and nothing that I want.

    I have a lot to think about.
    I have to ask a lot more questions.

    I prefer people who look at the positive side of the stats and not the ones who tell me all the places my cancer will return too in graphic detail.

    Let me put it this way- at one point she got up and hugged me. I wanted to say "JUST HOW BAD AM I??????"

    A lot to think about and I don't want to do ANY of it but I know I will.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Well here is another night and I still have tho darn taxes to do! I'm just so darn tired I can't think straight!

    Oldest DD will be coming home this weekend bringing several girlfirends a a couple boys too! They're going to a tatto convention or something like that. Hubby will go with them so I can work on the taxes and hope fully get them finished. Sunday is his birthday wich means I'm running outa time to get them done!

    Had a lady back into me tonight. I got out of the car and told here she was suppose to LOOK BEFORE she put the car into reverse. I had been sitting behind her for several minutes. I even had my car turned off while I was waiting. No damage thank goodness! They attendant says it's amazing how many people to that there!. At least I had a witness!

    Hope everything went well for NS and that she is just tired.

    Puppy, you hang in there girl. The kids have to make their own mistakes and find ways out of them. I know it's hard. I know you may have done the AA but have yo thought of Al-anon? Sometimes it helps to be able to see that side of things too. We will be praying that hubby doen't go on strike and that Rocky will make wise choices and that you take care of you. Hopefully you will at least have the coverage to get everything done that you need. Maybe see about getting your meds refilled this week just in case if you can.

    That reminds me I have to go get my MIL's meds!

    Has Laura B posted lately? Hope all is working out for her.

    Love you all
    Hugs & Prayers
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    NS I See for the other thread that the new Onc didn't set you mind at ease. I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope that others can answer your questions about TAC or T/C.
    I did CMF so have no clue on the above.
    Hugs & Prayers
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Evening -

    Gina, I wish I could help you with the chemo meds but I don't know much as I had A/C only. I signed up to participate in a study and it was either A/C or Taxol. I know you are tired and totally overwhelmed. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    Betty, sorry that you are having rough days at work. JMO but some people seem to need to show their authority and try to make others feel small so they feel good about themselves or something similar.

    Amy, love the picture of you and Sweet Pea!!! My brother had a goat he gave me one time - was supposed to eat the weeds down for me. Hahaha!!! That goat was so spoiled - he fed it sweet feed so do you think it was going to eat weeds here??? Then one night I came home from work and the goat isn't where I left it earlier. I live in the woods, terrified of snakes and it was hot summer. We turned on every light we had, I turned the headlights of the car on bright shining into the woods - no goat. We called and called - not a sound. I was in a state of panic!! We are about 500' from a small river and it goes DOWNhill. I was in the woods, in the leaves, terrified of snakes and no goat and nary a sound of a goat; I was in tears. I came in the house and turned on the kitchen light and there was that darn goat on the back porch looking in at me!!!!!! I was so relieved but so aggrevated too. My brother took the goat back and later someone came by his house to buy a dog and fell in love with the goat and it left riding up FRONT in the truck - very happy!!

    Sue you have a beautiful family. Susan, I feel so lost and don't have much time to read or post - it is easier sometimes not to. I should be in bed now.

    Denise - I am 1 year 8 months from my surgery. I didn't think it would happen to me. I am right handed and this is my right side and I think I have overused my arm

    Vicki - I pick up the sleeve and gauntlet tomorrow. This is all so darn new - I realized today the therapist didn't tell me if I wear this all the time or just when the LE flares up. I wasn't that impressed with her and today looked up on lymphedema website therapist that live closer to me and found one that they say is qualified. The therapist I saw wasn't on the list. I didn't order the Belliese bra - there has to be something else.

    DebC - glad that your shoulder is improving.

    Know I have missed many but I'm going to turn in. Since it is almost Wednesday - hope tomorrow is a good day for everyone.

    Brenda (PS - I am not going to proof)
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I replied to your other post, but can not remember are you 100% lobular or did you say there was ductal too? If you are dealing with both, it changes what chemo is indicated. Hang in there..

    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    gina, i did ACT, 4 AC and 4 taxol. i have permanent heart damage from the AC (which is controlled with meds and bimonthly muga scans). i have "mild" neuropathy in my right baby and 4th finger and the ball and great toe of my right foot from taxol (and i lost an assortment of nails lol). i still get short of breath from time to time and i continue to have the attention span of a flea. but all in all i actually weathered the treatments without too much adieu!

    i had a lot of bone pain with dose dense taxol during treatment, but that was probably my only real complaint (besides looking like an alien).

    i have some minor problems with my right thumb and index finger if i write too much or over use my hand (peeling or chopping or any repetitive motion) but that has been chalked up to the lymphectomy, not chemo.

    all in all i did ok and now the memories are starting to fade a bit. the constant diagnostics for heart failure and bone mets give me the screaming mimi's from time to time, but i am really trying to just "keep on keeping on" ...... sometimes i get really, really mad that my onc made me "hit it with the 'big guns'" just to wind up in this predicament, but then i remind myself it could be a whole hell of a lot worse.

    my only real piss off is that my onc greatly downplayed the AC/heart damage issue, so i readily understand your concerns. i wish you peace and ease in your decision making. your post sent me back to my initial meeting with my onc, where she said "this is NOT good" and proceeded to effectively scare the crap out of me.

    i don't post much anymore because i'm in a battle with my employer which has become all consuming lately, but i wanted to send you (and everyone else) my very best wishes!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters,
    Quiet night at the circle. I am walking the perimeter and seeing that all is well. Lots of quiet wagons with sleeping ladies so I'm whispering. I see more wagons far away headed to join us. The birds are waking up and the peepers are peeping this morning. Nicki is making coffee and I'll start breakfast soon. A few empty wagons, where are you Mena, Denise, Carrie and so many others. You are missed and we hope you are well.

    Dear sweet Gina...are you doing the TAC. I did. I had six rounds three weeks apart. Remember what I was told? Pallative care only! My oncologist said NO WAY...he could kick this beast and kick it he did. NED. He pulled no punches either but here I am. TAC sucked but it was doable and I have lots of tips for you if that's what you are doing. I too had the neuropathy but it's nearly gone now. My biggest problem with the TAC was a yeast infection in my mouth which I hated most of all. Yogurt took care of that as long as I ate it for at least four days after treatment. I worked through treatment so you will be fine. If you need me let me work email is posted if you click on my name and I check it all day long. You will be fine. My oncologist always calls Sloan Kettering for a second opinion and the TAC was their recommendation so I was comfortable with that. Sending you hugs. forgot to pick me up again! geez...what do I have to do to hitch a ride to Florida? LOL. Glad your back. Wishing you the best of luck. goodness you need a break. Wanna come to Florida with me and leave it all behind for a week or so!?!

    Brenda...once you get your sleeve and gaunlet you will feel much really works.
    Gotta get in the shower and start my day.
    I love ya all and I will check back later (probably before work knowing me!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ishope...sue...beautiful picture. Aren't children the greatest!
    Sending you hugs and love too
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Woke up late again. Looked outside and there is ice and now snow. Its is April 11th isnt it? And to think I have to drive around in this stuff all day long! Phoeey! Im gonna try and catch up with all of you.

    Amy: First of all "Sweet Pea" is just about the cutest thing I have seen in along time. What a sweetheart. The picture sure made me smile.

    A special hello to my sunshine sisters. Hey to Vickie and Madison. No sun in this end of the circle. SNOW! I cant believe it.


    Gina: I sent you a PM. Ive been reading up alot about different chemo's and asking lots of questions. TC seems to be quite popular right now with great results. Most of us have been through chemo and we know you can do this. You do to! Sending you a big hug, cause there is nothing worse than someone quoting stats! Old stats! Remember that. So I say, throw the stats out the window.

    Shel: Good to hear from you. I thought you were in the Keys. So whats the big battle with your employer? Im sorry they are making going back to work difficult. Its an emotional thing just going back without having to fight them.

    Brenda: Gosh it was good to hear from you. Sounds like you have been way too busy. How is your husband doing? Sorry about the Lymphedema. Dont settle for a therapist you dont like. Find one that will work with you and give you support. If you go to the LE thread here on these boards, "Binny" is pretty much an expert and can give you lots of advice.

    CY: I dont know what it is, but people are sure driving crazy lately. Not watching what they are doing. I had someone put a ding in my new car while I was parked somewhere. So I will never know who did it. Good luck with your taxes.

    Sue: Great picture of your grandchildren. You must be so proud.

    Betty: Good to see you sunshine sister. I was wondering where you were. This is my theory about bully bosses. They are incredibly insecure and threatened by your knowledge. The one thing that is making them look good, is the great job your doing. But at this stage in our careers, I wouldnt hesitate to change jobs. Im not fighting these silly battles anymore in the work force.

    Denise: Well I ended up with a white lab/coat. Dont mind it, cause I have been in uniforms for most of my career. There will be no scrubs in the building! No colored shoes - which I hate, cause I love wearing different shoes to match my outfits. No sweaters! Now that seems ok when your inside the building, but when you getting in and out of the car all day and its cold - sweaters come in handy. No oversized blouses - oops! thats how I hide my fat. And no makeup that makes your look like your going out for the night. Well I have always worn eye shadow and eye liner. I wear glasses, my eyebrows and eyelashes havent grown back like they were before. So Im sticking to my eye makeup. Im still looking at it positive though. Cant do much to change it. It is now the policy! I looked at my clothing and I thought, geez - Im gona have to change everything. Now that would be fine and fun, if I had the money to go out any buy newer things. They want us to look "very professional."

    Susan: Im with you. Seems like I have less and less time to come on the computer. Always trying to catch up. Hope things are going well for you.

    Well - I have missed many of you. I read all of your posts last night and I had so much I wanted to say. Please know that you are in my heart. And if I didnt mention your name, dont have hurt feelings. Cause I am thinking about you. Just ran out of time. Looks like I need to hop in the shower. Will probably have a 2 hour drive to work cause of the snow.

    Take care and have a good day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning All,

    Morning Vickie, hummm...we need to tweak Nicki's toes!!

    Gina, we should have instructed Mazer to "nip" your onc on the be-hind!! Did you hear your onc yelp just once? Seriously, I know you are doing some serious thinking and my prayers with you.
    Ishope, those pictures are beautiful. I know you are proud of your family.
    Betty, hope your day is better. You know, when I think about it, we spend more waking time at our office, with co-workers and "bosses" than we do in our home....Betty, it is important that you find some peace in your work environment.
    Brenda, I hope you get some relief from the lymphedema.
    Shel, you went through so very much...but we are strong!!!
    Deb, I'm glad you shoulder is improving. Did they order muscle relaxers?
    Kristin, I had some swelling from rads....please make sure your tech and/or rad onc knows if you get uncomfortable, if the redness increases or you are in a great deal of pain.
    Shel, did you make it home?
    Puppy, so glad to see you posting...
    Denise - weight tip...DON'T weight yourself after washing your hair, and with your wet hair wrapped in a towel...I did that and gained 2 pounds in 10 minutes....
    I don't see any news from Robin....any baby yet Robin?
    Need to get ready for work...I'll be back because I know I missed many of you. AND Jake is eatting the chair I am sitting on...

    Update on Radar...staph infection in muscle of leg and cartlidge (sp)...they were doing scans to see if it has gotten into the bone..I know they were planning on surgery to remove some of the muscle...I'm still praying for a miracle for this young man.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Morning Nicki, yep you brightened our day...

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Good morning everyone!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Oh another sunshine sister popped in to say hello. Good morning Liz. Hope your day is a good one.
