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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Hey CGS, Yep Puppy lives for "NASCAR" vickie, the winner of the race was Jeff Burton#31, he drives for richard childress the one My Hero, Dale Eanrhardt drove for(the # 3 car) now that he is gone, I love the # 8 car JR. Beth sweetie, if you go to the race be prepared to get bit by the "NASCAR GHOST" (hehe) Amy, my dream has always been to go to Talladega, in MOO, it is the wildest most enjoyable track on the road. Love ya All, Nicki i am so happy for ya, my Tallie Sister! Madison, my prayers are with ya and everyone else! Peggy, congrats. on everything good in your life"YOU GO GIRL" Ilove you all, Puppy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. Sounds like everyone is having nice weather and anxious to get out in it. Hope all enjoy your saturday.

    I did alot of thinking last night as I was tossing and turning. We have a tendency to think every little new ache or pain is our cancer coming back. Most of us fight it on a daily basis. I know I've reached the point that I do fairly well as far as jumping to conclusions. We tend to chide ourselves about it and feel like it's a never ending course we're on. We make ourselves feel guilty for worrying about it. I, personally, don't want to waste the rest of my life worrying about getting sick and dying. But you know, we are not entirely to blame for this. Yesterday when I went to the dr. it was simply for pre-op tests to have ankle surgery. I had a problem with tightness around the top of my head and I mentioned it to him during my physical. Before I knew what hit me I was scheduled for a head CT! I went into a blur as soon as he mentioned that it might be a tumor causing the pressure and numbness to my limbs. Tumor. We can't escape the cancer once we've had it. Our dr.s won't let us because they're cautious and want to check everything out. How can we expect any more from ourselves? Where is the line that divides concern and paranoia? Life has become one test after another for every little thing. We blame ourselves for not being able to fight off the fear of it not coming back when really, there are outside influences as well. Even though the dr.s are just being cautious we are the ones that live through the fear of every test result wondering if its going to be the one. So now, in the back of my mind will be the fear of having brain mets until test results come back. People wonder why it's so hard for us to Move Beyond Cancer.

    Jankay, is there anything I can do to help lighten your load?

    Madison, I'm sure the dr is just being cautious and your biopsy will be fine. Try not to worry. Isn't that what they always tell us?

    Hey to Nicki, Laura, Robin, Denise, Janny, Sheri, Iris, and you all know who you are. Have a great day.

    Hi Susan. Vickie. Meaner, Gina. Hope all is well.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Morning Girls!

    Well I am off to baseball, but have just enough time for a quick R&P (Read & Post!)

    Shirley - goodness, I'm not sure what to say about the brca test. I've never even asked my onc about it, but have always wondered if I should. I planned to ask at my next follow-up, because if it would help my sister or brother, or my son, to know that I have one of those genes, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm not informed about it though. I'm sure you'll make the best decision for you.

    Robin - I just don't even know what to say about EVIL! You are an amazing woman to rise above all that and continue living your life with love and dignity. Please be careful with the mailbox situation, but I believe you can do anything you set your mind to!

    Peanuts/Laura - I know what it's like to try to catch up on posts! Glad to hear the nice weather has come your way!

    Iris - I forgot about my phone rant! My friends and I are now talking about what to do about the phone situation with our kids. They start middle school next year, and there are all sorts of afterschool programs every day, but there is no phone access for them (according to rumor anyway - I find it hard to believe there isn't a pay phone, but I guess you don't see a lot of them anymore!) Anyway, a lot of the kids get cell phones once they start middle school. I know my son won't abuse it, he hates to talk on the phone, but it still seems weird to get an 11 year old a cell phone!

    Nicki - I'm so glad it's a beautiful morning, you have fun stuff you like to do, and bloody marys are on the way - what could be better!!! Big smile for you.

    Vickie - I hope your friend Donna is OK, for everyone's sake, but especially Nathaniel!

    jankay - I go through phases like that, too often actually!, hope you're feeling good, even if you don't feel like posting!

    Sheri - I vote the first nice day you do something you WANT to do, so if yard work isn't your idea of a good time, the park it is!!

    Madison - have a nice time and be careful with all that driving! Glad to hear the docs are thinking B9, I don't think they say a word unless they're really sure in those situations.

    Kristin - Don't feel bad about having a "why me?" moment. You wouldn't be human if this junk didn't get you down. I don't think it was you being mean about others having fun and having no worries, it's more feeling like why can't I be that carefree? Anyway, I'm glad you left, I think you did the right thing. You were smiling and polite while you were there, but you weren't able to keep it up all night. Still kind and considerate of others and their feelings, but taking care of yourself too - and that's just fine. Hugs to you xoxo

    Puppy - I have a good friend that loves the NASCAR, it's a joke between us - I make fun of her for watching it, and she patiently tries to explain who's who and what's going on, and then we have snacks!

    TRACEY - Happy Birthday girlfriend!!!!!!

    OK ladies, I know I missed lots, hope you all enjoy the day and the weekend. Special hugs to everyone who is feeling down - hang in there
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls,

    I’m glad everyone is having a good start to their day. It’s going to be in the upper 70’s here today also.

    Nicki – I am so happy for you! I cried last night when I read your news.

    Vickie – give Nate an extra hug from me. My MIL had esophageal varises. They did the band surgery on her and she’s done well ever since. Oh what sweet kitties!

    Kristin – I’ve felt that way. I think it’s really normal. Hugs.

    Amy – have fun with the folks. Don’t work too hard.

    Robin – I’m trying to figure out (with my son’s help) how we can break his password and get him. I could have so much frickin fun playing with his mind/etc. You do sound so strong. Keep it up sweetie. He’ll be gone soon.

    Sher – welcome home. Sorry I made you have a nightmare. I know you well enough to know your boys wouldn’t even think of taking the beep beep!

    Sheri – I home schooled my son from 8th grade to 12th. It’s not easy as you know, but it was the best thing for him.

    Cheri – oh hon. You take care of yourself. I had migraines for years. Hated them. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

    Tracey – the big 4 – 0! Happy Birthday kiddo.

    Lisa – wish we had “old lady tennis” here. I’d love to try to start playing again.

    Joyce – good to see you. Hope all is going well there.

    Denise – I had to laugh when Cheri called you Neesie. I have a cousin we called that when we were little. Not sure why – Denise isn’t that difficult to say. Thanks for thinking of me.

    Betsy – well gosh darn! I hope this surgery is the last for that hip.

    Peggy – Happy Anniversary late! Hope you had a great celebration last night.

    Madison – well heck darn! Okay, so this bx is going to show everyone that all is well. Please let us know how you’re doing. I so hate waiting for anything. My docs know I am not a patient patient!

    Jankay - I’m sorry you’re not feeling as well as you have been. You have worked so hard and continue to work hard with your PT. You take care of yourself. I think with Jacob going back to school has kind of got you down a bit also. He’ll be home soon for the summer. Hugs.

    Puppy – I LOVE NASCAR! My husband thinks I’m an idiot. He wants to know what the excitement is of watching cars go round and round in circles! I watch it every Sunday. I so wanted to go to Dallas last weekend but couldn’t. Glad I didn’t now with all the storms that were popping around.

    Hi to everyone I’ve missed. My dog may have Cushing’s disease and I’m trying to ignore the pains I’m having. I’m supposed to go to a wedding this evening. I bought a dress and some sassy red shoes. Now I hear everyone is wearing slacks or capri’s since it’s at the VFW which DH didn’t bother to tell me. That’s okay though. I have some nice black capris, cute new white top and I’m wearing those sassy red shoes! I’m learning to “embrace” the curly hair. I think I look like a wild woman but everyone seems to think it’s so cute. Okay – it’s sure easy.

    May your day be wonderful and restful.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning!

    Liz, you wear those sassy shoes and have a good time!!

    Madison, Enjoy your visit with parents. And we all know that the mass is B9!!

    Cheri: Well said, and well understood.

    Nicki: Esophageal Varises. Never heard of it, but I bet it doesn't take me long to get the symptoms. Sick, Sad world the beast has put us in.

    I guess I haven't really understood all about BRCA testing. I didn't realize it was recommended for Us. We already know we have had cancer. Seriously, I feel a bit ignorant..but I'm going to read up on it.

    Beautiful weather for all!!!! Enjoy the day outside. My GD is coming for the night, but not until about 6:30p. Great, she'll sleep in the car for an hour and be up all night!

    Love and Hugs,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Nicki:Great news,no mets,bad news fx ribs.I am one tough cookie I just forgot how tough.

    Jan:My ports have been a nightmare.This is the 3rd one and it has tubing that runs up into the jugular it is strange.

    Amy:Have you figured out anything else I can do to trap the EVIL? I so hate him more each day.I have not even seen him since monday.

    Iris:You are the nicest person,you never fail to ask how I am doing and that makes me feel great.

    Vicki:I am glad you can hear me in NY.Hopefully someday I can come and visit so I dont have to yell so loud.

    Cheri:I am praying for you,I dont know what else to say.
    I heard that there are bad storms in MO.Hope it is not close to you or susan or anyone else here.

    Will check in today.Gonna be another boring day.Noelle is wearing her "big girl panties today" so hopefully we will do good with this.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning dear friends. A grey day here in California. Been grey for several days actually. Rained most of the time at daughters so we didn't get to do much. Don't think son was to bothered by it. He had a grand time getting to know his neices and nephews again. And they had a grand time using Uncle Kenton as a jungle gym. The whirlwind starts tomorrow. Having family over for a visit with the kid. Monday is hubbies surgery for his rotator cuff. Doc said it could be 1.5-4 hours long depending on the damage. O my. Tuesday I have dexa scan in Sacramento. Spending the night and dropping Kenton at the airport at 7am Wed. Thursday another dentist appt. I'm tired just thinking about it. Did I really wish I had busier life? Geez.....I meant I wanted to have more fun. Guess I should pay attention to what I wish for.

    Anne, your hubby was right. Enterprise going to the Persion Gulf. Son says they deploy in June...he thinks. I am not a happy mommy.

    Nicki, I'm guessing that the bone scan was clear and you had to get a bit uppity for the results. Thinking I'm gonna have to do that on tuesday with my dexa. No way I'm waiting 6 weeks for my doc appt to get the results.

    Cheri, brain scan? Geez. I so agree with every word you wrote. Sometimes its just "leave me alone already". I wish I had the ability to express myself in writing that most of you have.

    Which brings me to Vicki. I'm really thinking hard about the journal project. So far I don't have a clue what to write. When's the deadline?
    Not sure what happened with your neighbor but will add her to my prayer list.

    Madison, New lump? Hate it when that happens. Praying for you.

    Kristin, I will probably have the test just cause my daughter wants me too. Medically I know it is a good idea. But I have some very strong feeling about what the evil insurance companies will do in the future with the info. Sooooooo therein lies my dilemna.
    I agree with Colleen. You weren't NOT happy for them. You were missing you and wishing you could go back.

    Puppy, NASCAR? o going around in circles is what is on my tv screen most of the time.

    Colleen, I'm not real sure why 3 years later my onc has decided I should have the silly test.
    Just a side not about cell survived childhood without one. Pretty sure todays kids would also. I hate cell phones. But then again it took me years to get an answering machine.

    Liz, you are forgiven for the nightmare. ahhahahahh hadn't thought about that. Your right, Mom Fear definately keeps them on the straight and narrow most of the time.
    I think you should wear the dress too. Who cares what everyone else is wearing.
    Every woman should have a pair of Sassy Red Shoes. I call mine hooker shoes.

    Denise, BRCA testing isn't recommended for everyone with BC. Just for those that have a history I think. My mom died of bc and had some kind of reproductive cancer in her 20's. My onc never even suggested it till he found out I had a daughter. Now a bigger ponder is why did it take him 3 years to figure out I have a daughter???
    But I do believe anyone can get the test done if they so desire.

    Off to clean up my nasty house for company tomorrow. Can someone tell me why men think it is acceptable to leave a tuna can in the sink. House stinks like a fish market. UGH!!!!
    Ooooo forgot this tidbit. Daughter dragged me to a Jazzersize class. In spite of the fact that I couldn't keep up and kept tripping over my feet it was a lot of fun......until I woke up the next morning feeling like I was coming apart at the seams.
    Have a great day ladies.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Jankay here
    Thanks for the attemps to cheer up. Cheri if u could lighten my load it would be nice-the offer is as good as lighting th e load. Liz u may be right i do miss jacob and
    i am trying to get things together for my doc visit in may.
    Yes, colleen i do feel good. Another thing i guess is my caregiver is getting to where she doesnt listen to me. and i am poed.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Shirley:You go girl.Keep it up and you will be a lean mean loving machine!!!

    I got an ab lounge a few weeks ago its still in the van,but the reason for this is that the day I bought it I found out my shoulder is broken.SO gonna have to wait to use it.I want to get a total gym.
    But serious i gotta get this weight off of me that the ca put on.Most people loose weight when they are on chemo not me.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    Cheri, just wanted to say "Amen, sister!" I totally agree with what you said. Thank you for putting it into writing so well.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Sher - I'm going to wear my pinstriped black gouchos (which are a little big now - wooohooo), white sassy shirt and those red hooker shoes. There's a dance/party afterwards and I want to be comfy. LOL

    Robin - my 76 y/o mom wants an ab lounger. Told her she'd best have her alert bracelet on and the door unlocked if she got on the blasted thing and fell off. I wouldn't mind her having one though. I'd use it. LOL

    Jan - whip your caregiver into shape. You can do it.

    Okay, off to do laundry.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    Oops forgot - Sher let me know how DH's rotator cuff surgery comes out. Will he have to wear one of those wedge pillows? I need to have mine done but keep putting it off.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Just flying by with hugs. I am printing my Relay for Life begging letters and printing lables for the envelopes. I will be back later and try and catch up.

    Did anyone hear how Gina's Mom is? Was it a heart attack??

    Lova Ya's
    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Liz:Never thought about that it might just snap up on me and send me out the window.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    Robin - I doubt that. It will work out great for you when your shoulder is all healed. I'll let you know if she gets one how it is.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: I sitting here taking a break. I have been pulling weeds all morning. Stirring up the dirt so I can get ready to plant my flowers. I forgot what hard work this is.

    I went out and bought my first set of annuals. Got a great deal. 36 plants for 10 bucks. Im not gonna put them in the ground yet. I think I need to wait one more week to make sure there isnt any frost.

    Kristin: I dont think you were mean spirited at all. You are in the middle of treatment. Chemo takes 3-6 months before you really feel good again. And now your getting RADS. I cant imagine going to a wedding and having fun. Nope, not one bit. And I would be so jealous of all the healthy people out there, just enjoying themselves without a worry in the world. I think your reaction was very normal. So dont be so hard on yourself.

    Puppy: Wow! You really do know your NASCAR! Thanks for your sweet words.

    Colleen: Have fun at the baseball game. Hope you have a wonderful day. Im writing this as I am sipping on a Bloody Mary. Sure tastes good.

    Liz: Oh the wedding sounds like fun. And sassy red shoes to boot. Now Im trying to figure out how I broke 2 ribs. I remember having a bad cold and coughing so hard that I got a severe pain in my rib area. They told me chest wall injury. Im thinking now, thats when I broke the first rib. My 9th rib is broken and shows new healing. That one I dont understand. Im thinking I might need a bone density. Maybe start taking Calcium.

    Denise: Vickie was talking about her neighbor have non alcohol related cirrhosis of the liver and there was blood in her stomach. Esophageal Varises are very common with liver disease, not bc. OK - now the BRCA testing. They are not recommending every person with breast cancer get it done. First of all its 3,000.00 dollars and insurance wont cover it unless you fit the profile. That is 2 blood relatives with breast or ovarian cancer. Since my sister passed from ovarian cancer, and my mom had bc - they recommended I get it done. Tested positive for brca2 and now Im being studied at Mayo clinic.

    Robin: Your a nurse. Of course your one tough cookie!


    OK! My time is up. Back to working in the garden. Have a great afternoon.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    testing....having trouble getting a post to work....anyone else??

    Deb C
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Colleen:Thank you for the kind words.I didnt make it to town today to get a mailbox but will tomorrow.I have just played around on the computer today.Not chatting though.


    I cant wait till i can sing the ole song "she's single again,hold on to your men".. lol

    Kristen:Honey dont you worry about how you feel,your emotions are a wreck with this ca business that has no reflection on your good kind heart.It makes me mad just to see other couples in walmart or wherever that appear to be happy.Then I get mad at myself for getting mad at them.
    I am glad you have a DH at your side.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Nicki and Shirley,
    Thanks for the bit on BRCA testing. I don't know why I let that go over my head. I have one Aunt who had BC when she was 75 and that was 11 years ago. She's still kicking! I'm the only other one, and I have a large extended family.....Should I recommend that my daughter get tested? Or should I get tested for my daughter? We don't have a strong family history...atleast on My side. Now that I'm writing, I'm thinking of ex-idiots family...I'm thinking he lost an aunt to BC 12 or 14 years ago.

    Robin: You're a nurse? Learn something new everyday!

    Okay, Been busting butt cleaning all day, and for some reason had the energy to do it! As soon as I sit down at the computer, DH comes inside, just for a second, but just long enough to throw me off track!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Denise, the first person who should be tested is someone who has had bc. That would be you, or your aunt. There would be no point in testing your daughter, because if you don't have the gene, she can't have it either. I'm considering getting tested. My mother's sister and that sister's daughter have both had bc. The beast took my sweet aunt. My cousin's ins won't pay for her to be tested, and I haven't checked with mine yet. My dad's sister has also had bc, and she is a survivor in her 80's. I have three DD, and am concerned for them. But I like Shirley am concerned about the ins implications for them should I indeed have one of the BRCA genes. It's a tough call. If Blue Cross won't cover it, I probably won't have it done.

    Just my 2 cents. Hugs and healing to all.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    I am confused over the BRCA testing. I don't have a daughter,four boys. I do worry about future grandaughters,should I? My mothers sister died from BC and my dads sister is a survior. I am the only one that has bc among my cousins and my sister died as a baby.My mom's sister had BC exactly the same age as me kind of freaks me out sometimes. She died 20 years ago though.I go to the onc on Tuesday and I will ask.
    Madison-I didn't realize you were going through a scare yourself. I will pray for you.

    Love to all,

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    My problems seem minute compared to everybody else. I dont have to worry whether i need further testing or testing for my daughter. I dcnt have broken bones and trying to figure out how and why they broke.
    My husband is not leaving me, altough sometimes i wish h e
    Consider myself pretty lucky then.
    Love JANKAY
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Denise: Yup,I am an RN,have been in nursing since I was 19 in fact karen was 10 months old when i started to nurses aid school.Was an aide for 3 years,an LPN for 12 and an Rn for 12+.Dont know how to do anything else.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies, you've all been busy the last few days.

    Let's see, where do I start?

    Amy, his boy smell just is - he doesn't smell and he's very clean but his room has a smell - the only time it doesn't is the first four hours the housekeeper has been there. I think part of it is because he doesn't like to open his blinds because he plays video games.

    Jankay, that's awesome that you walked 150' - isn't that 50% more than you walked the other day when I checked?

    Isn't it Tracey's birthday?

    Beth, I eat eggbeaters every morning in an omelette but I put in mushrooms, spinach, tomato, and onion.

    Ok, now it's Saturday afternoon. Where does the time go?

    Nicki, how was that bloody mary this morning? How's your exercise going? I see that you got good news - don't know what happened but I'm glad you have good news. The BRCA test is a blood test, right? How do they draw blood from me for this test since I had nodes removed from both sides? I fit the profile with mom and sis.

    Vickie, I missed what happened - everything ok? Keep reminding me about the journal - nothing gets done until my auction on May 5.

    Madison, hope you enjoyed your visit with your mother. My mother is hanging in there - already been to the emergency room once this week for her. Apparently her new port is not working well either because they couldn't completely dialize her.

    Robin, I hear you loud and clear on the west coast. You sound stronger every day.

    Kristin, you are entitled to feel that way. You did all the "right" things and Colleen is right, you couldn't do it ll night. Hugs to you.

    Shirley, it's a gray, ugly day here. I start salsa dancing lessons Thursday night.

    Liz, how was the wedding?

    Jankay, I hope you are feeling better.

    G, hope you are doing better.

    Hugs to everyone I missed.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    Finally after 2+ weeks of lousy weather, SPRING IS HERE!!
    Hopefully this will help all of our sisters who are struggling with personal and health issues. Love to all tonight and may better days be ahead. sorry really corny but with spring comes better days.xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters,
    Oh my what a glorious beautiful day it has been here! Sunny and warm...finally. Have been working outside till jsut now. Trimmed all the hedges, trees, rose bushes. Raked up all the winter gunk, hosed down the sidewalks and house is a wreck but it felt so good to be outside that I don't care. It'll wait for a rainy day!!! My whole body is tired but a good tired. Rode Nathaniels 4 wheeler till we ran out of gas...that was an experience...he's fearless!!!! I'm sneaking out tomorrow with the screwdriver and slowing that thing down!
    Robin...I didn't know you were a nurse either. I applaud all nurses. I couldn't do what you do every day. It has to be so very hard. Can't wait till your a single girl again. Look out world, here she comes.
    Nicki...isn't a broken rib or two a wonderful thing!! What a weird thing to say but so very true.
    Madison...B9B9B9B9B9B9...yup...that's what it will be.
    Kristin mean spirited...I must have missed that or didn't notice so it can't be so. (((Kristin)))
    Liz is out dancing in red hooker shoes and her 76 year old mom wants an ab lounger...oh my! what you had to say and sending you hugs.
    BRCA testing. I went for the genetic counseling and they decided that there was only a 1 percent chance that I carry the gene so my insurance wouldn't cover it and I could no way afford 3000.00! My sisters and daughter are being extra vigilant now anyway so I guess it's ok.
    Little rant...pray my sister doesn't stumble across this some day cuz I love her dearly. She went with me to every chemo, my surgery...took care of Nathaniel and is just a sweetheart. Anyhooo...she wrote to me to tell me how my cancer has so greatly enhanced her life! WTH...she said she appreciates everything so much more and has quite worrying about all the "small" stuff. Maybe I'm way off base here but all I could think was " welcome, I'm glad I got cancer for you to have a better life." I know...probably took it all wrong but it just hit me funny. Not what I expected to hear.
    Donna is home and Nathaniel is so relieved. Whew.
    It was so funny when we got the kittens out and put them on the bed to get pictures...thought for sure momma kitty (sleazy cat that she is) would throw a hissy fit but she didn't seem to care at all. I have homes for four of them already...YEAH.
    Geez...I'm bushed and my arms are tired. Gonna straighten up the living room, grab my crocheting and head to my comfy bedroom.
    I love you all and I'm sorry to all I missed. Not intentional just tired.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. House is clean enough for family company. Groceries are bought. Drugs picked up. All is well in my world.
    For anyone wondering about BRCA testing the place to start is with your onc.

    Laura, Blue Cross covers it. At least my policy does. And even better I've already met my out of pocket for the year so it's a freebie for me. Yehaw!!!
    Talked to daughter about it again this morning. She definately wants me to do it. So I guess I will.

    Robin, thats a long career. Only career I've had is raising my kidlets. So far 2 out of 3 are doing well. Were still working on #2. Haven't seen him in 5 days. hmmmmmm hope he's going to work.

    Jankay, me too.

    Margaret, salsa lessons woohoo.....I did my workout video today. Two left feet make for a heart pumping good time. I was pooped when it was done.

    Hope everyone has a grand evening. I'll see you tomorrow.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    wow you two are fast.

    Happy Spring to you too Theresa

    Vicki, you've been busy. Take some aspirin tonight or your gonna be hurting tomorrow.
    Hmmmmm that was a rather odd thing for her to say.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Theresa...haven't gone off to bed yet...boardaholic that I am. Happy Spring....finally!!!
    Margaret...I will be sure to remind you about the journal...we can extend the deadline a week if need be.
    Shirley...the aspirin was a good idea...thanks. Thanks to for thinking it was an odd thing for her to say. It almost hurt my feelings. I know in my heart that she would never intentionally do that but it was odd. Made me feel a little sad.
    Probably won't sleep for a while so I will most likely be back. Need to get comfy though.
    Jankay...sending you a hug.
    Love and hugs
    bugs and fishes
    to all
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, I forgot to tell you I won the auction for the Knifty Knitter on eBay - guess I need to get yar too. Have to check eBay cuz it's not like I make it to the store....
