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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Morning Ladies

    The rain has started here, but I think storm is going to peter out by the time it reaches us. Hope all of you in the path are being careful and staying safe and warm.

    Head still feeling too heavy and dizzy to take notes but:

    really cute puppies - love the names!
    scary car accident - thank goodness they are all OK! cows?!
    spring, snow, rain - I don't know which end is up anymore
    breakfast sounds fabulous!!!!

    OK, I'm off to take some more medicine, get my son set up with a movie, and go back to bed! Feel awful!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning Jankay and Colleen.
    Jankay...I will try to send you directions soon.
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well Im sitting at this computer with my eyes half closed. This coffee better do its job and wake me up soon.

    I had alot of fun last night, but it was alot more fun when I was home and in bed. Beside being sleepy, I have a headache and when I went to make my coffee the sun was shining so brightly I had to squint!

    Lisa: I hope you get lots of pictures. Cheesecake Factory and meetign with friends. Now what could be more fun.

    Vickie: I watched "Dreamer" yesterday. Now you know I had to love it cause it was all about a race horse. I felt like a little girl and the ending was just heartwarming.

    Cheri: Those puppies are getting so darn cute!

    I cant believe its bright and sunny here this morning and so stormy elsewhere.

    Cheri: What an awful way to start a Sunday morning.


    Colleen: I think Im gonna take your advice. After 3 cups of coffee, Im still way to tired to be up. Im going back to bed.

    To all my friends - I will catch up with ya later. This headache means I need more sleep.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Well good morning sunshine sister! Slept in huh? Hope you have a bright and beautiful day too!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning, Morning, Morning,
    Vickie, Gina and all on east careful..I have been watching all the weather warnings.
    Nicki, glad you had a good time last night.
    Good morning Jankay
    Robin, congratulations on your new grandbaby.
    Cheri, how scary for everyone. Glad there are no serious injuries. So very scary. Vickie had a good idea about checking into rental DD had an accident a few weeks ago and when the car is being repaired our insurance covers a rental is worth checking into...
    The puppies are so cute.
    Colleen, hope you feel better..
    I have been awake for hours, but grabbed the crochet hook and finished an afghan this morning....
    Hi to all I missed...time to get ready for church.
    I'll be back later.
    Have a good Sunday morning.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    I have a question for everyone...
    The last 2 follow-up mammos shows two areas in my LB that are probably fibrocystic changes....Code 3-probably b9..short term follow up suggested. Six months ago they did a US that didn't show anything...this time the radiologist cancelled the doctor's orders to do a US...
    The question many 6 month follow-ups do we assume probably b9? I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow and don't know how to approach this. Last visit he said it was "nothing" (of course he originally was looking at the RB film until I told him it was LB)...
    Don't know what to do...Thanks for any suggestions.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Good morning Happy Campers.

    All you ladies in the path of this nor'easter please batten down the hatches and stay safe. We had some really big boomer thunderstorms move through here but fortunatley no tornadoes in my area. Scared my neurotic dog silly though. She's such a skeerdy dog!

    Cheri, I'm so glad your daughter and son in law are okay and that the kids weren't with them. I would think the person who owns those cows should be fined for not keeping them contained and allowing them to wonder onto a public thoroughfare. They have created a danger to drivers as obviously happened. He should be paying for all expenses.

    Those puppies are just adorable. I would have a hard time giving them up.

    Well, I have to run for a bit. I'll be back to poster later and try to read back and take some notes.

    Jankay - congratulations on walking 100 ft. And good for you on rearranging things to make it easier for you. Did you ever say if 'iamhere4u' had a recurrence or a new primary?

    Nicki - so sorry to hear about your favorite coworker being fired! NOT! LOL...well that should be one less thing to stress you now that that is taken care of. Hang in there! Spring is just around the corner for you....

    Not much is new here. Work is busy busy busy again. And I just keep trying to figure a way to retire early but so far no luck. I saw my onc last week and things are still good. 3 1/2 years NED...woohoo.

    Vickie, congrats on the new dining room set. On the shingles front, no you can get shingles from someone else but you can get chickenpox from someone who has a shingles outbreak since shinges are caused by the chickenpox virus so stay far away from that floor.

    Shokk - if you still have the shingles rash, you can get some Domeboro packs to make a poultic to help dry the rash up. I got some at Walgreen's when I had shingles last year. It works really fast to dry all that up. It won't help with any nerve pain though.

    I'll be back later this afternoon...have a fantabulous day!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    I've never heard of one doctor being able to cancel another doctor's order without their approval. Did the radiologist talk to the doctor who ordered the U/S before he canceled? I would have been on my cell phone to that docs office double checking before I left.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Oh, Robin...congrats on your new granddaughter!!!! I'm so glad everything went well for mom and baby. I can't wait to see pictures.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Alwayshope, I was in a state of shock that the radiologist could cancel my onc's orders that I didn't know what to do..the onc orders all tests and copies go to him, the surgeon, the rad onc.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Madison - I get rattled like that too when treatment plans get changed without prior notification beforehand. I would be very upset unless it was approved by my onc.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Hey CG'S, just wanted to pop in and tell ya I love ya all, and keep safe with this weather! I talked to sweet Mena, she loves all of you "DANGEROUSLY" but this new medicine has kicked her butt! she is so tiered and sick, and while we were on the phone someone called and said they were on the way to show he house in 10 min. if any one lives close to our mena could you please stop and see her, and give her hope she is down as down can be, they( the doctors told her maybe 1 or 2 years to live) we know better than that, and in her heart she does too, she will get back up!! but for now she needs our love and understanding! Please send her snail mail until she feels stronger to come post and talk on the phone! Beth, she felt bad letting you go, But we have not spoke to each other for some time, hope you understand!! and yes larry is a keeper!! love you all, Puupy

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. On to a new week. Darling son #2 comes home on tuesday. Or more correctly his plane lands at 9pm on tuesday. In Sacramento, 2 hours away. UGH!!! Sometimes living in the sticks is the pits. Hubby has to work bright and early so that means I'm stuck picking him up. I hate driving at night. Think I'll toodle into Sac early and do some shopping and have dinner with some friends.

    First gotta say to Cheri:
    I am sooooo glad Amber and hubby are ok. They both need to get checked out. They can have injuries that can't be seen and shock would prevent them from feeling pain. I can't believe she still went to work. Quite the girl you raised there Missy.
    As far as insurance, she needs to report it to her company and let them deal with the farmer. We have a large Menonite community here. In my experience they have always been ??? whats the dang word??? upstanding? in their dealings.
    Cows!!!! WOW!

    OK moving on.....

    Gina, vertigo? yikes!!! Like you really needed that.

    Shokk, I'll take looking 16 again anytime. As long as I don't really have to go back there. 16 so sucked beans.

    Tracey, what pray tell is a triple? You can't possibly mean three shifts in a row? O my gosh, thats horrid.

    Deb, Amen

    Denise, a quickie? hmmmmm that means you lose your new virgin status you know.
    You can type in the same box you put the picture link in. Your daughter and grand daughter are B U T FUL. And so are you.

    CY, a profit? the bumm. Off with his head!!
    Before taxes we owed the feds about $20,000 for capital gains on a house we sold last year. After taxes and only heaven knows what deductions we actually got a refund of $399. How cool is that.......I LOVE OUR ACCOUNTANT.
    O dear me. I hope we don't get audited.

    Nicki, that is very sweet. I love butterflies. My guardian angel takes the form of a hawk that lives in the oak tree outside my bedroom. He wakes me up every morning.

    Socal, where are all these lovely flowers coming from. That iris is stunning. My iris' are blooming right now. Or more correctly, I have two whole flowers in a bed of greens.
    Yep Navy Boy is coming home. He will be here for 6 whole days. I'm sad that it won't be longer cause when he leaves he will be going to his boat and off to sea. Won't see him for probably another 6 months or more.

    Madison, wow! quite the angel story.
    The radiologist canceled your doctors orders? I'd be spitting mad.

    Awwwww what cute puppies. They aren't looking so wrinkly anymore.

    Vicki, is that penguin holding a purse? hahahahahahhahaha

    Jas, good to see you. Where you been?

    Time to start my day. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Puppy thanks for the update on Mena. Could someone pm me her addy.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Shirley...the penguin is holding cymbals!!! HEEHEE.
    Alwayshope...yes...where have you been dear girl...thought we were gonna have to send out a posse to round you up.
    Puppy...sending lots of prayers for dear Mena.
    I'll be back
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    heheheheh I can see the cymbals.....look at the other penguin. Looks like she's holding a purse.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good sunday morning ladies....

    lol sherloc yes thats exactly what i meant but i called my boss last night and he is on his way back today so i might acually get the day off tomorrow and he can pull a double anyway!!!
    what a beautiful day here today.... the mountains still have snow on the peaks and the sky is a amazing blue blue... we should be hitting a high in the 20's...
    well i just thought i would peek in a show this picture its a picutre of our hot springs the water comes from a spring under in the mountain.... I havent been there since i was dx and i only go in the winter when its more quiet.... summer its packed and i think lots of ppl pee in public pools...... hahaha ewwwwww
    the pool in the picture is like a giant hot tub!!!!!


    gonna go back and read all the posts i have missed!!!
    great day ladies
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Tracey, that pool looks so nice and relaxing! I'm looking forward to pool days.

    Good to see you, Jasmine. Wondered where you wandered off to.

    Cheri, what a shock! I'm glad your dd and sil are ok. I was pregnant when I got hit by a lady running a red light and thankfully was not injured, but the insurance company waited until after the baby was born before we settled. Make sure they get checked out and are sure they are ok. Your puppies are adorable.

    Just another wet, dreary day here, nothing drastic. Hopefully more will check in as the day goes by.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls:
    I hope all is well.It has taken me 3 days to get over the day I spent at the hospital.Chemo affect I guess.The baby is so beautiful and so good.Jasmine is a wonderful mom.I have to say that for her.She looks like jasmine did when she was born.Bad news,the baby's dad and jasmine have done nothing but fight since she became pregnant,mostly due to his mother and aunt interferring where they dont need to be.Well the aunt called here friday at 9pm and wanted to come and visit can you believe it.They got in a huge fight and she said everything she could to hurt jasmine,even brought me into it,said I dont have cancer and I am not on chemo.The lady met me one time.So Jasmine called him and had him bring her car keys over and told him she is tired of fighting.IN the delivery room she had made it clear that she only wanted me and him well his mom poked in and hid behind the curtain and no one saw her until i saw her arm with cell phone taking pictures.Boy,boy.
    I swear I dont want my life to be a drama but i dont know what it turns out so.I just feel so sorry for jasmine.But my conscious is clear I have stayed out of it from the beginning and let her make her own decisions.But the aunt now she and I have to have a talk.My face is blood red,i have no hair,i am bloated and I dont have any breasts???But i dont have ca.That is really sick.They she went so far as to talk about my onc.Some people really have problems.
    But I am going to try and send some pic sorry if they are to big.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    omg G i was just reading your other posts... holy cow hope its not flooding to bad!!!! hoping you stay warm and dry!!! is it still flooding??? storming???
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Gina, Vickie, stay safe in the storm.

    Puppy, oh my, I wish I lived near Mena...

    Mena, we love you!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Happy Sunday all. We're getting ready for the "blow" which is supposed to start in earnest this evening and eventually drop 12"+ on us. Waaah---I wanna move back to Maryland! SO has made sure the generator is ready to roll since these late storms with heavy wet snow tend to put us in the dark.

    We had a blast this weekend----all of the kids came up with their kids and we surprised my BIL---trying to reset the karma in the house since my sister left. We got him all verklempt, which was the object. He spent most of yesterday laying on our family room floor playing with the 4 babies. My house looks like a bomb fell on it and the refrigerator is bare but who cares?

    Cheri---I'm retired from the insurance industry so here's the skinny. The Mennonite neighbors are responsible for the property damage, any medical bills, lost wages and a rental car. Report it to her insurance company too so they are on notice that a loss occured. If your DD gets resistance from the neighbors she can file a claim w/ her company and they will subrogate against the neighbor's insurance company to recover their expenditures. Some carriers will throw in a little extra $ for "soft tissue damage" if you play your cards right. If the car is totaled they only reimburse the wholesale value and some companies try to add a little extra where they can to make up that difference, but don't expect it. Do NOT sign off on the claim until you are sure everyone is OK and the car is repaired to your satisfaction.

    Nicki---you had more fun at home and in bed? Do tell!

    Gonna go read the paper and veg out for the rest of the day. As much as I hate to see still yet another storm headed our way it's still kinda nice being all buttoned up in the house with the fireplace and my (sleeping) honey. Won't relax until I know my kids are back in Ithaca and downstate---where the storm has already arrived with freezing rain, we hear.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi gals. Just taking some time to say hi before I go back to helping dh bail water out of our basement. Poor kitties think they can still go down there and were they shocked. The one got off the step, into the wet and hissed and spit her way back up and is hiding under the bed in the back room. DH thinks the sump pump got damaged int eh fire so I think the insurance will pay to have it replaced too.

    I have Mena's addy if anyone wants it, please pm me. I spoke to her for only a couple secs and I know how sick she is. So, I am on a campaign to send her at lelast one card a week. I make my own cards so it will give me another craft project!

    Hugs to all of you. hate to post and run but I think I saw some little guy with a beard and animals in a boat passing by......LOL. Back to the wet vac!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Hi CG's,
    I haven't had time to read the post in days so I hope all are well. Only have a few mins but wanted to say I hope all on the east coast are keeping safe today. It was wet and wild here this morning. A few tornadoes in the area but no damage close to me. The worst is past here now and I hope all my sisters are safe.
    Love and Hugs,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    I just wanted to mention that Victoria/DesertStar was just diagnosed with a new bc. Let's keep her in the center of the circle.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Thanks to all of you for the kind words about Ambers cow accident. I was really upset and was on the computer and it was too early to call anybody here so I just wrote it down.

    Jankay, if someone hasn't already pm'd you with picture posting instructions let me know and I'll pm them to you.

    Colleen, hope you start feeling better.

    Nicki, maybe your headache will be gone after a nap.

    Madison, sorry, I don't have an answer to your question.

    Jaz, the owner of the cows told Amber he'd be responsible for fixing her car. The officer there said she was just one of several calls about the cows being in the road that they had on file. Congrats on being NED for 3 1/2 yrs. WooHoo!

    Puppy, thanks for the update on Meaner.

    Shirley, thanks.

    Tracey, hey.

    Sheri, thanks. Mork & Mindy are beginning to look like puppies instead of little yucky...things. That's why I'm taking a pic every week of their progress. It's really interesting. It's been several years since we've had newborn pups and I'd forgotten they didn't come into this world all fluffy and round and adorable. But they're reaching that stage now.

    Robin, don't let those kind of people get you down, they're not worth it. His mom really hid behind a curtain and reached around and took pictures? Now Robin, try to take a step back from this situation and make yourself see the humor in that. lol Cause there is humor.

    Jeannie, thanks so much for the ins. info on Ambers cow accident. She didn't understand she needed to call her ins. co. since it wasn't her fault. So it was good to have someone else she could hear about that told her to notify them.

    Madison, can't hardly wait to see the afghan that you're sending off.

    Gina, my gosh girl, you got alot of irons in the fire! Good job on getting the new forum. I have to admit I haven't read your website lately but I will. Don't spread yourself too thin, you've got tx coming up. Soo glad you got a good onc. You're a sweetie.

    Mena, hey. Hope you're feeling a bit better today. Ya know, I tagged you yesterday.

    Hey Vickie, Iris, Janny, and everyone else. The list is just getting too long so it's hard to think of everyone. Hey Suzola. Boo, Gus, Jule, Denise. I better just quit naming cos I know I'll leave out ppl.

    This stomach flu is a great diet. I bet I've lost 15 lbs in the last 3 days, but I would not recommend it. Just when I think I'm getting over it I get hit again with nasty waves of the stuff. I've been practicing and I'm getting pretty good at not fretting about every little thing being cancer. With this flu, i can taste the stuff that fireworks smells like..sulfur, thats it. It's terribly gross. Now I know this is just a stomach flu..logically. But my daddy died of stomach cancer, my brother with lung cancer, and I have 2 sisters that are bc survivors. Not counting the aunts, uncles and cousins. But I fight it and do good except this morning I had a weak moment and worried about having the cancer come back. Could also be that I was upset over Ambers cow accident and this really is one ugly bug. Anyway, I gave myself a talking to and I'm better mentally. We just have to force ourselves not to go there.

    Thanks again to everyone for letting me vent.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hi Friends!
    I've just began to read the posts, however I wanted to tell Vickie and others........You most certainly are not Crazy, if you have an "angel" story. I have a few: My daughter was hit head on, her car was totaled. The young man that hit her died at the scene. As Madison said, the same went with my DD..The only bit of the car basically untouched was the drivers seat!
    Unfortunately, the same didn't happen 4 and 6 months later when my Nephew and Son were killed. But, I must say..My Son has played some pretty good tricks on us since he got his wings!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Well good afternoon ladies,
    Layed on the couch and dozed off as Nathaniel was watching Goonies...oh that movie makes me crazy...screaming kids throughout LOL. Hmm, no snow yet and the rain has stopped. I checked the weather and we are still under a winter storm warning but not until a bit later. I guess this is the lull before the storm. Different amounts forcast every where you look so I'm just gonna wait and see.
    Really worried about Mena so we will put her in the center of the circle.
    Jasmine...we will put Victoria in the center. Can you get her to come her so we can support her?
    Madison...are you sending an afghan tomorrow? I have another in the dryer and two to send so I'll post a pic later.
    Beth...are you flooding there? We had so much flooding here last year that I think that's everyones biggest concern with this storm. Dozens of people lost their homes and I'd hate to see it happen again.
    Shirley...I see the purse LOL...I missed that before. It reminded me of my grandmother for some weird reason!!
    Robin...hiding behind the curtain taking pics...ok that's really weird and as Cheri said, it is a bit funny. What kind of foolish person would stoop to that level. Enjoy that new baby and let the rest settle itself. A new baby always gives you a fresh new look at the world.
    Tracey...a high in the 20's...ewww. At least we are a bit warmer than that. I would love to swim in that pool.
    Gina...are you staying high and dry.
    Hoping all in the path of the storm are staying safe. I checked our forecast on and it said that driving conditions may be near impossible tomorrow! I don't remember it ever saying that. They will warn against driving or tell you to be cautious but impossible?!?! Really wondering what will come about.
    Stay well and safe everyone
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
