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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Cheri-

    I always felt bad that I might have made too big of a deal about your last quit attempt. I didn't mean to add preasure, but I'm afraid that I did... I just have SUCH respect that you are quitting. It is hard work to quit, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    ***WHispering and passing the asprin*** tracey how was the party?

    Deb C
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    feeling a little out of sorts Tracey?

    Cheri, I second what Deb says. Congrats and no pressure.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    hmmm...tracey...whispering was the birthday. sounds like it was a memorable one...laughing quietly.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi All,

    Cheri, I want to know that I quit smoking on May 5, 2006. I had smoked for 20+ years. DH still smokes. (this is hard...I took it a second at a time)
    No pressure from anyone dear Cheri...I'm with you and sending big hugs your way.

    Tracey, sounds like you had a GREAT party!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Thnking of all of you and sending big hugs to everyone...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Tracey: sounds like the party was a blast.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    ok i dont feel to bad...... party was a blast
    i had way to many shooters and havent been that drunk in a long time!!!! lol one of my good friends was drinking shooters with me and the last i seen him he was sleeping hanging on the fence!!!but i see he made it to my couch which is a good thing!!! yep my 40ies came in with a bang
    have a great day ladies!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Thanks everyone. Hey, I just thought of something. I smoked for 30 yrs and I sit here and chain smoke 3 to 4 packs of cigarettes a day! No lie. I'm ashamed to admit that. But could some of these weird symptoms be nicotine withdrawal?? I must've had alot of it in my system. I quit cold turkey, not using anything but a book. Just a thought.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Cheri, yes some of your symptoms can be withdrawal. I used the Committ 4 mg lounges (sp)...and lots of sugar free lollipops... I also changed my routine...I would not have been able to quit if I had not used the Committ..big hugs my friend....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    ShopMama (Pam), please visit. These women are WONDERFUL and give the best hugs ever!!
    Puppy, where are you today? Have you heard from Mena?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Just poppin in to say hello to all my sweet sisters.
    Been outside today and have a couple pm's to answer that I will get to later. The sun is shining and it is just beautiful! symtoms MAY very well be from nicotine withdrawl!!! I hadn't even thougth of that. I will look it up and see what it says.'s what I found
    Cravings to smoke
    Irritable, cranky
    Inability to Concentrate
    Sore throat
    Constipation, gas, stomach pain
    Dry mouth
    Sore tongue and/or gums
    Postnasal drip
    Tightness in the chest
    No pressure from me as I am still trying and I know how hard it is.
    Madison...have some exciting news to post later in the afghan thread.
    Nicki...just sayin howdy!
    ok...Nate is pulling on my shirtsleeve...outside we go again.
    I'll be back later
    Love ya all
    Vickie know we love you...come join us please.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007

    First of all, congrats on quitting smoking! The worst is past you now as far as cravings go. As far as the withdrawal?? YES, all of those and more are withdrawal symptoms. Quitting smoking is on par with quitting a heroin addiction. The withdrawal symptoms are crazy!

    The good news is it doesn't last forever!

    Good luck with your continued should be really proud of yourself...a 30 year/multi-pack a day habit is HARD to stop.


    PS: I quit a year ago, right after my dx!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, you quit smoking. good. no big deal here.
    You were gonna hafta quit anyway cause when you get your foot fixed I was gonna be draggin you all over the place and I wouldn't let you smoke in the car. LOL

    I hate Michael Barrett. Sorry Nicky. I'm sure you're a cubs fan.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Ok, I didn't really mean it about Michael Barrett. He's a Cardinal Killer and my birdies are so important to me.

    Shel, I'm sorry you have so many people in your life that seem to work so hard at belittling you. If this is your family/job etc., you would be better off moving to the Keys. Or you could move to Springfield Missouri. Health care is the premier industry around here. You would find a job in a split second. And everyone here is nice.

    Tracey, glad you had so much fun.

    Madison, when is your biopsy. The only good lump is in a jar, you know. sending hugs and prayers.

    Deb, I am walking in relay for life this year. I'll take you in my walk too. I guess I need to have all your pictures with me.

    oh poo. the cubs tied the cardinals.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Dinner is in the oven and we have come inside for the evening. Wow...worked really hard this weekend but enjoyed every minute of it. My flower beds are ready, trees are trimmed, leaves are raked, porches are clean...I'm pooped!
    I checked Nathaniels bookbag a little while ago and found out that I am expected to chaperone his class trip to the Koernik Obseratory and Science Center tomorrow. work for me. (although I really needed to got to work). He is so excited that I am going with them and I haven't been there in years. Wish his teacher would give us a little more of an advance warning though!
    Quiet day in the circle...hope you are all outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
    Cheri...I know that my sister would never intentionally hurt me. I simply took it the wrong way. She is just like me and I love her to pieces. She suffers from anxiety and SAD and if seeing the world a little different by realizing how much sadder it could be then I guess thats a good thing. I think now that that is what she was trying to say. She worried herself silly over me.
    Tracey...sounds like you had quite a time! your pictures.
    Shel...sending you are a wonderful, beautiful, caring, compassionate women and don't you ever forget it. Lets take our Earl's to the deliverance tent for some "treatment".
    Where is Betty?
    Karenindenver...sending you hugs...miss ya!
    Phone...I'll be back.
    Love to all
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon all,

    It's been a while and I have 10 pages to read. Serves me right for not keeping up. It's been crazy here with work. My presentation to the board went very well. They said they were very impressed. But while I was listening to everyone else's I really got to thinking about this job. I love what I do, but we just stay in crisis mode.

    I had to work three days this past week, then went on a site visit to Chattanooga. The Converntion and Visitor's Burneu wined and dined about a dozen of us meeting planners. It was a lot of fun, too much rich food and way too much walking. And again, I thought about what I do and the board and the hassles with the new Ex Dir.

    I came home got my resume on order and emailed it to a friend who is the Dir. of Marketing for the local hospital. I don't know if anything will come of it, but I've started the search for a new position.

    And I owe you all my thanks. Right after I was dxed, I really wanted to leave, but I was told by someone that I was now uninsurable. So I've been sticking it out. But reading about all of your expereinces and seeing some of you get new jobs has empowered me.

    Sorry I was in such a funk a few weeks back. I'm better now. I try hard to keep the "happy face" going and everything just got to me. I even called my onc about upping my effexor. She has a new nurse and I never got a call back. I realized it last week. So I'll call again tomorrow, but I am doing better.

    So I'm off to read the last few days and try to catch up.

    Hugs to all.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007

    Vicki, how nice that you accomplished all that. Good for you. And you get a treat tomorrow. Thanks for sharing that. I've been sitting here kinda feeling sorry for myself. Maybe I just need to work harder. I use all my aches and pains as an excuse. Something to think about. thanks!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Susan and thanks. I really ache now! All over! But it's a good ache (if there really is such a thing). I can look around and see all I've accomplished and trying to regain my strength so I can do a bc walk with my sister. She is convinced that she will have me back in shape by the end of summer so I can do a triathalon with her HAHA! Bike 5 miles, run 3 miles and then swim a mile! I'm up to a semi jog...for about a quarter of a mile LOL.
    You can feel sorry for yourself if you want...sending you a big warm hug.
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2007

    Just popping in to say HELLO and I miss each and every one of you. I don't post much but I am here everyday watching and checking up on everyone. Life is good, weather is beautiful here today, almost 80 I think, at least high 70's. I went shopping in the States, (Detroit) and bought nothing for me but everything for the kids, my 17yr old son is a fashion icon
    My older son is going out to the west coast, Vancouver for 1 week and Calgary Alberta for another week starting on Saturday, I will miss him as he is such good company.
    Well girls, take good care of yourselves, I have mostly moved on but not quite, still like to hang around here to read about my friends.

    love you all........Shel, come to see me tomorrow at work.

    love Tina
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Susan:Maybe I could move to springfield mo.
    But in my next move it is gonna be near the ocean.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Robin, that would be great. we don't have the ocean here, but many lakes!! you could have beachfront property. I don't know about the rest of the states with ocean access but I wouldn't recommend California unless you are filthy rich. of course if everything goes well for you, you could be filthy rich.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. Sounds like everyone enjoyed their day for the most part.

    Vickie, thanks for the withdrawal list. I've been dealing with those and expected them. I didn't see the major things on the list that called for the CT though. Dang it.

    Peggy, thanks for the support. I appreciate it.

    Susan, what makes you think I'll let you drive? TeeHee I drove left-footed for many months before that I'm sure I can do it again. lol You said you were feeling sorry for you, I'll feel sorry for you too, will that make you feel better? Why are we sorry for you? I think I should be the one we feel sorry for. After all, I'm sitting here trying not to worry about brain mets and can't even have a cigarette!! Now THAT is a pitiful situation. hahahaha

    Hi Tina and Betty.

    Robin, Susan was right. We don't have an ocean but we do have lots of lakes. You just pack your bags and move on up here. I'm just 30 miles from Springfield. So you'd already have 2 friends.

    I think I've addressed everyone else at some point in the day. I can't remember who was asking about Mena but I got a pm from her today and yesterday and her chemo is making her real sick, but she's tough and hanging in there so she's alright.

    Hey to, Iris, Janny, Denise, Jule, Tracey, Shel, Gina, Anne, Madison, Lini, Margaret, Boo, Gus, Ishop, Laura, Christine,Karen, Colleen, Kristen, Joyce, Theresa, Amy, Sheri, Shirley, Shokk, Jeannie, Jeannette, Sue, MB, Nicki, and I think I got everyone. If I left your name out it was strictly an accidednt. I named everyone off from memory. I feel like I've left someone out and prolly have. Sorry.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful, safe night.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    I would love to move to where I have friends already,that would be wonderful.If things go right for me this time there is no telling what I am going to do,but I am going to do something.and when I do its gonna be good.
    I did hear about some ocean front property in arizona for sale.
    Nite all off to bed.
    Having a bit of chemo nausea today,dont know what i would do without good ole zofran.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Shel, don't you fall for the crap Earl is trying to feed you - IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are normal, you just might have a new normal. Furthermore, you are NOT a pathetic shell of a human being - you are a wonderful, compassionate, tell it like it is woman and I am glad to know you. Does it make Earl feel better to make you feel bad about yourself?

    Nicki, my mom has been on dialysis since last year when she spent so much time in the hospital. She had a choice to do dialysis at home but she weighs about 90 lbs. and there is no way she could lift the machine that she would need and since we live 30 miles away, we can't help her so she goes to the dialysis center. The onc. has suggested my sister get the BRCA test since she has two daughters.

    Jankay, we are here for you so vent, vent, vent.

    Lisa, like that circle.

    Cheri, no pressure but good job on not smoking for 11 days. Being an ex-smoker myself, I know how hard it is. Take it a day at a time but you're doing good girl.

    Tracey, soumds like you had a great birthday.

    Betty, if you change jobs, you are not uninsurable as long as you do not have a gap in your medical coverage. Glad you are doing better.

    Susan, here's a hug for you.


    Tina, best to you.

    Mena and Gina, sending love your way.

    My message to you all:


    Night all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Hey Ladies

    Hope everyone had a restful, relaxing and peaceful weekend!

    G - sorry about the port from hell, I hope it improves. Hope you didn't get a sunburned nose watching baseball the way I did - I look like Rudolf!

    Vickie - with the exception of craving nicotine, that list of symptoms described me on chemo!!! Yikes!

    Cheri - you hang in there, my dad quit after 40 years, and that was over 30 years ago!

    Deb - Hope the Relay stuff went well. My son is on my good friend's Relay team this year, and he is so excited for it. We've gone every year, but he's never been officially on the team so he's never camped out. This is their 5th and final year, so it's going to be really special.

    Tracey - hope you had lots of sleep, a cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake (or whatever works for you!) today!

    Shirley, Madison, Margeret, Nickie, Susan, Christine, Robin, Tina, Betty, Anne, PurpleMB, Amy, Sige, and everyone I missed - good night xoxo
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Sounds like many had sunshine today. We had another cloudy mix of sunshine that is typical for the NW.

    Just have to tell you all my BIL is a donkey's behind and not a cute one like our Mazer!
    Had the nerve to tell me that noone knows his mother better than him... WTF... Is that why he didn't know she was sick for the last three weeks??? I think I have hubby convienced we have waited long enough on getting her into Assistaed Living, but he wants to go over it with his brother! I say you have POA just do it! He says his brother won't like the place we are looking at, but you know what I DON"T CARE! it's a nice place and is between were we live and where he lives. And if she gets worse they can keep her there whe wouldn't have to move again!
    Ok enough ranting from me!

    Cheri dear, you may very well be experencing symptoms from withdrawl. Go get the test done anyhow just to be safe and so we can prove you have nothng up there! LOL
    Seriously we need you to get the test so your Dr. will give the all clear so you can get that ankle fixed once and for all! Somebodys got to keep Susan walking and I'm sure it will be you!

    Shel, the only people you need to worry about are you and Mac! Who gives a rat's a** about what anyone else thinks. You're beautiful damn it!

    Nicki, my daughter, who is going to be 25 this summer, broke her rib caughing during a bad cold a couple months ago! She's the one that has a baby boy pushing against it from the inside and a little girl pushing against it from the outside! Thankfully you don't have little ones to be pushing against it makeing it harder to heal, so hopefully yours will be healed in no time!

    Ok you know that feeling you get when you've over eaten and you feel like your stomach is going to explode? well I've felt like that since late Thursday and it isn't getting any better. It hurts! even to the touch! I'll call the Dr about it tomorrow but I really can't afford to be missing more work! I was hoping it would pass. I can't eat more than a few bites at a time.

    Well I think I'm going to go find something to help with the pain

    Gina, putting your Mom in the center of the circle too. Hope you get some answers

    Hugs and Prayers to all
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    you guys rock!

    thank you ALL for being so supportive and understanding, yet again!

    gina ....... i nearly tossed up a lung at that video while laughing!!!!!!!! thanks, i've heard the song a million times, but never seen the video!

    my heart is warmed by all of you ......... i AM beautiful dammit!!! who needs this neverending bullshit day after day? i'm quite certain 'earl' feels the same way, so it's better that we stop wasting each other's time. life is too short for this crap!

    mac and i had a blast at my friends tonight ........ we are heading to the keys as soon as "grade 8 graduation" is done. all of your affirmations and kind words have been just what we needed to get 'back on track'!

    i am meeting at work tomorrow with my lawyer and human resources to file a discrimination suit regarding my delayed return to duty related to my imposed restrictions. i am very nervous about it but i know i have to see it through.

    it's hard to do all of these things alone ...... so i thank you all for being here each and everyday!

    tina ........ if i don't get thrown out of the hospital, i'll see you in time for second coffee lol!

    thanks again you guys .......... i'm truly on my own now and without you all, i'd be dead in the water!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Got a couple of pics. This one is my sweet little grandson, Ethan, 6yrs. My first grandchild. I adore this little boy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Here's my weekly pic of Mork & Mindy. They are 4 weeks old today. They are sooo soft and cuddly.
