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  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2007
    Shirley, I love St. Augustine, too. We were there for a few days last Spring. Definitely not long enough!

    Jeannie, that cracked me up.

    Z, I am a Miami Heat fan.:( I grew up in So Cal and was UCLA fan and a Laker fan then, too.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Ladies and good evening. Oh man am I tired. Worked inside and out all day. You know the warning on the top of the ladders that says "this is not a step"...well dear ladies, please heed that warning!! I couldn't reach my Chirstmas lights that were above my porch so I verrrryyyy carefully step up to the top of the ladder...big mistake...ended up in the rhodedunren (sp?) bush and landed on the landscape timbers. a nice bruise on my butt, shoulder and a good sized knot on the back of my head. Geez...glad no one had a camera handy. Would have been on America's Funniest Videos" for sure.
    Tricia...I love the Florida pictures!
    Went to Cocoa Beach for a week last is a sunsrise picture
    and a picture of Nate at 6 in the morning picking shells
    my daughter was married at Shepherd Resort on Clearwater Beach October 2005...I loved it there too!!!

    Hi to Shirley, Z, Odalys, Puppy, Shel, Nicki (who's gone off to bed already...lucky girl), Robin, Shirley, Cheri (where are you?) Susan, Madison, all our new girls...we are so happy you have joined us.
    I am totally wiped out...waiting for Nate to finish dinner and it's off to bed for me.
    I love you...each and every one sweet sisters and i'm sorry to all I've missed...chemo brained...and thanks to the NY Times it's finally considered REAL! It's about time...I swear everyone at work thinks I'm crazy.
    Oh...Hi jeannie girl and Lisa...
    To everyone
    See you in the morning
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls, No I didn't win my dream car! Oh well. I did get the pleasure of waking up with a sore throat/cough etc. Lucky me. I've done nothing at all except crochet today. LOl DH is at his parents until Wednesday. His sister will be back then to stay with them. I sure hope he remembers to feed them. LOL I'm sure I'll be getting a phone call before he returns.

    Going to go back to crocheting. May BBL.

    Madison - I'll be ready for the magic carpet in the morning. We'll be with you during your biopsy.

    Cheri - call you oncologist tomorrow if you didn't go to the ER!

    Hugs to you all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Uh oh Liz...grab some Airborne...I felt that way yesterday so I took it three times and I'm fine today, thankfully! Lots of nasty colds going around at work and thought for sure I was next. Can't get sick at the end of the beginning of the month being a just isn't allowed LOL!
    Sorry you didn't win your dream car...that stinks!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Had a wonderful day. Successfully avoided house and yard work, I know some of you like it, but I like looking at it after it's done. Went to the park again. Read a little, napped alittle. Now for another week of school. Things are getting crazy here at the end of the year!

    Cheri--take care of yourself!

    Madison--I'll be there with you tomorrow.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I'm still trying to get caught up around the house from my week away so I haven't had a chance to write a long post, but I wanted to post a few pics from Disney.

    My daughter and son with Minnie:

    My son at EPCOT:

    Me with my daughter (with chocolate on her face from her ice cream cone!):

    Back to work tomorrow for me and back to school for the kids. We've been pouting all day!

    I'm thinking of all of you, my circle girl friends!! Much love to you!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls - hope everyone had a good Sunday.

    Great pics, Sue. Your kids are beautiful. It looks like you had a good time at Disney. We love Disney - great place to be a kid.

    Well, I made a special gift for all you CG's and I would like to mail it out to you. So, if you are interested in receiving a surprise via snail mail, PM me your mailing address and I will make sure to send you one. Wishing everyone a pain free week full of strength to get through any appointments, tests, and treatments. As always, sending healing light your way.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Hi Friends,
    I'm pooping out...please know that I have read the post and you are all in my thoughts. Hugs for everyone and special Hugs to all facing tests and procedures tomorrow.
    Madison: Anxiously awaiting a report from your B9 biopsy tomorrow.
    Cheri: You already know what I'm going to say to you!!

    Had a great time at GD party. I'll post a couple pics tomorrow if I remember how! The weather was perfect! I have an eye appt. in the Morning........hate having my eyes dialeted. You'd think they would have come up with something by now to reverse the effect!
    Here's welcoming all our new ladies and here's hoping all have a good nights sleep. That is where I am headed.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    omg.......tavernier!!!!!!!!! i'll be back in isla morada in 2 weeks!!!!!!! wanna have lunch at lazy days or worldwide????

    i'm just so excited!!!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I believe there's been a little confusion about my regular symptoms. My mouth has only pulled to the left the night before my dr. appt. What I do have on a regular basis is the tightness around the top of my head, a feeling of pressure. Drawing up of my fingers, falling asleep of my limbs. Slight headache. The head pressure is the worst part. It's like having a cap or a bandage wrapped too tight, I keep reaching up to move it off there. I think what I'm going to do is go in and have my bloodwork done for my surgery and while I'm in the office I'll sign a release and have them make me a copy of my CT report. Then run home and call my onc.s office and see what he thinks about it, better yet, my dr's office could just fax my oncs office a copy after I sign the release. That way I would at least have a dr. looking at the report. Also, my upper lip tingles and goes numb.
    My vision blurs together when I try to read sentences so if I typw even worse than usual it's because I can't see. i don't have time for this right now. I only have about 3 weeks til I have an ankle/foot surgery that I had to schedule 6 months in advence. It got delayed by bc last year. I have to have it done so I can walk and be without this pain. I've been messing with this one post sooo long ghat I know i'm way behind but here goes.

    Marsha, congratulations on getting your blanket. They're wonderful arent they?

    Odalys, good to see you posting after so long. We've missed having you around.

    Newter, I appreciate your concern but I don't really know what the worst danger I'm facing right now is.

    Denise, hope you enjoyed your gd 3rd birthday.

    Thanks to all you girls for worrying about me and trying to find out all you can for me. I could nevef ask for a better group of friends...anywhere. Vickie, Mena, Nicki, Janny, Iris, Robin, Theresa, Tina, Shokk, Boo, Gus, Jazzmanian, ZaZ, Tricia, Kristen, karen,Jule, Dear Susan, Liz, Colleen, Puppy, Shel, Tracey, Shirley, Christine, Amy, CY, CherylG, Lini, Sheri, Denise, Margaret, Michele, DonnaR, MB, and shoot my brain went dead. If I left you out you know who you are and you know if I meant to or not. hahaha

    I've missed so many posts since I started this one I know there's stuff going on that i don't know about...but then thats par for the course. TeeHee All of you have a lovely evening. Rest well my friends.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    I spent all day working as a volunteer at our Friend's of the Library bookstore..we had it open today because our town had a Chili youngest son even drove down to attend and we didn't know he was coming..what a surprise when he walked into the bookstore!! Yipee..

    Sue the picures of your trip are great,..what a nice family you have.

    Liz, does this mean you have to go back and try to win the car another time??hehehe
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Oh Cheri, so sorry to hear you are experiencing such symptoms. I sure hope the doctors can make you feel better soon. I sure hate to see any of my bc sisters in pain or discomfort. Lord knows bc is bad enough.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    I LOVE your dancing lakers! Sorry Miami got swept, I love Dwayne Wade and Shaq and Coach Riley! There is still some great ball being played. I am also a USC fan, forever red and gold.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2007
    Shel, I would love to! This is so cool! I will PM you my cell phone number.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    i need a hand girls.......... i'm computer stupid and my "tech support" doesn't live here anymore!

    i need accredited info on lymphedema potential post treatment, the effects of a decreased ejection fraction post chemo, and the sometimes long term effects of chemo related to fatigue and "foggy brain".......... and if anyone can find info related to tamoxifen and zoladex with regard to pain, mood swings, forgetfulness, fatigue etc. ....... i'd be so grateful for any link i could print out!!!!!

    i've been put through for the last little while by my employer with regard to my attempts to return to work, and i'm just grasping at straws right now trying to get my old life back!!!!!!

    my emotions are running so high regarding my job that i can't even read the things i manage to pull up ........ my union filed a discrimination and human rights violation on my behalf, but now it is my responsibility to justify having several simple restrictions in order to secure my return to work safely.

    i work on an extremely heavy medical floor, where lifting never ends,isolation patients are the norm and heavy overhead work, pushing, pulling, and lack of "team work" are the norm.

    i have moderate axillary lymphedema already and am looking to persevere while maintaining my career, but have been met with resistence from my employer ......... i need your help guys........... i'm gonna be dead in the water without some serious help ......... my union is useless, despite my years of dues,and despite having a 'recognized disability' yhe responsibility is on me to prove that i require a bit of 'leeway'

    thanks in advance if anybody can help out ........ i'm trying to avoid a lawyer as the divorce lawyer already cost me an arm and a leg, and my kid deserves better than this!!!!!!!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Wow! There are so many new folks here - I'm glad you found this wonderful place to hopefully gain the peace and guidance that I have found since I've been here. I hope you acquire the kindness and hopefullness that we so often do not ask for or give to ourselves. I tried for a long time to do the recovery thing by myself by staying busy snd all that, it didn't work. I was angry and sad and though a lot is hormonal (Tamox), a lot was just me being pissed off. This site was recommended to me and thank the goddess that I found my way here. So, again welcome to Newter, Lorene and the other new CG's - grab a log, grab a drink from the tent if you need one and if you find yourself in need of being in the center of the circle, rest assured that we are around you, holding on tight - there is never a need to feel alone here.

    Cheri: To you specifically I want to say "Keep Your Chin Up" - I think once you know what is truly going on with you, you will then reach down and fight like you know how or rejoice like nobody'd buisness when they say "it's nothin' to worry 'bout girl!"
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Hey Shel: I work for a Union and I am going to look into this for you tomorrow when I get to work. We have had several successful grievances won for folks who returned to work with restrictions. I have contacts at the National Labor Relations Board who may be able to give me some info. I will get back to you tomorrow. Take care.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Oh Vicki,

    Take a long soak in a hot bath, accompanied by a glass (or two) of wine. You'll feel better in the morning. Then shedule a massage as soon as possible. My onc suggested that I treat myself to something nice after recovering from each A/C tx. I started having a massage every three weeks. Six years later I'm having a massage every other week. It's good for the body and soul!! Take care.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Ok, I've been trying to figure out how to do the picture thing. I hope this works. Here's me a couple of years ago before I cut all my hair off; here's me at a party with cousins on the left and here's my boy imageimageimage
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Z great pics!
    Cheryl Holt, haven't seen you in a long time,
    Cheryl NC welsome!
    Lorene, Welcome! CSP (Carrie & Desse) Live in Xenia!
    Doris Welcome!

    Well I'm officially tired and very sore and plain out exhausted!
    I went and helped my pregant daughter, the one with the broken rib and a 18 month old, clean up her house and get ready for the new baby! I left them with a load in the washer & dryer and two more to go! but I just couldn't do any more! At least it's maganageable now!

    I really need to get working on my Victorian Dress and hat! But that will have to wait a little longer.
    I saw some hats that I think I can copy making!

    Cheri, dear I know you are worried we are worried too!. I would insist they send a copy of the report to your ONC and I would be calling him first thing in the morning telling him what is going on so he will be watching for it!

    OK, Off to watch Desperate Housewives, relax and then off to bed!

    Think of you all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Evening,
    Holding all in tight hugs.
    Welcome to all new to the circle
    Cheri, I know you will make some phone calls Monday…I do hope you are able to get some answers.
    CY, sending prayers and warm thoughts your way.
    NS, I do so hope you have a good day today.
    Vickie, oh my, that was a bad fall you took…..soak in a hot tub of water
    Shokk-how was the band sign-up with 5th-6th graders-you will have some interesting stories to tell!!
    Z, great pictures
    Susan, looking forward to the secret pals
    Sheri, so glad you son's results were B9..what a relief for you.
    Gus/Sue, wow-you went to Disney World!!! Glad you had fun. The pictures are wonderful
    Boo, thank you for the hearts and flower squares. One is going in EE's afghan
    Cheryl Holt, was thinking of you today while working on afghans….so good to hear from you
    Alwayshope…I wonder if anyone every timed how many hours we spend waiting for “car” maintenance….
    Lisa, that was a wonderful surprise to see your son-your grandson is very handsome.
    Brenda hot flashes make you miserable. I do hope you are able to get some help. I can’t survive without medication to keep mine under control….
    Nicki, I’m sure you are tired from the flower planting-but I’m guessing you are going to have some beautiful flowers in a few weeks.
    Tracey, you may have some interesting stories to tell if you keep listening to police scanners!!!
    Amy, looking forward to your post Monday. We all want updates on the new baby.
    Beth, I hope your party was fantastic…do tell us about it
    Colleen, do you have squirrels in your area? They can actually cut holes in the wood of your home to get in the attic. If you look in your attic, you may find some pecans (or other nuts) that they have “squirreled” away for the winter.
    Mena, it is always great to hear from you.
    Denise, can’t wait to see the picture of GD’s party. She is so cute!!
    Sheri, glad you had a restful day.
    Deb, congrats on making so much money for the relay.
    Jankay, I look forward to your posts.
    Odalys, I missed you. It is so good to see you posting!!!!
    Margaret, how was the auction?
    Robin, snuggle up with your afghan and rest. I’m sorry you are still feeling bad.
    Puppy, thought of you today while working on afghans. I was in the car 3 hours today-DH drove and I was able to crochet…
    Karen in Denver…we miss you!
    Shel, I will do some research and see if I can help with some web links. I just wish there was more we could do to help.
    Jeannie, the thread does indeed move fast..sometimes all I can do is pop in and say hi and hugs….
    Liz, no car and a cold…that didn’t work out that way we wanted it to!! Hope you are feeling better
    MB, we should hear from you Monday!

    Attended a Jazz Brunch at one of the historic homes in my hometown today. Tommy Lee Jones is there filing Electric Mist...a movie based on the book by James Lee Burke (who is from my city).. My mother is very upset because it took her 15 minutes to get to the beauty shop rather than her usual 5 minutes due to the film production...anyway-I wished I had brought my camera because the live oak trees and spanish moss were beautiful.

    I confirmed tonight that I can get an afghan delivered to Elizabeth Edwards on Friday. John Edwards will be in my city Friday and I have someone that will hand deliver the afghan to him to give to Elizabeth. Vickie has said that many of you already sent (via PM to her) EE words of encouragement...if you have not done so-but wish to-send Vickie or myself a PM. I will print them out to deliver with the afghan. I told Dh and dd that I may take a day off of work this week to finish the afghan (if necessary).
    Biopsy is scheduled for the afternoon
    To all I missed, thinking of you!!!
    Well, it was good evening when I started this post… it looks like I should say Good Morning….
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    ok, not-so-secret pal announcement. (drum roll please)

    here are the folks that said they were interested.

    I will secretly pair up the names and send you a PM letting you know who you are supposed to send emails/letters/cards/ and presents to. It's up to you how secret or not secret you are.

    If you don't get any mail from your not-so-secret pal, let me know and we will assign you a new one.

    I expect people will want to drop in and out as things change)

    In 6 months or so, we can re-sort and start all over again.


    Alaska Deb
    Shirley Larson
    b445 (cheryl cy)
    Colleen (sorry can't remember screen name)
    Amy (lv2cmp or Mazer's mother)
    Denise (Adrionna)
    Nicki (Chemosabi1)
    Biker (jan)
    ishop (Sue)
    Gus (Sue)

    who did i miss????
    I'll give you your assignments on Tuesday!!!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited April 2007
    It has taken me all night to catch up on this thread, been gone since Fri, with work and other events, I saw Sheryl Crow and Billy Crystal at a Pediactric Cancer Hosp fud raiser-awesome!
    WELCOME- to all the people I have missed-Zazzette, CherylNC,Lorene, Doris, Tracie (love the Egret pic , I lived in SC and don't see them very often in MO)

    Shel- maybe you need a new assignment in the hosp? One less physical? Don't do more than you think you can.

    RobinTN- I have missed you and glad you are almost done with tx, souds like it is working- keep going, there is a better life for you on the other side!

    Vickie- go get Derick! You sem to be an awesome mom, Nathaniel will love his lil bro as you will. I hope you can keep for ever!

    Deb- hope you met your deadline.I know whtaever you are writing is creative and maybe funny- you rock as a writer!

    Madison- we are all on the carpet for your biopsy- Tell us to sushhh! if we are to noisy for the doc.

    Gus- Love the Disney pics. Land or World? I may have missed a previous post,

    Susan- I had tickets to the post-poned game tonight vs the Cubs. Sad for the whole Cards orginzations, about the the loss of Josh.

    Hus to those I missed Odalys, Puppy, Beth, JK, Shirley, LisaElder and others.
    G'night sweer sisters!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    how could u
    i would love to be a secret some
    thing jankay
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Well, it's late and I have work tomorrow so I should be turning in, here's my final thought:

    A Late Good Night

    My lamp is out, my task is done,
    And up the stair with lingering feet
    I climb. The staircase clock strikes one.
    Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

    My solitary room I gain.
    A single star makes incomplete
    The blackness of the window pane.
    Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

    Dim and more dim its sparkle grows,
    And ere my head the pillows meet,
    My lids are fain themselves to close.
    Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

    My lips no other words can say,
    But still they murmur and repeat
    To you, who slumber far away,
    Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

    Robert Fuller Murray

    This is one of my very favorite pieces. BTW - I majored in English and I love words and poets and inspiring pieces. I also write, but I haven't done so other than the boards for quite some time, I was keeping a bc journal, but got occupied with other stuff. I love writing and sharing in the Circle and I found out how much I missed writing. Now all my old favorite pieces are starting to come to mind, I have been battling with forgetfulness. Thanks for allowing me share with you all.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Not asleep yet, having a bit of trouble getting there. So, i'll take the late watch and cruise the perimeter. It appears that everyone is sleeping, it's late. Pleasant dreams to you and no sweats!
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning to all my beautiful sisters,
    Oh Vickie,Oh Nicki looks like I got up earlier than my Sunshine Sisters.
    Cheri, I hope you find something out today so you (and I) can have peace of mind.
    Jeannie, love the insurance post lol it’s so true.
    Vickie, glad we still have you in one piece. Don’t you know ladder=pain lol. That is such a beautiful sunrise.
    Liz, Aw, shoot sorry you didn’t win the car. Well,you can truly say you are just sick about it lol. Hope you feel better soon.
    Sheri, you sound like me, I hate yard work, I layed around yesterday too just like I’m gonna do today and tommorrow and....LOL
    Sue, You have beautiful children. Glad you had a good time not glad you gotta go back to work.
    Odalys, have we met? So darn many of us and my brain is mush. If we haven’t ...Hello. If we have...well Hello lol. Have a great day.
    Denise, glad you had a good time at GD birthday party, yes we wanna see pics. Eeew , hate getting eyes dilated.
    Lisa, that was a nice suprise, glad your son came. Yummy, chili cookoff, wish I could have suprised you too.
    Shel, I will look around for ya. Lawyers will break ya quick huh.
    Z, Girl, I love that curly hair. I had curly hair when I had hair...
    CY, time to get some rest now. Nice of you to help out.
    Beth, pictures of BBB party, fill us in!!!
    Susan, is it too late for me to be a not-so-secret pal? I wanna play too.
    ChristineK, wow you got too see Sheryl Crow!! I love her music, always have.
    Jankay, Good morning, hope you have a great day.
    Madison, What time are we leaving this am? Carpet ain’t big enough for me to skip shower lol.
    Robin, I kinda figured Noelle would be jealous of Tesla but she will accept her soon. If not, I will take her lol. I will talk to you in a bit if you are home. Feeling better I hope.

    I hope every one of my sisters have a wonderful day. Will be back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Its gonna be another beautiful Spring day. I woke up to the birds singing. Reminded me when I was younger and pulled an all nighter. Except then, when I heard them singing, I would go "Oh no. Its time to go to bed." But after a good nights sleep - it sure is a wonderful sound.

    Lisa: OMG! Another Sunshine Sister. I Cant believe how early some of us are getting up everyday. But my body is like clockwork. 5am and Im awake day off or not.

    PDQ: The picture of the egret is great. I can see strawberries on his lips.

    Jeannie: I laughed my arse off with the insurance post. Its good to see you. I understand what you mean about the white flag. It does move really fast, even I am having a hard time keeping up. Seems like I have less and less time to talk to everone. Even today, Im gonna have to stop in about 1/2 hour. I have to make myself breakfast. Im not really hungry, but with South Beach - they say one of the keys to making it work is eating breakfast. Anyways, Im rambling. But its good to see you.

    Z: Im like you but with football. They had the NFL draft this week-end and I watched most of it. When I was planting flowers, I listened to it on the radio.

    Vickie: Man, your lucky you didnt hurt yourself falling off that ladder. With my luck, I would have broke a bone. I did yard work all week-end too, have sore muscles to prove it. But its so nice to walk outside and see all the flowers I planted. A sense of achievement and pride. Still have more flowers to plant, but I had to stop. My quad muscles hurt so bad. Maybe today after work!

    Liz: Another cold coming on? See thats what I hate about big places. You probably picked something up at the casino. Go get yourself some Zicam. I got the chewable one and it really did cut my cold symptoms in half. The pharmacist told me its the zinc in it. Makes your immune system stronger to fight the cold. Have fun crocheting. Me? I will be at work today.

    Sheri: I hate yardwork and housework! But there is something special to me about planting flowers. Each plant has its own name or meaning. And then I love watching the flowers grow. 2 summers ago I was getting chemo and the flowers were my life saver. BTW I had to get aransap too. Towards the end of my 3rd round of AC my RBC's and hemoglobin dropped. Didnt get any side effects to it like I did the the Neulasta though.

    Sue: The pictures are great. Sure does look like you and your family had alot of fun. Makes me want to go to Florida again.

    Odalys: Im so happy your new job is going good. Back to normal? Thats what I like to hear.

    Cheri: Call your onc! He can get a copy fo the report from the hospital. Whenever I have any tests done, I tell the hospital to send copies to my PCP, Surgeon, and ONC. Doesnt matter who ordered it. I want them all to have copies. I agree with others. The symptoms you are having do sound like the beginning of a stroke, tia, or something. I wouldnt wait on this one. Good luck to you.

    Shel: It sounds to me like the floor you work on, is just too hard! Being in management for a long time, employers frown on restricted return to work releases. Maybe you should look into something a little easier. Man oh man - I couldnt do floor nursing anymore. You shouldnt be lifting all those heavy patients and certainly shouldnt be exposing yourself to all the isolation. Is there another area you can go to work in? As far as answers - you should go to your onc. Bet he/she has lots of literature to explain all of the concerns regarding LE, poor EF, and fatigue. Before bc I was DON - I wont go back there anymore. Its too stressful. Found myself a nice job with no stress. Hardest part of my job is all the driving I do. The one good thing about nursing is that there are so many opportunities out there. So pfffft to the floor you work on. Get a job that is easier, and less stressful. BTW! I do believe there is discrimination invovled here. Stupid hospital. They arnt even willing to take care of their own. But then I think, is it worth pursuing this or just move on to something that will be easier to do.

    LisaSoCal: I sure do love chili bake offs. Usually I have to bring lots of tums with me though! Glad you had fun.

    CY: So what is the plan for today? You have graciously talked to and helped alot of women here this week-end, but Im worried about you. Both physically and emotionally. Im hoping you get some answers today.

    Madison: I remember when I had my biopsy. That day I felt strong, and thank goodness for denial land, I wasnt worred. Until I got to the hospital and they started the procedure. I remember afterwards I sat outside the hospital, smoked a cigarette and cried my eyes out. I didnt tell anyone I was having it done. So Im wishing you good luck this afternoon. Looking for B9 all the way. Distored Humor and I will be stopping by. So if you get scared, just feel me squeezing your hand. Good luck to you my friend.

    Christine: I thought of you when I heard the news about the Cardinals picture. Sure is sad! This is the second time a game against the Cubs had to be cancelled because of an untimely death of a Cardinals ball player. And he was so young! Sending hugs your way.

    Well I have to go. Time to make breakfast. Man oh man, Im not hungry. This is the first morning I had coffee without cream too!

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    That's how I feel...way too much work to do today.
    Lisa...we'll good morning and yup you beat us both up this morning. Have a great day sunshine sister. I love that sunrise too and wish so much I were still there with Nate and DD. It was a marvelous vacation. We were up at 6 every morning and out on the beach. A full week of glorious weather and just what I needed.
    Nicki...hey sunshine girl...heehee...looks like we have the same feeling about Monday...yuck.
    Cheri...sending you a hug. Hope they get this figured out and NOW! I will have my IM on at work if you or Amber need me.

    Madison...hmmm...I'm thinking we need to get the magic carpet out for you and look up Mazer...maybe we can bring the new baby too! We could swing by and grab Derrick...wouldn't that be a hoot. Hugs to you.

    Z...such beautiful pictures...beautiful lady. Love your poems and thank you.

    CY...sending you hugs...when is your next appointment? I lost track. Cysts it will be and nothing else.

    Mena...where did you disappear to...we've searched high and low.

    Susan...can't wait for the secret pal fun!

    Christine...don't know if I will get baby or not...praying to see what God decides. She called several times this weekend which is a good sign. Motherhood just isn't in her personality.

    Liz...they must have made a mistake...didn't they know you were supposed to win the car! Geez.

    Cheryll...feeling ok this and blue butt and shoulder but not stiff. I hate ladders LOL. we get party pictures?

    Amy...where are you? Miss you when we can't hear from you on the weekend.

    PurpleMB...pop in at work and say howdy...need to get you high speed too.

    shel...sending you hugs. Looks like Z might have you covered!

    Oh my...wish I could write to everyone but there is no time...have to get to work early and play catch up. Payroll day, final deposits need to be done, end of month billing needs to be finished and sent out, benefit time figured, way too much for one person!

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers...each and every one!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    One more quick thing...changed the journal deadline to June 1st...please join. I have a few but not nearly enough.