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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Vickie: I didnt get it, I wasnt at work today. Now I cant wait till Monday.

    Ok Dinner is done. I eat very fast!

    Jankay: 150 feet? Thats pretty darn good. Just glad to see you posting and saying hello.

    Robin: Stitchs then Walmart? You are one tough cookie.

    Ok! Im pouting. I have to go. Need to spend some time with DH tonight as he is not working at a pub. Yahoo! So I will catch up with everyone in the morning.



    Its official. I have known you for one year and counting

    OK! good night my dear friends. I will see ya in the morning.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Nicki...see I told you!!..That is wonderful news


    Tracey..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Nicki-I am so relieved to hear you are ok! I've been thinking about you all day. I am going to have a glass of wine with you to toast! I love hearing good news!
    Amy- Yes thank you! Kevin loves his afghan.Have fun with your in laws.
    Happy Birthday to Tracy!I'll have a drink for you too.
    Hi to everyone else. I think I'll check out the cyper party. I hear they are serving blew rinks! Sounds good to me!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007

    NICKI: I am so glad that you were stubborn enough to get results!!!! What a relief for you and for all of us too!!

  • betsy43
    betsy43 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2007

    Happy for you. I'm having hip surgery on 4/23. This is the third surgery on this same hip. Cables came loose this time and have to be removed. Maybe they'll get it right this time. Keep me in your prayers.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I think I had better quit while I'm ahead. I just held a button down to long and it threw my computer off! Had to re-boot, cuz it wouldn't let me type. I am such a whiz!


    Nicki: Truly happy for you. Enjoy your weekend!
    Liz: Hope you are hanging in there, waiting for your tests.
    Madison: No word yet on yours?
    I don't like to name, cuz I don't want to forget someones dates...please know that I am with you.

    Amy: Cheri insulted Mazer? What an Ass!

    Cheri: I do hope you are in ER getting things checked out. Actually, I hate ER...but I hope you have talked to your DR.
    Could you have a case of Anxiety going on? You have ALOT coming up.
    Stroke: Ask 3 questions: 1. Smile
    2. Say a simple sentence
    3. Lift arms over head
    Not gospel..but it will give people an idea of what MIGHT be going on.

    Peggy: Congrats on the one year mark!!!!

    Beth: Ex-Horseradish?
    Amy: Ex-Donkey Butt?

    Mine is simply................Idiot! And that is Denise's Proverb!
    After being divorced about 24 years, if I say Idiot in conversation, people still know exactly who I am talking about!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Okay, it just told me time had expired...but atleast it didn't throw my post away....

    I'm outta here!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Oh Nicki, I am so relieved!!! I just knew it was nothing! I so look forward to your morning posts, even if I don't see them until afternoon! I am drinking wine with you, in case you didn't notice, and having a great time!!

    Peggy, Happy Anniversry!!!! That's a great landmark!! Here's to MANY more!

    Shel, did your onc order another MUGA scan? Mine did not and I have heart problems that run in my family. But, you are doing great! You will be fine!

    Cheri, I hope all goes well with you! You are always in my thoughts!

    I'm going to the party thread for a little while and the to bed!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Just stopping in to say:

    Heard from surgeon this afternoon (actually my blackberry died when he started to tell me the results of my (like Nicki)..I drove to his office and really barged into his office)... Did I tell you I hate waiting for results over the weekend...

    Anyway...we'll do a biopsy on 4/30...probably nothing...but don't want to take chances.

    DH took me out to eat (hummm I had 2 frozen Margarita's-who cares about food)...

    So...I'll check in later. I'm going to work on afghans...
    You are the best, Madison
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Peggy, Happy Aniversary
    Nicki, prayers were answered...great news..we love ya
    Cheri, now I'm worried about you!!! take care of yourself
    Sheri, you have me worried also...what did the MRI show
    Amy, enjoy yourself with the animals... Heard from vet daughter today..she is doing a radiology rotation...
    Saying special prayers that DD #2 gets a job she interviewed for yesterday (graduates next month)...boy do I want her employed!!
    Missed alot of you, but with two Margaritas (and some of Cheri's blue drinks)...I'll probably just ramble....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hey ladies...kitty pics!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Internet not working like it should...don't know what's up but it's taking forever to post.
    Know that I love you all!
    See you in th
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    geez...see you in the morning!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Oh Vickie, you have 2 calico kitties...they are sooo cute. (I love kittens). Tell Nate to hug them for me.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Nicki - I am so glad!!!! Glad you pushed for results, and glad everything is looking A-OK. I was so worried about you today, and not at my computer all day to even check!

    Everyone else, I'm tired and going to hit the sack. Hope everyone had sunshine today, and sleeps well tonight.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Howdy do girls. I'm home. Someone fill me in. No way I'll catch up on the gazillion pages I missed. Seems like Nicki got good news? Yehaw!!!

    awww baby kitties. I want the orange one.

    Have to bond. See you all in the morning.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    ooops forgot my news. Came home to a message on my machine from BRCA testing place. Said I've been approved for the test. Yikes now I really have to decide if I want it or not.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy: he has windows XP,all I know is he hangs out in foreign chat rooms until he pulls someone in and then they private chat.I once knew his user name and as soon as he found out i knew it he changed it.I know there is someway to break his pass word and get in but i just dont know how.

    Jan:I think you feel for him the same as I.He came in about an hour ago and didnt even come upstairs he went right to his imiginary lifestyle.He is almost pitiful he is so ignorant.
    HELP ME GIRLS,we gotta get him somehow.

    Beth:I am sorry I missed your call.I took my time today and enjoyed it,wish i could do it again.

    The sugeron said I didnt need another stitch right now he told me to put h2o2 on it about 4-5 x per day and let it form its own scab.Yesterday when my onc called him he just happened to mention that my shoulder broke the very next day after sugery and today he was totally different person.He is usually very talkative to the point it is hard to get away from him but not today he was all business,sort of like he knows he went to far with me and he is gonna be in for it.Oh,well shouldnt have used so much force on me.
    I do believe the h2o2 is going to work though it already starting to feel better.After that I went to wally world and took my time and got groceries and had a wonderful time.I wanted to make a few other stops but I took max with me and then stopped and got the kids mcdonalds and I knew if i left the food and a 9 week old puppie alone what would be left.I have to go tomorrow to buy a new mailbox,i have been begging the EVIL for months to fix my mailbox door and he didnt so now there is no door.Now I am going to have to figure out how to install a mailbox,that should be interesting broken shoulder and all.But hey I am woman hear me roar.

    Tesla is growing like a weed she is really filling out and so alert.I will post more pix soon.Karen was in one funky mood today we just about had words,I dont know why we always turn on the one we love.shouldnt be that way.Boy was I glad when she went to bed.She will think about it tonite and get a guilty conscious and feel bad tomorrow about it.Jasmine took Tesla to the dads house tonite so will see how that goes.

    Thats it for me tonite I am to pooped to pop.Will let you know the mailbox saga tomorrow.

    Oh,i almost forgot the best part.NICKI Congrats baby!!!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Peggy-Happy anniversary

    Tracey-Happy birthday to you!! Ooh forty, that's such a big number. Hope you'll be celebrating many, many more.

    Nicki-Your news is wonderful. Woohoo!

    Cheri-Maybe you should see someone soon about those symtoms. They sound kind of scarey to me.

    Robin-Hope your port and shoulder are better soon. I was glad to have mine during chemo, but when I was done I wanted it out as soon as possible. The darn thing only gave blood every third time we tried. I still had to get a poke for weekly blood draws. What a pain, and I mean it both ways.

    Gina-Gee, I hope things start looking up for you realy soon. As others have said, enough is enough. When ever I'm wearing the NO Surrender pin that Deb sent me I remember you in prayer. Just seeing it reminds me to pray for all the dear sisters here.

    Hugs and healing to all in need, and we all need our hugs don't we.

    I didn't take notes, so if your name wasn't mentioned it doesn't mean you're not in my heart. I read three days of posts today. I was off-line for a couple of days. We got a new internet provider and I was slow with the installation.

    I'll check in tomorrow, and maybe post some more then, and then maybe not spring has finally come to Michigan. It was 73 here today. Got some yard clean-up to do.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2007
    Hi to all the Circle Girls,
    I have been in/out for the past two wks and am far behind in reading. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.Still working w/the insurance claim as they are being a pain! I do have a loud alarm now! Each day, I feel a little stronger and am trying to get out and enjoy the nice weather/forget some of this rigamarole...

    Shel38..hope you had a great time on your trip. I always like to read abt what is happening in Canada.

    Susan...thanks for the Disney buddies! I hope that you enjoyed the ballgame and that your team won. Your pics are so funny and brighten my days!

    Vickie...thanks for making me feel special. I miss everyone when things get so crazy and do read the posts when I can. Hope that your neighbor was Ok;what a scary time for Nate. I hate it when the 911 stuff happens as my heart goes beserk.
    Love the new pets! Also,thanks for my Tinkerbell. Love the way her legs twirl! Your quilt pics are so beautiful!

    Nickie...good,good,good for you! I pmed you as I am so thrilled and was watching for the news as I checked in this PM! Thanks for my Goofy;how marvelous all the pics are! What smiles they bring!,etc.

    Shokk...I love Dr. Oz and have sev of his bks.

    Madison...You described the way I feel abt these med appts. I tell people after they're over. Your quilt pic are gorgeous. are you feeling? Hope things go well in West Va. Thinking of you!

    Denise...I know what you mean abt a boardaholic as it makes my day so much better. People tell me not to read so much and I do what I want to anyway. Only this grp can understand the feelings(JMO).

    Colleen...Hi to you and Warren~! Hope you are doing well. I had to smile abt the cell phone as you were describing me(like one that just rings,etc). There was so much junk on that Motorola Q that I was lost. Still working out the voice mail stuff and used to be easier,didn't it?

    Jankay...great abt your day! Hope that things go well in TN.
    Are you near Collinsville? The pics you posted were great.

    Robin...hope you are feeling well this wkend.

    AlaskaDeb...always feel so inspired when I read abt you/your family. You are such a gifted writer!

    Cheri...sorry to hear abt the blood work and all that other stuff that makes us tired. Are you on an AI? I have those weird sensations and tingling in the hands,too. I am thinking all good things for you,my friend. Thanks for always mentioning me and everyone else! You are so thoughtful. How are the grandkids today?

    Sheri...hope that your son is OK. Still working on my insurance claim--what a pain! Hope that you are having a great wkend.

    Jan...that was pretty funny abt your boss. I had to smile when the assistant left and great that the boss was able to make amends. Some days enough is enough.

    Tracey...Happy Birthday and hope it was a great one!

    Sige...Congrats on the one yr anniversary! I hope that you have a super celebration this wkend. reading abt your family and can relate abt the teenage son. I hope that the dance was lots of fun.

    Margaret...been meaning to write that the Motorola Q was like a Blackberry. The salesperson sold it like it was a piece of cake...not! I bet she was on a good commission that wkend. She never contacted me and asked why I brought it back to the store--out of sight,out of mind...Hope that things go well in California.

    Hi to you,Joyce! Hope that your weekend goes well.

    Amy...hope that things in Calhoun Co are going well. I bet it is pretty this time of yr!

    Best to all! If I left out anyone,my apologies as I am still catching up. Enjoy the weekend!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Its gonna be a beautiful day in the Chicago end of the circle. Warms, sunny and 70's. I almost forgot what its like to wake up early and hear the sounds of Spring and Summer. The birds are singing this morning and I can hear a woodpecker. Looked out the window and sure enough, I can see him/her pecking away on the tree. Red headed woodpecker too!

    Today is the day I begin to get ready for planting my flowers. Will pull the weeds and got nice new fresh dirt to mix up with the old. To me, thats the hardest part about gardening. Planting the flowers and herbs is fun.

    My husband set up our patio set yesterday and pulled out the BBQ. Cleaned all the small and large twigs and stuff in the yard. Its gonna be a good day.

    Vickie: Where are you sunshine sister? Sleeping in late? Those kittens are so gosh darn cute. You have 2 calicos there. Always female and always fertile!!


    Shel: Good to see yo post. Im like many others. Didnt know about any of my chemo's or side effects. The only thing I thought about was I would be throwing up. Well that didnt happen to me. One side effect Im glad I didnt have. I had A/C and actually thought it was the easier than the taxotere. I also had hercptin. Now that decreased my EF. Had to stop after 12 rounds. But it wasnt permanent for me. Bounced right back to normal after one month.

    Denise: There is a way to get results before the week-end. I just proved it! But, ya have to have a doctor who is willing to work with you. My PCP is wonderful. Usurped my oncs authority and went right to him. Otherwise, I would have been a maniac all week-end.

    Betsy: Hip surgery is scheduled on the 23rd? Cant believe this is the 3rd surgery on the same hip. Im hoping this time it works and you come out with flying colors. Will you be going for in patient rehab after the surgery? We will certainly be with you on Monday!

    Madison: Im so glad you barged into your srugeons office. What did he say and did it make you feel better? I cant imagine myself staying calm if they told me I needed a biopsy. Sure hope this is a false alarm. and sending you a big hug too.


    Sherloc: Good to see you, we have missed you. I had genetic testing done. I thought meeting with the genetic counsellor was the most interesting part. I tested positive for BRCA2. Im glad I had the test done. Now my family knows they are high risk for cancer of the breast, ovaries, pancreas, and prostate. It will help save their lives by seeing a doctor frequently and getting the tests they need. Hopefully, if cancer knocks on their door, it will be in the earliest stages. Good luck with your test.

    Iris: So good to hear from you. This whole buglary thing just sounds awful. I hate insurance companies, so I wont even go there. Just sending you lots of love and hugs.


    Cheri: Those symptoms can mean so many things. But its still scary. Good luck with your test.

    So many of you have sent me pm's and I promise all of you I will answer every single one. Just havent had time - this week was so crazy. The only thing that kept me sane was coming here. I couldnt throw a tantrum at home! But you all allowed me to voice my anger.

    I know I have missed many of you. Your kind words have been awesome. See - thats why we come here! If I didnt mention you, know that Im thinking about you.

    So its Saturday. I think I will crawl back to bed and sleep a little more. My husband bought all the fixings for a bloody mary. Cant wait - it will make me feel like Im in Las Vegas. Have a wonderful morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh the sun is shining brightly here this morning. I am sooo glad. Upper 60's finally! Lots to get done today and can't wait to get outside!
    Hey there sunshine sister...yup I actually slept in! Don't do that very often. Up until 11 crocheting though so that's probably why LOL.
    Robin dear...I can hear you roar all the way to go girl! You sound stronger every day and good for you! was a scary time for Nathaniel. Donna isn't home yet and I haven't talked to "Papa Neil" since last night and they don't know when she'll be released. She has cirrosis (sp?) of the liver (never drank...go figure)and from what he said last night her stomach was full of blood from it!?!?! He gets confused so I'm not sure...meeting with a specialist today.
    Alaska Deb...just repeating what Iris do have a way with words. I love your posts...all of them.
    Madison...I missed something...biopsy? Someone fill my chemo brain in! Sending you a hug.
    Saying good morning to Shel, Liz, Susan, Jan, Cheri...did you got to the ER?...Colleen, CY, Puppy, Karenindenver, Jan, Tracey, Margaret, Joyce, Shokk, Alwayshope, Jankay...everyone!
    Hope you all have a glorious wonderful day.
    Love ya's
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Vickie: Good you slept in, you deserved it. Cirrhosis of the liver can be caused my many things besides drinking. Frequently you can develop "Esophageal Varises." Its like having hemorroids in your esophagus which tend to bleed. So that could explan the blood in the stomach. Or it could be a combination of health issues. Sure hope she is ok.

    Have a great day. Im definitely gonna enjoy today.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, fine saturday morning and the house isstill guiet.
    I have not really felt like posting lately. I dont know where my spirits were but they were not here. I do hope things improve for all of you. as for collinsville, i have never heard of it so i guess th at means we are not close. If i dont post or say too much, i am fine if not i will have tink or mags let u kknow. jankay
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    It's a beautiful morning here, too. I really need to get out and do some yard work. Last spring we did a lot in our yard, but this year has been a little harder to get out there. Maybe I'll just take Micah to the park instead.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Nicki..thanks for the info. Pretty worried about both of them. Don't want to lose her and he'd be lost without her.

    Sheri...go to the park!!! Have some fun in the springtime sunshine!

    Jankay...sending you hugs and love and we are here whenever you need us for whatever you need us for. We'll put you in the center of the circle and keep you safe till you feel better.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning, pretty day here in the South also.
    I'll won't be connected to the boards today (Oh, my goodness I don't know how I'll manage)...because I'm going to visit my folks (4 hrs on the road...)...
    I'll be back tonight.

    Have a good day everyone....hugs to all.

    Vickie, give Nate a hug..I know he is worried.

    Oh, I had onc appointment, surgeon appointment and US appointment this week. Both onc and surgeon felt a mass on the LB-both think probably b9-but don't want to take a chance. Can I tell you my BP was 148/98 this week!!!!

    See you all later.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    Madison, what a week! Relax, let your bp go down a little., of course all that driving may not help. Enjoy your folks and we'll see you when you return.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Gosh! We all have been so stressed lately. I think it will be a good idea to step outside, take a deep breath, enjoy the Spring air, and soak up the sunshine.

    Sheri: A walk in the park sounds wonderful.

    Madison: Enjoy your day. What a week you had.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2007
    Peggy, congrats on your anniversary!

    Amy, I have trouble getting online on the weekends too. Although sometimes I am able to in the morning when the boys are watching TV and I am not yet motivated to get dressed and get going. Like right now!

    Vickie, my 9 year old (who also happens to be a Nate) also LOVES Captain Underpants. My younger one, Ben, likes those books too, but we have a harder time getting him to read. Those kittens are adorable!

    Sheri, my 9 year old also LOVES Pokemon. Begged me to stay up last night so he could watch the new Pokemon Diamond movie or something like that. I had a babysitter anyway, so I told her to let him stay up!

    Gina, keeping you and your mom in my prayers.

    Nicki, so glad to hear your good news!

    Cheri, that sounds scary. Keeping you in my prayers also!

    Tracey, Happy Birthday! Somehow I missed it – I am sorry!

    Shirley, I just submitted my blood sample for BRCA on Wednesday. It is scary, I know. I want to know if I am positive, but even if I didn’t, I have two sisters and my mom would flip if I didn’t get the test. She has been bugging me about it since I was diagnosed in June. At the point, I just want to stop the nagging!

    OK, true confessions time. I went to a wedding last night. Had to sing at the Nuptial Mass and then went to the reception. It was REALLY hard. The bride and groom were a little older than I am, and I was so jealous that they were so happy and here I am with a burnt boob, a constantly runny nose from the herceptin, and feeling like I will never truly be happy again. Then I felt like such a #itch for feeling that way! All night I plastered a fake smile on, and then finally when I could not do it anymore I told my DH that I was tired and we needed to leave. Why couldn’t I be happy for the bride and groom? Why was I so mad at all the people who were dancing and laughing and having a great time? This is the first time I felt like this since dx, and it came as a surprise. I am not usually so mean-spirited!

    Thanks for listening. I hope this is normal and I am not turning into some awful person!
