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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    We've got rain here, need to check the forecast and see if we have anything else in store. I do have to go to the store today since the cupboards are truly bare, yesterday was payday, but I didn't have the energy to go. Now I'm sorry.

    Joseph is 15. He may be depressed. We went through this same scenario last year and at the half way point I did pull him out of school and home schooled him. The problem was that when he decided he wanted to go back this year because he was tired of being home the school wouldn't accept any of the work we did at home, so he had to start all over again. The other issue is that I work full time, so I would teach all day, then have to come home and work with him. It really wore me out. We had him in counseling last year, too. We thought this year would be different. Last night I realized how totally "me" centered he had become. He asked if he went to school all next week could he go to a movie next weekend. I guess he only goes when it's to his advantage. I'll say there is one advantage to his being "grounded", he used to hog the computer, but until he gets his grades up he can't use it, so guess who gets more time?

    Jacob, the one with the swollen lymph node agreed to wait for the dr. appt on Thursday before he makes his final plans to leave for Ecuador. That was a relief. Thankfully the guy he is going to work for wants him to have it checked out first. That is one positive in his book. Normally, I am not too crazy about this guy, sometimes I think he is taking advantage of Jacob, but this was a better impression of him.

    All of you with dental work--I am so sorry! I hate dentists. And Sue, can they do both ends at the same time? Yikes!

    Every stay safe, warm, and dry.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Gina, the Lord has angels everywhere, sent to help us out. We just have to keep our eyes open.

    Nicki, braces scare the crap out of me. But I've always been self concious about me teeth and have always wished I had braces as a kid. Finally decided wishing about it wasn't gonna make it happen. So I'm biting the bullet.

    Beth, will be on the lookout for bras. The mountains my dear. All we fear here are falling trees, and rabid animals.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Well girls here I am.........quick update the tornado orginated in Ft.worth and traveled it crossed the county line it lifted up (it is then called a cell wall) you can look up and see the clouds swirling but the tornado is not touching the ground....came back down in downtown Dallas traveling east raised back up just before my mom's neighborhood continued east right over my town (not touching down) boy could you hear it.....sounded like a real slow moving transport plane....right east of my town is this hugh lake(several miles long and wide) it provides Dallas's drinking water so of course the tornado came back down on the lake (gives the tornado strength) it hit the towns east of the lake and then moved into LA......geez.......anyway I have walked the house no broken windows can't tell about the roof......will have to have ins adjuster take a look but don't see any shingles laying on the is ringing brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Sherloc with really will look like a 16 yr old girl........Gina I agree with Sherloc I believe that there are cancer angels everywhere....when I went to meet my onc for the first time I was by myself (in a state of shock)it was like I was breathing, walking, etc but I was watching myself from above (out of body experience) I was amazed out how pack the waiting room was.....anyway there was this beautiful little old lady by herself all dressed up in a hat,pearls,white get the picture...she was saying "I'm 92 yrs old and if God thinks that cancer is going to kill my he better think again....I'll do whatever I have to do"........Of course I'm freaking out that I'm going to have to do Chemo thinking that is going to kill me not the whole attitude changed from that moment on..if a 92 yr old woman is not afraid to do treatment then hell I certainly can handle treatment.........brb phone again

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!

    hope all is well.... you ladies survived the tornatoe... now that would be just freaky... the wierdest weather we get here is either snow storms (nothing to bad) and hot spells in the summer....

    well my boss just got home from a funeral yesterday (grandmom who was 98 yrs old) and anyways they had to leave again as her dad had a major heart attack ( pls think good vibes for him) so there goes my days off!!! if there not back by monday thinking i am going to have to pull a triple....well i will do what i have to do!!!
    i had one rum to many last night and feeling kinda crappy but thats my own fault!!!
    well i will be around so have a great day ladies and stay safe from those tornatoes!!!!!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Gm ladies! I had a good sleep last night and I'm ready for a nice weekend. I will not be at the computer this weekend, so I wanted to tell you all to have a great weekend. Batten down the hatches of you live in the path of the storm!

    Gina - there are Angels all around us. Our job is to recognize them…One of my all time favorite prayers is this:

    Christ has no body now but yours
    No hands, no feet on earth but yours
    Yours are the eyes through which
    He looks compassion on this world
    Christ has no body now but yours.

    Teresa of Avila~
    Reformer and Contemplative

    If we are God’s presence here on earth, that means that others can be God to us…pass on his love and care to us. The caveat is that WE have a responsibility to be there for others…what goes around comes around.

    I am SOOO glad that you were open enough to see what was there in front of you. There are blessings all around us; we just have to reach out for them.

    Have a good weekend. I’ll check in in a few days…be good and if you can’t be good…be CAREFUL! LOL

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Just a quickie for now....(same thing I told my dh last nite!) Sorry, just came out!

    Shokk: As bad as the storms were for you last night, I am glad you are safe...But you did make me laugh with your stories of the closet time!!

    Ishop/Sue: Geez girl, why don't you just sign up for a session at a Chinese Torture Chamber! I don't even know what that is, but it's got to beat what you are going through. Good luck dear.

    Gina: I definitely believe in angels. We all have them. I even have a collection of Angels..All started when my Son died and became an angel. Someday I'll share some of the "funny or Erie side" of stuff that has happened that we totally "blame" on my son and nephew.

    I'm gonna catch up with some of the posts and be back later!

    Cheri: I see you are lurking somewhere on here, so hello to you!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Good Afternoon Ladies
    It has been a real productive morning for me. I finished rearranging what i st arted wed. Now i can reach stuff
    from my wheel chair amd idare anyone to move anything.
    Vicki I love strawberries too.
    Shokk I hope everything is ok. I have 2 sisters in beaumont tx I hope they are ok.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Hello ladies...don't have much time but just wanted to let you in on what the spanish was...not a biggie...I just said...

    "I am no longer the picture posting Queen. I have been usurped by nicki."

    ...and I am just kidding. I love all the pics you guys are posting! Keep it up.

    Have lots to do today...miss my circle girl friends...may be on tomorrow...when I have enough time I will have to tell you what I've been up to and where I'm at!


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007

    I have gotten as far as the img code and click with photobucket. Can't get the bugger back on this board. When I go back to I don't see a reply box and I don't know how to paste. I'm hopeless!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Have two windows open, one with BCO and the other with Photobucket. it makes it a lot easier to do.

    Just got up and wanted to check on everyone before I jump back into the taxes.

    My sister was driving twoard Housten last night. I pray they made it safely.

    Shok I'm glad you are ok, I will take the eartquakes any day campared to a tornado or hurricane!
    I grew up in southern California. Earthquakes just shake things up a little! Unless you're on the fault laine then it can shake it up a lot!

    All we have to do is really listen and we will hear them!
    Open your hearts and you mind and they will assist you in all your trials. The Good Lord knows what we need.

    Ok I really have to get back to taxes, looks like Hubby finally made a profit in his business which means We have to pay! Got to see if I can find some more deductions I might have missed!

    HUgs and prayers for all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Denise: Got to photobusket and saved the picture to your album. Once it is saved, go to your album. Right click and hit copy. Have photobucket in one window and the boards in the other window. Come back to bc.or right click again and hit paste.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    Copying off some forms and had to check back in here, Can you tell I don't want to be doing these stupid taxes!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Thanks Nicki!
    I'll try in a few minutes...Love the picture!!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    the boards are hard to get a page up again today hope they are having problems again

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    My middle sister passed at age 46 from cancer of the ovary. He name was Angelica. We called her Angel. She is one of my Guardian Angels. Whenever I see a butterfly I know she is hanging around.



  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    Ok forms are done printing so back to the books! I might try to sneal away from them a little later. Everyone be safe out there make sure you have water canned food and batteries and find a safe spot during the storms! I'm praying you all stay safe!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Ok time for some more spring pics I took yesterday...

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Oh Nicki,

    How sweet is that. Sad, but what a lovely name! I, too think of my Son and nephew whenever I see Butterflies.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. What a miserable night. I went to bed and was awake and up every 30 min. sick and with diahrea! Geez, and I thought I was over it yesterday. My stomach has settled a little but I'm weak and feel worn out. Plus a sinus infection. I'll get over it so I'll not whine about it.

    Shirley, I'll be glad when you get all your dental work done as I'm sure you will be. Hope your day is continuing as well as it started.

    Shel, sorry about your work problems but glad you made it home with your bithchin tan.

    CY, sorry you're having so many problems with you MIL.

    Jankay, it's wonderful about the Parkinsons Fund. I have to agree with Shirley, we all should be able to get the meds that we need when we're sick, regardless of price.

    Nicki, too bad you missed Lauragto last night. If she met all your family why in the world didn't someone call you to let you know she was there so you could go and meet her?

    Hi Ya Vickie! Give Meaner directions on how to post?? It's like this, you can lead a...ahem...mule to water but you can't make them drink! Stay safe from those storms.

    Madison, you be careful of the storms also. We actually had pouring snow this morning but it didn't stick.

    Gina, sorry about the Vertigo yesterday and you having to miss your appt. Good things do really happen sometimes. Go figure.

    Sheri, wishing you luck with your sons.

    Shokk, glad you made it through the storm. Sounds like it was awfully close to you. Hope no one was hurt.

    Tracey, sorry about the extra work shifts.

    Hey Denise, I'm not really lurking it's just taking a long time to read all the posts and an even longer time to post. I had to stop a couple times cos of this nasty stomach bug. But my SIL went to the store and I have anti-diarhea meds now so hopefully I'll feel better. I'll pm you about the pasting.

    Jankay, good for you. I'm glad you got things down where you can reach them yourself. I've been stuck in a wheelchair too and it helps alot to have the independence of being able to do for yourself.

    Meaner, I tagged you, ya know. If you're not careful, I'm liable to stop nagging you to post...


    Whether you think that you can, or can't, you are usually right.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    What do I do, write something and then try to post pic or can i just post pic? When I click on paste nothing is happening!
    Like do I write a post, then go over to photobucket and do that stuff..come back to and click and paste and it's supposed to be there?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    WOO HOO, I actually got a picture to post. Watch out ladies cuz they say practice makes perfect!!!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Shokk I hope you made it ok. We had snow when I woke up this morning but no bad storms. they are all south of here.

    Denise, Loma Prieta was a big earthquake in the SF Bay Area in October 1989. The Bay Bridge collapsed. The Cypress Freeway and a few other things. 60 some people died. I got shook up pretty bad and it took a long time before I could sleep the whole night again. After that I prefer tornadoes.

    Yes, I believe in!!!

    I hope you are all warm and safe. Lisa thanks for the pictures of the flowers. I'm just gonna have faith that the warm weather will be back some day.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Okay, I'm practicing!!!!!! Last years race with DD and GD! Now how do I write on the same post as a picture?
    To bad that I have to go in to town for a bit.............but by the time the nights over you all may have my whole family album!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon ladies!!!
    Almost evening. I fell asleep on the couch...lazy me. Had planned on getting lots done today haha.
    I got my hair trimmed for the second time (Thank you Liz!)...I can't decide what to do with it, let it grow or keep it short. I also got some hair coloring that's a mahogany brown (a little tinge of red in it)but I'm being a chicken about using it...maybe later!
    Hmmm...our winter storm doesn't look quite as bad as they had predicted earlier. Still a watch not a warning and its down to 10 inches now instead of the possibility of 36 inches. Looks like no snow day for me Monday LOL.
    Hey Jankay...just for you
    mmmm...makes me think of summer and strawberry shortcake!
    Gina...oh I so believe in angels and actually have a pretty amazing story I could share but fear you'd all think I was completely nuts. My daughter has an angel that she actually sees...seriously. She has seen him several times. Her and her husband owned a go cart track and they were closing up one night and walking across the track with his family and she said "oh great...another customer." Well no one else saw him and she argued that he was leaning against the building in plain sight. NO ONE could see him. She got really cap, tee shirt and jeans...right there in plain sight. He was then simply gone. Her husbands family harrassed her unmercifully about it but she has had the same experience over and over and now won't tell anyone as they tell her she's crazy. Same person, outfit etc. each and every time. Sounds crazy but I know that if any kid needs a guardian angel that one does!!! I'll tell my tale another time...
    Cheri...oh my...I hope your feeling better soon. I GOT YOUR got it girl! Wait till you see the next pic I post. I have one almost done.
    Shokk..I am so glad your safe. I'll take snow over tornado's any day although we have had tornados here it's a rare occasion.
    CY...oh my..finish those taxes dear girl. Time to party and relax. Sorry I wasn't more help. Maybe next year after a refresher course I can do them for you. I actually like doing them (ok...quit laughing...I'm a bookkeeper remember!)
    Denise...oh good another picture princess!
    Peggy...It's so great to see you and we would love to hear what you've been up to.
    Lisa...great flowers...mine are still in hiding...darn.
    Susan...HI...sending you a hug just because!
    ok...Nate wants attention and he's my number one little guy so I gotta go for now but I'll be back and sorry to all I've missed.
    Gotta find alwayshope, carrie and Denise and so many others!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Denise...oooo...what a beautiful family!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Denise, lovely family. Great job posting.

    Vickie! Where ya been, who'd ya see, what'd ya talk about?

    Lisa, beautiful pics, hey how do you get more than one at a time to post?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Cheri girl!
    I just realized that I posted about Sarah's "angel" story and it's not quite fair not to tell you all about mine.
    I swear on the bible this is true! As strange as it sounds.
    I had a beautiful angel necklace that Sarah had bought me that I wore all time. It had wings that actually moved...not very big but very detailed and I just loved it. I had taken it off one day and layed it on the bathroom counter. Nate picked up the chain and the angel slipped of and down the drain she went. I was so sad!! Nate was so sad!! This was about eight months before my dx. Anyways...along comes my dx. December 05 was a nightmare beyond imagining. At the end of December I opened the medicine cabinet in the bathroom (one that is opened every single day!)and there, on the bottom shelf, in plain site was the angel!! I couldn't even touch it...I called for Nathaniel and showed him and he said "Mommy that's your angel that went down the drain"....I picked it up and said "It can't be" an lo and behold I turned her over and her wings moved. I have never seen another one like one had been in my WAS the angel that had gone down the drain. I KNOW that it wasn't there all those months as I would have seen it...
    A God whisper...yup I truly believe so. It still gives me chills to this day. Given back to me when I needed her the most.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Hello Everyone: Well Im getting all dressed up. Going to the pub with my husband tonight. How in the world am I gonna stay awake until 11:30pm!

    Vickie: I want so much to let my hair grow long again. But everytime it gets too that awful stage, I say cut it short. So hear I am with a short, but styled hair cut. Watch out for the weather, they say its not gonna turn into a Noreaster until tomorrow as it tracks up the Atlantic Ocean and brings all that moisture to the East Coast.

    Cheri: The pub where my husband was playing was 1 hour away, my family did call me but I was sound asleep.

    Denise: Good job with the pictures.

    Susan: Did you get snow? Im hearing some places have gotten 12 inches.

    Peggy: I just loved the picture. So what is a good luck gem or crystal or whatever Debc was talking about.

    Liz: Im still thinking about you today and hope everything is good.

    Lisa: As usual, the pictures of your flowers are so pretty. I cant wait until I can plant my annuals. Alot of my perennials got sick cause of the cold weather.

    Well - time to get dressed. Going out and dancing tonight. See ya in the morning.

