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  • Marsha56
    Marsha56 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2007

    OMG!!! Ladies and one brother!! I got my quilt!!! Sorry I am late with thanking you! I have been out of town. This is so beautiful and it makes me cry to know the love that has gone in to making this quilt!! Thank you so much for this, it reminds me what amazing wonderful all of you are to me!! I will tell each of you, about the NYC trip later.Just needed to tell you all thank you!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Good morning CG's,
    I've missed you all. My new job is going great! I am busy the entire day... no time to think about bc. I love it!

    Okay, I am making something to send to all my bc sisters so if you want to receive my gift, please PM me your address and I will mail it to you.

    Here is some food for thought...


    Love you guys,
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited April 2007
    OMG, this thread is massive. Whew, I will try to address as many as I can.

    First, thanks to everyone who had a nice compliment for my son and me. It is so nice to hear and again, a miracle that I have that one decent picture of myself.

    Cheri, I read a little about your current situation and although I can't really help, I do wish you well and hope you get in quickly to see doctor. I guess I need to read more, is it a stroke that is the immediate concern?

    Nicki - LOVE the user name Chemosabi. So witty. You are correct that a bad hair day is better than a NO hair day but I am such a wimp. I only like my face when there is hair covering it.

    Vickie - Again, I need to do more reading because I really do not know the story behind the pictures but seeing babies always makes me want another one. I wanted a third but hubby was very happy to stop at 2 plus I started later in life and had first one at 35. Oh well, maybe more cats, maybe a dog.

    Deb C - Glad you are here, I have enjoyed your reading your posts on other threads.

    Beth - I had the BRCA tests and I get my results in about 3 weeks if I choose to go to the appointment. I probably will. Cross you fingers that all is negative because I really have been through enough. I do not want a BBB or BBLB party or an ooph but then again, who does?

    NS Gina - No, not the same kid. It was my 7 year old daughter that made the comment. Also, bummer about the Neulasta. Hopefully it will be tolerable enough that you do not stop the shots and put your WBC and treatment schedule in jeopardy.

    Tracey (Snowmen) - I got really excited when you mentioned Cleveland but then saw your location. My location is a suburb of Cleveland/Akron. Does anyone know of anyone else in this area?

    Lisa Elder - I read a post by you a while ago about wax pomade and I went and bought some. Maybe I am an idiot or I just bought a crappy brand, but it really did nothing for me. I really do not know how to spike properly.

    Odalys - LOVED LOVED LOVED the comic picture.

    I apologize if I missed anyone. Keeping up is hard. I have to kiss the boards goodbye for most of the day because we are going to a baseball game. Have a great day.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Just jumping in for a second....leaving 15 minutes ago for GD Birthday Party! See you tonight!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    imagePraying for all my CGS, xoxo
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Just want to share a couple pics from our trip to Maryland this month.

    Do we look cold????? Brrrrrrr....

    We drove over 1,000 miles. Are we there yet????


    The sherry blosoms were beautiful...

    We had a great time visiting our friends and really enjoyed the cold weather (30's-40's). Maryland is so beautiful. This was the first time we had a family vacation since the bc dx. We came back refreshed and ready to plan our next vacation.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Again on the neulasta, I had it the day after chemo, but I also had an extra bag of fluid that day too. Did anyone else do that? Our cancer center here believes in LOTS of fluids when you get a treatment. I also had to have regular aranesp shots for rbc. Did anyone do that, too? In fact, I still get them!

    Newter, I dumped the wig when I had even less hair than you. Partly because it was during the summer and it gets really hot and humid here. The wig just itched and slipped around way too much. The first day I didn't wear it to school a parent (I'm a teacher) asked if I liked wearing my hair that short. She didn't know I had had cancer since it was the beginning of the school year. She was kind of embarrassed when I told her, but so many people wear their hair short these days it's hard to tell sometimes.

    Cheri, I agree with those saying to go to the ER. I know you are worried about the metal in your body, but they may be able to check other things to rule out a stroke.

    Beautiful day here, probably will have to go to the park again. What I will do to avoid house work!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    i just got an email from iaMhere4u. thought u would beinterestd

    > From:
    > Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:52:44 -0400
    > Subject: Re: Need some information
    > To:
    > hey jankay, . pllease keep me in your prayers. had the
    > shots all week to try and boost white counts. i have to go to the hospital in
    > the am for blood work. if my counts are up they are going ahead with the surgery
    > i need. i have been on antibiotics all week and my fever finally came down to
    > normal. i will be having surgery in the morning if all is ok with my blood.
    > they need to go in and repair and open wound in my chest. it was a cut then
    > after chemo and steroids it opened the hole right up! so needless to say im sure
    > that is where the fever came in. fever is back to normal now thanks to the
    > meds. i am still having trouble with fluid in the mast area on both sides so im
    > sure none of that was helping my situation. if i get surgery tomorrow im sure
    > that he will put drains back in. he wantes to go in and clean out the chest
    > area good and then sew up the hole after he makes a new incision. jankay can you
    > pass this along for me so my friends can be praying? i appreciate all your
    > support and prayers. i also pray that your appt. goes good and you have a good
    > trip!...luv ya Rita </HTML>
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    Oh, and Vickie, the baby is adorable. His eyes look like they've already seen too much at such a young age. I would have a hard time not snatching him up myself! Maybe if your daughter moves up closer to you it would help you to know there is someone who could be there to help out if you needed it. My older kids are such a blessing in caring for Micah. They step in (especially Jacob, the 20 year old) and babysit whenever I have appts. It would have been really hard caring for a little one without them.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    OMG, it is almost noon! I wanted to pop in and say hello to all of you. I am a little bewildered with my brother today. He called to say hi like usual and he asked my dh how I am doing pre-surgery. Larry told him I was occasionally down and more nervous and scared just because it is a long surgery (at least 4 hours). He didn't understand why I would be upset, "after all I am doing something to prevent bc and I should be happy." Well, he is not losing his boobs is he? I don't want to be angry wiht him but I am so surprised at his reaction. I am happy I will lower my risk down to 3-5% from 85-90%. But I am still a nervous just because it is major surgery. The ooph was laporoscopy and I was up and back to normal (well, those who know me will doubt that one, LOL). I guess he figures it will be the same. I am not going to enlighten him. He is a very bright man and can look it up on the internet if he wants.

    OK, I unloaded and it feels so much better. What would I do without you guys? There is still coffee on, soem French Toast, pork roll and OJ waiting for whoever is hungry. I do cook breakfast on the weekends. Yesterday, dh got scrambled eggs and ham but he didn't leave any for you guys so I made extra today!

    I still need to clean the bathroom. The so's and dh's of my friends and family will be here so I thought I would clean it a little anyway. Not that they care at all...they are guys! DH got a gag deck of playing cards that oversized, like 5x7, just because.

    I will check in before I go if I have time. I have the dvd of "Cats" playing in the background. Right now they are playing "Memories". Sniff!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    I admire you for taking action like you are. I don't know if I could do it! I probably should have had both of mine taken, but could only bear one, the one that had to go. Looking back, maybe I would have done differently, but I'm such a chicken. You are making a difficult and courageous decision. Good luck!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007



  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    good morning dear ladies. A beautiful sunday morning it is. Slept in my bed last night. It was lovely.

    Vicki, just about have the kid packed up. One more load of laundry. Now to just get him to come and get it. Talked to Navy boy last night. He was in the midst of one last party with his buddies before he heads to Virginia. Apparently he did call when he got back to SC and spoke with his dad. Dad of course is heavily drugged and doesn't remember. Well duh!!

    Liz, for heavens sake, don't use your free time to clean the house. Wheres the fun in that.
    So wheres the pic of your new car?

    Brenda, captain crunch after pizza is dessert. My grands get Fruit Loops when they come to visit. They don't get sugar at home so they think it's special. Drives their mom crazy but who cares. I am grandma. I can do whatever I want. hehehehheehhe

    Susan, I could so get hooked on Ativan. It is lovely. Probably a good thing I only get it for dentist appts.

    Denis, happy birthday to grand daughter. I wanna hear you sing. We're all gonna drink blue drinks and do kareoke at PinkStock.

    Awwwww socal, he is just to pickin cute. Give him a big smooch from me.

    Thanks for the coffee jankay.

    Cheri, sleep in? whats that? How you feeling this morning. I agree with everyone else. Call your onc tomorrow morning. I'm calling mine again on this breathing issue. I'll dial for you if you dial for me.

    Nicki, I so agree with you about NP's. Not that I don't think they are qualified. Just that I pay big bucks to see a doctor. I am very lucky that none of my docs have NP's working with them I guess.
    I think a hug from that sumo guy wouldn't feel to good. Those guys crack me up. Takes a BIG man to dress up in a diaper and appear in public.

    Vicki, adding Nate to my prayer list, that he is comforted no matter the outcome.

    Lisa, can I have some bacon. The yogurt just didn't do the trick this morning.

    Odalys, OUCH!!! good to see your name this morning. Glad you had a good vacation.

    Newter, when I was first dx they told me I was gonna have to do chemo. So I went and had my hair cut SHORT in preparation. I am genetically faulty in the hair fixing dept. Never figured out that wax stuff either. So most of the time I looked like a goof. Ended up not having chemo but like the upkeep of short hair so kept it. It's not spiked anymore but still short. I love wash and wear hair.

    Sheri, I met a woman a few months ago that had really really short hair. I asked her how she was doing with chemo....she said "O I don't have cancer, I just hate fixing my hair so I buzz it"....I was sooooo embarrassed.

    Jankay, thanks for the update on Rita. Haven't seen her in chat for quite a while. Please tell her I am praying for her.

    Beth, hugs to you. Men just don't get it sometimes. Have a grand time with your girls tonight.

    Fed the man person Chili and hot dogs for breakfast. How disgusting is that? It is what he wanted so I gagged my way thru it. I am such the good wifeypoo. hahhaahahhahha
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    oops forgot...
    here is the link to the chemo fog article in the NY times. Pretty good article. A couple of our girls have their pics and I think they quoted Nicki about forgetting which tooth brush was hers. The reporter must have spent hours on the threads here.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I wanted to let all you ladies in the center of the circle know that I have your names written on my heart today. I'm off to church and I will say an extra prayer for you.

    It is a beautiful morning here in the north land. The sky is bleu, the sun is shining and the morning frost is melting off my yard. The chickens are out preening in their pen waiting for a morning hand-out of cracked corn. A small flock of white-fronted geese flew over, circled the lake about a half a mile from here and then flew back up and headed on...the lake must already have geese on it this morning. I have seen 2 different pairs of Sand-Hill cranes here this spring. I just love watching them. Even though the bears are up and awake, they have not been in the yard (thank God) so maybe they will behave more like wild animals this summer.

    So, that's my little spring-time snap shot for the morning. I really want to be planting garden like all my southern sisters, but if will be a few weeks before we quit having a frost at night, so someone plant a flower for me!!

    Be back later
    Deb C
    *edited to clean up my typos...I have stupid fingers in the morning*
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    My pigs ate it all but I will cook some 'specially for you.eeeeewwww chili and hot dogs huh?Man person need white jacket that ties really tightly?lol.Enjoy your day and your bacon.I'm making meatloaf,mashed potatoes,green beans,cole slaw,corn and rolls for supper if ya get hungry later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Busy Busy Busy! I have now planted 60 flowers. Have 30 more to go.

    OMG! Yes it true. My husband had to tell my my toothbrush was the green one! Then I got smart. I went and got a new one and made sure it was pink - so I wouldnt forget again. My husband is getting a chuckle over that one cause he knows it true.

    See ya all

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007

    Ah, chemo brain. So true. I too threw away our ATM cards. I also threw away a check we had received from our insurance company for roof repairs. Yikes the check was already endorsed. I did find it after much digging through the trash. Yuk...

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Lisa:I'm coming to your house for supper.Tesla is doing better with her sleep patten.We tried the old wives tale that cheri told me about thurning her head to the foot of her bassinett and in 2 nights it worked.Noelle is very jelous and just about drives me nuts.
    I still dont feel so hot today,still sick at my stomach and now having diarrhea,this new chemo ususally dosent bother me.Maybe tomorrow will be better.When vicki,jan,denise and the others get ready with their rifles and shovels I will let you know they are on their way.Can you give me a call this week? I would like to talk to you?I will have chemo this wed and thurs I see the attorney.Hope that works good.

    Vickie:Beautiful baby.Hang on to your shovel we should have plenty,think I have a pick axe somewhere here.Hummmm what else do we need?

    Jan:I am going to outlive the EVIL just to show him I can.

    Welcome to all the new gals.

    Z:How was your nap yesterday afternoon? I felt so bad I slept till 7 pm then got up until 9 and went back to sleep.

    Cheri:I want you to know you have been on my mind in my heart and prayers constantly.I agree call the onc or better yet be there first thing tomorrow.We need you around for many years.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    hi ya'll!

    groovy granny is coming for dinner!!!!!!! yippee!!!!!!!

    i'm making baby backs and bbq chicken with potatoes, garlic and onions on the grill and lemon, parmesian broccoli. apple blossoms and french vanilla for dessert.

    of course "groovy" will have a couple of brandy and soda first in order to ensure she's "cheery" lol!

    beautiful day here too, got my jeep washed and detailed and the soft top on so i'm ready to roll!

    have a great day ladies!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Popping in to say hello. Going out to dinner. Going to the Olive Garden. This will be my official last pig out day. I found my South Beach book. This time Im reading it. Gonna start Phase 1 tomorrow.

    After my bone scan which was 1 1/2 half weeks ago, I said phoeey and started eating everything. Well I gained back my 5 pounds I lost, plus you can now add another pound to that.

    Shel: Your meal sounds wonderful.

    I will see all of ya in the morning.


  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2007
    Enjoying a beautiful Sunday in the Florida keys. Jeff (dh) and I went to the gym. I wish I enjoyed it like he does.

    Lorene, my grandmother did spell her name the same way you do. You and your son are both adorable.

    Beth, I am so impressed with what you are doing. With those percentages, there is no question you made the right choice. Your brother doesn't understand now, but I hope he figures it out before long. You are in my prayers.

    Odalys, I enjoyed your pice of Maryland. I have never been there; it looks beautiful.

    Vicki, that little boy is precious.

    This morning I went out to feed an egret or two, something we do most days. I discovered an iguana on the dock! image

    So I got some strawbwrries to feed him. He seems quite unafraid of me. So the egret was sure he was missing out on something good to eat.


    He liked the strawberries.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007

    where in the keys are you???????

    my best friend is in isla moroda, right near "robbies marina"

    i am there at least every 5-6 weeks for 10 days at a time!

    i love it there!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2007
    Shel, I live about 15 miles north of Robbie's, in Tavernier!

    Do you know when you will be coming down again?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    that is very very cool. I love the Keys. Family used to vacation there every summer. My second favorite place after St Augustine.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    At last---all is explained!

    Dear Reader,


    (Research done by the AARP Legal Department)

    Q. What does HMO stand for?
    A. This is actually a variation of the phrase, "HEY MOE." Its roots go back to a concept pioneered by Moe of the Three Stooges, who discovered that a patient could be made to forget the pain in his foot if he was poked hard enough in the eye.

    Q. I just joined an HMO. How difficult will it be to choose the doctor I want?
    A. Just slightly more difficult than choosing your parents. Your insurer will provide you with a book listing all the doctors in the plan. The doctors basically fall into two categories: those who are no longer accepting new patients, and those who will see you but are no longer participating in the plan. But don't worry, the remaining doctor who is still in the plan and accepting new patients has an office just a half-day's drive away and a diploma from a third world country.

    Q. Do all diagnostic procedures require pre-certification?
    A. No. Only those you need.

    Q. Can I get coverage for my preexisting conditions?
    A. Certainly, as long as they don't require any treatment.

    Q. What happens if I want to try alternative forms of medicine?
    A. You'll need to find alternative forms of payment.

    Q. My pharmacy plan only covers generic drugs, but I need the name brand. I tried the generic medication, but it gave me a stomach ache. What should I do?
    A. Poke yourself in the eye.

    Q. What if I'm away from home and I get sick?
    A. You really shouldn't do that.

    Q. I think I need to see a specialist, but my doctor insists he can handle my problem. Can a general practitioner really perform a heart transplant right in his/her office?
    A. Hard to say, but considering that all you're risking is the $20 co-payment, there's no harm in giving it a shot.

    Q. Will health care be different in the next century?
    A. No, but if you call right now, you might get an appointment by then.

    To Your Good Health (because as you'll see, you'll need it!),

    Your Professional Insurance Advisor

    Cheri---Do not let the above deter you---hie thee to the ER post haste. The symptoms you have mentioned sound like TIAs and could be the precursors of a stroke.

    CY---warm and (I hope) healing thoughts being sent your way.

    NS---the same coming your way.

    Vickie---failure to thrive?!? What is this woman doing having more babies??? Please tell me she had her tubes tied this last time. How can anyone explain not caring properly for a baby to themselves?

    II have gotten to the white flag stage with the thread---goes so fast that I can't keep up any more----just know I think of all of you often and check in every day.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Hello to you lovely ladies. For those who do not know, I am a huge basketball head! The Lakers have been my team for for over 30 years, I'm 39 so that tells you something, this was something my dear departed grandfather started and I have held on to it ever since. It's playoff time and some of the best ball can be seen right now. So, needless to say, I've been watching basketball all day! My Lakers lost, but I love them, each and every one, I truly do and I talk to them via email and letters and I go to as many games as I can. I will be back in a bit to catch up and see how the girls and doing, I do have a conundrum often of sitting here posting and watching the games - I love to do both. Basketball has always made me very happy, and you ladies are the highlight of my days too - how the hell lucky am I. BRB.
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited April 2007

    Loved your post, got a really good laugh out of it.
  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Hi Ladies!

    We just got back from GD Birthday party!! I've got to go clean up the kitchen.........I never leave my kitchen with dishes in the sink. Well, never say never....made potato salad, packed up and left!
    I'll be back..hope to read the post first and see what you all have been up to today!
