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  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Just popping in to wish G "good luck" and...NICKI what's going on? I'm gonna come down there and kick your husband's butt and tell him to get it together! Doesn't he know what a great wife he has?

    Seriously, I'm sure this is've said so many good things about him...?!

    Love ya both,

    PS: Hello to all the ladies...not the note taking kind but sending lots of energy to those who need it!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    G, good luck with the new onc..I hope you like this one.

    Hi Peggy.

    Shokk, shingles, oh my that is awful...they hurt, itch...hoping you get better real, real fast. Deb has some good advice.

    Here is my question for the day:

    Who do you call when you cat is stuck up a tree?

    Yes, Jake chased my cat up a tree. She is howling...
    never a dull moment.

    I am going to try to find my ladder and hope I can use it and climb the tree....geez I haven't climbed a tree since elementary school...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Deb thanks so much.....I had gone back to try and search what you said that you had done concerning shingles and I couldn't find the right page.......your right I cannot believe how how much this hurts...I'm like Gina...I'm not a fan of pain really upsets my stomache but right now I am taking it and just running down to the restroom about every thirty minutes....if acupuncture would work I would much rather do that then the pain meds.........I have a story I want to share but the phone is ringing again...brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Madison be sure and take your cell phone with you when you climb up into the tree after the cat so at least you can call 911 for the fire department to come rescue both of you..........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    There is a reason you haven't climb a tree since elementary school....its called let's see what's the medical term?????oh yea.....COMPOUND FRACTURES......

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007

    Hi Madison!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Well, I did is out of tree and hiding under my bed...thank goodness for tall ladders...she is not a happy cat. She did not try to scratch me when I grabbed her, which did surprise me.

    shokk, I had my cell phone in my pocket...
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi to all my cyber-sisters!

    Had time to read but not write this noon, but I wanted everyone to know I'm thinking of you!

    Hugs to Everyone!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies. Sitting here waiting for son to get ready for work. Him not having a car is gonna get old really really fast. We had a wicked storm fly thru yesterday. Washed away all the pollen and I'm breathing much better this morning.

    Denise, I'm tired of the weather too. And it's not snowing at my house. Good for you for signing up for the program. I'll be praying for you.

    Nicki, whats this I'm reading about new uniforms? Hugs to you my friend. It makes me sad to see you sad. You DO NOT need to get another job. You DO need a vacation.

    Tina, it's spring. Time to come out of hibernation for good.

    sheri, hugs to you too. I'm praying for your son. How scary for you and him.

    Vicki, a day off. Yippee!!! Have a grand time with Nathaniel.

    Cheri, my sis....I agree with Amy. You wear yourself out staying up all night and then crash and burn. Staying up all night is fine if you can sleep all day. But you have your grands to look after don't you. Take drugs if you have to and go to sleep at a decent hour my friend.

    Tracey, O my. I knew there was a reason I liked Pampered Chef.

    Cy, I tried going to the library when my satelite was down. Silly place was closed. The nerve. Taxes stink. Mine are done finally. Yehaw!!

    Laura, hugs to you my dear. Talking is good. Being the "good and cheerful" patient gets really old sometimes. I understand tho how difficult it is not to be that way around everyone in our real lives.
    I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

    Hi Jeanette

    Colleen, loose knees...what the hell is a loose knee anyway?

    JanKay, uhoh. Hope you don't get in to much trouble.

    Madison, we've been at 80+ for two weeks now. Today it is about 40f out there. Brrrrrrr.

    Gina, good for you. Kick the other one to the curb.

    Jeannie, teenager indeed. MEN!!!!

    Lisa, OUCH

    Amy, reading good so far. Stupid tech never showed up yesterday but it's working at the moment.
    I have a DirecWay/Hughes satelite and Earthlink for my provider. I think you can use any provider you want but don't quote me on that. Its worked fine for several years now. Just in the last few months has it been iffy.
    Only thing we can get here in the sticks except dial up and it is definately better than that.
    Hope the headache is better soon.

    Hi Susan

    hate it when that happens MB.

    Shokk, ewwwwwwww. There is an episode of Grey's Anatomy that had a patient that swolled (edited cause I can't spell...that would be swallowed) doll heads. Hmmm wonder if she was copying that. YUCK
    Shingles, o my. Seems we seem to hear a lot about that with bc patients. I wonder why?
    Don't get me started on Insurance companies. Mine canceled my home policy last year because............I live in a forested that not the stupidest thing you have ever heard.

    Hi Peggy.

    Madison...BAD JAKE!!!!
    It has been my experience that if you leave the kitty alone she will find his own way down when she is good and ready. Put some food at the foot of the tree to encourage her.
    Girl DO NOT climb that tree.
    o well never mind then, I see you did it anyway. You are a good kitty mommy. My cat would have died a slow death by starvation or come down on her own.

    Off to take the kid to work. Have a great day ladies.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Thanks, all, for your kind words of encouragement. They are what I look forward to each day.

    The ENT dr who is going to do the biopsy scheduled him for May 2. Well, Jacob thinks he's going to Ecuador to work for the government,long story, and wants to leave before that, so he said he won't bother with the biopsy. My dh called the dr back and said they HAD to schedule it sooner, so the soonest he can get in is next Thurs. Maybe by then the antibiotic will have had a time to kick in and all will be for naught.

    Other son, Joseph, who has school issues, didn't go again today. DH went down to the police department to ask them what we could do, since truancy is "illegal". They said that if it comes to that they would lock him up over a weekend and hopefully that would clear up the problem. I just wish there was some way to get him to understand that we are not playing games.

    I love it, Madison, cat up in tree! Glad you got her down.

    Nicki, I know you love your dh, but it sounds like he's driving you batty. Why can't they be supportive emotionally as well as financially? Is that too much to ask? You work so hard and have so much to offer here, I'd hate to see you take on another job. I know the paycheck to paycheck thing. We paid the rest of dd's tuition and have nothing in the fridge until payday. I guess that's one way to lose weight.

    G-Good for you in getting a second opinion. People always say we should, but I don't know many who actually do. I sure hope you get a better plan, or at least a better bed-side manner.

    Cheri, sorry you are not feeling well. Sounds like you are off schedule with your sleep patterns, too. Hope you get better soon.

    Hugs to all of you and thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Just checking in from work!

    Gina, good luck with the new onc. Dr. Deathbymets?? . I sure hope not. I think that's a problem going to these really large cancer centers. The oncs aren't as personable as they are in smaller settings. Maybe they are bombarded with too much bad stuff and it hardens them. Good luck!!! You deserve so much better.

    Laura, don't feel bad about venting to us. That's why we are here. Others just don't get it and they can be hard to talk to. I'm 2 years out of tx and I still get depressed. My DH is great to talk to , but he doesn't always understand. We do!

    Colleen, oh just relax and enjoy the hip hop. When I was teaching aerobics, I used to throw a little hip hop into my classes and the ladies loved it. Who cares what you look like. Just be goofy and go for it

    JanKay, was your caregiver surprised this morning? That was pretty funny!

    Nicki, don't you dare get another job!!!!! You work enough already and it's time DH started taking care of you for once. You are a lot like me, since we both take care of everyone but ourselves and never complain. I have a hard time accepting help from people, but that's gonna change! We need to take some time for ourselves and enjoy life a little more. I also agree with what others have said about the tax problem. Pay them quaterly. That's what we do with our local taxes. You don't get a big bill at the end of the year.

    Shokk, shingles????!!! Ack! I had that several years ago. They really hurt and itch all at the same time. I hope you feel beter soon.

    Cheri, just catch up on your sleep. Your body obviously needs it. I hope you not coming down with something!

    Madison, I'm glad you rescued your poor kitty from the tree and Jake. Bad Jake!!!

    Amy, aw come on!!! Post a pic! I still want a boby goat just like Sweet Pea!!!!

    Gotta go for now. If I have time, I'll post when I get home!

    Bugs and fishes, Deb!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Oh my gosh Madision, the things we do huh? I would have been like you and had the ladder out in a heartbeat. I am sure the emergency room would have been laughing their butts off at the story of me falling out of the tree when I got there. I feel certain Jake was only playing.

    Jan-my choices are Hughes and WildBlue. Only choice I have in the sticks also besides dial up and not going there. Thanks for the info.

    Gina good luck again with the 2nd opinion today. When I was diagnosed with Mets I went to Sloan and Md Anderson and Kirkland Clinin in Bham so nothing wrong with 2nd and 3rd opinions if you ask me.

    Shokk-shingles??? Yuck!

    ok,,back to work.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Amy, you're stalking me again!!!!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Ok ladies I had to run home at lunch and take another pain pill....didn't want to have to do that but advil is just not cutting it....anyway I wanted to tell a quick story about my youngest child....when she was born she wouldn't make any crying, no cooing, no fussing, not first I thought she was deaf, then I thought she was autistic but she would make eye contact and smile but no sound....I knew there was something wrong but her doctor would say all children are different because the older one did not have enough time in the day to say everything she wanted too...but still I knew something was wrong...anyway when she was 3 she was dx "selective mutism" which you can google but bascially is a social phobia much more severe then just shyness.....when she was in fifth grade she went to 5th grade camp and I knew who her cabin mother was going to be and she was aware that Kim didn't talk....anyway last year when the band went to Seatle for their band conference that same mom was on the trip and she asked me when did Kim start talking and I said when she started to play in band in the six just changed her...she still will not talk but when she is with the band, her friends, and their parents she is almost normal......anyway last night she had been working on this paper for english and it was about what you are truly grateful for and she had discarded a copy (I never get to look at any of her school work, she is very private) and it said "the thing I am most grateful for is that I have two hands".....I don't know if its the shingles or feeling so bad or feeling so relieved that I got one more good report from the onc but I just burst into tears....god I love that child and she has come so far I just pray I can live long enough to see her into adulthood..........sorry about the rambling....I think it is the pain meds........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Well well...we are a chatty bunch this afternoon!
    Shokk...we have missed you silly girl. Work shouldn't interfere with our board addictions LOL. Shingles...oh my I'm sorry. We had a resident at work a month or so ago with shingles. I was promptly banned from the fourth floor. They are pretty careful at work so I wasn't too worried. I've never had chicken pox...does that put you at a higher risk of shingles?
    Deb...and where have you been? Out enjoying the sunshine and spring weather lucky girl. Can't believe we are having snow yet again. Global warming my a$$ LOL. Bugs and fishes!
    Madison...I tried Shirleys trick with putting food at the bottom of the tree. Stupid cat was still up there three days later! Ended up taking two guys and a 60 foot ladder to get her down. Silly cat got herself knocked up during her brief outdoor adventure so she's due any day. (little sleaze anyway!) Must have been one scary tom cat to get her that high in the tree!
    Peggy and Anne...HI and HUGS to you both.
    Shirley...glad your back. Having a pretty relaxing day today. We have done some housework and played playstation (NOT good at that but makes Nathaniel laugh)and pretty much enjoyed the day. I'll probably be sorry when I see my desk in the morning.
    Sheri...oh my. Glad your not under the bed yet. You need someone to rescue you and DH for a vacation. Praying for the lump to be nothing at all. Locking up the little truant might just do the trick. My brother had that experience and said that he'd never do anything again that would put him back there! Scared the daylights out of him.
    Cheri...hope your not getting sick. I spent about two months where all I wanted to do was sleep but I think it was my body catching up after a year and a half of no sleep. Maybe a blue drink would help!
    Jankay...where are you? Don't tell me your caregiver grounded you for being bad!
    Amy...I can just picture you and Madison up a tree. Not me..I'm good at getting up but NOT good at getting down again. Got up on the roof one time...was fine and dandy till it came time to get back off the roof...thought for sure I'd be there for hours till DD got home and called for help. Don't laugh was a trailer roof and I probably could have jumped down!
    Gina...hope all is going well with the second oncologist. You so deserve a break and I meant what I said earlier. My oncologist is great and I have lots of room.
    Hmmm...where is alwayshope? Think its time to take a roll call. Missin lots of girls.
    Love ya all and I'll be back.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    awww shokk...sending you a hug. Pain meds act like a downer for me and I have a really hard time with them. Your daughter sounds like a very sweet child and you will be here for many years to come! She's blessed to have you.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hello sweet ladies. Sorry I have not taken the time to post much the past few days. I have been busy…good busy, but still BUSY! My pastor, whom I love, gave a sermon a few weeks ago about how this day and age people are SOOOO proud of how busy they are. We talk about our schedules and our “to do” lists like they are sacred. I have been thinking more and more about that and I am trying not to get caught up in the rat race now that I am out of treatment. I sat down and took a hard look at my calendar and have chosen a few things to eliminate. Hopefully I can get the busy for busies sake out of my life

    I’m at work (one of the things I am thinking of eliminating!!!) So I don’t have time for a post to everyone in person. I have been reading every day, and hope to have time for a long post tonight. Our Relay for Life team is really kicking into high gear with fund-raising, so we have a few posters to get done tonight, but that is all I have on my schedule

    I’ll be back later

    Hugs ‘til then
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    oh again.
    Speaking of daughters...Sarah is doing well. The bleeding appears to have stopped and so far no dry socket. The grogginess is gone now along with the nausea. What a blessed relief. There is an opening for her here in NY at our local WalMart! I told her about it and she is checking into it...pray hard ladies. She says she can't stay in this marriage any longer and I so want her home again. Selfish...maybe...but I prayed for her marriage to get better and it hasn't and I don't want her hurt any more.
    Thank you all for caring so much for her. I copied and pasted all your comments and emailed them to her and she was so pleased. She thinks you are all the greatest, sweetest bunch of women. Of course I already knew that!
    Love ya all
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    ok my quick note ...fromwork...befire the remember don't worry I'll be back on monday...I really hate dial

    Please know I think and pray everyday for all of you here...even those that only visit once in awhile..( mena, peggy, laruaB..hehehe)

    I hope that the sun starts to shine for those that need it and a new day brings a new beginning for others...please stay strong and have some chocolate if all else fails...

    hugs MB
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Shokk enjoyed the story even if you did feel like you were rambling. Always nice to be proud of our kids. You will be here to see her grown cause I plan on being here to see mine all grown also.

    vickie-yep I am the same way with ladders and heights but for some reason I find myself up there before I realize I have to come down. I did that recently working on the barn roof. Was up there several hours working away nailing roofing down and then it came time to get down. Silly me! Live and learn I suppose but I never seem to learn what goes up must come down. Age kicks in then and I think geesh how long would I hurt if I fell? Lets just say I dont bounce anymore. I think of that often when out riding my dirt bike. Not near as daring as I used to be thats for sure. It sounds like we play game systems alike. My son always laughs when I play. He does let me do the driving things though cause I'm good at that part,,hmm might be why I like Cheri driving the magic carpet so well.

    Speaking of Cheri,,she must be sleeping in today.

    Jan-yep I'm a stalker,,,busted!

    Wondering if Robin has a new grandbaby yet?!? I sure hope so if they were inducing.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening All!

    Jankay: I know you love your caregiver, but sometimes it nice to just be alone, do what you want and when you want. Im glad you had a good day by yourself.

    Madison: Well I hope you send some of that warm weather this way. I heard on the news that El Nino is going away and that means they are anticipating an increase in Hurricanes. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    NS: OMG! Im so glad you are seeing another ONC today. Im hoping everything went well. I wanted to go with you but I was fighting my own Demons today. I just think, that for once - you need a break. I hope this onc has some HEART!

    Silvergirl: "a teenage boy underfoot." Thats it. You got it and I have been dealing with it for 32 years and will continue to deal with it until one of us is gone! But I sure laughed out loud!


    It's weird. I say things here that I dont ever say to anyone else. Things that I think about and things that I feel.

    Lisa: Well you accomplished a very big thing. Making me speechless. No kidding. I was named a talking machine when I was very little and havent lost it. Your post touched my heart. It was the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a very long time. Thanks for giving me such a nice feeling.

    Cheri: I think all that lack of sleep is catching up with you. Seems like the sandman wont leave you alone. Jeanette said it. Im married to a 56 year old teen-ager who will never grown up. He was labeled VTK when he was born, meaning "Very Touch Kid." And he never grew up from that point on!!

    Amy, jan: My friends!


    Beth: Well that would happen in my dreams. He will never grow up and I will never leave him! So like I said, this is the life I have chosen. But I know in my heart, that Im strong, Im a survivor and I can kick butt. Have made some doctors take a step back as I shoved my Italian finger at them. I wont be without and I wont owe people money. Ya see, right now as Im righting this, he is playing guitar and singing a love song to me.

    Jeannie: OK, I have written about this very thing in another thread in moving beyond. This 2 year anniversary has me in a world I havent seen before, I dont recognize, and I dont like it. Why why why? I ask why. Its a weird feeling.

    Tracey: I thought you were gonna say watermelons!


    shokk: Homeless?


    Peggy: What can I say. Im an emotional wreck. Too many things too fast. Husband is the love of my life. Sometimes I would just like to kick his butt. And right now he needs it kicked. But in the end, I know and will take care of me! Right now DH is very depressed. No doubt in my mind. But geez, he hasnt been to a doctor in 20 years. Says Beer is his antidepressant. Seems like I have always struggled to climb outta a black hole from the time I was a teenager. BUT! I always climb out.

    Sherloc: Oh I was worried it might be asthma. Pollen washed away? There definitely has to be a relationship. Vacation - yes I need a vacation.

    Sheri: This is crazy. We are both professionals. You a teacher. Me a nurse. We shouldnt be struggling like this.

    Vickie: My sunshine sister. You are such a sweety.


    I did schedule my bone scan finially. Im still not really worried about it. Its a week from today. Finially looked at the prescription the onc wrote and it says bone scane and x-ray of the femur shaft. Pain in femur shaft and breast cancer! I hate seeing that in writing. Copies to my BS and PCP. Funny, pain seems to have gone away now since I got this order.

    OK! Im plum outta time and I havent spoke to many of you. Hope you all have a wondreful evening. I will catch up with ya in the morning.


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Thanks Amy......hey Sherloc on the story about the er nurse that I was going to say was that what was unusal about that girl with the barbie heads up her butt was that it is actually very common for men (boys) to come in with all kinds of stuff stuck up there but with women (girls) it is usually stuck somewhere else (if you know what I mean) far as living in a forest it is our second claim lost is trees falling on houses....the root systems of trees in forest are very shallow and the trees fall all the time and then of course there are the forest people (like Sherloc) that thinks will buy a house in the forest and then can't imagine why the insurance companys don't like that.....ha.......Vickie thanks so much....I have actually been thinking about your daughter...not so much about her surgery but about her mariage....I'm so sorry mom I can just imagine how much that must hurt your heart to see your daughter is so much emotional pain.....brb

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007

    Please put my friend Sandy in the center of the Circle. I just learned that her hubby (my DH's coworker and a good friend to both of us) lost his battle with the Beast today.

    This stinks SO much.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Hope to catch most of you..have read most of your posts and with all well!

    Vickie: I'm glad that Sarah is doing good. How sweet that you sent her our well wishes! I know you would feel much better if she did come home..sounds like she has given her marriage a better than fair chance. Hope you and Nate enjoyed your day off together!

    Madison: I hope you are not getting that nasty bug. So many of us have had it that I'm beginning to think we are passing around our own version of "cyber Bug!"
    83 degrees! I think that you are going to have to mail all of us going through a second winter one of the Afghans!!
    Jake chased the cat up a tree, eh? I can imagine you climbing the tree after the the good ole days I would have done the same thing. But the way I am now, I can't balance on a one step stool! Yes, I am a Klutz!

    Cheri: I hope you are catching up on some sleep. And I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy Dear.

    Tracey: Just let me know the time and place for the pampered chef party. No way I will that one! And I loved the joke!

    Laura: Thanks for opening up to us. We all know that we have alot to be thankful for..but it is so easy to forget that as we listen to all of the scares that the media throws our way. I heard a new one this morning....something about 4 genes people carry and if they can get rid of them, cancer would be greatly reduced...lada lada lada. Rant or vent...that is what we are here for.

    Jankay: You bad bad girl! Leave you on your own for one day and you rearrange the house! You are so right....a person in a wheelchair can do ALOT. Just don't overdue!

    Nicki: DO NOT get a second job. I'm sorry for the trouble you are having..but I don't think you need to take anymore on. Men are just overgrown kids, and maybe your "oldest" needs some "tough love." I'm not being DH loved his beer...more so than I even knew. Two months ago today he asked me for help, we got it and he hasn't touched a drop since. I'm sure your DH is very supportive and loving..but somewhere along the line, it sounds like you've made it to easy on him. He could atleast keep the house clean. Yup, men are grown up kids! You need some TLC and I'd love to give you some! Chicago and Michigan aren't that far apart! Hugs to you.

    NS: Gina, I'm glad that you are going to see another Onc., The last one is labeled in my file under A. A is for ASS. Good luck.

    Jeannie and Lisa: You are right. After treatment is done, most family think things are right back to the way they were before. Little do they know that things will never be normal again. Better but not normal.

    Amy: A headache that is not self induced! Must have been the laundry! FUN is good....HOUSEWORK is Bad! Hope you are feeling better. Want me to fly over and take care of Sweet Pea for you?

    Beth: Good luck with upcoming poking and prodding.

    Susan: PT..keep it up, sounds like the knee is doing much better. I sure hope so!

    Jeannie: I understand how you seem overwhelmed. Families, work, BC....can really take a toll on you. And the anniversary date..feelings galore. Hugs!

    Peggy and Anne: A Big Hello to you!!

    Shirley: Are you praying for me to lose the weight or are you praying for me when the Visa Bill arrives with the cost on it? Excuse the expression but DH is gonna "shit bricks!" Been there and done that with the Son. No work, work, no car. It gets old really fast..especially when I married and moved 45 minutes away from him and still had to take and pick up from work. Happy to say that since he moved to AZ I haven't had to drive him anywhere!! The first year or so that he lived there, I swear we (dh) was supporting him big time..but finally he has caught on and hasn't asked for a "loan" (or as we call it..a "give.") in 1 1/2 years!!

    Sheri: I'm sure you will feel much better after the biopsy, and glad you don't have to wait so long. I liked the story of your DH going to the police over your other son's truancy. I wish I would have had the guts to do that. It's great!

    Deb: Good for you with not being busy with busy! Do what is good for you! How's the shoulder doing?

    Shokk: First; that was beautiful what you wrote about your DD. You've got alot to be proud of there!
    Second: Shingles---see how they make you pay for Whoring around!! (JK) Haven't had them, but know many who have..I think you'll be using your pain pills for a bit. It sounds like your check up went well. Except for the fat! When are these dumb doctors going to realize that we were all size 4 until the beast hit us....Biggest warning should be: SE effects include buying clothes in larger sizes! I hate it to.

    Hope all have a good evening..If I don't get back I'll see ya'll in the morning!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Girls! Lost my earlier post, which consisted of me going on and on about my excitement about my new kitchen table and chairs being delivered today because the delivery men showed up as I was posting. In any event, I love the new set, it's just beautiful and is making me very happy. I'm not into material things, but when Tim left, I decided I wanted to make some changes in my kitchen as a little pick me up. I put on fresh coat of a very pretty butter yellow paint, and finally replaced my kitchen set that I bought over 15 years ago for $175. It was the display model at Lechmeres, and has been re-glued more times than I can count! Anyway, I just smile when I walk into the kitchen, so it was well worth the $600! (Which seemed like a lot to me, but a friend told me it wasn't a lot for "real furniture" something I don't have a lot of!)

    Vickie - Hope you had a good day off today.

    Cheri _ How are you? Did you get a good night's sleep last night?

    OK, I'm doing the Notepad thing (thanks to all of you who helped me figure this out!) and just realized that I'm further along than I think, because here is Lenny and his bowl of whipped cream again! Oh my! OK, let me gather myself and scroll down a bit...

    JanKay - you go girl! But don't overdo it too much!

    Nicki - I think I remember reading about the yew tree in one of my cancer books. We have so many similarities, we were dx at about the same time, we sit cross-legged on the floor, and we had bad reactions to taxol. Oh yeah, and we're way cool too!! LOL
    Sorry about the roller coaster with your DH. I know how you can be all over the map with someone. Please don't get a second job yet. Can you try to sit down with him and have a discussion about the finances, and who brings in what and how it gets spent? Feel free to complain here anytime you like. We all know that he's a wonderful, supportive guy. That doesn't mean he doesn't make you crazy! I have a very good friend who is blessed with a really wonderful husband. She absolutely knows how lucky she is. And yet, she once confided in me the following: "the rage I am capable of feeling toward him at times scares me" We laugh about it now, but I think especially when you've been with the same person for so long, it's sometimes hard not to jsut want to smack them!!

    Madison - woo hoo, 83 degrees! I'm jealous. I'm afraid Pinkstock isn't going to work out for me, but I'm still holding out hope. My ex and I are going to meet next week to figure out the summer schedule. But right now he's taking his family vacation the week after Pinkstock, which would mean that I'll likely have Warren the week before. You never know though... As far as the hip hop - you wouldn't want me to teach you, unless you want to fall over, which I sometimes do! It's really hard and it's making us feel ever worse about our pathetic dancing skills!! We just laugh at ourselves, and it is a good workout, very hard on the thighs though!

    G - Hope meeting with new onc went well. I'm hoping there's an update from you in a page or two...

    Lisa - I'm 2 years from dx next month, and I am really just now starting to feel normal, and not all of the time. I was a MESS for a solid 3 months after I finished tx, and mostly a mess for the next 3 months. Don't let anyone push you too hard. I remember getting so sick of assuring everyone that I was OK. I had some meltdowns at times (always privately though, never in front of the people who caused them) thinking, "I'm not OK and I'm not ever going to be OK damnit!!" For me, surviving the emotional turmoil that came after I survived the assault and battery that is chemo and rads was even more difficult. So take your time, and hold strong with the friends and family that love you and just want you to be OK. (I was always conscious that they were doing it because they really and truly just wanted me to be OK, not that that makes it any easier when it's happening!) Take good care of yourself.

    Amy - how's the headache? Better I hope? I'm considering buying stock in Excedrin I have so many headaches lately! My sister says she thinks lots of people get headaches this time of year from allergies. Would make sense if there wasn't still #&($#&$(# snow on the ground!! LOL

    Beth - Where is Willow Grove, PA? My sister, her DH and 2 kids are headed to Lancanster County today and then off to Baltimore for the aquarium tomorrow for a mini vacation. She is so bummed because the weather is terrible!

    Susan - how is PT going? I love that you call her the "physical terrorist"

    Jeannie - it's funny how we get freaked out on our anniversary dates isn't it? I have my 3 month in May, as well as my annual for bc side and 6 month follow up for my "formally good, now susp calcs" side in May. I'm completely freaked and convinced I'm going to be walking out of there with both mets and a new primary on the non-bc side. Heck, why don't I just throw in a local recurrence as well and call it a day?!?!? I hate this disease. I know, newsflash right? Take good care of yourself xoxo

    shokk - hey there, glad to hear your 3 month went well! I'll start the low-fat plan with you, cause I'm supposed to be doing that too. I'm terrible about food, not knowledgeable about that stuff at all, so I have to learn what is and isn't high fat first. Hopefully, I'm already somewhat on a lowfat diet as I'm one of those people that likes the veggies better than the meat in most cases anyway!

    Deb - I just got a coupon for a discount on an acupuncture session at this wellness center for women. I was considering trying it out, but I'm a little bit scared. It sounds like you had a good experience with it - did you? Or were you in so much pain from the shingles that you can't even remember what the needles felt like?

    Sige - love the new picture!!

    Madison - glad to hear that you, the cat and your cell phone all made it out of the tree! LOL

    Anne - Sandy is in the center of the circle.

    Shirley - LOL, OK the nurses in the group can correct me but... when I was born my hip was not in the socket and my feet were both turned inward. They had me in those shoes that are attached to the metal bar until I was at least 2 I think. I know my mom said I learned to walk with that metal bar attached to my shoes! In any event, it messed up my knee sockets (they probably aren't really called that!) and my kneecaps are really loose! I used to freak friends out in college. You can literally move my kneecap all over the place if my leg is straight and relaxed. In any event, why was I talking about my loose knees? I'm sitting here cracking up, thinking it probably has something to do with the hip hop!

    Sheri - Oh my goodness! Hang in there, I'm sorry your having this going on with your sons right now. Hope the next few days are better for everyone.

    Jan - I don't think you understand the extent of our lack of coordination. LOL Silliness whe have in large doses though, two weeks in a row my friend had to run to the bathroom in the middle of class because the hopping (we literally were hopping up and down at the time) made her wet her pants! This caused us to laugh so hard... well, you get the picture I'm sure! The poor instructor girl is quite young, I don't think she's had a classfull of women in the 40s before, she had no idea what was going on!!

    shokk - your post made me cry too! I have a nephew with selective mutism, he's only in 3rd grade now and doing really well. I'm so glad your daughter found a comfort zone in band. What instrument does she play? And what a great kid she must be, that's an amazing thing for a 11 or 12 year old kid to think about and be grateful for! You must be really proud of her!

    Deb - good for you! It's funny, my friends and I have been discussing this topic a lot lately. What the heck are we all doing all the time that we are so busy rushing from point a to point b and feel like we never have a minute. I've been really consciously trying to slow way down myself (not always successfully.) Good for you that you elimated some thing from your schedule. I'm sure your girls will appreciate more time with their mom! Yesterday I made a ham and cheese omelet for my son for breakfast before school. Not like that's a big deal I know, but even things like that are so rushed. I normally throw a bagel or some cold cereal at him and basically stand there saying "hurry up" every 5 minutes. It's not necessary for everything to be so darned rushed all the time!! BTW I have been BLASTING my CGs CD in my new car - I love it!

    Vickie - Great news about Sarah! I hope she is home with you and Nathaniel soon!

    Hey Denise! How are you? Have a good night tonight.

    Well, I'm off to finish up a load of laundry and then off to a friend's house to eat dinner and watch The Office. Exciting life I lead!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Happy almost Friday girls. Another lazy day here. Seems like I'm the only one who thinks God made cats to fend for themselves? Hmmmm must be why I don't have a cat.

    Sheri, I'm glad the biopsy got scheduled sooner and pray the antibiotics do their job and make it unnecessary.

    Amy, good luck getting a tech to your house to hook it up.

    Shokk, that is just to sweet. Brought a good tear. Thanks for sharing.
    ewwwwww about the other places.
    OK so I'll buy that about the tree roots. Happens quite often actually. But the damn insurance company knew that when they insured us 8 years ago. So my opinion stands...I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES. My agent however I adore. She scrambled to find us another policy with another company and another agent. Didn't have to do that. We were so angry we were going to cancel all our policies thru Farmers and move elsewhere after 25 years. Her going the extra mile changed our minds in spite of the stupid company she works for.
    Vicki, the cat got herself stuck up a tree and pregnant. She's a hussy.
    Glad your daughter is feeling better. I'll be praying about the job for her.

    Deb, I'll take some of your busyness. Thinking it's about time I get off my butt and out of this house for something other than shopping.

    Nicki, yes pollen washed away. The Live Oaks (my forest)here shed huge amounts of pollen in the spring. Everything gets coated with this nasty yellow powder. A good rain washes it all away.
    I thought you had to be born with asthma. Can someone just develop it overnight? That is just to weird.
    Bone scan is the chance for a nice nap. Take advantage of it.

    Ann, I am so sorry about your friend. They and you will be in my prayers tonight.

    Denise, we have a car the kid can drive. BUT we won't pay for the insurance so he has to wait for his first paycheck before he gets wheels under him again. I'm guessing he'll blow that check like he always does and I'll be the one stuck driving him back and forth. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 30 min each way on mountain roads. Made hubby go pick him up last night cause it was raining. I don't drive at night unless I have to and definately not in the rain.
    I'll put both those items on my list. Hubby shitting bricks would probably give him hemroids. Not good.

    Colleen, (quote)
    "the rage I am capable of feeling toward him at times scares me" We laugh about it now, but I think especially when you've been with the same person for so long, it's sometimes hard not to jsut want to smack them!!
    Glad you are loving your new kitchen. I used to do the FlyLady thing. She says you should have nothing in your house that doesn't make you smile. Which in my world translates to all of hubbys crap goes to the basement.
    You didn't say a word about loose knees. It's just one of the things the lady on my hip hop video says over and over again. "Loose knees ladies, loose knees" I might figure out what it is if I ever get off the couch and try it.

    Have a great night girls. See you tomorrow.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,
    I did not take notes but read all the posts. I have just been soooooooo tired the last couple of days. Not sure if it is the weather, the rads, or because my ovaries are kicking back in (I don't miss the hot flashes, but I will not be happy when I get that first period!).

    Anyway I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. Just wanted to stop in and send *hugs* to everyone!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Holy cow ladies read this!!!
    100 year storm predicted
    as this storm continues on its eastward trek, it will produce snow in the Northeast as the weekend comes to a close. This storm has potential to become a 100-year storm for many areas across the Northeast. The storm will move to the mid-Atlantic coast by Sunday night and rapidly strengthen. In addition, the storm will just sit for about 36 hours, resulting in a long duration of rain, wind and snow across much of the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. In regards to the snow, the upper potential accumulation could be 3 feet across parts of New York and Pennsylvania.

    I want to move!!! boohoo
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Vickie - I can't believe I went on and on about my knees when it was from your exercise video. That is just too funny!

    What does that mean 100 year storm? It sounds really scary! The Boston Marathon is on Monday and I have 2 friends running. I'm worried for them, because they are saying it's going to be nasty!

    Kristin - About halfway through rads, I would get my son off to school, go to rads, and then came home and sleep until he got home at 3pm. I was a stinkin' mess by then and "tired" couldn't even begin to describe it! Take good care of yourself, and try to rest as much as you can. I decided that my onc and everyone else that was pushing me "not to sleep too much, stay active" was crazy and I just submitted to it I guess. I was lucky that I was able to do it, and actually was on short-term disability from work and all, and I'm sure that had something to do with me just giving into it. Take really good care of yourself and big hugs to you!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Colleen...the worst storm in 100 years is what is being predicted for Sunday night through Tuesday. Yuck. Guess what!!! I GOT A NEW DINING ROOM SET TODAY TOO!!! I charged it (I know I know...bad girl)but mine was falling apart and I got a really good deal. I am not happy with FedEx as they delivered it to the neighbors house and I had to call my nephew to go get it and the box was destroyed, the table has a dig and a dent on one side. Calling FedEx tomorrow. I took lots of pictures.

    Kristin...hugs to you sweet girl. Sleep and will feel better soon.

    Yup my cat is a hussy. If she gets any bigger she's gonna explode. Kittens are NOT what I need right now. I got suckered into taking her during chemo...geez. My boss says I have to stop taking in stray kids, dogs and cats. Oh well.
    Gotta get Nate off to bed but I'll be back.
    Love ya all