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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Congratulations Vickie, every milestone is something to celebrate.

    Nicki, how were your scans?

    Gina, sorry your port is so painful. They put mine in with my mastectomy, so I really didn't notice it too much. Was glad to get it out, though.

    You have all been so helpful and supportive with my troubles. I think I like roller coasters so much because that's my life! Jacob met with the ENT today and he only scheduled the biopsy. I guess they are doing it at the hospital next Wed. The good news is this dr thinks there is an 80% chance it's benign. I know how much we hate stats, but right now I'll take those odds.

    My dh talked to the director of Pupil Personell, and he also suggested we homeschool the rest of the year. We could get "home bound", but you have to jump through a bunch of hoops. My school is opening a high school next year, so I'm planning to send him there. As far as his working with me, it's the funniest thing. As soon as the dam broke (when he started talking again) he's become the sweet son he used to be. It was like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders. I'm putting together a curriculum to finish the year. He has promised to work. If he does, he may slowly earn back some of his privileges. We had taken away almost everything from him.

    I've now got the runny nose, cold thing. Just trying to keep it from getting bad.

    Thanks for all your help.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon all!

    I just used most of my lunch hour trying to catch up. Impossible!!! I couldn't even take notes.

    Vickie, congratulations on your 1 yr. anniversary!!!!! Are you enjoying the kitties? I love kittens!

    Robin, I wish that the ground would just open up and swallow the Evil.

    Nicki, how was your scan?? I'm sure all will be ok. I'll be back when I get home to drink some wine with you. Right now, I'm just "whining" .

    NS, I'm sorry your port is so painful. You have certainly had your share of crap lately . Hopefully, you will be feeling better in a couple of days.

    I was so busy yesterday, I had no time to come here. I was out shopping most of the day and cleaning up the house from when the little ones were here. After dinner, I just crashed. I talked to my son and he tells me that little AJ, the 2 yr. old, is now sleeping through the night! I said it must be Pop Pop's magic touch. He slept with him when they were here .

    Amy, it sounds like the farm is really coming together!! It seems like you are going into the goat raising business!

    Cheri, I missed you! I guess you are getting pretty excited about your surgery. It's coming up real soon!

    I will try to check in when I get home tonight. Sending a big hello to all.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    afternoon, i think I still have a find boardaholics annonymus.....

    sheri so glad things are working out for you...had a tough time with one of my sons is a fight...but keep up the good work...

    Jan. so glad your recooping from the graands..I know I need a rest after mine go home...and Fridays are my babysitting

    ok to all this site has meant so much to me...I hope it brings you warmth and love and a shoulder to cry on when you need it...

    take care and have a great weekend...see you all on monday...
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls, I went to the dreaded pap and while I was there I had my gyn check the area of concern that's been hurting me. He's such a sweetie. I asked him for a bone scan and I have it on Monday. So I'll have the results, etc. before I go see my onc. on the 2nd. LOL Let's all chant now - arthritis and old age.

    Okay, need to finish the laundry and catch up here.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok finally getting back on here. Geesh work is busy and they know I have to get online so why do all of these people bug me? Vickie and MB I will be standing with you begging cause we will need something to pay for our internet access ya know?!?

    Nicki-Wow what a ride this morning. Cheri was looping all over the place. I think its because Mazer is blowing on her neck and she forgets that she is driving. Chanting B9 for ya.

    Cheri-Mazer said she is not going to the back of the carpet cause Madision gave her a pilots hat and therefore she gets to drive. You know how stubborn an ass can be ya know?!? Quit denying it though because you know you love the hot breath on your neck.

    Madison-glad your daughter liked the pic. I just died laughing when I got it and had to post it because it is alot like my house.

    Sherndon-glad the son is coming around and I hate you are having to put more on yourself. I will take 80% any day of the week so I know how you feel.

    Biker-glad to see you popping in,,thought the posse was going to have to come find you. Dont let work interfere with your boards now, got it?

    Susan-love the idea about the farm and we have actually discussed that. So when are you moving to Alabama?

    Liz-aww the lovely pap. YUCK! Glad you are getting the bone scan cause that will help you. Never thought we would be cheering for arthritis did ya?

    Shel-congrats on your 1 year also. I have so many different freaking anniversaries that I dont know what to celebrate. I know my 1st chemo ended in Jan of 05 but no idea what date.

    Funny story-back in August my mom called me as I was driving home from work. Just talking away and she says, well how was today? I'm thinking,,hmm heck mom like any other day,,why do you ask? She says well this is the day you originally found out you had BC and I thought it might be a hard day for you. I just died laughing and said, well guess not since I didnt even know it was today. Kinda hard to remember days when your head is buried so far in the sand.

    Gina sorry the port is so painful. I hated mine so I can understand.

    Got the new lil goatees home last night and they settled right in. They are the cutest things. Gotta get some pics of them so you all can see. We will start breeding soon so takes 150 days to have a baby and that will be exciting to say the least. Then comes goat milk and making goat milk soap. Awww cant wait. Life on the farm.
    Mazer was all excited to have new babies there last night and she just wants to play. The mom goat rared up as if to say, listen here, I dont know what you are but I'm the boss. Mazer just looked at her as if to say,,geesh, whats wrong with you I'm just playing.

    Robin-hope your chemo day was as good as it could be. Yuck yuck yuck. I go every other Friday so I know the dread. I go next Friday for a PET, EKG and CT to check progress of the drugs on my bones. Hopefully I will hear the big NED but doctor says doesnt happen much on bone cancer but he doesnt know everything ya know!

    OH Cheri or anybody else that can answer this. My walmart only has the circle knifty knitter. Is that what ya'll are using?

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Shel - Happy Anniversary kiddo! Wish I looked like you. You're beautiful!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    arthritis arthritis arthritis arthritis
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    (((Amy)))...we know more than any doctor LOL!
    Rectangular knifty knitter is easier to use. The have them at Michaels and AC Moore if you have one in your area.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hey Deb:

    Hop over to the MI Survivors. They are wondering when you will be in MI!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,
    Popping in again, I'm actually leaving the house for the evening. It'll be a short evening.......but I never go anywhere when I get home.

    Amy: I use the pinkish long loom. They are quite inexpensive. If you would like me to mail you one, just let me know..I'd be glad to! Waiting to see the goats!

    NS: Sorry the port hurt so bad. Hopefully you regain some ROM in arm and the Doc will lift SOME of the restrictions in time. I'm sure things are really getting to you.Understandably so my dear. You are one strong woman, but you've had enough.
    Special Hugs to you.

    Vickie: You are so sweet! All you do for everyone and you reach out and praise us...Thank you!

    Cheri: Hope your flu is finally leaving do you spell diarea???? I'm glad the tyke is feeling better, I was so hoping that he didn't pick up Grams bug.

    Lisa: You post such beautiful Pics. Love them!

    Robin: You mean a "lick and a promise" isn't proper housecleaning? Bummer........I use that method all the time!

    Tracey: I love the "Thursday Funnies" keep them coming!

    Liz: Arthritis, definitely arthritis.

    Hoping to hear from all with procedures and tests before I hit the sheets!

    If not tonight, I'll see ya in the morning!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok thanks on the knifty knitter. Lets remember I am in a two bit town and lucky to have a wally world much less a Michaels. We do have a hobby lobby so I can check there.

    Denise is going out tonight. wooohoo,,probably cause of those quickies you were doing earlier in the week or was that last week?

    Robin-I always do the lick and a promise also. If Evil wants it clean he can clean it after he finished his laundry,,lmao. I'm loving it. Internet love affair huh? So when is he moving to Canada? Ok evil thoughts here but does he go in chat rooms? Would love to sign on and yank his chain a while. ohhhhhhhhh evil but nobody deserves it more than him. What fun I could have.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Ladies

    Taking a break from work to check in...

    Robin, Oh my goodness, feel better! I'm only a little over a year out from chemo, but I do feel like my teeth were affected. Not as badly as what you're talking about, but my dentist said he thought I would need a root canal on one tooth in the next year or two. I'm about 18 months out of chemo. How is that cute little baby doing?

    Anne - that's awesome that you feel appreciated at your job! It makes it so much easier to go to work I'll bet! That's funny that you set a timer to limit your screen time - I do that with my son!!

    Vickie - I can't believe those pictures! I love that little video clip with the penguins. Makes me laugh every single time!

    Cheri - Oh my goodness, sorry that little baby is sick again! Isn't he the one that was real sick a while back? I can't remember now.

    DebC - I just had Domino's sausage pizza with my son and his grandmas (my ex-MIL I guess, but we are close and she is up visiting from Florida) Anyway, it was a POOR substitute for real pizza! Hope you don't get the cold, if its like the one that is making the rounds here in New England it's NASTY!

    Margaret - I laughed at the "my son smells like boy" comment! My son doesn't smell yet, but I'm sure that's coming. I guess that's one thing I don't miss about Tim, I had to put an air freshener in my closet cause it smelled like "boy" because of him!

    CY - Fog creeps me out most of the time, scares me at night when it's close to the road and you drive through it. Green fog? I'm not even sure what to think about that!

    Madison - hey there yourself! Yum, cinnamon buns and coffee. Warren and I were feeling kind of low this weekend, so I bought a tube of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and we had them for breakfast! I burned the bottom a little (can't even just open a darned tube and bake LOL) but they were still good!

    Vickie - whoa! that roller coaster picture made me dizzy!

    Nicki - thanks for the pizza! Hope all goes well today, did you bring something to do for the 3 hour wait? Or were you going to go to work in the interim? Would be nice if you could just take that time to relax or pamper yourself.

    Hi Iris - hope you are well!

    Hi Beth

    Hi shokk - hope you have a better day today!

    Liz - hope the appt goes well - wear warm socks!!

    jankay - good luck at therapy today

    Hi Denise - how goes it?

    G - man oh man, I'm sorry this is just one torment after another for you! I'm sure he knows what he's talking about, but the no activities seems kind of backwards doesn't it? You'd think they would be encouraging activity to keep the range of motion, etc. Hugs to you xoxo

    Vickie - Awwww, you're the best too!

    Tracey - I probably missed this, but what's happening with the job situation? Did you take the promotion? It's your birthday? Happy Birthday to you!!

    Susan - I'm pretty sure you don't have a mean bone in your body, well, at least not when it comes to kids or animals LOL

    Sheri - glad to hear things sound promising with the homeschooling, take care of that cold!

    Jan - I know, every time I try to get on a regular schedule of checking in here, I only last a day or two. My schedule is too all over the place I guess. I finally just stopped stressing about it when I get behind, I just read whenever I can and every so often I do a marathon posting session (like today!) so I can feel connected.

    MB - have a great weekend!!

    lizws - arthritis and old age it is!! Have you heard about the Nora Ephron book called "I Feel Bad About My Neck"? I just read the back cover of my friend's copy, and it sounds SO funny! It's all about women and aging. The "arthritis and old age" reminded me of it.

    Amy - I've been having that same experience alot lately! The "that was when I was going through chemo so I can't really remember anything too well" explanation. My sister was talking about stuff that happened when she was up helping me, and I have no memory of it! Glad to hear about the goats!

    Phew!! I need to go get dinner going, but it felt so good to not only read (which I do every day) but also respond!! Love to all you girls...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    The day sucked! No other way to explain it. Got injected at 8:30 am and didnt get to work until 2PM. Grabbed all my paper crap and came home. Finially finished going through all that stuff and Im actually on Wine glass #2 - which is good - keeping me from going absolutely balistc.

    So they x-ray the right femur and the bone scan of the right femur - no problems. Then she say I want to take more pictures. Of my left side for goodness sake. Then when Im done, she has me go in the waiting room - says don't leave! Comes back in and tells me its ok to leave. I sorta know her from previous tests so I say "Everything looks good right, same like the bone scan 2 years ago?" She says "maybe fractured rib or SOMETHING ELSE

    So I walk out in total shock. Cant have a fractured left rib. It doesnt hurt there! No previous injury

    I should have know better, fool that I am. ER/PR negative, HER2 positive. BRCA2 positive. One positive lymph node. Only could get 12 rounds of Herceptin. Dang it anyways.

    So Im gonna hide it from my husband, but I cant cause he could tell from my voice I was not happy. Poor guy - in his own way he tells me how he wished I didnt go for any tests, its their job to find something so they can make more money. Said this isnt like EE! I come home and he walks outside to greet me so I know he is worried. And now he is in his own world, playing guitar. I know he is worried I can tell by his face. And I dont want him or anyone else to worry about me.

    Im pissed! I hate this fudging disease. Im tired of thinking about it and worring about every minute of my life.

    Let is fudging take me. I dont care anymore. Im tired of living like this.

    Wont get results until Monday or Tuesday, but my doctors know me as a nurse. Im gonna call tomorrow - all 3. My PCP, my ONC, and my surgeon. Im gonna tell them not to pull any punches. Give me a wet reading.

    Now, I will go on the internet and look up bone mets in particular mets to the rib! Cause I really dont know what else this could be. And Ill be looking up treatment for er/pr negative and her2 positive.

    Thats my story. End of story!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    OH my Nicki is gonna blow. Have another glass of wine and a hug dear girl. Aww what the anything outside you can go beat with a baseball bat?...sometimes thats even better!
    I'll be back and catch up.
    Love to all
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Geez Nicki - sorry it was a bad day for you. So tell me how they do the bone scan. I know they inject you then you go back. Do I have to take my clothes off? LOL Is it enclosed? Someone said wear warm socks? Okay back to reading.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Liz: They inject you 3 hours before the scan. I didnt have to take any clothes off. Didnt even need to take my watch off. Actually I could have slept through most of it. Until they did more shots of my ribs on my left side. Then I had to put my hands over my head for about 5 minutes.

    Its not really enclosed. They start you in this donut and do your head first then it moves backwards until they get to your feet.

    Vickie: Your darn tooting. I havent been this angry, ever in my life. I dont even know what this feeling is. Just ANGRY!


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Oh my gosh Nicki, Vickie is right,,you are going to blow! Sit back, take deep breath or a big sip whichever you prefer and personally I would go for the big sip. We love you honey and its all ok. Bone scans shows alot of false negatives from the words of my oncogists when they saw something on my rib,,guess what??? it was nothing.

    big sips Nicki,,Big sips!

    like this

    All those in favor of drinking with Nicki,,,

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Nicki - I'm sitting here talking to the screen as I read your post! I'm sorry that you didn't just get a simple "all set", but I'm still hoping that it all turns out to be nothing. Please keep us posted.

    Liz - despite being upset and angry for/with Nicki, I burst out laughing! I said to wear warm socks to the gyn for pap smear, as I hate having my poor little cold feet hanging out there in the stirrups!

    Nicki - hang in there, drink some more wine, don't worry about people worrying about you (I know easier said than done) and definitely call tomorrow!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007


    Cheri-Mazer said she is not going to the back of the carpet cause Madision gave her a pilots hat and therefore she gets to drive. You know how stubborn an ass can be ya know?!? Quit denying it though because you know you love the hot breath on your neck.

    very funny. i am LOLOLOL

    Colleen, if you spend more time online and less time on dinner maybe I would lose some weight.

    nicki, i'm sorry it wasn't the smooth ride we were hoping for. I hate it for you and for all of us. Remember what we tell newbies. This is the worst part, the not knowing. They are being extra careful. There may be something there and there may not. Odds are still in your favor that it's b9. If it's not then you will put together a plan and once again be victorious. Take a deep breath and a huge sip of wine and know that we are here for you. We won't let you down. When your husband comes up for air, go get a hug!

    I like your idea about getting some information from them tomorrow.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone..

    Played "old ladies tennis" this morning..then did my volunteer duties at our little museum and our local library..

    Liz..after they did my bone scan I could see my skeleton on the computer screen...looked like halloween!!!

    Cy..yes it is cool to have grandkids to be born a day we don't know yet if it is a boy or girl. My DIL is forty so she had amniocentesis..the doctor knows but they don't want to know..I do..I have three sons and a grandson so I am thinking pink!!

    Vicki..your picture of the rollacoaster is a

    Nicki...Wow..what a bone scan..don't jump the gun tho..I had a broken rib too on my first bone scan six years last two have been fine...

    Iris..good to see you

    Jankay..hope therapy day goes well..I know it is a struggle!! sorry about the port pain..((((hugs))))

    Cheri..hope all goes well with the baby..they are so cute, but tire us out!!

    Robin..hope chemo goes as well as it can..

    Shel..congrats to you too!! have alot on your plate..holding your hand...

    Jan..did the retail therapy work??

    Hi Amy!!

    Denise..have fun tonight

    Hugs Lisa
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Colleen - LOL Okay my gyn's office is always toasty and he has covers on the stirrups.

    Nicki - first off breathe. I can completely understand where you're at. This could be anything. You know that. We're going to think positive until we know otherwise. Call me if you want to. We'll get through this together.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, I'm going to have a glass or two of wine with you....WAITING IS NOT FUN....all will be okay!!!

    NS, I do hope you are not hurting as much!!

    I'll be back....I really do need some wine to drink with Nicki....
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy:Yes he does use chat rooms,he uses yahoo messanger but he changes his id so often who knows what it is.I would love for someone to make a fool of him if you can find him be my guest,I tried to myself but gave up.He hangs around the asian and canada rooms.He wants a woman who will bow down to him.

    Biker:I wish worse than that would happen to him,i am just so sick of him i cant stand to look at him.I have an idea brewing but wont know anything until i talk to the attorney but it involves me getting all and he gets nothing.Wish me luck.

    Congrats:vicki and shel.Shel I wish you would send me a pm sometime I would love to hear from you when you get a chance.

    Well the onc thinks my shoulder is not healing up properly and I have to be off avastin until it is healed,and i mentioned my port site of the tubing is draining a little and on inspection you can see the tubing.So I have to go back to the same sugeron in the morning to have more stitches put in.I tell you what I am getting so sick and tired of all this crap.I had a long list of complaints today but everyone was so busy as they are going on vacation and no one had time to listen to me.But I am not going away thats for sure.

    Nicki:I am so sorry,but I understand totally how you feel.SOme days i want to just stop everything and live the rest of my life in peace.I get so tired of fighting and worrying.We do not deserve this and I dont know why we have to go thru it.I am praying my heart out for you though.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Wow! I haven't been gone that long and so many post to read. Madison and all the afghan girls,Kevin received his afghan today. He really loves it! You are all so sweet to think of him.Thank you!
    Beth- I can't make Saturday..Hubby is going away and taking my car. Maybe next time.
    Sheri-Prayers for your son
    Vicki-Happy anniversery!
    G- I hated the port too but it does get better. I had mine removed in January and the incison still bothers me.
    Cheri-Hope you are feeling better.
    Nicki-I am so sorry you are going through this. I hate this disease and how it keeps following us. I will pray that you are B-9. We are all there for you.
    Hubby is going away golfing this weekend with my son Tom and friends. I'll have some time all to myself so I will check in more.
    Love to all,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, you are a nurse! Step back and take a deep breath!!
    There can be all kinds of reasons they want to take a better look. It is probably NOTHING!!! But, ya know, girlfriend, I'm drinkin' wine with you tonight! You will be fine. It is probaby just arthritis showing up.

    Robin, Good luck burying the Evil. I hope you get everything you want and he gets what he deserves!!! I like Amy's idea of "talking with him in a chat room". How funny would that be to set him up, the bastard!

    I don't have a whole lot of time to catch up. There is a lot of stuff goin' on here! I hope everyone is well and doing fine. When I told DH that I hadn't been here for a few days, he said I was getting too wrapped up in the site. Oh pooh!! I told him that you ladies were my friends and I loved you. He is truely great, but nobody really gets it but you guys. *Sniff* I wuv you....

    Now that the warmer weather looks like it may finally be upon us, I will be here less. We do go out on our cycle a lot and we do a lot of entertaining. If I'm gone for a couple of days, it has nothing to do with you, I'm just out! I'm probably out camping somewhere

    Seriously, I don't know how I would make it without you all. I feel like I truely belong here. I can post anything, and somebody understands. Thank you all! I'm not disappearing, I'll be here plenty, just maybe not as much.

    Bugs and fishes!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Just a quick pop in...oh my what a loong day. Went outside in the sunshine and got lots of cleaning up done. Next thing you know there are ambulances pulling in at the neighbors...Nathaniel freaked out! Thats his "Papa Neal" and "Donna Dear"...his pretend grandparents as he doesn't have any. He took off on a run and I'm right behind him telling him he had to wait...he's yelling "NO..NOT MY PAPA AND DONNA". Caught up with him and made him sit on the porch till I found out what was going on. She had fallen and was pretty banged up but talking and hopefully ok. Nathaniel came in and saw her but all he could say to the ambulance crew was "Are you gonna bring her back?'" He's calmed down now. I'm tired.
    Thank you all for you happy anniversary messages today. You are all the very best. I meant every word I said earlier about each of you. Couldn't have done it without you.
    I will check in in the morning and play catch up as I am off to lala land...wiped out again. Geez...does the exhaustion ever go away!
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers!
    Love and hugs all around
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Oh my goodness, poor Nathanial!! I'm glad everything will be ok. Happy anniversary, my girlfriend! You know we all love you lots!

    Good night, CGs. Time to watch the boob tube with DH! Til Manana!! Hasta la vista, baby!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    I sooo love ALL my girlfriends here...just had to say it one more time!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    We love you too!

  • Marsha56
    Marsha56 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2007
    Yesu to Vicki we do love you too! All the love quilts you have made for our sisters. hugs and love!
