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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Shokk! Good advice to Vickie. I hate storms.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey sweet Nicki......I just heard on the radio that Chicago has been put on the list for the 2016 fun would that be......they saying Chicago has a better change then L.A. does............

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning, Morning,
    Woke up late (MONDAY)...stay safe everyone.
    I'll check back in at work
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi again ladies, our power is flickering off and on so I know that there is a good chance it will go out. I am staying home. There is no way I can make it to work, it looks like a blizzard out there. I have the tub full of water, the fireplace lit, bottled water and we are just gonna hunker down and wait out the storm. The house is clean so I can crochet and watch some movies with Nate.
    To everyone in the path of this storm...if you can stay home please do so! Not worth anything to go out there in this storm.
    Spring HA!
    Global sign of that here!!
    Good morning Shokk! Thanks for the advice. Glad I am staying home as much as I hate to miss work.
    Nicki...oh he's a computer hog!
    Gina...are you safe and above water? Thinking of you. it a blizzard in Syracuse? Don't try to come down here's nasty!
    Gotta go cook breakfast now but if the power stays on I'll be back.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls. Just dropping in to say hi to everyone and to those on the east coast, stay safe.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls, everyone please be safe. This is one crazy April! I'll be back later (going out of town for the day) - decided to spill my guts to you all on what's bothering me. So be far warned.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Gm all, at work but wish I were at home...I hate winter driving especially in April
    Liz, you know we are here for you...
    Vickie we had school work and everything..hmmm wonder what they were thinking...
    ok I wish I could wake up early....and not have to go to work , I just can't get here to say good morning til my boss leaves...
    hugs and prayers to all of those in need...and I wish I could take notes but....back to the grind I must go...
    stay warm & safe those in the path of this storm...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    heheheheheheh Nicki, the screen was a little scary wasn't it. But we did get to see JanKays lovely mother and Robins beautiful new grandbaby. So all is good.

    Vicki, stay home. No one will be able to come in and pick up their checks anyway.

    Shel, good for you. Cleaning the house always makes me feel in charge of the world.

    CY, got my hubby a new tv for Christmas. He just got around to hooking up the satelite to it yesterday. Silly man.

    Nicki, a lazy day watching the tube is just what we need sometimes. Not that big a deal to drive to Sac. Daughter lived there for 5 years so I have lots of friends I could hang with while I wait for his plan. Not to mention shopping. I am seriously shopping deprived in this two bit town. Just the fact that I will be driving home in the dark that bothers me. Mes don't see all that well at night. Good thing my little Beep Beep knows the way.

    Hi Shokk.

    Madison have a good day at work.

    Vicki, glad you decided to stay home. Call me when breakfast is ready. I'll have toast and some yogurt please.

    Hi Margaret

    Liz, confession is good for the soul. See you when you get home.

    MB, I wish you didn't have to go to work too. But then you would only have dial up and we would never see you. So all is good. Have a good day.

    Don't have to take the kid to work this morning. He went out with friends last night, so one of them will drop him off. Hope he gets up and going this morning. Hope he has a huge hangover to make him miserable all day.
    Have no idea what I am going to do today. Not breathing again so not going to work out. I have gone my entire life without allergies and now have to deal with this. Geez Louise, it's not fair.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. My, it's quiet here this morning. I wonder where everyone is at. Hope all are safe. Still have this old nasty stomach thing with the diarrhea. ewwww Feel kinda rotten but I actually have the house all to myself until 2 this afternoon so I don't want to go back to bed and waste it.

    Vickie, take care in the storm. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how to prepare for a power outage.

    Nicki, we all need lazy days like you had yesterday. My trouble is having too many of them. lol I am getting sooo lazy.

    Liz, your post sounded rather mysterious.

    Hey to Shokk, Margaret, Jazz, Janny, Gina, Mena, Amy, Iris, Jule, Jankay, Robin, Denise, Sheri, Suzola, Karen, Colleen, Boo, Gus, Shel, Joyce, Betty, Odalys, Kristen, Michele, Theresa, Jeannie, Shirley, Ishop, Puppy, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Laura, CY, Jeannette, Tracey, Madison, and Christine. Whew, what a list! Now I don't think I left anyone out that posts regularly. Let's just see. I bet I have, I'm bound to cos there's so many of us. OMG, left out MB, oh shoot, bet I'm gonna think of alot more. Thought I could do it.hahahaha and Deb, CherylG, Lini, oh my, if I sit here quietly just a min. I think of someone else, this is kinda fun though. (doesn't take much to entertain me)did i think of Karen in Denver? I didn't count Ginney as she's on hiatus, or LauraB cos she just drops in when...on occassion. I think I got you all. No notes. Or list. Let's see how my chemo brain did. If I missed you let me know. Sure didn't mean to. lol Watch me have missed someone that posts daily and I talk to all the time TeeHee

    Sorry about your weather you Eastern girls. Living in Missouri you never know what the weather is going to do. Just saturday they cancelled all the kids soccer games because of the cold then yesterday it reached up in the 70's with sunshine, just like today. Go figure.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Shirley, ya know, nothing else in the world matters if you can't breathe.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning!

    I'm sorry if I added to the confusion of the "big screen".. The Angel I wanted to send to you all never did show up..I swear she is flying over cyberland watching over all of you!

    Please, all in the path of the storm. Be careful, be safe.
    Vickie: I'm glad you decided to stay home. I remember getting stuck at work about 6 years ago for over 24 hours! I was working in a home for Traumatic Brain Injuries, no one could get in and we couldn't get out!

    Nicki: Good for you, a lazy day! Just what the Dr. ordered! Atleast that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!

    Madison: I have to agree with others. What's up with Dr's changing other Dr's orders? I would make a couple of calls and find out what the he** is going on.

    Robin: I didn't get a full view of your dd and gd but dd looks very happy and the little one.......beautiful.
    Her MIL snuck in without being seen and hid behind the curtains? I can't imagine that....With all the hospital security and hippa laws..that just shouldn't be happening.

    Liz: We are here when you are ready to spill. Take care.

    Shirley: Be safe with your drive...I don't do well with night driving anymore either...Enjoy your time with friends and have fun shopping! But don't forget to meet the plane!
    The Kid.............All I can say is I have been there and done that so many times. Mine straightened up and is doing fine now, but he literally put me through Hell for 5 years. It's hard, but we did live through it and I never gave up on him. (that was the hardest part!) Don't get me wrong..he still drives me crazy!! But the drinking, cops, court dates, jail, etc. etc. are over! Atleast as far as I know! He lives in AZ now and it was just what he needed! Sorry, I could go on and on..but won't!
    Hi to all..guess I had better get dressed before noon!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning CG'S goodness what weather. I have been checking the weather channel to see how you guys are doing and now i am worried sick about ya. stay home unless your in high water. hope poor NS and Mena and others are out safe. was gonna take a road trip but both places are nasty so i will wait until next week. {{ROBIN}}Your Beautiful Dammit, and never forget that! and the baby is so pretty, and so are your daughters. Jankay, what a Beautiful smile your sweet mom has, she is so lovely. Vickey give my little nephew a BIG HUG from his aunt Puppy. Love You All, and my prayers are with you all. no change with me, still going crazy with worry. Love Puppy

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Cheri and Puppy,
    We were posting at the same time..Hello to both!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, no kidding. This is totally screwing up spring being my favorite time of year. You did good with the list. I wouldn't even attempt it.

    Denise, no worries. Your pic wasn't to big. And we're on to a new page now.
    The Kid is almost 22 years old. At this point I just want him to move out. He got kicked out of the Navy and was wandering the streets homeless in connecticut. I know we did the right thing bringing him hom I'm so very tired of him. Bad attitude, bad work ethics, lazy, drinks to much, has no faults of his own, and so on. Not to mention his room smells like BOY!!!!
    He hasn't ended up in jail yet. If he does he is on his own.

    Hi Puppy.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Cheri, Sherloc, Madison and everyone else......Everyone that posted pics.....I really do think that my favorite part of are the pictures...I love the thread "for people that like to post pic".....Denise beautiful gd, Cheri Amber is just beautiful....oh and Cheri I don't think I've said anything but you have the most perfect heart shaped face...anyway JanKay,brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Sorry guys but having alot of claim calls this morning.....anyway Jankay stunning mom.....I am having chemo brain this morning....oh yea hey Robin how happy you look holding that new gd......your daughters are so that your older daughter in the pink shirt?There is nothing better then holding new life in your arms........Liz I hope everything is ok but please let us know whats going on.......just so ya'll know I have got to be one of the most furgal (my daughters just say I'm cheap)human beings on earth.......I would much rather come to these boards and talk about my problems, my family, etc....then spend it on therapy..........I pay 39.00 a month for dsl internet service and it is worth every insurance does not cover mental so therapy is not included.....anyway just a thought.........I feel fragmented today....shingles are doing alot better.....everyone here is the best....I will check in later..........

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Jasmine and the baby's dad are not married!So she didnt have any reason to even be there.She has friends that work at the hospital and her sister is a cop so she thinks she can get away with anything.Things have calmed down somewhat.One minute jasmine says its over between them the next minute he is down here.This afternoon they are going to HER house,she should see the baby I am not say that at all but she sure dosent have to act like the baby is her possession.Jasmine and Jody the dad will never get along as long as she is in the picture.He is 28 years old and still lives at home.If that tells you anything .His excuse with us is he is not used to being close with his family,well the 3 of us have always been close and always will be or no.
    Thanks for the compliments on the pictures.I didnt realize how bad I looked until I saw that pic of my self.Oh well decadron fades!
    I am trying to attach another picture of the going home outfit.Hopefully it will go thru this time.
    Cheri-baby..its time for a ringa dinga ding dont you think?
    Love to all of you!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Robin sweetheart you are beautful.......I love that raven hair........

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Dropping in with a hug for everyone and some water wings and magic snow blowers for all you girls out east. Sounds like a nasty storm. Batten down the hatches

    Be back later
    Oh...LOVED the photos
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Your Granddaughter is beautiful! Now you can enjoy the touch, sweet smell and love of new life all over again!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Thanks, ladies, for all your words of encouragement! I haven’t posted in a few days, and do you know why? Because I actually had some energy!!! Go figure!!! Saturday I went to the outlet stores in Jackson NJ and shopped for 5 hours! Woohoo! I guess retail therapy really does work!

    Sunday I was tired (guess I had to pay the price one way or another) but I was online all day paying bills and did not get a chance to visit my dear CGs. Plus I was checking the creek every ½ hour or so to see if it was going to come up to the house. We have only been here 4 years, but this was definitely the worst flooding I have seen so far. Luckily we are still dry, and I am hoping the worst is over!

    So today was supposed to be the boys’ first day back at school after Easter break, and guess what? School is cancelled because the building flooded!!!! Rats!!! So I am trying to work from home today but it is difficult since they are getting on each others’ last nerves! LOL

    OK, I am going to go back now and read posts and get caught up with everyone. Have a great day!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Holy cow ladies its like a blizzard out there!!! Power keeps flickering but so far so good. Snowing and blowing so hard you can't see far at all. Glad that I'm home. Hope everyone is safe.
    Robin...what a beautiful baby and you are beautiful too!! Never let anyone tell you different.
    Puppy...I gave Nate a hug from you...made him smile. He wears that hat constantly! It's sooo funny. He wanted to go out and get the mail (which probably won't get delivered today)and was all dressed to go out with that hat on! I wouldn't let him outside...the wind is fierce and we have branches coming down all over the place.
    Shokk...I am so glad your shingles are feeling better. This is my therapy too. Should file a claim! anything you could want to eat here. We are well stocked! Going to make some banana bread and pumpkin bread in a bit and some homemade mac and cheese. Pray the power stays on cuz my oven won't work if it goes out!! Don't think my fireplace would do as an oven!
    Denise...I'm glad I stayed home too. Power lines are down in town and they are rerouting traffic out this way which is insane as it's a back road and full of corn fields so the blowing snow and whiteouts will be worse.
    All the local court houses have closed, the big mall in Johnson City
    Deb...can you take this weather back your way? Just kidding, you need spring too.
    Just checked the weather and we are right in the middle of the snow belt now. They are predicting freezing rain for tonight...great...that will really make a mess.
    Gonna post this just in case I lose power and I'll be back.
    Love ya all...stay safe...
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Gm all, praying everyone is safe and dry...
    Kristin....tell the boys to practice...or review each others kata's...lolol...I had 3 boys I hated the end of vacations....they needed to go back to school...good tim ei'll come over to work out with
    G, so glad you had a good visit, and yes angels are always watching over us...
    Colleen...hugs... your plate is really full take care of yourself...or at least put your feet up for a few minutes everyday...hugs...
    Puppy glad to see you'm keeping you in my thoughts & prayers...
    Mena hugs... 100'taht is such a great accomplishment...keep up the good work....if you don't mind I 'd love to put your addy on the CG list...PM if you want to...
    well off to work...take care to all, I know I miss so many....i only wish I had more time at work....
    hugs, prayers and good thoughts today
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    for jankay

    Jacob and Jessica
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, beautiful family. might think about resizing?

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    OK---does Jacob look like Nathaniel grown up or is it just me?

    Icky pooey out there. Really heavy wet stuff that is bringing limbs down off of the spruce trees---which NEVER break. We're sitting in the family room listening to stuff hit the roof----small branches and wads of snow the winds blow down. Just scraped my way out to the mailbox and it weighs a ton. (SO has a terminal head cold---you know how men suffer. Hasn't gotten off the couch since last Tuesday.)

    Almost have the house back in order after the kiddie onslaught this weekend.


    p.s. Vickie---have to drive to Ithaca tomorrow---let's hope this has cleared up some by then. It's supposed to be sunny and 58 degrees this weekend!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    JK: Lovely family! It's so nice to put faces to names!

    Susan: Nice to see I'm not the only one that messes up these pages when posting pictures!!

    Our weather is just extremely windy. Prayers for all of you in the path of the storms.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi all! Well, the rain started again!!!! We got some snow but not enough to close the schools. The opened 2 hours late and that was because of all the roadsd that are flooded. DS thought they should have closed, typical teen. I could not get dh to work because of the roads but that is ok since he did the bulk of the bailing. The electric has been flickering all day and the winds are fierce. I never remember such a storm in April.

    Susan, I have grands named Jacob and Jessica but they are 8 and 6, #2 ss's kids.

    Vickie, hope you are holding out OK. I am thinking of all of you in this storm.

    Well, I can't stay on long because I never know if the electric will last. I answered some pm's earlier today and almost lost the replies because of the flickering. Scary too. There was a downed line not too far away that was still arcing on the street. Tree limbs are down all over our yard. BUT, the family room floor is washed, LOL!

    Hope I have the pucker to get back here later. If not, see you tomorrow. I have the pre-op appt with the ps in the AM and dh is going with to learn about the drains and such. Hugs to all.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Oh my goodness, have you seen the terrible news concerning the shootings at Virginia Tech? My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    thank u susan

    just woke up from a long nap
    cu later
