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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy:I dont know how to get it and he keeps his computer locked tight as a drum.Do you know anyway I can get in?I would love to get into it.

    well i am off for more stitches in my port then to walmart but the thing is I get to go ALONE have not been anywhere alone since novemeber.

    Will let you know how the procedure went.

    Amy you and biker get your heads together and help me figure out something.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies

    I have the day off from work, and my daughters have the day off from school. We are going to make some time for Girl FUN! I wish I could have you all along for the day. We are going to do some baking and watch a movie or two. We may go to the pet store and get a few new fish for the new fish tank...we may just sit around in our jammies and read...something we ALL love to do.

    Amy - the mud is still wet and squishy…LOL Break-up is actually going better this year than some. We had a lot of below zero weather last winter before we got a deep snow cover. That means the frost went deeper in the ground…so when it melts the mud can be really crazy. Break-up is bad when the frost all goes out at once and the frozen dirt and water becomes liquid over night….it can make quite the mess of roads and paths. If the land is not disturbed while it melts and dries out, you just have some frost-heaves and then things dry out and smooth back out. If you disturb the ground it can turn in to a liquidy mud bog in mo time flat. In fact, going “mud bogging” with 4-wheelers and dirt bikes is a favorite break-up activity for some folks up here. Probably more than you EVER wanted to know about break-up! LOL

    John did find the leak in the shower. I have to give him credit because it was a weird one. The screw/bolt thing that holds the hand-held shower bracket to the wall rusted through because the builder forgot to caulk it. When my shorter daughter would adjust the shower to her height it would spray water at just the right angle to run down that rusted thing and drip in the wall. He had to cut a hole in the floor and the wall to finally find the leak, but it should be easy to fix now that he knows what the problem is. We have to replace a small floor board because this had been leaking for a while and there is a board that has mold on it…I’m not going to mess with that, so the board is OUT of here..

    OK…enough about me and my silly little problems. I am not going to start listing names, because I know my feeble brain will leave someone out. You know I love ya all! Keep the faith…we are here for you!

    Be back later
    Deb C
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Well, it is almost afternoon and am just getting around to checking in. Been a busy morning. I dropped dh off at work and went to see Mom who insisted I stay and have breakfast with her. Someone remind me nver to eat eggbeaters as scrambled eggs ever again! Yuck. Give me cholesterol and real eggs, LOL.

    I can't remember all the 50-some posts but...

    Gina, when my dad his port in he had some discomfort at first and it did turn out to be a small infection. Marge had no trouble at all. Each one is different. Get it checked out toot suite!

    Joyce, we will miss you on Saturday. I will prop up a pic of you so you can be with us in spirit. Looks like around 10 are coming to lunch, yippeee! {{{KEVIN}}} tell him love and hugs from me too! Glad he is enjoying his afghan.

    Puppy, speaking of love an hugs, to you too girlfriend. Saw some NASCAR stuff in the Avon catalog and thought of you, LOL! Larry wants to go to the Pocono 500 this year. I told him I would go too but he is on his own for the fishing trip in Wildwood....I will stay at the house and make BBQ for when they come back and keep the beer cold!

    Vickie, give Nate hugs for me. Does he want more Goosebump books? I remember the Animorphs too but we don't have them. Also have the Narnia collection when he gets up to that. His aunts and cousins will keep him busy reading all summer long!

    Nicki, let us know when you can. Like my friend Marge says with every PET and Muga scan, she hates the wait. She just celebrated her third anniversary of the end of chemo and is doing the Komen 3-day in October.

    Robin, I will give you a call before ds gets home from school. I was tied up all day yesterday and by the time I could get to the phone, he was home. I made it a personal rule not to talk about his father if he is in earshot.

    BTW, we call my ex "The Horseradish". It comes from a Yiddish proverb that says, 'If the worm had known about the apple, he would have crawled out fo the horseradish.' I like the Evil too, what a good moniker for a real creep. maybe we could hook up the Evil with dh's ex on the chat room. They sound like they would fit!

    Madison, what tests? Did I miss something? How did they go?

    Shokk, I am going on again aren't I? You are right about the chattering...ds comes by it naturally, LOL! Thanks for your pm, it meant a lot to me.

    Love to all the rest of you. Hugs going out to all! We are going out tonight to a dance and the rest of the weekend is a real busy one. Of course I will check in when I can.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Oh deb "mud bogging". I am beginning to think Alabama and Alaska has alot in common except for the weather factor. I would fit right in. All my animals would need bigger sweaters thats for sure. Oh high fives to hubby for being the leak finder. I agree,,out with the moldy board. That will just cause major problems.

    Beth-I dont talk about my ex in front of my son either. He can form his own opinion without my assistance. I have a name for my ex also but cant say it on here. Lets just say it has to do with a donkey.

    Puppy-didnt know you were a Nascar person. Talladega is about 30 minutes from me and boy howdy,,thats a party.

    Robin-does he have windows XP on his computer? I'm thinking,,I'm thinking.

    Jankay-woohoo 150 ft. You go girl! Proud of you.

    Robin-enjoy your alone time.

    Shokk-yep I am not a weekend online person unless I sign on late at night. We are stringing some more fence to give the bucks more room even though the inlaws are here cause it has to be done. It wont take us long though. We are getting to be pros at fencing I think.

    Happy birthday Tracey-Enjoy! Party time! Woohooo!!! Guess I will have to drink one tonight in your honor. You know I really wouldnt drink if you all didnt make me drink with you all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope all are having a good day. I have a dr. appt. here in town at 1:00 and I still haven't been in the shower yet. I do not like mornings, have I ever mentioned that? I have to get some bloodwork done for my surgery in Iowa and also have some tests set up down here & results sent to Iowa. My foot/ankle surgery is finally getting close. Hoping all my test results are a go.

    Jankay, you did well on your therapy yesterday. Walking 150' is wonderful but I know it wore you out.

    Amy, Mazer is more than safe with me. lol

    Nicki, let us know if you find anything out today.

    Vickie, good morning.

    Robin, good luck with your port. Get that user name and which chat room. We'll have some real fun with him. lol

    Hey to Shel, Tracey, Shokk, Deb, Susan, Janny, Sheri, Denise, Puppy, Iris and everyone else. Have a good afternoon.

    Gina, hope you're doing better, get that port checked out. Let us know about your mama.

    Mena, hope you're feeling better.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    Nicki, when I had a PET scan a year ago (routine) it showed a fractured rib. I was shocked because I didn't feel any pain, either. A month later and I had a bone scan. They did extra x rays because it still showed up as a hot spot. I had another PET scan a few months later and it seemed to have healed by then. I was convinced it was mets, but it really was only a fractured rib! My onc said the bones there were more brittle due to radiation, it was on my "bad" side. I hope yours turns out to be a similar situation.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    hi all,
    Jankay glad therapy went well. 150 ft. that's way longer than last time. good. but don't go too fast.

    Cheri isn't it against the law to mess with donkeys? poor mazer. Maybe you should call the police Amy.

    Puppy are you a NASCAR girl? How are things today? Still going to therapy?

    DebC I bet you and your daughters have fun. They are so fortunate to have you as a mom. Does it stay muddy long there? Does grass get brown in the summer or does it stay green all year long.

    Robin, do you know what site he hangs out on? It would really be fun to find him.

    see ya'll later. Cardinals vs. Cubs. I gotta go root on my boys. They are not quite living up to their world series champ status.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    good afternoon sweet ladies,
    taking a break from trying to clear my desk before the weekend to check in with one and all. Beautiful day outside and it's hard to sit here. Can't wait for quitting time so I can go home and get outside again. Haven't heard anything about Donna...a bit worried this time!
    Amy and Beth...Nathaniel would love books! I looked up the Animorph's books and they look like they would be right up his alley too! I would gladly pay you something for the books...please. He is like me and his big sissy...I could never keep her in books either. He built a tent over his bed and I walked by a couple of weeks ago and caught this little dancing light under his "tent" there reading by flashlight. I had to laugh cuz I did it myself. I swear my mother confinscated at least 50 flashlights from me over the years.
    Robin...I hope you have a good time shopping by yourself. Sometimes its nice to just "get away" from it all. Hope you bought yourself something special. You deserve it.

    Deb...boy are we going to have mud here! I don't care as long as it isn't snow! glad your drippy is fixed. That could be something like chinese water torture after a while.

    Sheri...sending a hug...are things a bit quieter for the moment. How is your neck feeling? Is the new medication working?

    Jankay...that's 50 feet further than last time!!! Wow and good for you.

    Cheri...are we drinking blew rinks this weekend...and just what is it you are doing to our poor baby Mazer LOL.

    Shokk..I have hair moments like that too LOL. Especially if I get caught out in the wind...I have been using gel and it helps a lot. Curls instead of fuzzies!

    Tracey...Is your birthday today or tomorrow. We cyber party girls are gonna bust in on your party so you better watch out!

    Iris...where did you go?

    Jeannie...sending you a hug. fast can you get your results so you don't have to worry about it. It's arthritis anyways but just want you to hear it before the weekend.

    Ok...supposed to be working...where is Jasmine again...hmmm...missing a bunch a girls!

    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi snuck in on me! Hugs to you.
    Puppy...I have actually been watching NASCAR LOL! Don't know who I like and who I don't but it is fun to watch. Sunday's race was fun...I like the wifes reaction to the winner (and I don't remember his name...heehee...not good with names!)
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    All who hate waiting for test results over the weekend
    Raise your Hand
    Grab the biggest bottle of wine..and the wine glass!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Good Afternoon CGs!

    Tracey, that was a beautiful poem. I'm not particularly religous either, but it brought a tear to my eye.

    Gina, now your port might be infected?? And your mom had a heart attack??? WTF is going on in your life!!! Geez, talk about a run of stinking bad luck! It can only get better from here. You are in my thoughts daily.

    Robin, and you have port problems too? I hope you enjoyed your time alone today. I am thinking dark, penetrating vibes toward the Evil. And beautiful healing vibes for you! How's the new baby doing?

    Nicki, when do you get your results back? I really don't think it is anything. I heard that those scans show every little ding in your bones and it usually turns out to be nothing. I didn't have a hangover today either. Thank goodness. When your friends didn't know what to say to you, we did. You know we will never run away from any dx. My friends kind of don't like to hear about it anymore either, so I just talk to DH and you guys! I'll be there to hold your hand and keep you company in the land of denial. I like it there myself .

    Amy, hmm, riding your own dirt bike? You go girl!! It is so funny that the baby goat is still in the kitchen. She's never going to leave you know. She has bonded with YOU .

    Shel, you have heart issues from A/C also? How did you find out?

    JanKay, yay! You walked 150'!! Keep up the good work.

    My boss was being really pissy with his assistant, who is 6 mos. pregnant. All of a sudden she started yelling at him, came up front, grabbed her coat and slammed out of the office. Me and our hygienist just stood there with our mouths hanging open! He is a big baby and is always cursing under his breath, slamming drawers, and punching the wall. She couldn't take it anymore. We called her and talked her into coming back. We could not stop laughing. He was almost down on his knees kissing her feet . We have been telling him for years how bad that looks in front of patients. Today he agreed and promised to control his bratty temper. We shall see!

    Gotta go for now! I'll be back later.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good afternoon ladies....
    ah i was busy this morning so didnt get a chance to really peek in here..... my bday is today but my party is tomorrow night... hahah my boss called me and the staff here bought me a delicious chocolaite cake....
    hey sue glad you liked that poem
    well i have to behave tonight so i can be well rested for tomorrow night

    be back soon
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Susan I thought of calling the local sheriff cause in my town we dont have police but I figured by the time they find where I live it would be useless anyway and besides I dont think I need the sheriff knowing my address,,lol. Besides Cheri really hurt mazers feelings this morning when she said Mazer didnt have anything to worry about. She will be pouting for days and it will be all Cheri's fault.

    Vicki-I wouldnt want anything for the animorph books because Tucker is done with them and they arent doing us any good and I know how hard it is to keep books ready and available for them to read. Is he too old for the Captain underpants books? We have those too. Glad to know I wasnt the only one reading in a tent with a flashlight. Hmmm,,I still do except its with a booklight. I guess I moved up in the world.

    Madison-Raising a beer cause I hate waiting also. I go next Friday for the works, PET, CT and EKG and Fridays are even worse cause that leaves the whole weekend where you know you wont find out anything.

    Sheri-Glad your PET was a false alarm also.

    Happy Birthday Tracey-Drink one for me tomorrow or two or three.

    Yep I have a dirt bike. I've always had dirt bikes and not changing things now. I do think sometimes that if I fell it wouldnt not be good and I am not near as daring as I used to be but that happens with age anyway and not just the BC. I love riding. I am working on convincing the SO that we both need street bikes but she isnt crazy about motorcycles so will take me a while. Heck she gets scared on Tuckers dirtbike and its just a 125. Funny as heck to watch though because I am constantly saying,,"pick your feet up" I didn t know you could ride in 1st gear that long. A 4 wheeler is a different story though,,4 wheels and she feels like she is in control.

    ok gotta run get some work done.

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007

    <---------------is absolutely is her one-year cancer survivor anniversary and she is excited!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I am so happy for all the new found joy you have in your life and so grateful for all the joy you have brought to mine just by being here.


    I have no updates on anything yet- not my mom or my port from hell.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Amy...never heard of the Captain Underpants books!?!? Nate is eight and will read just about anything though.

    Time to go home
    Love ya all
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Thanks G!!!

    By the way, I have made a sacrificial offering of a hospital bed to the gods of the port from hell...perhaps it will work...perhaps not. Time will tell.


    PS: heh heh
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    i have a muga scan alternating with an echo every month. my baseline muga was ok, after 2nd AC it tanked out. the ejection fraction never recovered and my only symptom was shortness off breath once in a while. i am over a year done with the AC part of chemo and have been told it is highly unlikely that my "pump will improve".

    AC is known to cause heart damage occaisonally, and i never had issues before, nor did i have herceptin, so i'm just one of the "lucky ones" lol!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Back from the "wonderful" inservice/training!

    I've read over the post and see I wasn't mentioned for my Long Preach this morning....That's good, It came out of my head and my fingers just kept on typing............Worried that I blabbed to long.

    I hate when they keep you waiting all weekend for results. There has to be a way to get immediate results on most US and scans.

    To all, have a great weekend, and be well!
    Tracey: Have a wonderful Birthday Bash!

    NS: Prayers for both you and your Mom. Keep us updated, please.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well it certainly pays to be a Nutty Nurse who can be pushy when she wants to be. So I paged my PCP - who I just love - at the hospital this morning while he was making rounds. Yes I did. I had them over head page him. He picked up the phone and was able tp pull up the preliminary report. The bone scan showed increased uptake in my right hip and ribs. The x-ray of the hip and femur came back normal so he had me go get x-rays of my ribs.

    So I go back to the hospital and he ordered x-rays of my right ribs. I said oh no, thats wrong its my left side. Yadayadayada. He had them show me the typed preliminary report and it was my right ribs after all.

    As soon as I had the x-rays done, I went right to his office - no appointment - and said he had to call them for a preliminary result or give me xanax IV! Got a call from him about 2 hours later. I have 2 fractured ribs! The radiologist told him he is hesitant to say no METS until the final report, but he thought the x-ray looked good and I shouldnt worry, other than do a follow up to see if they are healing!

    The only time I had any pain was when I had a cold. It hurt like heck to cough and I thought it was pleuracy or something. Guess I broke them from coughing.

    I am so relieved I didnt have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. He said he would call me when he got the final report but that I should just go enjoy the week-end and not worry.

    I did eat mash potatoes and gravy today! And now Im drinking wine again, but this time because Im so relieved.

    My administrator really understood. She let me go to the hospital and changed my day to train the guy from corportate to Monday and Tuesday. So I didnt even have to go into work today. After the x-rays I just went out and about to evaluate patients.

    BTW! I totally bypassed my onc! Thats cause I knew my PCP would do what I wanted him to.

    Now Im gonna go back and read everyone's posts.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Oh, Oh, Nicki - Good News - please tell

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hey there Vicki (I'm still at my office...shhh-don't tell)

    I'm gonna have a celebratory (sp) drink for you Nicki!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It's certainly been an interesting day. I had an appt. with my ppo to have some blood work and some other tests for my foot surgery next month. They have to send the bloodwork out so I have to go back before 11:00 monday to have it done. They did a chest x-ray and it actually looked alright. They scheduled my doppler for early tues. morning in Springfield. I talked to him about this feeling I've been having the past few days where it's like theres a tight cap on the top of my head, it doesn't hurt, just pressure. But my arms, legs, feet and hands have been falling asleep. When I sit on the cammode my legs go to sleep. Hummm. Yesterday when I got up from my nap the pressure from my head was gone but as I sat here I felt like my mouth was trying to pull to the left! Scared my to death. Amber & Ethan were at Soccer practice so I was here alone with Triston and the baby. I wondered what would happen if I had a stroke. Then my SIL got 'home'from work and I let him know what was going on just in case. Which he promptly dismissed. While typing my fingers want to draw up. I hope my dr doesn't let me sit here and have a stroke while waiting to have my head CT on tuesday. He thinks there is a problem, duh, and said he hoped it wasn't a brain tumor. I said, gee me too. I don't have time for this!! He said if my CT was bad that would delay my foot surgery in Iowa next month, he has to give consent that I'm physically able to go thru the surgery before they'll do it, along with my onc. I threatened him, well..more or less...I have been waiting on this foot thing for a very long time. But I guess brain mets would pre-empt that. That is just the silliest thing I've ever heard of. Brain mets. Never crossed my mind. It was just a simple little visit that snow-balled and turned into some kind of bad dream. I don't worry about that stuff. This surely could be alot of things, anybody have any ideas? He said it might be migraines? I've had a couple of those before and they really hurt. This is just a tightness all around the top and crown of my head...sometimes. It's not there all the time, but my limbs all fall asleep. BP was good. So that's how my day has gone and is going.

    Susan, hey.

    Vickie, yes we are indeed drinking blue drinks or margarias this week-end.

    Madison, yes. Waiting for test results or even tests over the week-end is ugly.

    Amy, sorry I jumped your ass. I still like the little guy though. teehee

    Peggy, congrats on 1 year.

    Gina, let us know something when you do. You think your port may be infected and you didn't go to the dr. with it??

    Hey to Iris, Shel, Tracey, Denise and all. Sorry bout the rambling. Seems like just when you get close to getting your emotional ducks in a row something more comes along to scatter them all astray.

    You know, I'm usually more lighthearted than this. Maybe I'll delete. I'll read over it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Tracey: Ive been waiting all week to say this to you.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Shokk: You are such a sweet person. Your words are always so encouraging. Its good to be loved! And I love all of you very much. Cant imagine life without any of you.

    Denise: Sometimes my PCP just looks at me and shakes his head. I do way too much self diagnosing. I truelly believe no one really understands unless you have been through this. All I know is that I come here because of the friendships I have made, to get support and to give support. I couldnt have made it through the last 2 years without everyone here.

    Amy: Did I tell you how much I love yo? Well I do! You are just so special in my heart. So I was driving home today and I hear this story on the radio. One neighbor is suing the other because their Donkey makes too much noise. The star witness was the donkey. Apparently she smiled at the Jury - and the case was settled. I thought of Mazer and really smiled.

    Well! Dinner is done and I have to go. So many posts I havent read yet - I will be back.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Nicki--yeah, a fractured rib--just what I was hoping for. I always thought they would hurt more. Good for you to go and get the news ASAP!

    Tracey--Happy Birthday! Have a great party tomorrow.

    Gina--You sure are going through a lot right now. Lots of prayers coming your way from Kentucky.

    Cheri--What a scary feeling. I certainly hope you are ok. I've gotten a feeling almost like someone is cracking an egg over my head and I can feel the stuff running down inside. Don't know what it is, but have had 2 brain MRI's and nothing ever showed up. I get migraines, too, they feel like someone is digging a blazing hot knife into my head. I hope they figure out what it is so you can have your surgery.

    Congrats Peggy!

    Amy, I remember Captain Underpants books. I used to confiscate them at school when kids were supposed to be doing their work. Micah is totally into Pokeman. Any Pokeman books? We had some from our older son and he loves them.

    My neck is still hurting like crazy, but I'm dealing with it. My face is stuffed up and I can't breathe. I don't get colds very often, so this is just the pits.

    Letting teenage son out to the movies tonight with a couple of friends and they are going to spend the night. Can you say "boy smell"? At least they'll be at my house. Joe did his school work today and I quizzed him over dinner. He really seemed to know what he studied, I was impressed!

    Have a great evening.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, a sincere Congratulations on your results! I am so relieved for you. You can now have a nice week-end.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Nicki...I am sitting here with the tears rolling down my cheeks...I am so very happy for you.
    I went to the chapel at work today and got on my knees and cried and prayed my heart out for each and every one of you. I don't know why...I just did. It just totally overwhelmed me. I think everyone at work thought I was nuts but I don't care. You all mean so very much to me.

    cheri...don't you dare delete. WTF...go to the ER and have yourself checked out. I have had some really strange migraines in my time. GO! Sending you a huge warm hug!

    Ok...working on cleaning my car and porch before it gets dark and cold...just had to check on Nicki's news. I will be back.

    Love you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Nicki...sent you a REALLY funny card...did you get it?