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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi CG's! Just a quick post and then on to nightly routines. I am definitely going to bed after CSI tonight and try to get a good night in. What is this waking up thing at 2:30 or 3 AM? Sometimes it is so hard to get back to sleep. Hate the night sweats!

    So, Vickie, what about this storm? ewww! Let's move but to where? I would vote for Florida so you could be with Sarah but they have hurricanes. California has earthquakes and the midwest has tornados. Arizona sounds is hot but its a dry heat, wouldn't need a blow dryer!

    Colleen, Willow Grove is northwest of Philadelphia. Next time they come through this way, let me know. Center City Philly is heaped with history. The only claim to fame my town has is that Willow Grove Park hosted John Philip Sousa and the Willow Grove Naval Air Station has a great museum housed on it for planes and helicopters.

    Nicki, you are sounding better.

    My wrist is starting to bother me again, not used to the new keyboard. I miss the pad that my ohter one had but the space bar stopped working. You kind of need that.

    Anyway, keeping those close by my heart who need it and saying prayers for all those in need.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Just checking once more before I watch Greys Anatomy and ER, then off to bed. Isn't it a shame that I can barely stay up one time a week until 11:00p??!!

    Anne: I am so sorry for you and for your friends loss. You're right in saying the "BEAST" sucks. Prayers my dear.

    Colleen and Vickie: both got new dining sets! That's great. Men will never understand how something like a new coat of paint or a new piece of furniture can really give us a lift.

    Vickie: The storm sounds wicked. I'd tell ya to come hide out with me for a few days, but MI isn't the warmest right now either.

    Good Night to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I have a little flu bug I believe. Stomach upset, diahrea, plus a headache. Slept most of the day, well, when I wasn't in the bathroom. My SIL had this last week and I guess I must've gotten it from him. I'll be alright though. I always am.

    I was reading along for several posts before I realized I wasn't taking notes. If I don't write something down I can't remember it. So, I may miss some but it's only because I've had most of my brain cells gobbled up like a game of Pac Man. lol So if I don't mention you personally it's not because I don't care. All of you are always in my prayers. I feel so lucky to have found you. Oh hell, I'm getting mushy, better move on.

    Shokk, so sorry to hear about your shingles. I've never had them but I know they can be really painful.

    Vickie, another storm coming your way? Did I read that right? And Sara. Oh gosh, I can well imagine how badly you'd like her home. I don't know what I'd do if Amber moved that far away. I know she's tried with her husband and you've been supportive and it's too bad it didn't work out. But she needs to come home now.

    Gina, we're all anxiously awaiting your new onc appt. results.

    Jankay, are you sleeping?

    Susan, this is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm sure you know what I mean.

    Denise, you said you're sure we were all a size 4 before bc? hahahaha I've never seen the day I could wear a size 4. The smallest I ever was is a 7, and that was in Junior High. teehee My bones wouldn't fit a size 4. I'd like to just see a size 12 again, (with me in it).

    Colleen, congrats on the new kitchen set! I need one so badly. It changes the whole look of the room doesn't it? But then I need several new pieces of furniture.

    Jazmanian, where are you? And Lini?

    Amy, I think you're right about my sleeping. I like the nights because it's quiet time. Even though Amber and her family have a house they stay here all the time and they're all asleep at night. On days she works I keep the baby on tues & thursdays unti 1:30. But I love the quiet time of the night and I've always been a nightowl anyway.

    Nicki, my dh and I get along real well, for the most part, but there are times when we get 'off track'. It lasts awhile and we just don't see eye to eye on anythng, although we dont fight much, we just ignore one another, or my favorite, SLUR, each other. lol Then suddenly we're back on 'on track' and everything is fine and life is good again. Although, my dh does work and works hard. And he is gone all but about 2 days a week, that could be why we get along so well. hahahaha Actually, he's one of the good guys. One of the best people I've ever known. You and your dh will get back on track. My dh & I just decided we're too old and comfortable to look for anybody else. Like an old comfy chair.

    Hey to Iris, Shirley, Madison, Sheri, Kristen, Jankay, Tracey, Anne, and everyone else. Have a nice evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007

    Vickie, you got a new dining set today, too? Gee, I Seriously, if I can't have one yet I'm glad you can. Enjoy it! Once in awhile we just have to splurge and get something we not only need, but want. Hard to explain that to my dh. lol

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    YES!! he is THE ONE!!!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new onc.


    He is incredibly smart and extremely well respected and well known in the cancer community- he is one of the "inventors" of dose dense!

    his office is calm and warm and welcoming.

    he came out of the back and into the waiting room to introduce himself to me. YEP- no loud speaker announcing that I need to go to the lab!

    He is going to give me one chemo agent at a time... it is a new kind of protocol... you get the benefits of dose dense, but since they are broken up less toxicity, and a longer regimen, which has proven to be beneficial as well for er+ "sleeper cells".

    Can you believe he convinced me to do ADRIAMYCIN???

    I do that first then Taxol THEN Cytoxan.

    Well he did- and that says A LOT.

    Tomorrow I have presurgical testing for my port surgery.
    Next weds is the port insertion and then chemo the following week.... the first of SIX MONTHS of it.

    but I have a plan now...

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Shokk, you have shingles??? OUCH!!!
    Deb had them I think, right? Deb didn't acupuncture help you???

    I hope you feel better!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    YEAH GINA!!!

    I am So relieved! You will do SOOOO well. Huge hugs to you and your new Onc...Dr. Wonderful. I was serious about making you a bunch of buttons for your new medical team. If you would like them to hand out, just let me know and I will whip them out....would 50 cover it?

    I did have shingles and already recommended the acupuncture. It was like a miricle it worked so well for me. 3 treatments and the shingles were just gone...totally gone.

    SO SO happy for you G

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    YES GINA...FULL SPEED AHEAD! I am so very happy for you! What a relief. You need to call Dr. Doom and tell her about your better treatment plan and bedside manner you found elsewhere LOL! Hugs to you.

    Cheri...sleep and get better! Yup a new dining room set. When Sarah and I left her father we left with nothing but our clothes. I have never had new furniture...we actually picked up furniture off the side of the road LOL. The year before last I bought a living room set with my income tax money. My dining room set came from diningroomsdirect and was really cheap (399.00 and free shipping) but it is so beautiful. It's counter height with really nice stools with fancy backs.
    Sending you hugs, love and sweet dreams

    See you in the morning
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Alright, Gina!! Way to go. We love good news. I'm so happy for you.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Gina - This is wonderful news; I like his chemo regimen to lessen the symptoms for you. I've never heard of this type protocol but does it sound better that what has been given.

    Hi to everyone else. I didn't take notes as it is late and I'm just tired getting home late from work. I hope tomorrow is better for those of you that aren't feeling well and good luck to all facing test/procedures.

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Way to go G!!! That is GREAT news!!!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Oh G, that's so great! Sorry you had to meet with Dr Doom and Glooom before you found someone more on your wavelength, but so glad you found him!!

    Nighty night!
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2007
    Gina,Wonderful news about the onc. Confidence in one's doctor is tantamount. I am so glad.

    Yup, the Circle Girls never give up - and you are our ace #1 cheer leader. Interesting new protocol your onc. has. Sounds as tho it will be much kinder on you than having everything at once.

    Madison - when I read about the cat up the tree I thought about our car who shinnies to the top of a utility pole and sits there. No way of getting her down - our volunteer firemen are not going to drive 5 miles out of town and over prairie grasses in my backyard for a cat. Anyway, when she is good and ready she backs herself down. Really had me worried the first time. Now I just watch for hawks and eagles overhead - don't want her to get carried away.

    Niki, I know too many men who are still boys. And a few are mighty close to home. I also know about making choices and living with them - even tho it is not always the easiest thing to do. Don't know how to get a 56 yr. old to grow up. But maybe he can take a little more responsibility for the finances - like giving you his gig money so you can budget.

    Cheri, the comment I made about you looking like my aunt (a few years ago when she was much younger) is a big compliment. She was the kindest, sweetest person. Super considerate. Sounds like you.

    Vickie, 100 yr. storm! Yikes.

    I'm with DedC about the acupuncture. My shoulder has been acting up and I have been for several treatments. Next one tomorrow. It has been amazing. This Doc does some acupressure first. Says my muscles have been swollen for a long time and it has gotten to be too much for them.
    Something about carrying too many burdens???

    Anyway, the temp is good enough that I am going to the homestead to open up for the season. I called ahead and the snow melt is gone and it shouldn't be too muddy. It's almost in the mountains so it's a bit cooler there. But I love it.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Gina congrats on finding the "right" onc......I know all the cg's will be relieved....our main squeeze has found her new home for the next few months......yes I have was Deb who has stired me to acupunture......thanks again for everyone saying och for me today.....for some crazy reason it really did make me feel better......going off to bed...will stop by the kitchen to take my cholestrol pill, my neurapthy (sp) pill, two advil, and the famvir for the shingles......geez......God Bless everyone......hey you gals up northeast this storm is really going to be bad.....on my business webb site we get the storm track for the National Weather Service for underwriting purposes......everyone please be careful.....we may have tornados will keep me busy........nothing like a good tornado for people to decide to finally get insurance...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Jeanette, thanks for the kind words. I am quite honored to look like your aunt.

    Gina, that's great you found a good onc. I never heard of spreading the treatment out like that. Stands to reason that it would be easier on you. I had all 3 at once but it was over quicker. Just depends on how you want to do it. But glad you have a regimen set that you are satisfied with and that your onc is nice.

    Hey to Brenda, Peggy, Colleen, and Shokk. Wishing everyone a good nights sleep.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Oh and Vickie I'm sorry that I implied that I wasn't concerned about your daughter's oral surgery because I was I just knew she was going to be ok she's young and strong....but it just breaks my enlarged heart to think that she is being hurt by her scares me because I'm afraid that the same thing will happen to my youngest daughter....she has a huge heart...will never say anything bad about anyone and I worry that some casanova is going to come along and break her heart and I won't be here to confort her........anyway guys ya'll are the best....everyone sleep well......Robin check in and let us know what's going on.............

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    CHERI HERE I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Way to go Gina!

    Donna K got good news too! Her MRI showed NED!

    Accupunture is not bad. I had it once for my back and it was interesting and I'd do it again in a heart beat!

    Shirley, yes you can just develop Asthma. Sounds like you have what is called Allergy Induced Asthma. Which I have!
    My older sister had asthma as a child and I developed it in my late teens but mostly when around my allergens!
    Cold weather can bring it on too!

    Still working on taxes but needed a break.

    so I'd best get back to it!

    Oh Anne, your friend is in my prayers. That makes 4 people I know about this week to leave us. 2 I knew personally.

    Hugs & Prayers to all
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited April 2007
    I love this site ...
    Today I found out my friend DonnaKF, after a bilat MRI shows no evidence of cancer, My friend Gina, found a new onc, she loves and is now back in control of the beast!!!

    My friend Niki's DH is acting irresponsible, but she is strong and in love, she will set him straight!

    My old friend, Peggy is back! You have been missed. Did you see Niki has learned to post pics and has not stopped!?

    Hey Brenda- great to see you too.
    Cheryl, shokk, cheri, Jeannette, Laura, Vickie, Colleen, Denise, Beth, susanmcm, Jankay and DebC
    love and hugs to ya'll for keeping the CG's going!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I know I promised a longer post tonight, but I'm just tooooo tired. My shoulder is doing much better, but my LE in that arm and hand has gone nuts. Now I'm working on getting that back under control.

    I have to confess to a minor obsessive freak-out this week. I have had 2 different people ask about my 27+ nodes and then react with “wow…that’s a LOT” or something like that. I try so hard to forget that little fact, or to try and wish it away…but there it is…I was stage 3C, 27 of 32 nodes positive…Kind of hard to swallow some days.

    All my little petty annoyances, and all my loved ones and friends that are still fighting the beast have been wearing on my spirit and my ability to stay positive. I guess I just need a recharge of positivity (is that a word??) or something. I need to get off the worry merry-go-round.

    Sending you all hugs
    Maybe I just need a good cry and a nights sleep
    I’ll be better tomorrow
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, you walked 100' today! That's great. Physical Therapy takes alot out of people but it's necessary. No wonder you're tired. Did you get in trouble for moving things around the other day by your caregiver? lol It's hard to just sit here.

    Hey Christiny and CY.

    Deb, you worry so much about everyone else that it takes you off guard when something clicks with you personally. A good cry will always help and also a good nights sleep. You've got alot on your plate with worry over everyone, why donJankay, you walked 100' today, that's great. Phystical Therapy will sure wear a person out. Did you get in trouble 't you take a "Debbie Day" and just laze around or get your nails done or just relax and recharge your battery. Nobody can do as much as you do without some kind of break. So take one.

    Well, feeling a little better as far as flu symptoms, hoping its just 24 hrs. Incidentally, I'm an hour behind this clock. At this point that doesn't make alot of difference, it's still the middle of the night. lol I've been knitting.

    Sleep well good friends,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Well its the twilight zone again. Vickie and I are awake and posting at the same time. its been a long, tedious week and Im glad after today, it will be over.

    Vickie: I saw on the news last night that you all are getting a Noreaster! My mouth almost dropped and then I thought about all of you who live on the East coast. Thats gonna be one really big storm. Winter just doesnt want to leave us. There was an article in the paper yesterday and it said that in Chicago it was warmer on Christmas Day than Easter! So that reminded me of those early days when we thought we were having a mild winter.

    Denise: You hid it right on the head. I have made things too easy for DH all of his life. But when someone has to step up to the plate, well its usually me. Actually if I didnt tell all of you my darkest secrets, you would love my DH. He was raised with 3 sisters and has a gift with women.

    Colleen: Since I am the queen of hand me downs, I can feel your excitement about the new dining room set. That had to really life your spirits. I have comcast for my television also and they have a whole bunch of dance exercises. I looked at the hiphop one. Just laughed and laughed. I would love to see a picture of you, but I bet at the end of the class you will have learned some new dance steps. I love dancing. Started taking tap dancing at the age of 3. My dance moves look a little funny cause my jelly belly is wiggling as I do it.

    Sherloc: Many people are born with asthma, but more develope it at later ages. Sure seems coincidental that once the pollen washed away your breathing got easier! I heard on the news yesterday that despite the snow and cold spring we are having, the trees and flowers are starting to bloom and they shed lots of allergens. They said to take zinc as it makes the cells stronger to fight the allergic response. Hmmmm zinc is the magic ingrediant in Zicam.

    Kristin: Rads can cause severe fatigue. So just hang in there, this too shall pass.

    Beth: Its weird. I forgot all about us talking about waking up at that magic hour. I was up a 3:00am also. Turned off the television and went right back to sleep thank goodness.

    Sheri: I know we will get back on track, my DH and me. At least when I came home yesterday the house was clean and he made a great dinner. But I still stand by my saying.


    Gina: Finially, finially - you have a treatment plan and a doctor you like and trust. Interesting that he is doing one chemo at a time, but is sure makes sense! Full speed ahead, indeed!

    Jeanette and everyone else. I dont pay the bills lol. DH is in charge of that. So - this year, Im gonna put money aside that he doesnt know about. I will be prepared for tax time next year. My current job is so easy. I work about 5-6 hours a day and get paid full time. So I could easily find something part time - and that would be "my money." I could go out and buy the things that I want.

    Jankay: Since I work for a sub-acute rehab, I understand the significance of walking 100 feet. You go girl.



    Debc: I have a friend who had 27 out of 27 nodes positive. That was 5, maybe 6 years ago now. And she is NED! Sometimes people can be so unintentionally cruel. Just have to ignore their ignorance.

    Shokk: Shingles stink. Im glad the accupuncture worked.

    Anne: Im sorry to hear about your friend. I had to evaluate a young 49 y/o male yesterday who has throat and neck cancer. He is getting chemo and RADs - and the sad thing is as a nurse, I know he isnt gonna make it. Sending out big hugs to you and your friends family.

    Well, time to get off my butt and get ready for work. Cant believe that gas has gone up so high so quickly. I was whining about it on Monday when it was $2.75/gallon. Now its $2.95/gallon. These gas companies are like insurance companies. They are taking too much advantage of us. Somehow we need to protest. Funny that gas went down right around the elections!

    Oh! One more thing. I have been cutting my Celexa in half and taking 20 mg instead of the 40mg which was ordered. Yes - we nurses are bad patients. Last night I took the 40mg - go figure, Im feeling much better today.

    Gotta go, have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    image's Friday! I am so glad. Even after having yesterday off I'm not ready to work today.
    Raining and grey outside once again.
    Shokk...TORNADO'S...yikes. That scares me more than the snow that they are predicting we might get! Keep me updated. I know you were thinking well for my daugher sweet girl! I too am more worried about her emotional state right now than anything. She is so very devoted and this is really breaking her heart. She asked him how it feels to break someones heart so he's feeling pretty low right now but still talking with his "other women".
    Hi Jeannette...always happy to see you.
    Cheri girl...are you feeling better? I see you are up before the rest of us! Good morning. Now stay up all day today and maybe you'll sleep tonight. If you get sleepy during the day just IM me at work and I'll get ya laughing so you don't fall asleep.
    Aww Deb...bugs and fishes to you. Actually...big hugs and kisses. It will be a brighter day today. Put a smile on that pretty face and tell people not to scare you...geez...what's wrong with people!
    Hmmm...Still no Robin...what's up with that?
    Did Alwayshope get lost in the forest?
    Is Shel still stuck in the airport? Come here and brag about her killer tan and leave us hanging...bad girl LOL.
    Nicki...tweaking your toes beautiful lady. Boot hubby outa bed and sweet talk him into making you breakfast...or keep him in bed and show him your stuff...time he learns what he'd be missing LOL!
    Jankay..was wondering where you 100 foot...thats great. Rest up and take care of yourself.
    Hi to everyone else...gotta get in the shower and ready for work TGIF!
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Nicki...good morning sunshine sister, you snunk in on me! Happy Friday.
    I don't worry about Friday the 13th...I was born on the 13th so how bad can it be. Gee...hope I'm not jinking myself LOL.

    Have a safe and happy day all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Vickie my sunshine sister. Im guessing Madison will be right here shortly. Forgot about it being Friday the 13tt. This Italian girl is very superstitios ya know.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Awww Nicki...I am banishing all bad luck from you today...from everyone. we will all have to compare notes tonight about Friday the 13th. I am looking for a lucky fun filled day! That's my story and I'm sticking to it...although I will be making a very careful drive to and from work LOL.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sisters.

    Today will be a lucky day for everyone...Friday the 13th..
    DH always said the 13th was his lucky day.

    G, great news on a great new onc...onward!!!

    I'll post more from work...Jake and daugther left late yesterday...the dear cat has finally realized she has the run of the house again!! I have been trying to get my house "back together again".

    Running late...take care in the east..I hear the weather will be terrible....we will be having rain today.

    Nicki, I did the 3:00 a.m. wake up this morning.....and like you, managed to get more sleep!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Gee, I woke at 2:00 a.m. this morning, too. What up with that?

    Well, we're getting some relief with MIL. Today her BIL will visit and bring her DH along. He doesn't drive anymore. He's 90 and has been dx'd with altzheimers. So, DH gets a day off. DH's brother and wife will come on Sunday, and DH and I will be able to have some time for ourselves then, too.

    I was able to share with him some of my concerns last night, and am feeling much better.

    New furniture--wow, I'm impressed. Most of our furniture is the style I call "Early American Give Away". Actually I really like older style furniture. A lot of our stuff comes from my grandparents. I have good memories when I look at them.

    Hugs and healing.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Quick note before I hit the shower. I have awakened the past 3 mornings around 3 am - however, I don't get in a sound sleep after that and it shows. I looked at myself this morning and though Good Lord, I look like I've been on a 2 week drunk!! I'm running late - I say that a lot lately.

    Nicki - YES it is TGIF!!! No more work with teenagers until Monday - that is celebration in itself

    Vicki -congrats on the new furniture. I had my sofa and love seat recovered this winter and it made me feel so good. I spent lots of time on that sofa during chemo and rads so getting new fabric on it was another small bright spot. I've got to go see what kind of weather they are saying we are going to have - I think it has missed us though - thankfully.

    Deb C - people don't realize how they sound sometimes when they talk to strong people. Sometimes you get tired of being strong and just need some hugs yourself. Gentle hugs to you. Hope you get the LE under control - mine is nothing compared to what you and others have but it was painful enough.

    Christine - Hi - are you doing OK???

    Kristin - I was tired after chemo but rads just totally zapped my low energy level. I pretty much had the standard treatment and after about a week of treatments, I was exhausted by the time afternoon arrived.

    Cheri, Madison, Margaret, Amy, MB,Puppy, RobinTN, Sue, Gina - well, just everyone. Hope you have a wonderful day. Still trying to catch up on what is going on with everyone.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Jankay here. After the pt i had a deep muscle massage which hurt. After that i did a lot of sleeping, iwill repeat the day,on thursday april 19. wish me luck.
    tkhank you vicki,deb abd the others for missiing me for those of u from chat Helens birthday is today april 13.
    Love Jankay