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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    I DID IT

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Jankay...what a beautiful pic..
    thankyou for sharing
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls, quick post to let you guys know how much I appreciate each of you.

    I need to learn to say NO! The ACS Relay for Life is May 11th. A good friend who was doing the accounting lost her brother in a tragic accident last week - so I agreed to take the job over. I know - I'm such a sucker. I felt like it was the right thing to do. Now I'm trying to play catch up. LOL Hey it will all work out right? I was the Honorary Chairperson last year. At least I don't have to stand up and tell my story this year!

    Be back later kids.

    Love ya
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Thought I'd post early and maybe, just maybe not spend hours on here this evening. No guarantee..but thought I'd shock the DH!

    Liz: It is so hard to say NO! I'm so sorry about your friends brother.. You'll be glad you did it in the long run!

    NS: Hoping the port insertion went well today.
    Madison: I've been meaning to ask about Radar..sorry. I am glad to hear the report..prayers are answered. That was a very nice piece you wrote about working on the Afghans.

    Cy: A new baby on May 23rd.!! Isn't it nice to have something so wonderful to look forward to?!

    Shirley: I see you survived the Airport run! Two rooms smelling like the Large size can of Lysol! Love Google, find anything there!

    Hold on.....Dog just puked all over the Carpet. I don't do puke..but I'm the only one home. Last night, she used the living room as a toilet. So much for clean carpets..I'll be scrubbing them again. I think she has dementia and has become incontinent.........I guess you might say that My Job Has Gone To The DOGS!!

    Anyhow Shirley:Watch that Fog. It scares the crap out of me. It was a Thick, Fog that caused my son's fatal accident.
    I didn't realize that so many diseases caused Osteo. Seen I'm on my way to Osteo..I better be looking into it.

    Joyce: Where are You? How is Kevin doing?

    Bayyore: 2 weeks left of Chemo. That's great news!

    Beth: Glad your Mom didn't break anything in her fall. I hope your appt. went well.

    Shokk: Another tornadoe? I hope you aren't locked in the closet with kids and animals again! Stay safe.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Okay, meant to hit edit and hit continue, so now I'll continue.

    MB: A quickie at work yet! Have you no respect?!?!

    Vickie: Love that Kid of yours. So how many kitties are you keeping?

    Deb: No's called break-up? Interesting..
    I say that we have Robin ship Evil to your folks and bury him in the muddy driveway! Oops if a car happens to get stuck on top of him.

    Robin: Stay strong and see my post to Deb. Like the suggestion?
    You're right, you are not running a motel. Tell him it ain't Motel 6 and you're not Leaving the light on for him. (or however that saying goes!)

    Sheri: You are sure having a run with those boys. I don't know which is scarier..a fifteen year old starting a fire OR a fifteen year old hiding in the closet. I'm sure he scared himself, but hiding in the closet while his room is on fire.
    That is scary.
    I do hope Jacobs biopsy gives you some good news tomorrow. Do let us know.
    Back to Joseph..will he LET you Home School? It doesn't seem like he'd be to cooperative at this time in his life. I'd see about an alternative high school....if he is old enough. Best wishes, dear.

    Anne: I don't really remember pain from Rads. However, the form they made for me to position during treatments, called for surgery arm to be over my head. I remember that being hard. Maybe that's it..

    Colleen: Hello to you and Warren!

    Amy: I had to re-read your post. Let's see: You have 11 dogs..Now you are getting some "registered dwarfs" and one of them is a "stinky buck"(deer) that wears Sapphires and wethered a boy. The "dwarf" or the "stinky buck" are the parents of "Mocha Java Bean" which sounds like the "dwarf" and the "stinky Buck" stopped for coffee. And Precious Pea just wants to be loved!!!!

    Amy: On a serious note: Lisa is in the center of the circle and my prayers are with her.

    Jankay: WooHoo, 2 of learning how to post pictures in one week!!!!

    If I don't get back tonight, you are all in my thoughts!

    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Today was a wild and crazy day, but Im home now so all is good.

    Madison: The test is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I get injected at 8:30am, have and x-ray of my rt. femur, then go back 3 HOURS later for the bone scan. Thank goodness work understands - no problem going in late, but geez - Im gonna be hanging out at the hospital all morning!

    Puppy: No strike? This is good!

    Sherloc: 4 1/2 hour drive! My goodness. I always look at the length of time driving vs taking an airplane and going to one of my favorite places. Sooo lets see if I got on a plane in Chicago I would be landing in Las Vegas in that amount of time. Sures seems like along time.

    Holly: Its so good to see you. When I was getting chemo, I felt alot like you are feeling now. 2 more left? Whoo hoo. The countdown is almost over. I had a beautiful garden the summer/fall of 2005. Thats when I was getting chemo. My garden got me through the insanity. And yummy to raspberries and strawberries. This is for you.


    Beth: Wow! That was alot in one post. Im almost dizzy from reading it lol. Life sure has been on the wire for you lately. Make sure you mom doesnt have a urinary tract infection. Probably one of the biggest reasons for someone to fall.

    Shokk: Whats up? With you its tornados and with me its scabies!

    Vickie and PurpleMB: Well I can see the 2 of you worked hard today.

    Debc: Well you sure have been a weather predictor for us here in Chicago. When it was cold there, about a week later it would be cold here. So I'm glad your getting your warm-up. That means Spring is really, really on its way.

    Ok! Im running out of time. Dinner is almost ready. I know I have missed many of you.

    Sheri, Cheri, Jankay, Denise - oh geez and everyone else. Have a nice evening.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Denise you summed it up very well. Regardless I am off to pick up a stinky buck goat when I leave here in 10 minutes. I can't wait cause I am so excited.

    Hello Nicki I see you posting above me and I will let Mazer know we have an early morning trip to Chicago and she will be so excited.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    This could be my house and kinda reminds me of Jake being at Madisions.


  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls!

    I went to genetic counseling today and basically she said that I can get tested because of my age (37 at dx) regardless of my family history. But because of my family history (lots of cancer, but no breast or ovarian in anyone closely related) there is only a 6.8% chance that I will test positive. So we will see!

    I am exhausted...started work at 6:00AM, went to rads at 9:00, back to work by 10:00, left at 1:00 for 2 1/2 hours of counseling (included wait time, paperwork time, and time to get my blood drawn), back to work by 3:30, pick up kids at 5:00, throw some dinner at them, help them finish homework, and now my day is DONE! WOO HOO! And now to the couch to collapse!

    I did not have the motivation to take notes, but I am keeping up with everyone and you are all in my prayers!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Amy: OMG! I loved the pic.


    Kristin: Dont you worry about taking notes. Your life is crazy right now. I just like it when you check in and say hello.

    Vickie: See ya in the morning.

    Liz: My dearest friend. Good luck with taking over the race. I would not have the energy.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone..just rushing in for a moment..

    Last night we went to a Volunteer Recognition dinner on Board the USS Midway where my DH is a volunteer..Very nice and beautiful lilac covered tables on the Hanger Deck..the mayor of San Diego dropped by to wish everyone well..there were sooooo many volunteers with soooo many hours donated..I was so impressed!!!

    And I could not pass up this rose at my friend's what else is new, huh


    Vickie..I just mailed off some more squares..Madison I have more for you you gals have too many??

    Sending all my good thoughts to everyone who had to withstand the horrible weather...hugs..

    More later...
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Denise:I love your suggestion.Believe me he dosent want to face me now.He has just about drove me nuts this past 2 years plus.I am sure a jury of my peers would understand he had it coming.And he didnt even leave a friggin tip on the bar this morning before he left.

    Amy:Of coure it is an internet affair.This one has been going on for over a year,I looked up cell phone records last night until my head hurt.I dont love him anymore thats for sure,I just hate him,but there is still a little part of me that still hurts and that pain is not going to go away until he does.I did get the gals phone number and called and told her husband what was going on he weas very nice and thanked me.Then they get the number changed and she gets a cell phone.She called the house the other night and acted like she was from the insurance company.She cant even speak decent English.Why does he want someone like that over me? His cell phone bill for this month is 19 pages long it is sickening.I told him he is sick.I dont know honestly what he will do when all he has is his computer women.But he best get ready to find out.
    No we are not far away at all.I would love to come and visit you sometime like we talked about last year before my ca comes back.Hopefully I am going to have only 2 month of chemo well that is what I have decided to do and then have another rfa to get rid of the last little spots.Then hopefully I can have recon and be on the road again.I will always be on some type of maintaince but after 2 more months no more chemo for me I have made that decision.

    Shel:Where is lini?I havent heard from her in ages.How are you doing? Please pm me sometime.

    bayyore02:welcome back.I missed you.I have been gone for awhile also and am just getting back in the grove of things and meeting new people.

    It is dreary and rainy here today and my shoulder aches.My house needs cleaning and i dont have the gumption to do it and tomorrow aint looking so good either as I have chemo on thursdays and that ruins my day.
    Have a good evening
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy:I forgot to tell you I will also be praying for Lisa.That is my biggest fear that this will keep coming back to haunt me like it did the last time after just 4 months of NED.
    I pray God holds her hand and helps her thrut this trying time.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Today is almost over. Just have to eat dinner with dh and relax with the laundry.

    Nicki, I don't think she has a UTI. She has not been wearing Depends for about a month now so it would have turned up before this, don't you think? I rely on the rn's like you to answer these kind of questions. She did say her knee gave way and it was at 5 AM so who knows. Oh to be a fly on the wall sometimes. She also had a visit to the dentist today I shlepped her to and she was good without them all day! BTW, have you ever heard of meds playing havoc with your teeth? She all of a sudden wracked with problems.

    Robin, we have the internet affair in common! it was one of the many things that broke us up. We really need to talk, girlfriend. I will try to call you over teh enxt couple of days.

    {{{Lisa}}} Hugs and showers of love and support go out to you.

    Hi again Puppy.

    Vickie, my typos sometimes get me in trouble, LOL. Yup, there really should be a batroom at her place too! UMMMmmm, so yeah, just how many kittens are you keeping? Love that kid of yours, especially when I am having trouble with mine.

    Is there something in the atmosphere with these teen boys? Mind if I vent some? My ds just received 2 in-school suspensions today. Why? Because during the lockdown drill he couldn't keep from chattering. And then he ended up hitting another kid in the private parts, as his principal called them. He apparently missed the first time and went ahead and connected the 2nd try. I can't wait to see his report card. He is really missing the mark at school and it is gettign worse. And...yes, he smells like BOY. Wish I had a girl to balance it out!

    Hello to all the rest of you wonderful ladies. I am not forgetting anyone intentionally but just had a rough day. I will try to stop back later.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    hello all,
    Cheri you were the only one to challenge me on my alleged wonderful, insightful post. I was surprised. I thought I would get rasberries from everybody. DebC you did put a note to me in your long post but it just said "Susan" no message. I thought that was laugh out loud funny. Cheri, I hope you can still spell diahrhea... diharrea... diarreah... oh well you know what I mean. I hope you are feeling better. And DebC I remembered what I was going to tell you last night. well at least part of it. It's hard being the go-to girl for cancer and we needed to find you some new hobbies so when someone brings up cancer you can say "yes and did I show you the latest xyz I just made. It was so much fun". Now if I could just remember the rest of the post.

    Amy I said something about you and SO starting a farm for animals belonging to cancer patients who couldn't take care of them anymore. We would have fun raisers so you wouldn't have to work anymore. You could hire help. Hey, maybe you could hire me. I think this started because of the kittens Vickie found. I noticed that Nathan has already named them. Not a good sign there.

    what else, oh yes, there was something to you Liz. I think I was gonna go get Cheri and drive to Ponca City. Can't remember what we were gonna do...something with blue drinks, I guess.

    And Robin, I told you how much I hated your husband. (That's still true today, BTW)

    Denise, I kinda like your idea of sending Robins creepo ex to Deb parents so they can bury him in the muddy driveway. Very original idea there.

    Margaret, I'm sure I asked you why your boy was so smelly?

    Amy I had to look at the refrigerator picture 3 different times before I "got it". sheeesh

    socallisa, nice pictures!!

    Nicki, will be there with you tomorrow. hugs

    Have we heard from NS yet?

    Holly welcome back. Also CherylG. Sorry you have been working so much.

    Also, no has asked to see my boobs either.

    well there's more to be said. but the brain has gone into pause mode. my dh just reminded me that I needed to go shopping. woohoo.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Susan:I think I hate him more than you.I was just downstairs doing laundry and i thought to myself "self what the f^(*&^9 is the matter with you has the ca went to YOUR Brain,why do his laundry"so I made him a basket with his dirty clothes and i mean dirty as I havent done laundry in over a week now and left him a note and told him to have at it.I am not washing his clothes not even knowing where he has been.I must say I am proud of myself.
    And susan I am way due a phone call.I have chemo tomorrow and should be home around 130 cst.Hopefully you can call me tomorrow or when you want.

    Beth:I cant wait to talk to you.I hate so that someone has went thru what I am going thru now.It is just awful.How can men and I mean a 52 year old man be so stupid?It is going to be his loss.I am going to live and survive and find someone else and try it again just to spite him if for no other reason.He thinks I cant live without him now he has another think coming.Please call as soon as you can I cant wait to talk to you.

    I cant wait till I get boobies I think I am going to show everyone I come within 6 f eet of sort of like the customer service rule.When I walk in krogers,walmart,the mall yard sales,heck why not.I might even rent a bilboard with them on it.If I do that I will send the picture out to all.

    Now I have a serious question.For you that have been on chemo along time greater than 2 years lets say have any of you had any problems with your teeth? I think this chemo is killing my teeth.They have turned this terrible color brown and now the fillings are falling out.I have one fell out tonite and my dentist in not in until monday and I look like well you get the picture.I tried to glue it in but the glue wont hold so i dont know what I am going to do now.and I have chemo tomorrow.I am not going to talk,I will write a sign that says i have laryngitis.No wait,I have to see the doc tomorrow.I just will look down and talk and not laugh.Well i dont care about the doc see me.
    Ok enough about teeth.anyone else with this problem? I am seriously thinking about having them all pulled and get falsies for now.I just cant keep getting them filled and they look terrible.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi All! I made it back. I am going to bed early, but decided to give myself a few minutes to read and type.

    I am laughing at myself. The first couple of months I couldn’t wait until I’d learned enough at this new job to not have to try to look busy – now my desk is buried and I zoom all day. I do love the job though. I’ve never had one where I felt so appreciated.

    Amy – I love hearing about all your animals. They are sort of virtual pets for me since I don’t have a real one.

    G – Venezuela? I think if that ‘interesting’ idea were true the whole population of the world would be moving there! Hoping the port insertion went well.

    Sherndon – I’m glad it was just a hole in the rug. I have no thoughts as to how to get him to go – mine went to school very willingly. They just would never, ever do homework.

    Yes, boys stink! DS forgot to pack his deodorant last week. My, my, my – how quickly one forgets that distinctive reek.

    MB – I love it when you post from work. Makes me not feel so bad when I’m doing the same thing!

    Madison – That is very happy news about Radar. I pray that his healing continues to go well.

    Shirley – Your stories make me glad my boys don’t drive. (I know that sounds weird, but neither ever wanted to learn before they moved away from home.) I have to give special credit to my Army son’s Sergeant Major, who is teaching him – using his own vehicle! Now that is a great NCO.

    Lisa40 is in my prayers.

    Jankay – Great picture!

    Liz – I’ll teach you to say no as soon as I learn how! <LOL>

    Nicki – I’ll be holding your hand during the bone scan tomorrow; hoping and praying for good results! Who’s driving the carpet???

    Kristin – You are making me tired just reading about your day!

    Lisa – You have such Beautiful roses! I think my whole folder of desktop pictures are from your garden!

    Beth – my old college roommate and her DH have 3 girls. From the stories she tells they aren’t always easier than the boys. Hugs about your son – I do understand how frustrating that stuff is!

    Hi and hugs to everyone else. The timer I set to remind me it’s time for bed just went off. I will see you all tomorrow!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Robin - My dentist told me you could temporarily stick a crown back on with toothpaste. I don't know if it'll work with a filling, but it might be worth a try. Good luck!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters!
    Wow you have been a chatty bunch! Hard to keep up and I need to start checking in earlier before I'm so tired.
    Here is a picture of part of my drive to work yesterday...

    This is a poor dafodil plant at work today...sniff sniff

    Good night Nicki...sweet dreams to you.
    Amy...praying for Lisa. We will keep her in the center. Nate is naming all the kittens...oh my. What's a mom to do. I told him MAYBE we could keep ONE but that would be it.
    Robin...I'll come with Amy with a can of whoop ass! Would have so much fun with that!
    Jankay...your getting good at the pictures! I love it. can vent here all day if you need to. Sending you a big hug. Wish I could do more and if I can just let me know. Praying for good biopsy report tomorrow.
    Denise...your job has gone to the dogs...oh stomach couldn't take that LOL. ONE KITTEN!...I am such a sucker for those big brown eyes. He is really good about taking care of the pets though. Never has to be told.
    Gina...hope you are doing well. Probably sleepy so get some rest...big hugs to you.
    Amy and Lisa...I love the pictures.
    Beth...had to laugh at your typo. My workplace feels like a batroom most of the time...we are all batty. I fear I will have the same problems as all of you as Nate gets older...he's always thinking and I just know its gonna get him in trouble. brain is stuck in pause mode most of the time LOL. Hugs to you.
    Liz...sending you a hug too.
    Cheri...where are you? Hope that baby is feeling better.
    Magic carpet ride for Nicki in the morning...I think you guys let Cheri drive cuz I nearly fell off the back. Good thing I duct taped myself down. Geez.
    Hey I showed the girls at work my boobs. Whipped em right out at lunchtime and passed them around. They were pretty curious and pretty impressed LOL.
    My friend Kim went for her mammogram and all was clear...yippee...I was so worried about her.
    Tomorrow is the anniversary of my last chemo!!! Wow...seems so strange. Seems like yesterday and then seems like years ago.
    Sending hugs to everyone. sorry to all I missed...not much sleep last night and just whipped. Off to bed with me. Hopefully the kittens under Nates bed will sleep and he won't be up so early tomorrow morning.
    Love ya all
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Thanks Annie will try it.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Ahhhhh.....Beth....let's see.....your son gets two in school suspensions because he can't keep from chatting during practice lock down.....geez I wonder were he gets that behavior from????????......girl you are just too funny...........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I laid down and took a nap earlier and I'm not sure if I can remember what I'd read before then but I'll try.

    Thanks to everyone who asked about my grandbaby. He did well today but just a few minutes ago he started the coughing and throwing up again. Amber has started giving his breathing treatments. He coughs so hard it causes him to get sick. He's got some asthma.

    Madison, good news about Radar.

    Puppy, glad that your dh's job isn't going to be on strike.

    Shirley, thank you. I don't like boring. When you coming back, I must've missed a post.

    Amy, prayers for Lisa.

    Nicki, good luck with your scans/tests tomorrow. I'll be there bright and early with the Magic Carpet. We'll be holding your hand but you know you're alright. But it'll be good to ease your mind.

    Did ya'll get that? Bubble wrap up ladies we goin to the Windy City! It'll feel like air surfing, Yippeeee! But Amy you are going to have to move your ass from out behind me while I'm driving cos he breathes down my neck. (and I'm afraid I'll start liking it) Mazer to the back of the carpet. Vickie, you ridin shotgun? Help me watch out for those pesky Magic Carpet Cops. Gotta lot of stops to make.

    Lisa, beautiful pics, as usual.

    Robin, good for you for telling the internet woman's husband about them. Next time, maybe you should tell HER about your having mets and explain it to her and just tell her what kind of man he really is. One of those "Woman to Woman" talks. That'd tick him off. lol Be real nice to her and make him look like the snake that he really is. Any hurt feelings you have because of him is just your pride. Your beautiful dammit!

    Susan, the key word for your funny, insightful, LOST post from last night is...alleged. I can't believe that slicked right past everyone, well, not everyone. You do keep me on my toes. lol That's what I like about you. teehee

    Hey to Deb, Anne, Sheri, Kristen, Colleen, Jankay, Denise, Shokk, Shel, and I think that's all that's posted since last i have.

    Janny, Iris, Lini, Gina, where are you girls, and several more.

    Wishing everyone a nice evening and a good nights rest.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Susan _ LOL…I can’t believe I wrote your name and that was it! What ever I was going to say must have been wonderful and insightful….

    Vickie –So, you have 3 new kittens huh? If they have names you are SO out of luck…they are YOURS girlfriend. LOL Nate will be such a happy camper with 3 new kitties to keep him warm at night. Pllleeeeease mom???

    I took my Dramamine early, so I am ready for the magic carpet in the morning. Hey Nicki, I want some good pizza if I’m coming all the way to the windy city…let’s get take-out once you’re done. Everything seems better after a big old slab of Chicago style sausage pizza.

    I’m trying to fight off the cold my whole family has. I’m off to the recliner.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Evening ladies, I have a few minutes so am checking in.

    Madison and Cheri, the bid is not up until tomorrow - what was I thinking?

    Cheri, hope gs is feeling better.

    Puppy, want me to send you instructions for posting pics?

    Shirley, this boy smell is going to go away with the updating - he will not eat or drink in there after the carpet goes in.

    Holly, good to see you post; hope you are feeling good and only two weeks left to go.

    Deb, I never realized that your time zone is different than mine, and don't worry, it's a toss-up as to whether boys are worse than girls when it comes to keeping the bathroom clean. Does anyone else have kids who totally miss the sink and gets the faucet when brushing their teeth???? How do you do that?

    Sheri, good luck with Jacob's biopsy tomorrow. As far as your 15-year old, maybe an alternative school would be good. My son lost all motivation to go to school after the coach wouldn't let him play football in his sr. year. I didn't know if he would graduate and he kept asking me to go to an alternative high school - we put him there and what a difference - no, he didn't graduate from the school where he spent 3 years and 9 months but he graduated on time and went from failing to a 3.2 GPA. He felt like a success instead of a failure.

    Putting Lisa in the middle of the circle.

    Jankay, great job and a great pic.

    Liz, it is hard to learn to say no; it took me a long time to do it but now I only do what I want to.

    Susan, no explanation for why my son smells like boy but he does; it's not like he's not clean but he does smell like boy.

    Vickie, I had my eyes closed today on the carpet - was Cheri driving? Pick me up tomorrow please for Nicki.

    Robin, you've been doing EVIL's (or is it VILE's?? - same thing isn't it?) laundry - what were you thinking???

    NS, hope you rested this afternoon.

    To anyone not listed, I didn't mention you but you are all in my thoughts.

    Night all.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Robin when I did chemo, I had two root canals with crowns. both roots got so soft they broke and I had to get the teeth pulled. I think it's kinda common for chemo to soften your teeth. you are not alone.

    if you are taking bisphosphonates check with onc before you get them pulled. you can have problems with infections and exposed bone (osteonecrosis of the jaw). I know what you are thinking "great - another problem". I'll try and call tomorrow afternoon.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Robin just another thought about Evil's phone bill. Is the phone in both your names? If it is cancel it and get your own! If it's not and it's in his only DON"T PAY THE BILL they will cut it off after that amount is due!

    OK Fog story and it's true!
    We were station at the base in El Centro CA but always wanted to go back to San Diego to go skating, so we would come in very early in the morning. Well El Centro is in the dessert and the only road to it goes right through an onion field and a cattle farm. Now what you get when you mix onion filds, cattle farm and hot hot temps in the middle of the night??? Yucky, green fog that you can't see through and can't stand to breath as you go through it! Boy was I glad to move away from there!

    I have 3 Girls and 1 boy and not a one of them kept anything clean but none really smelled!
    Hubby is the one that I have to worry about. He worked in a chemical plant as a young adult and ever since has the worst smelling sweat when he sleeps!
    But he is a great housekeeper!

    Susan, are you sure you posted last night???? I didn't see anything!!!!!

    Holly glad you only had one night in the hospital and you are fully hydrated now. Please stay that way so you can finish your chemo and be done with it!

    Lisa, it's so cool that we are having our grandkids a day apart! Is yours a boy or a girl? Hayden was suppose to be scheduled for the 18th but her Dr. didn't get the refferal in to the other guy in time. and they won't do it on the 25th which was the other day they wanted so the 23rd it shall be!

    NS, hope you are resting and doing well tonight.

    Nicki, we will be with you tomorrow.

    know there are many missing I hope they pop in to let us know they are OK.

    hugs & Prayers and Lisa 40 is in the center!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning,

    Woke up early so I could be ready for the carpet ride to Nicki's appointment.

    I woke up at 3:00 this morning and knew that so many needed thoughts and prays….

    Nicki, we are coming..(Cheri’s driving so we may make a hard landing lol)

    G, how are you? I know you will let us know today…yesterday was probably a long day for you.
    Cheri, how is the sick one? I was working on some squares last night (your light green-so spring looking ones).. Do you have the bubble wrap ready for this morning. I’m sure we are going to do some fast traveling.
    Puppy, the afghan is wrapped, addressed and going out today!! Thank you for the information you provided.
    Amy, how are the new additions to the family? Oh, how I wish I could have ridden with you to get the new additions. I remember going with my dad to get our new sheep (a gazillion years ago)…Did they all settle in to their new home? My middle daughter does not like Jake…she was here last night and could not quit laughing at the picture of the dog on the refrigerator!!!
    JANKAY, you are absolutely beautiful!!! Good morning to you.
    Liz, I bet NO is not in your vocabulary…you will do a great job for The ACS Relay for Life
    Sheri, we will also swing by and be there for your son’s biopsy. I’m so sorry things are difficult and never feel you can’t come to circle to talk to us…we are here to give you support. How is your back this morning?
    Denise, how old is your dog? Do you think a Vet could prescribed medicine?
    bayyore02, your garden sounds yummy. I agree with everyone..would love to see some pictures.
    Beth, glad your Mom’s fall wasn’t serious. I never thought multi-tasking would be caring for 3 generations – kids, parents, and husbands…
    Kristin, the sofa by 6:30 is a great place for you….rest as much as you can.
    Lisa, beautiful pictures…and no I never have too many squares.
    Shokk, tornado’s are scary. Glad you are okay.
    Margaret-hummm bid day is today? Did you get it?
    Shirley, hope you are having a great visit with your son. My military daughter called yesterday and said “I need to speak to Dad”..what…she wanted to talk in acronyms again!!!!
    MB, you have a young 25 year old son….I have 3 daughters-all unmarried…I may have to see if I can bring a few with me to Pinkstock. DH was outnumbered in this house…3 daughters, 2 female dogs, 1 female cat….he never really knew what to do when the hormones were out of control.
    Vickie, how is Nate and the kittens? I know, you aren’t keeping any. I sure hope Sarah can go to Pinkstock. I would love to meet her. Vicki, I just read you have five -5- kittens…oh my….
    Deb, your spring sounds like ours – NO SPRING….you go from winter to melt…we go from winter to HOT… I loved your horse story!!!
    Anne, I did have some pain during rads..mainly because the arm has to go over the head for treatment. Treatment ended for me in July and by September I was in the ER with a frozen shoulder….talk to the rad doc and see if there is anything you can do to ease the discomfort.
    Colleen, hello.
    Susan, if you ever decide to go see Liz in OK (this summer), let me know..DD will be living there beginning July 1.
    CY, I have 3 daughters and NOT ONE kept their bathrooms clean!!!
    I know I missed someone…
    Okay, Cheri-I have coffee ready….Deb will bring the cinnamon buns for Mazer Tazer…we are off to the Windy City and then to be with Sher and her son….

    Good morning Iris, just saw your post!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...trying this again as I posted in the afghan thread and then tried to post here and it wouldn't let me...boardaholic withdrawls!!!
    Good morning Madison!
    Good morning sisters,
    Wake up Nicki and get ready for your magic carpet ride. Cheri says I get to ride shotgun! Better wrap yourself in bubble wrap. We are all with you today and holding your hand. Everything will be fine. Praying for it to be! Love you sunshine sister.
    Sheri...picking up you and your son for the biopsy too so better get ready...Cheri is a crazy driver. Oh like that. better be ready, I seem to remember that Sheri likes roller coasters. Gonna have to bring along some barf bags this morning.
    Gina...hope you are feeling well. Thinking of you.
    Five kittens!! Only keeping ONE...just ONE!!
    Good morning to Deb, Liz, Susan, Margaret, Shel, Colleen, Cheryl, Robin, oh heck...not awake yet.
    I love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
