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  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited April 2007

    I just tried to post a picture and it did not work. Actually my husband tried and he is really good at this but failed here. How do you do it?
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, I can't believe how much Derrick looks like Nathaniel. I want to go get him myself! I totally agree with Jan!!!

    Cheri, I think we are all googling brain cysts for you. I'm heading over to visit Dr. WebMD for some info on a rash that I have, so I'll check out brain cysts while I'm on there. My DH gets so irritated with me because we have health insurance and yet I continue to self-diagnose. He doesn't understand that I'm sick of going to doctors and that I'm sick of having scans, tests, etc. done every time I have a hangnail because of my "history"!

    Welcome, Lorene! Don't even try to catch up on the old posts. I was away for a week and came back to over 20 pages of new posts! I read most of them, but that is only because I have insomnia and got tired of watching infomercials.

    I'm going to go upload my Disney photos and I'll post a few. We had such a good time, and I'm already sick of being back to reality. DH doesn't know it yet, but I've been checking out flights for our next trip. It's a good thing that I pay the bills and that he doesn't see our credit card statements!

    Love to all of you!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Newter, first set up a free account on and upload the pics there.

    Then just click on the IMG link under the pic you want to post here and paste that link into the message window.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Newter...I sent you a pm on how to post pictures...hope it helps. made Nathaniel such a happy boy!!! He is in bed reading right now and will probably read late into the night knowing him. You have such a big heart!
    Cheri...I found basically the same infor when I looked up the brain cysts. It will be ok.
    Liz...good luck and have fun. Are you in your jammies?

    Thanks all for the sweet words about Derrick. I have a heavy heart and a lump in my throat just looking at the pictures. Almost worth kidnapping...what could they possibly do to me...I already have his brother and Derrick hasn't gained the weight he should have by now. Nathaniel was considered a "failure to thrive" baby when she had him as she just didn't care if she fed him or not and he wouldn't eat for her. God will take care of it...right?

    I love you all and sorry for not posting to all...yup...being a bawl baby LOL.

    Somebody untie Cheri and have her go find Mena...

    Sweet dreams and see you in the morning...or later if I don't sleep.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Newter, I use photobucket. Go to and create your free account. Then download your picture from your documents to your album. After you're done, click the bottom link below your picture and copy and paste it here when you post. Heck does this make sense? I sure hope so. If not, I'll try to help you again.

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited April 2007

    This is a picture of myself about 6 weeks ago with my 5 year old.

    I am wearing my wig and this is the ONLY decent picture I have taken since all this fun began.

    My big issue has been trying to stop wearing the wig. I am a long hair person and all I have is a piddly 2.5 inches at most and I am just not comfortable looking at myself in the mirror. How pathetic is that?

    My husband found photobucket and figured it out. He can be pretty useful sometimes.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007

    Welcome to Newter, Doris and I know there is someone else but I forget your name. I do apologize!

    I will try to catch up but it may never happen. So, after I am finished with my gal pals or should I say when they are finished with me tomorrow, I will post a pic of our BBBB party, (bye bye bethie's boobies).

    In the meantime, keep warm, feel better and make sure the fire is well-stoked. If I can't sleep I will check on it later. Hey Zazette, got any of that cocoa left? Sounded good this morning. I manage to catch is chocolate right?

    have been away from the 'puter most of the day and I cannot possibly catch up! but I do want to catch up the new ladies on me.
    I am the oddball on the thread. I do not have bc but am BRCA2+, ahve a very strong family history, dense breast, 2 b9 cysts that were aspirated and doing preventive measures. The ooph was in 2002, been on Tamoxifen and a PBM with SNB on May 7th. Phew!

    Jankay, did you see my itty bitty post earlier? The end of the device says on it. I will get more info as I can and pass it on.

    Love, prayers and peace to all!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Liz, your gonna win a Solstice? very very cool.
    a busy little camper I was today, even put the darn clothes away. That rarely happens on the same day they are washed.

    Deb, Congrats to you and the girls. Thats a lot of moola. Put your feet up and have a baileys. You earned it.

    Gus/Sue, my hubby gets irritated with me too. I try not to self diagnose but all this medical stuff facinates me and I am a fanatical researcher. Put the two together and I'm dangerous.

    Vicki, God WILL take care of Derrick.

    Lorene, not pitiful at all. Normal actually. You are B U T FUL!!!!! and your youngin is darn cute.

    Only thing left to do is finish the kids laundry so I can put it in the boxes. Gonna go play in chat for a while.
    Have a simply fantabulous evening one and all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Beth are we gonna get to see the girls in all their naughty glory? I think a group shot is in order. Aww never mind. That would probably get ya banned. Can't have that.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Welcome to the new girls. You've found a wonderful place to chill out and be heard and vent and just be you. We are here to be here for you and one another and it really does help, my days have become better and the voices in my head take more naps. Again, welcome, pull up a log and sit a spell, hot chocalate for everyone.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Just here for a minute to tuck everyone in for the night. I would sing you a lullaby but I don't want to scare off our new Cg's! Welcome ladies!

    Let's snuggle in for a group hug and hit the sack.
    Hugs to all,

    p.s. Tomorrow is GD 3rd. Birthday, so I may not get on here until later in the evening!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Welcome all.....
    Vickie-the baby is so very cute.. and yes, he does look like Nate.
    Lorene, wonderful picture of you and your son

    Just watched Night at the Museum...oh my - it is so funny!!!
    Hi to everyone....can't get my thoughts together tonight...
    take care, hugs, Madison
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Silka/Doris- is that the same Doris who sent me the words to that beautiful hymn? So happy to see you here!!!

    Hey Newter! Glad you are here too! Is that little boy the one who likes my cat? (Your cat without the buzz cut?) It is great you are here too!

    I am missing a ton of you- but I have to say that I am wiped out. The chemo fatigue has hit and that darn Nuelasta! Who thought that one up??? OWIE! Sternum, chest, arm, neck and back pain galore... and sorry but my only pain killer- tylenol just isn't cutting it!

    It is not too many days long is it?

    I need to take another nap.... oh yes, the old chemo memories are coming back. At least I will be well rested!

    I will be back later I hope!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Hi Ladies,
    Just dropping in to say hello and send you my love. I haven't posted in a while but continue to think about all the girls on this circle and pray for you often. May God shine His healing light on all the CG's.
    Love and hugs,
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Dear Vicki,
    I usually just lurk on this thread. When I read your post about Derrick, it just broke my herat. I have a similar situation with a grandniece. She was bounced around from relative to relative for years. I play the lottery every week, knowing that if I win , I can offer her mom a high dollar amount and get her in a nanosecond. Having the ability to give birth does not a parent make. You and Derrick and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good evening ladies....

    I am so pooped out i didnt have a chance to go back to read yet... its been a busy couple of weeks for me and i am crashing....

    I see we have some new girls so i would like to welcome them!!! so welcome!!!!

    hey cy i am thinking about you!!! you to cheri!!!!

    ns one chemo down how many more to go??

    i found this cool site you can listen to any police scanner in north america so i am listening in to cleveland pretty busy place right about now.... i might try new york next....

    well anyways a quiet nite here finally!!! way to much company lately....

    going back to read now.....
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Have just a moment. Just got the youngest GS, Ethan, in a bed as he fell asleep on the sofa earlier.

    Vicki, when I saw the pictures of Derrick it reminded me of an earlier conversation I had with my hubby. I know you are far younger than I am when you talk about taking Derrick. I loved being a Mom and I have loved having grandchildren and I know that if something happened to my son and DIL that they have specified the boys are to come to us. They have been very good and I love them with my whole heart but my energy level is so different and I wonder if I could be what they needed. I do wish I was younger - after my children left home I had even considered being a foster parent but figured I would get to attached and it would be to hard to let them go and my ability to have additional children was gone by age 30. My arms ache sometimes and I know there are so many children that need someone to love them especially when you know the kind of life they will have and you can offer more. He is just a beautiful baby; just as Nathaniel is a
    beautiful little boy. Yes, you do have so much more to offer this beautiful baby and that is what makes this so hard for you. Blessings, Vicki.

    Shirley, the boys ate Captain Crunch after a salad and some pizza - today has been more settled and into a better routine. No rushing around to a T-ball game.

    I guess by the 10 year old GS (will be 11 in August) THINKING he's going into puberty we know what they talk about in health classes at this age. I was one of the "lucky" girls that started my period at 12 and we DIDN"T discuss that in health classes. I ask my brother earlier if he even knew that word at that age.

    I see Neulasta mentioned here - I hated it too!!!! I had an hours drive to the cancer center and back and by the time I got that shot and the drive home - I was miserable. The first two treatments I bounced back around 2 l/2 days; after that it got longer and I ached and it was like having bad flu symptoms. To think I rode an hour each way to get a medicine that made me feel so bad!!!!

    Lorene, Newter - welcome!!! It is a good place to come. Silka/Doris - I think you answered my post or PM about a get together in Wilmington later this summer. Think you and Jasmine were kind of planning things - how is that coming along??? I live in NC but in the "foothills" - area just below the mountains.

    Will have to check back later as I need to get everyone and everything settled for the night.

    I'm not sure what is going on with me but since I have stopped the Ativan my hot flashes have increased 90%. I know that doesn't make any sense!!!! I can go without sleep for a bit but this hot flash thing is waking me up when I do fall asleep; I'm gonna try it one more night. I've got to come off the Ativan because my pcp doesn't want me on it and the oncologist says it is time to come off also.

    Hope everyone has beautiful dreams, restful sleep and the joy of another tomorrow.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Hi Newter and Silka. welcome to this crazy place. tonite I only have time for a flyby. it takes a while to remember names etc. if you have questions, just ask.

    nicki i loved the picture of Derrick. beautiful baby.

    Odalys, good to see you popping in. How are things in Miami.

    Hi Cherryl, i remember you from the afshan thread. howdy.

    NS can you take ativan. My favorite medicine. I slept through chemo. LOL

    Brenda I think that some people coming off Ativan have to taper off slowly. it wasn't hard for me. I never felt "hooked". my onc gave me a whole bunch of extra pills when i finished treatment. they are waiting for me if i need them.

    Zaz, I could sure use a cup of hot chocolate.

    Jankay, I love the pictures you post of your mother. Is she as sweet as she looks.

    Cheri, I'm agreeing with the others, call your onc on Monday. I'm here if you need a ride. no dr. appts or PT or anything for me.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    off to bed for me ladies. I'll leave the porch light on for those wandering the camp. If you need a bed, son's room is clean and the sheets are fresh.
    See you in the morning
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    well i am shocked-has anybody ever considered keeping count of how many new ladies we get a week. this week has amazed me.
    YEH DORIS IT IS JANKAY FROM CHAT. iT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU.hope u are recovering well from your surgery. i havent heard from elaine in a while, is she doing ok?

    Liz no i havent ever posted a pictureof shooting star before and this time it was jessica, iwas showing her how to post a pic.
    beth - i missed the post. On the weekend i have a hard time getting the computer. Next week Jacob will be home from college so i will not be able to post as much.

    Liz-tink is doing well. she is worried about me because i called her crying one day last week.

    vicki-i dont know what i have missed but i am so sorry u are having a hard time. You have always been so kind to me.
    Zar-i think there is some homemade coffee cake to go with the hot chocolate if anybody is iinterested. the potato soup from supper tho is all gone.

    newter-it is good to meet u. You are beautiful and your son is handsome.
    susan-is there stil going to be a secret someethiiing thread? I hope so
    fellow campers
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    First, I just want to say that I found out that several of my friends have received news that has been unsettling. Cheri, Cheryl (CY), and Gina - you are all in my prayers and I think of you every day. Please let me know how I can help.

    Cheri, call your oncologist.

    I haven't been able to log in this week because the auction I'm working on leaves me no time. My schedule will be back to normal next Sunday.

    Zazette and jagsfan, welcome and glad you found us. Ooops, just discovered Newter/Lorene too - glad you found us too. Silka, you made your way here too. Boy, the more I read, I keep seeing new women joining us - welcome PBD.

    Newter, if you need intructions for posting pics, let me know. I taught a few on this board how to do it.

    Boo/Sue, I don't know what I missed, but please let me know if I can help.

    Sheri, listen to your son. Maybe the high school is too much pressure for him - it was for my son.

    Puppy, you're doing great with the pics.

    I had neulasta too but didn't suffer any ill effects from it - I was one of the lucky ones.

    Vickie, Derrick is adorable.

    To all my friends, I'll pop in when I can. I think about you all every day.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Wow I was gone all day and three or more pages are here to go back and read...I just returned home from seeing my 4 year old grandson's pre-school lasted hours!! But he was the Lion King..


    They were all so cute..

    Just wanted to mention to NS that I was a total basket case on Neupogen..I loaded up on vicodine to just lie in a fetal position..finally, they discovered I could take half a dose in the shot and accomplish the same degree of increase in WBCs without all the horrible pain (my onc said I was the worst case she had ever seen).
    Hope you are feeling a bit better now...

    Welcome to all our new circle chums..
    more in the morning

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning, Jankay. I smell your fresh brewed coffee. Where are the 'sunshine sisters' this morning? Do you think because it's Sunday they think they can just sleep in?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Jankay: Yeppers, you beat me - and geez I thought I was up early.

    Cheri: If I were you, I would be on the telephone with my onc first thing Monday morning! Or better yet, in his office insisting that you get to see him/her. The drooping of your mouth and blurred vision - that needs to be seen NOW! This is why I dont like Nurse Practioners. Sorry if Im offending any NP out there - but my goodness - its wrong to make someone wait this long who is symptomatic. If I were with you, I would be sending you to the ER! Sometimes we are too strong. We try to live with what we "think" is normal after bc. Call the onc!
    And good morning to ya too.

    Lorene: Somehow I always seem to be different. Whenever I go to my oncs office - I have to make a copay. Even for shots and blood draws. Insurance is getting greedy. The have now changed the term "office visit" to mean more than seeing the doctor. Anyways, my onc and I have known each other for years and he said studies show you could get the neulasta shot the day of chemo. So thats what I did. After chemo I would get the shot. His nurses hated the idea but they listened to him. Your picture is great and it doesnt look like a wig at all. I was a long hair person too - I was where you are at right now, last year at this time. I finially said the heck with it. Got some gel, spiked my hair and said hello world - here I come. I remember that day very well. Its was April 1, 2006. My motto was its was better to have a bad hair day than a no hair day.

    Vickie: Beautfiul pictures of baby Derrick. I thought the same thing. He looks like the pictures of Nathaniel.

    Liz: Well Im hoping by now there is a new car sitting in your driveway! If I went to a casino 2 days in a row, I would be broke. Those dang slot machines call my name. I am hoping that before today is over, I will have the rest of my flowers planted. Woke up this morning and Im not as sore as I thought I would be.

    Sue: Im giggling soft here. Its the opposite in this house, I do the work - husband pays the bills, and he knows everything I charge! But I get my cell phone and expenses paid to me in cash. Now that he doesnt know about.

    Beth: Have fun with your friends today. "BBBB" I think that warrants your own special license plate.

    NS: My discomfort from the neulasta lasted for 24 hours. When I woke up the next day it was gone. Fatigue - oh yes, for me that was one of the hardest things for me to try and cope with during chemo. Some days, I couldnt pull myself out of bed. Then I remembered someone told me - just go with it. So I would get a bunch of good movies to watch and went with it! Sending you a big hug.


    Odalys: Aww you put a smile on my face. So good to hear from you. How is the new job?

    Cheryl Holt: So glad you stopped by the campfire and sat for a while. I know I have talked to you in the past. You live very close to me. About 8 miles away. Im like you, Im trying to win that darn lottery sometime, in my lifetime.

    Tracey: OMG Im laughing. Listening to a police scanner. Thats too funny. Hey, the pictures didnt show up if ya know what I mean. Anyways, I think its good to be busy. This past week was a busy one for me too and it just flew by.

    Brenda: First of all I hope you were weaned off the Ativan. And second of all - your life has been so crazy with your husband being sick. What a time to go off of it! Anyways, long before bc, I was prescribed Lexapro for hot flashes and it did help. Sometimes I want to just scream. Why is it everyone thinks things are back to normal once treatment is done - including the doctors. They really have no idea the emotions we go through everday. If they try to take my xanax away - they will have a big fight on their hands.

    MargaretB: Good to see you post. Yes we have been missing you around here. Glad the auction is going well.

    LisaSocal: What a beautiful picture of your grand son. He is adorable.

    Jankay and Cheri: Man oh man - I thought getting up at 5 am on a Sunday was early. Pretty soon Im gonna be up with the farmers and milking cows

    Madison: What time is the biopsy scheduled for?

    Ok - I will try to come back later. Today is gonna be a busy day. Lots of flowers to plant and lots of errands to do.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    Jankay...hey sunshine sister you where up first! You are the official sunshine girl today. I'm gonna head for the fire and grab a blanket and some hot chocolate. Derrick is Nathaniels brother. I adopted Nathaniel when he was 3...he came to live with me when he was 15 months and she was actually told never to get pregnant again. Well she did...don't believe she's any better a mother now that she was then.
    Lisa..your grandson is adorable. He look so much like my nephew Josh! Josh is tiny, he's 6 but looks like he's 4. Just barely able to wear size 5 clothes now!
    Odalys...glad you popped in and said hello...we missed you.
    Margaret...I still have to send you yarn...I'm soo sorry...time just got away from me this week. I will send it on Monday.
    Brenda...thank you for your words. I love babies and children. Having my two children are my greatest blesssings and I would be lost without them. I would probably have a housefull if I could. Considered foster care but wouldn't be able to let them go!
    Tracey...that sounds like a cool us a link! you have me thinking. Pretty sure the bank would give me a loan and she'd do it in a heartbeat for probably 5000.00...I know her so well! Thanks for popping in...hugs to you and prayers for your gn!
    Shirley...I believe totally that God will take care of it. It's what I have been telling Nathaniel and he's been praying constantly. Hard to explain to an 8 year old who believes that God is listening that maybe it won't happen and God has a reason. He can't comprehend what reason it could be. He says she couldn't take care of him so how is she going to take care of his baby brother.
    Newter...what a beautiful picture. My hair was only about two inches long and they swiped my wig at work and told me I didn't need it any more. I was a little uncomfortable for the first couple of days but got lots of compliments and was actually happy to be rid of it. You are beautiful with our without the wig! I too had always had long hair so I know how you are not pathetic! It's hard.
    Beth...hmmm...someone requested pics of you BBBB party! Go for it LOL...have a grand time and say goodbye to those potential time bombs.
    Jan and Gus...I totally agree with the two of you about Derrick too! Hmmm...maybe we could all write letters to DSS and ... never mind...just kidding...LOL.
    Liz...I haven't gone and seen him yet. She has said I can take him whenever I want and return him whenever I want. Just afraid I won't want to return him.
    Ok...enough Derrick for me me.
    Cheri...are you and Mena playing nice or is Mena hiding out somewhere.
    CY...sending you out for Cheri and Mena...they are a wild couple of gals. Always into trouble LOL.
    NS...very gentle hugs to you. my shovel ready for EVIL.
    Isn't it funny how many of us hated the Neulasta shot that is supposed to be such a wonder drug!?! I was not told of the side effects and thought it was the chemo until about the third time around. I know it works but does it have to make someone miserable to do so?
    Well...Nate is up and reading (thank you again Deb)and hungry as usual...he's gonna hit a growth spurt any day now and outgrow all his clothes YIKES. I sooo love my little boy and hate to see him growing up so very fast. I soo love my daughter and I'm ready to jump a plane and go see her. She is going to try to come up sometime next month...praying for that.
    Love to all and as usual, I'll be back.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Hey beat me too and guess what...I almost posted the same picture as you did!!! Back to the twilight zone...dodododo...have a grand day sunshine sister.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Sunshine Sisters,
    Will be out of town for the day...
    But wanted all to have a great day
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    Good morning Sisters!

    Liz,LOL bad girl, you sound just like me with my famous phrase”I’ll do it later”.Oh well I figured out long ago, housework will wait cause nobody else here is gonna do it.As for the Neulasta, I hated that crap with a passion.Remember the commercial “I’m ready”, I almost threw my TV out the bedroom one night,I was having serious bone pain even with heavy duty painkillers. But as you said, it works very well. My counts stayed up the whole 4 months, every tx on time and never got sick. So I guess it was worth it.

    Hi Lorene, you have a cutie-pie there! I don’t know how long my hair is, I need to post pics but I just got me some gel and wax pomade and created a do lol.Everybody is always complimenting me on it. I had very long hair pre BC and I feel naked without it to this day. You have a very pretty face you will do fine with short hair,go for it, girl.

    NS, sorry that you are hurting sweetie.Sending you gentle hugs.

    Brenda, I take Lyrica and Effexor for my hot flashes and they went away. I have none, and mine were severe and constant. Hope you get relief soon.

    Lisa, your grandson is adorable. Glad you enjoyed the program.

    Vickie, Derrick is a doll baby! I can tell the kind of person you are even though we haven’t met yet.I know that it’s breaking your tender heart that she won’t take care of him either. They need to force her to have her tubes ties and fill her woo-hoo up with cement. Sorry, no tolerance for someone who neglects and abuses children when you would give him all the love in the world. You are a speacial person, Vickie and I’ m proud to call you my sister.

    Cheri, I’m still thinking of you. Was afraid they had you duct-taped.Whew. I know that you are worried and I am worried for you, we all are. I really wish you would just go in to an ER and get the droopiness and tightening checked out. I am still praying for you,my dear.

    Robin, I hated to see that you aren’t feeling so chipper. Now, don’t forget when you all go to bury ***hole I am just a hop, skip and a jump away. Tesla get her sleep pattern right yet? Any problems with Noelle being jealous of her? I am still praying for you Robin and I just love you to pieces.

    Gotta run, family wanting pancakes and bacon. For all I missed, sorry I love all of you and I will catch up in a little while. Be back shortly.
