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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Yippieyayea!!!!I was about to ask if anyone noticed Deb's story included "his and hers riffles".....sounds like my kind of just got to love the wild, wild, west.........down here in Tejas we're just gun slingers....our Govonor just today came out today and said he thinks more people should have permits to carry guns and into more places that are now excluded....say like the liquor stores.....ha........Anne I was just thinking about you today...I have missed you.....I think I had more trouble with rads then I did with chemo.....I was absolutely exhausted.....didn't really burn but I finished rads 9-29-06 and I just now feel like I am getting stronger....sorry kiddo.......Amy, Cheri, Cy ya'll are all in my prayers.....Sherloc hope everything is ok....I think your sons should be "waiters at Pinkstock"....geez...sorry mom but they sure are handsome.....come to think of it all the grown sons here are cuties.....(shokk has been single too long)Hey Vickie I will brb phone is ringing.....ha.....

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Welcome to you Sue - glad you found us if you need us - Nothing beats getting exactly what you need when you need it. I'm Za Zette and I'm relatively new too, but the new car smell goes away quick - now I just feel like one of the girls - and you will too. Please to meet ya, grab a log and cozy up.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok I'm back. I'm not dying or anything and its not in my liver so phewwwwwwwwwwwww. I do have two swollen lymph nodes in my chest area that they are watching. I didnt like the local doctor today so not sure I am going to transfer and do my treatments here. Convenience is nice but he!! this is my life we are screwing with. She insist I get a port for the herceptin and zometa that my veins cant take it. I said they have been taking it since November (not sure she liked that but oh well). She then proceeded to tell me how nice a port is and how you dont even realize they are there and it makes bloodwork wonderful. I said well it might be wonderful for you but this is about me and I had one in 04 and hated the thing and couldnt wait for it to get out. Once again I think she is the type that thinks the patient should be seen and not heard. She then said well if we cant get your vein you cant get treatment. I didnt say anything but I thought birmingham can get my vein and they always do so there,,neener neener. I am only going there for my treatment. I have an excellent doctor but I think they want to be the #1 doc and thats not happening. She said today, are you moving here and changing doctors? I said no I have my doctor in bham but I want my treatment here but he will still follow me and I will go back to him for follow up visits. Right over her head! Lets see 2 bit small town oncologist or top 10 cancer hospital in the US?!?! Doesnt take long to think on that one? I asked her if breast mets in pelvic area looked the same or had improved and she acted like I was asking her if I had 2 heads. Anyway, I got results but I still dont know much until my birmingham doctor calls me. I did get copies so I could translate myself which is dangerous.

    Deb-I love your Alaska stories so dont you change a thing. You sure painted a perfect visual of you standing there with your gun in a pink nightie.

    Theresa you can breathe now, thanks for the support.

    Deb-thanks for the support.

    Laura-thanks for the support.

    Madison-thanks for thinking of me.

    vickie thankyou for the support and the cute lil baby is Hey Jude.

    MB-thanks for the hugs, I needed that.

    Z thanks for the encouraging words. Patience is not something I have alot of

    Nice to know that my dream didnt come true and I dont have to get chemo through my toes.

    ok still waiting to hear from bham but at least I have some info.

    Anne-we do miss you when you arent here missy but we also know rest is important.

    sue-welcome to the wagon circle.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Amy: Holding you tight and all will be fine. Just keep reaching out, we got ya.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Anne: I hope you are getting the rest you need, I know it sucks to be tired all the time, but you need the rest, you are healing. Have missed your posting, glad to see ya back.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Amy, I just took a deep breath also.....Like Z said, we are holding you tight...

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Amy thanks for the good update....I think we all were very worried....just wish you would let us know about 2 wks before scans and such so it will give us plenty of time to worry......ha.....anyway I have story for donkey story.....the very first season that six flags opened I was about 4 yrs old and my mom,brother,grandmother and I went to opening was set up like it is today with the six different flags (U.S., Mexico, France, Spain, Texas, and one more (chemo brain)sections of the park....when you first walk in right to the left of the gates is the Texas have to understand I was a horse nut....never played with dolls or anything else....just played we walk in the the first thing I see is a merry go round type of ride except the cars are little covered wagons and in the center of the circle is this donkey (it was suppose to be like the show Mule Train) that was pulling the little wagons around....oh geez....brb.....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    very funny Shokk...brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Uggggg....wrong I spot the donkey and take off running with my grandmother chasing me....went right up to that donkey and threw my arms around her neck....would not let go....the old man that was in charge of the ride was so amused that he let me ride the donkey instead of riding in one of those sissy wagons.....I never left the donkeys side all day long....there was a bench there under a big oak tree where my grandmother sat all day ...that man let me feed, water, and groom that donkey....I was there for 7 hrs......anyway that is my donkey story.......Never did ride any of the other rides and the next year when we went that ride was already gone....

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Deb: You crack me up - thanks for the laugh, the image of you in your nightie with the gun is priceless. Have a good day.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    LOL on the "his and hers" guns . Here is the funny part for those of you that know guns...I picked up the damn 22 LOL. It was in the living room because DH had been target shooting the night before. Not exactly what you would want in your hands when you are looking at a brown bear. I mean, it is better than a stick of firewood, but a little small for shooting bears! We did have a friend kill a brown bear that was attacking by shooting it through the eye with a 22, so it can be done, but I usually like My shot gun loaded with one slug and one load of heavy shot. I am only going to shoot a bear if it is attacking, and at that point I don't want to worry aobut aiming....

    lol...WELCOME TO MY LIFE....

    Amy, glad you got the good word. I do have to admit that I laughed at your chemo-through-the-toes story. I hate dreams like that...

    OK...Now I am making myself late for to run
    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    skokk...too funny you always make me smile...

    Ok Deb & Tgirl...remember my DH hunts and we have lots of guns...(all with locks thankyou) but you must both behave....its the neighbors i would worry about up on my

    Amy so glad you checked in...<<, breathing easier too..

    Zaz. so glad you are keeping up so well, we do get a little chatty from time to Vickie & I when we are at

    Vickie aren't you supposed to be working too...hmmm...getting some tin cups so we can beg on the

    Deb..I love the stories so keep them coming...and you'll have to tell me which one of us lives further out in the boonies...Ps I'm so jealous of Jeannie getting to Alaska..

    Jaz, how dare they think you need a whole day of't they know how important board time
    off again...boy work really must stop interrupting me..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007 glad you are a bit calmer now...have been checking in every now and then to hear some good news!

    Deb...oh I love the bear story...I remember your moose story from way back and loved that one too.

    Z...good morning...are you feeling a bit better about the general human race today...I know yesterday was tough with the bomb scare but I believe there are more people in the world like us than like all the bad guys we here about.

    Shokk...have a really good joke for you....
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Shokk is whispering.....Hey guys does anyone else notice that Deb is giving us a lesson in how to protect ourselves against brown bears??????ok just want to make sure....haven't had any of Sherloc's disigner drugs that make her look like a teenager... nor I haven't had any of those "special" mushrooms in years.....ha......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Nicki.....just wanted to say hola sweetheart....haven't spoken to you in a couple of days.........I went to my first nutrition class at the hospital this morning and guess what.....I get to have 30 whole grams of fat a in the world am I going to be able to eat 30 whole grams of fat in one freaking day.???????(shokk is in the corner crying) Let's see......1 once of cheese....1 once of ice cream ......maybe this won't be as hard as I think.....geez........South Beach....good luck........

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey to you all! I am better today - son stayed home. He'll go tomorrow after I make the phone calls to make sure all is as well as can be.

    Ok - here is my journal post. I saw the deadline was June 1st and I wanted to make sure I got one in. I hope I'm doing this right. If not, someone tell me what to do, please.

    The Small Part of Me

    Finding out that what I thought was wrong, was actually wrong – was frightening.
    All these new people in my life telling me what to do and when to do and how to do – frustrating.

    I‘ve pretty much done what I wanted to, when I wanted to and how I wanted to and to give this independence up that belonged solely to me – infuriating.

    I have no control over how large or how small the invader is. No control over what routine test they need to do to pinpoint the culprit and prepare me for the excision that will save my life. I have no control over the pain caused by the guide wire that has been placed in me – so close to my heart that is breaking with sadness every time I look into their eyes: the eyes of the boy who is afraid of losing his mama; the eyes of a mother who would trade places with me; and the eyes of a lover who could lose everything – I’m everything.

    The cutting, the vomiting – he didn’t get it all – we have to cut again – we may have to take it all. Why should I care by now, cut, cut away, cut it out, that’s it! Get it out – save my life like you promised.

    Healing is slow. Pain is always present – always. The best med is sleep. Let me sleep. Waking when all is over and I can go on, back to my life.

    There is more to come. More fighting; everyday, one month and one day. They called it a boost, what an oxymoron. I’m fighting – I’m fighting myself. Fatigue, burns, pain. I have no control – but it promises to save my life.

    It’s over. I have a 20mg soldier that stays on the front line to continue the fight. This soldier enlisted for 5 years – but damn the soldier is selfish. It takes from me and leaves me with flashes and sweats, I guess to remind me that I am still fighting. I salute the soldier and I offer my appreciation.

    I’ve been wracked. My body holds scars and phantom pain and real pain and I see the wounds and cry because they are real and mine. I’ve survived it all.

    A small part of me is grateful. I know what I’m made of. I’m durable and headstrong and resilient.
    A small part of me says thanks – I found out who cares, who loves and who matters.
    A small part of me owes this experience for allowing me the opportunity to meet other battle-weary women who’ve come together to fight together – for each other.

    I am fortunate, I am brave, I have courage and strength that is larger than the small part of me that is anxious, scared and angry.

    Have a good day everyone - I'll be back soon.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Shel, happy for your good news. i saw in the secret pal stuff that you would start work on the 8th and thought, huh???

    Amy I hope you get to talk with your real onc soon. if you don't want a port, how about a picc line. You have to wrap it up in plastic when you take a shower but it thinks it's a lot easier to insert.

    Anne please rest. We miss you when you are not hear but we absolutely understand.

    Cheryl and Cheri ((hugs))

    I have 16 out of 30 secret pal responses. maybe they will all be finished by tonite and I can send them out tomorrow.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon girls. Getting ready to take hubby to doc appt. Hopefully he will get the staples out today. That might make him a little less crabby.
    spent the entire morning trying to figure out the darn labs. Have decided that the one in question is NOT for Celiac disease. It is definately for MM but I can't figure out the results. All that I've been reading say IGG this and IGA that and stuff about free light chains. All of which apparently you aren't supposed to have in your pee. Anywhos, enough detective for the day. Gonna take them to onc tomorrow and see what he has to say.

    Amy, I'm not letting him out of the white jacket till he makes nice. He's just plain grumpy now.
    Glad you finally got some answers. Chemo thru your toe would have sucked big time. Sounds like that doc didn't know you were just there for a consult.

    Hi Robin


    Anne, of course you are missed. I'm sorry about your FIL.

    Jaz. don't fall asleep on the keyboard.

    Theresa are you blue yet?

    Shokk, ummmmmmm not sure you why you would want them but OK. ahhahahahah
    love the donkey story.
    desinger drugs? teenager? o my. warm fuzzies for you my dear. you just made my day.
    Holy crap. What ya gonna say I look like when you see a pic of me with metal on my teeth...."o look, what a cute little boy"
    is 30 grams a lot or a little?

    Z, new car smell....that is just to pickin funny.
    Wow that was powerful. I am so having writer envy right now.

    Gotta go get dressed. See you later.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Divine Miss Z that was more quick story last week I went home for lunch and there was about 6 police cars parked on my have some crazy neighbors across the street so I figured there probably was a "domestic distrubance" going on....anyway there's the doorbell and a very cute police officer is standing there and says "do you realize you have a possum under your storage shed" and I said yea I called animal control twice last month and they said they could't really do with about 10 officers they finally got that old possum and all this time I just needed Deb and her dh to come and get'em........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Ok...sitting here eating a Twix bar (afternoon snack at work LOL)and there is 7 grams of fat in it!!! 4 Twix bars and I'd be done for the day and have to rely on lettuce and water. Geez. Is the 30 grams what is recommended for anyone overall or does it depend on your weight, height, activity level etc. Just curious as I seem to be really gaining the weight now. Couldn't gain for the longest time now I can't stop!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Wow Z I am speechless! Excellent!

    ok Vickie you expect me to follow that?? I dont think so.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Z...thank you for the wonderful journal entry!!! I love it. I will add it to the ones I have. Would you like me to include any pictures?
    Amy...ALL the journal entries are wonderful!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Boy Deb..We sure want you to guard our perimeter!!!!!!!!!!! Wow bet you scared that bear down to the lower 48!!

    Amy..holding your hand and glad to know some of your dreams are dribble!!

    Shokk..hola como estas?? Espero que tu regimen va bien...abrazos

    Susan..thanks for getting the secret pal on track...

    Anne..good to see you..sure hope your energy pops up fast...

    Margaret..did that truck accident up your way effect you at all?? That
    was unbelieveable!!

    Vickie..Happy May Day back to that sparkle

    MB..did you ever get a new camera?

    Gina..good to see you!!

    Sherloc..that medical stuff is confusing to me!!

    Welcome..Suz deserve a rest!!

    Shel..glad the work thing is hopefully fixed!!

    Hugs to everyone!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Muy bien Lisa.....como usta????Actually my daughters make fun of me because I told them I took two yrs of spanish in college and now they start spanish in kindergarden all the way through 12th 14 yr old always texes me on my cell phone in spanish and I pretty much don't understand much of what she is saying....come to think of it I don't understand much of what she is texing in english either........Vicki it really is mostly for triple negative gals they think our changes for lowering our changes for reaccurance and/or mets seems to be linked to low fat........for estrogen positive doesn't really seem to make much of a enjoy that twix bar....

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Hi ladies, checking in at lunch so only have a minute.

    Welcome Sue - you'll love this group.

    Amy, let me do the worrying for you - I have broad shoulders and you shouldn't be stressing yourself right now.

    Robin, glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Anne, sending you a hug. I am sorry about your father.

    Shel, glad the work issue was settled.

    Deb, you better continue your posts.

    Lisa, no, the accident didn't affect me because I live on the San Francisco side but I work with people who live over there. No commuting for me thank you.

    I'll catch up with you all later. My auction program is at the printer's so I have a reprieve for a day or two....can you tell I'm excited at that prospect?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Hi Shokk..I lived in Spain for four years but that was thirty years ago so my spanish is more than rusty!! My two oldest boys went to Spanish schools so still speak it although they had to switch to the spanish they speak here..I had my youngest son when we lived there and we came home before he was speaking at all...I sure envy people who are bilingual!!!

    Margaret..glad you are on the other side of the bay!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon from a wet/rainy/muggy Oklahoma. I've got a big pot of spaghetti with my grandmothers secret sauce/garlic bread and a nice green salad. Come on up to the fire and sit a spell.

    I have my onc. visit tomorrow. I picked up my bone scan films and have been "reading" them. LOL

    Amy - glad you got good news hon.

    Sher - hope man person gets his staples out.

    Cheri - CY thinking of you both lots.

    I'll bbl.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Oh Lisa I am sooooo jealous....I have always wanted to go to have got to find some pics and share them with us.....especialy of you......please......and were you lived and places you visited while you were there.......geez....I would just love to go to Spain.....

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok just got a call from my real doctor in birmingham. Well the nurse called and said he is in clinical today but he will call me this afternoon and she is sorry I am having to wait. Still hate waiting but at least she was nice about it.
