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    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good morning,

    Welcome to all the new gals. So good to see you. I'm not much of a note taker, so I'll just say Welcome to all.

    I'm ready for the carpet rides this week. Prayers and good thought to all having appointments this week.

    Wow, Nicki...I'm impressed with all the flowers you planted. We want to see pictures. Here I am in TN and I haven't gotten anything planted yet. We lost s rose bush in the cold snap a couple of weeks ago.

    Vicki, I'm with you on the ladder warning. Except mine should say, check top step for tools before moving. I decided our dreyer vent needed cleaning. It snakes its way down into the basement and then outside. I went down yesterday and went to move the step ladder over, forgetting I'd left a large pipe wrench on the top step. It fell right on my nose. It's a wonder my glasses aren't broken. I have a very sore nose this morning.

    Hope everyone has a good day. I'm glad too the NY Times article came out. Seems like my chemo brain is getting worse.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning All,
    Going into work today
    Be back later.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Susan, I'd like to be a secret pal, also. Can I still join in?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Vickie: OMG Im laughing. We keep getting directed towards the same pictures - ahahahaha. Yep, Im tired already on this MOnday - and havent even started work.

    Betty: Good morning to ya. I lost 2 of my perennials to the cold snap. I was so upset - told my husband, Im not planting anymore perennials, but of course I was lying.

    See ya all later.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    OMG, when I left yesterday afternoon, I think I was looking at page 412 or 413. Boy did I miss a lot. You guys keep busy. I did not take notes, as usual, but do remember a couple things I wanted to say.

    Jankay, I think Susan probably forgot by accident. You are not forgettable, you are wonderful!

    Vickie, hope you are not banged up too much. But if any are visible, tell 'em you should see the other guy.

    Robin, feel better. I will give you a buzz later.

    Cheri, hope you get some answers soon from the docs.

    Gus, I looooovvvveee Disney. I even have a tshirt that says, I am never growing up!

    There are so many others to shout out to but I need to get moving early today.

    The party, of sorts, was wonderful. When we pulled up to the theater, all I could see was a group of my buds all in pink (except for dh's cousin who marches to her own tune). We saw Perfect Stranger, five stars! I cannot tell you a thing about it because it would spoil it. There was a sun shower when we came out to go to dinner. WEll....there was the most beautiful rainbow. i tried to find a place to pull over and take a pic but it was gone before I could. My friend Marge, who is very religious and very spritual, said it was a sign. I just thought it was apropos for the day and God sent it to all of us. Dinner was great. We sat and talked for a long time. One of the girl's so stopped by and ate with us. He misunderstood that he was supposed to be with the guys...yeah...we didn't buy it either. The guys played dominoes, ate and were, well, guys. We got back and sat and talked more and had ice cream for dessert. Of course, being guys, the mess was left for us to clean up but at least they used paper plates!

    I will download pics later and post them. Gotta kick dh out of bed to go to work. He is on 9-6 which sucks because he gets home so late for dinner. Speaking of which, what to make for dinner?

    Have a safe day everyone! Love to all.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Z -- you need a blog for your writing not just your BC journey. I got one of those 'diary' things from New Outlook when I was first diagnosed but I just didn't want to keep or leave behind a reminder of this disease. Plus, I figured the story was already told by so many who came before me.

    I would love to read your writings.

    Vickie -- what in tarnation are you doing climbing up a ladder? I won't even change a light bulb anymore. I bought those 5 year bulbs and figure by that time I'll probably be ready for a nursing home! LOL

    Nicki -- you have inspired me to try planting a few flowers in my yard this year. The ones on my mantle have done so well!

    Well, off to work today. Have a fantabulous Monday everyone.

    Cheri -- let us know something as soon as you get any news. You too, Cy.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i have a counseling appointment today-which i need-
    so i dont know when i will post again

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Good morning,
    Just sending a hello to all.
    Madison - I'll be praying for you today for an easy time during your biopsy and great results.
    Cheri - Thinking of you. How are you feeling today?
    CY - Your in my thoughts and prayers. How are you feeling? I hope you don't still have abd pain. Praying for good workup results.
    To anyone else having problems I missed I hope things get better.
    Well I am having periodontal surgery on Wed. Actually 1/2 of my mouth this Wed. and the other 1/2 next Wed. Chemo really did a number on my gums. I now have some bone loss hense the surg. Well if I can't eat too well for the next few weeks mabey I'll finally lose some weight!!!
    Hugs to all,
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning!!! Beautiful spring morning to all. The sun is out and the sky is robin egg blue here . The fresh green leaves of the trees(coming out for the 2nd time this year) is beautiful against that blue sky.

    Cy,Madison, Cheri - keeping all of you close today and sending you hugs and prayers.

    Sue, good luck on Wed. I haven't been to the dentist yet - I'm being very bad. I keep having crazy stuff show up otherwise but I am beginning to notice some gum problems. I don't think I said yet - I HATE DENTIST. I definitely will think of you.

    Nicki, no flowers here yet other than I did buy two ferns to put in my old wagon on the front porch. I need to do that this week. It has been so hot and dry here the last couple summers that even watering doesn't keep them nice. That is why I like to grow flowers in the mountains - I can have beautiful stuff there but it is far to early. Need to wait a couple of weeks yet. I will be so sore I can hardly move when I do that. I have been working outside though trying to get some hedges and stuff looking decent again - wore me out. I was dragging.

    Vicki - I think you should stay away from ladders too. Glad that you are OK. One time I was painting the window trim - needed to paint windows on the 2nd floor. Got the ladder out, climbed to the top and got on the roof, painted and then, and then ----- I couldn't get in the right position to get off that roof. I was to scared. I sat there until someone came home to help me. Thankfully, it wasn't all afternoon. I try to leave ladders alone - they really do scare me. I can only go so far on them.
    Did I read that you are just now getting down your Christmas lights???? I probably could have reasoned that they would only be going back up in a few months so just leave them. Seriously, glad you are OK - bet you are sore this morning.

    Sue, thanks for sharing the pictures of your family. Good to see the happiness and fun in your faces.

    SoCalLisa - your grandson is a beautiful child. I just wanted to put my arms around him and give him a big hug!!

    Z- once again a beautiful poem. Thanks.

    Guys, when the circle was first started and we had so many,like now, that needed to be brought to the center to be taken care of; to protect, there was a lady that posted along with us. You might know her as Fancy2. (You may have seen her thread in Moving Beyond - Kay's husband). Fancy loves and has horses. She posted that she was riding the circle at night, she had her gun to scare away any "beast" that came into the camp that the girls would be safe - well, there was and is a group that wanted and still wants the circle thread removed and they made a big deal about her gun toting. It really hurt her and she didn't post for a very long time and then went back mostly to alternative and gave us what she knew on supplements. She and her husband are having a really, really rough go. He has a very rare disease. If you have time, please post to her thread and let her know that the "circle girls" will be bringing her and her hubby to the center and that we care. She deserves that and I'm sure she needs that.

    Gina, hope your reflux and just feeling bad is better for you today.

    Hello to Robin, Puppy, Margaret, Susan, MB, Liz, Amy, - oh, I just had a brain shut down. Why does that happen when you start to THINK!!!!!!!

    Got to run - Hope you are having sunshine where you are - if not, may the warmth of others be your sunshine today.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Brenda, sent you a PM
    The afghan circle sent Fancy2 an afghan last week. I know she received the afghan.
    We will absolutely be praying for her and her husband. I know she is well loved by all.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, I didn't tell anyone but hubby and all of you about the biopsy...anyway he told my 3 girls (and now they are upset with me)....geez MEN!!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited April 2007
    Morning Girls, well, late morning anyway!

    Son off to school, I have tons of work to do, and what am I doing but sitting here reading posts from you all?

    Welcome, welcome, welcome to all our new girls!

    I've got to run, but am thinking of you all.

    PS. Halfway through my adult hip-hop class. We all still can't wait for it to be over! For whatever reason, it's no fun at all. Not even laugh ourselves silly at how bad we are fun - like the adult jazz class was! Don't think it's my group of friends, cause we usually have fun no matter what we do, not really sure what it is. Oh's a small problem to have right?
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2007
    Morning CG's

    Madison, Cheri, Cy, Robin & Gina-praying all of you will have a good day today, and will be able to share good news with us the next time each one of you posts.

    I've been here reading, but just couldn't seem to get it together enough to post. Everytime I'd want to start, my brain didn't want to cooperate.

    Liz-sorry about the cold. Take care. Too bad about the car, but $200 isn't so bad.

    Shirley-Are you still in need of bras? That's another thing I didn't get to last week.

    Shel-I'm sorry about your job woes. Hope it works out better for you soon.

    Gina-I'm another of those who had a love hate relationship with my port. It was a double, but the nurses could only get one side to work. It was good for IVs, but only gave blood every other time we tried. So, I'd end up with a needle in my arm anyways. What a pain. One of the best days was the day it came out, but then I cried all the way home afterward. this journey is so strange sometimes.

    Vicki-I hate ladders, but then I do something really stupid. I stand on chairs to reach things. Praying that things will work out well for baby Derrick.

    Jankay-Hope you have a good counselling session today.

    Beth-Soon surgery will be over, and you'll start a new phase in your life. Praying that everything goes well for you this week.

    Zaz-Wonderful posts. I only watch pro baseball. My grandpa was a huge Tigers fans, and now so am I. Even when they stunk in the past few years. Baseball is the only sport that I truly understand.

    Well, I need to get going. I'm going to get a fasting blood draw this morning and a chest x-ray, all routine stuff. I hate needles. Bc did not help get me over that fear.

    Yesterday was Lansing's Race for the Cure. We had a record number of participants. So, I walked a mile. I was able to get a lot of info on bc. I have another cousin who was just dx'd last month. I'm hoping to put together some useful things for her. I guess I'll be more seriously looking into genetic testing. She's the 4th one in two generations of women to have bc in my family. There are only 12 women in those two generations. that makes it one out of every three of us. I also found out that an uncle and a cousin had prostate cancer, plus another cousin had leuchemia. (Is that spelled right?) I guess that's why I'm having a difficult time right now. It's starting to get a little overwhelming.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    image Sisters Praying For Sisters today and everyday!!

    I will be with You in Spirit Madison, and Cheri, and ALL My sisters! Gods Speed

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Good morning circle girls,
    I wanted to wish everyone a peaceful day.
    Madison, my prayers are with you for your biopsy
    CY, I am holding you close til you know what is happening next
    Cheri, my sweet friend, I have been praying for spontaneously disappearing cysts for you all weekend
    Jankay, I am sorry about the Parkinsons- that is too much to ask anyone to go through
    The Divine Z- I have to call you that because you ARE- i love what you write!
    Jagsfan, hello!
    Newter- I love seeing you here!
    Doris, I am so glad you stopped your wagon by our big circle!
    Shel, I will start researching for you as soon as I can.
    My dear sweet Kay, thank you for remembering her and her husband and what they are going through.
    I can't stay on long but I just wanted you to know you are all close in my heart and prayers.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    quick hello, boss is back a and lot to do...bummer....
    hugs and happy monday...reading back...
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Oh My! What a day and week we are all having!

    Gina, I missed about your reflux. It can be so debilitating.

    Jagsfan! I think I must have forgotten to say hi to you! Welcome!

    Puppy...morning sweetie!

    Madison, prayers that the biopsy is negative and B9!

    Z, what a prolific writer you are. I love your prose and poems both.

    CY, more prayers for you too.

    Laura, family history sounds like mine too. In my generation, I am the only girl, hence all my preventive measures. But previous generations, bc and ovarian ca are rampant. It is so overwhelming at times. PM if you want to talk more.

    Darn! I really need notes!

    BBL my friends! Have to go over to Sunrise and give mom a hand. If I get a chance, I will psot the pics b4 I go!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Thanks Beth, but that thankfully went away after I was done with the steroids.

    I hope you took some "private" photos too A sweet sister here told me to and I am glad I did- I look so much better NOW!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    OK, Mom called and she said she is going to PT and they will help her with the compression stockings.

    Here are the pics from yesterday. For some reason the ones at the movie theater didn't come out, oh pooh.

    Marge (see her button adn scarf for the 3-Day walk?), Me, dh's cousin Sandy and sil Jackie

    Terri, Sandy, Carol (the organizer), Marge

    Group shot!

    Group shot from other end!

    My friend Sandy wore this...says it all doesn't it?!?!?
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    ChristineK:There you are,I have been wondering about you,I have missed you also.

    I did take a nap yesterday afternoon snuggled up with my afghan then went to bed early,now I still dont feel so good.My tummie feels bad.I will be so glad when this chemo is over.I cant take much more.I have a treatment this week then am off next week then 3 more then repeat ct's and i just hope and pray they are neg.that would be so wonderful.

    Z:That is a beautiful picture,you are beautiful with/without hair.Last year my hair came back curley hope it does this time.

    Talk to all of you later.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hola chicas..........NS you must be feeling a little better today......we have some new cg's I see NS your evil plan must be working.......bringing in new recruits...ha....I do want to say this.....NS I remember when you started this thread because so many girls were having very hard times....Robin, Amy, Mena and Shel....just to name a few....I think that all of us that may have been watching knew that this thread had nothing to do about any particular individual nor any kind of agenda.....just a place were woman could come and get some much needed understanding and encouragment to face some very difficult times....I know that I personally lurked for a long time......but I must say that I don't believe I have ever been more proud to belong to a group of women then right here on and the circle girls....all of our different personalities, different dx and treatments, hard struggles but we can also try and amuse ourselves and each other because their are times we must cry but there is also times we need to laugh....thank you everyone....

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    amen shokk and I dont know what I would have done without this site.It gives me a place and people I can turn to in good times and bad.And I sure cant find that here.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Dear Ladies. Have a gazillion things to do today. Most of which require the phone being attached to my head. Cauliflower ear here I come. Hubby is feeling much better. Has another follow up tomorrow. Not sure if doc will take the staples out or not.
    Madison, waiting for the carpet to pick me up. Praying for you today.

    Jeannie, that was a hoot.

    Z, you are lovely. I'm guessing it was a Mardi Gras party? Your boy is a cutie. He has a great smile.

    Denise, I leave dishes in my sink every night. Hate doing dishes after dinner. Thats what I had kids for. Who told them they could grow up?

    Vicki, OUCH!!! I'm glad your ok. Hope the bush survived too. I miss Florida beaches. California beaches just don't rate. Navy boy who has spent the last two years in South Carolina says flat beaches suck beans. No good for surfing.

    Liz, no car and a cold. Well aint that just crappy. Long distance hugs.

    Gus/Sue, hope your over pouting. Looks like a grand time was had.

    Cheri, praying you get some answers today.

    Socal, what fun. I hate chili but love books.

    Shel, hugs to you. I have tons of info on tamox. I will sort thru it and see if there is anything you might use.

    Cheryl, I get a massage every other week too. Got an rx for 3 times a week last year when I hurt my back. Kept it up when rx ran out. I call my massage lady (can't remember the proper word) Mrs Hippy Magicfingers. I love her to bits.

    CY, thinking of you. Your daughter has a broken rib and is pregnant? WOW, that must hurt like hell. I knew about the pregnant part. Missed the broken rib. OUCH!! I'll be praying for her.
    Your making a victorian dress. Very cool. I just bought a dress form yesterday from Have wanted one for a very long time and they are on sale this week.

    Susan, looking forward to being a not so secret secret pal.

    Boo/Sue, are you having root planning? I had that done a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't to bad. Just a little sore for a few days.

    Madison, of course they are upset with you. I think I've said it before daughter would kick my butt if I had any kind of procedure without telling her. Thats what daughters do.

    Colleen, I shelved my hip hop exercise video and am sticking with the salsa dancing. I didn't think it was any fun either.

    Laura, yes I can use all the bras you can send me. I'm going for brca testing in a couple of weeks.

    Gina, how are you feeling today?

    Love that tshirt Beth.

    Off to make the man person some food. I will not make chili and hot dogs this morning. I got heartburn just smelling the nasty stuff yesterday.
    Hugs to all I missed. I love you all to bits.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Beth great pics....I would like to ask that when there is a gathering at resturants and pics are taken try and get pictures of the food.......ha.......I swear I want to go to Vegas so bad....could care less about gambling just want to see the Hoover Dam and then every food buffet I can find.........Vicki sweetheart what in the hell were you thinking.....if you were close enough I would come over there and spank you on the butt cheek that wasn't bruised....geez.....Cheri when your daughter was posting my heart was literally breaking...I wanted to reach my arms right threw the moniter and just hold many responded to her but when she question how God could do this Alwayshopes response was prefect.......that child loves her mama........please keep us posted to what is happening.......sorry girls will brb....expecting storms this is ringing......

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    thank you Shokk... you just get it! All the time!

    Robin, I have been so happy to see you posting more and more and even more glad to see you living up to your "I WON'T BACK DOWN!" mantra!

    Beth those pics are great!

    Shirley, thanks I am not going to complain anymore about my chemo s/e's. Maybe they will go away that way!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Thanks G.I am not going to back down.I want a normal life and It is out there somewhere.I just got to get to NED.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    You are going to get to NED then WE are going to get to Evil! I promised you a LOONG time ago remember??

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    G:I remember.I just wish it were now.It has went on to long as it is.I am just so sick of this cancer.I cant wait to get the EVIL.That will be a great victory for all of us!!We will get him and he wont even see it coming.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    i'm laughing at myself right now!!!!!!

    pretty sad huh? typical nurse, never worries about herself till it's too late!

    i never dreamed i'd have an ounce of hardship trying to get back to work, so i never archived anything pertinent, just absorbed it and moved on!!!!!

    but ........ i forgot about being in a unionized environment (i was management for years prior) ......... my employer is demanding "medical substantiation" for my restrictions despite breast cancer being a recognized disability in canada. all i'm asking for is to not lift, push or pull heavily with my right arm (read: to be allowed to ask for help and/or switch sides in a lifting situation), and to avoid known isolation (mrsa/vre) patients on a routine basis.

    all you guys that posted your common sense about alternate work etc. are right on the money, and i thought it would be as simple, but it's not lol!

    but then again, it's me we're dealing with ........... soooooo NOTHING is EVER simple lol!

    i'm about to give up ......... financially i'll be ruined, but my sanity may be saved!

    thanks for all your support in yet another one of my self centered rants!!!!!!

    life is so short (just like me), why can't it be simpler?

    why the frig am i trying to get info regarding complications/restrictions/cancer treatment, when i work for an acute care hospital and am recognized as an employee with a "known disability" that is to be accommodated? they act like i am asking to sit at the desk and "do my nails" all day! cripes, i am a going concern, running, helping, mentoring, giving and (seldom taking) in my job!

    i feel really violated .......... so much for being a "valued employee" like i was told when i went off work. i feel about as valued as the weeds in my garden!

    thanks for "listening" you guys .......... i'm sick to death of meeting after meeting, grievance after grievance, and CANCER after CANCER!!!!!!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    shel:I do understand,remember how my past employer did me?Once they found out I had ca i was replaced before my leave time even ran out,which is illegal.
    It will work out for you,and you like me are strong the things we have been thru have made us stronger and will keep us strong.
    Hang in there.I am praying for you.Giving up is the last thing you need to think about.