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  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Good morning!

    Kids will be home with DH today and I will go back to work. I have worked out a deal with my boss that I will work from home 6AM - 9AM, go to rads at 9:15, then come into the office. I am very lucky that everything is close by. I work about 3 miles from where I live, and the hospital is about 5 miles from where I live. Very convenient!

    Madison, I am keeping Radar in my prayers.

    Nicki, be safe on your drive to work today. I was watching on the weather channel and thinking of you this morning! That weather is headed our way, but we will probably be getting rain instead of snow.

    Gina, sound slike the onc appointment took the wind out of your sails a bit. But you will rebound and be ready to fight this thing your way. You are one tough cookie and you will put the beast back in its place once again!

    Ishop/Tgirl, I will send you guys an email and see what we can throw together!

    I know I missed many but I have to run. Will try to check in later today!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Gina, big hugs, now I'm sending my special flashlight, its bright and will help you see the end of this tunnel...I only wish Dr understood how important compassion was, my son was in the ER after his PCP couldn't be bothered to help...told him, after taking his co pay to just go to the ER..he was too busy to thinks I willbe on th phone later....nothing worse than a pissed off mom.... glad you are posting...and a must take a stab at my theme song for PINKSTOCK...its on the thread...and the boys are doing so welll, tell them how proud I am,it takes alot of work...I'd be glad to help with any papaers they need to there done that...and I'd rather be their age cuz at mine it was a killer

    Madison...prayers for radar...and bad jake could come to the country with are such a good mom....

    to all the early morning glad that you give me my first smile of the day...hugs to you...

    ok just a quick hello on my coffee break, bosss said I chat too much on his time...hmmpft...what does he know...
    hugs and will be back at lunch...
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies,,,
    well i think i am coming out of this depression .... its def a spring thing.... happens every year... maybe its a big worse this year as i am turning a century! ha!
    just sitting here at work.... kinda quiet today we went from a full house to 12 rooms....but now all the golf courses are opening so that will help...
    thinking maybe i should work on some homework so i will do that then go back and read a million posts.....
    amy loved the picture...
    ishop great picture also!
    ns i am thinking about you girl!
    nikki got some email for ya!
    anyone hear from laura b... just curious hope she is doing ok..
    bbl ladies.... hugs to all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Thanks everyone. I am getting back to normal.
    I think I was just SHOCKED by the whole experience. This cancer center is HUGE. They announce your name over a loud speaker to tell you when to go to the lab and when to go to the desk... I am used to my old onc's cozy little dusty office.

    I am also not used to someone not seeing NED down the road and instead seeing METS down the road. I did not expect to hear all the places my cancer will come back to- in detail!

    And when I was going over my history, when I told her I have heart damage from my first chemo five years ago, I didn't think I would hear her say "You will die of this cancer before you die of a heart attack"

    Next thing I know, I am listening to and believing STATS! ME??? ME BELIEVE STATS?? When have you ever heard me say a nice thing about a stat?

    I felt like Ralphie in A Christmas Story when he finally gets to tell santa that he wants a Red Ryder for Christmas and he can't remember what he wants... he starts to say to himself WAKE UP! WAKE UP STUPID!!!
    That was me! I am BELIEVING STATS! WAKE UP!

    I am going with T/C. The hell with stats and the gloom and doom. It is a kick ass chemo. My heart will be ok for when I OUTLIVE the stats. And I ran her program on my exact diagnosis from 5 years ago and it said I wouldn't be here now... Susan Love told me the same thing....

    Uh huh.

    I am going to follow my gut. NOT a computer program!

    Thank you all so much!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    THERE is the Gina I know! Big hugs girlfriend. You can do this and we will be there every step of the way.

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    My thoughts exactly Deb! Kick ass Gina is back!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi Ladies,

    I was going to be good and not spend my work time writing, but I checked in to read for just a minute and I can’t stand it. Please excuse typo’s – I’m not going to take time to proof read too carefully.

    Betty – Your boss makes me mad. I know it’s not for me to say, but I think you need to look for someone who appreciates you. I can’t begin to tell you how much better my life is now that I work someplace where I’m appreciated. When I got laid off last October, I thought it was the end of the world, but it was really for the best. If you can’t leave, maybe a bunch of us will come and tie knots in her hair for you!

    Shel – Sorry you’re stuck at the airport, but I’m jealous of your tan. I’m suffering from a severe case of lily-white winter skin. Post a photo for us!

    Sue – Great photo! You must be so proud of those lovely ladies! I’ll help you box up Gina’s microwave for Robin’s hubby – that’s the best thing for both and a great suggestion!

    Gina – Sorry your new onc has that mind set. I wish I could stick mine in a box and send her to you. She was very positive. She also gives hugs, so I don’t think you should read too much into that. Some doctors seem to be more demonstrative than others. I did A/C and Taxol, and posted on your other thread. Remember, the only stat that matters is YOU! Hugs to you!

    CY – Good luck with your taxes. Taxes stink. Not that you want to put them off any longer, but don’t we get an extra day this year, since the 15th is Sunday?

    MB – Your son’s PCP said he was too busy?? What did they make an appointment for then?? That is twisted and wrong! I’d make a big stink!

    Oooo – a big ol’ skunk just went walking by across the street. Now that’s something you don’t see every day around here. Betty – is your boss missing?

    Absolutely have to get back to work now,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies. The satellite tech is supposed to be here at 11 this morning. Not only is the stupid thing working now, it's raining. hahahahhahh me thinks he's not gonna be happy.
    The good news is the rain is gonna wash the oak pollen away and I might actually be able to breath again. Yehaw!!!
    Have to take the kid to work. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
    Also have the car window guy coming today. Rock hit my windshield on Sat and gave it a nice little crack. Can't have my beep beep broken. Hmmmm don't think he's gonna wanna replace my window in the rain either.
    Gina YOU ARE NOT A STATISTIC! you know that. Do what you need to my dear.
    Madison, still praying for Radar.

    Ann, skunks out in the daytime are almost always rabid. Call animal control.

    See you all later. Have a fabulous day.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    G-glad you have the fighting spirit--you will prevail!

    Amy-Sweet Pea is adorable. You look comfy in your afghan

    I am feeling emotionally a lot better, but I think my body is fighting a cold or something. Last night my dh was at work and I went to bed extra early. Well, my teenage son decided to take advantage and stayed up way too late and couldn't get up for school this morning, so I'm very upset. However, I'm not crying, so that's a good thing.

    Lots going on in the circle and lots here at home. Robin, I hope you are doing ok and you have a baby to play with.

    Have a great rest of the day.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Gina...Now I'M freaking out about stats as my dx was almost the same as yours. (pretty much exactly dear girl)and I had 6 rounds of TAC...bilateral...rads. MY oncologists says he expects to see me still here when I'm 70 or older. I do get worried every time I have an appointment, an ache or pain and had two micro positive nodes AFTER chemo which freaked me out as I was afraid the chemo didn't work and there were stray cells floating around. oncololgist said that the nodes were micro positive and the cancer cells were contained inside them which was good...meant my nodes were doing what they were supposed to. The chemo killed all the cancer in the node that they knew was positive before chemo started. You will be fine and I do believe I would direct your new oncologist to this site for an update on "stats"...sounds like she isn't as up to date as she should be. Tell her to read through the threads of all our girls with no recurrance and all our girls beating mets or living with mets. I truly think she needs a wake up call and some bedside manners! Sending you love and hugs.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Gina, YOU are the magic ingredient in your treatment plan. The stats don't know how to account for that. Do your homework, talk to all the doctors you need to talk to and convince your onc to do what you want to do.

    and splain to your onc that you need to feel like she is on your side. Someone has got to live. Why not you!!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Sheri glad you are having a better day...big hugs to you

    and yes has anyone seen LauraB...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Gina, if anyone can deal with all this YOU can! It's too bad your new onc put such a negative spin on everything. There is not a doctor on this planet who can tell you how long you will live. Not one!!! You beat this before and you will do it again. Your onc should talk to all the ladies here who have beaten back the beast not just once, but sometimes 2 or 3 times, and who are living with mets!! With your positive attitude, you will win your war again!

    Amy, as Shirley would say, that little Sweet Pea is too pickin' cute!!! I can't believe she cuddles with you.

    Vickie, if I don't exercise in the morning, it doesn't get done. I'm not worth squat after 3:00. Hope your DD is feeling better today.

    Betty, there is nothing worse than a bully boss!! Work can be bad enough without having to put up with a toad.
    You should definately talk to your doc about upping your Effexor. If you need it, take it!

    Sue, what a beautiful family. You must be very proud.

    Madison, oh my, Jake is eating your chair??? Time to put him outside ! Hoping that Radar's staph infection will be under control soon.

    Nicki, you got snow today? We are supposed to get a ton of rain tomorrow. Of course, right in time for the morning rush hour. I hate driving in pouring rain. Your new dress code involves rules about make-up???? That seems a little nit picky to me. The white lab coat is ok. I wear scrubs to work. It saves a whole lot of money on clothes.

    Anne, I second that!!! Call animal control!!! Skunks out in broad daylight are almost always rabid!

    I had an uneventful day so far. Got a hair cut, did laundry (of course), got the guest bedroom ready for the grands this weekend. I guess you know I won't be posting this weekend. Not while I'm chasing a 2 yr. old and a 4 yr. old around . When is it ever gonna get warm? I know we are going to jump right into summer, with no spring.

    A big hello to all I missed, Cheri (are you sleeping now?), Robin (is there a new baby?), Colleen, Karen, Tracey, Puppy, Gus/Sue, Kristin, Mena, Shel, Denise, JanKay, Sheri, Joyce, Deb, and everyone else I missed.

    Bugs and fishes to all!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Ha ha haaaa...I was waiting to see how long it took "Fighting Gina" to kick in...knew you wouldn't let me down girlfriend!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Whoops!! Hi MB! I see you sneaking in at work. Shhhhhhhh! I'll never tell .
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Hey Peggy, where the hell ya been??? Good to hear from you! Yeah, now that Fightin' Gina is back, her onc better get ready to deal with the Warrior!!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    peggy...whoo hoo a new picture too.... hmmm...i knew I was forgetting something...but boss has been here and gone for the
    G...I know you will straighten her out...we are not numbers we are human beings...and nothing is the same for all of plfffftttt to her...must be something with bedside manners this week...
    take care alll
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Just sneaking in at work to say a quick hello to everyone. We're getting ready for another snow storm tomorrow, and the kids will probably have a snow day for the second Thursday in a row. My poor tulips are trying to pop out of the ground, but I think they are confused!

    I'll be able to write more later. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking about you!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I am so tired of this stupid weather!!!!

    Gina: I agree with Susan, YOU are the magic ingredient in your treatment. Having said that, I have to add this: What the Hell was that Onc thinking? Has compassion completely gone the wayside? You are a fighter, and you will fight the beast again and win again. We are all with you.

    Ishop/Sue: Such cute Grandkids! I only have one, but she is the apple of my eye! I have to say that I love your suggestion for Gina's Microwave!!!!

    Cy: Hope your MIL is improving. The car, I had that happen a couple months ago at the Post Office. (mailing squares!)
    I was atleast 3/4 of the way backing out and I looked over my other shoulder and a woman was backing out right into me!
    All was okay, no damage and atleast she was nice about it!

    Brenda: I agree that some authoritive figures (bosses), talk down to people to make them look small, thinking they are boosting their own ego's.

    Vickie: Someone told you "Palliative Care Only?" What is up with this crap.

    Shel: I hope you are not still sitting in the airport! And I hope you enjoyed the Sunshine in Florida. We certainly do not have any around MI!

    Nicki: Just wash your White Lab Coat with a New Pair of Red Socks....BINGO....Accidentally PINK! We've gone the no jewelry, nail polish, eye makeup thing in different companies before. Unfortunately, there are always a few who have to have common sense spelled out for them, but I don't go anywhere without makeup! Oversized Blouses....No different than Scrubs and certainly better than some of the Muffin Top/Camel Toe clothes you see some people wearing! Ugh- Good luck!

    Madison: I love it! I will never weigh myself with wet hair again!! I am sending prayers for Radar. Miracles do happen, infact there are appx. 40,000 miracles on this site!

    Tracey: I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Depression is as much a illness as anything. Trust me, I know first hand.

    Sheri: You're feeling better, too! Much better week for alot of BC Sisters!

    Jan: Enjoy your Grandkids this weekend...and don't forget to post and let us know that you survived!!

    Deb: How's the shoulder?

    Cheri: Where are you? Let me guess....sleeping, so you can stay up all night and watch over us!

    Robin: Where are you? And, How are you? Do we have a new baby yet??

    Alwayshope, MB, Shirley, Gus/Sue, Anne, Amy, Kristen, Liz, and all.......thinking good thoughts for all of you!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I just posted on the Circle Spa. I did sign up for the Medical weight loss Plan..Hoping and wishing!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Oh my goodness, so many posts and not enough time. I came home early. Drove through 4 inches of snow - had to pull over twice to wipe off the car. Snow flakes were the size of quarters. Then on my way home went from snow, to sleet, to rain. Got home and you woulndt have believed I was driving in a storm today. This is really crazy weather.

    Tracey: Ahahaha evre since we changed to comcast I dont check my email. Guess I better do that huh?

    NS: You knwo how I feel. Gonna do it again. This is what I want to do to that onc!


    OK To everyone else. I read you posts. Some of them really made me laugh. But I have to go so I will catch up with ya in the morning. MB, Sherloc, Vickie, Jan, Denise, NS, Sheri, Madison and PEGGY!!

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2007

    I am out of hibernation to say THIS Missy!!

    It is most unfortunate that your new onc has this doom and gloom mindset but.... this cannot be your mindset. I am so glad that WARRIOR GINA is back!

    NONE of us is a statistic, every one of us defies the odds against us. You get your mind in gear and fight your ass off for what you want and need. We are with you!!

    It's a damn shame she is such a statistic spewing pessimist

    love you and HELLO to everyone!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Just popping in quick...
    Denise...when I had my mammogram and my biopsy my BS...who has no bedside manner whatsoever told me that as far as she was concerned I would only receive pallative care. Totally freaked me out. I then went to my oncologist and had all the scans, MRI's, x-rays, etc and they found that there was NED anywhere in my body other than my breast and one obviously positive node. He started me on the TAC and here I am...NED...haahaa to my BS!!! I had clean margins after my bilateral but will never forget the day she told me there wasn't much hope. WRONG WRONG WRONG. The scary thing was, my bs is the very best in our area. Highly recommended by everyone! How she could have said what she did is beyond me.
    My oncologist on the other hand was a doll...loved him and he is so very optimistic always. He always gets second opinions on everything from Sloan Kettering so I feel very comfortable with him.
    I am still amazed at what was told to Gina...makes me sick all over again.
    I will be back later to post to you all...
    Hey...welcome "home" Tina!
    Love ya all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Ok, girls, I've just been thrown another curve ball. My oldest son, Jacob, who is 20 and has a mental disorder, just went to the doctor today because of a bump on his neck. He said it's been there awhile, but seems to be growing and it hurts. I didn't go with him, because I really wasn't too concerned. I get cysts on my head all the time and just figured it was something like that--but no--the doctor is now making an appointment to have it biopsied! He had blood work and put him on an antibiotic just in case it's an infected lymph node, but actually said the "C" word to my son. I wish I had been there and got the word directly from the doctor, but Jacob doesn't seem to be too upset. I'm totally freaked! It's too early to make any assumptions, but he's already saying he doesn't want to do chemo. I told him we will have to talk when we know more.

    Thank God I got something for depression when I did, or I would just be crawled up in my bed and never come out.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Deep breaths Sheri....I always jump to conclusions and now I'm going to stand on my Soap Box and tell you not to! It could be a cyst, but hopefully it is just a swollen lymph node that will respond to the antibiotic. And remember he is a 20 year old kid/ you may not have gotten a "clear" replay of the appt. If his Dr. will give you any information (privacy laws) I'd try calling and see if you can find out a bit more.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Sheri, try not to get upset until the biopsy results come back. I know it's easier said than done, but try. Your son is in our prayers. Chances are that it is nothing!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Wow Sheri...not another curve ball. How many times before we all crawl under our beds and stay there! Denise is right, take a deep breath and try not to worry. Dr. is probably just being extra cautious and covering all the bases and it does sound like nothing more than a cyst or a swollen lymph node. My daughter had a terrible swollen lump node one time and it turned out she had mono which turned into the worst case of mono her doctor had ever seen! All will be well...sending you hugs.

    I am staying home tomorrow!!! Yippee a day off!!! I simply need a mental health day and Nathaniel doesn't have school so we are cleaning house tonight so we can just have a fun filled day tomorrow. We are supposed to have a mixture of rain, sleet and snow tomorrow so we may just hang out by the fireplace, eat popcorn and watch movies while I crochet.

    Bad Jake is eating a chair! Oh my. I had an Alaskan Malamute one time years ago. Planted a row of good sized trees in the front yard. Came home from getting groceries and one of the trees was lying on the ground...yup...foolish dog chewed right through it. She liked to dig holes to...BIG HOLES. I was forever shoveling dirt back in her holes and replanting grass. Malamutes are sweet but can be very destructive!

    Ok...back to cleaning...I'll be back.
    Cheri...are you sleeping?
    Where is Deb?
    Did Shel make it home?
    Anyone hear anything from Carrie or Denise?
    Love to everyone
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Hey Jan...have fun with the kids! Who's gonna keep me out of trouble in Hershey land this weekend?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. This post is gonna be rather short. I have been so tired the last couple days. I hate to sleep and that's all I've been able to do. Just feel a little yucky. Nothing to get my bloomers in a twist over. Maybe I'm coming down with a little flu bug, if so, I'll just deal with it.

    Amy, cute pic of Sweet Pea. Is that you in the pic and if so, why didn't you look up at the camera? I want to see your face.

    Betty,I think maybe if I were you I'd be looking for a different job in the same field. Or just sit down with your boss and have a heart to heart. If she gets hateful tell her to take that job and shove it and go find another one. Or I guess you can just deal with it, but it doesn't sound like that's very easy to do.

    Ishop, Nice pic of your family. We'd love to have a little granddaughter around here, we're all boys.

    Shirley, so glad to have you back.

    Gina, what can I say that hasn't already been said? I had 6 rounds of TAC 3 weeks apart. My side effects were severe fatigue, and I got mouth sores really bad that lasted about a week. Other than the usual chemo brain that was it as far as side effects. It didn't make me sick. But it is a strong chemo. But it's tolerable. I never lost any facial hair and still had to shave my legs. lol You'll do fine. I don't like my onc either. He has no bedside manner.

    Sheri, hope your son just has a little infection and the anti-biotics will get rid of it.

    Madison, praying for Radar, that hits too close to home for me.

    Janny, yes I was sleeping. Kinda got the yuckers today.

    Mena called me this afternoon but I was sleeping so I told Amber to tell her I'd call her back. She said to tell me her computer was down and she'd call back. Sounds like an awfully good excuse not to post, Meaner. You think that'll make me leave you alone and not nag you? Humm? You should know me better than that. But I guess I should give you the benefit of the doubt. lol

    Hey to Vickie, Susan, Iris, Nicki, Tracey, Shel, Denise, Madison and shoot the list is just too long. You all know who you are. Have a great evening.
