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  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning
    Vickie - A triathalon! Oh My !! I still have nerve pain in 1 foot so walking any distance is painful and jogging impossible - hense the bike. I would love to get into good enough shape to do the Komen 3 day but I'm afraid that won't happen this year. I understand about the onc appt. Mine is the end of this month and I'm already nervous. My liver enzymes were still a bit up post chemo last visit. He expects them to be normal this visit (6 mo post chemo). If they are not I will freak!
    Theresa - Smart girl with the dentist. I don't even want to think about how much this will cost me but I don't want to lose my teeth.
    Liz - Hope your cold gets better.
    Neuter - Vickie is putting together the journals. She can give you all the info.
    Shirley - Sorry I can't help with the test results. Hope you get answers soon.
    Cheri - Thinking of you. Hope they get your testing done soon.
    Z - Nothing is worse then having to worry about our kids saftey. Hope you have a better day.
    Jan - I get frequent sinus problems and yes sometimes it makes me a little dizzy.
    CY - Wow what a tough week you have scheduled. Get rest when you can.
    Amy - Hope you heard from your Doc.
    Have a beautiful day everyone.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Jumping in quick.
    My email said that I had several pm's here but there aren't any new ones so if you pm'd me and I don't respond it's probably because I didn't get it.
    Jan...oh yes...sinus pressure can make you dizzy...maybe an ear problem too. Be careful driving!

    Journal repost...update...etc.
    I have gotten a few journals and have extended the deadline to June 1st. Write whatever you wish. Write about your family, friends, bc journey, hopes, dreams, wishes...whatever you want to share. Add pictures if you can. Mail or email them to me and I will be compiling them and making everyone who contributed a book with all the entries. If you have a website and would like me to gather and print your information from there just let me know. I will let you see it before printing in case you don't want something added.

    Ok...gotta work so I can pay for my board ya all and have a happy day!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    AHHHHHHHHHHHH finally it only took an hour to catch up...wowo, I really need to take notes some day...

    Liz, I think you shared your cold, or something, got the slimy stuffy thanks for the card..having coffee with Betty this week...

    Ok at least for all of those waiting..this is a great place to put your feet up and get a warm hug...

    hugs bbl..MB..clients standing here...heheheh
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    I've posted this before but thought it was worth posting today as a May Day "card" of sorts.
    Enjoy and just for the door!
    Love ya's
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Trying to check in on everyone!
    Cheri, it sounds like your onc is not too alarmed which makes me feel a heck of a lot better! CYST!!!!!

    CY- how are you going to get through this week?? WITH US! THAT IS HOW!!

    Madison, I am thanking God all looks good!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning dear Ladies. I'm not so ticked off at my doc this morning. Figured out my appt was supposed to be today but they canceled it cause she was going to a conference. She probably hasn't even seen my labs and scan results yet. Still want to know what they mean tho. Guess I'll just have to wait till she gets back. Glad it wasn't just me who was having issues getting in here yesterday.

    Odalys, we have a Rent a Husband around here. I think it is a franchise. I would hire the guy in a heart beat if it wouldn't hurt poor hubbys feelings. Really no reason for him to get hurt feelings as the stuff that needs doing he can't do cause of his arm butttt he is a guy so I guess he doesn't need a reason.

    Denise, have no idea what you are talking about but did you know you can buy shoes online at I just found out about them. O my gosh I was in shoe heaven yesterday.

    Cheri, I am glad you called your onc and he is taking charge. I called mine about my breathing yesterday. Have an appt tomorrow.
    Yehaw on 19 days

    Z, hugs to you. We had a bomb threat at our little two bit high school once when my boys were in school. A very scary thing indeed. There are sick sick people in the world.

    Vicki, if your friend at work has any info I would appreciate it.

    Nicki, YOWSERS!! Poor kitty. Congrats on day one.

    Jankay, hope your appt goes well today.

    Madison, tell him to get his own box.

    Margaret, you got a package in the mail and haven't opened it? WOW!!
    Wish I could find a salsa dancing class here. I have to be content with my video.

    Jan, your kidlets are moving and they haven't told you? I'd be spitting nails. I was pissed when my daughter moved 4.5 hours away instead of 2. Think I'd end up in jail if they tried to go to another state.

    Boo/Sue, thanks. I'll find out what they mean soon enough. I am just the impatient sort.

    Vicki, I promise promise promise to get something written and sent to you by the weekend.

    Off to comb the internet looking for stuff that makes no sense. Wish me luck.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning everyone,

    Still no word from my doctor and he always calls me back so of course it makes me worry even more. Ok you all will understand this so just gonna post it. Last night I finally fell asleep and you all know whats on my mind. Sure enough I dream that I have 12 spots on my liver and they are very large. The doctor is holding a pic of my liver and I am counting the spots from the backside. Ok weird dream but then the doctor tells me its my left liver (like we have two?) and that I need to start getting chemo on my left side and not my right. I then discuss how I had lymph nodes removed from my left so how do you do it and he says it will go through my toes! Yes lets just say my mind was busy all night and I woke up more stressed than I was when I went to bed. Secondly I get a text message at 2:25 am and I hear my phone make the text noise. I layed there for a bit and convinced myself that the doctor had finally gotten around to calling me back and he must have texted me the info. Well its a wrong # and says call Ashley. I almost called Ashley all right and she sure wouldnt have liked what I had to say. Grrrrrrrr! Can we say tension is building or what?

    Nicki-I had a PET, a CT and an echocardiogram. I have now convinced myself that the PET shows brain cancer and the CT shows that its in my liver. Heck I am sure the echocardiogram shows I have heart damage also. Somebody better tell me something soon or its not going to be pretty. Loved the picture of the lady feeding the cat. Probably what my dogs look like as they stand behind me every morning.

    Cheri-glad you finally posted. I kept watching for you all day yesterday and you were nowhere to be found. Not good to make me worry ya know?!? I'm already spitting nails over here in my world. Give Amber a big ol donkey hug from hey jude and it will help her feel better.

    Vickie-It kills me that people like that can have kids left and right and you have good people that cant. OH dont get me started.

    Adrionna-glad you are enjoying the diet and that husband didnt kill you and put you in the nasty pond.

    odalys-glad you are enjoying the new job. I pm'd you my address did you get it? I love surprises!

    Deb-the nose is the cutest little thing on hey jude. When they are born and still now it looks wet cause its so soft but it isnt wet at all. He is really getting used to us and beginning to follow us around. He loves his long legs and is trying to figure them all out. He was taking two steps everytime his mom took one so that he could practically stay underneath her but now he lets mom wander a bit but he doesnt let her get too far away. SO started from day one saying we arent keeping him, we dont need a male blah blah blah. I said well he sure is cute and you know he is the first donkey born on the farm. Needless to say yesterday he was following her around and standing right next to her and she said I guess we should call the vet and find out about having hey jude fixed since he will be in with 3 females, 1 being his mom. I just said yep good idea. ha ha ha! I knew she was all talk and couldnt part with the first born. She even said the baby donkey was almost as cute as a baby goat which is beyond cuteness.

    MB-hate you picked up the cold. Extra Vitamin C should do the trick.

    Sue-congrats on the bike ride and loved your thought underneath your breath as other bikes went by.

    Biker-hope your headaches have improved. could very well be sinus.

    Shokk-vegas is fun so if you want to go I say go for it.

    Madison-congrats on the so far good news. I would take that any day. Hope you arent hurting today.

    Laura-2 birthday parties sound like fun.

    hmmm, wonder where laurab is?

    Mena-how dare you post 2 days in a row and not come back. We need youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

    CY-hoping for good results for you. I hate waiting as if you couldnt tell.

    Shirley-glad the man person is doing better. He might get to come out of the lil white jacket soon, huh?

    Still no return phone call and my patience is getting thinner and thinner. It has to be bad since they havent called me.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    amy i'm so sorry. and cy and cheri. cy and cheri get the magic carpet and fly to amy's house and you all go play with Mazer. he's the best.

    NOT SO SECRET PALS, go visit the thread and send me the PM so we can all get started. woohoo. It's not too late to join. go visit the secret pal thread.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning Ladies,

    They finally got the clock fixed - at first I thought there was an epidemic of insomnia last night LOL.

    I posted on the Welcome thread but thought I would bring my wagon over here and introduce myself. I started this journey in December 2005, diagnosed December 7 - my personal Pearl Harbor with ILC had a MRM left one week later - 3.5 cm, 5+/20. I did 4 dd AC and 4 dd Taxol and 33 rads. In September I had a PM on the right where they found ALH. Currently on Arimidex without too many side effects other than fatigue and major chemo brain. Unfortunately, I did not find this site until well after my treatment ended.

    I am 51, married for 24 years with 5 children (2 boys, 3 girls) ranging in age from 23 to 10. I work as a medical transcriptionist out of my home - been doing that for 10 years - before that I worked as a medical technologist/microbiologist in a hospital lab. I am originally from Michigan (Detroit area) but have lived in Wisconsin (Milwaukee area) for the past 23 years.

    I have read some but not all of this thread and you ladies sound fun. I have to admit it took a while (a few pages) to realize that the food and the driving to appointments was "virtual." My chemo/HT wracked brain thought you all lived near each other and "got together" all the time.

    Well, enough about me for now. Just want to let all who are having problems right now know that I will be praying and sending positive energy your way - I am going to have to take notes for a while I think to learn everyone's names.

    Time to get back to work - will try to come back later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Welcome Sue, pull up a wagon.

    Amy, great big hugs....I HATE WAITING!!!
    Cheri, CY hugs to you

    Oh, hugs to all.....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Welcome to Sue! Glad you joined us as this is just the greatest place to be. Denial land all the way LOL. listen up missy..."must be bad news since they haven't called"!! Well thats just bass akwords silly girl! I would think that if it were bad news they'd be calling and demanding you get there immediately. Sending you a hug...I know it's hard waiting. Keep bugging them till you get an answer...refuse to hang up the phone!
    Supposed to be working...heehee
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Welcome Sue,you are in the right place.

    Deb:I love the dog story how true it is.Max is a much better companion than the EVIL.

    Amy:I am sorry you are having to go thru this,the mental strain is as bad as the physical IMHO.I am praying for you.

    Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and words the past few days.I am feeling better today.My tummie has calmed down.Dont know what was the matter.I go for chemo tomorrow but am thinking about changing it to thursday,I see the attorney that day and can do all my running around while I am in town.It takes me 30 min to get "to town".
    I had the strangest dream last n ight,I dreamed the EVIL was trying to committ me to a mental hospital.At the same time I was getting a settlement from the hospital,at the same time I was buying a new car.Boy what a dream.Well in the end my pcp who I was his case manager for years came and and put the EVIL in the mental hospital so I could divorce him.Man I am tired this morning from all that action last night.

    The baby didnt sleep good at all last night she must have had the tummie ache.Just when she is getting adjusted to her bassinette her jasmine takes her to see her dad and stays all night and messes her up again.But its like jasmine says what else can she do.But just from observation and listening clostly this will end soon,he is not ready to be a dad although he is 28 and still lives at home.I dont know.
    I just dont know how I am going to survive 2 kids when jasmine goes back to work.SOmedays it is all i can do to watch noelle i feel so crappy.
    But hopefully the chemo is about over.It is going to be over one way or another after the next cycle.I am going to take a rest one way or another enough is enough.I want to feel good again and I want to start exercising gotta get my arms in shape to swing a shovel.

    Talk to all of you later.Gonna read and see if I missed anything.

    Mena:where r you????
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon....

    welcome Suz, this is the greatest place with the bestest women.. we love cyber food, no

    Amy hugs, waiting is such a the new son would love it but I can't have any more animals at MY when he finally moves out he can have all he yeah i think its sinus not a cold...oh well..

    Robin, wondering if you need to borrow my backhoe...I'mm getting pretty good with it and figure 3 scoops to take care of a

    vickie what are we gonna do if our bosses ever figure out we are here more than'll have to move in with me then we can start our own business...

    Ok back to work..hehehe..poor boss
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok just called and I go at 11:15 for results at my local oncologist and not in Birmingham. Why in the heck cant Birmingham call me with these? They always call me so why not now. Oh well one way or the other I will know something shortly. Good or bad but I so hope its good news.

    MB I think Vickie needs the backhoe also so she can quit falling off ladders.

    Robin-glad you feel better today and wishing the best for that new little baby and your daughter.

    Mena-I'm still looking for you.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Amy, keeping you in my prayers today.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Ok...magic carpet time for Amy...bringing Mazer and the new baby (oh gosh...forgot his name!!). It's gonna be good news. Sending prayers your way. Let us know!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Sue Suz-five You and I must be on the same wave length…I was Dx on Dec 7, 2005, ended up IDC stage 3C, 27 of 32 nodes positive. Did bilat mast, 6 months DD chemo and Rads. I finished a bit later than you…longer chemo, but sounds like we were on the same trip at the same time. I grew up here in Alaska, but my family is from Michigan. I went to WMU in Kalamazoo and met my Hubby. We live in MI until 4 years ago when we moved back here to Alaska….Lots of similarities…Welcome to the Circle!

    OK…are you ready for a bit of a blog???? I have not been posting as many little “me, me, me” stories lately because after the little ‘dust-up’ a few days ago I didn’t know if I should back off a bit. Then I realized it wasn’t a circle girl that didn’t like my chatty posts, so why did I change the way I posted?? ANYWAY…since I can safely bet I was the only one with a damn brown bear in my yard before breakfast….I’ll share my little story

    I’m in the bathroom at about 6:45 and I hear my daughter Carol screeching at the top of her lungs for the dog to COME RIGHT NOW, and the dog barking like a fool. Before I could get down the stairs, John had the gun and was out the back door. I come flying down the stairs, grab the second gun and I’m out the front door….just picture it…me in my pink nighty, no boobs, bed-head hair standing straight up, bare-footed and toting a gun yelling like a fool….oy-vey…glad no-one had a camera! By the time we got out there the dog and all the commotion had chased the brownie off, which is good news. IF they will run off they probably not real accustom to people and most likely will just move on their way. It is the ones that are NOT afraid of people that cause a problem. Carol said that the dog went out the door ahead of her and was immediately on the bears scent track…growling and taking off after it. Here is the funny part…the dog Ginger is a fluffy little cocker spaniel…about 2 mouths-full for a brownie! I don’t know if she is brave or stupid!! Anyway, the bear was about 20 feet away when Carol saw it and it immediately took off, but she was worried it would eat the dog, so she didn’t come in the house. After all the craziness passed I explained to her AGAIN, that when there is a bear in the yard HER job is to get her pretty little behind INTO THE HOUSE…the dog will take care of herself. When the dog scented the trail a bit later, the bear had walked right up to the front door and then around the fort and out into my flower garden. We had a freeze last night, so you couldn’t really measure a track to see how big it was and all Carol said was it was BIG.

    SO…I am ready for some coffee and a bit of a breather. Nothing like a bit of adrenaline to get you going in the morning!

    Oh, Just a FYI…I have been having problems with the site too. I posted a long post last night after I finished the dreaded dishes. It took a while, but I saw it post and now this morning it is gone! How weird is that??? I hope the problems are gone soon. I go into withdrawal if I can’t get on here….

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls,

    Just a quick post to say hello. (Not that anybody missed me probably.) I've been spending SO much time sleeping lately it's not even funny, but this too shall pass I guess. I'm now half way with my rads.

    The good news is that my FIL is in rehab now, and it doesn't look like his stroke is too severe. My MIL says the rehab place is really good with him.

    The bad news is that my father told me last night that the spots they've been watching on his kidney have now spread to the liver. With various other medical issues, they didn't want to biopsy the kidney, but are sure it's cancer. He meets with the med onc today.

    Some days the load is just too overwhelming and I just wish I could lay it down.

    I have been trying to read and keep up. Prayers and hugs for MB, Cheri, Amy, Shirley and all of you. It's a good thing that praying is encouraged in my office - it allows me to keep up for all of you!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    Sending you a gentle hug....we DO miss you when you're gone. Get all the rest you can. It DOES get better. I slept about 18 hours out of each day by the end of rads, but about a week after they were done, my energy slowly started to come back...yours will too.

    Hugs my friend!
    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Anne, ditto what Deb said....Yes, Yes, we miss you when you are gone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Oh Anne...we all miss you when your not here! Sending you a gentle hug and a prayer that things get better soon. I am very sorry to hear about your father. Too much for you to deal with all at once. Take a nap in the center of the circle cuz we'll put you there till you feel better.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    did you all hear me LOUDLY EXHALING!!!!!??????

    i finally got my return to work straightened out!!!!!

    next tuesday, i officially join the working girls lol!

    what a nightmare this has been .......... but i feel a whole lot lighter today, for the first time in ages!

    thank you all for being so encouraging and supportive, i would have lost my mind without you all, and especially without tina who always takes my calls lol!

    it's amazing how fast my employer became agreeable, once a lawyer got involved and used the word "discrimination" ..... all of a sudden they CAN accommodate my restrictions! it's a "miracle" lololol!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    howdy Sue, nice to meet you.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    oh Anne,...we do all miss you when you are the best I can do today is send you a big Platter, your plate seems to be overful...maybe those cute hunky sons can help hold it up for you...while you nap to your hearts content...oh yeah and don't forget the fuzzy slippers...
    hugs and prayers for you and your family
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Yehaw Shel. So glad you got the problem fixed.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Shel, great news!!!!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Shel , while you have the employer on the run don't forget to ask for PINKSTOCK I guess you shouldn't push it, but wth...why not...hugs so glad to hear that you are moving forward...
    Hugs MB
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Deb...I LOVE YOUR CHATTY POSTS! So poop on the complainer. She doesn't have to read it if she doesn't like them.

    Keeping all the ladies with test results, doc appointments, and waiting in my thoughts for today.

    Now..back to snoozeville! Just 4 more hours to go today. I really miss my pj's.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Sue, welcome to your new family of sisters.

    Anne...always miss you. There's so many sisters now it's crazy keeping track of everyone. Hugs to your dad and he'll be comfortable in the center circle.

    DMDeb...When I tell my dh this story, he will be so in love with you. He is coming to Pinkstock so stay away from my man...(just kidding)

    Shel...I am woman hear me roar!!!

    Amy...I'm still holding my breath so they had better call soon. xoxo

    Jan...hope you get better and be careful if it goes into an ear infection. That can really mess up your balance.

    Back to to all.xoxo
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007 Dh has a thang for gun packing crazy women with bears in their yard....Hmmmmmm....he would fit right in in my neck of the woods! LOL

    You are safe though. I have my hands full with a gun toting guy of my own

    I keep thinking I must sound like a back-woods nut some times. I really don't take a gun to the grocery store or anything...but when the brown bears are around I DO take one with me to the chicken coop to gather the eggs....

    Shell- glad the hospital came to their senses. Glad you will be back to a more normal schedule soon.

    Amy - I'm sure everything is fine, but I hope you get a call soon or Theresa may need CPR from holding her breath.

    OK...Off to work for a few hours

    Deb C