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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Friday the 13th???
    Crap I have a dentist appt today. O MY!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    DebC - Having only met you virtually and via the US Postal System, it's very obvious to me that you are "the strong one" and "the caretaker" to your friends and family. Cooking and baking for your family (I thought of you when I made Warren the ham and cheese omelet for breakfast on a school day by the way, I thought, Deb probably cooks her family a "real" breakfast every day!) volunteering, crafts, Relay, 4-H, beating cancer, supporting friends, you remind me of my friend Sheila, who I very much look up to for her ability to show so much love to the world. But you know what, even the strong one falls apart sometimes, and even the caretaker needs to be taken care of sometimes. And even though people should logically understand that, I think people kind of put us into roles that they feel comfortable with, and then if you act out of character it freaks them out.

    I feel like I'm saying this badly or wrong, so I apologize, cause obviously I don't mean to be. I guess I'm trying to say that you are who you are (strong, etc.) but that doesn't mean you have to be that way 100% of the time. In fact, I would say it's physically and emotionally impossible to be, and probably not healthy!

    How to get people not to say stupid things? I have no idea. How to respond to them when they do without having a meltdown? I'm no help there either unfortunately. My friend says she always prefers to assume ignorance rather than malice. It helps her when people say mean or stupid things.

    27 pos nodes - How about thank goodness those nodes were doing their job, and there were still plenty left to catch any more cancer that decided to come their way?

    OK, I just re-read this, and though I don't feel like any of it helps, I'm going to leave it. I don't have a way with words the way many of us (including you!) have, but my heart feels nothing but compassion for you, and a sincere desire that your load is lifted, your day brighter, and your family and friends to be able to understand when you need to be the receiever, not the giver, of the TLC.

    You are always such a source of strength to us here. As Ellen DeGeneres would say, "right back at ya!"

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Took the lovely Ativan last night and slept for nine glorious hours. Do you think I could get a dentist appt at least once a week? That should catch me up on my sleep after a while.
    Hmmmmm allergy induced asthma. Well that makes sense. Wonder why they didn't mention that in the ER. Is it just me or does the ER sometimes seem like a total waste of time. Thats twice now in the last 6 months they've said "hmmm we don't know whats wrong, go home and if the problem gets worse come back". Geez the first time I ended up having my appendix ripped out the next day.

    Kristin, bet it's a combo of all three. Rads wore me out to the point of sleeping 14-16 hours a day. Good news is when they are done you bounce back pretty quickly.

    Vicki, Holy Cow indeed. Yikes be careful everyone.
    You got new furniture too. Yippee. I love new furniture. Sorry fedex messed it up tho. Shame on that delivery guy. Must have been in a hurry.
    We have always been in the "new to us" catagory of furniture as well. Till we moved into this house 8 years ago. It was a 5 hour trip to get from point A to point B....I said I'm not hauling all this crap to my new house. So we packed up our clothes and mattresses, (had to have something to sleep on) and sent everything else to the dump or the thrift store. It was soooooooo freeing. Got new furniture one piece at a time as we could afford it and now the house is full of stuff that I love.

    Beth, I have lived in California for all by 7 of my 45 years and have never experienced an earthquake. Yes we have them buttttt, we aren't rocking and rolling all the time. Hope you got a good nights sleep.

    Denise, have a great day today. Can't wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. I've heard this was a good season.

    Cheri, I so glad you are feeling better. My hubby is a comfy old chair overstuffed one. hahahhahahahaha

    Gina...YEHAW, YIPPEE, AND SHOOT HOWDY!!!! it's about time.

    Colleen, that was me with the hip hop video. Knees are the funniest topic.

    JanKay, WooHoo....100ft is great. You deserve chocolate.

    Deb, I am one who is guilty of the "WOW" comment. If I have made it to you I apologize. Has never occured to me that it would hurt someone. I've just always been suprised by the amount of nodes some ladies have. I had axillary clearance and all they could find in there were 6 measly nodes. I promise to never say it again.

    Nicki, does the zicam stuff have that pseudo whatever stuff in it. I can't take most allergy meds cause of that. Hmmmmm will have to check it out. And now that I think about it I remember having a reaction to zinc from a supplement when I was a kid. I tell you this better living thru chemistry is hard sometimes.
    Just filled my tank yesterday....$3.79 a gallon. Wanna come live in California?

    Yehaw, Jake went home. We can all relax now. Have a good day at work Madison.

    Laura, I'm glad you are getting a break. I took care of my Father in Law for the last 5 years of his life. He was a stroke victim. Hubby has 9 brothers and sister.....not once in 5 years did any of them even offer to help out. Grrrrr do you think I'm still bitter? Na I don't hold a grudge.

    Brenda, looking in the mirror when you get out of bed is bad for your self esteem. JUST SAY NO!!!

    Happy Birthday Helen. I know you lurk around here sometimes. It was good to see you in chat last night.

    Colleen, I think you said IT very well. Have a great day.

    Off to wake up the kid. Have to take him to work early so I can take my happy drugs before my dentist appt. Hubby is taking the morning off work to drive me. What a guy.
    See ya later.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    JANKAY WANTS CHOCOLATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    I am back: Tesla Rena was born tuesday pm @ 635 she weighed 8 lb 13 oz and is 21 inches long.Boy what an experience.I will have to tell you gals all about it when I get rested.I know I am exausted.I got rooted out of staying in the hospital with jasmine.But oh,I guess it is time for me to pull back with her somewhat.I have had her for 22 years.
    I will post some pictures as soon as I get to feeling better.She looks like karen and jasmine's side of the family.She has dark har and is long.Jasmine did excellent,better than I ever did with mine.But she is one strong cookie.
    Thank you for your prayers.I am glad this is over.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Vickie my sunshine sister. Im guessing Madison will be right here shortly. Forgot about it being Friday the 13tt. This Italian girl is very superstitios ya know.


    ( YIKES!!! Ima with you nicki) Love Ya Sweet Sister of mine!!! and all my CGS!!! talk to ya later. Puppy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Welcome to the world Tesla Rena.
    Congrats to one and all.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Tesla Rena. Rest up now Robin.

    Laura and Madison, I hope you got plenty of sleep last night. Madison, you have a jakeless house. How boring.

    DebC, I'm so glad your nodes were working so well. You are so strong and wonderful and beautiful. Ain't nothing bad gonna happen to you. Promise.

    Colleen, right back at you too!!!

    I'm superstitious (and lazy). i decided to stay home today.

    Has anybody given poor Jankay her chocolate yet. I'll find some.

    Shirley and all, I lived in California for 26 years and after Loma Prieta I really wanted to leave. Of course, my house was very near a fault line. Hence the move to Missouri. To me tornadoes are easy. I have to admit though when I was a child (in Illinois) I used to dream about tornadoes. They would actually come inside the house and look for me under the bed where they knew I was hiding. LOL

    Brenda, no teenagers! woohoo. I hope you find help you can count on soon. xo
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I just can't keep up with all of you! My son has has been home sick with the flu all week and has been EXTREMELY needy, so I haven't had a lot of time to post. I've started to write a few responses in Word, but by the time I get back to finishing them, all my comments are about things that happened five pages ago!

    Anyway, here's a few quick hellos...

    Robin, Congratulations! I was induced with my son and the labor was a much different experience than it was with my daughter! So glad to hear that Jasmine and little Tesla are doing well!

    Colleen, My daughter takes hip-hop classes, and in my crazy moments, I have her try to teach me some moves. She usually ends up rolling on the floor laughing as she watches me. BTW, I loved your response to Deb!

    Deb, Hugs to you. I had 9/20 nodes positive, and I've heard every comment from "That's quite a few.." to "That's great that fewer than half were positive." It is only natural to be scared sometimes, and it doesn't diminish the amazing source of strength you are here. Heck, every time I read one of your posts, I think that I want to be you when I grow up!

    NS, So glad that you found an onc that you trust. My rad onc was a doom and gloom guy, and he never appreciated my find blend of sarcasm and humor. So, I basically ignored him and kept on being sarcastic, and I relied on my medical onc for everything.

    Vickie, This weather is driving me nuts too! My son keeps asking when we'll be able to open up our pool...I'm thinking August if this snow doesn't let up soon. I'm glad to hear that Sarah's surgery went well, and I hope everything works out ok with the job in NY.

    Nicki, Boys are stupid..throw rocks at them! I'm sorry that you are having a tough time right now, and I'm sending hugs your way. You are always so kind in your comments to me, and I wish that I could do more to help you feel better.

    Madison, I'll miss the Jake stories! My golden retriever tries to act tough with my cat, but she just hisses at him and he ends up cowering in the corner. It's pretty funny to watch.

    Ok, my son is complaining that "no one EVER plays with him," so my mother guilt is kicking in and I have to go. I know I have missed so many of you, but I hope that you know that you are all in my thoughts every day!

    Love to you all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I've got to run back out and drive into Flushing and get my Mom for a Dr. appt. (like anyone knows where Flushing is!) 2 great sisters, but I'm always the one for the Dr. Visits! Oh well.

    I'll be back and check on all of ya this evening, but I had to say Hi to the CG'S first!

    Gina: I am SO happy that you have found a good and compassionate Onc. I believe that is atleast half the battle of the beast.

    Nicki: I know your DH is kind and supportive and I do love him!!! We all spill our guts here, and I don't think any less of anyones SO's. Women need Women to Vent too! Hey, I live with one too! What was I thinking....19 years single mom with 3 kids. The kids grow up and I remarry! Duh! I'm just kidding. I'm very lucky and happy to have him in my life..........but he is a man!!

    Gotta Run,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Oh yea,

    Cheri: You're not buying the size 4 story, eh? (We can all dream!)

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters! It never ceases to amaze me how a little cry, a hot shower, a cuddle with my wonderful hubby and a good night’s sleep can change my attitude! I am feeling MUCH better this morning.

    Kristin – Hang in there. Rads wore my already weary butt right down to the bone. All I did was sleep and I still woke up tired. For me, the total exhaustion lessened too just “tired as hell” about 2 weeks after rads. There IS an end in sight. Just give yourself all the time you need to rest. This is not the time to push yourself. HUG!

    Vickie – OK…if there is a tornado, at least you will have a beautiful new table to hide under! LOL. All joking aside, be careful. This storm sounds like a doozy. I LOVE baby kitties more than I can say. You better take LOTS of pictures. Can we name them?? Oh, and I thought I was the only one that picked of furniture by the side of the road. I consider it environmentally responsible to keep things out of the dump…besides…I’m cheep! LOL Glad Sarah is doing well. She is in my prayers.

    Colleen – You friends running in the marathon might need parkas from the sounds of it!

    Beth – When is your surgery planned? Hope things are good with you.

    Gina – just sending you more hugs. SO happy for you that your Onc is great.

    Brenda – Doesn’t it stink when you look in the mirror and look like you are hung over, and you didn’t even get to go have the fun?? I keep pretending that my lotion will wipe away the wrinkles….hasn’t worked yet but it feels nice . Hang in there. Hope you get some sleep.

    Peggy – good to see you posting. I miss you! How is life treating you? Hey…you might know….Is there a stone or crystal that is especially good for someone having a problem pregnancy? She has a lot of nausea and pain and I was thinking of getting her a crystal or necklace. Were you the one that I had the conversation about stones and crystals a few months ago?? All I could think of was good old rose quartz for love, or moonstone, but I think that is for GETTING pregnant LOL…Let me know if you think of anything. THANKS

    Jeannette- Springtime in the mountains may come a bit later, but isn’t it awesome when it does come? It is funny your acupuncturist talked about “carrying burdens”. Mine said I had tons of stored tension in my body. After the treatments I felt like melting jello for several hours. My joints and muscles felt almost like they were liquid. Who would have thought that having needles poked in my whole body would feel so GOOD!

    Actually, I have had several people ask about my acupuncture experience. In a nutshell, it was awesome. I was desperate the day I went in. I was eating every pain pill in my house trying to knock back the bone pain from my shingles and it was NOT working. I was in SO much pain…WAY more than from my bilat mast, if you can believe it. My dad suggested a acupuncture gal (Hmmm what do you call her? Not a doc or nurse…practitioner maybe??). She had helped one of the pharmacists he works with get over a bad case of shingles. I called and was in her office 3 hours later. I didn’t really have time to think about it. I was 100% needle phobic before cancer treatment and here I was going in to have myself poked full of needles…who would have guessed? ANYWAY…I had about 75 needles in my body…in my ears, head, back fingertips and the areas between my toes. I had a ring all the way around the rash and running down my hip. A few of them stung, but VERY minor, when they only stung when she was tapping them in, after that I couldn’t feel them. Some of the needles were then hooked up to an electric pulse thing-a-majig and she had me in a heated “pod” thing that ran through the whole spectrum of light. I felt very cared for and actually fell asleep while I was laying there. When I got up after my treatment the pain was GONE! Not just better but totally gone.

    She told me that the pain would come back and I would need further treatments and she was right. I needed 2 more treatments in the next 7 days and the shingles were gone. I would highly recommend anyone giving it a try. I’m a believer now.

    Shokk- hope the singles are better today!

    Cheri – are you feeling any better? How are the puppies?? I want more pictures I love baby animals!

    JanKay – 100 feet of walking is huge. Glad you had the energy…keep it up

    CY – Did you get those taxes finished up? Hope so so you can have a relaxing weekend.

    Christine – good to see you posting and thanks for your kind PM. You’re the best

    Nicki – I’m with you on the high gas prices. They seem to go up 3 times faster than they go down!! Oh, and quit cutting your pills in half silly girl! LOL

    Madison – WHEW you and the cat lived through another visit from Jake! Glad to hear it LOL

    Laura- Glad you feeling better this morning…me too. Isn’t this a great place??

    Shirley – Don’t worry about the dentist on Friday the 13th…it is my lucky day…always has been. Want to rub my head for luck before you go??? Hugs! Did you really pay 3.79 for gas?? OMG I hope that was a typo!

    Colleen- Honey, you DO have a way with words. Your post was sweet and right on the mark in many ways. I laughed about the cooking breakfast for the kids part. My girls are 12 and 14 and they usually make ME breakfast! LOL. It is the pay-off for teaching them to be good cooks. They both made pies from scratch for Easter dinner. Your post DID help…hug “right back at ya” too

    Robin – WooHoo! Welcome to Tesla Rena. Get some rest and then we want pictures Grandma Congrats!

    Susan – My youngest was terrified of tornadoes when we lived in Michigan. It was one of the things she put on the “Pro” side of the list when we were deciding whether to move back to Alaska…no tornadoes! I didn’t tell her about the earthquakes LOL. You are right…nothing bad is going to happen…sometime I just need lots of reminding…thanks

    Gus – Sorry about the sick kid-o. That is never any fun. I laughed about you saying you want to be me when you grow up! Only one problem…I’m determined to never grow up LOL

    Denise – I know where Flushing is! Hope you have a nice drive

    I am so happy that I found this place. It is nice to have a somewhere to let my hair down. Just to clarify…no one here said anything about nodes and the comments about my nodes were just part of conversations. No one was being mean…I just picked those words to obsess about …they just kept running around my mind. I think it is the nit-picker in me that latches on to things like that and won’t let them go.

    I usually shoot for trying to be positive 95% of the time. This just happened to be one of my 5% low times. My DH saw I was having a hard time and helped me get through it…a back rub always helps my mood **wink-wink**

    Hugs to all my special sister! I know I missed lots of you, but you are all in my heart.

    Deb C
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007

    As far as nicki & the pictures...holy crap...I've been made obsolete!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Howdy All! Physically I’m at work; mentally I’d rather be anywhere else. So I decided to come here to visit with you all!

    The past 24 hours have been tough: My DH is taking our friend’s death very hard. I want to support him, but he’s trying to be strong and holding it in. On his way home from work yesterday, the car pooped out again. It has the same symptoms as before; we’re still waiting to hear from the shop. We mailed in our unhappily large payment to the dear IRS yesterday. One of the sweet old men at the Scout meeting last night decided to give me ALL the details on one of his friend’s who was just diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He’s a great guy, but I really didn’t need that last night. This morning when I woke up my eye looked was all red and irritated, so I called the PCP. He said could be pinkeye (he gave me drops) but said it could also be the beginnings of measles, if that’s indeed what my boss has. (She’s still waiting the results of her blood work. It went to California of all places!) I was told when I was pregnant with #2 son that I have no immunity to the measles, so this has me kind of concerned. I’m hoping it’s pinkeye, odd as that may sound! I’m doing okay, all things considered. I was prepared to be kind of blue with all of this going on. The fact that there’s a bottle of wine in the ‘fridge with my name on it probably has something to do with it.

    Cheri, I’m so sorry to hear about your flu bug. There seems to be so much stuff going around right now! Be good to yourself and rest and don’t push too hard. (I know that’s hard.) Covering myself in Lysol so as to neither give nor get any germs, and giving you hugs.

    TWO new kitchen sets! How great is that? We wanna see pictures, girls!

    Gina – Yippee! This onc sounds like a keeper! (I was all set to ship mine to you; I’ll let her out of the box now.) I’m also glad to see that you’re getting a port; that’s one thing that my nurses thanked me for because of the Adriamycin. Are you getting IV Cytoxan or the oral stuff? Either way, that combo is a big, heavy hammer all set to pound your cancer right out of you, and I hope those drugs are as easy for you as they were for me.

    Shokk – I just went to WebMD to read about shingles (I’d heard of them, but didn’t really know what they are). You Poor Thing, those sound miserable! I know nothing about acupuncture, but there are many aspects of Oriental medicine that used to be pooh-poohed and are now being proven to work; it might be worth a try.

    Sunshinelite – 100 feet! That’s terrific! I’m glad you are getting your rest, too. Your can-do attitude is a wonderful example for us!

    CY – I’ve said it before and will say it again – Taxes Stink!

    Deb, my friend, I’m so sorry about your LE. You be sure to do what you need to do to get it under control again. I think that there is physically tired and mentally tired; sounds like you’re some of both today. Get a good night’s sleep, then get up and take a nap. Drink some tea (my MIL says tea fixes everything – one of the reasons I love her) and then do something fun. The good cry is okay too. My clinical trials nurse says tears are therapeutic, and that we shouldn’t hold ‘em in, because they end up coming out sooner or later. I’m sending several big hugs! Oh, and I think acupuncturist is the word you’re looking for. Hooty-hoo for ‘back rubs’ and your DH. He sounds like great guy.

    Kristin – For what it’s worth, I’ve been feeling fatigue from the rads too. I think it was partly because so many were saying that rads are a piece of cake compared with chemo – it caught me off guard to be so tired so quickly. We can do this, fellow April girl! I’m down to 29 left, how about you?

    Shirley – I love the comparison of your DH to an ‘overstuffed’ chair. Mine sort of fits that description, too. Did your son get home on liberty yet? I was thinking of him and you last Friday when you said he was graduating. It’s been wonderful having mine home this week.

    Robin – Congratulations! I’m looking forward to the pictures when you’re feeling up to it!

    Sue – Hope your son gets over his flu quickly and (most importantly) doesn’t share it with you!

    Denise – I know where Flushing is! I’ve even been there!

    Sige – You will never be obsolete! You are a trend setter for all of us who’ve now learned to post pictures!

    I hope that all who are in the path of this big storm stay safe, dry and warm. It looks like it’s going to go south of me, but I’ll be thinking of everyone in it’s path.

    Okay, I’ve been bad enough for one day. Back to work.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Deb, I am so glad to see you are better this morning. I always feel better after a hot shower and I use the lavender bath scrub I bought for just that purpose. I have to tell you that your positive and supportive attitude has been my inspiration. Besides the upcoming surgery, so much crap has happened over the past few months that I sometimes wonder. I think the black cloud over our heads is moving on and I can see a light out there. Thanks for being you!

    I have not seen anything from LauraB or Joyce or Odalys in a while! Where are they and does anyone know if they are OK? I will call Joyce over the weekend.

    Vickie, glad to hear about the new furniture. I understand. My first h (not dh by any stretch) and I had "blue curb specials" as we called them. I got great at refinishing and reupholstery! Enjoy! And it should have been insured in transit if it went Fedex.

    Robin, Welcome to the new babe, Tesla Rena. What a beautiful name. And yes, we need pics!

    Cheri, keep feeling and fluids. I read somewhere that honey has great restorative powers. Put a little in some hot tea, couldn't hurt!

    Puppy, so good to see you! I have been remiss and have not called this week. I will today before the Verizon guy comes back and interrupts my DSL again. Well, they are trying to fix it.

    Gina, good luck with the new onc. Confidence in the dr is worth it all.

    Shirley, i am only moving to CA if I can live in Carmel or south in Santa Barbara. Can't afford Philly let alone CA, so who am I kidding? $3.79 for gas? I guess since I remember filling up the tank on a $5 bill, it gets to me! yeah, I know, no bras yet but I will get there with them! I have to get all new anyway after surgery.

    TGIF to everyone. Nicki is going to scare away all our superstitions for us. Love the "italian finger", Nicki, you gave me a laugh.

    I know I missed a lot of people but you all know you are noticed and loved. Take care all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Well, I ended up with about 3 hrs sleep last night so I'm trying to stay up so I'll actually sleep at a decent time tonight. If that's possible. I think I'm over the bad stomach part of my little flu but now have cold symptoms. Actually, I think it's probably sinuses. But I'm not down sick or anything.

    Madison, bet your house is quiet without your dd and Jake.

    Laura, you're lucky to have furniture from your grandparents. That's back when furniture waa 'real' stuff.

    Shirley, good luck at the dentist. You going to have to make dinner as soon as you get home? lol

    Robin, congrats on the new grandbaby! Glad mother & baby are both doing well. Now you get some rest. Jasmine's young and strong and can take care of the baby.

    Deb, glad you're feeling yourself today.

    Anne, so sorry about your dh's friend and that he's taking it so hard. Hugs back to you and yours.

    Gina, hope you're feeling well today.

    Hey to Vickie, Nicki, Brenda, Jankay, Iris, Gus, Susan, Denise, Peggy.

    Hoping everyone has a better than average day.


    Hi Janny, Amy
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good afternoon ladies....

    another nice day here in the rocky mountains
    not much exciting happening... the only thing is gearing up for my bday party next saturday
    gonna be a hummdinger... hehehehehe
    thinking i will make cabbage rolls... potatoe salad.. do hot dogs and hambergers on the bbq and have a rip roaring bonfire in the front yard...i have a feeling i will wake up the next day to bodies laying all over
    i am going to welcome my 40's with a bang

    well any ways....
    whats up with all you ladies and insomnia????
    jankay wishing you all the luck i can muster and thats a whole bunch!!! hope all is going well!! and i love chocolaite to.... hehehe
    colleen good to see ya!
    robin....... awwwwwww a new baby... congrats...are you a grandmother??? your way to young to be??? hehehe
    good to see you susan!!!!!!! hugssss
    gus i have a hard time keeping up as well.... lol i printed this page out at work and got like 20 pages...hehehe
    denise your driving to flushing??? heheh i will have to google that one.
    deb glad your in good spirits today...
    sige good to see you to!!!!!!!! ya know we are only a few hours apart... if your ever out this way let me know ... i can put you up at the super 8 for super cheap
    anne good to see you as well.yikes hoping you dont have the measles!!!
    hi ya beth!!!!
    cheri cheri cheri .... hope your feeling better!!!!!
    nikki nikki where are tho nikki.... happy friday the 13th to you!!!!
    gina.... glad things are coming together....i think of you every day!!!
    to all the ladies i missed......
    hey where is the other laura???
    great day ladies!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Am on Sam duty and not home---therfore not much time to really read all nine gazillion posts since early yesteray. Did notice, however, that DH admits that beer is his antidepressant. Fortunately, he recognizes that he needs something to elevate his mood but may not know that alcohol itself is a depressant. He's getting himself stuck in a downward spiral. Somewhere on the last 4 pages someone else may have said the same thing but you know how I am with my two cent's worth!

    Gina---SO glad you found "your" onc---life is so much better with someone who understands your wavelength. Also very happy to see our Warrior Woman back on track.

    Robin--a new baby---how wonderful! Sam sends his best (he's already 4.5 months old. Time flies.)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well it has been a wonderful day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Finially we had some sun. It was in the 50's. I had to go to Evanston Hospital again, so I took a walk along the shores of Lake Michigan. Yes I looked goofy with my knee high boots and warm vest - but it was great. The waves were 2-3 feet high which is very unusual for Lake Michigan.

    Remember that co-worker. The one I share my office with who yelled at me about 3-4 weeks ago? Well she was fired today. Not a big surprize to any of us, we just didnt know when it would happen.

    Im home alone tonight. Husband has already left for a gig at a pub - I do so cherish my quiet time.

    Madison: Bad Jake is gone? Or is the ghost of bad Jake gonna hang around for a while. Ah - finially peace in your house.

    Laura: Dealing with aging parents that are frail is just so hard.Seems like everyday there is a new crisis. Hope you get some quiet time with your husband.

    Brenda: Finially a break from the teenagers. Can I send my husband there?

    Jankay: I was reading posts in the reoccurance/mets thread and I saw a post from Helen!. Yes it is her birthday. I started a post in that forum wishing her a Happy Birthday. Hope she got lots of responses. She is one strong cookie and deserves having a wonderful day.

    Colleen: You words were nice. Made me smile.

    Sherloc: $3.79/gallon in California?


    This is what I dont understand about the gas thing. Last time it went up, seemed like everybody complained. Then it miraculously went down around the elections. Now its up again. The gasoline companies and insurance companie make Nicki mad.

    The pharamcist told me its the Zinc in Zicam that helps with symptoms of a cold. It makes the cells stronger to fight off the virus. Then I heard a doctor on the radio talking about alot of people were suffering from asthma cause of all the pollen from Spring flowers, grass, and trees. He also said Zinc would help with allergy induced asthma. But if you had a reaction to zinc - then you cant take it.

    Did you say our dear sweet Helen1 lurks here. Hiya Helen.


    Robin: Congratulations. Your a grandmother. That is just so wonderful.

    Susan: Ahahahaha I dream about tornados too. Scare the heck outta me. I see 4 of them coming at the same time. And if Im not mistaken. Isnt there a fault in Missouri?

    Sue: Looks like you and Vickie and all our other friends are gonna get hit with a big storm. Bad weather always interests me. I watch all the different shows. I know what Noreasters are and they are saying on the news its gonna be a big one. Stay safe and warm.

    Denise: You made me laugh out loud when you were talking about my DH. Taking mom to the doctor? Not the best way of celebrating a Friday.

    Peggy: Im a picture monster!


    Beth and Puppy: If I spill salt, I throw it over my shoulder. I will not walk under a ladder. I treat my mirrors gently. Hmmmm I could go on and on. And dont get me started with what dreams mean or cats crying out your window in the middle of the night.

    Tracey: So let me see if I got this right. You throwing a big bash for your Birthday and you have to do all the cooking? And you are turning 40? I say celebrate big time girl.

    Jeannie: I just hoping "this too shall pass." Im not as upset with him now as I was the other day. I never yell or scream at him. The other day I had my hand on my hips and was stomping behind him saying "how long have you been playing guitar and how early did you start drinking." He is not used to me speaking up like that. So he was pretty dumbfounded. One day at a time.

    Cheri: Hope your feeling better soon. I absolutely hate being sick.

    OK - gonna go enjoy my evening. I can eat at whatever time I want. I can eat what I want. I cant watch whatever I want on the television. This evening - Life is grand.

    Good night

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone -


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hello ladies.....this is a weather alert....Nicki,Vicki,Gina,Cheri,Kristin,Colleen Denise,Anne, Brenda,Beth,Robin,JanKay,Christine,Susan,Sue and Sheri(can't remember were you are but if you are North and East of ladies be real careful...make sure you have flashlights,battries,blankets,bottle water,etc.......I know Cheri and Susan know the drill.......remember ladies if you think there is a tornado best place to be besides the basement is interior closet........if it is raining very hard and suddenly stops and you hear something like a train....take ladies in the far northeast are going to get hit hard.......brb

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Happy Friday the 13th everyone. I hope it's been an ok day for all of you.

    Robin, so glad you have a baby. I love the name and can't wait to see pictures.

    Gina, what a relief to have an onc that you like. He must have a wonderful way to convince you to do the treatment. He sounds like my onc. He started me on dose dense, but would give an extra week in between treatments sometimes if I wasn't as strong as he liked. He said it would be silly to work so hard wiping out the cancer if it wiped me out too much. I know I don't say things very well, but it made me feel like he was concerned about me, not just a routine treatment plan.

    Nicki, This whole professional "poor" life is really the pits! On paper we make good money, but with all of our kids problems, medical issues, and just bad choices, we are constantly broke. I'm so glad you love your dh, that is really worth alot. I love mine, even though he drives me totally crazy so much.

    Vickie, glad you had a day off yesterday. I bet it was nice staying home. I hope the storm isn't too bad.

    Joseph stayed home again. He speaks unless I bring up something about his sitting around all day. Then he clams right up. It's breaking my heart, but I've got to be tough. His best friends dad asked if he could work with them tonight and tomorrow renovating a doctor's office. Normally Joe would love it and at first I thought it would be good for him, but dh said no. He would almost see it as a reward, getting to spend time with his friend. I talked to my coworker and her husband is a pastor who counsels troubled teens. She's going to see if he might be able to suggest something.

    I really don't know how to say this, but I envy so many of you who are going through tough times and still seem to be able to post in such a cheerful, positive way. When I think back to my posts the last couple of weeks I realize they have all been so negative. I hope you don't think I'm just a doom and gloom person all the time, but I spill it out here. I want to be happier, I really do! Thanks for listening. I don't have the eloquence of so many of you, but this is from my heart.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Sheri sweetheart this is what the wagon circle is about...I think all of us are scared, confused, wondering how long we've got.....I was talking to another band mom today...her mom has bc and appears to doing ok physically but emotionaly not as well and her dad gets tired of her mom not being able "to move on" you think your son may be depressed? The problem with missing so much school is that you feel that you cannot catch back up....have you thought about maybe home schooling him the rest of the year...the school can probably provide you with the nesassary work and as long as he can test out can start fresh next year.....just a thought....

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    shokk have you experienced bad weather where you are. So far we have winds, hail and rain. we are ready if it comes though.

    sheri, you are just fine. we are our own worst critics and when we are depressed we think we are stupid, lazy, ugly, fat...choose your own derogatory adjective. You have a lot going on and it's hard to deal with. So try not to worry. Time will make things better. (hugs) I hope it doesn't seem like I'm not taking you seriously, I'm trying to say you aren't as awful as you think you are.

    Nicki, the fault line is nowhere close to me. Or I wouldn't be living here!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Nicki...tell me if you can understand this:

    Non sono più l'immagine che invia la regina. Sono stato usurpato da Nicki.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Howdy ladies,
    Well so far Friday the 13th has been kind to me. No car incidents LOL...home and cooking dinner. Tired but ok. Whew.
    Sheri...don't ever feel bad about posting when your down and out. I am a bit of doom and gloom myself todat and trying to work through it. No reason for it...hormone induced I do believe.
    Opps...sis is here...I'll be back in a bit.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Peggy-
    No matter what you will always be the picture queen! Do you speak Italian???
    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Oh my goodness, what is going to happen with this crazy weather? I'm feeling kind of creepy and scared about it. Someone told me they were talking about potentially cancelling the marathon on Monday, but I'm not sure if that's true or not. Yikes! I need to watch the local news and get the latest update!

    In the meantime, I got hit with a cold today HARD! Throat raw and sore and red, sneezing, headache, the whole nine yards. I'm trying to pull together some dinner for my sweet boy and then I'm hitting the sack.

    Goodnight everyone!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Haven't had much time to write. Work is busy but that is a good thing. I go to the BS and ONC on 4/25. I am feeling a little nervous about it,don't know why. It's my 3 month check up. My Dh and I are doing battle of the badges at weight watchers. We start next week. Hopefully it will work. Kev is doing better. His arm is starting to heal. They are suppose to do the heart surgery on 6/20. I'll be glad when we can put it behind us.
    Didn't take notes,I missed too much. I am thinking of you all.
    Beth-I will let you know about next week.

    Take Care,
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Thought I would drop in while the potato soup is cooking (I'm being very lazy - potato soup and fresh made cornbread - yes, I'm southern)

    Shirley have to pass that darn mirror when I get out of bed - not a pretty site. Deb, some party when you miss it and believe me no matter how many creams or "firming up" stuff it doesn't help. No thank you on moving to Cal. - NC has one of the highest state taxes on gas in the nation. Is 2.79 here for regular

    You guys talking about the weather and the warnings made me listen to the local forcast a bit ago. We are going to get strong winds, high winds with possible tornado, and 3 inches of rain then we are to have another hard freeze. Today it was 72 - poor trees - they put out new leaves and then they are frozen to a crisp!!

    Robin, rest up - I can never wait to get my hands on my new grandchild.

    Nicki, send your husband on down. Guaranteed he will work or I will ride his rear. I like some time alone too - when you work with the public all the time you need some time alone.

    Susan, I'm glad my kids are grown and the grankids aren't teenagers yet. Maybe I will start to like them again by the time they reach that age. Strange, I don't remember being like that - maybe because it was not very quiet around the house if we didn't take responsibility and do chores. They are really making my hair turn gray - after chemo when I got hair again it wasn't this gray. (Well, that's a good excuse anyway)

    Hi, Peggy. Good to know you are ok.

    Gina, hope you have had a good day. To those that have been under the weather or had sick family members or lost a friend - hope you have had a better day. Will check back later. Soup and cornbread is calling.
