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  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hi ladies, hey i was wondering if I had a pampered chef party would any of you come over????

    well i will give you a sample!!!!!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Tracey, OMG, I want so badly to ask if I could lick the bowl, but I wont' cos I might get into trouble. And I do not want that. Count me in. lol

    Shame on you dirty girl. I wuv you! hahahaha
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    I am an inactive consultant for "The Pampered Chef" and about fell on the floor when my daughter sent me this one!

    Sneaking in here while I get my records from EBAY printed out. Thought the hubby had been doing them all year and find out he hadn't so now my printer is burning out the pages upon pages. I still have other reports I have to find too!
    Glad I'll be able to monitor what he's doing this year!

    Yeah our fighting Gina is back!

    Tina good to see you too!

    Anyone seen Lini lately?

    Mena go to the libary we miss you girl they have computers you can use there!

    Cheri I hope you start feeling better soon.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Wow! Nice looking chef.

    I haven't been posting much lately, just reading with short posts.

    I think I'm experiencing some depression. I'm just not as interested in things right now.

    It saddens me to hear of the troubles that many of you are facing. I know that the things that are bothering me are so little in comparison to a child in jail, a new cancer, shoulder injuries, Parkinsons, and on and on. I pray for you every day, knowing that God will give you the strength you need for every situation.

    For my own part I know that I should feel lucky that I'm not facing these things, but how lucky am I?

    I don't feel lucky. I don't consider 6 months of chemo lucky. I don't think that 33 rads are lucky either. Worrying about aches and pains and fatigue isn't lucky.

    Oh, I try not to worry, but I don't like this new fatter me. It's so discouraging sometimes. It's starting to get to me.

    And yet, I have so many things to be thankful for. I have insurance that pays my medical bills. I have a DH who loves me. He told me recently that I was irreplaceable. My mom would do anything she could to help me, and she's 81. I have a nice home, and one very special neighbor who cares about me.

    I'm tired of being the cheerful, good patient. All the media coverage of cancers coming back, just reminds me that I might be one of those who doesn't make it.

    What has brought this all on is that one of the members of my Lebed class died last week. The beast got her. She hadn't been in class for a few months, but our instructor had kept in contact with her. It's just not fair!!! She was 3 years younger than I, and was dx'd at about the same time.

    Sorry that this is so long, but I needed to talk about it. My DH would have a hard time, because it would remind him that it could happen to me. It's better if he lives in denial land. He has so much to deal with right now, because of his parents' situation. I feel as if I need to protect him. BTW he feels that his mother's state of mind is fragile right now. And he's trying to help his dad adjust to being without her for a while. The reality of it is that someday both of his parents will pass on, and that's hard for him to come to terms with. His mom is 87 and his dad is 90.

    Thanks for being here.

    Hugs and healing for all who need them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Laura, so sorry you're feeling low. Sometimes even though we know that we're lucky in so many ways, life just has a way of getting to us. That's ok. We are all allowed down times as long as we don't let ourselves stay down. We simply have to force ourselves to look on the positive side of things. Just because there's people in much worse situations doesn't mean that we don't have the right to get the 'blues'. If you're talking about depression then you really should talk to your doctor. It's good we have a place to come and vent. It always helps to get it off your chest. I hope you feel much better tomorrow. Saying prayers for you.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007

    Thanks, Cheri--Laura

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2007

    just lost my post, but had to go back and tell you I also had TAC. I'm glad that I went for the "big guns" but it took a piece of my life last year. I was fortunate with few nasty side effects. Not every one is, and you can only judge what will be best for you. Meanwhile you have a whole cheering section to get into prayers as well.

    I have always been amazed at the insensitivity of some doctors. It's like they are dealing with robots the way some talk. They are clueless as to what effect their words have. Healing is physical, mental emotional and spiritual and many of them just don't appreciate that.
    But we do and we will always be here, praying and supporting.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Laura - I'm sorry you're down, glad you were able to come here and talk. Big hugs to you.

    Gina - posted on your other thread. I had DD AC/T. I realize now you can't have the A. Like some girls here, I did fairly well on the AC, but the Taxol kicked my butt. Every side effect possible, it was just ridiculous.

    I'm tired, confused, and very distracted by Lenny!! but I think your T is taxotere not taxol? I believe they are the same family of drug though?

    Gotta go to bed, will try to catch up in the AM.

    Totally hilarious comments about my adult hip hop class! You girls crack me up. The class is still a NIGHTMARE, we hate it and can't wait for it to be over! Maybe if we weren't awful we'd have a better outlook! LOL
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Well I've finished printing out some of the reports I needs so I better go start onthem. Will have to get the rest tomorrow and may I'll get to read while they're printing!

    NIght all sleep well,
    Love Hugs & Prayers
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    just a short post before bed. this has been a busy day Missy,my caregiver was out sick today, which means i didnt have some one watching me every minute. So i moved stuff around in my living room and kitchen. In the morning, she w ill shit because i moved so much stuff.
    You can figure out h ow to do alot of things with a wheelchair if u just think. After all where there is a will there is a way.

    Laura, i hate u are going th rough such a hard time.
    Just remember that u have a lot of friends that care for u and alot of people dont have one friend.

    Love to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I stomping my foot, waiting for Spring. I cant believe on April 12th we have snow on the ground! Usually in April, here in Chicago we can at least take a deep sigh and say no more snow. Haha the joke is on me.

    Tina: Im so glad you came out of hibernation. It was good to hear from you.

    Sheri: Usually whe a lymph node is swollen and hurts, it means your fighting an infection. and thats what I hope is going on with your son. Sending you a big hug.

    Laura: Sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. Unfortunately, depression is a big part of this whole journey. So I think your feeling down - is normal. We try to move on everyday, but its not that easy to do. Taking care of agining parents is very hard.

    This is for Sheri and Laura:


    Colleen: I did dose dense A/C and Taxol, except after the first Taxol, I had so many side effects I was changed to Taxotere. They are from the same family. The YEW tree of all things. One is from the bark and one is from the needles. 2 years ago right when I was gonna start chemo, we had 2 monkeys mysteriously pass on. They found out it was because they ate a Yew tree! Hmmm and that was right before I was gonna start my chemo!

    I have been reading alot of information about chemo they are using now that they were not using 2 years ago. The combination of TC seems to be a great choice right now, especially for those who might develope heart issues from the Adriamycin.

    Jeanette: So good to see you again. I hope all is going well. Sure do miss you around here.

    Jankay: A break from the caregiver! And look at what you accomplished. Bet it feels good.

    Things here are still pretty shakey. Like so many others have posted, my husband has been drinking way too much. Seems like all he does is play guitar and drink beer. I finially said something to him yesterday. He said well it cant be unhealthy for me its like exercising. So I told him well thats great. I wish I didnt have to go to work everyday. I wish I could just stay home and exercise for 5 hours like he is doing. Then I found out we owe money for our taxes. From all of his gigs at the pubs! I finially told him this is ridiculous, it is now costing us money for him to be an entertainer. I just keep working harder and harder and keep going into deeper and deeper debt!

    I told him I was worried he was gonna make himself sick. And he said to me, well dont worry, if something happens to me, your friend Susan will take care of you. I jumped outta bed and put my hands on my hips and said - Im doing a fine job taking care of myself. Its you who should worry, cause if something happens to me, who is gonna take care of YOU! This is the life I have chosen. He is a good husband, friend and very supportive emotionally. But yesterday when I came home - he didnt even have the bed made. The house is a mess. And my exercise room is also his music room. So I havent been able to exercise.

    So yesterday, I drank wine, ate cookies, a twinkie, and pistachios. Im tired of living from paycheck to paycheck. With this new dress code, Im gonna need new clothes. The stuff I have, will not cut it. Makes me sick, cause I have some really nice suits and dresses, but Im too fat to fit into them.

    Havent scheduled the bone scan yet, think I will do that today. I have been so darn busy.

    OK - thats my rant for the day. Im seriously thinking about getting a second job. All of my life I have taken care of people. Just wishing right now someone would take care of me. Whine whine whine.

    Hoping you all have a great day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Nicki i am so sorry your husband is being such an ass. You are doing everything you can to make a go of things, and possibly sometime in the future you will get satisfaction from that.

    It was a relief to do what i wanted when i wanted although
    i am very close to my caregiver.

    All the other circlegirls. take care and keep the faith.

    Love Jankay
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning,

    Nicki, so sorry you are going through this hard time….You need someone to take care of you because your burden is very heavy now. Men just don’t get it….

    I know many of you are getting snow and ice..but we reached 83 degrees yesterday. It sounds great until you realize the Gulf waters will warm up and hurricane season is around the corner.

    Vickie, where are you? Oh, you have the day off and are sleeping late. Enjoy your day.

    Sheri, I think a swollen lymph node may mean your son is fighting an infection. I think the antibiotic will help.

    Jankay, good for you…glad you were able to re-arrange things in your home. Let us know what your caregiver thinks of the redecorating.

    Colleen, if you are going to Pinkstock-can you teach us to hip hop? I imagine it is great exercise.

    Gina, you sound like you have a great plan…we are all here for you.

    Laura, I agree with Nicki, depression is a part of this journey and I’m sorry you are going through this…life is difficult in and of itself without throwing in bc..

    Cy, did you finish printing out your reports?

    Cheri, so Mena called you and she has a down computer….thank you for keeping in touch with Mena…we just have to get her to come visit more often.

    Gosh, gotta go to work….I am not working all day…feel terrible (throat, etc) I’m going to clock out early.

    Hello to all I missed (and I know I missed many and feel bad for having missed you)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters,
    Up and showered and getting ready to cook breakfast for Nathaniel. Have a day off...yippee. I picked a good day as its raining, sleeting, snowing etc out there...really nasty and calling for snow for the next three days!
    I tried and tried to post last night and nothing would work...did anyone else have problems? Drove me nuts!

    Tracey...can you send that chef my way? hmmm.

    CY...did you get your taxes done yet? I have to do my daughters now...yeeesshhh...way behind. I have been wondering about Lini too. Little brat is hiding on us.

    Oh sweet Laura...sending you a hug. I don't have words to make you feel better but wish that I did.

    Jeannette...nice to see you. I did the TAC too. My last one was April 19th of last year.

    Colleen..your still hip hopping! Oh my. I would have given up for sure. Good for you. Hope they don't have you doing these moves
    Jankay...heehee...are you in trouble this morning? I can't sit still and did a lot of things after my mast that I wasn't supposed to. You sound like one tough lady and good for you!

    Sweet Nicki...I am stomping my feet waiting for spring too. This is insane. Whine away dear girl you have every right to. Gonna send that DH to the deliverence tent and give him a serious talking too. You deserve to have someone take care of you for a while. A second job!!! NO WAY...send that man out to get himself some work and tell him you need some extra pampering and support. He sounds that an issue? Sending you extra hugs and letting you know that you are beautiful!!!

    Hmmm...checking around the wagon circle, Madison is tangled up in yarn, Cheri is snoozing away, Lini's wagon is empty, Shel might be in her wagon but can't tell for sure, not getting to close to Iris's wagon as I don't want the alarms to go off and end up in jail!
    Sending out hugs to everyone and wishing I had time to post to you all....Silvergirl...where are you? Time to go back and see who is MIA so we can round up a posse.
    Love ya all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I am meeting with a NEW ONC today.
    I need ANOTHER opinion and hopefully a doc with a better attitude!
    Wish me luck!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    It's so unlike you to complain so things must be weighing heavily on your mind---but what better place to get it off your chest?

    One suggestion on the tax issue. Keep track of his "gig income" and pay estimated quarterly taxes out of his money this year so YOU don't get hammered again next April. What happened this year just isn't fair. He should be the one getting a second job, not you.

    You have said often that he is a good hubby, a good friend and emotionally supportive and I don't doubt that but he sounds a lot like having a teenage boy underfoot!

    Hope I haven't been too up front. Talk to your tax preparer about quarterly payments, it will help take the bumps out of the road and eliminate some penalties you probably paid this year.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    I just wanted to let you know that your posts is one of the main things that keep me going.You have a wonderful gift and an awesome personality,it shines through in your writing.I understand the situation with DH.My DH is great most of the time but he shows his tail every now and then.But I know that just like a child(which is what men are)he is reacting to the stress in our lives.Since I have finished chemo and have some hair now everyone thinks the old Lisa is back.She will never be back.I have family trying to push babysitting on me,DH wanting home cooked meal everyday,ex-boss calling wanting me to come back to work.I try to be normal for them.I went skating with the kids and DH Friday night and between the darn disco flashing lights and the Oxycontin and Adderal I couldn't even stand on the skates.I ,of course ,fell and my knee is huge and black and blue.Still hurts now.Sorry for rambling,just letting you know you are such an inspiration to me.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    GOOD LUCK GINA!!!! You need an oncologist with a positive kick a$$ attitude like mine was. If you want mine let me know...seriously...he is the best and you can come stay with me. Probably drive each other crazy but what the heck!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. I'm kinda in a fog this morning. Just not feeling real good and didn't sleep well. I didn't take any notes but I read everyone. Know that you are all in my heart and on my mind.

    Gina, glad you're seeing a new onc. today. Good luck.

    Nicki, I'm so sorry that you're having problems at home. Men can sure be a pain in the butt. I agree with whoever told you not to get a second job, make your hunsband find a first job. He needs you.

    Morning, Vickie, Susan, and just all of you.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Circle girls,

    Nicki-so sorry to hear the pain in your voice. I am just glad you came here and got it off your chest so to speak. Men,,,hmmmmmm boys maybe is a better term. do they ever grow up? I agree with the quarterly taxes and by now you know what he makes in a year. I would seriously sat down and have a big discussion with no beer involved if he isnt carrying his own weight. You work and provide the insurance and you already have a 2nd job so why take on a 3rd one? You need Nicki time also which doesnt mean working every waking hour. You run alot of miles throughout the day and that would be so much on you to take on something else. I vote he does more to help out. It does sound like depression could be playing with him. Thinking of you sister and sending you a big ol hug.

    Cheri-I dont look at cameras so there. Neener, Neener Neener. I'm surprised I even posted that pic showing as little as it does. Sweet pea was snuggling with me last night also on the couch and we fell asleep together. Me, sweet pea, peanut annie, Orion and spunky all curled up resting. Changing the subject but it seems you go through patterns with your rest. Your body takes all it can and then you are tired for several days in a row.

    Madison-warm weather here also but rain today. Hopefully no hurricanes but we did have a tornado touch down yesterday about an hour from here.

    Naniam-loved the goat story. Mine rode home in the front seat of the truck also as happy as a pig in pook. They are such loving little things.

    Vickie-hopefully your daughter is doing well.

    gina-woohooo, glad you have another meeting and hopefully this one will have a better attitude.

    Mena-computer problems huh? Hmmmm, going to give it some thought on that excuse.

    LauraB-are you lurking? Whats going on with you? Missing you around here.

    Jankay-you sound like you might be in a bit of trouble this morning. lol. Glad you got to do some things and I am sure you felt great about it.

    Susan-hows the knee?

    Adrionna-good luck with the weight loss program.

    Jeannie-good advice.

    CY-glad you got everything all printed out. TAxes are so much fun. NOT!

    Laura-sorry to hear you are having a rough time. This is a great place to let it out because we all get "it"

    Sherndon-Dont panic until its time. I know easier said than done but just letting you know I am thinking of you.

    Biker54-I did some laundry last night and thought of you,,lol. Its never ending isnt it? Good luck with the grands, sounds like fun!

    Tracey-hmmm, you are trying to get us in trouble again arent you? lol

    Shirley-If you read this can you tell me what kind of satellite internet you have? I have two choices here and just needing some input.

    ok gotta run get some work done. I have a killer headache this morning and its not even self induced!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Good morning all! It has been a little busy around here so I have not been posting much but I still read. I never take notes but I know who I need to reach out to.

    Nicki, my #2 ss is a musician. He got fired from his day job with Coca-Cola which paid the bills and then some because of his music and taking time off to play gigs and record an album. Well, he had to declare bankruptcy because my dil does not work because they have young children and only one car. Well, it is a good excuse anyway, NOT. So, dh told ss to get a day job doing something, if nothing else for health insurance for them. In PA, kids can get insurance no matter what. Anyway, he finally got a job teaching music. They are holding their own and paying the bare minimums to survive, at elast as far as we know. I guess, in my long very drawn out way, maybe he can get a job like that. I mean, he is a musician and ss makes pretty good money giving lessons. He works for a music store strictly as a teacher.

    For everyone feeling the blues, don't try to make it on your own. Talk to someone, a doctor or your spirtiual leader. It couldn't hurt!

    I hate this extension of winter! It is cold and now it is raining and, well, just yuck! Looking forward to the weekend and some sunshine!

    Vickie, can't believe you have snow and sleet too.

    Madison, saying a prayer for Radar and Sheri, it is never easy when the kids are sick, praying for a minor infection.

    OK, back to crocheting this afghan. Tomorrow is my appt with the gp for my surgery cert. Yipee, get to be poked and prodded. I will check in later. Love to all!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,
    gotta go to PT.

    cheri sorry you are not feeling well. are you worried about surgery coming up?

    Nicki, whenever you need to complain, we are here for you. the others in our lives don't always realize that not only have things changed for us, they have changed for them too. life can still be fun, but it has changed. we all have more respnsibility to take care of each other.

    NS, good luck!!!!!!!

    Laura, I know, It's still hard even when we don't have immediate dramatic problems. I sure know what you are talking aobut.

    Hi CherylCY, good to see you.

    Jankay, I hope you don't get into trouble today for all the work you did yesterday. LOL

    Madison, I envision you like a kitten surrounded by balls of yarn with loose ends all over your face. How do you get untangled to go to work!!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    You were posting the same time I was. So glad to hear you are going for a second opinion. It's important that we feel safe and protected by our oncs and that we are on the same wave length. I do have to say that I have learned to love mine---first meeting I thought she was cut and dried to the point of scareyness but we have mellowed out together. Guess I would've considered ANYBODY scarey at that point!

    Hope the next appointment goes well.

    Yup, I'm kinda AWOL. The family is overwhelming me---some of it in a good way and some of it not so much. I've also been in one of those places we all get to on occassion---need to clear my head out of all the BC stuff. Too many false alarms and the second anniversary is coming up. I'm still reading along when I can but only put my two cents worth in when I feel compelled. Everyone is still in my heart and on my mind---it's just a little crowded in there right now!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies,,

    every thursday we get this little paper and usually its full of factual information... this time i found a little joke i had to chuckle about... so here it is!

    The Cannibal test

    Three men who were lost in the forest were captured by cannibals. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they could live if they pass a trial. The first step of the trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all three men went seperate ways to gather fruits.
    The first one came back and said to the king, I brought ten apples. The kind then explained to thrail to him. You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any expression on your face or you'll be eaten.
    The first apple went in.... but on the second one he winces out in pain, so he was killed.
    The second one arrived and showed the king ten berries. When the king explained the trial to him he thought to himself that this should be easy. 1...2...3...4....5...6...7...8... and on the ninth berry he burst out in laughter and was killed.
    The first guy and the second guy met in heaven.
    The first one asked. Why did you laugh you almost got away with it......
    The second one replied...... I couldnt help it I saw the third guy coming with pinapples..................

    hahahahahah ok sick but i lmao

    great day ladies
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Howdy from the country of Texas.......well ladies I took a little time off step away from the computer because I was about to have a nervous breakdown concerning my 3 month check-up with the onc on markers are liver markers were back down to normal....she told me that my spleen is enlarged, my liver is fatty, and I have gallstones but so far no sign of mets.......she also enrolled me in a nutrition class for the months of May and June offered for bc patients...she told me if I don't do something about my fat (diet) I will end up with mets) being triple neg......I know she is right so I went to half-price bookstore yesterday and bought the "Prikitin Program" which is a very low fat diet plan......Cheri thanks for asking about me....guess what?????I am 5'10" also.....ha.....maybe for the magic carpet I can ride on the back and make sure no one falls off....I can see over everybodies head.....always have been the parent at the back of the bus on field trips doing head counts....brb

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007

    crap lost my post...bbl...MB

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Tracey very funny....that reminds of this radio talk show I listen to here...about once a month they will have emergency room nurses call in with the funniest er visits with people....this one nurse called in and said that this really pretty girl came in one night and had ten barbie heads stuck up inside her backside...what the ?????oh heck brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Anyway DebC remember when I said after working in the yard I got the red rash under the good keeped getting worse and worse and last weekend I was in alot of pain well just so ya'll know I got a real good case of shingles....oh ochhhhhhh.....geez this hurts like hell....anyway onc has put me on that correct?and some really good pain killers...the Femvir cost me 201.38 my prescription plan would only pay for 39.00 dollars....I quess they figure if I have herpes that I should just quite whoring around....ha..........oh geez brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    I just want everyone to know that every single cg is in my prayers....there is so much we all have to deal with not only with our own health but the well being of kids,parents, spouses, etc....Gina I am so praying that your second opinion onc is better than Dr.Deathbymets (love that) Sheri you are really in my prayers today concerning your son.....Nicki sweetheart do you know what they call a musican that just had a fight with their wife??? "homeless"....ha...........Vickie don't you just "love" family????????I'm sorry I will brb....I work in property insurance and we are expecting a big storm tomorrow and everyone is calling in to check on their policies......

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey shokk--I don't know if you live anywhere you can go get acupuncture? It worked so well it was almost like magic in curing my shingles. You poor thing…shingles kicked my butt! It was WAY more painful than after my mast surgery. Sending you a gentle hug…
    Deb C