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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    thank you all for your kind words.Yes that is karen in the red shirt.The baby is so good.Jasmine is breast feeding and her milk just came in and the baby slept for about 3 hours today.She has the prettiest color.
    Jasmine is getting ready to take her for a visit with "THEM".I might have to go shotgun and make sure she comes back.Jasmine thinks the worse just like me,but I dont think they would want to kidnap not one but two people.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Just popping in quick. Not snowing at the moment for the first time since last night but looking at the weather map tells me it's just another lull. Went out to get some more pictures but it's blowing to hard and I don't want my lens to get wet. I have pics from this morning that I will post in a bit.
    Gina...where are you? Our number one circle girl has up and gone AWOL on us!!! Time to send out a posse. Hope you are high and dry wherever you are.
    Pretty quiet here in the circle and I'm hoping no one is without electric.
    Jeannie...looks like its still going to be snowing tomorrow so be very careful! Route 13 from Dryden to Ithaca is always dangerous so watch out for whiteouts. Hopefully they will have the roads cleared. your surgery scheduled?
    Madison...I didn't get the afghans mailed today (obviously LOL) so I am working on the rate I'm going I will be sending three tomorrow. Shootings today at Virginia Tech? I'll have to check the news. What is wrong with people!
    Hey Jankay...try your picture again...I love pictures.
    I'll be back
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    !!!!oh my!!!! sending many prayers to all affected at Virginia Tech. What a sad sad day.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    My oh my CG's I dont post all weekend long and come back to over 200 post.

    Lets see, if I can remember anything since I didnt take notes.

    Shokk was locked in a closet with an animal that doesnt like her.

    Madison is jakeless and trying to find her house again.

    Jankay is posting pics or at least giving it a good shot and she walked 100'.wooohoooooooo!

    Vickie-is getting snow again and is tired of it but has lots of groceries and making cool breads.

    Deb is a busy little bee and most certainly enjoyed her "backrub". Is that what they are calling "it" these days?

    Sherndon has bought groceries and got paid and thats always a good thing.

    Shel-is back from the keys and making us all jealous of her tan.

    Cheri-lets just say I must have sat too close to you on that last magic carpet ride because we are sharing the same bug.

    Nicki-had some quiet time to herself and from the things she has been thinking about her husband lately,,,it was probably a good thing. lol.

    NS found a great oncologist and is ready to fight.

    Robin has the cutest lil grandbaby and is pretty cute herself after seeing an updated picture.

    Beth has been busy washing floors to say the least.

    Kristin enjoyed some retail therapy which is always nice.

    Shirley lives in a forest and her navy son is coming home for a visit.

    armynavymom-dont think I saw anything from you.

    Susan-is helping out Jankay with her pics.

    Tracey is posting pics of hot springs and making me wish I was there.

    Cy is busy with inlaws to say the least.

    Mena got bad news but shes a fighter.

    Margaret must be busy cause only saw a short post from her.

    Liz is spillin her guts but we are having to wait until the afternoon to find out about what.

    MB is still sneakin in at work.

    Adriona is doing quickies,,oh my!

    Jeannie is dealing with a husband that has a cold and certainly has my sympathy.

    phew,,wonder how many I left out? Probably lots the way my brain is here lately. Doctor appointment update for me. Went Friday and he wants to scan me again in 2 weeks to make sure xeloda is doing all it should. Part of me is excited and then the other part is scared and I know you all understand that feeling.

    ok gotta run for a bit but I shall return.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hey jankay,,,
    when you post the picture only post this part of it
    you cant have to many https or img before the http...
    try again
    your almost there...l
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    I'm baaaaaack!!!

    If I EVER say I want to watch grandkids overnight again.....somebody shoot me!!!! OMG! I am totally exhausted. The 4 yr. old would not eat anything I made for him except chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday and peanut butter and jelly on Sat. The 2 yr. old does not sleep through the night! My wonderful DH stayed downstairs on the sofa with him both nights. He refused to sleep in his crib, and the only place we could put him was the sofa. He wouldn't sleep anywhere else! DH got about 4 hrs. sleep the first night, and about 7 the next (after he figured out the kid's routine). These two routinely sleep in their parent's bed.
    We took them out and visited the horses down the road, walked through the woods, and took them to a playground. It wore us out more than them! I did the Happy Dance after they left yesterday. Then we poured ourselves BIG Martinis!

    I can't even begin to catch up. I went back a couple of pages and tried to get an idea of what's been going on with all of you.

    Denise, it looks like you got the pic thing down! Yay!

    Robin, what a beautiful baby!!!! The baby's father's mom got into the delivery room and took pictures?????? How the heck did that happen? It takes all kinds and you seem to have most of them around you! You need a break from all the morons .

    Nicki, was your nasty co-worker fired?? How very nice for you!

    Cheri, I missed the cow accident story. Did your DD hit a cow with her car? Geez! Hope she is ok. I hope you are feeling better today. Those stomach viruses really suck!!

    Vickie, we are getting some snow also, but most of the precipitation was heavy rain. I can't believe all the snow you have gotten this year. We have been having some wicked wind. I was so tired from the grands, and I couldn't sleep last night because of the wind and rain. It was really bad. Enjoy your day at home with Nate! Hopefully, you won't lose electric.

    Amy, I'm sneaking in behind you again. Hee hee!

    I'll have to try to catch up a little better later on. I had to get a Dexa scan today and clean up after the little ones. Not much time left for me! Take care all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I'm gonna try this one more time. Promise if I make the screen big I'll quit!

    I just wanted to share a couple of angels with you. The first one is one of the Serphin Breast Cancer Angels and The Second one I just call "Boy Angel."image
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    And here is "Boy Angel"image
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Well, that was much better if I do say so myself! I hope you don't mind the angel pictures. I have alot, and everyone has a meaning..I like to share.

    Amy: Good Post. You must be taking those "focus factor" pills for memory that I see on infomercials! You got just about everyone. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Jan: I hear ya! Love my Granddaughter, but one night and I'm exhausted! She'll be with me next Saturday and my DD just asked if she could stay here for 3 nights in May!! Of course I said yes.........Atleast she gave me a months notice so I can get prepared!!

    Vickie: Is the Weather improving yet?
    Madison: I haven't heard much about the Virginia Tech shootings. I will, but as mean as this sounds....I just could not listen to it when they broke in on TV with the story. There is just so much Bad going on in this world. It makes me sick. Certainly not the world that God intended for all. So Sad.

    I'll be back this evening!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Denise you did it!!
    Jan...glad you survived your tiring!
    Amy...whatcha been doin girl...we missed you.
    Well after a bout of freezing rain its back to major snow again.
    Here are some pictures from first thing this morning (and it has been snowing ALL day!!)

    My poor rhodedron (sp?) bush




    can you say ewww!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Amy: I forgot to wish you luck on your scan. I'm sure all will be fine, but as you know, we will all be there! I think we should have Cheri spray the magic carpet down with Lysol so we can get rid of this bug!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    I swear ya'll before BC I never got sick and now somebody can talk about somebody having something and I seem to catch it.

    Vickie-love the pics but I know you are sick of it.

    Biker-glad you survived the weekend.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    OMG, Vickie!!! This is your April snow?????? You gotta be kidding me!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Can I ask a favor. Victoria(DesertStar) is considering leaving the board (long story). Please pm her and tell her that we would love to have her in the circle so she will hopefully change her mind.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: I just got home from work. Temp was 60's and sunny. I hate to even mention it while all of you on the East coast are having such a terrible storm.

    Well I went to my office. Havent been there since my co-worker was fired. Oh my goodness, what a mess. Theres paper and stuff just thrown all over. Guess she wasnt too happy with be let go lol.

    Shokk: Yep! Chicago beat LA and was nominated for the Olympics. Now we just have to deal with Rome, Rio Di Janero, Tokyo, Prague, and I dont remember the others? Sort of exciting.

    Sherloc: Shopping? I love shopping! So it sounds like you will have fun too. I dont like night driving either, but hey, I live in Chicago and everything is lit up. I used to live on a farm and I remember the darkness. So be very careful. Ahahahahah hoping your son has a hangover. I laughed my head off with that one.

    Cheri: Ok now I'm getting worried. The stomack virus just doesnt last this long. Ya think it could be something you ate? I just heard on the radio they have recalled Olives that were imported from Italy. The FDA knew about this since March of last year. Now all of a sudden a notice with symptoms about Botulism. So think, think, think - did you eat something that could have caused this?

    Liz: I must admit I have my own worries that Im not talking about. I'll tell when you tell. Love ya.

    Robin: What can I say. When I heard they are not married, I saw red! What nerve and friends or not. It was against HIPPA. So shame one them.

    Posting Pictures: I sure hope I didnt make anyone feel bad by my comments this morning. I loved seeing the pictures. One of my favorite things is the pictures - and posting pics. Now if you have noticed, I havent posted any real pictures of me or my family - that being my 2 cats and one crazy dog. Well one reason is I dont have a camera. But when I get one, Im sure Im gonna need advice on how to post them.

    Beth: Darn. Bad enough to cause trouble but not bad enough to close the schools. Hoping you dont lose you electricity.

    Madison: Man, I havent listened to the news yet today. Shottings at Virginia Tech? I listen to music all day and come on the computer when I get home. So I usually hear the events of the day from all of you. I hope its not too bad.

    Amy: I swear I am like a little girl grabbing at chocolate when I see a post from you. So good to see you.

    OK! I have to go. Dinner is done and there are so many of you I havent talked to yet. I will catch up with ya in the morning.

    Vickie: Oh great sunshine sister! After seeing those pictures, this is how I felt.


    Ok! Gotta go. Have a wonderful night.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Amy---yeah, pretty to look at but a b***h to live with. One of the major uproars with this storm is that they took all of the plows and salt spreaders off the highway department trucks---worked 2 days straight to get most of them back on but will have to rip them right back off to go back to the Annual Pothole Filling Festival we have every spring. Everybody looks like a drunk driver this time of year as we valiantly try to miss the holes. I hit such a big one once it bent my (very expensive) alloy wheel and broke the steel belted sidewalls of my tire. One $750 pothole coming up.

    Have only heard small bits about Va. Tech---such an awful story and just don't want to listen to it in one swell foop. I can't imagine what the parents are going thru---even the parents of the shooter, once he is identified.

    The kids are sending me pics from the weekend---maybe I can talk Vickie into posting them for me? Just can't seem to get the hang of it with the Mac. Drag and drop should work but I don't think Photobucket is prepared for the simple version of high technology.

    Liz---you've got us all worried. I know what's kept me quiet these last few weeks but has nothing to do with the boards. I just want to throttle my sister!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,
    Welcome to the circle Victoria. Plunk yourself right down and tell us what you need. We have it all here! A spa, a food tent, a deliverance tent (for evil people LOL), a medic tent, chocolate fountain, magic carpet rides and generally lots of support.
    I braved the storm and my very long driveway to get the mail. Snowing and blowing like crazy and I had all I could do to keep my coat on only to find...JUNK MAIL!!! Geez, risk life and limb for credit cards I don't want or need LOL. It is snowing still and harder now. I hate to think what it's gonna be like tomorrow but I have to go to more day snowbound and I may go crazy.
    Amy...It is pretty but I'm ready to put on my bikini and go out on the back deck (can't use the front deck...I'd scare the neighbors again)and do a sun dance. Geez...enough already. Supposed to continue with snow showers for the next three days and then a warm up.
    Jeannie...send me your pics and I will post them for you. How much snow did you get so far? We had well over a foot then had some freezing rain come through that knocked it down some.
    Nicki...60 should be ashamed of yourself LOL! Yup it made me want to throw up too!
    Jan...that was the snow first thing this should see it now. continues on. I think this is one for the record books but not sure. I know it feels that way to me. I want to get outside and DO something...anything!
    ah well...enough whining...gonna go find my bikini and give it a whirl.
    Love to all
    I'll be back as usual
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Oh...are we working on our journals? I have one but thats it so far.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Yahhhhhhh! She came. Welcome welcome welcome Victoria!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008 mean they delivered mail in this mess???? No way!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    OMG Vickie: Beautiful pictures for DECEMBER..this weather is unreal!
    Nicki: Of course you didn't make (me) mad about the HUGE page this morning! I'm not sure I caused it..but I very well could have! The co-worker left a mess in her haste to leave, eh? What a witch!
    Liz and Nicki: When you are ready to share what is bothering you, please do. If it involves us here, we have to hear it fix it. Hugs to both of you.
    DesertStar: I haven't met you yet, but please join us in the Circle. I have never met a better group of friends!
    I was going to try and do a Cheri and name everyone individually...NOT, I can't remember Sh** unless it's written in front of me!

    My GD Birthday is in a couple of weeks, so she tells me she wants a car seat for her "Bitty Baby American Girl Doll." Has anyone ever been to their store or looked at the items on line? They have everything except Coffins for these flippin dolls! I ordered the Car seat and it "suggested" the play bar to hook on the front of seat or something like that! That was a NO.
    Love and Hugs to all,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    So just wondering...does anyone here have a phone number for Gina that could call and see how she is doing? Do we need to send the coast guard to rescue her and Fluffy?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I know someone has her number, but don't remember who was giving us reports during her surgery. Hope to hear that all is okay soon. We are such a bunch of Mother Hens!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi Victoria,
    Pull up a rock and sit by the fire or you can climb into the SPA wagon for a massage. There are all kinds of creature comforts around here.

    Vicki, I hope you don't have to go out much.

    Adrionna thanks for the angels.

    Cheri are you still sick????

    Hi Amy and Jan, Liz, Robin, Silvergirl, Sherloc, Chemo, Tracey, Beth.

    I'm sure Carrie (csp) knows how to get ahold of NS.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Susan, can I have a massage???? Huh???

    Victoria, welcome to the coolest place on earth!! These are the most loving, compassionate women EVER!!! We have all sorts of stuff going on. Check out the Cyber Party thread on the weekends. Any problems? Name it!! We can try to help!

    Jeannie, I split a sidewall, on my also very expensive low profile tire, on a pot hole. I didn't even know. DH saw it when he switched out my snow tires last weekend! It was on the inside wall. Four new tires! Ouch!!!

    Vickie, what is it with snow storm mail? I got the exact same junk mail credit card offerings! At least it has stopped snowing/raining for now. It is supposed to be 70 degrees by the weekend . Global warming is causing these wild weather swings. Even though it's not hot, the weather patterns have changed. The jet stream has shifted and we have the El Nina effects in the Pacific. We have really bad flooding around here now. Hopefully, it won't get too bad when the rivers crest tomorrow morning.

    Nicki, what a b*tch!!! She trashed the office? But, life is better without her !

    Cheri, I hope you are feeling better. Nicki is right. A stomach virus shouldn't last this long. If you are not better by tomorrow, I'd call the doc!

    I am going to take an Advil PM and use my ear plugs tonight. The wind is still howling and I need to get some SLEEP!!! I am still bummed out about how bad my grandkids are. When they left, I cried for them. You aren't doing kids any favors when you don't discipline them. My DH yelled at the older one during dinner and he cried that he was going to tell his daddy. Five minutes later, he was cuddling in DH's lap. Parents now want to be their kids best friend. Not happening here! We told our kids that our household was a dictatorship. They didn't have to like us, but they better respect us. Parents just don't do that anymore. We are not their buddies, we are their parents! Enough, I'm sorry. I was just so upset after their visit! Had to vent. I'm done now!

    Bugs and fishes to all I missed. Amy, Madison, Karen, Deb, Sue, NS, Anne, Betty, Robin, Colleen, JanKay, Laura, Kristin, MB, Lisa, Sherloc, Sheri, Michelle, Denise, Shokk, and Odalys. I'm sorry if I missed you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Yup...actually got mail this time. Last snowstorm they didn't deliver out here.
    Gina posted on her new thread that she is ok but tired. Miss her here.
    Wow...seem to be missin lots of ladies...where are they all!
    I'll be back
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi, Hi,

    Welcome Victoria, pull up a wagon and rest for a while. Great big welcome hugs to you.
    Vickie, snow in April..WOW..I can’t believe all the snow in the pictures. Please, please, please, you and Nate stay safe.
    MB, did you get snow today?
    Deb, hello…did you get any bad weather today?
    I’m worried about NS and this weather…does anyone have another way to get in touch with her.
    Beth, hope you haven’t had any water damage.
    Loved, loved, loved the pictures...Robin, that baby is cute, daughter is beautiful and SO ARE YOU!!! Jasmine is a good Mommy.
    Susan, thank you for the pictures.
    Puppy, if you talk to our Mena, tell her hello and give her hugs. Hugs to you. I love coming to the circle and seeing that you visited with us.
    Kristin, good to see you also. Retail therapy sounds like it was wonderful for you.
    Denise, my girls all had American Girl Dolls - and outfits-and furniture. They have a website, as well as a catalog. I still get catalogs (baby is 20 years old). Thank you for the angel pictures…I so believe in angels.
    Hi Jeannie, yep Vickie can post just about anything…she and Nicki do have some talent
    Shirley, are you feeling better? Is your breathing better? Sure wish we knew what was going on…
    Cheri, have you seen a doc about that virus….it sure is taking a long time to go away…worried about ya….
    Shel, glad you have your energy back
    Jan, big Martinis after a weekend with grandkids sounds like a plan….glad you survived-we missed you
    Tracey, did you get a day off of work?
    Jankay, your mom’s smile reaches her eyes….she is beautiful.
    Sherloc, have a good visit with your son.
    CY, you having a tough time trying to help everyone…hugs to you.
    Jeannie, if you do attempt to drive tomorrow, be very careful..
    Hello shokk.
    Hi to all I missed.
    Met with my surgeon today…he was not happy that the radiologist cancelled the US so I will have one Thursday. Nicki, you were right… he was NOT happy and made a comment about radiologist thinking they can diagnose everything

    Oh, middle daughter just come in (I'm sure she wants me to fix her something to eat) see you all later.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I was coming here next to post Vickie!!

    My flood came at 10:26 with the high tide. It was so eerie how quietly it filled up the street. It went up my driveway and over my front lawn AND MY ROSES AND HYDRANGEAS!! but didn't come into the house. PHEW!

    But my house is ALL torn apart = all the rugs are rolled up the couch on blocks, etc.

    So this morning I am getting ready for presurgical testing and the weatherman says that the tide is going to be the same height! Only this time, everyone had been pumping their basements into the street so it was already flooded. I had already gotten my car from Church- where there is high ground and looked out the window and saw it was halfway up the street again... so into the car I go to move it BACK to high ground and then I had to wade home to finish getting dressed for the hospital.

    I left before it reached its peak but my neighbor told me it was higher than last night. But it didn't go in the house.

    It took me forever to put my house back together!! I am sure my PS would just LOVE to know how much lifting I was doing.

    Jasmine, thanks for the shout out! And thank you for inviting Victoria here. She needs us now so much.
    THIS IS WHY THE CIRCLE WAS FORMED... we are shelter in the storm of new dx's, mets, scary tests, and other bad things that life brings our way....

    I am so glad I have all of you!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi Gals,

    Just checking in quickly to let you know I’m doing okay. Like Denise said, it was windy as the dickens here today, but nothing like what some of you have weather wise. Please take care and be safe if it’s bad in your neighborhood.

    I’ve been busy, busy at home and at work the past little bit, but nothing worth boring all of you with. The radiation is catching up with me, too, so I’m trying to be good and rest and get some extra sleep. I am trying to read and keep up with all of you, sorry I’m not quite up to posting to everyone. I love all you gals!
