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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Shel sweetheart I am so sorry you are having such a tuff time.....everytime you even speak of FL you sound sooooo happy......I would be a honored to have a Canadian nurse down here....I wish that you could find a job in FL so you could relocate.......brb......

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Maybe these can help you!
    Come to NY and play with me on my beach!



    Job discrimination can spell economic catastrophe for cancer survivors because most health insurance is obtained from employment. Under federal law and many state laws, an employer cannot treat a survivor differently from other employees because of a history of cancer except in certain circumstances involving health, life, and disability insurance.

    What appears to be a safe environment isn't always that way, as this survivor discovered:

    Discrimination can take many forms, often appearing in subtle remarks or practices rather than the anticipated overt forms which most often come to mind when we think of the issue. In my case, I found myself in a seemingly "safe" situation--a supervisor with an M.D., no need to mention my history, etc. Yet things began to change after I revealed my history of cancer during a brief illness related to my postsplenectomy status. Since then, I have frequently been called at home or transferred to her line upon calling in sick for close questioning about my symptoms, conversations with my hematologist, tests run or not run, medications, and other personal matters which I feel extremely uncomfortable discussing with someone whom I consider a business colleague.

    Despite fantastic performance evaluations and award nominations, since a longer absence for a more severe infection a few months ago and decreased willingness to answer her questions, I have been increasingly criticized, often for seemingly irrelevant matters. Because of the increasingly hostile environment, I'm currently seeking other employment.

    I would highly recommend to other survivors that they document everything--details of interview processes, comments about performance, exact hours worked, etc., as the documentation I've had has helped me in this nightmarish situation. In my next job, I don't plan to reveal my history unless absolutely forced to do so, and then, I plan to back the discussion with some solid positive evidence on how irrelevant it is to my work.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited April 2007
    Beth, I loved seeing your pics.

    Gina, you probably don't realize this, but you were one of the first people to respond to one of my posts. You are amazing.

    To all you wonderful women who have pains and struggles today, you are in my prayers.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    G-that was good information. I almost lost my job after I was done with treatment, too. I had to fight to keep it. Now, I don't think anyone remembers how hurt I was. It was all done in "we want what's best for the students and the school". I actually had to get a letter from my oncologist stating that I had no reasons why I couldn't work. I don't need any special restrictions for what I do, either. I'm finally able to let it go, but I live in fear that if I get "sick" again, I will be unemployed as well.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning ladies, Been away for a bit because I was off Friday for a PET scan, a CT scan and an echocardiogram. No results as of yet,,grrrr. I hate waiting.

    ok before I get into my long post let me introduce "Hey Jude" born 4/25/2007. Mom-Lucy in the sky with Diamonds. He is such a cutie. All ears and legs.

    SO holding Hey Jude.

    Another of SO holding hey jude.

    close up of hey jude

    Below is a few goat pics.

    Mocha Java Bean

    and her brother patch aka tinkerbell cause he is such a whiney boy.

    Hope you enjoy!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Shel, your concerns are our concerns. You are not being are going through a rough time. I am just wondering how job discrimination and unions differ in Canada from here and do you have to be specific when researching on the internet?

    Hope you find answers. Do you legal aid in Canada or can you take your case to a civil liberties office where they can help fight for you? Just some suggestions.

    Tricia, my ds wants to know where to get iguanas and egrets like you have. I told him to be satisfied with the robins, cardinals and blue jays here and the occasional garden snake.

    Robin, just remember, my grandmom used to say we get back what we put out 1000-fold, be it good or bad, we get it back. You my friend will get back so many good things in life, NED is around the corner, because you are so good to all who come in contact with you. EVIL will get all the plagues visited upon him starting with boils on his butt! I have some good ideas gleened from the movie we saw yesterday, LOL.

    Shirley, how is dh? At least mine usually eats regualr breakfast food when he is home sick although he did crave corn dogs one morning, hmmmm. Give me oatmeal or cream of wheat and I'm happy when I am sick.

    Got a new website recommended to me called it is like photobucket but you can do other stuff like cool photo displays like a rolling cube. I uploaded soem pics to the family website that I did on there (see link below).

    Going to visit mom at Sunrise. BBL.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007

    Shokk, I forgot, the food was just kind of OK so we didn't take pics. There is a shot of a take-home bag, LOL. I am sorry I didn't get pics of the cheesecake from the get-together of ladies last week. Those were magnificent!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007

    OOOOOh, Amy, too cute. Can't wait to show ds. He is destined to be a vet, if he can manage to pass science this year, arrgh!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok now for my posting,

    Wow miss a few days and there is no such thing as catching up.

    Cheri-My my my what we will do for attention huh? Just kidding honey and you know we all love you and are here for you. Is there anything I can do, I mean besides hunt down your doctor before Wednesday and make him give you results? I'm all for it, ya know? ok burying my head back in the sand because its a good place to be. It just cant be anything, it just cant be. BTW, proud of you for not smoking and thats about as mushy as I get.

    CY-wow you got news you didnt want either. Thinking of you and hoping for mistakes in the reading of the test. I hate this disease. We all have done enough already,,leave us alone.

    NS-sorry about the shots not agreeing with you. All typical side effects but we dont have to like it. I, like Nicki, got mine the day of chemo also.

    Madison-Mazer was up early this morning with her pilots hat on and pawing at the ground waiting for me. She wouldnt let Hey Jude come along because she said he was a baby and he had to stay with his mommie.

    Sherndon-nice pics of the boy. Buzz cut looks rather nice on him.

    Vickie-that lil baby is as cute as can be. I think he needs you and Nate. Wave some green stuff her way and she just might give in.

    Nicki-I worked in my garden all weekend also. SO's dad helped us build our arbor going into the garden and we built it rustic with pine trees. Looks nice and I will have to get some pics of it. We planted 3 different types of watermelons, 3 kinds of cantalope. 4 kinds of squash, 3 kinds of tomatos, 4 kinds of peppers, 2 kinds of okra, lima beans, bush beans, black eye peas, 2 kinds of corn, sweet potatos and peanuts. It was certainly hot out and I got the farmers tan to prove it. I gotta do flowers also but the plants had to come first. Nothing like playing in the dirt.

    Z-super nice pics of the family and I love your words on here.

    Welcome to all the new people and chemo brain here cant rememeber names.

    Tricia-loved the pics and I love the keys.

    Shel-speaking of keys sorry to hear you are having a rough time trying to get back to work. Enough is enough isnt it?

    Adrionna-I remember reading somewhere that you dont get down on your knees!!! oh my!!! Hope you enjoyed the birthday party.

    Biker-saw your pics on the other thread and you have 2 fine looking boys.

    Shirley-hope you enjoyed your night in the bed last night. That couch can get awfully hard.

    Robin-Maz is just the cutest thing. I read somewhere that there was a place to bury the evil. I think only so deep and leave his head out so we can go by and kick at it when we are frustrated or mad.

    Shokk-heard you all are getting more storms and then you might send them our way. Thanks but no thanks. We need to rain but not the damaging winds.

    Susan-love the secret pal idea. Keep up with the physical terrorist cause you might need a good knee to kick Cheri with.

    Maregaret-you were like me and didnt post for a few days. Sure hard to catch up isnt it?

    O'dalys-I pm'd you my address cause I didnt want to miss out. Glad you stopped by to let us know how you are.

    Puppy-thought of you during the race yesterday. My sister and her husband went but I didnt go this time. Too much garden work to do.

    ok gotta stop for a moment and finish this project on my desk but I shall return.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    wow...ok its lunch time and I have tried to read, no notes of course, and work just plains sucks today...hmmm

    to everyone new, i don't get to the web often on the weekends so please don't think I was ignoring you...welcome this is the greates tplace to visit..often if you can...shh don't tell my boss how much i come here...

    Sher, at least your son has a little fuzz, mine just shaved his least he ahs a nice shaped

    Cheri, it was so good to hear from your daughter...tell Amber to keep in touch when ever she wants...hugs...and holding your hand...

    G, sounds like the old you ..back and kicking butt...glad to hear from you

    Shel, keep your head up and we know you are strong , we all wish we could be there ...hugs...

    Puppy...hugs & thinking of you... glad to see you post...hugs and prayers for you...

    Ok too much work now tha tthe boss is back so off I go again
    Hugs to all my friends please know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily...

    Tracey hoping the mail man gets there soon....
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy:you come up with the neatest ideas.I love this one about leaving his head out.I dont care where he is as long as he is gone.
    Your donkeys are so cute to.Max is getting to be a handful he runs up and bites me on the ankles.And noelle tells him "shut up max".and its so cut but i have learned her to at least say please.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    I don't think I remember how to post pictures! This could be interesting!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Oh my Denise, she is a cutie!!!!

    Amy, Hey Jude is a handsome little fella.

    Beth, good pictures
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    I think I broke the camera! I posted a pic and this site has become sooooo slow! Anyhow, the one above and this one are pics taken at GD 3rd Birthday Party!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Amy first let me say ahhhhhhhhhhh.....second let me say yea will do my best to keep all the tornadoes here....don't want anything bad happening to Hey Jude.....Hey Denise what a cutie....oh yea your granddaughter is cute too!!!!!!!!!!!I love your you have low lights or high lights or both if you don't mind me asking.........I have one more question has anyone had "lasik" since they have had chemo.....can we chemo gals get that done.....between my hot flashes and heat down here in Texas my glasses are really beginning to bother me all the time.....I use to love wearing glasses...just wondering............

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    i see i left out some secret pal names. will be back later to fix. gotta run to dmv and pay for my tags or they won't let me drive my car. i'm sure i will be there thje rest of the day. love ya all.

    denise great pictures.

    amy if i every decide to leave missouri, i'm heading straight to alabama. good luck getting me to leave.

    cheri, whatup?

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Shel: My contact directed me to the Department of Labor website for information on Job Accommodations that may help you the link is - The only thing is that this pertains to the Labor Code here in the U.S. which I am sure differs from the Canadian Labor Code, but at least maybe you can have a place to start to gather information. Hope this helps. Take care.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls, just a quick check in for me. I'll be back later though. Took forever to get on here just now.

    Gina, Madison, Cheri and everyone else - you'are all on my mind today.

    shokk - yes I'm female and real. LOL We're thinking of going to Frisco shopping. Is that anywhere close to you?

    Okay - having DH gone is quite nice except the dog is in a state of whining from missing him. I have done absolutely nothing.

    Still have the crap but am taking my Airbornne and feel a tiny bit better today.

    Okay - need to eat something.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hello all!!

    Wow, we really are a chatty bunch! We were at our oldest son's yesterday. DH helped him cut down the poor dead cherry tree in his front yard. That tree was so beautiful. What a shame. The upside of it all is that we now have a ton of cherry wood to burn in our fire pit . We saw the twins, too. We haven't seen them in a month and they were just too pickin' cute (as Shirley would say)! I went out this morning and bought some hanging baskets and other flowers for my deck. Wait until DH gets that bill!!! I will try to plant flowers out front next weekend, now that I have the flower beds all weeded.

    Nicki, so you're back on South Beach? I do have the book AND the cookbook. I have no excuse *hanging head* . I am really trying to get back on track myself. I think I will have to give up the wine for a while, although it didn't help last time.

    Amy, you planted your garden? I can't plant any kind of veggie garden here, because of the deer and groundhogs. I would need a 10' fence. The darn deer ate the tips off all my Azalea bushes this winter. Baby Hey Jude is adorable. Thanks for the comment about my boys .

    Newter, I never wore a wig at all, so I say to you, TAKE IT OFF!!! . Bad hair is better than no hair!

    Shirley, how nice that you are able to sleep in your own bed again. I'm glad that DH is finally starting to feel better.

    Tricia, those were great pics from the Keys! That iguana seemed to love those strawberries! We were in Key Largo several years ago and loved it. My son is moving to Cape Coral, on the Gulf coast.

    Zaz, what beautiful pictures!! And I love your poems.

    JanKay, hope your counseling session went ok.

    Vickie, girl, I cannot believe you fell off a ladder!!! Hope you are doing ok today! I try very hard to stay off ladders.

    Sheri, you almost lost a teaching job after dx??? What is up with that?? Were they afraid you were contagious? Being treated for cancer is no reason to lose ANY job!!

    Shel, are employment laws different in Canada? I didn't think it was legal to get rid of someone for health reasons. I could be wrong about that. Sorry I don't have any info about Tamoxifin. I have very mild LE and I just have to be careful lifting. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a little help when doing strenuous things. I am stunned that your employer would try to pull something like this.

    NS, hope you are doing better today. Is the heartburn better? My onc gave me Reglan for heartburn. It makes the stomach clear out faster, so you don't make as much acid. It did work for me.

    Robin, you gotta believe that one of these days, Evil will get what is coming to him.

    Cheri, I hope you followed everyone's advise and called your onc. I don't think this is anything to fool around with! Doing the B9 chant for you!

    Madison and CY, you also get the B9 chant!!

    Gotta go for now. I'll check in later!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Is it my puter, or are the boards moving REALLY slow today?

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Jan, boards are slow....

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Just as a note those pictures are taken with my phone. One day I will take some pictures with my camera so you can see how cute the lil bugger really is. Yesterday he was so full of himself and beginning to look around instead of hanging under his mommie. He would run about 15 feet and kick his back legs up and to the side and then buck around a bit as if to say,,look at me,,look what I can do. He thinks about eating some hay but he gets his mouth to it and start smacking his lips and then returns to his mothers milk. He will soon figure out that hay is good stuff. Ok gotta get the real camera out and take some good pics no doubt about it.

    Biker-I have a 4 ft fence around my garden but with all my dogs deers and nothing else for that matter doesnt think about getting close. My fence is mostly to keep my dogs out and then the dogs do the rest of the stuff.

    Oh I must confess. SO is bringing home a dog today. I know nothing except that its a registered Boston Terrier that is 1 year old. These are indoor dogs and a teacher that she works with said she bought it and the husband hates it and wont let it inside. Well it got out of their fence and the husband said he was going to shoot it and she had over the weekend to find it somewhere to go. (Sounds like she ought to shoot the husband if you ask me) but anyway she asked my SO on Thursday and we were going to have the test on Friday and be gone all day so she asked if she could pick her up today. Lady said yes surely he will let it live till Monday. I cant believe some people. Anyway, dont know the name and might change it anyway if its stupid and it has lived outside its whole life and it is not an outside dog. Just what we need, 1 more dog but then again whats 1 more???

    ok now I will tell you all I am in a panic. I mentioned earlier that I had test on Friday. Well, I called today to find out results and Dr.'s nurse is off today so the fill in nurse calls back. She says hold on, then she says yes we have the test but Dr needs to talk to you so he will call you back. Wtf?????????? Might as well say something is up and dr wants to tell you not me tell you. I am not waiting much longer or I will blow a fuse.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Jan:I know he will,i have been around long enough to see it happen to mean people.Only way I know to describe it.
    I saw pictures of your sons on another thread and they are beautiful,so are the twins.Thank you for your encouragement it means alot to me.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Thanks Robin. You keep hanging in there. I just know that everything will work out for you. You will get thru chemo, your CT scans will be clear, and that awful Evil will be out of your life. And with some luck, you will get a sizable chunk of change from that awful surgeon!!

    Amy, try to settle down! At my onc's office, the nurses never give any test results over the phone. They wouldn't even give me my DEXA scan results. I had to wait for the doc. (((Amy))))

    Denise, those were great pics of you and your GD. Very nice!

    Oh, I know what I forgot! I am getting into NASCAR. I can't believe I said that out loud . I usually just watch football, but all our friends watch the races. So, here I am on Sunday afternoon, watching the cars go round and round! Go figure!

    I guess I'll wait another 5 minutes for this post to go thru .
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    AMY...calm down and take a deep breathe...listen...the new health care laws do not allow then to give you any results over the phone. Call them back and tell them that you are freaking out and need answers NOW...they might just let you know something.
    On my way home...will catch up in a bit
    love to all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Has anyone heard from Lini????? Lini, where are yooooouuu?

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok I called back and had to leave a message. I am so impatient I know but I had to wait all weekend so dad gummit today I want some answers.

    I will not freak out,,I will not freak out. You all know when you dont have answers your mind goes where it shouldnt. For instance, one moment I was convinced it was all over my body and thats why they wouldnt tell me anything and then the next minute I had it all over my lungs. I guess I should quit diagnosing without seeing test and wait for the dr to call but he better hurry up dangit. It freaking 3:55 central time!

    I forgot to say also that last night I finally got to kiss hey jude on the nose. I have told him since the day he was born that I was kissing his nose but I dont think he believed me. They have the softest little noses.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Amy, I totally understand how you feel. Waiting is the pits!!!!! Please let us know what you find out ASAP. (How's that for impatient?)

    Jan, I had finished chemo in June. From Feb to May I worked 3 days a week while doing chemo. I guess some people (I really never found out who) were concerned that it was hard on my students having me there only 3 days, even though the other 2 days had the same long term sub every week. I never felt like the kids suffered, I tried really hard not to make it hard on them. So, over the summer the school hired a new "head-master" who wasn't there while I was doing all this. The week before school started in August I went into the office to do some paperwork and he called me in. He tells me that there were "concerns" on the board that I might not be able to do my job, that we needed to do what's best for the students and school and what if I couldn't be there? Maybe it would be better if I took some more time off. That put a lot of pressure on me that year. Anyway, it was a painful time.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    I've been reading up on you ladies for hours!! This site has been in snail mode again this afternoon!

    I'm looking for word from Cheri, Madison and Cy. Nothing yet?

    Amy: You will not freak out. I've called for results before and have been told by the nurse that they are in but the Doctor hasn't looked at them yet. Go with that.....Also, these new Hippa laws are ridiculous.
    Got to tell you that I am in love with "Hey Jude!"

    Vickie: I want to gobble little Derricks cheeks right up!
    You mean there is a reason they put that warning on ladders? Hey, should have just waited a few months and neighbors would have thought you were ahead of the game for next Christmas! Glad you are okay.

    Lisa: It's been nice reading your post and getting to know you!

    Marsha: Glad you like your Afghan! Wrap up and enjoy!

    Odalys: Penisograms! I love the thought! You left Sunny FL and went to Maryland in April? Beautiful pics though!

    Newter: Love the name! Hope you are enjoying it here!

    Puppy: Always look forward to your Angel Pictures!!

    Sherndon: I'm glad you are doing a bit better! Nice to know I'm not the only one who successfully avoided Housework this past weekend!

    JF: Rita is definitely in my prayers.

    Shirley: Slept in her own bed! Kid is packed! Life is Good! Glad the man person is feeling better and hope the staples are out by now.
    You would need alot of bleu rinks to want to hear me sing!
    Love Lisa's advice: Man person needs a tight white jacket!
    I agree, I saw NP at my last Onc. visit, she is very nice and knowledgeable, but I would much rather is my Onc.

    Brenda: Grandkids get whatever they want at Grandma's house!!

    Nice that you mentioned Fancy2. She was more than thrilled to receive an afghan. I have met Kay as she lives about 5 miles from me. I met her at the last MI lunch we had. She has had her hands full......we will continue to think positive thoughts for her and DH.

    Deb: Haven't heard much from you. Hope all is well and that you enjoyed your weekend.

    Nicki: Do I want to know about the toothbrush story? Planted Flowers, out to dinner...I'm glad you had a nice weekend.

    Z: Thanks for another lovely piece! And I must say that your picture shows you to be a lovely piece also!! You have a cutie for a son!

    Shel: Groovy Granny for dinner!! I know you had fun and your menu sounded really good! Leftovers?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Whew...made it through Monday. Super busy at work and now I'm way behind here...drats! I really hate that.
    Cheri...where are you...had my IM on all day and not a sound out of you! Come out of hiding.
    Madison...helllllooooo...echo. How did today go?
    CY...same to you dear lady. Any good news to share cuz that's what I'm counting on and praying for.
    ok...promise to come back and catch up but Nate thinks he is starving as usual so gotta fix dinner!
    Love ya all