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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, cool story. Dec. 05 was a bugger, wasn't it?

    Nicki, awww, darn the luck. That would've been so much fun for you. Have a good time tonight.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies! Had a wonderful day visiting with mom at Sunrise. She misses the days when all we did was hang out and do crafts together and watch old movies and cook our hearts out. I taught her a little about emails, we had lunch (can't gain weight on those portions) and then we played a round of Scrabble. I won! Mom usually beats me hands down. Anyway, just checking in to see how everyone else's day went. I made the deviled eggs already and am baking the deli spirals in Phyllo dough for game night tonight. I don't know how I have managed these past months without you guys and my buds from game night. Thank you so much for being you! Love you all to pieces!

    Vickie, was looking for some chocolate covered bananas for Jankay. Bananas ahve potassium and that is very good for you. It balances out the chocolate same as the strawberries!

    Jankay, I will find some good stuff if I have some pucker left tonight.

    Nicki, party on and kick up those dancin' shoes!

    Cheri, keep feeling better. That is the #1 job for you right now.

    Puppy, hugs to you sister. Now I can really say that since you a member of the tribe now, so to speak! Glad Larry gave you a chuckle. That is one of the many reasons why I love him.

    Denise, you are going to knock off the current queen's crown with the postings! What a gorgeous family you have. Poo,poo,poo as my GM would say (as she wards off the evil eye). Let me know when you want the list of mystery shopping companies.

    Mena, good to talk to you for a split second this AM. If the weather doesn't get too bad I will call you back. I have a feeling we will be bailing water out of the basement all day if it hits like they say they will.

    Have to rouse dh out of his nap so we can go play with our buds. I will have to post a pic of us from the wedding 2 of the group had last May. We all started out as single parents and paired up over the past 10 years. But the group has remained tight and we have a get-together to play games once a month. Some were in the pic from New Year's Eve with the chocolate fountain.

    Have a good night everyone and think dry thoughts for Sunday!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007 post more than one picture...I set them up on Print Shop first ...
    Hope you are feeling better..there is a crazy virus going around here... take care and stay safe in that what you need to do!!
    I am so happy you found an onc you can work with...and even like...what a concept..

    Vickie..I just bundled up some more rectangles to send..but the line at the PO was too long this
    morning...I had to get to Curves before it closed..Thanks for all your work on the afghans..

    Nicki...hope you have a good time!!!

    Denise..what a wonderful photo..such a nice family

    Susan..Loma Prieta brings back many oldest son was at college in
    Santa Cruz very close to the epicenter..took a while to hear from him afterwards..
    He had just left a building that collapsed. He was fine and when they closed the
    university they took off and partied for a week..go figure...

    Cy..nothing like getting home from San Diego and have taxes waiting..good luck!!
    Sorry you couldn't get time...

    Shokk..glad you are OK..tornadoes are too scary... good to see you and hope your organizing goes well..I know having most things
    within reach for you will be great...

    Deb..we visited Avila many times..what a neat walled town.. much for your days off..when you do get them..well party time I guess..

    Sheri..hope you got out to the store..bare shelves are no fun!!!

    Beth..those chocolate covered strawberries look wonderful..yummy glad your daughter was home again..thanks to you for your
    work on the afghans..they are wonderful..I have some more to send do you
    need them??

    Ishop..hope your trip goes well...time for someone to take care of you , too..

    Shel..glad you are safely home and tan no less..great!!

    Sherloc..glad you are breathing again..whew...
    Denist visit sounds like a time in the wringer...
    You can do it!!
    Is that your Navy son who will be home for a visit??

    Well, tomorrow our San Diego BCO group is meeting for lunch at one of the Cheesecake Factories here. It should be fun. We really did have a great time at the last one..

    Hugs to all I have forgotten to mention...I have a short attention span..where did that come from?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i hope u ladies are ok. Vicki, my mom used to say,"If you sleep like that u needed it!" Could she be right? The strawberries look good enough to eat now!
    Cheri i am sorry u are sick, u have enough on u. Shirley I hate dental work and am in the process of doing some, my parkinsons medicine is reeking havoc on my teeth so i am in
    for root canals and etc. Beth hope u are well and i cant waIt to see what goodies u come up with.
    Robin are u ok. I havent seen much of u?
    Love Jankay
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Evening Ladies,
    I have read everyones post, but was so frustrated with the picture thing that I didn't take notes! Sorry. You all know that I love ya and think of you all the time. Prayers for all and especially to the sickies out there. Take care of yourselfs, that bug is nasty and once it moves in it becomes quite comfy and is in no hurry to move out. (Kinda like an adult child!)
    The Storms..glad that everyone is okay. Snow, Ice, Tornadoes, hurricanes...can't we all just have nice weather?! Vickie: That is still way to much snow for the middle of April. I say we all jump on the Magic Carpet and head to my Son's house in Arizona! He'll drive you crazy in less than 12 hours, but the weather is great! Hope all have a good evening and get some sleep..
    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I promise that is the last picture tonight!! Promise! And I'm sorry I just screwed up the screen..I thought I had resized. Sorry!

    Good night for real!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 didn't screw up the screen and the picture is simply beautiful...what a precious little girl!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok ladies I'm off to bed to watch "Dreamer" and crochet. Nathaniel showered and jumped into bed early...geez...tell the kid he can stay up and cuddle with mom and watch a movie and he says "no's past my bedtime" LOL. Silly boy.
    Wishing each and every one of my sweet darling sisters here sweet and happy dreams and I will see you all in the morning. Be safe to all in the bad weather zones!

    Love ya all
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Woo Hoo Taxes are done now to double check them before siging and I can do the state taxes next week!

    Sucks when hubby does a terrible job of printing out reciepts for things he bought to resell! Anyone else do a Ebay Business? If so I'd love to know how you keep track of everything!
    I think he will stick to the janitorial business next year and if the Salon takes him on as a manager then he'll stop the persoanl side business altogether!

    I like doing taxes I just wish the books had been kept up during the year!

    got to run!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Got my grocery shopping done, sat on the couch with my knitting and a dvd and fell asleep holding my knitting needles. My son walked in and started laughing at me, and it woke me up. I never do anything like that! I usually stay up and watch tv on Sat nights, but think I will make it an early night.

    I remember earthquakes in my California days. Lived there most of my life. My kids still remember waking up to one in the morning that moved their beds across the room! We had earthquake drills at school there and here we have tornado drills, so I guess there's always something.

    Have a good night.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls - I'm okay. Nicki - please don't worry. image

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    I just can't seem to go to bed!!!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    I know the feeling. I just hate to click the x, because then you all just poof and disappear

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    I feel the same way but actually we are all still hearts and minds. When I wake in the night I think of you all...we are all connected. We never disappear.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    hmmm...getting some freezing rain/snow mix now. Could be interesting!
    Someone send spring...pretty please.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    well good night all. Hope you are safe and warm and no tornadoes or earthquakes or deep snow.

    very pretty little girl.

    liz good to hear from you. I hear there was snow in Oklahoma.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Here you go Vickie..sending a little spring

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Stopping in to tell everyone nite-nite....

    Gina, hope you are feeling better today...I think you will be getting some of that cold weather tomorrow and Monday...stay warm and safe.
    Worked on an afghan all day..almost finished.
    Did Taxes (oh my)
    Liz, daughter found a place to rent in Stillwater...
    Vickie, the winds are gusting to 30 mph down I imagine those of you to my east will be getting rain and/or snow and wind
    Denise, posting pics....GREAT pictures...beautiful!!!!
    Thanks for the spring pictures Lisa, so very pretty
    Cheri, hope you are feeling better
    Nicki, have fun dancing tonight
    Sheri, don't feel bad about falling asleep with a crochet hook in your hand...I do it all the time...There are some very interesting patterns that occur when we crochet and sleep at the same time.
    Hi Jankay, Susan and Beth
    Hello to all CG's

    Angel stories...Here is mine

    I was in a serious car accident in 2001. I didn't know what happened, didn't see the accident coming...I only remember a loud noise, the car spinning, being hit in the head and not seeing anything..blackness. I said (or thought) what is happening? I heard the most beautiful voice tell me "You have been in an accident. You are okay. Everything will be okay". Every part of my car was destroyed EXCEPT the driver's seat (where I was sitting). I had injuries, but nothing major. That voice was so beautiful and calming that now, this day, I wish I could hear it again. Yes, I do believe in angels...
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. Here's a new pic of our pups, Mork & Mindy. She can walk on her legs now, he's still crawling but there 3 weeks old today. There's another pic posted on the pic thread. Just wanted to share them. They are really fluffy and soft. They've lost their guinea pig looks and starting to look like puppies now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007


    Good morning sweet sisters!
    well spring in sight. I'm gonna go AWOL to Florida!!! Shel...pick me up on your way through. I've had enough of this!

    Actually at the moment it is pouring rain, thunder and lightning and windy but we are under a winter storm warning. Oh well.
    Quiet night in the circle...hope you are all safe and secure.
    Madison...glad you posted your angel story. I fear everyone would think I was nuts! I just believe they are with us all the time and I'm certainly glad yours was with you and you were safe. Car accidents are scary, having two in two days proved that to me!
    Lisa...that's beautiful...thanks for the hope of spring!
    Nicki...wake up sunshine sister! I found some pretty funny pics last night for you but fear Melissa and Tammi wouldn't approve LOL...lots of funny Maxine and men quotes. Did you have a good time?
    Hmmm...where is Betty?
    Gotta jump in the shower and draw some water just in case the power goes out but I'll be back.

    As you go out into your day
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hmm...watching the weather channel as our rain has turned to freezing rain...ewww.
    Gina dear...they just had warnings for your area. Wind gusts, flooding, the works. Be safe sweet sister and grab that sweet kitty and get out if you have to! Thinking of you today!
    Silvergirl...looks like we are gonna be hit hard. Be safe.
    To everyone in the path of this storm...stay home, stay warm, stay safe. Wish I could remember who lives where but there are so many of us to worry about LOL!
    I love ya all
    Whispering so I don't wake any of my sunshine sisters and walking the perimeter of our circle with raincoats, blankets, flashlights, batteries, bottled water. Gonna fix you all breakfast. How does french toast, blueberry pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits, homefries, eggs, hot chocolate (spiked if you like) and lots of hot coffee. We'll sit in the cozy spa tent today and tell stories about storms of the past, throw in a few jokes and have a grand day regardless of the weather.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    If it isn't one danged thing it's another! Crap! My dd had to work today, my SIL truck is on the fritz so he got up to drive her just now so he could take Ethan to a birthday party before she gets off. So they were in her little Volvo station wagon that she really likes. SIL was...driving. My phone just rang and it was her saying they'd been in a bad wreck. I asked if she was alright she said she was but her dh couldn't get out of the car. Said the whole side of her car was ruined, he's alright, just couldn't get the door open. I guess. He was probably driving too fast and they ran into....COWS. Yes, there was cattle in the middle of the road! Just barely up the road from our house. She had to get off the phone so she could call the police and her insurance. Now what the heck are they gonna do? They both work they need 2 cars and now don't even have one, that's running. He can fix his pickup but that leaves her driving MY new Buick daily. I don't like that and my dh likes it even less. ( Well it was new last year.) I know the idiot was driving too fast or not paying attention or something goofy. She said the cows had been out for a couple of days so it's not like he was taken totally off guard! Sht, I don't know if it'll even run to get it here or their house or if they'll have to have it towed. Oh i'm just so aggravated and upset. She'd barely walked out the door when it seemed my cell rang. I wonder if their car ins will have to cover it or if the people who own the cows homeowners will pay. Does anybody know? This is the only thing wrong with these boards I'm just babbling to myself!

    Well. Gee, is my face red. Amber was driving. But the good news she's on record as having called 911 on those cows 2 days ago and the Menanites (sp) never fixed the fence. This is a small town and her best friends dad is deputy sheriff and so she knows all the cops. They told her the best thing she could do was to go on to work and then after the adrenaline and shock wore off she'd probably find injuries she didn't realize she had. She did say she'd hurt her elbow and shoulder. She just barely made it down the road. She said she held it as steady as she could and didn't flip it. Said all the windows were out of the car and the carseat that Kevin sits in is covered in glass. She told me to start my car so her dh could get her to work after they finished up there. The Minamites or Amish, lease the land adjoining ours and keep cattle on it and that's the ones that are out.

    Well, they hobbled her little car back here. Oh my, she didn't exagerate, the windows are all broken out, the drivers door is just kinda hanging. She said the man that owned the cows came and seemed more worried about the danged old cows. He gave her his card and said he'd call her Mon. and have her car fixed for her. But in the meantime? I dunno. Amber was quite proud of herself cos she never flipped it or even went thru a fence. Now she thinks she's Mario Andretti. But she's alright and the boys weren't with her so everything's alright. So I can just calm down...easy big girl. She's safe and that's all that matters. She said she didn't know the cows were still out since she'd called in.

    Yes, I believe in Angels.

    Thanks for the ear.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    OH my goodness Cheri!!!! what a terrifying morning for you! Well...for poor sweet Amber too and her DH. The owner of the cows would be totally responsible for the damage. In my experience the Menonites are very fair people and will probably take care of the problem right away but she needs her insurance company behind her all the way.
    Amber dear...I am so glad you are ok...I saw your picture and you are beautiful with beautiful children. You are NOT Mario Andretti! Car accidents are scary and you should go get checked out as the shock can make you unaware of injuries. Hugs to you and DH.
    Thanking the angels this morning.
    Love and hug to all of you
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 more thing...does Amber have rental car coverage on her insurance? If not then maybe it would be covered under your neighbors homeowners since her car is undrivable.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    My dear friend Vickie! Am I glad to see you posting. Actually Amber has no idea who Mario Andretti is, but she was proud she didn't roll it. Me too. She's going to call the owner after work and tell them she needs him to get her a rental car.

    Think I should delete my babbling post? I was pretty upset and here alone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    You should NOT delete your post silly girl. You are having a terrible start to your day and we all need to be here to take care of you!!! You were't babbling near as much as I probably would have been! Of course you were upset and you know what...You weren't alone...I was here!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Thank you, Vickie. I'm gonna lie down for awhile I think. Thanks for your support.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Cheri = u may have felt like u were rambling but u were VENTING to your close friends whom are giving a GIANT HUG.
    such a horrible day but heres to positive thinking and it will get better. I have been roaoming around the circle a nd have some pictures on the computer but how do i get them here. Love Jankay