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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Vickie, just had a thought about your party on the about something colorful and spring-like...a Hawaiian theme. Can you purchase some leis?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. Looks like I'm caught in the middle of morning rush hour posting.

    I went to bed a little after midnight but was woke up with a sick baby about 3 and Amber had to work at 5:30 and couldn't take a sick baby to daycare so I have him today. But it's not too bad cos dh is home to help. I just didn't get enough sleep but then what's new? lol

    Nicki, I don't know what tests the Ortho has ordered for down here. Bloodwork, maybe vascular and doppler. I have an appt. with my ppo here today but am going to have to re-schedule due to a sick baby, but it's just blood draws and setting up test appts.

    Margaret, did you say to call you The Flash or was it The Streak? I'm not really a morning person. So did you win your bid on your knitter?

    Hi Shirley, so you had a great little trip with your sons. That was nice family time, wasn't it? hahahaha Car get a little small, did it?

    Susan, I bet it is bad when you write a funny, insightful post and then lose it. I guess that must happen to you alot. hahaha

    Meaner, hope you feel better.

    Robin, I bet that scallywag came home anyway didn't he? You wait til I get my foot fixed and healed. MO. is not that far from TN and I'll come down and kick his worthless butt. I may just pack my bags and stay a week with you and by the end of that week I'll guarantee he'll be ready to leave. I've had that effect on other men. TeeHee

    Hey Denise, Christiny, and BY.

    Iris, I haven't seen you post on anything all week. Hope all is ok. Will pm later.

    Vickie, good morning. You know you could name your new kittens after the 3 stooges. That'd be cute. Guess Nate loves his new pets. hahahaha

    CherylG, so good to see you posting! You've been away awhile. We've missed you.

    Liz, I copied a couple lines of your post word for word. "I haven't had anyone ask to see my boobs either. That's rather rude I think." Heehee. Buy em a few blue drinks, Liz, that'll loosen em up and I bet you get asked then. lol

    Hey Sheri, Shokk, and Madison.

    Gina, good luck today.

    Well, I have figured out how to get Ethan and Triston up for school in the morning when they all stay here. Some good old fashioned bribery. Yep. When I go in to wake them I tell them if they get around and get all ready to catch the bus then they can play the game cube before they go. Their mama limits them on their time on it, but I always let them. They have an X-Bx at home and Cube here. And I use the term "home" loosely. lol

    Still have the diarrhea going on. No, Denise, I refuse to use the 4-letter word in this context, that's saved for cussing only.

    I bet there's been several posts since I started this but that's ok I'll catch em later on. Everyone have a great day. BTW, Shokk, thank you for the kind words the other day. I can't remember now what they were but I think I forgot to thank you at the time.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies. I am glad to see everyone is alive and well. I have been reading alot and havent felt much like posting. So i will try to make up for it today.
    I am trying to get "all my ducks in a row" for my doctors appointment in May. I got an email from Iamhere4u this morning. She said so far so good. She said it was a very long and trying day. The test for her heart came back good. I havent gotten an answer for whether is a recurrence or not.
    My love Jankay
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Oh, am I addicted or what?! I am seriously going to be late. I have about 25 minutes to make a 45 minute trip! There are some benefits to working with Hospice, Dementia and such! Just kidding.

    Anyhow, I posted on another site but no response so far.

    Has anyone had a big spike in Cholesterol since taking the "wonder" drug Femara? Mine has sky rocketed and it is listed as a side effect of Femara. I always thought "wonder" drugs meant good things. Now I know they really mean "wonder what SE will happen next!"

    Gotta Go,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, you fired up the magic carpet…..great…we need to be there for Gina today.

    Nicki, when is your appointment? I thought yesterday was Wednesday all day-until about 3:00 p.m. when a co-worker made the comment it was Tuesday.

    Kristin, rads make you tired and sleepy. Rest when you can and drink plenty of water.

    Liz, great to see you posting again. We missed you. DD has rented a duplex within walking distance of the hospital. She will do her 3 year residency at the college hospital. I’ll be in Stillwater in July (DH will HAVE to bring me to visit). I so look forward to meeting you.

    Robin, you take care of yourself and DO NOT go without your medicine. You are too important to all of us…you HAVE to take care of yourself.

    Vickie, give Nate a hug for me…WOW no cavities….okay, I admit it I love pictures when you can get them out from under Nate’s bed. I hope Sarah can join you at Pinkstock…we need those Mom hugs…Congrats on the photo job. Kim is in my prayers (I know she is scared)…I crocheted too late last night also….I was DETERMINED to finish an afghan and I did….is it just me or do you feel when you are packing these afghans like you are sending a friend to hug our afghan recipients….I work on the squares, put them together, put a border and say WOW aren’t our ladies the greatest for making all these squares….I can feel the love and caring in each and every square I stitch together.

    Hiya CherylG, we were gonna send the posse out to look for ya!!!!

    Cy, you are trying to read and crochet…kinda hard to do. Sometimes I have trouble talking and crocheting!!!! We need to put May 23rd on our calendar!!! I love the name Hayden.

    Aw, shel, there are angles on earth and YOU are one of them. I sure hope you find out about work soon…Post some pics of your tattoo.

    Shirley, glad you made it to the airport and back. Talking Navy talk…yep they speak in acronyms. My Air Force daughter and husband (former Air Force Academy) speak in acronyms when she is home on leave. Wow, it is another language…Enjoy your visits.

    Deb, glad you were able to see Stomp. I have heard it is a wonderful performance.

    Cheri, did you get some sleep last night. I just saw your post….you are going to have your hands full all day with a sick baby.

    Margaret, did you win the bid?

    Gina, that is no bc in Venezuala?!?!? I am tempted to do an internet search. Oh well, if you move to Venezuala, then the entire circle will go with you.

    Good morning Susan, how is the knee? Are you still going to the PT?

    Shokk, good morning…I love the commercial about the girl and mom arguing over text messaging.

    Jankay, let us know the test results for Iamhere4u.

    Mena, thinking about you!!

    Christinek, hello.

    I, like Denise, should have left for the office 30 minutes ago. Our receptionist has a BAD staph infection and hasn’t been able to work this week…so we all have to do double duty.

    Oh, thank you so much for your prayers for Radar…his staph infection was able to be controlled with IV antibiotics, DID NOT get into his bone and he has been discharged from the hospital….thank you so much!!

    Okay, now I really have to leave for the office…..Hi to all I missed (not intentional I assure you).
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning CG', one of these days I will learn to post pics, I love them!! Vickie, thank you so much for my e/mail made me smile and feel so loved I am so happy my little nathan enjoys his hat, he sure is a special one ya know!!! Madison I have been praying for Radar what a gift he is to all of us, and i will continue praying for him and all of our military young men and women. my prayers go out to all of you, wish i could talk more to you but just cry all the time i try. one good thing in my life trauma DH plant did not go on strike, thank you for making this happen with all of your prayers. God I Love you. Puppy

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Puppy, we love you!!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. I slept like crap. Kept dreaming the boys took my car out for a joy ride. UGH!!! Thanks bunches Liz for putting that in my head right before I went to sleep. Have 4.5 hour drive to San Luis Obispo today. Me thinks I'm gonna need lots of coffee.

    Deb, husbands should not be allowed to go shopping with us. I've not heard of Stomp. Is it a play?
    Drip, drip drip....uhoh
    How the band concert went well. I'm sure it was loud.

    Cheri, your posts are never boring.

    Nicki, wow thats very scary about the fog. We used to live in the Central Valley. They have fog like that. Got into a nasty fender bender because of it once.
    I'm glad you didn't have to clean the whole office. And very glad you got your desk organized.

    Jan, I get those sharp knife pains in one of my knees. Degeneration yehaw. Aint getting old grand. Funny I don't think I'm old.

    Kristin, I just sent my paperwork in for the brca testing. Still haven't decided whether I will do it or not.

    Denise, don't ya just love google. Wish I had bought stock when they started out. Celiac disease is an allergy to gluten....which is in all grains except rice, and who knows what else but apparently a whole lot of crap. It causes an antibody to activate in your intestines so that you do not absorb the nutrients from food. Only treatment for it is a gluten free diet. Which means no more bread, no more cereal, no more this, no more that. I can live without the bread but I am a huge cereal eater.
    I do not think I have this. Don't think the doc does either. But it is on the list of causes of osteoporosis. I think silly doc is systematically going thru every disease on the list. As for MM, it's on the list too. She has already tested me for it once. I think she might have just forgot.
    The massage was great but painful this week. Had my neck all out of wack cause of the dentist last week. Used to just go to chiropractor and get it wacked back into shape but I'm not allowed to do that anymore.
    I love you one post, two posts or ten posts. You crack me up.

    Liz, read comment up above. I am not happy with you this morning. hehehehehheheheh just kidding. You know I love you to bits.

    Vicki, mew mew....awwwww....I hope your daughter comes to Pinkstock. Bribe her with the fact that mine is coming. They can hang together. I think they are the same age. 25?
    You are a photographer? I didn't know that. I'm a wanna be. Take pics of pregnant bellies and babies. Couldn't handle the pressure of a wedding. Good Heavens what if I screw up some brides perfect day. I would have to shoot myself. Good for you for taking on the challenge.
    Prayers for Kim today.

    Welcome back CheryG

    Margaret, your mom is a smart woman. Boy smell does not go away with sheet washing. Boy #2 is in my office on an air mattress. My office is gonna smell like boy. EWWWWWW!!!!

    NS, were moving to Venezuala? Cool. I hear its warm there.
    Praying for you today.

    CY, 242? wow!!!!

    Shel, tattoo? you are far braver than I. I'm like Deb, except my fantasy is a nice little tattoo. But the thought of it scares the crap out of me.

    Vicki, no I don't have enough bras. I remember somewhere in here you asking me if I received yours? Did I answer you. I am so brain dead these days. Yes I did, thank you very much. I've gone to the thrift store a couple of times and cleaned them out but I need lots more.

    Nicki, more scabies!!!! Yuck!!!!

    Shokk, at 4am I was having nightmares.

    Denise, I'm right there with you in not knowing what to write.
    Vicki, give us a hint? I am so not a writer.

    Cheri, hope little Kevin is feeling better quickly. It was actually a nice drive home. Tho I didn't understand 90% of what the heck they were talking about. First time my boys have been together in over 3 years. I think they have missed each other.

    JanKay, thanks for the update on imhere4you.

    Madison, acronyms indeed. Military people are odd. Very very happy to hear about Radar.

    Love you to puppy.

    Ok, time to load up Beep Beep and hit the road. I'll see you when I get back. Will miss you tremendously. have a great end to your week.
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2007
    Hi Circle Gals,
    It's been awhile but I wanted to let you know I think about this place daily. I have little more than 2 weeks left in my chemo and any extra energy has been used on making a raspberry/strawberry garden. My brain feels befuddled most days--so I haven't been on the computer much but being outside gardening makes me feel wonderfully alive...
    I hope you all are doing well--HUGS
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Hi Holly! Sure missed you and glad you checked in.

    Puppy, love and hugs to you sis!

    I love kittens too but dh says we cannot have any more cats! But I told him they are just kittens and he gave me that look. So, Vickie, don't name them or you will be attached, I know from experience.

    So, we finally got the power back on I hope for good. The winds have died down to next to nothing so the new pole should be OK. Seems a tree came down and took the pole, wires and all connected to it. It came down about 2 blocks away on the main street coming into the develpment and there was debris all over as well as arcing lines. Fortunately, it happened after the kids were all picked up for school. There would not have been a safe place for them to wait for the bus. I tried to catch up on the posts but have missed alot! The whole time I felt like something was missing. It was all of you!

    I locked the freezer so nobody went in accidentally but we lost most of the perishables in the fridge. Now I have to go shopping again this week.

    Yesterday, I had my appt with the ps. Went well. He explained a lot more of what to expect and I will post it later on the recon thread. No need to ramble on here about it. This afternoon I take mom to the dentist for round two of her crowns and a filling. Yesterday at 5 AM, she fell in her room on the way to the batroom and is pretty bruised up as well as a few scrapes. Thank God she is at assisted living because she got medical attention right away. It scares me to think hwo we will manage if she comes back home still not being very independent.

    Please know I am thinking of all of you. I am glad to hear Radar is better. Robin, good to see you sounding happy.

    OMG, before I forget. Shirley! If you have a Wegman's near you they have a gluten free section. All of their private branded stuff has a key on it about gluten free, lactose free and fat free. I have to watch for the lactose for me and ds and the gluten for my friend Juli when she visits.

    Have a good day all!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Ok ladies work has calmed down abit....had another small tornado touch down last night in North Texas but it only picked up a barn and carried it a couple of miles then dropped one hurt........Holly its good to see you stopping youngest daughter lovessssss raspberries......she eats them constantly.....brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Holly if you can maybe you can post some pics of your garden ....I would love to see those plants....and post pics while the raspberries and strawberries are growing....Congrats on finishing chemo.......Beth glad to see you have returned to the land of electricity..........Vickie I remember that photography is your hobbie (true love)....a long time ago you had some pics of you and your sister when ya'll were little.....they were just beautiful......Sherloc be careful out on the road........don't won't to be reading about some mom in CA that has left her grown kids on the side of the road cause she has finally lost her ringing brb......

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    GM all...just a work of course....

    ok all the ladies with young DD...hmmm about 25 or so...hmmm I have a young DS...who is come on down to pinkstock....

    G...yup I had people want to see the new girl...hmmm...i don't think so, but now...since I have a proth...I have been known to throw it at

    Holly good to see you both....

    Karen so glad you made it thru the can be replaced...hugs...

    Madison..good news for Radar...hugs...

    Shel , your tattoo made go full speed ahead....yup got my friend and we are arranging a play date...tattoos for

    Nicki...hmmm..DH likes to fix things so when we come make a list and we can take care of it...

    Oh yeah the resue on the internet...they have their own site...and it really works...

    Sheri, Cheri, kristin, Tgirl, Denise.skokk, always, Vickie, and boy if i had taken notes I'd put your names here but...know I think about this circle always...

    Mena lini missing you ....
    Hugs MB
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Shokk...please say your not in the closet again!!
    Beth...they have a batroom at the Assisted Living where your mom is!!! LOL...just teasing you about your typo but think we could use a batroom here too.
    Only have a minute cuz I'm supposed to be working but needed a break.
    Write anything you want for the girls all know how to write as I love reading your posts. Write about your bc journey, your kids, where you live...include some pics and bang...all done.
    Holly...hello...oh my, enjoy the outdoors...we still have snow here. Hate it at this point! daughter is 25 too! Oh my could they have some fun. Actually we will probably teach them a thing or two about what fun is all about!
    Cheri...hope that baby gets better and soon. Wondered why you weren't posting in the middle of the night! Nate named two of the kittens...grrrr. He named one Bandit (all black with a brown mask across its eyes) and I can't remember what he's calling one of the other ones. I told him we couldn't name them because we weren't keeping get this...this kid is wayyyyy to smart for me. He said "I had a name when you got me and you changed mine so we can give them away and they can get new names then, you can't have babies without names!"....crap. Don't know what I'll do when he's older...I'll never win an arguement!
    Boss alert...I'll be back
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Hey MB...get back to work LOL...we are sneakin in at the same time!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007

    yup some of us are working

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    i would post a pic of my new and improved tattoo but i NEED MY MOST EXCELLENT FRIEND LINI to do so!

    lini? where are you????????

    i miss you!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Lini went AWOL on us...don't think she loves us any more.
    Probably ran off and joined the circus.
    I miss her too.
    I can post your pic if you email it to me.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Deb...I saw Stomp last Christmas in Arizona...what an awesome show!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies –

    As I look out in the yard this morning there is water and mud everywhere, but the snow is almost gone. In Alaska we don’t really have “spring” per say…we have break-up. All the snow melts and the frost goes out of the ground and when that happens everything is mud for a few weeks. It is still freezing here at night, but yesterday is was 54 degrees….yep….it’s break-up.

    We have a good gravel driveway, but my Mom and dad’s is more of an old-fashion dirt road. It is about a half a mile long and by the weekend, we will be walking it for a couple of weeks. The ground turns to gumbo mud and the cars would just get stuck in the ruts. They park out at the road and walk it for a while.

    Our days are getting longer by almost 6 minutes a day right now. The sun is coming up at 6:00 in the morning right now. One of the only problems with this time of years is that I keep waking up with the sun…earlier and earlier. There is no earthly reason I need to be up at 6:00…but I am anyway LOL I could be part of the morning girls, but I’m 4 time-zones later than you guys ….besides, I can’t type until I’ve had a bunch of coffee.

    Tracey- sounds like you are planning a heck of a party. Happy birthday early! Oh, I’ll have to post my vodka watermelon and jello shots recipe! Have a blast

    Susan –

    Amy – your donkey shoeing stories brought up some funny memories for me. I use to have a pony when I was a little girl that HATED to have her hooves trimmed and cleaned. She would lean on your back every time you would pick up her foot….felt like holding up a mountain. Our farrier had this trick where she would let Trinket lean on him and then slip out of the way and she would fall over! She always had the most surprised look on her face as she got up! She quit leaning on him, but she never quit doing it to me….she must have known I wasn’t that fast. She was half Welsh and half Shetland and I think she had a touch of mule….the most stubborn, but smart animal I ever owned…loved the silly old thing. We rescued her from someone who couldn’t afford to feed her. She was a skinny bag of bones when we got her…at least 15 years old, we were never sure of her age. We fattened her up and we kept her for 5 or 6 years and then when I got too big to ride her she moved to a friends farm that kept horses for a summer camp. She lived to be at least 24 years old. I bet I rode her 10,000 miles when I had her. I rode all day, every day, all summer. I loved that little stinker. She was my best friend. She also could smell a bear a quarter of a mile away, so she always kept me safe. Thanks for reminding me about her Hug

    Shirley- I love how you write…you can ALWAYS make me laugh. All this talk about stinky boys makes me glad I have GIRLS even if they won’t keep their bathroom clean

    Robin – good to see you posting…sending you big hugs

    MB – I need more info on rescue tape…sounds like magic

    Anne- hope you are getting some extra rest.
    Liz – sending you a hug

    Nicki- sending you a hug cause I love ya…don’t touch the rashes on the patients…Ewwwwwwww!

    Drats…got a phone call that took up my time and now I’m running late….more later girls…love ya all

    Deb C
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    I've been keeping up with reading, but not posting lately. We've been dealing with family crisis at my house (what's new?)

    Joseph, 15, who hasn't gone to school for over a week, had completely clammed up. Well, yesterday, I smelled smoke, and he had been playing with some fire on paper in his room, and it dropped and burned a huge spot in the carpet. It scared the "" out of him, so he ended up hiding in a closet. The gist of the story is, I think it shook him up, we took the door knob off his door, and he started talking. My dh called the school to see if they would do a home-bound program for him and they suggested we home school him the rest of the year. Great! I was trying to avoid that, but if I must, I must. I've also taken on some after school tutoring, so am extremely busy.

    Jacob, the one with the lump on his neck, has his biopsy tomorrow. I am anxious to see how that goes.

    As for me, my upper back is really hurting. In fact, last night it hurt so bad I couldn't sleep. I hope it's not my lungs. I am afraid of pneumonia. I had it right after I finished rads and ended up in the hospital for 10 days. Don't have time for that.

    Sorry this is all about me, but very stressed right now.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,

    I am making time at lunch, because my internet at home is down for some reason. Comcast is supposed to be out today… we’ll see.

    Did anyone experience arm pain (aches and sort of a heavy feeling) during rads that WASN’T lymphedema? When I told my onc this morning about how my arm feels, she sort of fluffed it off and said it wasn’t LE, but I’m not convinced. I’m going to mention it to the Med Onc’s PA when I see her tomorrow.

    Once again, time to read not write. My fingers are so wanting to keep typing but I have to do computer orientation for the new gal at work. This pace can’t keep up forever.

    Hopefully I'll be back this evening.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey to all my CG friends! I have a meeting in 10 minutes, but just wanted to pop in and say hello. I'm getting way behind on posts again - it drives me a little crazy - probably because I'm so anal!

    G - OK, well have a nice trip. Don't you just really wonder about people who truly believe such craziness?

    shok - that commercial is so funny!

    Nicki - scabies! I used to threaten Warren with getting rickets (because he refused to eat fruits and veggies) and for some reason I feel like scabies falls into the same category of pirate diseases!

    Welcome back CherylG - nice to see you!!!

    Sheri - Oh my goodness. My brother went through quite a little phase, including playing with fire (literally) at your son's age. The good news is he came through it and is now a fine, upstanding CPA. The bad news is he made my parent's life hell for quite a while - drugs, car crashes, drinking, you name it he did it! Hang in there!

    Really have to run, but a big hello to everyone
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls hope all is well around the globe.

    Madison:thank you for your kind words,that is why i love all of you ,you make me feel that I am important.

    Cheri:I sent you a pm.

    Beth:Please call anytime you want,things have calmed down abit now that the baby is here.

    The EVIL sneaked in last night sometime and out before dawn.He dosent want to face me.And this aint no motel either.SO somethings gotta give.
    May wait till Cheri's ankle is better and anyone else who wants to come we can have a whop ass part i would love it I smile at the very thought of it.

    Thats all for now.gotta go watch the baby so jasmine can take a shower.Karen and noelle are off to town and i am going to take some much needed rest before i start cleaning the house.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    ok here is the site for that'll love it...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon ladies,

    Wow we are certainly a chatty bunch! I actually read last night after I got home from Tuckers baseball game and started typing my post then attempted to post and didnt copy and paste and whammmmmm,,it was gone. Needless to say I reeled off a couple of words and probably made up some and didnt attempt to go back on again. It was my first nighttime post also at about 11 pm, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ok enough whining for now anyway.

    Robin I was sure hoping EVIL wouldnt come home last night. So is this an internet love since she is in Canada? Just being nosey. We love you and I am not far at all from TN so if you need my and Mazer to come up and open up a can of whoop ass then say the word. 2 metsters have to stick together ya know?

    Vicki-laughing my butt off that 2 kittens have a name. They are cute ya know? For some reason I dont think my 11 dogs would welcome a kitten into their loving home. Bandit is a cute name. I have an australian cattle dog, aka blue heeler named Bandie after Crash Bandicoot.

    Nicki-I had coffee with half and half this morning and it was a good morning. I thought of you when I poured my cup. I dont get up in time to drink coffee at home though. I drink it in a sippy on the way to work.

    NS-moving huh? well if you dont get BC there I bet it would cure mets too so I'm going with you. Thinking of you on the port insertion. I hated mine but when they dig for my veins now I wish I still had it in a way. I only want it on chemo days though and no other time.

    Beth-glad the visit with the PS went well. I didnt do that part so thats all greek to me. Not sure if I ever will so you never know.

    Anne I didnt do rads so cant help with the question but sure sounds possible to me.

    Sherndon-we dont care if the post is all about you. We are here for you regardless what you talk about. Glad the fire scared the crap out of your son though cause it sounds like he deserved it. Do ya'll have boot camp for teens that dont attend school? We do here and might help to let him go for a day to see what he is facing if he doesnt get up and go to school.

    Deb-loved the pony story. One of the donkeys, Lucy, did that exact thing. Glad you rescued the pony cause she had a great home with you all. As far as boys stinking, yep no doubt about it. My mom had us 4 girls and she told me last night at Tuckers ballgame that she had heard boys were just different than girls but not only different they just smell, don't they? I couldnt help but die laughing!

    Sige, I loved STOMP also and would encourage anyone to see it.

    Shel-we can help you with your pics cause we want to see it. I would love to get a new tat but not sure where I would get it on my body. Can't have it showing all the time ya know? Sorry to hear you are still dealing with work crap.

    Adriona-wow long post last night. I'm impressed.

    Cheri-sorry to hear you have a sick little one. Give him a big donkey hug from Mazer Tazer.

    MB-sneaking in at work huh? Shame on you!,,,lol. Couldnt resist since I am doing the same thing.

    Shokk-you can keep all those tornados out your way cause Alabama doesnt need them. Glad to hear nobody was hurt.

    Bayyore-glad to hear you are enjoying your garden. Nothing like playing in the dirt is there.

    Shirley-glad you survived the trip. My nephews wife is a navy person and getting out in June and they are moving to Alabama from Virginia. Cant wait to have them closer. They are fun to hang out with. Sorry you had nightmares and glad the boys got your car back before you woke up,,lol.

    Puppy-glad to see you stopping by. We miss you when we dont see a post from you.

    Madision glad to hear Radar is well. Power of the circle girls I tell ya.

    CMB-glad to know I am not the only one that admits to being anal. lol.

    Susan-Dont think I saw a post from you or is it just my chemo brain?

    SO's family left this morning from CT on their way to Alabama to visit us. Lets just hope they dont bring the rain with them. We actually know that they left this morning which is better than they usually do and call and say, we are in Chattanooga! Talk about panic and major house clean action. Yikes!

    Farm update-Getting the stinky buck tonight along with Sapphire and the little wethered boy. He has a name but we will change it. Going to have to get the camera going and post some pics. Farm is growing in leaps and bounds and I am slacking on my pictures. All registered Nigerian dwarfs so we are excited. This is the father and mother of mocha java bean that we got last week so Precious Pea would have a friend. Little did we know Precious Pea doesnt like goat friends and insteads prefers to lay beside the rat terrier. I think we are raising a spoiled goat what do you think? Oh well, the other pygmy goat warmed right up to mocha java bean so they are best buddies. Life is never dull is it?

    ok gotta get some work done. Bye for now. Amy

    MB funny-I googled yesterday and read all about it and told my SO about it last night. Gotta order some no doubt.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Dear, sheri....this is for you....HUGS HUGS HUGS...please NEVER appologize for venting here or telling us how you feel....that's what friends are for....

    please check out with the state education dept, if the school system has to help by providing tutors for your son...I know if you miss school for "illnesses" here the school has to provide the tutors...especially with the conflicts you may have now with him...

    Please take care of yourself and make sure to take time to rest
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    I hate to bust in here with bad news but we have a sister that needs our support.

    Lisa40 from Alpharetta Georgia has been diagnosed with brain mets. I know she was triple neg and has an 11 year old daughter. I think it went to her lungs first but dont quote me on that. Regardless it is in her brain now and probably 20-30 lesions. She is starting rads asap.

    Pulling Lisa to the middle of circle because we have a sister that needs us.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    praying and holding lisa's hand....

    throwing some logs on the fire

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Sending love and support to Lisa.