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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    Oh my! No one here has ever done anything to make me stay away. I’ve been having my own pity/pissy party. So here goes, I warned you all.

    I’m having some pain in the axillary node area, ribs and some major pain in the right abdominal area. Of course, I have now self diagnosed myself as having a recurrence, liver or pancreatic and bone mets. I know it’s not gallbladder as I don’t have one. It doesn’t present as appendicitis as the pain isn’t sharp and there’s no rebounding in that area. These pains have at times, woke me up at night. I do have an appt for labs on the 25th and see the onc. on the 2nd.

    I have also decided I can deal with the known; it’s the unknown that’s going to do me in. I also decided I DO NOT like being the responsible person all the time. I want someone to worry about me. To take care of me. I want someone to act like I am important. I don’t like me anymore. I need to figure out who this new person is.

    Don’t get me wrong, my family is wonderful. I couldn’t have made it through all this without them. My husband however, has always acted like I had a cold, took care of it and now I’m as good as new. Maybe it’s just the way he reacts to this type of thing. I don’t know and right now I don’t really care. I told him today what I told you guys. I want someone to pay attention to me. He said I was just so good at taking care of things that no one ever thought it wasn’t something I would want to do. Need I say more? LOL

    I’m on anti-depressants and honestly am not depressed. I just need something and can’t figure out what that is.

    Know that I treasure each and every one of you. I could not get through each day without knowing I have you as friends.

    So many have much more to deal with than I do. I feel guilty for complaining therefore, I sulk and remain silent. If I could take everyone’s pain away, I would.

    This isn’t making any sense, so I apologize for it all. Thanks as always for being here.

    Love ya,

    God bless all those in Virginia. Such a sad and tragic event.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Gina...was just looking for you to post all day to make sure you were safe and sound and not floating away on us! Be careful tonight. We are glad to have you too!!
    Hi Anne...get the rest you need. When will you be done with rads?
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Liz, you know what? You may have hurt your back! When I really hurt my back badly, for a YEAR they told me I had IBS because the pain radiated to my abdominal area. FINALLY my PCP asked me, "Does it hurt anyplace else?" And I said YES FOR THE 100th time MY BACK HURTS! They did an MRI that day and saw I had a totally messed up spine and nerve impingement on the ileopsoas and periformis something or other... they are nerves that affect the waist, abdomen, and groin. Get CHECKED! And mention getting your back checked!

    Vickie, THANK YOU FOR LOOKING FOR ME! And thanks too do offering to take me in last night... by the time I got there I would have had to turn around and come back for the presurgical testing!

    Anne, one thing that I learned about rads was- EAT A LOT OF PROTEIN. It helps with the fatigue- alot!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi there! Thanks for asking about me. I am here but barely. Yes, the floors are nice and clean and so far stil dry. If we get more water, we are SOL because neither one of us can lift our arms anymore. I can't stay on long in case the electric goes out again. I had made the scalloped potatoes earlier this afternoon (which were great by the way if you want the recipe, I will post it on the recipe thread another time) and then cooked the brats and keilabasa on the stove which fortunately isgas not electric. When mom designed this kitchen she did it knowing all the years of power outages and made sure we had a way of boiling water just in case.

    So, I can't take too much time to post much individually. But ...Liz and Victoria you know we all love you and will help wherever we can.

    The winds ae picking up again and dh is telling me to sign off! He is right. Love all of you lots.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone,
    Glad to hear all are ok with this nasty weather.
    Vickie - Looking at your pictures just reminds me why I moved to Florida. Snow in April! No thanks. Snow is only pretty on Christmas day.
    Gina - Glad you and Mr. Fluffy are ok. I'm sure your PS would have smoke comming out of his ears if he knew what you've been up to.
    Victoria - Welcome. I read some of your posts on another thread that I frequent. Don't remember if it's the trip neg or stage 3. Anyway nice to have you here.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Back again
    Liz - I am so sorry your having pain. I hope you find some relief soon. Please don't feel guilty or wrong about complaining when you come here. We are hear to listen to each other and help. This is a safe place so complain all you want. ((((Liz)))))
    Love and hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Liz...Gina is sooo right about your back. I hurt my back years ago...fooling around at the lake and landed on a log. I was fine for a while and then for weeks I was in such weird pain I couldn't stand it. It went from my back around to my ribs and stomach. Thought I had appendisitis, all kinds of things. Mom finally took me to have it checked (she wasn't big on doctors...which is why she is no longer here)and sure enough it was my back. I don't remember what it was exactly but with therapy it got better. You can vent here any time. We are here to take care of all your worries and cares. Sending you a special hug and a prayer that all is ok.
    Still snowing like crazy and the weather map looks like we are still in the middle of it. The wind is howling and whistling outside and I have trees in the back yard that are leaning pretty badly. Will probably be on the ground by morning. Oh well..gonna warm up later in the week so I don't care...took a xanex...did the sun dance (LOL)and now I'm off to bed.
    I'll walk the perimeter and make sure everyone is ok first. Nicki is sleeping already, Gina is high and dry so far, Beth has a clean wagon, Jan has peace and quiet at her wagon, Anne is sleeping of the effects of the rads, Madison is crocheting and missing bad Jake, Jeannie is waiting for me to post her pictures (which is coming up next), Shel is checking out her clean wagon and killer tan, Cheri is probably sleeping but will be by the fire about midnight when the rest of us are passed out, many are around the fire with Jankay and Victoria tellin jokes by the sounds of it.
    Gonna post Jeannies pictures in the picture thread now.
    Sleep well and have pleasant dreams dear sisters,
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    I'M BACK !!!!! Computer finally up and running again. I have my own private logon so no one can scr** this up again. I've missed so much, but promise to be more involved. Sorry for the pain our sisters have been going through lately, just breaks my heart. Every Sunday I light a candle for our girls so keep up the strength.
    I moved my computer down to the basement so I could make a reading corner in my bedroom, so I can't make it that early in the morning. I made a cake for a coworker and I hear it buzzing so love to all...I've really missed coming for a longer time than at work. xoxoxo
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Thanks everyone. I had my back checked already. I will mention it though when I see the onc. I had an MRI on it 2 months ago.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Liz, not making any sense makes perfect sense after you have had CA. I know that because what you wrote was very sensible to me. You should have seen me nodding my head as I was reading it. You can't imagine all the times I was sure I had another cancer. Anyway, come sit by the fire. After I finish Jan's massage, I'll give you one. Maybe some of the aches will go away.

    NS, why are you having surgery now? can't keep up with you girl. Glad you are not flooded. Glad your kitty is ok.

    hope everyone is warm and safe. Bugs and fishes to all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Ladies

    Just a quick note and I'm off to bed again. Cold is improving finally, thank goodness! Read but didn't take notes, and unlike Amy, I can't remember anything if I don't take notes!!! You're my short-term memory hero Amy!!

    NS, Mena and a few others in the inner circle - love and hugs to you.

    Robin - beautiful pictures!

    Denise - very pretty angel pictures.

    tgirl - nice to see you

    Everyone else, lots of love. Hope you all are having a good day.

    Deb - been on a roll with my CGs CD for some reason. "Live your life with arms wide open" I just love that!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Victoria...welcome to the circle! Never been a fight on this thread.

    Not sure what's going on, but it is the LAST thing you need right now. Relax and focus on better things.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    Just checking in quickly -- my lights are flickering and I'm afraid I might lose power. A state of emergency has been declared in NH, and there are many roads that are flooded and closed. Thankfully, we have not had any problems with water yet, but my next-door neighbor's basement is flooded and the wetlands behind my house are just a little too high for my taste. I am so glad that everyone in the circle has made it through these storms and is safe.

    Victoria, I am so glad that you joined our circle. You will find an accepting, welcoming and incredibly supportive group here. We're here whenever you need us!

    Ok, I wish I could write more, but the flickers are getting closer together (kinda like contractions! ) I'll check in tomorrow -- I hope!

    Love and hugs to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I took a little nap this afternoon and feel better. Just a little queazy from time to time. I never have actually thrown up, but I've had diarrhea so long that I've learned how to spell it! I'm drinking water, though, and it's not as bad as it was. I've stopped tasting the sulfur in my mouth that I had the first couple of days. That enhances my life.

    Vickie, hate that snow but at least you haven't lost power. Do NOT try and go to work in the morning if it's still real bad. You can stand another day cooped up compared to what could happen if you got out.

    Jazmanian, I will pm your friend. Haven't seen much of you lately except for just little snippets.

    Nicki, I thought of food poisoning too except that my SIL got sick a couple days before I did and his is just ending.

    Jeannie, be careful driving.

    Susan, hey. I talked to you on the phone so I don't have anything else to say to you. I'm all talked out. lol

    Janny! I've missed ya girl! Hey, I know what you mean about grandkids. I adore my grandsons but this little cute 2yr old can be a terror-ist. There's times I think I just can't stand it anymore and his parents just give in to make him hush. Tsk Tsk

    Madison, glad your dr appt. went well.

    Gina, hope you didn't over do today. Weather sounds terrible. Take care.

    Anne, just rest and post when you feel like it.

    Liz, sweet Liz. Praying that your pains don't amount to anything but glad you have an onc appt. to ease your mind. Well, I've deleted 3 different paragraphs just now. I think I'll just say that I am here for you. We all are. If you need to talk I'm here.

    Victoria, welcome! This is a wonderful group of caring women. Come on in to the middle of the Circle and get warm. I don't know your story but it doesn't matter if you stay I'll learn it just like you will learn about the rest of us. Don't worry about trying to keep everyone straight just post your worries, good times, fears, just whatever you want. I tell you, I don't think there's any subject that's sacred around here. lol

    Hey to Theresa and Boo. Colleen, rest and get well.

    Wishing everyone a good nights sleep.

    Hey Amy! Did I talk to you yet? Can't remember. But it's Susans fault she called while I was writing this. Anyway, hum, don't have any notes on you but I miss your cleverness on the week-ends. (Hows that for an ad-lib?)

    Hey Shirley, where are you? Jule, you've not posted on this thread for awhile.

    Carrie, Deese, Mena, Ginney, and Holly, hoping things are well with you all.

    Hey Jankay, nice pics. Where you at?

    I better end this cos I just keep thinking of ppl. that I want to say a couple words to. It could last way too long that way. lol

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies, not a lot of time to post recently. Just dropped in to say hi.

    Shirley, your son and my son should move in together, they sound like they have a lot in common. My son has gotten better and looks like he might have some ambition after all. And his room smells like BOY too.

    Robin, gd is beautiful - she takes after gramma.

    Jankay, beautiful family. My gs is a Jacob too.

    Amy, I think you summed everything up well...we're working on the kids' rooms - one moved out so we temporarily moved my son in there and are now putting up new sheetrock, shearwall, painting and carpeting his room and will move him back in there and then start the other room...I saw "we" like I'm doing anything in there :-)

    Jan, sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with the grands.

    Denise, good job on posting the pics!

    Vickie, I couldn't stand all that snow! Isn't it spring? I forgot about my journal - what's our deadline? I will keep forgetting until after my big fundraiser on May 5.

    I see someone new - welcome V.

    Liz, do you remember a few months ago I posted about a pain in my back that lasted for months and then when it finally also showed up in my stomach, I asked the onc for a scan. It came back clear but it was uncomfortable not knowing what it was.

    Cheri, I bid on a Knifty Knitter on eBay.

    Hi to everyone I missed; hope everyone is safe and dry.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Margaret, you bid on a Knifty Knitter? That's a start. You are going in the right direction. Gee, I've only been gently nagging you for several months now. Slow down Turbo!! hahaha

    Hey Gus and Peggy.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Victoria.

    Gina stay dry and becarful moving the house around!

    Vickie, DO NOT go to work if it's still like it was today! Payroll can wait as I'm sure other aren't making it in too!

    Everyone else back there be carefull and stay safe!

    MIL went to the Dr today for a check back. The UA came back clear so the infection is gone. THey gave her a RX for some estrogen cream only Medicare won't cover it! so they are trying to get the Dr to change it to the pill form that they will cover! Now I have to call the care giver tomorrow and let her know they RX still isn't ready to be picked up as the one from today left a note for tommorrow's to go get it!

    Liz, I think we all have those day, weeks Months! I hope your hubbby will take a clue that you need some pampering!
    My said now that taxes are done I can do what I want! Just wish I had the money to do that!

    Cheri, hope you start feeling better soon. Think you might need to lay off the blue drinks for a while dear!

    Shirley, I have 27 bras to send to you! I was at the second hand store and they were having a sale on all the yellow tag item for .99 so I got a bunch. I will wrap them up and get them off to you this week!

    I also found lots of yarn too so now I best get busy chrochting!

    Still haven't seen Lini has anyone else? Or Karen from Denver????

    Hope Carrie & Deese are doing well too

    Hugs and prayers to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Well it looks like the snow has stopped. Calling for snow showers today and the plow just went by. No school closings so its off to work for me. Hopefully it will warm up and get rid of some of this nasty white stuff out there. are missed...check in with us and let us know how you are! we need to round up a posse? We will you know...Imagine a wagon train ridin through Denver to grab you up and make you post.
    Carrie and Deese...stop in and say hello.
    Holly where are you?
    Victoria...I still think you should stick with us LOL!
    Gina...hope you are still high and dry.
    Cheri...glad you are feeling better. bid on a knifty knitter! woohoo!
    Nicki...wake up sunshine sister. Send some warm weather this way. Lots of people without power and they are saying that it may be several days before it is restored. Glad I still have mine!
    CY...27 bra' You need a vacation! are going to be buried in bra's once again.
    Colleen...glad you are feeling better.
    ok..quick post this morning as i have to get in the shower and off to work. Not sure what the roads are like so I'll be heading out a bit earlier than usual and taking it slow. I'll check in later.
    Love and hugs to everyone
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Yikes! I actually woke up a little later. Went to make coffee and Im almost out of it. So my coffee is gonna be very weak this morning. Drats!

    Denise: Im not upset with anyone here. You all are my sanity. You pictures are great. I need to go buy a camera.

    Jan: Yep, she trashed the office. Took lots of stuff too. Important stuff. She was the Director of Marketing. She tookher roladex, deleted most of her files! She had to know she was gonna get canned. I just glad she is gone. I suspect she wasnt doing her job for along time.

    Vickie: Hello my sunshine sister. Hoping the sun comes there soon and melts all that snow. I agree, there seems to be many missing. Right now Im thinking about Ginney and CherylG!

    Madison: I hope your surgeon makes an official complaint about that radiologist. Having to go for all these tests is hard enough, but to have one cancelled by a pompous ass is totally unacceptable. I have my theory about radiologists. No bedside manner! No communication skills. They can hide in their offices most of the time and have very little contact with patients. I know if it was me, I would have been so angry. I would not have left without that test.

    Gina: Glad to hear you are safe and sound. When is the port insertion scheduled? I get my bone scan and x-rays on Thursday. Still have intermittent pain in my rt. upper leg. Now Im wondering if its neuropathy? No numbness or tingling, just a sharp pain that goes through the bone. Anyways, hoping you can rest today.

    Anne: Glad you checked in and that everything is going well.

    Liz: Your post so of echoes what I was saying a couple of weeks ago. We have been caregivers all of our lives. People all around us know we are strong - so they just accept that we will get through this with flying colors. Well that aint so easy to do. I also think this 2 year anniversary is a hard one. I dont know why. Im still having pain in my rt. femur - I have now convinced myself it is mets. And I know Im not gonna feel good about it until I get the bone scan and get an all clear. You must remember WE do care about you and WE do understand whats going through your mind. So dont stay away when you need us the most.



    Susan: That massage sounds wonderful!

    Cheri: Im glad your feeling better. Was getting worried there for a minute.

    MargareatB: Good to see you post. Ive missed ya around here.

    Well, my time is up. Have to leave a little earlier today. My goal for the day - clean up my office! And get ready for the new Director of Marketing. Someone has already been hired. By the owners! So I must be on my best behavior and watch out what I say lol.

    Boo, Sue, Peggy, and everyone else I may have missed, just know Im thinking about you.

    Have a great day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sisters,

    Oh, Vickie and Nicki I just love the pictures!!! I so do luv my 'puter friends also.

    The circle was quiet last night. I imagine the weather was keeping many away from the keyboards.

    Nicki, your former co-worker deleted most of her files.....oh my, that is absolutely HORRIBLE...I think she showed her true person when she trashed the office and deleted files. I just hope you have a more pleasant environment now.

    Cy, glad the UTI is better but sad that her RX was not covered by Medicare. Poor is so frustrating for them to be governed by whether the RX is covered or not.

    Liz, I am so sorry you are having a hard time. Pain can cause depression, bc causes depression. big hugs to you. My DD found a place to rent in Stillwater. I will be visiting her this summer and will absolutely want to meet you!!!!

    Peggy and Gus hello.

    Cheri, I sure do hope you are feeling better today.

    Hummm, I do agree with you that there are many of our CG's that are missing. If I have their addresses, do you think it would be okay to drop a hello-we miss you card in the mail? We will all worry until we hear from all of them.

    Vickie, please be careful driving today. This southern gal would not know what to do with snow-I would probably make a snowcone or something crazy.

    Nicki, I tell ya what, I was just so shocked that the test was cancelled I didn't know what to do. I will have the US Thursday to check two areas that they have been following for a year. I asked the surgeon at what point does-probably B9-short term follow-up end. Is 12 months short term follow-up-18 months-24 months?
    Also (I am afraid to type this because it makes it real) the surgeon found an new area on the LB that he said he needs to do a sterotactic (sp)biopsy. I don't have a date for the biopsy yet. This doctor is young, but I think he would have gone a verbal round or two with the radiologist!!!

    I will finish another afghan tonight. It is wonderful to be surrounded by squares made by all of you!!!

    Have a great day!!! Karen, Ginney, CherylG, all who haven't been in the circle lately, we miss you!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Madison: I know what you mean about being afraid to write something. Makes it real. Thats how I feel about the pain in my rt. leg! So Im sending you lots of love.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Thank you Nicki...writing and saying it out loud does make it real. I still haven't discussed this in detail with DH.

    I love the kitty...

    True story - I was trying to take a picture of the afghan I just finished and my kitty would NOT leave the afghan alone. This cat is so big and mean that I let her sit or sleep wherever she wants (or she'll bite me when I try to move her). She even jumped in the box (once again) when I was packaging the afghan. My middle daughter was home and said "Mom, the cat is in the box." One of these days someone will received an afghan and my cat!!!! lol
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Never fear CGs iam here. Yesterday was a real lazy day i (berlieve it or not) didnt have too much to say. Today i have another doctors appointment. Yesterday,iguess i was with moms in VA since i have a college aged son.

    I will be back later on.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Morning happy campers! Rise and shine!

    I sure hope all you northern ladies get springtime soon.

    Looks like Jankay is up early this morning!

    Nicki - you know when someone gets laid off or let go at my company, security escorts them out the door and coworkers have to pack their stuff for them. They are only allowed to get their purse (if they are a women) under tight supervision. You feel like a criminal for being laid off but I guess it protects the company from having a disgruntled employee destroying important information and work and also protects the other employees. I work in a company that has tight security. You have to have a barcode badge to get into the building.

    Cheri - how is your daughter and SIL? Any ill effects from their accident? How are you feeling? I hope you get rid of this nasty whateveritis thingy soon.

    Madison - I hope your doctor calls that radiologist and gives him whatfor!

    Well, off to work. I'll check in later.

    Gina - do you still want us to send those cute coast guard guys even though you aren't submerged?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. I'm feeling better this morning but still have a trace of this nasty stuff. I've never had anything like this last this long. Just when I think I'm over it here it is again.

    Gus, hope you all made it through the night and still have power.

    Liz, I think alot of men just think we can do anything. Sorry you're having a hard time.

    CY, glad your MIL infection has cleared up. I tell ya if I thought for a second those blue drinks I have at the Cyber parties brought on this diarrhea I'd never drink them again!

    Vickie, there's no school closings after the storm you just had? What's up with that? You drive safely in that nasty stuff.

    Nicki, sounds like from everything you said that this staff change in your office was in the workds for awhile.

    Madison, how thoughtful to send cards to those who have dropped out.

    Jankay, good morning.

    I think, after much observation, that there is so much to the healing process. How we handle it and at what rate depends on the individual. I've noticed that some of the girls have been here for years whereas others have moved on. I haven't reached the point of being independent enough to want to make it in the world without the safety net of this Circle. Others have. There are so many different types of personalities. For some, to come here every day is a constant reminder of a part of their lives that they are trying to put behind them and move forward. To those women, I say enjoy your life to the fullest and live it without fear. So if we lose some of our girls from this forum or other ones it's actually a good thing because it means they feel ready to live their lives. What the real tragedy in all this is the fact that there will always be women to take their place here in the forums. Newly diagnosed, recurring, mets, another battle with Cancer, all scared and all needing each other. I am afraid at this point that the supply will never end. I wish nobody ever had to experience this or any other pain again.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    GM all...
    First Victoria...welcome, I have warm fuzzy slippers a blue drink and a special flashlight to help you see the end of the tunnel....and a very big ladder incase you are a little down..hugs and know this is the bestest place and the grreatestest women....
    Ok I hate snow and want had a fender bender because of the slushy snow, cuz the highway guys thought the weather guys were just I wish we didn't live out in the boonies...

    to all with appts today. know we are with you , so make sure the waiting room has coffee...and cinnomon buns for Mazer...

    G hope the water receeds soon ...take care

    Jankay....glad you are here with us and I won't tell your caregiver what you do when she's not there...but I bet it feels good ....hugs work cuz slowski dial up at home is very thing the boss is always out in the field...can't wait for the weather to break, planting trees and getting the garden ready...get to use the backhoe this year...whooo hoo...

    Ok hugs and warm thoughts to you all...
    and Lisa, Socal...PM with the type of camera you have...need to get one...

    ok customers...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!!!

    whoooooohooooooo its a day off for me, taking today off and told boss i wanted sat, sun and monday coming up off!!!! hehehehehe

    nikki that cat picture looks like its off that 70's show or me on saturday night! When do you find out whats going on with your leg? could it be a old injury???

    ns hoping not much damage on your place holy cow the news showed the storms last night....spring is here forsure but i know we are in for at least another storm before the long weekend in may!

    cheri its gonna be a heck of a party here wish you were here my hubby turns 43 tomorrow and mine is actually on friday...

    hey amy good to see you posting again.... i have missed you!

    how is mena doing??? anyone hear.... cheri i will pm you later for her addy..... thinking i will send her a package from canada....

    i have two more chapters in my course to do and i am done.... yay!!!!!!

    well have a great day ladies i am going to go back to bed to watch a movie as soon as the kids get on the school bus!!!!
    I am really hoping we have nice weather for saturday nights bonfire... i think i should have a good show of ppl show up!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Miss Cheri, there you are showing off your thick skin again. (hee heee) or <cackle> <cackle> <cackle>
    To everyone:this is kinda an inside joke when I talk with Cheri on the phone we spend half the time in these long drawn out laughs. We probably sound a lot like Mazer.

    Cheri, your thoughts were very sweet. Some day I will move on.

    Madison, sorry to hear about your concerns. (and so glad your cat wasn't in my box!) You are much to sweet to have to put up with these rebel radiologists and additional biopsies. You are in my prayers.

    my brain went dead. sorry. i wanted to say hi to everyone you all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning ladies,

    Cheri-wonderful words! Hmm, are you getting sentimental or something? Now I am worried! Just kidding honey and your words were great. I wish I could get to the point of moving on from BC but with mets it will always be a part of me. I have also developed some strong friendship here and cant imagine checking in regardless. I also feel much better this morning from the virus thing and there have been several around these parts with it so I think its a passing thing. I am ready for it to pass believe me.

    Vickie-lets just say if that snow was in the south we wouldnt have school for 2 weeks. Thinking of you,,bundle up!

    Liz-we should all copy and paste your words into word because at some point we all use them and it would save us time in typing. You are normal honey, pefectly normal. We all understand and are here for you. Living with fear of BC returnning is an awful thing and enough to cause depression. Big hugs to you!

    Nicki-oh my how I hate to wake up and find out the coffee is almost gone. Actually I get up after SO so I get the dreaded words when she is telling me bye, that oh yeah, not much coffee this morning. I would love to just roll over and forget I ever heard it. I actually think worse than that is we have coffee but out of half and half! I cant believe the ex co worker acted like that. How childish! Do your job and be responsible is all I can say. Thinking of you and I know you are dreading the test in one way but looking forward to them in another.

    Madison-wow if its not one thing its another here lately isnt it? I'm starting the B9 chant for you! Mazer will need to know the date so be sure and tell us.

    Jankay-wow you are going to be a sunshine sister if you keep up the early morning post. Not me,,ever!

    Gus-hoping you have power this morning and everything is ok.

    Anne-glad you checked in to let us know you are ok. Us mother hens like to worry you know.

    Deb-you must be busy with all thats going on but know that I am thinking of you.

    Margaret-let me get this straight. You are fixing up a room for a smelly boy? Just kidding I have a smelly boy too but then again all boys stink dont they? Mine is 12 so I can get by with it but I find myself constantly asking, did you put on deoderant? Of course he says yes and then it leaves me thinking,,geesh even with deoderant the boy stinks. Then again I am always saying did you brush your hair also. Go figure,,,boys!!!

    Cy-glad your MIL infection is all clear. I know that helps you to feel better. I hate when insurance dictates what we can take.

    Biker-I hear ya talking about the grandkids. So many parents are like that these days. I mean I can have fun with my son but he also knows moms the boss and you dont push it.

    Shirley-got my hughes net installed yesterday. I'm excited. Hopefully it will be nice and my only other option was dial up and wasnt going there.

    Susan-just you talking about massages makes me want one.

    Victoria-welcome just jump in where you can and hang on. This is a great group of women and you can laugh, cry, scream or whisper and we are here for you. We come from all walks of life and share a common bond.

    Jeannie-we have pot holes around here and no snow to blame it on.

    NS-glad to hear you are safe and sound. That storm was a doozie!

    Colleen-not so sure about the short term memory hero thing. It comes and it goes,,lol.

    OH Cheri-my cleverness,,,, is that another way of saying I'm a smart A$$?!? Its all right,,I know I am,,lol.

    ok gotta get some work done here cause my desk is a mess.

    Oh guess I should give a lil farm update. Sweet Pea is still in the house and is spoiled as can be. She knows she goes out to eat grass when I get home and yesterday we were outside talking and I didnt go right in. She proceeded to scream out and let us know how deprived she was and mistreated. Well, needless to say I was right in to get her. She has started butting the little dogs and it is so funny. I let her out the other night to sit with me on the couch. I opened her cage and SO was outside and she went to the sofa jumped up on it and jumped to the back of it and layed down like a dog. My SO was dying laughing when she came up on the porch and saw her.

    We also had the farrier out this weekend to trim hooves on the donkeys and Mazer was quiet the trouble maker. She finally decided he wasn't going to kill her and she was fine but she sure didnt like it to began with. It was funny cause she was first and after she was done, as big of a pain as she was to start with, she stayed around and kept putting her nose in the way to watch the others get done. Crazy girl.

    ok gotta go this time for real. Love to all. Amy