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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Jan: I have decided. I drink wine! I look like this! But I feel good.


    Ok. NIghty night!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Hey everyone!

    I am back for a quick post...seems like there is no time for anything these days. I tried to figure out where all my time is going, and then I realized that it probably has something to do with going to bed at 7:30 every night! Wow, who would've thought 2 daily 15 second zaps would take so much out of me! My rads appointment is at 9:15 every morning and by 2PM I am ready for a marathon nap. However, my boss would not appreciate that so I have to keep going until I get home, feed the kids and help with homework, and then I can finally collapse!

    So, I am on my way to bed, but wanted to stop by the Circle and say 'Hey!'. Tomorrow I have my first appointment with a genetic counselor. I am pretty sure I will get tested if they offer it to me. I would rather know and deal with it rather than not know and always wonder!

    Night-night girls!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Evening Friends!

    Thought I'd stop in and visit before DH comes in and starts pounding shelf brackets in here! He is a wonderful carpenter and it is a great hobby for him..I swear he has built half of my GD furniture! Pictures anyone? Just kidding! He did make her a doll house headboard and it is so pretty!

    Anyhow, where to start.

    Victoria: Welcome, you have entered the land of the best friends you will ever want!

    Jan: Amen to that...raising kids today ain't like it used to be. My DD is actually pretty persistant with GD, but that little one has the attitude of a 13 year old already!

    Madison: I am glad you are going to get your US this Thursday. Borrowing Nicki's words: "pompous ass doctor" anyways.

    NS: I hope you are still dry and I really hope you didn't do to much lifting yesterday. How did the Presurgical testing go? Thinking of you.

    Anne: The rads are getting to you, eh? Take naps whenever you can and take it easy..they are harder on the old body than we think.

    Liz: Dear Liz: I'm sorry you are going through this. We all know how every pain, tinge, or bruise is DX'D by us to be Canceritis. I think most of our families are very loving and were supportive of us through our treatments. HOWEVER..our treatments didn't end with the last Chemo or Rads or both. As so many have said..even our loved ones think that it is like getting over a cold or a broken bone. You heal and all is well. I totally understand you saying that you don't like you anymore. Kinda weird, but..I really don't like myself either. I'll explain more in another post..this one's for you. I admire your attitude saying, " I can deal with the known, it's the unknown that will do me in." Can you believe that I'm actually scared of the known.
    Even though I don't know it, I don't think I want to. Each and everyone of us will take care of YOU. We will worry about you and give lots of Hugs.
    Hugs to you.

    Boo/Sue: Sunny Florida? What is Sun?

    Theresa: How nice that you light candles every Sunday for the Circle and beyond. And "yea" on the up and running computer!

    Colleen: A big hello, and I'm glad the cold is getting better.

    Susan: How odd that we know that what someone is saying that doesn't make sense makes perfect sense. Also, I'd love to hear the Mazer impersonation from you and Cheri! How's the knee?

    Peggy: I love your avator!

    Gus/Sue: I hope your basement is still dry and that you have power. I guess MI isn't so bad after all..atleast we were spared this time!

    Cheri: I'm glad that the virus you have has atleast helped you out with your Spelling! How is it spelled..Diareha? How bout Shi*!

    Margaret: Thanks, I had several good teachers on the picture posting. But I still have to have notes in front of me when I do it!
    Knifty Knitter on Ebay? I've never bid for anything before, I'm sure DH is glad that I haven't mastered that one yet!
    What did Cheri call you.......TURBO!

    Cy: 27 Bras!! Good lord woman..I'm picturing training bras right through A, B, C, and so forth!!
    I get quite angry when I hear about the Dr.s Prescribing RX and Ins. Co's not covering them. Don't even get me going!

    Vickie: Plowed out already?! They cleaned you up pretty fast for the boonies! Here if there is a snow day it seems like there is always 2 or 3 in a row.
    I'm glad it wasn't any worse than it was. Winter in Spring..gotta love it.

    Nicki: I love the morning pics you find for us! And I've taken to your term, "pompous ass!" Nothing worse, know a few Doc's like that myself!
    The pain in your leg. You are probably tired of everyone guessing, and I'm glad you are having it checked. Do you have osteoporosis, or osteopenia? A hairline fracture in lower spine could send sharp pain down your leg. Geez..You are the Nurse and I'm guessing! Sorry. I'm sure you do have yourself convinced it's mets. I'm also sure it isn't.. so easy to tell someone else that. We are with you.

    Madison: All of the missing girls..Cards would be nice. What does this mean? "Probably B9 - short term follow up."
    Is that what the US is about? I missed whatever you said you hadn't discussed with DH yet. How true, Writing and Saying things make them so real. Good or bad? I don't even know anymore.

    Jankay: How was your Dr. appt? Did the Caregiver give you heck for rearranging your kitchen?!

    AlwaysHope: I have a note here that says, "Love your ex plan", I don't have a clue as to what I meant!! Guess I love it though! Security in buildings..this world is a mess. When they fire someone at DH, DD, and SIL (they work together) office. Samething..Security brings them to their desk and walks them directly out. Bar codes to get in also.

    MB: Another New Yorker hit by the storms. Hope it has melted by Pinkstock!!

    Tracey: A day off! Nice!! Even nicer if you get the 3 day weekend! Celebrating both DH and Your birthday..Celebration Time, come on! Okay, I'm older than you, but I always liked that song!

    Cheri: Yes, some move on and some don't. I would love to move beyond cancer..but it will always be a part of me. Even if I ever move out of the "canceritis" phase..I think I'll stay. I have more friends now than I've had in my life and I desperately needed to meet people. I'm glad DD and SIL are okay. Sorry, but I lmao reading about the Mennanite and the Shade Tree Shop!

    Amy: Out of coffee and half and half? I don't drink coffee, but before I started this stupid diet last week..It was a can of Coke for me....and I better not be out of it!! Sweet pea is still in the house, eh? And he has a playmate!
    I can't believe Mazer acted like an Ass.......and he didn't like his pedicure?
    I'm with you, I believe all one needs in a tool box is Duct tape and a butter knife!

    Shirley: I hear ya, I felt that I should have been the one getting honors for getting my boys through high school! No shopping, that stinks. Two Grown Boys in the Beep Beep. Just think of it as "bonding time!" NOT! I don't know if it is a good thing or not that you are used to your new breathing pattern.
    Multiple myelona and celiac disease. Get tested and be fine. I don't know what Celiac disease here I come.
    A massage sounds wonderful. Enjoy! Be safe on your trip.

    Deb: I've wanted to see "Stomp" for a long time. Glad you had a good time, with the exception of shopping. Sounds like you've been both busy and having fun with your kids. Sometimes I long for the days of running kids all over for practices and games again.
    You're right. Cancer Sucks. Sometimes I would like to change the S to an F, but I was raised in the day of F not being so very nice..but then again, cancer isn't so very nice why not?
    I must say that once again you had perfect words..this time for Gina. And yes, I'm sure you get really burned out at playing Cancer Girl as much as you have had to..think of yourself too.

    Robin: Best of luck..finances and ex-ass. Just sucker punch the idiot and kick his behind out. Don't be going without meds cuz of his failure to pay his bills. I love the idea of giving the kids the house and moving yourself!!

    NS: All I can say is this world is made up of all types. If anyone wants to see my boobs..I'm the type that just might flash them. Of course..I don't have re-con, I just have very lop-sided..not a real pretty site!

    Cheri: Excited about Surgery? Oh my, you need a life!! Just kidding! All will be great, you are right! What did you do that it has taken 7 years and several surgeries to fix?

    Shokk: Hope you are doing okay.

    If I hit submit and this stupid post disappears you will hear me screaming on all sides of the Country!

    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    How do you like me now?!?! Kinda long winded wasn't I!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Evening girls,

    Thanks again for all the wonderful kind words and support. I know you guys are here and will do anything for anyone, I just hate to complain. Hmmm could be why people always think I’m just peachie huh? Oh well. I will be okay. I spent the day running around and went to lunch with a friend. A good start I think.

    Jas – I’m looking into making the NC trip. It’s time to do something I want. Nanny has offered me a place to stay. I’ll let everyone know if I can make it.

    Tracey – good for you for asking for time off. You so deserve it. So you’re turning the big 4-0 on Saturday huh? Wooohooo! Enjoy your birthday.

    Cheri – you are such a sweetie. I am excited for you to have your surgery and be able to enjoy yourself again.

    Susan – I’m glad you and Cheri have met and are able to laugh! Laughing is good for the soul.

    Amy – I agree about the no half & half. I have to have some type of creamer in my coffee. It’s just not the same. Poor Mazer. She didn’t want a pedicure. I don’t blame her – no one touches my feet. LOL

    Sher – since you’re the shortest (I’m assuming) will you end up in the back of the beep beep? Have a good time this week with the kids.

    DebC – have you ever considered being an ACS Reach for Recovery rep? They sent me an invitation to become one, but am going to pass for now. You would be a wonderful one for it. If not now (since you’re already a huge support to many) then maybe sometime.

    Nicki – yep we are so much alike. Whatever we’re dealing with will be okay. Like I said, I can deal with the known. I’m not married to a musician and I have a bucket under my bathroom faucet. LOL I haven’t mentioned any of this to the DH. I know he’s busy with his mom/dad. If it’s something – then I’ll tell him. Is the Chicago airport close to you?

    Robin – how much are your meds honey? The doc’s office should be able to provide you with samples. Such a sad man THE EVIL is. You will be so wonderfully happy when you’re away from him.

    Vickie – I’m so glad you got your haircut you wanted. Did Nate get his book? Please be careful in all that snow. It’s unbelievable at the amounts they’ve reported.

    Gina – you are an angel. I did have the back MRI a few months ago. If there’s something there – then I’ll deal with it. I’m glad you found a wonderful onc. How did the pre-surgical appt. go? I loved my port. Actually miss it for lab draws now. I have horrible veins. Don’t lift anything else! You are amazing girl.

    MB – never heard of Rescue Tape. I guess I need to find some. I use duct tape for everything. I did finally fix my dryer door with Velcro recently. LOL

    Jankay – thank you sweetie for your email. I know I need to take more time for me. Mags, Tink Gail and Brenda all said the same thing. You are still high on my list for one tough cookie. You are inspiring to me.

    Madison – oh I’m glad your DD found a place! Did she get a house or apartment? My cousin’s boys (twins) rented a place for their senior year next year. I look forward to you visiting her! Will she be doing her residency at the college hospital?

    Kristin – I thought of you today. I was talking with a lady who has one more chemo and then will be doing rads. The local CA center here is getting new equipment so they want her to travel 2 hours one way for her rads! Rest when you can.

    Denise – thank you! Yes, you’re right – our treatment didn’t end when chemo/rads did. It’s hard for others to understand that. Maybe someday soon, we’ll learn to like the new people we have become.

    Okay girls, I’ve missed many. Know that you’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks so much again!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Denise:thank you.I will be ok.

    Nicki:Leave it to you to come up with a plan.I have my medicine now.I have kids who are kinder to me than the DH is.I called him today and told him not to come home when he gets off work.I told him to point it towards canada that is where his woman is.Thats where her number traces to.I hope he dosent come home.I will be better off without him.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Wow did you manage to keep track of all that. lucky if i'll find my bedroom tonight.
    Long day today and I'm tired, worked, came home, did dinner, cleaned the bathroom, got the garbage ready to go out in the morning, went over Nates homework (he went to the dental van today, it comes to school...NO CAVITIES!!!),suddenly realized...hmmmm...where is that hussy cat of ours (you know the one...snuck out on me and sleazed around and got herself knocked up and spent three days in a tree before I found two guys to get her down). Searched the house high and low and you guessed it. Under Nates bed with kittens. aaauuuggghhh again. His bed is really low and very heavy so we can't reach them until I get someone to pick up the bed. Need to move her to her box in the den. There are at least three kittens.
    Aaaaammmmmyyyyyy...would you like some kittens....I'll send them overnight mail LOL!
    I am NOT going to name them.
    They are so cute...I AM NOT KEEPING THEM!
    Sarah called and is healing but very slowly so they are watching her. Her and her DH have reached a standstill. She may come up in August and come to Pinkstock!!! She's going to let me know soon. I sure hope so.
    I am celebrating the 19th!!! It is my one year anniversary of my very last chemo. I am trying to come up with something to do for everyone at work for all they did for me last year. Not sure what but I'll think of something. If you have any ideas, let me know!
    I got another photography job...another wedding in July!!!! I am soooo excited.
    Ok...enough about me...sorry ladies.
    Say some prayers for my best friend Kim tomorrow. she found a lump and is naturally freaking out. She is going in for her mammogram tomorrow afternoon and I may go with her. Her mom had breast cancer (and beat it) so she is naturally worried.
    Gonna play Cheri's game and see how many ladies I can remember. I want to tell you all how much you mean to me, how much I love each and every one of you. You are my strength, my hope, my laughter...everything. If I leave anyone out it isn't intentional because I mean this for all...KareninDenver, Nicki, Madison, Cheri, Shokk, Susan, Liz, NS, Jasmine, Tgirl, Denise, Deb, Lini, Shel, hang on...thinking...Jeannie, Jeanette, Cheryl, Gus, Sheri, CherylG, Carrie, Deese, Mena, Robin, Tracey, Jankay, Peggy, Colleen, Shel, Shirley, Amy, PurpleMB, Jan, Kristin, Puppy, Vicktoria ok...I've hit a wall...I know I'm missing someone (several most likely...sorry) are all in my heart and mind every day.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    HA...IT WORKED! Darn good thing to cuz I probably would have hurt my computer!!

    Liz...Nathaniel hasn't gotten his book yet cuz he says it has to be a really special one. He's funny like that. Love and hugs to you!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Ah,shucks Vickie,you mean the world to me and so do alot of other gals here.There have been several times recently when the clouds have been so dark above me I have been ready to end it.That is the first time I have admitted it even to myself.But then i would come to these boards or someone would send me a pm and let me know that I am special,beautiful and worth having around and somehow with help from my friends here I continue to make it thru another day.Good luck with the wedding.I will pray for your friend also.I am so sick of this ca for all of us.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    One more thing Vickie:must be kitty hormones.My cat gave birth last monday night to 3 little ones.She has them hid in the basement somewhere.It was a full moon that week.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited April 2007
    Hello everyone .... I'm baack!!!
    Full time work and crappy computer kept me away. I really missed everyone and hope everyone is doing well

    ROBINTN... so glad to see you back. I agree this place has brought me back from dark places many times.

    MADISON/NEWVICKIE... got a few squares done. Arimidex side effects are going away slowly and hands are notso sore.

    MB.... still enjoying my "knitties". Thanks so much!

    DEBC ... good to see your smiling avatar. Hoping to make it to Pinkstock and see that smile in person!

    Don't have much time to look around ... how is NS??

    Haven't had time to check the Circle map yet either.... hope it's still up and running. I will look into that this weekend.

    I know I missed a ton of people but need to go put my son to bed now. Prayers and hugs to all who need it. You are all in my thoughts daily even when I can't come here.
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Puppies Rule.....Kitties Drool.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, just call me Flash! I'll know in an hour or so if I won my bid. I still have to get past my auction before I can start another project. I feel like I've moved on but I come here because I have friends here and want to be here with them.

    Yup Amy, fixing it up for a smelly boy. Last year when my mom was sick and staying with us for the night, she didn't want to sleep in Ryan's room because she was afraid it smelled like boy. I assured her I washed the sheets and blankets.

    G, no one has asked to see my new boobs but I did volunteer for one girlfriend because she was having the same operation as I did and she was scared.

    More later.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Vickie - so what are the kittie's names? LOL I'm sure Nathanial will get what he wants when he finds it. What type of books does he like? What are his interests?

    Margaret - hi

    Gina - I haven't had anyone ask to see my boobs either. That's rather rude I think. I have shown them to someone who was going to have the same op while I was at my PS office once. People are just so weird sometimes.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I think I need a team of CG Body Guards.
    Today I had to hear a speech from someone who told me I need to move to Venezuala because there is no BC there and it wouldn't come back. She then told me to buy "the Secret"- OY.

    Wish me luck! I get my port in tomorrow!!

    love you,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    crap. I just wrote a really long, funny post and made insightful comments to everyone and it disappeared. NS it must be your fault. you were posting at the same time.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    You won't have to worry about me Susan baby- i am moving to Venezuala!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007

    Checked the circle map there are 242 entries! Looks like posts have slowed down but I still get warm fuzzies when I go look and can see where you all are!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    NS if you move we're all moving with you!

    Well I got the new VCR/DVD hooked up and moved the old one out to the family room where the even older VHS crapped out!It was nice to only hook up the two machines. Think I'll take the old DVD and hhook it up in the bedroom tomorrow. Hubby's alseep and I don't think he'd like it if I came in there fussy with the TV!

    Trying to read and crochet, doesn't work to weel so I read a few line then chrochet a few stitches and back and forth I go
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Oh forgot to tell you Baby Hayden's birthday will be May 23, 2007 at 9am!
    I better get his blanket done!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    gina ....... good luck with the port tomorrow.

    i'm betting it'll go just fine (although i hated that frigging thing lol)

    as far as the glimpse at my boobs thing ......... mine have been seen by many a person, but remember my friends are all nurses and doctors and so i feel kind of "clinical" when letting my friends 'look'. as far as the rest go, i have been asked by mere aquaintances for a peek, and i usually tell them that they should wait until they have an "empty stomach" lmao ........ and so far, i've hid the girls quite nicely during 'intimate encounters'.

    they are not anything i'm anxious to show off!

    off topic, i got my foot tattoo touched up and extended today, "owie, owie, owie" but it's very pretty.

    still no word on my grievance and arbitration regarding my return to work so here i am in limbo still ........ while my colleagues work grossly short handed everyday and i gradually forget how to be an RN lol!

    i just can't thank cancer enough for all that i'm learning about life/people/politics/family/careers/insurance/and bullshit in general! what an eye opening experience this has been!

    one thing is for sure though ........ this place is the only sanctuary and safe haven that has saved my sanity many times over during this ordeal. thanks you guys ........ you're all angels roaming the earth!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited April 2007

    Well Said, Shel!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    12:36 home and going to bed. Just had to pop in and say
    HELL NO Liz. No one drives my beep beep but me. We put smelly boy #1 in the back. Lord help me they talked Navy all the way home. I'll pop in in the morning before I leave.
    Hi Cheri if your still up.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies.
    oh my it's too early to be up. Kittens woke Nathaniel up early. They defintely have to be moved.
    wow a high of 44 degrees today. Great...will melt all this snow, we'll have mud and flooding. Aren't I just a ray of friggin sunshine this morning LOL. NOT seeing the good side of things thats for sure!
    Quiet night in the circle and no Cheri in the middle of the night!! Hmmm...could she possibly be sleeping!
    We're moving to Venezuala! Ok...I'll go, at least there should be some sunshine there.
    Firing up the magic carpet...lets see...we need Mazer and Distorted Humor, the chocolate fountain and phish food for Gina's appointment today. Good luck Gina! Your on your way and we'll all be there with you. We need a driver...Cheri are you up to it? We can bring along some Depends in case it's a long ride. No loop de loo's...I'm too tired to hang on and will be sleeping in the back.
    Liz...Nathaniel is into the Magic Treehouse books and the Junie B June books. Found them online last night at a dollar apiece! He's excited and ordered 5! He reads constantly.
    Hi Christine!
    Nicki...not gonna tweak your toes this early sunshine sister but hope you have a grand day.
    Do you have an appointment made yet? Sorry I can't remember. It is nothing!!!
    Madison...I'll pm you when I get my eyes open LOL! Have two boxed in my car and should be able to get into the post office this afternoon. we need a new pic of your tattoo! Hmmm...maybe not...that tan of yours will just irritate the daylights outa me in this stupid land of ice and snow. Haven't seen any sun for days now. This is my safe haven too. I'm a boardaholic.
    Shirley...looks like you were up late! Do you have enough bra's for your project yet?
    Crocheted way to late and up way to early! Watched "House" last night and that was a strange one.
    ok...I am NOT awake...gonna go crawl back in bed for half an hour...
    love and hugs to all
    Is anyone working on the journal project? Sorry to bug ya all about it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I have coffee this morning! Oh its the little things in life that I enjoy.

    Kristin: When I was in management, sometimes I didnt get home until 7:30pm. So it amazes me - that now, Im in bed and under the covers at 7pm and sound asleep before 8pm. With the time change, that means Im going to bed while it is still light outside! So I do understand. Somehow, I need to change my schedule. Maybe tomorrow.

    Denise: For some odd reason, Im pretty calm about this bone scan. I cant explain it, but I think its gonna be ok. Probably just getting old! My DH drinks a can of coke in the morning. OMG - how can you stand something so sweet so early? I just realized that I havent had a can of pop in years! Usually its water during the day. But in the morning, no one better try and steal my coffee.

    Liz: Working in health care makes us goofy. Its much easier to go in with a smiling face and say "I'm feeling great." Even when you arnt feeling great. Sometimes I feel its my job to convince my doctors I have beat this cancer cause they were so sure I would have a reoccurance. Its like nanananana Im doing just fine.

    Robin: Yeppers! I agree. Put that bad trash outta the house. I think you would be so much stronger emotionally without him.

    Robin and Vickie: Kittens? Oh I love baby kittens!


    CherylG: Wow! I was just talking about you yesterday and wondering where you were. Glad the computer is fixed. Sure have missed you around here.


    NS: Good luck with the port insertion today. Im with Liz, I loved my port. At first I hated the idea and it seemed like others around me getting chemo, didnt have a port put in. So I was stomping my foot a bit. Distorted Humor and I will be there. Of course he wants to know if he is gonna get his feet wet from all the flooding. He's not a mudder! Likes dry turf to run on.

    Shel: Its good to see you. I still dont understand why work is giving you such a hard time. That would make me very angry.

    OT: I think I have told you all that there seems to be alot of scabies in the Chicagoland area. Well sure enough, I went to evaluate another lady in the hospital. It a routine question now for me to ask if they have any rashes or itching. She says to me, Oh my yes. Im itching all over and no creams seem to help. So I put and gown and gloves on. Sure enough - Its a pretty bad case of scabies. All over her back, arms and stomach! Whats even scarier is that the hospitals and doctors are missing it. I told her nurse and she just looked at me dumbfounded. I said, look - she can come to the sub acute rehab I work for, but if its scabies, all of you have been exposed and its highly contagious. So she gets this young intern who looks like he should still be in High School He says its not scabies! Bet ya, once we give her the treatment for scabies, it goes away. Im a touchy feely nurse and now Im afraid to touch anything! So be careful if you have a rash.

    Vickie: Your so funny. Getting up to make a post and then going back to bed. I woke up at 4:20 tis morning. And I made myself stay in bed - actually fell asleep for a bit. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Well, time for me to go. Enjoy your Wednesday.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Running late because my eyes would not cooperate and stay open this morning.
    NS good luck with your port.
    I see we have some kittens..meow, meow
    Coffee's back later...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters........Nicki and Vicki you both start my day (and my cup of coffee) off great.......Sherloc! Sherloc! get up......of wait its 4 am in CA....ok kiddo you can sleep just a while longer......just like a kid she is so hard to get up...........Gina good luck today.....I am one of the sick bc sisters that just loved my port.....when my doc removed it he let me have it.....did I tell ya'll that I have this bc sick is that? I have just kept my wrist bands from my surgeries, shocks, my port, etc....its all in a box.........not sure just seems right now to be such a big part of my life.......ok I better get ready for work......will check back in later....Shel glad you had a nice will have to post a pic of the improved have the prettiest feet......they really should be bare and in the warm white sands of FL...........bbl

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Ahhhhh.....Madison up.......Good morning to you later........has anyone seen the commercial where the mom is yelling at her daughter for texting too much......the kid is talking to her in "text lingo".......too cute....ok I really am getting ready for work.......I don't want to go.....ok I'm going....geez.............

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Shokk and Madison! Im protesting myself. I cant believe its only Wednesday. This seems like it has been a very long week.

    Hope you both have a wonderful day.

    This is how I feel about my job this morning!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I actually got going this morning and am ready to leave. Then I thought, wait..why ruin my record of being late lately! So thought I'd take a few and say Good Morning!

    Vickie: I'm thinking of the Journal, does that count? I want to do it, and I'm not stalling, I just don't really know what to do or say. New kittens!! Have they all got names?? Oh that's right...NOT KEEPING THEM!
    The 19th will be your celebration! Congrats!
    I did not know that you did Photograpy..! That's why you have such great pics to post!!
    And yes, your friend Kim will be in my prayers.

    NS: Good luck and prayers for your port insertion today. Venezuala, eh? I swear we should all write a book together with the things people say and suggest to us!

    Cy: I've never gotten the circle map to work for me. Big surprise for those who know I'm a bit Computer Challenged!
    Just couldn't figure out where I live..I've done a few cyber moves with it. I'll have to try again, it's been awhile!

    Shel: Tattoo extended. Do we get a picture? I can't believe you are still dealing with the return to work arbitration. Well said about Cancer teaching you so much about all, including bullshit.

    Nicki: Scabies still on the run. You've made me itchy! But, I tell you, I really thank have made me be cautious as I visit clients homes.

    Madison, Shokk and I'm not going to try for all names this am.........have a wonderful day!
