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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007

    i love mazer. time for another picture!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Susan-you are right! I need to get the camera out and snap some for sure. I also have to post a pic of my other new lil goat. Mocha Java Bean. I call her java beaner most of the time.

    By the way, you wouldnt have liked Mazer when the farrier first started working with her,,she was a real ass. (I can say that cause she is a donkey, ya know?)

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yes, definitely more pictures! Its nice that Sweetpea has a new playmate.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Not gonna get to shop in Sacramento today. Have to pick up son #1 from work at 5:30. Good news is I'm making him go with me so at least I don't have to drive alone. Haven't quite figured out how I'm gonna get two grown very long boys + luggage in the beep beep.

    Cheri, when I had that tummy bug a couple of months ago it lasted a solid two weeks. It was miserable. Nasty little vermin invading our intestines. The nerve.

    Shokk glad the shingles are doing better.

    Woo Hoo Kristen. I would be broker than broke if I shopped for 5 hours.

    Vicki, my family would love to come live at your house. My cupboards are ALWAYS hopelessly bare. I hate going to the grocery store with a passion.

    Looks like a happy day Jankay. A proud mommy moment indeed.
    My claim to fame is my kidlet got to play the National Anthem Jimmy Hendrix style at graduation. No Honors ribbons around his neck. We were just happy he made it to the day.

    Beth, glad your floors are clean. Mine could use a good swipe or two if your so inclined.

    Amy, excellent recap. You are to good. Prayers for your scans.

    Jan, parents that don't discipline their children are only doing themselves a disservice. I'm sorry you had such a difficult time with your grands.

    Denise, very very pretty. Love the first one.

    Vicki, O my gosh. I know I've said it before but that is just wrong!!!!

    Nicki, no shopping for me today. Sniff sniff. The kid was quite perky when I picked him up yesterday.

    Jeannie, you've been busy. Looking forward to the pics.

    Welcome Victoria. This is the best place on earth.

    Vicki.....note to self.......write something.

    On to page 379....just a marker for myself cause I have to take the kid to work. Back in an hour.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    pics are over in the picture thread. Even two of me but semi hiding behind babies. Thanks Vickie!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies-

    Life is a whirl-wind and I seem to be right in the middle! Nothing bad…just some unexpected stuff, and some fun, with a few stressors added in for good measure.

    We took my kids and my mom and dad up to Anchorage to see Stomp this weekend. We went on Sunday and did a bunch of shopping. did I mention how much I HATE shopping? It’s even worse with my husband, 2 kids and my parents along!!!!. We spent the night with a friend and then saw Stomp on Sunday…GREAT show and then drove home.

    Even though it was a good show, this week I am suffering from lost weekend syndrome….you know when you play all weekend and then don’t get any of the normal weekend work done?

    Yesterday was a captains meeting for Relay for Life. I also ended up talking with 2 new local people who have BC. One was just DX and one is in the middle of chemo with not much support. Can I just say that cancer sucks?!? Somehow I have become some sick and twisted version of the cancer welcome wagon lady. It is one of those good-bad things….I feel honored to have people come to me when they need help and support, but in a weird way I don’t like this new persona of “cancer girl” that I seem to have taken on.

    Let’s see…what else???
    Carol is sick, but still wanted to go to school.
    Both girls have Mass Band today.All the middle schools in the district get together for a full day of practice and then have a big concert this evening.
    Track practice every night after school
    Relay for life fund raisers and meetings
    First track meet on Thursday
    We have some type of leak in the girl’s bathroom plumbing. Last night we were sitting in the living room watching the news (I am SOOO sad and angry at another school shooting…) All of the sudden I hear water dripping…

    Me: Honey…is that water dripping?
    DH: Nope, that’s the cat.
    Me: But cats don’t drip!
    DH: Believe me, it’s the cat making noise.
    Drip….drip…..drip, DRIPDRIPDRIPDRIP!!!
    Hmmmmm guess what? Water is dripping THROUGH the ceiling in the laundry room.
    We both stand in the laundry room and watch the water dripping. I want to call a plumber, he gets as hammer and a ladder…NOT a good sign.

    After cleaning up the wet mess (why do leaks always happen over the area that will make the MOST mess…like the pantry shelf?) tearing out the wet plaster, turning the water off and on 20 times to try and find the leak…and NOT getting it to leak again Grrrrrr. We still don’t have things fixed.
    Think he will let me call a plumber today? Nope….

    So…that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Even when I’m not posting much, I’m reading every day. I wouldn’t miss it. Hopefully I’ll have time for a post that isn’t all about me, me, ME later!

    Hugs to everyone!
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Ok lets see....Shokk has a leak and so she pulls out the yellow pages and looks under "accountants" to call and come fix her leak.......Shokk needs to get her taxes done so she again pulls out the yellow pages and looks under "plumbers" to found someone to do her you just got to love them............

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    If I can stay caught up on the posts then I don't have so much at once.

    Jazzmanian, thank you, dd & sil are fine from their cow accident. Although, they aren't very bright. She isn't because she listens to him and he isn't...just because he's not very bright. lol OK, so she called the Mennanite guy after work yesterday. (I told her to call her ins. co. from the time it happened) He had her follow him up to a little town about 6 miles from us to a shade tree body shop! She's young but will not listen to me and she knows I'm always right with my advice. So, she leaves her nice little Volvo at the guys house/body shop and Mr. Mennanite man brings her back to just outside of town to Mennanite land. There is where she picks up her plain black piece of crap car to drive while hers is getting Lord knows what to cobble it back together! Mr. Mennanite Man told her the car he loaned her didn't run real good and in fact, was running hot when she got home, or here. However, the loaner car Does have windows and her car now does not. She gets home (here) I throw a fit cos of the shade tree body shop and loaner car and insist she call her ins. She did. Hummm. Mr Mennanite Man just leases the land adjoining ours and doesn't have ins. on it and since he's a Mennanite he doesn't have to carry insurance for land he's got cattle on. So, technically, she was told Mr. M didn't have to pay for anything. She told her she could sue him, since the police had on file that she'd called in about the cows being in the road but it would be a waste of time because nobody wins against them. My dh told her she should call Mr M. and tell him if he'd pay the $500 deductible on her ins then they'd call it even cos her premiums won't go up because it was a non-chargable accident. But what does SIL say? Let them take care of it. "If they don't fix it right then we'll keep taking the car back to them until they do." Why not just get it fixed right the first time? But noooo. Not a lick of sense.

    MB, I'm in the boonies and have dial-up, too. I like living in the country but there's hazards out here!

    Tracey, I wish I could come to your party,too, I know it'll be a blast. Haven't talked to Mena but I know she'd love a package. Who wouldn't?

    Susan, don't be in any hurry to move on we have too much fun.

    Amy, me getting sentimental? Nah. Wouldn't you rather I considered you a smart A$$ than a dumb A$$? hahaaha The smart one's always the most fun, unless you just want to make fun of someone. And that isn't nice now is it.

    Shirley, your stomach 'bug' lasted 2 weeks?! OMG, I don't know if I can handle this stuff that much longer. I don't feel as queazy tho. At least I'm losing weight. lol

    I have my ankle/foot surgery in one more month. That's exciting. There's some tests that can be run down here before I go. So my Ortho. surgeon from Iowa Univ. faxed some orders down here to my ppo and I have an appt. tomorrow afternoon to have my blood tests done. He'll set me an appt. set for my doppler the Ortho wants done. I will be heart broken if something goes wrong and I can't have the surgery. But there won't be. Everything, for a change, is going to go as planned. Wish one of you lived in Iowa City so you could come see me while I was in the hosp. That's a crying shame after 7 yrs and countless surgeries I have to go 360 miles away to find a decent Ortho. (Hope your knee heals, Susan)

    Well I've been quite the Chatty Cathy today. This is one of those long, boring posts that you just scan through. lol

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    LOLOL at shokk! I even tried that on DH..."You say that people shouldn't try and do their own taxes...they should call an expert....maybe YOU should do that too?"

    I tried, but he wouldn't listen. I guess it's a guy thing. The WORST part is we have a friend who is a plumber that I KNOW would fix it for a reasonable price...nope...DH has to try it first.

    DH at the top of the ladder, flashlight in hand, staring at the drip we can't make leak again....hmmmmmmmm

    Since he is a great guy I will let him do it his way...but I WILL laugh when he isn't watching.

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Hey girls,
    For those of you who have had recon do alot of people ask to see your new breasts???
    I feel like I am a party pooper because I am not ready to flash anyone. I am so protective of them because they are a work in progress- one "friend" actually said that "It is not like asking to look at real breasts" WTH??!
    yes it is!

    Am I over reacting again???
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Gina tell your "friend" that if she watches TV late at night that she can order "BreastCancer Girls Gone Wild" you are not overreacting.....geez.........

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Nope, you are not overreacting....people are RUDE. Tell them they should get naked first...that should slow down everyone except the exhibitionists...don't know what you can do about them though!

    If a man asks you you can ask if he will whip out his johnson...that should shut them up.

    I didn't get recon, so it is one WANTS to see. I have shown a few ladies that were getting mast surgery themselves and wanted to know what they might look like without recon, but other than my family, no one else has really seen.

    Strangely I have this fantasy of going topless on a beach somewhere...something I would NEVER have done before cancer. I just wonder what people would think and do....weird huh?

    We need to think of some really flashy come-back for when people ask to see…I’ll work on it….

    Did you make it through the high tide today without getting water in the house??? Hope so!
    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    I typed a long post and it disappeared.That just really irks me.
    Baby is growing like a weed.She took to the breast just fine.The visit with the other g'mom went ok jasmine said.
    She thinks it is over between her and the babys dad,it would be the best thing if they could work it out.But the "OTHER"mom just wont leave them alone.I have a clear concsious.They are both adults they should make their own decisions.and besides my xhusband my kids dad was a big mamas boy and boy do I know what it is like.So I keep my mouth shut about their life.I only answer baby questions.

    Sorry about all the flooding you girls have went thru that has to be tough.

    Cheri:What is wrong with your ankle hon? that you have to have surgery..Bummer.

    Well i just found out that the "THE EVIL" paid a 254.00 cell phone bill last week and now this week his bill is 347.00.And i dont have the money to get my meds this week.
    He is sick.
    I had to postpone my appoint with the attorney due to the babys arrival,but see him may 2.I cant wait.I hope this is the answer if not I am ready to sell everything I own and the house and just let him have 1/2 the house value.that is the only way i am going to get rid of him.I am going to wait and see what the attorney says first.then I am going to put the pencil to the numbers.I am getting rid of him somehow someway.IT is getting more than I can tolerate.

    Well Noelle is screaming again,she is having a hard time with the baby and she is only 22months and dont understand.My nerves are shot.I think I am just going to move out here and let the kids and their kids have it!
    That is what I plan on d oing if i get anykind of settlement.Setting my kids up in their own place next to me of course.

    Bye for now
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Deb-good luck with the plumbing fiasco. Geesh! I gotta ask though,,where is the duct tape? I thought everything could be fixed with duct tape! stomp is wonderful isnt it. I love to see it and I have twice and my son loves it also. Sorry you missed out on your weekend though. You are a busy lil bee.

    NS-ok I shouldnt be answering since I am boobless but I will chime in here. From my own personal experience when somebody without BC gets a boob job they want to show the new pair off but with BC its different. You didnt just decide, hey I think I am going to get some new boobs cause I dont like my old ones. Its a whole different thought process. Making a mental note to not ask to see Ginas boobs! lol! Not over reacting at all and I cant believe people would ask that,,oh wait,,yes I can.

    Cheri-I must be trying to keep up with you on the post today. My desk is still a mess but I much rather be here hanging out. By the way, yes I had rather be a smart one than a dumb one. I say get the car fixed right the first time. A backyards body shop working on a volvo? Something doesnt add up and that Johnny Cash song comes to mine,,one piece at a time-where he built the caddy and it ends up being about 20 different years from the parts he comes up with. I like the idea of the 500.00 and the man would come out cheaper that way in the long run. Kids, gotta love em!

    ok back to the messy desk. Amy
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    LOL Amy...THAT is what we forgot!!! Duct tape! That would have fixed it up in no time flat. Sheesh...I am going to lose my Alaskan fix-it award for this one.

    Heck, if I were a REAL Alaskan, I would still have an outhouse out back and it wouldn't matter if the water-closet wasn't workin'.

    Have a good day...messy desk and all
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    UMmm...I would never ask to see someones surgery results, recon or not. That's not very polite!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    i love that song,I got it one piece at a time and it didnt cost me a dime.I just about know all the words to it.
    Guess if i worked in a car factory i would be tempted to do the same thing myself.LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Well it's still snowing here but not sticking to the roads as it's warmed up quite a bit. I made it to work just fine and actually took a few pics along the way of the bent and broken, snow laden trees.
    Deb...oh no a leak...I'm with Amy...get the duct tape! I fix everything with either duct tape or my glue gun LOL. My sister actually put her pictures on the wall using her glue gun...ummm...NOT a good idea. You need another vacation!!
    Shirley...I always have full cupboards and hate shopping too. I always seem to think I can get stocked up and only have to go once a month...yeah such luck.'s a pretty strange request. I'll have to think of a comeback.
    Cheri...I just knew they would haul the car to some backyard garage. Geez. No insurance...well gee maybe I will say I'm a Menonite and not pay insurance...what's up with that?!?!
    Hi to Robin! You sound happier today. I'm glad.
    Shokk...ROFLMBO...Breast Cancer Girls Gone Wild!!! That just struck me as sooo funny.
    Jasmine...snow in April just isn't funny!
    Well I gotta bet back to work to pay for my boardaholic habit.
    I'll be back
    Love to ya all
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    SNOW SNOW SNOW I HATE SNOW....ok sorry done yelling.... must try to find this tape..."rescue tape" it self seals , stops leaks it cuz we travel with our old cars ..I've used it all ove the house out side to fix a lawnmower eaten hose...and by the pond to seal the wires...great stuff...
    hugs to all...I too must don't i get a coffee break..yup...ok
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007

    If a man asks you you can ask if he will whip out his johnson...that should shut them up.

    This is a good thought...but only if you are prepared to have him drop trou right there - some men would...

    Hugs to all my sisters for all of your ups and downs. I'm reading, but am going to take the rest of my lunch as a nap instead of writing. Oops, no, I'm going to go fix a computer for a co-worker. Oh well.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    LOL Anne...I guess that some men might take that as an invitation...Hmmmm...didn't think that through well enough!

    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls, Thank you all so very much for all the kind words/thoughts and prayers. I know I'll get through this and actually telling everyone seems to have helped a small bit.

    I have some things I have to go do but will be back later.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    ok back, so where was I?

    Madison, I'm feeling fine. The not breathing I'm getting used to. This to shall pass.

    NS, you put your furniture up on blocks? O MY!!!

    Anne, rest rest rest. The fatigue peeked for me about two weeks after rads were done. I was sleeping 14 hours a day. Slowly got better and now I rarely take a nap.

    Liz, very gentle hugs my friend. I agree with everyone else. You could have a hurt your back. Don't stress out about it. Call your doc and get an appt now. Hmmm I see you had your back checked already. Well shoot then, I don't know.
    I vote you take at least one ME day every couple of weeks. A massage, a facial, nails, toes, shopping, lunch with friends....whatever floats your boat. If those close to you aren't gonna pamper you pay someone to do it.

    Hi Boo

    Theresa, glad to have you back. It's such a bummer when our puters behave badly.

    Colleen, glad your feeling better.

    Hi Peggy

    Margaret, I'm game if you are. I even have a basement we could lock them in.

    Cy, 27 bras? holy moly. Thanks bunches. I've started the cutting of the quilt. Almost done with grandsons so will start sewing in a week or so. The picture in my brain is so very cool. I sure hope it turns out like I want it to.

    Vicki, I like being buried. It keeps me warm.

    Have a good day at work Nicki.

    Madison, typing it does not make it so.....I'll be praying for you.

    Cheri, that was very well put. All you lovely ladies have such a way with words at times.
    Hows your daughter and sil?

    MB, guessing your dil is ok after her fender bender. I hate snow too. I cry real tears when it snows at my house.

    Tracey, have a great day off.

    Amy, yahoo for satelite. enjoy.

    I keep getting interupted by the phone. Dear son is yapping at me...he is at airport in atlanta.

    Deb, you make me tired just reading.

    Cheri, o my, just reading the update. not good not good.
    The queasiness lasted a few days, the diareah lasted for what seemed like forever.

    Gina, I haven't had recon but I have heard that girls that do get asked to show and tell quite often....I think it is beyond rude and would say such to anyone that asked.

    Since were confessing our worries this week heres mine....
    I think you all know I have advanced premenopausal endocrinologist is a test crazed maniac. Every time I see her she sucks about a gallon of blood out of me for every test imaginable. Have Dexa and labs next week....Not expecting much from the dexa but finally googled the labs she ordered this time around.....she is testing me for multiple myeloma again. Why on earth would she run the test twice? Like I don't have enough to stress about. She also ordered tests for celiac disease. My brain knows I don't have that either but now I'm thinking o crap what if I do......never to have bread again? or soy sauce? or lord knows what else. Yikes. Why can't she just fix my bones and let me get on with it.
    And thats my whine for the week. Leaving this afternoon about 4. Have a massage, then picking up the kid and heading to Sacramento. Son #2 gets in at 9. Figure we'll be home around midnight, then heading to San Luis so kidlet can spend some time with his sister and see his nephew that he hasn't met yet. Will be back on Friday. Have a great rest of your week if I don't get back before then.
    Love each and every one of you to bits and pieces.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Shirley, your dear son is down my way if he is in hotlanta. Its about 2 hours from me. Big airport and not a boring place to have to hang out for a bit. Be safe and enjoy your time with your son.

    Anne-I have days myself where I crawl in my truck at lunch and sleep for the hour. Doesnt seem like much but it does help. I havent had to do that in a while,,knock on wood.
    If your body says rest then listen is all I can say.

    Gotta find MB's "rescue tape" it sounds like it could help me out in some of the fixes I find myself in.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Jasmine: She knew it was a matter of time. Was put has been on probabtion since October. She strung them out and slowly sabotaged the office. Took home lots of things, but who knew. She wasnt fired. She was escorted out the day she was fired, but by then the damage was done.

    Tracey: Finially a day off! I hope you get that 3 day week-end - especially cause its your Birthday. So what date is your Birthday anyways. As far as the leg is concerned. Its weird. I get a bone scan and x-ray of my right femur on Thursday. No old injuries, doesnt feel arthritic, and doesnt feel like Sciatica. Its not there all the time. Happens about 6x/week. Very sharp, like some is putting a screw in my bone and gone after 3-4 seconds. So we shall see. I just feel in my heart its not anything to worry about - mabye Im in denial land.

    Cheri and Susan: OK! I had to admit it. I dont want to Move on! At least not from the circle. You all have become good friends and I would miss not talking to you everday. Now breast cancer, I would like to move on from that. But, on the other hand, I dont think I will ever be the same "Nutty Nicki Nurse" that I used to be!

    Amy: I'm sitting here with the biggest smile and laughing out loud too. My goodness in one short paragraph you summed it up. The coffee without half and half - oh I can so relate to that. DH doesnt drink coffee so the pot is MINE! So I stopped and bought some Hazelnut coffee on my way home from work and when I got home, my husband got me some too. That should last me for a while. And you do really understand how Im feeling about the Bone Scan. Get it done and over with. Take a deep breath or move to another level!


    Sherloc: No shopping? That stinks. But at least you will have company on the way there are back. I drive about 100 to 150 miles/day. But its my job and its in daylight. One of my scariest moments when I lived on the farm was driving through fog that was so bad, I couldnt see the lines on the road, the sides of the road. Husband had to stand out with a flashlight to get me in the driveway. Oh man that was scary.

    Debc: Life is busy, thats good. I had the same week-end withdrawal. The past 2 week-ends I have had to do something. Worked for my friend, go for Easter dinner, go with my husband to the pub. I want a week-end where I dont have to do anything. Well - I would enjoy planting flowers, but not have to go anywhere! I really understand what you are saying about being the breast cancer welcome wagon. I wrote a post on another forum about how you just cant away from it. This past week-end, Im in a pub, enjoying a Marguirita, dinner, and music. An aquaintance comes up and tells me about someone losing their mother to breast cancer the day before. At the age of 57. Now I know your young, but geez - Im 57! And all I thought was - I just cant get away from it. But the truth is, I think breast cancer was all around me before I was diagnosed. I just didnt see the impact of how many have it. I guess then I was one of those people who say "not me."

    Cheri: OK, Im guessing here, but Im betting he ordered a CBC with Diff (complete blood count), CMP (comprehensive metabolic profile) Protime and INR. If you can read his writing tell me what he ordered and I will explain it all to you.

    Ahhh its confession time. First of all, my DH is the King of wanting to fix things but not knowing how. My ktichen sink has not been working for 6 months. I get "I'll take care of it don't worry." Now the faucet is leaking! Does he call a plumber? Nooooooo! He puts a bucket there and dumps it out every morning. Geessshh! Dont ever marry a musician!!

    NS: Only 2 people have seen my reconstruction. My husband and my dearest friend. My husband, well thats a no brainer. My best friend, she didnt ask me, I said do you want to see and before she could answer I pulled my shirt up and said look. If anyone asked me, I would be mortified. So no, you are not being touchy. Thats rude.

    Robin: Forget not getting your medicine cause you dont have the money. It doesnt work cause I tried it. So call you onc or your pcp and ask for samples. Just hate that your in the situation your are in. Give the telephone bills to "that man" and have him pay it from his pocket!

    Vickie: Sunshine sister, I was looking and looking for a post from you. Glad you got to work ok. By the week-end this storm will be memory and all that stuff will be melting.

    PurpleMB: Rescue tape? Yes I need to find that and give it to my husband since duct tape is his answer to everything. Would love to show my favorite parts of Chicago to someone. It wouldnt be the tourist sites. The special places!!

    Liz: I swear, I can remember the first time I met you on the chat which was just about 2 years ago! There is such a strong connection. During morning report, receptionist came in and said "Nicki you have another love letter." It certainly brightened my day. Anyways, bottom line is, you and I? We wont feel better until we have the tests done. Family and friends - they have moved beyond. I had to be so careful when I told my husband about the bone scan. Right now, he thinks its just a routine 2 year thingy.


    Jan! Where are you. @ days in row, drinking wine. I miss my wine drinking buddy.

    OK! Gotta go, hope everyone has a wonderful night.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Amy I will indeed.
    Reading up on this celiac thing....did you know that the glue used on envelopes and stamps have gluten in it. That is just beyond weird.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Hi Nicki
    did you get your office clean?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Sherloc: I dont have to clean the office. My administrator and the Corporate Director of Marketing are coming in and going through everything. So out of fear, I did clean my desk drawers today. Dont want them to think I am as disorganized as I am.

    Ahahahahah - my secret.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi Nicki!! I'm here, but at work. No wine tonight!LOL I don't have a lot of time to post now. I have a shooting pain in my lower leg. I need to have my knee replaced and I get awful pains every once in a while. It's there and then gone in a few minutes. Maybe you have something going on in your hip. Arthritis???

    Hi, all the rest of my buds! . I will have to catch up tomorrow.