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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    I sent her a pm inviting her and I see that Sige posted on the other thread as well. I would love for Victoria to come over here so that she can be supported by EVERYONE. Support for a bc sister should be unconditional.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I won't be able to address all today, but you are with me, heart and you all.
    Cheri, thank god your dd and family are alright. Angels?
    To all that are being hit with the storms..stay safe. They are wicked for sure.
    We went out looking for new counter tops today! I think we have decided on Quartz. We wanted Stone and Quartz has a few plus' that we didn't find with Granite..Can't wait!
    Vickie and Madison..3 afghans done? You guys are awesome!
    I'm sending you a pm.
    I do hope to get back on this evening, but if out for tomorrow!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Real quick hi to all. Still bailing water.

    Vickie, our cable went out so I have not had the news on all day. I know the Jersey was getting walloped this morning and the creeks in our area are always overflowing with an all-day rain. The Delaware River is bound to flood and New Hope and Yardley will be under water again no doubt. It has let up a little but still coming down pretty steady. As I am typing I hear emergency sirens going off. At least it isn't at our house this time...

    Robin, we are right with you when you give that nasty aunt a talking to. I would not want to be her at that point!

    Denise, {{{hugs}}}

    Cheri, so sorry about Amber, thank God nobody was seriously hurt. But I couldn't help but think about the scene in "Twister" when they have cows flying past them and the one in "For Richer or Poorer" when they swerve to avoid a cow in the road and it was supposed to be in Lancaster County, Amish country for sure.

    Puppy, I heard from a little bird that you are taking a road trip. Be careful and put up your dukes to wrestle with the VA. Don't back down! Also, good luck to your dh if they do go on strike. Check with your doc to see if they have samples for you if the insurance is interrrupted.

    Jasmine, {{{Victoria}}}. Please pass them on to her.

    I am so sore and exhausted from getting the water up that I did not have what it took to read all the posts.
    If I am up to it, I will post later. I am sure we will still be mopping tomorrow as the rain is supposed to continue. Yuck!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Jas, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the heads up on Victoria. There is another sister there named Cindy too.
    Victoria and I are friends and it breaks my heart to know she is facing this again...
    but in a way I am glad we are doing it together...
    The beast doesn't stand a chance with all of us fighting a new cancer at the same time!
    I hope they find that new forum Melissa and Tami set up... it is waaaaay down there- but I hope it grows so it can help those who hear "you have cancer, AGAIN"


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    you know I have said it before and i'll say it again,we all should be allowed to kill one idiot in our life and get away with it.Trouble is someone would have killed me along time ago.
    Since I read you post on my delima,I do find humor in it all,she must have a really boarding life.Me I just have to show up and action automatically follows me.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Pic of my 86 yr old mom

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    what a beautiful lady.Is that you behind her?

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Gonna try and send another picture.
    This is the new baby and Jasmine

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    and here is one of me.I didnt realize my face is so red,combination of the warmer and the decadron I guess.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Robin---Ain't Grammahood great?

    Cheri---Amber doesn't HAVE to report it to her carrier but it's handy to have done that if the other side starts getting uncooperative. It's a CYA thing.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007

    It's a CYA thing---was what I was trying to say!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    and here are karen,jasmine,Tesla

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    and last but not least.This is Tesla the day she came home from the hospital.Karen wore this outfit,home,Noelle wore it home and tesla wore it home.Only reason Jasmine didnt wear it home it was 24 below zero when she was born.SO now we have it put back for the next girl to come along.I promise this is all the pics for awhile.Sort of like looking at someone's vacation pictures I know.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Robin, what great pics. I could find the last one though with the going home outfit. Can you try reposting? I actually like looking at other peoples pics. Tesla is adorable.

    I agree, how goofy does that other lady look to be sneaking into a delivery room and hiding behind a curtain?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Okay, guess I have to work on the resizing thing! I lost the angel I wanted to send you ladies..It's floating in cyberland somewhere.
    This "guardian angel" greets you when you come into my foyer.

    I wanted it to be a nice little touch to the evening..again, I'm sorry it didn't resize.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters, snow yet but just checked noa weather and we are under a winter storm warning tonight through 8pm tomorrow night with hazardous winds and possible impossible driving conditions. Not sure if they know what they are talking about but the morning will tell!
    Watching Extreme Home...that show always makes me cry! I swear if they showed up at my house I'd make them take some of the money and do at least two other houses in the they sink a lot of money into a house!!! It's a wonderful thing they do.
    Thanks for the guardian angel Denise. I love that picture!
    Gina...are you high and dry?
    Nicki...sunshine sister...where are you. Hope you had a good day today. Hugs to you.
    Madison...mailing two afghans tomorrow.
    Jankay...where are you? Did you understand my picture posting message?
    Really tired so I'm off to bed to crochet till I fall asleep.
    Mena...if your lurking...I'm sending you a hug.
    Love to you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    OH did it!!! Your mom is beautiful!
    Robin...oh what great pictures...such a beautiful baby and family. Enjoy!
    love and hugs
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    good evening all. quite an exciting day here.

    jasmine good to see you back. I was getting ready to send a posse out for you.

    So sorry to hear about Victoria. If you are coming to visit us Victoria, here's hugs for you.

    Cheri, I just don't know what to say about the accident. COWS. Cows can be dangerous. I almost ran into one once. I'm glad Amber and dh are ok. And really glad the kids were not in the car.

    Robin, beautiful pictures of Tesla and Jasmine. thanks. Your face was really red, huh. You are still beautiful.

    Jankay your mom is beautiful.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, I'm glad Amber and SIL are Ok. This is exactly the place you should have come. That is what we are for. You weren't rambling!
    On the Car rental. Most insurance will cover a lower priced rental, something like $26 a day type of thing. And she should decline Insruance on the rental cause her Insurance should cover it! The owner of the cows should be responsiable for covering repairs and medical issues that are related. They may not feel them for a couple of days wither. And no signing off on anything until everything is paid for!

    Took Hubby younges DD and Oldest DD out for Birthday celebrations last night! I haven't stay out that late in a LONG time!
    Then went to take care of MIL today. SHe's still hurting. I just don't know what to do. I'm sure it's a really bad yeast infection along with the UTI. They changed her meds and gave her a pill & some steroid ontment for the yeast infection. She goes back to see the Dr. tomorrow. I'm having the care giver take her and will ask her to have the Dr. call me like they did last week. That way I know what is going on.
    I want to get her into an assisted care place by this summer but hubby is thinking get her on a waiting list for next year. I don't think that is a good idea. She needs more care NOW!

    He wants her at the one up the road from us but they have to pay for two years before they will acpet Medicade and we just don't have the extra $800 above her income to do it.

    Got hubby a new vcr/dvd recorder & DVD's for his birthday. I just need to hook it up for him tomorrow night.

    Going to take a look around and then maybe hit the sack early tonight.

    all in the path of this storm be safe and carefull. My sister is headed through Montgomery AL and said that the have seen all sorts of weather in the last 24 hours. They drive about 1100 miles a day. They started in OH, in the same town as our sweet Carrie and Deese on Friday, then headed to Housten yesterday and on there way to VA today

    Love Hugs and Prayers to you all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    This is Jacob and Jessica when Jacob grADUATED high school
    the stoles around Jacobs neck are honor stoles.
    He was second in his classs.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I dont know what happened but the pictures of my children
    didnt make it
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007

    you picture posting girls have made my day!

    what great pics!!!!!

    i'm gonna be sure to try and figure out picture posting before mac has her grade 8 graduation, or else i'll email the pics to one of you guys to post (as usual lol) the time i figure out this macbook it'll be obsolete lmao!!!!!!

    i had the strangest day today ....... for the first time since DX i had the energy and desire to clean and cook and primp and pamper ......... i fully cleaned my house from top to bottom (by myself) and i actually got a rush out of doing it (like i used to ) i back to 'normal' after all this time?????? gosh, i hope so because i've been missing 'me' for almost 2 years!!!!!

    even if it was a 'fluke', i feel great because today felt 'normal' for the first time in a really long time ..... no cleaning service, no half assed tidy up on my part, woo hoo!!!!! ......... maybe i've found my way out of this crap i've been wallowing in for soooooo long ......... i feel so good for being productive! it's been a long time since i have felt like this, and it feels great to be independent and productive!!!!!! anybody else?

    i'm thinking maybe my delayed return to work has bolstered my energy ....... but whatever it is, i feel proud of myself for the first time in over a year and a half!

    i'm scared to think i may be "me" again ...... and yet invigorated to think i might be 'good old anal retentive shel' once more lol!

    it is bizarre to feel so alive just because i cleaned my own house, but i can't help feeling like i'm going to live for many extra years just because i found the energy to buzz around my house on my own lol!

    now if i coulld just master this mac and post pics lol!

    love to all ....... i'm going to get my eyeglasses adjusted in the morning so i can properly navigate my jeep and see the daily crossword puzzle and cryptoquote!!!!!

    ok.......... i'm done surveying my cleaning skills, g'night all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies,
    couldn't post a picture of sunshine cuz it's snowing like
    crazy here! Don't know what to do. The school closings
    are racking up quickly and we are still under the winter
    storm warning with 6 to 10 inches predicted along with
    winds and white out conditions. Travel forecast doesn't
    look good. Actually says travel could become nearly
    impossible. Really need to go to work as my coworker is
    away at a funeral, it's payroll day (which can be done
    tomorrow) and I just hate to not go when I should be there.
    Quiet night around the circle! Quiet morning so far.
    Shel...I remember that wonderful "I can clean my house" feeling. My energy has returned for the most part. Still
    need a nap every now and then but no where near as
    exhausted as I was. You even sound like Shel again. I
    hope things continue to look up for you in every way.
    Nicki...tweaking your toes...missed you yesterday and hope you were doing something fun (I missed something about having fun in bed LOL).
    Betty...where are you?
    Can't keep everyone straight this early in the morning.
    Heck I can't even get outa the chair and into the shower!
    I dyed my hair last night...oh my! I have become this
    "wanna do it all girl"...never in my life have I considered
    a tatoo, new hairstyle, different "sexier" clothes, etc.
    The haircolor turned out a bit shocking! It was supposed
    to be brown with mahagany highlights...well...its got more
    mahagany than brown and is a bit shocking!
    Hmmm...the list of school closings is growing by the minute. I wouldn't mind going in but it's all back
    roads for me and its 25 miles to work. Geez. Guess I'll
    call the aides and see what it's like in Ithaca.
    I'll be back
    Love ya girls
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone:


    I dont know about anyone else

    But this screen is incredibly large.

    Cant read much

    Afraid to type much

    Trying to get to the next page

    As soon as possible


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    I'll give you a hand
    since I'm sitting here
    not sure whether to go to
    work or not!!!
    Good morning sunshine sister
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Hey it worked. All the schools are closed here now. Schools that never close are closed. It's snowing really hard and blowing really hard. BIL went to the bus garage and said limbs are coming down. Our power has flickered twice. The roads are terrible. Gonna call work answer from the aides the last time I called....eeeccckkk!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Ah Vickie, good morning sunshine sister. Now thats what I call teamwork! Im hearing all about the storm that is hitting you all so hard. Its a bad Nor'easter. I dont think should should even be thinking about going to work. Heard they were talking about a foot of snow with high winds and blizzard conditions. You should stay home and stay safe.

    My goodness, I was the laziest person yesterday. Stayed in bed and watched "The Stand." I just love that movie, but its 8 hours long. So I really had a lazy day in bed. It was the 1st day in 2 weeks, I didnt have to do anything!! Didnt have to go anywhere. So I enjoyed it.

    Madison: If my doctor ordered a test, I would be very upset if the radiologist cancelled it. First of all they are the worst pompous ass doctors I know. They dont really know you or your history except for the images they look at. I would call my doctor and complain LOUDLY. What is this world coming to? Seems like the control is being taken away from our medical doctors. I dont like the sounds of this one bit.

    Jasmine: Oh my, I forgot all about my coworker getting fired. That seems like such along time ago. This will actually be the first day without her. An enjoyable day for sure. Your so good at this computer stuff. Maybe you can teach Robin how to resize her pictures. I never saw the screen that big since I have been coming here.

    Sherloc: Glad your son is coming home but man oh man a 2 hour drive each way? I always think about my driving time and compare it to an Airplane trip. If I flew from Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale, it would take 2 1/2 hours! But I would be in Florida lol. Be safe in your drive there. At least on your way back you will have company and Im sure the two of you will have lots to talk about.

    Tracey: What a great picture. So the water is warm and you can go there in Winter too? Man - it sounds delightful. The only time I had to pull a triple shift was during a snow storm. So Im glad your boss was on his way back to get you some relief.

    Robin: Man, your daughters in-laws sound pretty awful. How in the world did her MIL sneak in and then take pictures of the delivery? Thats against the HIPPA laws.

    NS: Man, Im laughing here! You were able to sneak in a post, even with the flooding. Like I told Vickie, Ive been watching the news and I sure am worried about all of you who live on the East coast. Nasty, nasty storm. Guess Old Man Winter wants to really go out with a bang!

    Jeannie: Your in the path of this storm too? Man, take care. I would be going nuts if I was getting a foot of snow on April 16th!

    Boo/Sue: It was so good to hear from you. I hope all is going well, and dont stay away too long.

    Dheri: Ahahaha, the headache did finially go away, but only cause I stayed in bed all day. Thats alot of weight to lose, hope your not getting dehydrated.

    CY: I hope your MIL is feeling better soon. Im hoping they did a urine culture with sensitivities. Sounds like the UTI she has is resistant to antibiotics. Could be MRSA, or 2 of the newer ones MSSA and ESBL. Anyways, she may need some heavy duty antibiotics. Watch her closely as UTI can go into the blood. If you ask my opinion, I wouldnt wait. MIL needs to be in AL facility now. Sometimes children wait too long, and the person gets so frail the AL wont accept them.

    As I sit here, I remember - what this circle wagon is all aobut. Once again, we are having many sisters who are suffering and getting bad news. Mena, Victoria, Carol are in the middle of the circle with NS. I envision, all of us standing in a big circle around the inner circle. Holding hands and sending love, peace and strength to all that need it right now so badly.

    Im sorry I didnt say hello to everyone. The large screen this morning, sorta blew me away. I will catch up with those I have missed later today when I get home.

    Vickie: I was so darn lazy yesterday. My husband was on the computer all day. I went to get my lap top a couple of times and couldnt find it - and I was so lazy - didnt look for it really hard. So I didnt check in yesterday after my early morning post. Well I came into the computer room this morning and found the laptap. Seems my husband was using both computers yesterday. Now thats what I call a hoggy selfisher.

    OK! Those in the path of this storm, stay say. Have a good day - everyone.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Vickie and Nicki.......Vickie if you decide to go on in to work take an overnight bag and Nate and just plan on spending a couple of nights there.......if you go you probably won't be able to get back home........the National Weather is saying this is going to be one bad storm........people make the mistake of trying to go to their jobs and they get into troble later in the day trying to get home......will bbl..........