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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...made it back.
    Peggy...just what language is that? I tried to translate and got lost LOL. You will always be the picture queen but it would be nice if you'd do your job!!!
    Robin...congratulations on the new baby and glad that all went well.
    Jankay needs chocolate...join us in the cyber party...we are splitting our party between Hershey PA with lots of chocolate and Disney (I think Cheri has made slushy's out of her blue drinks so look out).
    Puppy...hello and hugs to you. I will be sending you a package of yarn on Monday (weather permitting). If not then it will got out Tuesday along with two afghans (three if I can manage.) Love ya. made yourself understood very well. Remember..we always get "it".
    Nicki...quiet time is nice. Nate has been off school all week and I love him dearly but he's been going to work with me and I'm about to go crazy! He is good as gold its just tiring for both of us. Are you going to get this storm too?
    Sue...sorry your son is down with the flu. That really stinks. Nathaniel is begging to get the pool opened up too...hahaha...not this weekend! He loves to swim and thought he'd be able to swim at work this week and the pump went at our pool there so he couldn't...he was so bummed.
    Denise...did you get lost in Flushing!?!?
    Deb...I love my new dining room set. It's so pretty. I love picking up roadside furniture and refinishing it. I had a friend who lived with me with her two children and she finally got an apartment. Well the weekend she was moving was "clean up weekend" in our area and we furnished her entire apartment with roadside furniture that people were throwing out...we had so much fun! A bit concerned about this storm but I'll be huddled in the bathtub!! Thanks for the Sarah prayers...she was pretty sad today. Hubby on the internet till midnight last night with his "other" women. I don't know what's going on with that girl...she used to have such a backbone and it seems to have disappeared. She's getting walked all over and that's just not her at all! Wish I could take your LE away. was at work all day but my mind was here. I am such a boardaholic. Hope your car repairs are minor ones. I hate to hear scary cancer stories and people just don't seem to get it.
    Cheri berry...better get feelin better..we have partying to do.
    Beth...the dining room furniture was insured but I would have to send it all back and wait for a new delivery. The damage isn't something I can't fix so I'm just gonna fix it myself. I can't part with it now!
    Tracey...that sounds like its gonna be one fun party! I have some pretty good emails to send to you but I haven't had a chance yet!
    Jeannie...hey pretty lady...are you preparing for the storm? Should be interesting!
    Shokk...thanks for the warning. It does look like it's gonna be nasty. I am going shopping tomorrow but all we really need is bottled water and batteries. Glad I have the fireplace in case the power goes out. OH NO...if the power goes out I won't be able to connect here...THAT WOULD BE BAD!!! Are your shingles feeling any you have an acupunturist (sp?)in your area you can go to for relief. Sending you a hug.
    Ok...where are our missing girls...alwayshope, Odalys, hmmm...who else is missing? Gonna have to round them up and drag them back!
    I'll probably be back...sorry to anyone I missed...thinking of you all.
    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Joyce...glad to hear that Kevin is healing! I was thinking of the two of you today. Your appointment will be fine. I hate appointments too. potato soup and careful down there! DD has gotten in two tornado's in Florida and really worries about them know. The last one was really bad. Stay safe.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi, Hi, just popping in to tell everyone hello...
    I am going to sit and work on afghans this evening (I wasn't able to work very much with DD home this week)..
    Hugs to all-I'll be back...
    (that storm will be a careful everyone)
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    Hi girls, just checking on everyone! Saw on CNN that downtown Dallas had a whopper of a tornado awhile ago. Shokk - hope you're safe hon. Oklahoma hasn't been fun at all today either. I've missed so much. I'm still in a funk, but will be okay soon. Hugs to everyone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh my...checked on the weather and it's looking scary.
    Everyone follow Shokks advice and stay safe.
    Off to bed and see you in the morning.
    Sweet dreams and love to all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Evening girls!

    Those storms sound scary. I believe they are going to bypass Michigan..atleast for now, the weatherman changes his mind on a regular basis! Those in the path, I quote Shokk, be careful and heed the warnings.

    Can't believe 2 people know where Flushing is!! I lived there myself until 2001 when I married and made the hike to the HUGE township of Hartland!!

    Sure hope you insomniacs get some sleep tonight!

    Madison: My Mom was born on Friday the 13th., she always says it's a lucky day. Maybe she is right, I spent the day with her at Eye Doctors and Grocery Store, And I live to talk about it!!
    Has you cat come out of hiding now that Jake is gone?

    Laura: Glad you are getting some help with MIL this weekend. You need it, caregiving is exhausting.

    Shirley: Did you survive the Dentist? Allergy induced asthma is very real. My youngest has always had allergy and asthma problems. I tend to agree with you about ER. Unless you arrive in an're waiting forever, for nothing!

    Colleen: Your post was great..they always are. Take care of your cold..wicked stuff going around.

    Robin: Congrats! We were beginning to worry about you.

    Deb C: Hope your shoulder and LE are improving. You do give so much Deb..I think most of us here would agree that we even tend to lean on you for encouraging words. Sometimes even the strong become weak. I like your Natural Method for getting rid of Doom and Gloom! Flushing....a darling little bedroom community!

    Shirley: Forgot to tell you that I haven't heard "Shoot Howdy" in a while! Glad it's back!

    Susan: What or Where is Loma Prieta??

    Deb: I know acupunture does alot of good and have even considered it myself. I hope you don't mind if I tell you I kinda giggled at the thought of 75 needles all over your body!

    Brenda: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall......I feel like smashing you with a Ball! (Not good to look in mirrors in the morning!)
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Oops, meant to push preview and pushed something else. You all should notice that I haven't been "continuing" posts lately. Learned myself a new secret for posting!!

    Anne: You poor dear. I think we need to put you in a bubble for a while. You have certainly been hit hard lately. If you ever want to do lunch give me a holler, we're not far apart. Prayers to you.

    Shokk: Hope the shingles are getting a bit better.

    Anne and Kristen: Rads will make you tired. Alot of non BC people don't understand this..make time for yourselfs.

    Beth: When is your surgery? Been meaning to ask about the Mystery Shopper thing..I've seen a couple of ads for one lately. Mind filling me in?

    Tracey: 40, 40, 40, Have a great party!

    Nicki: The Nasty Nat is gone! Oops...I'm referring to the co-worker! But on the same note...enjoy your evening, we all like alone time!

    Liz: Hello to you and I love the angel pics. My favorite!

    Peggy: I love whatever it was that you said to Nicki!!

    Joyce: I've been wondering about you. Glad to hear that Kevin is doing better. We will be with you on your appt. next week and we will be with you and Kevin in June. Take care!

    Sheri: You're not full of Doom and Gloom..You have kids. That explains alot! I hope your Son does get some counseling.

    My back and arms are killing me. I guess typing is just to much exercise for one night!

    Love and Hugs to all!
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    Happy Friday the 13th (is almost over)

    Sorry I haven't posted for a few days and don't have time to catch up now, but wanted to say 'hi' and hope everyone has nice (if not wet) weekend.

    I'm going to NYC tomorrow and Sunday to see my DD and SIL. My DD is having a c-section on the 30th and then I'll be CT for 2 weeks helping out and then I'll need someone to take care of me.

    DH is in Seoul, Korea. He said the smog is awful, the hotel room is small and his internal clock is totally messed up -- I could have told him that years ago.

    Went to the ortho this morning and got a very painful shot in my torn rotator cuff shoulder and will probably schedule surgery for the summer. I haven't had enough pain, so I figure I'll get some more, along with 6 months of rehab and recouperation. What the heck? I finally got my colonoscopy/endoscopy scheduled for the 25th - a little more discomfort - and hopefully, they don't find anything. My GI guy thinks it might be an ulcer and I thought why would I have an ulcer? Isn't that for people who are STRESSED? Oh, and I decided to have a root canal on Monday.

    Gotta go to bed.

    Love, Sue
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I couldn't get on the boards for awhile tonight. I could get into chat but not in here. Anbody else have any trouble? Well, I thought I was over the stomach part of my little bug...wrong. Very wrong.

    Nicki, glad your mean old co-worker that gave you so much flack is gone. I like my quiet time too.

    Shokk, thanks for the weather update. It is pouring to beat the band here. Amber just went outside with a flashlight and an old towel cos one of our new puppies strayed out of the dog house and is squealing so she went to fix it. I hope they make it through this weather.
    Hope your shingles are better.

    Sheri, there are so many battling that teen-age mutant war right now. I wish I had some sage advice to give you but all i can tell you is if you can keep from killing him he'll outgrow it. My daughter could've been worse...somehow. lol

    Colleen, I sympathize with you and hope you feel better.

    Joyce, glad to hear that you and Kevin are doing alright. You're onc visit will go fine.

    Brenda, so nice to see you posting more often. We've missed you.

    Jazmanian, where are you? Lini, where are you?

    Gina, hope you're doing well.

    Mena, I bet by now you have your computer back. Listen dear, I know you've been a bit under the weather so let me explain how this process works. Humm? Your telephone rings. What to do? Try reaching down or across, depending on the location of you and your telephone, and wrapping your hand around the receiver, then lift it up to either ear and say, "Hello", or "HI" or "Speak freak it's your dime" just however you want to greet your friends and family. It's really quite simple and I have the utmost confidence that you can do it. It may take some practice, but you'll master it before long. So if you've wondered why I never return your calls, dear, its because you never....ANSWER YOUR PHONE! TAG! Your "IT" hahahaha

    Hey to Liz, Peggy, Madison, Denise, Jankay, Shirley and all the rest of ya hooligans! Have a lovely evening.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    OK ladies........DD and I have spent the last 1 1/2 hrs in the master room closet.......the tornado sierns have been ball size hail....winds up to 80 miles per hour......I live on the far east side of Dallas County......Ft. Worth which is west of me about 50 miles got hit the worse......a Minyards grocery store had its roof torn off.....several homes damaged.....a RV park all of the Rv's are laying on their is now 9:40 central standard time and the storms hit at about 6:30 and moved east going about 80 miles per hit our town at about the radio is advising everyone into interior closets....Texas we have no my Daughter, myself, two cats, two dogs and one hedgehog (belongs to older daughter that she didn't take to college with her)...ah and by the way hate that animal....tiny little thing that will hiss at me and scare the holy moly out of me.........we are all sitting on the floor of the closet in the dark with a flashlight because electricity is out.......brb.......something else is going on.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Alright no need to panic........have another warning but its just a Thunderstorm Watch........anyway so in the closet the cats are hissing at the dogs, the dogs are trying to see what I have wrapped up in a towel which is the hedgehog because she has quials and she is freaking out hissing at everyone, my daughter has her cell phone and she and her little band nerd friends are texting each other telling each other what to girl is in her parents closet with her mattress on her I was feeling alot better today.....shingles are alot better but now I am so stress I just relize how much they are hurting and then I remembered I left all my medicene in the kitchen cabinet.......its dark and my daughter didn't want me to take the flashlight so I stumble into the kitchen in the tornado to get the meds.....and that bottle of baily's I found a couple of wks ago that I had never open.....seemed like a real good idea to grap it so now the electricity is back on.....the storm has passed and took another pain pill and had a shot of bailey's......I feel pretty frinking good.....ha.........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Its too dark now to see what kind of damage I may have to the house but I'm sure the roofing companies will be out in full force in the morning......I have looked at all the ceilings and don't see any is still raining but its just a real slow steady pace....not bad........anyway cg's everyone be careful....this is nothing to mess with........will check back in in the morning....goodnight...where did I leave that bottle of Bailey's????? I think I will have just one more shot.......

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    hi you guys!!!!!!

    no, i'm no longer stranded in ft myers airport lol, and yes my tan is still bitchin'!

    i am so deeply engrossed in my return to work grievance and my LTD 'BS' that i barely have time to think about anything else besides you gals!

    never in my wildest dreams did i think that my attempt to return to work would be this friggin' complicated! but as my frumpy old gramma reminds me daily ........ "nothing is ever just simple for you is it shel"? (gramma is such a positive force in my life lmao!)

    i've nearly run out of fight in the matter of shel vs cancer vs the powers that be, but for now i'm hanging on by a thread. i'm going to get my tattoo extended tomorrow, then going shopping in the states, then going home to a bunch of giggling teenagers ...... so life is good as long as i don't have the 'nippleless plastic surgeon', my 'employer' or the LTD insurance company all up in my face!

    thank gosh for weekends when nobody bugs me lol! i've read through all the posts here and never 'took notes', but i want to say i adore you all, i keep you all close to my heart, and i never would've made it this far with my head screwed on straight without you girls!!!!!!

    this place means the absolute world to me ...... and my coming here also helps me deal with the 'real world' just when i think i might snap!

    my heartfelt love to all ....... shel
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Shokk, you are a true "boardaholic"! You are in the middle of a huge storm and you're posting on the Circle thread?? Please come back and tell us what's going on. And do you know which direction it's headed? Pay attention Liz, if it goes through OK, and oh hell, it's bound to come through Missouri, they always do. This is tornado season. 3 years ago tornados touched down all around us, destroying everything in it's mean ole path. I spent most of that spring with my then 2yr old grandson and 11yr old niece crammed into our hall closet with my cell phone, battery powered radio, water bottles, blankets, and snack bars. I am terrified of a tornado!! No kidding. An ice Storm can be really ugly and sooo inconvenient, but a tornado...oh geesh.

    Shokk, I hope you're posting while I am. Get back with us.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Happy evening ladies. Hubby just left to go get the kid. This being stoned on Ativan thing has it's perks. hehehehe. Teeth now all properly scraped. Hurts more than it did last time. Wonder why. Next appt is just a consult with the dentist to discuss the treatment plan. I have several unfinished root canals that need to be dealt with. Plus a few cavities. and on and on. Guess thats what you get when you don't go to the dentist for years. Anywhos long term plan is braces. Gonna have pretty straight white teeth sometime in the next couple of years.
    Moving on. Daughter committed to PinkStock today. Yehaw. Gonna get the tickets booked before she changes her mind again. Hubby finally decided it's time to get his shoulder fixed. He called his doc and told him to schedule it. April 23rd, yikes that was fast. Totally out of the blue. He's been living with this owie for over two years now and then just woke up and send I'm done. Geez.

    JanKay, cyber chocolate is on it's way.

    Hi Puppy

    Susan, I think I'd rather risk earthquakes. I guess I've just been lucky having never really experiencing one. Did feel the San Francisico one in 1990, but was so far away it just made my house sway a bit. A couple of years after we left the Central Coast was the Paso Robles earthquake. They are still cleaning up the mess from that one. Now were in the mountains on bedrock. Don't think there is a fault line anywhere close. Hasn't been an earthquake here in over 100years. Must be all those shallow tree roots holding everything together. hahahahahahha

    Poor Gus, take care of your baby. When he's better tell him you want breakfast in bed.

    Denise, 19 years and then you did it again? Yikes, you are a brave woman. I wouldn't have the energy or inclination to attempt to train another manperson.

    Deb, no luck needed. All the dear folks there no I freak out. Thats why they give me good drugs.
    Not a typo $3.79 for premium. Which hubby says my little beep beep must have. Good thing it gets 30+mpg or I'd be in the poor house.
    Everything here in the sticks is more expensive tho.

    Hi Peggy

    Ann, pinkeye or measles. Yikes what lousy choices. I pick pinkeye.
    Son will be home next tuesday. Originally he told me monday. But that was an oops. It's gonna be a whirlwind week. Have to figure out sometime to get down to San Luis so he can meet his nephew who he's only seen pics of. Hubby has surgery scheduled for the following monday, I have dexa the next day in sacramento, he flys out on wednesday and I have to be back at hospital for labs that for some ridiculous reason have to be done on my second pee of the morning. ????, then back home and back to the dentist for me on thursday. Guess thats what I get for whining about having nothing to do. Somewhere in there I'm sure the kid is gonna want to spend time with his friends. Hmmmmm we'll figure it out.

    Beth not only do Carmel and Santa Barbara have more earthquakes that is where all the houses that you hear about sliding off hills are from. You don't want to live there. Great places to visit tho.
    Deadlines for bras in May 31.

    Cheri, would you believe the man actually asked what I was making for dinner. I said whatever you can open with the can opener my dear. He just left to get the kid from work. Me thinks they will be getting something before they come home.
    Dentist went well. I'm still in happy mode. Slept the entire day away. Now I'm remembering the hangover from last time. Hmmmmm wonder what I can do to forestall that before tomorrow.
    I'm glad your feeling better.

    Happy Early Birthday Tracey. Sounds like your gonna have a rip roaring time.

    Hi Jeannie and Liz

    Nicki, Helen is an amazing lady. She inspires me. Thanks for the info on zicam. I remember having a reaction to some supplement my dad gave me as a kid. And something being said about the zinc in it. I could be totally wrong. But for the moment I am still breathing and more rain is supposed to be coming so that should do it for the pollen at least till fall when the pines do their thing.

    Sheri, how old is joseph? sounds like he needs a bit of tough love. Letting him do home study might be a good idea. My youngest did it for one semester because he had Mono. By the time the semester was up he was itching to get back to school. Might be a little late in the school year for that tho?

    Hi Vicki, whats for dinner? I'm obviously not getting anything served to me tonight.

    Colleen, cancel the Boston Marathon? wow has that ever been done?
    Feel better soon hon.

    Good to see you pop in Joyce. Glad Kevin is doing well.

    Brenda, well that will just not do. Cover that darn thing up with something.

    Denise, so far so good on surviving the dentist. I'm not to sure about the arriviing in an ambulance either. When I had my appendix thing in South Carolina, I arrived at ER in ambulance, IV already in place. Which was no easy feat since I'd been throwing up for hours and was terribly dehydrated. Not only did the bumms take me off the gurney and stick my in the waiting room. They took out the IV. Now how stupid was that.

    Geez, Ishop/Sue. When you go for the gusto you go all out. Congrats to DD. Give the new little one a sniff on his/her head for me.
    My hubby has been getting the injections in his shoulder for two years now. Finally decided to get it fixed.

    Cheri, "speak freak it's your dime" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHH

    O my gosh Shokk. You so need to write a book. Any book. You had me in the closet with you. Yowsers!!! Are you gonna sleep in there?

    Shel glad your not still stuck at the airport. I wanna see pics of the bitchin tan.

    Becareful all you dear ladies in the path of this storm. I'll be praying for you.

    I'll see you all tomorrow. Hmmmm started this at 6:15. It is now 9:03. Me thinks drugs puts me in slomo
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Well I'm still working on taxes but decided I've had enough for tonight!

    MIL had to go back to the Dr yeasterday she didn't respond to the antibiotic, so they gave her a different one and a cream.
    I'm diffently going to be looking for a home for her. we can't keep doing this!

    every one that is in the storms path please be careful

    Hugs & Prayers to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    thank you shirley the chocolate arroved just in time and boy was it wonderful.
    I think i got a complement tonight. A friend of mine is one of the leaders in the parkinsns group. They have started (Parkinsons group) a fund to help people that aRe having financial difficulties with buying medicine and other essentials. This all came about because this friend helped me in my time of need. The fund is just getting started and the plan is for it to be nationaL. They havent picked a name yet, they are just having fund raisers and getting set up. Imagine all this happened because little ole me was having a hard time.
    Will post more in the morning.
    Love Jankay
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everone: Well I took my whole antidepresant again last night as Im pretty sleepy this morning. So its Saturday and I could have slept in. But 5:00am and it automatic. Time to go to the computer and talk to my friends. I really, really need my cup of coffee.

    Well I pulled a big blunder yesterday. LauraGTO went to see my husband play, thinking I would be there! She got to meet my whole gosh darn family except for me! Another missed opportunity darn it all anyways.

    If you all havent looked or found it yet, there is a new forum. For women with breast cancer for a 2nd and 3rd time. Just thanking Tami and Melissa once again. You can find lots of stuff there about our sweet NS too.

    Liz: Ive been thinking about you too. Where are you and what is going on. We sure miss you here and Im worried about you. Time to stop being the caretaker for a moment and come here to be cared for. We miss ya.


    Peggy: Hmmmm just cause my parents were born in Italy doesnt mean I understand a word of Italian. Well I know the dirty words. So what did you say? You are the "queen" of pictures. Im just a little "princess" tagging along for a very fun ride.

    Sheri: I always enjoy your posts, so quit worrying about what you write. One of the biggest reasons we are in debt was because of breast cancer. Even though I have insurance the bills were astronomical. I must always remember how lucky I am. I got through this without having to sell my house or go bankrupt. And I know so many others have had to do that.

    Colleen: Man oh man I hate colds. I swear, after my last cold, I will always have Zicam in the house. It cut my symptoms in half. I was watching the news and they were saying Monday in particular is gonna be difficult for the runners in the Marathon as the wind is gonna be a factor.

    Joyce: Its so good to hear from you. I laughed about Weight Watchers and the battle of the pounds. It should be fun you and your husband doing this together. Mine has already lost his weight. Hes walking around with his chest sticking out like a rooster - he is really looking good. Thin! LIke when I first met him.

    Brenda: Potato soup and corn bread sounded so good. Two of my favorites. Im trying to be on South Beach so last night I settled for some lentil bean soup. Another of my favorites. But unlike you, mine was from the can.

    Vickie: Where are you sunshine sister? Sleeping in late. Well I dont think so. I just got a very loud whistle and went right over to your tent. Rise and shine! Ooops, I think I may have awoken others too. So where is Madison and Betty.

    Denise: I have to agree with you and Sherloc about the emergency rooms. Probably my worst experience while going through chemo was a trip to my local hospitals emergency room. Had pulled a chest wall muscle and was in "severe" pain. Couldnt cough, couldnt lay down and darvocet wasnt helping. So I get to the ER and guess what they give me? Darvocet. I looked at them and said I couldnt taken that at home. I realized that if I would have gone to the hospital my doctors were on staff at, they would have admitted me. I see things all the time. An older person falls and goes to the ER with pain and they get sent home saying everything is ok. The 2 days later the pain worsens and they go back - and guess what? A fractured pelvis. I avoid ER's at all costs!

    Sue: Aint life grand? Sometimes it seems like all we do is go to doctors. Never in my life did I think I would have a whole list of docs following me. Good luck with all of your apointments.

    Cheri: I also had problems last night. I couldnt log on for the longest time. So I just went to bed and was hoping it would be ok this morning - and thank goodness it was. Otherwise I would have gone crazy.

    Shokk: OMG! It sounds like you had a wild night. I just turned the news on. I hope no one was hurt and that there is no serious damage.

    Shel: Glad you got home safely. So whats up with work. Why are they giving such a hard time. Do they not realize there is a nursing shortage?

    Sherloc: Glad the dentist appointment went well. I went through the same thing your going through with the dentist. I have finially caught up with all treatment, but she is making me come in every 4 months for a cleaning. After all the suffering, Im not gonna miss one appointment.

    CY: Hoping the next antibiotic kicks butt. Our taxes are done! Not too happy about them, but they are done.

    Jankay: That was a sweet story about the Parkinsons Group Fund. There are so many people out there that care about us.

    Well, the coffee pot is empty. The house is quiet. I think I will go watch some TV. Have a wonderful morning

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Well good morning sunshine sister Nicki. Where is everyone. Yup I was up and think your whistle woke the neighbors dog too cuz he's barking his fool head off LOL. Trying to catch up on all of last nights what a chatty bunch. I tried to post again last night but couldn't get through so gave up and went back to bed. Looks like the storm is still heading our way...snow starting tomorrow morning through Monday night. An inch an hour at times!
    Shokk...oh my goodness. Tornados are NOT for me! I can't believe you dear girl...hiding in the closet and posting too. How is everything this morning...praying you didn't have much damage.
    Cheri...hope your feeling better this morning! Love the instructions to Mena...can you give her some instructions on how to post to us too?
    Peggy...still trying to figure out what you posted LOL! out for this storm. They are saying it's going to be nasty for the runners.'s so good to have you posting. Did you get my bra? took me forever to mail it LOL. Couldn't part with one for some silly reason.
    Jankay...good you need more chocolate today?
    Anne...measles? Oh I certainly hope not!
    CY...I work at an Assisted Care Facility...look into that for your MIL. Our residents are very happy after they get settled in. Lots of friends their age to talk to, activities, medication monitoring etc. It would be good for her and you. You could visit and enjoy yourself knowing that someone else is taking care of her. I still have to finish Sarah's taxes....
    Sue...sending you hugs...thats a lot of appointments!'s about time you popped back in. We thougth we were going to have to go search the airports for you. A picture would be nice!
    Ok..missed a lot of you but gotta get dressed and head out to get groceries and get ready for the big storm!
    Love ya
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I ALWAYS need CHOCOLATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning Jankay
    How's this for a start!
    Have a grand day
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    i think that would be a good START
    Love Jankay
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning, Morning,

    My sister and BIL will be here in about 10 minutes to visit before they return to back later...
    The sky is dark, dark, dark, and the radar is red, red, red..the storm is coming...
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Morning Girls

    Well the sun is shining and it looks just beautiful out. I guess we need to take advantage of it today, as it is going to get just awful starting tomorrow. I saw on the news that there were tornados in Texas, and that the storm is headed across and up the US today and tomorrow. Be safe everyone!

    Joyce - glad to hear you're good busy! Good luck on your follow-up, I still always get nervous and it's been 2 years next month since dx!

    Brenda - Potato soup and fresh cornbread - can I have some?!

    Vicki - Sorry Sarah is having to deal with this. It's hard to explain why we stay with people who don't treat us well. After Tim left a friend said this to me, "you deserve 100% from the people in your life". I try to remember that when I'm feeling weak about Tim, because if I'm brutally honest with myself about it, he did not give me 100%. It's hard to see that clearly when you're in the situation though. Thanks goodness she has you in her life as well, to balance out the negativity from her husband!

    Densie - The only Flushing I know is in Queens, but I was pretty sure that wasn't what you were talking about!!

    Good Golly Sue - That's a lot of stuff! Hope the shoulder improves, the root canal is as good as a root canal can be, and best of luck to your DD!!

    Cheri - I think the boards were a little "klugy" last night too!

    Shokkk - I hope there is a post from you this morning saying all is OK!!

    Shel - sorry the work stuff is still a nightmare for you. Very funny about your gramma - I recently had a friend ask me if I ever felt like there was a dark cloud hanging over me (ummm... yes, sometimes) and another tell me she thought we needed to do some kind of ceremony or ritual to change my luck!! Why are you getting the tattoo extended? Or I should say where/how,not why. Up yourleg a bit - I think that would be so pretty!

    Shirley - glad to hear you survived the dentist! I have 2 friends who just got braces, and 1 who is almost done.

    Robin - congrats on the new baby, what a pretty name!

    Sue - hope your sweet boy feels better soon! There is a lot of bad bugs going around this area (I have one right now!)

    Nicki - you are a true early bird! I agree, I really do think the Zicam helps symptoms. And echincea tea makes me feel better too!

    Madison, Jankay, everyone else I missed - have a great day!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Woke up to the smell of coffee. Yummmmmm that never happens around here. The kid had to be at work at 6 and his dear father got up to take him. No one woke me up. Made for an instantanious good mood as soon as I opened my eyes. And no ativan hangover so far. Things are looking pretty good.
    Everyone in the path of the storm. Stay home, read books, play with your kids, relax and enjoy the day. Do Not go outside if you don't have to.

    CY, get those taxes done my dear. Tomorrow is D Day.

    JanKay, glad you enjoyed the chocolate. It was the best I had. What a great friend you have. I am appalled that in the country of unimaginable wealth there are those who can not get the medical care they need because of finances. Shame on us all.

    Nicki, I'm sorry you missed meeting Laura.
    I'm with you on avoiding ER's.
    Already have the next cleaning scheduled in 4 months.

    Vicki, snow in April is just wrong. Our last storm dropped lots of rain on us and lots of snow up the hill. Poor folks had to go back to chain control. What a bummer for them. But I'm sure making the skiers happy.
    I'm sure I got your bra. I'm sorry if I forgot to mention it.
    Anyone else that I might have forgot to say thanks too
    Still need lots more.

    Madison, have a great visit with your family.

    Hmmmmm what to do at 0dark30 in a quiet house. I'm sure I'll figure something out.
    See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    good morning Colleen. Braces indeed. Not looking forward to them but am looking forward to no longer being able to eat corn thru a picket fence. So all is good. Dentist says I only need them on the top teeth and only for a year. That makes me happy.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Good morning CGs,
    I was very sick with vertigo yesterday and couldn't get online. I hope that it isn't starting a new flare-up- it is the worst feeling in the world. I couldn't even make it to my pre-surgical testing for the port insertion.

    I have been thinking about my new onc and I really think that I had divine intervention there... all the things that other onc wanted me to do were contraindicated for my particular cancer and dx. I would have been much worse off if I stayed with her emotionally and physically.

    Does anyone here believe in angels? I have had two other occasions where a "regular" person took an extra step to offer some kind of guidance and advice that I followed and if I hadn't, I would have been in a bad spot.

    I think I had another "encounter" when I was at that BAD onc. She had terrified me as you know. And when it was time to get examined there was a nurse there to help me into the room and take my temperature,etc. Out of the blue she said to me, "I have a daughter your age. I want you to remember that this doctor is only the co-pilot. God is the pilot."

    I think that she was trying to tell me that the BAD doctor was NOT someone who I should go to. Maybe she thought she would want someone to tell her daughter the same thing if she was in the same position. But it stuck with me. And then I posted here and all of YOU angels told me to get rid of the first doc.

    I think I was being given a message and thank God I listened!

    The man from the wig place called me yesterday because he had a customer who was on her second dx like me and he thought we should talk. She is so sweet- I hope she posts here I told her about us. Anyway- SHE went to that first onc too and HATED it. Hated that big, impersonal space with the loud speakers and the cold atmosphere and the doc she had there MISSED her cancer in her lymph nodes and that is why she got a recurrance. She is now seeing my old onc who stopped taking my insurance. She is in good hands there.

    But isn't it amazing the things we can "hear" when we are really listening???

    Between that nurse and YOU I switched. PHEW!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Wow Im watching the news about the tornados that his Texas last night and storms are moving Northeast. Some places got a foot of snow. That is just unbelievable on April 14th! Heard the storm turns into a Noreaster starting tomorrow for those of you living on the East coast. Stay warm and safe.

    House is still quiet. Im bored. Just tried to exercise to a dance routine on the television. Well I lasted 5 minutes lol.

    NS: Where are you and how are you doing? What day is the port being put in?

    Also looking for Iris, Carrie, and Tgirl.

    Are you hiding?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Gina: Good Morning! Yes! I do believe in Angels. I have had a visit from a few of them myself.

    Sherloc: Om my goodness. Braces? I dont think I could deal with that.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone! image
    Sheesh! The morning so far is just gorgeous and I cannot believe we are going to have such bad weather. Everyone on the East Coast hunker down for a doozy!

    Jankay, after you finish off Vickie's treat try these chocolate covered strawberries. Sweets and vitamin C.

    Tracey, Happy Birthday!

    Shirley, bras are on their way, come hell or high water...oh yeah, we are getting the high water, LOL. OK, no Carmel unless we are just visiting. Didn't know about the slides. So where is a good place to be in CA? We have friends that live in Alameda and that is earthquake country too. Oh well!

    Joyce, the offer of a ride on the 21st still stands. Let me know. Glad Kevin is doing better. Your onc appt will be great.

    Denise, my surgery is May 7th adn it will be only a 2 or 3 day stay in the hospital. I will be more than glad to send you the info on addys for mystery shopping. Anyone else that is interested too, just email me at Remember, if they want money from you they are not legitimate. All of them should be members of MSPA, Mystery Shopping Providers Association. If I can help more, let me know. You need a computer (OK, you all do), digital camera, scanner and some rudimentary computer skills (got that covered for most of us).

    OK, who wrote about the alien teens?
    I am going crazy trying to get ds and youngest ss on the right path with school. SS has started skipping school and that is really his mother's problem. She already paid a hefty fine for her older son (from a previous marriage)for truancy problems. My ds is just not doing his work and his hygeine habits are getting a little lax. Can't we just fast forward to after college? Guess not. My mother's wish came true, I have a child like me!

    Sue, more dental work and the colonoscopy? Both ends? Sorry that was tacky. But OY!! So, can I bring you something good to eat? I am making my first strawberry rhubarb pie and I will venture into the wilds of NJ for you. Just give me good directions because I always get lost in Jersey.

    I know I missed a lot of you but I read all the posts and have everyone on my mind. I have to check in with my neice before I go out and make sure she didn't get hit with the tornadoes in TX. She may be far enough south. God bless all. Whoever is feeling sick, feel better fast and keep in truckin' those in good spirits. Gotta book and go to see mom. She only called twice so far, LOL.