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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good morning Madison and Vickie. Im laughing right now, cause my life is such a routine. Get up, feed the animals, let the dog out, give them water, make coffee and come to the computer. And of course thinking about going to work! I totally forgot about my appointment this morning. So I guess Im not too worried about it lol.

    Lisa: The volunteer dinner sounded wonderful. Glad you and your husband had a good time. There is alot of stuff going on in the hospitals to thank the Volunteers. Think I might put a bunch of pens in my bag and give them out. The hospital volunteers are my friends!

    Beth: I beleive that medications can cause a whole bunch of problems with teeth and gums. I know Dilatin can cause hyperplasia of the gums and Fosamax can cause necrosis of the jaw bone. Glad its not a UTI. Even though "Sunrise" is our big comptetition here in Chicago - its a good AL facility and its probably one of the best places for your mom to be. Hoping it was just an incidental fall.

    Robin: You can get special "bonding" stuff at your local pharmacy. Works better than glue! And pretty inexpensive too. Im proud of you! I cant believe he expects you to wash his clothing while your getting chemo and dealing with a fractured shoulder. Enough is enough already! Just tell me when he is on the computer and I will take care of him.


    Vickie: I think of all the pictures I have seen posted, that penguin on is my absolute favorite. My hydrangenia started blooming about 2 weeks ago but the cold weather killed all the sprouting leaves. I hope it starts to bloom again. It was my favorite perennial that I planted last year.

    Cheri and Debc: Yes the Windy City indeed. Dress warm, gonna have 30 mile gusts from off Lake Michigan. Can make things a bit chilly. OH yes - Chicago Style Pizza and Italian Beef. Sounds good to me.

    OK! This early morning post is short and sweet. Gotta take a shower and get ready to leave. Man! I have to leave earlier than I do when Im going to work. Unfair I say.

    Have a great day.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2007
    Hi there!
    I have not read far enough back to catch up completely. Just wanted to say hi to you,Nicki, and wish you well today. I will be thinking of you and on the magic carpet w/you. Feel like a Steppenwolf song from the old days as I will be singing along as we ride that roller coaster! We,truly,are in sync as my name(middle) is Angel,too. I saw that abt your sister and it was like we have this connection on this thread. Thanks for thinking of always know how to make me feel special. Love the pics! You have so many friends and just feel the warmth as you are at the appt;will be waiting to hear how it goes. that Snoopy pic! How do you find them all? I think a barf bag is a great idea for me. Those were the days as my heart would be wild these days. Glad you survived the wild weather woes there. Hope you and Nate are doing well. are so neat! Thanks for including me and thinking of me last wk. I read back for a few pgs and really do appreciate being thought of during a challenging time. It gets better each day. Hope you,Amber and all the grandkids are OK. I have not caught up yet abt the wreck. How bad was the damage? all those Disney friends. Esp my buddy,Tinkerbell! Always have loved her and Goofy. Hope your therapy is going well and almost finished.

    Cy...was reading that abt the onion/fog story. Must have been a real smell in the air as onions are so distinctive. Green fog sounds almost like a movie scene!

    Gina...hope that you have a great day. Glad your onc is a kind soul as you so deserve it. Have been thinking of you and wishing you all the best from here. Got my ns button that I have kept close.

    Lisa...what beautiful flowers you always post! There was one that looked like irises. I enjoy the California scenes that you share.

    Amy...hope everyone is well there and the April weather is more normal. My parents had some snow a few wks back. Hope you are doing well and I had to smile abt the lost post. It happens with me and I am sorry that you lost yours.

    Hi,Robin! Hope that your new little one is home by now. Hope you are feeling well today and have a good Thurs.

    Bayyore...glad that you posted and that your strawberry patch is coming along. Used to have those in Alabama as a child. Nothing better than fresh ones...

    To all the other circle girls....hello and have a great Thursday!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Just popped in really quick to wish Nicki good wishes this morning! Sheri, prayers are with you and your ds too.

    Shokk, I don't know what you are talking about? Where on earth could my ds have a talking tendency from? When I was a teen, my mom thought the phone was growing out of my ear! Seriously though, I knew then and now when to shut up. Gotta get it through to him!

    Happy Thursday all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Iris: It is so gosh darn good to see you!


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good morning cg's.....its a quite morning in the neighborhood..Hey Nicki your right about the hosiptal volenteers......I told my girls if there is ever a day that I get to retire or win the lottery that is exactly how I would spend my days....volenteering at the hosiptal.......dittos to what Iris said about you Nicki.....good luck still......its always so cold in those rooms.....NS thinking about you please check in as soon as possible....Hey Beth messing with you a little bit.....its stepmom is one of these people that never meets a dad and her travel alot and when they are on long flights my dad says by the time they get to were they are going my stepmom knows everyone on the plane and is literally have a party (my stepmom loves to knock a few back).....anyway you remind me of her (I don't know if you drink) but you just have one of those personalities that are very out going and friendly and I bet your son is the same way......right?....Amy loved the is so sad about Lisa......but Gina is right they have all kind of treatments now....she is in my prayers.......all right guys I will check back in when I get to work.....geez I had a stressful day yesterday....I knew there must be a reason why I didn't what to go.....bbl

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls, geez this is early!

    Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers today for their appointments etc. I have the dreaded gyn appt today for my 3 mth pap.

    I'll read and catch up later. Waiting for the magic carpet to come by.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Happy Anniversary Vickie to finishing chemo one year ago!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    G'Morning cg girls
    glad to see all is well. Today is therapy day wish me well. I dont know if i will be walking 100ft.but i will be walking. Madison thank u for the complement. The cancer in iamHere4u is new ----NOT A RECURRENCE.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Girls,

    Just popping in to wish all who have appts today the best. I know Nicki has scan and Madison has US..all will be fine. Because I just know, that's why!

    Blessings to all..
    Vickie: year!! What did you decide on for Celebration?

    Amy: Did you get the new ones last night? I love animals and hope you are gonna post pics for us.

    Hugs to all,

    p.s. Amy: I was referring to the little goats when I asked if you "got the new ones." Just didn't sound good the way I phrased it!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Sneaking in at work....shh...

    Happy Anniversary Vickie!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007 gals are the best. Thank you. Haven't figured out a celebration yet. Feel kind of funny about today. It's just an uneasy, happy, sad, strange thought that only a year ago I was at this moment hooked up for my last chemo.
    can't explain it but really happy that year is behind me!
    Love ya all
    (sneakin in at work too LOL)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Iris..your back...missed you!
    Tinkerbell is doin the happy dance for you.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Happy Anniversary Vickie!

    Well the port is in and it hurt a lot. I MEAN A LOT. I have no range of motion in that arm and of course he put it on the left side where I have the bad LE.

    He told me my activities would be very restricted while it is in... no gardening, swimming, no nothin!


    This is really really really starting to all get to me!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok and's sappy Vickie time.
    I want to write and thank each and every one of you for all you've done for me, all you've been to me, all you mean to me. You have been my family, my sisters, my friends, my angels this past year. You have picked me up and dusted me off many times, made me laugh, made me hope, made me believe, been more than I could have ever asked for.
    I had many days when I didn't think I could do it one more day and you were all here. Holding me up. I couldn't have done it without you.
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are, for all you mean to me and for all you've done for me.
    I love you...each and every one!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Gina - interesting as once the soreness went away with mine - I could do anything. Hang in there - mine hurt for a few days also.

    Gentle hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    OH Gina...mine was terribly sore for about four days after it was put in and I hated it. I wanted it OUT! I had pain up my neck did get better. I was never really comfortable with it and was happy to have it out but I was really skinny and it just seemed like it was too big. Praying it will get better and I'm pretty sure it will.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. I'm not used to getting up as early as I've had to the past few days and I'm not liking it. I always have the baby on tues/thurs if Amber works so he's here today. His coughing is better and I think he's feeling better. Thanks to all who asked.

    Nicki, we'll be there for your tests with you today. Everything is going to go fine.

    Iris, so there you are. Don't stay away so long you know we worry.

    Liz, good luck at your yucky dr. appt. today.

    Vickie, congrats on your anniversary date of last chemo. How do you girls remember all that stuff? I know I ended chemo sometime in the month of July 06 but don't know the date. I guess I just stuck my head in the sand or live in denial or something. Anyway, Vicks, celebrate your day with something wild and thrilling! Or just have cake.

    Jankay, hope you do well at therapy today.

    Gina, my goodness, what kind of port did you get that you can't do anything with? Mine was terrible going in, too, but it doesn't hinder my activities. I've still got it and hate to part with it cos I have lousy veins, it has came in handy for other things besides chemo.

    Hey to Madison, Margaret, Robin, Shokk, Denise, and CY. Also, to everyone else that haven't posted yet.

    I think my stomach flu is finally subsiding. Whew. I started to think there really might be something wrong with me. Sooo glad there wasn't, too tired to deal with any extra. I'm feeling a little on the grumpy side this morning. I haven't had enough sleep this week for one thing. I don't get grouchy very often, glad the boys are at school and Ambers at work. I just have the baby but I can't be grouchy with him...unless he kicks me in the chest again on purpose when I'm changing him, or hits me with that metal toy truck he keeps shaking at me in a threatening manner. Then grandma might get a little irritable with him. Otherwise, we'll do alright. Janny, I know what you're talking about with your grandkids. Mine are spoiled too. Ethan's not a brat, though. This little one is. I told Amber if she didn't do something with him nobody was ever going to like him. He's not got a friendly personality to start with.

    You all have a nice day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, back atcha sweetie. Have a wonderful day. Don't dwell on the negative things in your life in the past. Leave the ghosts where they belong.

    cheri (we luv you too)
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, just wanted to say Happy Anniversary. Hope you and Nate do something wonderful in celebration. Love you lots, sweetie!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Just in for a sec..for Vickie

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Vickie you seem to have roller coaster issues........anyway congrat on one yr since the last chemo...who wouldn't have so many different feelings'll be ok your strong and a survivor and you are in the right place here on the boards....we all understand why this is a happy and sad time all at the same time.......Cheri we are going to be the "tall girl squad" I am 5'10' also.....its no wonder you are feeling so run down....its got to be that stomache sure and drink as many fluids as you are probably dehydrated and don't relialize it.....give that baby a shot of benadryl and take a nap.....ha........NS so sorry you are sore today....I take it that 5 yrs ago you didn't have a port.....I believe in the long run you will be so glad that you have I have said before I loved my port.....when the dx removed it (and gave it to me) I don't mean he hit left a scar he gave me some stuff to minimize the scar but I never used it....I liked it.....brb....

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!

    yay for vickie..... congrats my friend....
    omg who is on that bike on that humongus rollercoaster.......hahahahahahahahahaha omg could you imagine!!!!!!!
    hey ns thinking about you girlfriend!!!! i am so sorry your going through this crap!!!!if i could take your pain i would in a heartbeat!!
    well it must be just about that time of the month for me as i am a serious #$%$#..... omg i am so emotionally wierded out!!!
    well back to work i get
    have a great day ladies
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    hey all, I'm up and ready for the carpet to pick me up. Gotta see Nicki's docs and then off to seeSheri and then Liz.

    NS my port really bothered me at first. I HATED it. In a month it will be fine.

    Jankay, that's really good news for iamHere4u. Woohoo!!!

    Vicki that's really a cute picture.

    Cheri so glad yo are feeling better. don't overdo with the kids now!!! Sounds like Kevin is getting to you again. You are bigger than he is just sit on him. LOL I'm so mean.

    Iris, I'm doing great. Glad to see you here.

    hugs and prayers for Lisa40. Bless you.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Tracey Happy Birthday Kiddo.......I am going to post a recipe for you on your other thread.....have a blast this weekend......(who is close to Tracey in case someone needs to bail her out of jail?)....ha......remember its your cleaning,no cooking,no kid duty......your on break........good morning Madison, Lisa (beautiful flower pics), Anne and Kristin our radiation gals.....the one good thing I remember about rads is I stopped waking up at 3:00a.m. every night......,Denise,Liz,Beth,Susan, and everyone else thats up......Good Afternoon DebC....check back in later......

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet ladies.I am off to chemo.Boy I am to the point to where I dread it more each week.I am going to have a long talk with Mark today.
    For those of you who remember Jan and her finger episode last winter? Well her hand looks wonderful i could not believe it.Although they took the finger off completley it is done in such a way that she looks like she still has 4 fingers on that hand.I thought about that last night after I went to bed and thought I would give an update.
    I woke up at 4am coughing my head off,I have had a terrible head cold for 2 weeks now so i got up and slurped some niguil and finally went back to sleep around 6 am.I gotta start getting up earlier but I dont want to see THE EVIL's face anymore.
    Well talk to all you later on this evening,got laundry waiting on me when I get home.I gave the house a lick and a promise yesterday and called it clean.
    Hugs to all of you
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007


  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007

    hey vickie congrats, i just had my one year anniversary too. but i didn't realize it till i read your post lol!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Vickie...whoo hoo...

    Madison, just bring on the girls,, but here are his requirements,(lol) must love the out doors, snow too, old cars, hot rods, camping, fishing.oh yeah hunting...and the list goes why he's still single, but really handsome...and animals, he has bunnies, cats & dogs...

    Ok work thig really stinks this time of year, and lots to do before the boss goes away for vacation next week...whoo hoo lots of chat

    take care all...once again if i don't mention you by name know I'm thinking of you....
    and those of you missing the weigh in at the Spa...I'm looking for you...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey Shel...happy anniverary to you too and congratulations. Time for a drink!!!

    Someday MB and I are gonna be standin on the street corner jobless and begging due to our board addiction LOL!
    sneakin back out again
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    my thursday fun pages....


    Ouside my window a new day I see.
    And only I can determine what kind of day it will be.
    It can be busy and sunny, laughing and gay,
    Or boring and cold unhappy and grey.
    My own state of mind is the determining key,
    For I am only the person I let myself be.
    I can be thoughtful and do all I can to help.
    Or be selfish and think just of myself.
    I can enjoy what i do and make it seem fun,
    Or gripe and complain and make it hard on someone.
    I can be patient with those who may not understand.
    Or belittle and hurt them as much as I can. But I have faith in myself and believe what I say. And I personally intend to make the best of this day.....



    The reading of a will is a dead giveaway.
    What you sieze is what you get.
    When chemists die we barium.
    When two egosists meet , It's a I for an I.
    Alot if money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.
    Once you've seen one shopping centre, you've seen a mall.
    Every calander's day are numbered!!!!

    hahahahah i know how sick........