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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Dang, I always forget to hit preview and edit before I hit hear is the rest of the post!

    Beth: Glad you had a Good time at party. Thanks for the pics!

    Trisha: Egrets and Iguanna on Dock! Sure beats Racoons and Chipmunks........I grow them real well!

    Shel and Trisha: How nice is're gonna meet up in the Keys!

    Jeannie: Explanation of Medical Insurance........perfect!!

    Liz: Didn't win the Dream Car? Must have been a mistake..want us to take care of them for you?

    Gus: You have a very nice family! Disney World, I've never been.

    Lisa: I think Volunteering is very Special and rewarding. Good for you!

    Margaret: Speaking of volunteering....have you had your auction yet?

    Okay, Gotta go check the to diet!! Be back in a couple.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Amy: Hope this helps " Good things come to those who wait" - I am sure that the doctor just wants to be thorough and address your concerns and questions in person. I know how waiting can darn near kill you - I too am not a patient person. When I was waiting for my dx back in November after all the test were done, I called and threatened folks that if someone didn't call me back within minutes of every call I had to make, I was going to go to the office and sit there till someone told me something and I wasn't going to be pleasant because as urgently as they made it seem that I needed all those test done, their urgency should have been just as diligent in letting me now the verdict on MY condition. Finally, after I told the doctor who was responsible for reading the results that I didn't care if the flippin janitor called me with results, my Primary Care dr called and told me to meet him at his office and he would tell me, like I already didn't know what was going on. I was pissed, hurt and scared when he told me I had bc, but I was not surprised, somehow it was forgotten that I was the one who found it initially.

    Ok, that is my story about waiting - I do not do it well. Hang in there Amy, I am waiting right along with you sister.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone. Hope you had a fantastic day. I was pretty busy myself.

    I dont have anytime tonight. Got home too late. So I will catch up will ya all in the morning.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    LMAO!! DH just came home and went to change is clothes and there is a 6" split up his pants!! He didn't think it was as funny as I did, cuz he doesn't know how long it was there or how he did it!!

    Shel: Are they fighting you on all restrictions? They can't discriminate over a you didn't know that. I had to step down from lifts and such....but in my job they could care less if you work or don't. No benefits either way. Good luck, this is getting crazy and playing alfully hard on you.

    Cy: Any word today. Still hoping for good news.

    Madison: I envy that you can Crochet in the car. I can't look down to do anything w/o getting sick.
    That is so wonderful that you are going to be able to get Elizabeth Edwards Afghan to her!!

    Tracey: A police scanner out here would be pretty boring. Reminds me of the time my son got pulled over shortly after getting his license...don't even remember why. He never told me, but my ex-idiot heard it over a scanner! Can you say, "Busted!"

    Susan: Not so secret pals.........Sounds like Fun to me!

    Christine: That would have been a great concert. Sheryl Crow and Billy Crystal...........and for such a great cause.

    Vickie and Nicki: I love your Monday morning pictures!! So true!

    Betty: Glad to hear from you!

    Alwayshope: You're kinda quiet....just saying Hi to you!

    Boo: Periodontal Surgery? Ouch! Are they cutting or scraping? Someone here, I'm thinking Shirley, went through that not to long ago. You mentioned you may lose some weight...I'm one of those people that NEVER lose weight when I think I should! Teeth, Flu or whatever, it's still there!

    Colleen: Still Hip Hopping along, eh? Not enjoying, but sticking to it........good for you!

    Laura: Glad to hear you walked in the Lansing Race for a Cure! Are you with us for the Detroit one? Your family has had more than their share of Cancer. I'm sorry for all and a special sorry for your newly DX'D Cousin.

    NS: Hope you are feeling a bit better. Very good info you posted.

    MB: Happy Monday right back at ya!

    Robin: 4 more treatments and then a will get to NED. We won't except anything less. We've got to get you strong so we can gang up on evil! Chin up!

    Shokk: Beautifully said, I liked your post.
    I'm a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shel: That was not a self centered rant. They are crapping on you and the fight for your rights has got to be mind boggling.

    Susan: If you don't get your license tabs, Alwayshope can always show you the ropes at the county jail!!

    Jan: I laughed when you said wait till DH gets the bill for the flowers!!!! That was me last week waiting for the visa bill after joining the weight loss thingy!
    How nice that you got to see the twins....we need pictures!

    Okay: Dinner is ready..Menu:
    8 0z. FiberFill Drink
    3 1/2 oz. baked chicken
    1 Cup cooked Cauliflower
    1/2 Cup Blueberries
    2 Akmak Crackers

    Yum, Yum!!
    Actually, I am enjoying this diet! Can't believe I just said that.............very easy to follow!

    Hope all have a great evening!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    well, half way thru a very lengthy post and stupid computer does a crash and burn. UGH!!!
    So Hi everyone. Hope you had a fabulous day. Dont see a report from madison, cheri, or CY?
    Love you all to bits.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. I have tried all evening to get on these boards and couldn't. They just wouldn't load for me. It's slow now but that's ok, at least I'm on here. I simply called my oncs office as soon as they opened this morning and explained the whole situation and they said someone would get back to me and they didn't. So I called back, was told the same thing but this time they called me back, kinda late but they did call. It was the nurse and she said my onc wanted an MRI set up. Duh. I explained that had been what my ppo's office had wanted but I had metal inside so was told they couldn't do it and I was having to wait until wed before my dr came back. She said they had called down here to my dr. office and my onc wanted to get started on a test. She was going to have to check on just a head shot MRI and call me back tomorrow and set something up, or if that wasn't possible then whatever the onc wanted to do. I asked her oncs not like in a REAL big hurry is he?? (Notice how sooo sneaky that was) She said he just wanted it checked out. So you all made the right choice...calling my onc. Though now, I think I may be a little more apprehensive than I was. Not to worry i'm sure it's nothing....

    Z, nice pics you posted and love your poems.

    LisaE, great talking to you today. Felt like I'd known you all my life.

    Nicki, you were right on the money with the advice. Thank you.

    Socallisa, what a gorgeous little gs you have.

    Gina, thanks for your continued support.

    Brenda, what an enlightening story about Fancy2! I loved it and it sure did straighten out some questions. Just a great story. How petty of just a few girls to hurt someone like that. All simply over a woman in Cyberspace carrying a shotgun and riding the perimeters of a Cyber Wagon Train. I've never even heard Fancy2's name before but you can bet i want to wish her family the best and to meet such a cool lady. HAHAHAH Guess it served the no-gooders right that this thread has become so well loved and so many of us call this our home and continue to welcome new girls to the camp fire in our inner circle and we all share this remarkable relationship here. I guess what comes around goes around. Must have been a petty issue at the bottom of it it's jealousy. How silly. We need to seek comfort, peace and support from wherever we can that is not only harmless, but so very helpful. Perhaps those unhappy, bitter women that caused so much trouble before have lurked above the Circle long enough that the love has rubbed off on them. It's just so nice to have the answers to so many unanwered questions over time. Thank you, Brenda.

    Madison, and how cool is that Fancy2 received an afghan from the Circle that she helped start. I must look up her thread.

    Robin, I do hope you're feeling better tomorrow. I'll be glad when this chemo is over for you.

    Shirley, glad your man person is feeling better and you got your own bed back last night.

    Shokk, Thank you for the kind words about Amber. She came in that afternoon and crawled in behind me in bed, wrapped her arms around me and crying said, "Mama please don't die and leave me, you're all I have." I felt so sorry for her and I assured her I was not going to die for a long time. If I could help it.

    Thanks to all of you for the kind words to and for her.

    Sheri, hey there.

    Amy, I sure hope you've found out your test results by the time I've finished this post. I'm just so transparent for you, you zoned right in on the fact that i will do anythng to be in the spotligt, alrighty. Growing 'things' on my brain...then going 19 days without a smidgeon of nicotine!

    Neesie, like your hair and your gd's a doll.

    Susan, the list for your secret pal left-outs are twice the size of your secret pal list. TeeHee

    Liz, you were on my mind today too.

    Janny, why you know I always do as I'm told, that's why I called my onc.

    Madison, so happy that your biopsy went well for you. What a relief.

    CY, I sure hope your test results came out alright.I've been worrying about you.

    Boo, you rode a bike 5 miles....all in one day....and you lived to talk about it???? WOW

    Hey to Betty, Vickie, Laura, Jazz, Jankay, Colleen, Tricia, Puppy, MB, Margaret, Shirley, Theresa, Cherryl, Deb, Odalys, Lorene and anyone else I might've missed. Well...I was going to say have a good gosh! Where did the time go??

    I appreciate so much you all caring about me enough to worry. I'm sorry I was so late getting on here. Although, I really don't know any more than I did except my onc does want me not to wait about having it tested.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    and what pray tell is an Akmak cracker?
    You are beautiful and your gd is darling. She's gonna be a tall one. Doesn't look like shes only 3.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi All, just got home.....
    I tell you what - - Mazer sure had fun with the ultrasound tech....poor guy could not find the mass and had to leave the room to get the doctor. I had to tell Mazer that he just had to leave the guy alone...When the US tech came back in he was able to find the mass (but only with the doctor's help).....Mazer was just so proud of himself!!!!
    Anyway...thanks for all being there. Don't much like needles and scaples, etc. and it made it much easier for me knowing you were all there.
    Surgeon said it does look like a fibrocystic mass-is not expecting any bad news-but out of an abundance of caution, etc.....

    Amy, have you heard anything? Holding you close...
    Any word from Cheri or CY?

    I'll be back...the wine bottle is calling my name.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Okay, how goofy am I. I knew I had training at work this week but I thought it was for half days. Found out I read my calendar wrong and its 8 HOURS of JAVA ALL WEEK. Yuk! That means no play time.

    Have we heard anything from Cy, Madison or Cheri today?
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Wow the boards were slow today!
    Shirley - Yes root planning and bone grafting. Glad to hear it's not so bad. I'm scheduled to work the next day so was a little worried.
    Denise - both cutting and scraping I think. Yuck. What is an Akmak cracker? The pictures are great. You are both beautiful.
    Amy - Oh try not to panic. I know noone in my Drs office is allowed to release results. Waiting sure sucks though. By the way hey Jude is adorable and I love goats.
    Madison - Your home!! Glad to hear the biopsy proceedure was not too bad. Chanting B9.
    Went bike riding today. Made it 5 miles. Really slow pace and felt like thowing up but it's the best so far. I used to cycle 4-5 times a week 10 to 15 miles. Oh I miss being strong and healthy. Felt bad every time another cyclist went zooming past but then I thought.
    Let's see how well you do after 11 months of cancer hell!!!
    Not very nice I know. At least I didn't say it out loud! TeeHeeHe
    Cheri and CY - Thinking of you.
    To the many I didn't name - sorry.
    Wishing all a peaceful evening. Prob. won't be back on tonight.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    great news Madison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cautious doctors. if ther's a problem you want them to find it early, but all the anxiety you have to put up with.

    well it took all day to get my tags but i can legally drive my car tomorrow.

    any more news?
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Good evening all,

    Sheri, I simply cannot believe that story about your job. Some people are just such A**holes!! If you could not have done your job, you would have said so! Duh!!!

    Denise, that is so funny about the split in DH's pants. When I was teaching aerobics, I had a split in my tights, and no one told me until after class was over. ! Uh, thanks guys!

    Madison, what can I say but, Whew!!!!!! B9 all the way!!

    Susan, glad you are "legally driving". I'm sure you have been "illegal" for a while.

    Everyone have a nice evening and I'll try to check in tomorrow. Gotta work ya know. I don't get home until 9:00pm and it's hard to do anything but get into comfy clothes and plop down in front of the TV.
    Good night all. And Deb, bugs and fishes!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Good night Cg's. It's been a long day and I'm tired. I will catch up tomorrow. I had to deal with some distressing crap today, first my car is in the shop and then I get home and I have two messages that there were bomb threats at my sons school and the high school right down the street. This just sucks. just as I garner up some belief that there's hope out there and good people, something like this knocks me back, I'm not gonna stay here in "negativo land" - but man I've been waddling all evening. So, now I will attempt to rest my brain and sleep and try to approach Tuesday with a better outlook. Right now, I'm just looking out - cautiously. Good nite sisters.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Im sneaking on! Had to check to see if we heard any news.

    Amy: What test did you have done and have you heard anything yet.

    Madison: Good News!

    CY and Cheri: Hoping all is well. Anxiously waiting to hear from you.

    NS: How ya doing kiddo? Hoping the Neulasta side effects are gone.

    To Everyone Else - Ya know I love you all. See ya in the morning.


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the encouragement Denise,Jan,Amy,Vicki,g,.I am gonna get there.I just wish it were now.This has went on to long.
    Beth:Good to talk to you today,thanks again for calling to check on me.

    Nici:I love the picture of the girls in a circle.Thats us!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Oh, Denise, I posted pics of the twins on the
    circle picture thread. I could just eat them up!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Here goes ladies...the site is really slow and if I lose another post Z is gonna here me all the way in California! Grrrr.
    Marathon work day...I'm whipped. The controller actually said that I had done every single thing on my job description in one day...payroll, accounts payable and receiveable, answered phones, benefit tracking, check cashing, deposits, multitasking to the max is the day I had.
    hmm...I should be allowed a day off for working double today...haahaa
    Madison...sounds like you got news you don't need to stess about. Thank God.
    Amy...did anyone call you back. I would rant and rave till I got answers. I'm lucky, my oncologist is truly wonderful and he ALWAYS calls me back with five minutes if I have a problem or question. He also runs everything through Sloan Kettering so I feel extra safe with whatever he recommmends. Trying to figure out a way to get my hands on enough "green" to get that baby here! I'd sell my car and hitchhike to work if that's what it would take. Hmmm...maybe she'd trade my car for baby...hadn't thought of that. Love your pictures.
    CY and Cheri...where are you. We are gonna send out a posse with rope and duct tape...I'm sure Mena will pop in and help tie you two back into the center! Sending you both prayers, hugs, and wishes for everything wonderful.
    Deb...where are you? Miss you when your not here.
    Miss Karenindenver too! If you're lurking sweetie...wuv ya!!
    Shel...pack your bags and sell everything and move to Florida. I'll go with you and we'll find jobs when we get there. Leave all the a$$e$ behind and live it up. I know you love Florida and my daughter is there...we could stay with her! She'd love it. She has two "Florida" rooms so we'd be nice and comfy.
    Newter and Tricia...hmmm...where are you? Probably missed your posts...chemo brained me.
    Denise...oh what a beautiful pair you are! Your gd looks like you! riding...heehee. I'd probably fall off but my sister is convinced she's gonna whip me into shape by fall to do a triathalon...foolish girl that she is. I did get a pair of jogging sneakers and plan on starting tomorrow...or the next day...or...well soon. LOL.
    Shokk...haven't checked your're not in the closet are you? I love your brb posts! It's like watching a really good soap opera and wondering what's coming next.
    Beth...whoa...check out your photo cube!!! Really cool but made me dizzy LOL. Nice site.
    Liz is legal again! Thought we might have to break you out of jail.
    NS...sending you warm hugs. Are there any movies you'd like to see or books you'd like to read...let me know and I'll send you a care package. Magazines even. Whatever you wish.
    Joyce...sent you a pm! excited about the secret pals project!! Can't wait.
    Can't remember who said that they got on the roof and couldn't get down. I'm the same way, got on my single story roof one time and couldn't get down...legs shaking...scared isn't the word for it. I managed to do it but thought they'd have to get the fire dept! I could have probably jumped down and been fine LOL.
    As for the ladder adventure...learned my year the stinkin decorations are staying up all year!!! Very colorful behind and shoulder and a good sized knot still on the back of my head. Still was pretty funny!

    Have my oncologist appointment next Tuesday and mildly freaking out. Stupid, I know. I feel fine, no unusual symptoms, to pain...actually pretty darn good but it's been a year since chemo ended and I'm so freaked out he will order scans and tests. Not ready for that...they don't typically do scans unless they find a reason do they? Man I hope not. The test don't bother me but the stress of waiting and wondering does. He's so very thorough in everything he does. Geez.

    Journal journals journals...extended the deadline to June 1st. If you don't feel like writing and have a website I could just copy and paste some of your words and pictures and include it...with your permission and your approval of whatever I include. Just a thought.

    Gotta get busy crocheting...determined to finish this afghan tonight.

    You ladies are my lifeline. I truly love you all like sisters. Sisters is what we are...forever and ever. No more sappy stuff tonight LOL.

    I may be back if I don't fall asleep crocheting!
    Love and hugs all around...sorry to anyone I missed.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    Niki, where do you get this stuff??? Sorry buy my lousy old computer is acting up again.
    My thoughts are with everyone tonight. So many women on our "little" thread now. the teeth problems. I have great bone and gums, but such lousy enamel now that just keeps breaking. My dentist started trying to talk me into stuff, but my brain was so shot I told her to put it in writing and mail to me. No way I'm making thousand dollar decision immediately. Good luck
    Amy...what's going on?? Give the new baby and Mazer a kiss for me.xoxo
    Vickie...with your day today, nothing can beat you.!!
    Robintn....On the road to the finish line!!!
    Brain is fried with work tonight, so my Love to all.xoxo

    ps..To all of our new sisters. WELCOME xoxo
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Anything to do with ladders is when I call in one of my "Dial-a-husbands". They get great Christmas presents (read BOOZE) and their real wives are good friends of mine. It's the best of all possible worlds. They do the work and leave! Give it some thought.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,
    My thoughts are with all the sisters who are undergoing tests, waiting for results or struggling to get through today. Please know we are sorrounding you with love and prayers.

    BTW- I am having so much fun making you all this gift. I'll be going to the post office to mail them out on Saturday. If you are interested in receiving one, PM me your snail mail addy.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007

    I started a new thread NOT SO SECRET PALS. Check it out.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Evening girls, going to go drink my Airbornne and head to bed. I so hate colds!

    You guys are the greatest!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Cherryl...Dial a that sounds like something I could go for!!! I always said I'd never get married. Was gonna have a mansion full of men in the basement to take out for whatever I needed and put back if they gave me any grief LOL!!!
    Liz...oh a cold...that stinks.
    Susan...gonna check out the new thread and head off to bed.
    to all my lovely wonderful sisters.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Dial A Husband is great! It started when I was dx'ed and going through tx. We've kept it up since. Whenever I need stuff done around the house I call Joe or Scott and its done. No nagging, no fussing. Now I have heard from the wives that they don't get the same response, but that's not my fault!!!!!

    Sweet dreams.

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    Hi everyone,

    I tried to keep up with the conversation starting with my last post and failed miserably, too tired I guess. That was only one day of posts. Oh well, will try again.

    I just have one question at this time and that is about the journals. I think I remember reading about it a couple of weeks ago and was interested in participating, or at least trying to. Now I can't remember any of the details. Please fill me in.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    hmmm...I have had women offer their husbands...may take them up on it. I have tried so very hard to be totally independent but with an 8 year old and trying to duct tape things that shouldn't be duct taped I think I need help LOL.
    Thanks and sweet dreams to you.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007

    Cheryl - There is actually a company with a similiar name. I think it's called "Rent a Husband"; No, not what some of you are thinking...just someone who can take care of repairs around the house. I just can't remember the exact name right now. Oh well, chuckle it up to chemo brain.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Amy, that baby is just about the cutest thing ever! I want to kiss his nose, too!

    Denise, your granddaughter is precious.

    Jan, we looked at homes in Cape Coral before deciding on the Keys. It is a really nice area.

    Vickie, here I am, trying to get to know everyone and stay caught up.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007

    pbd - I wish we lived closer so we could have lunch. There are several FL girls on these boards but we have never really gotten together. FL is such a large state and it has been really difficult to find a happy medium for us all. I hope we all can meet one day.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Just checking in to see if we had heard from Madison, Cheri and Cy.

    Madison: Sounds like good news...just being precautious!

    No word from Cheri and Cy??

    Shirley: I thought the same thing: What the H is an akmak cracker! Basically it is stonewheat or something and evidently low in everything I'm supposed to be low in. Certainly not a Ritz, but for bland...I can eat it!!
    Yes, My GD is tall! Certainly didn't get it from this Gram.
    Looks and acts much older than 3!
    Night to all!
    p.s. When I was single (19 years) I always joked with the guys at the local hardware store about being "rent a husbands" for chores ONLY! I kid you not...there is a truck I see out here quite a bit that says either, "rent a husband" or "husband for a day"!