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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Can I operate the backhoe...pretty please!!! Oh that sounds like such fun!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    hmmm...just got a little nasty in the Nukemboobies exchange...if anyone thinks I went overboard please say so and I will edit it. Maybe LOL.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening, ladies.

    Deb, I really enjoyed your bear/gun story. Don't you love little dogs who are willing to take on the world? LOL

    Shel, I am so glad you don't have to fight with your job now. That won't effect your vacation plans, will it???

    Sue, welcome. Lots of wonderful people here.

    Amy, I am so happy for you that you got some good news.

    Z, I love reading your posts!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Gravy! I finally made it home. No way I can read this many pages. Can I just get the Cliff notes???

    I want to know WHY??? WHY people can't learn to drive in one lane....and ONLY one lane. I've never seen the like of people crossing over the line into my lane like I did today. I think all those drivers coming home with me were on drugs! Seriously, you only get one lane per car people! That's my vent for the day.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    bwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    i just had a serious rant this morning about 4 way stops and people doing 50 in a 70 ........ i live in the sticks and everybody seems to make their own road rules .......... sends me frigging silly111111
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh, I hate 4 way stops too! Very annoying.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    LOL...try living out in the sticks where I am and dealing with tractors hooked to equipment that takes up BOTH lanes! Totally nuts! They are tractors for cripes sake...pull over in a field and let the string of 20 cars go by! It's really fun when they meet someone coming the other way and they have to back up half a mile to a driveway to get out of the way.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Vickie - checked out the nukemboobies. You were much nicer than I would have been.

    Jas - my husband drives down the middle of the road half the time. Drives me nuts! I won't ride with him anymore. We usually take seperate cars. I mean geez - there is a line there for a reason.

    I hate tractors and don't get me started on wheat cutting season.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Back from the doctors. Man person still has his staples. Doc said maybe next week. Dang. BUT doc gave him Ativan so maybe he won't be so crabby anymore. Yehaw for me. If they don't work on him I'll take em and not give a hoot if he's crabby.
    So I wasn't gonna say it, but I just have to.....I LOVE BEING RIGHT!!!
    While hubby was at the doctors I ran over to the lab. A definate perk of living in a small town. Asked them to show me where the celiac test results were on the gazillion papers I got......they weren't there cause they didn't do them. Geez louise!!! Poor tech lady was very very sorry. She is very pregnant so I cut her some slack. They sucked more blood while I was there. Results in a couple of days. Now just have to figure out why the MM tests are not normal.
    3 pages since I left. we go...

    shokk, the entertainment never ends. Hope you got a phone #

    Vicki, twix are bad for your teeth.

    Socal, indeed! And you raised a doctor. Took me 3 years to get thru high school biology. I'm clueless. But I fake it as best as I can.

    Shokk, Failed miserably at high school spanish. Hmmm are you all getting the idea I wasn't very attentive in high school?

    Margaret, yippee for printers.

    Liz, no such luck. I'm coming for dinner. Leave the light on. I'll be late. So did the films tell a good tale?

    Tapping fingers waiting for Amys report...maybe next page.

    Beth, bras? What is up with all the bomb scares? I am sooo glad I don't have kids in school anymore. Not that that makes them any safer in the world.
    I love Chicken Marsala. Coming to your house tomorrow. Read not to Liz.

    Jankay, hugs to you my friend. Did you have a hard time at PT?

    Have a great night Nicki. Tho you won't see this till morning. Consider it a retro-active well wish.

    Denise Denise Denise....copy and paste my dear. It's easy as pie. Once your done typing, highlight the text, right click mouse, hit copy. Hit continue. If you get the page invalid thing just hit your back button and paste by right clicking mouse again. Try it, you'll feel totally accomplished. And you'll have saved the post it took you an hour to compose.
    Hugs to you hon. I can't fathom the pain of losing a child. My shoulder and ears are hear if ever you need them.
    Will say a prayer for the family of the teenager lost yesterday. Such a waste of life.

    hehehehehhe Liz, we are so on the same page. If you've got this far you'll see that I covered everything from manperson, crabbiness, bloodwork, to ativan. You crack me up.

    If you are lurking HI KATHY!!

    Have a grand time socal. GO PADRES!!

    Hi PBD

    Jaz, isn't that little yellow line in the middle SUPPOSED to line up with the center of my car? hahahhahahahhah

    Shel, remind me never to drive in front of you.

    Have to go figure out what to cook for dinner. Wish I really could show up on Liz's doorstep. Grandmas recipe sounds yummy.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Vicki:Be my guest you may be the first to operate the backhoe.Just gotta dig the hole big enough to cover the mouth and that will take awhile.
    I have been missing Denise and Carrie also,wonder where they are?
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Vicki, nothing wrong with that post at all. So sad when folks don't participate in a project they chose to take on and ruin it for others. Shame shame shame.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    vickie:I think you handled it well.Why in the world would someone want to keep journals that belongs to someone else?I dont understand people.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I think the post was okay. That is why I'm not joining the 'not so secret' pals thing. I'm such a horrible flake when it comes to things like that. In the case of these journals, this is a totally different thing though. People like Peggy sent pictures that are probably irreplaceable. That's just sad. These women need to step up and do the right thing.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Ok Vickie you operate the backhoe, I'll take the king sized tamper to make sure he stays put.

    Jankay....It's not fair with all you have right now. I'm so happy you found this site.

    Shirley...maybe add some more to his coffee???? Wait maybe I meant that for Robin.hehe

    Amy...ok I took a breath, but still holding out for the rest of the reports. Please send more pictures of the "kids". Someone at work is getting rid of a 9 month old Westie...I would love to, but my dog is so alpha...never happen but still trying to find a home.

    DMDeb...All I can think about is Green Acres and you're Liza in your furry heels and silk robe..xoxo

    Liz...good to hear from you today.xoxo

    Anne...I think the rads bothered me more than chemo. My rad onc and regular onc fought over whether I should do them or not, so when I did, I wasn't mental prepared for it. Good luck and sleep when needed.

    Lisa....We're big Phillies fans here and my older son and I went to the game Sunday. There is nothing so all American that a warm night at a baseball game.

    AI is on so must go. Love to all .xoxo
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    i live in tomato capitol of the world (our claim to fame is heinz and green giant, god we're pathetic lol) ....... i digress ........ those damned tractor trailer tomato/corn pulling contraption thingies are absolutely everywhere all summer ......... and most of my travelling is on the back roads, so one lane each way, and no end in sight of passing!

    if you pass a girl in a jeep throwing her hands up in the air and spouting profanity, it's me!!!!!!

    but hey ......... we make a mean ketchup lololol!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Greeeeeeeeen Acres is the place for me
    Farmmmmmmm living is the life I need
    Landdddd spreading out so far and wide
    Keep Manhattan and give me that countryside.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007

    there's me and "earl"
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    if that's you and "earl" then you should be holding the pitchfork!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok's off to bed and my crochet hook for me.
    Thanks for all you replies about my "mean" post! I have a tough time being mean but was very disappointed after reading Peggy's post and feeling her disappointment. I do know that the girls who had the boxes are still here and posting, chatting and well so what their excuse is...I don't know and I guess it doesn't matter...we will move on with the project without them.
    Cheri, Mena, CY, Robin, Jankay, Anne,and all you girls in the you a hug and making sure your tucked in and warm before heading off to bed.
    Welcome again to all the new girls.
    Love and hugs to everyone...Nicki, Shel, Margaret, Susan, Liz, Tgirl, Z, Madison, Amy, Karenindenver, Lini, Sheri, Deb, Lisa, Beth, Shokk, Shirley, ... brain is failing me...EVERYONE...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OMG...I actually spit out my water at the green acres bit! LOL. The really funny thing is that green acres is on the TV when we are getting ready in the morning. My kids have started turning it on while they are eating breakfast. I had never watched it, but it is TOO funny. I have a pretty simple sense of humor. I think I have more in common with Arnold the pig…he had some pretty spiffy hats you know. Plus, he gets all the “good” lines

    You ladies make me laugh
    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    ........... and then jasmine finds a pic of my relatives!!!!!!

    i'm off to the "ceeeement pond" (read hotub lol)

    man it's good to feel like "me" again, it's been long overdue that i've felt like joking around with anybody!

    thanks for the laughs girls ....... i surely needed them!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Funny you guys mention Green Acres! I have a kitchen like theirs. Yep, can't run the toaster and the microwave at the same time. Throws the breaker. I can so empathize with Lisa now. LOL

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    our first house was a nightmare with stuff like that.

    couldn't do laundry and cook at the same time, couldn't shower and run water, couldn't microwave and use over the sink light at the same time etc. etc. and the funniest part was the hose outside ran boiling hot water ......... i near about scalded my child the first time i filled up her little baby pool.......... and we had this crazy 1/4 garage thing going on because the previous owners built a laundry room into the garage. crazy, crazy house, but sadly, it's the last time i remember 'earl' and i being truly happy despite the hardships.

    seems like the more we moved "on and up" the crappier things became ......... thank goodness i own my own house now, and can enjoy the home ownership woes all on my own lol!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well girls as we all know life is not fair. chester was out ofwork because the plant closed and he had worked there 30 yrs N had a job since he was 17/. that is why 7 mos out of work was hard. but thank thelord, he starts work thursday morning working for one ofour old bosses. so maybe there is an end to the tunnel.
    i get depressaed easy and get offended easily, but i am thankful for the wagon circle and the camp fire. just bear with me and overlook my tantrums/
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    maybe this wll help u know how u have helped and made me feel better. anybody that has kids will smile.

    Following Person

    A teacher was sitting at her desk grading papers when her first-grade class came back from lunch. Alice informed the teacher, "Paul has to go to the principal's office."

    "I wonder why," the teacher mused.

    "Because he's a following person," Alice replied.

    "A what?" the teacher asked.

    "It came over the loudspeaker: 'The following persons are to go to the office.'"
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    A quick note to say good night girls. I have been really busy at work, and between my son's activities and just trying to hold my head above water in general, I feel like I just keep getting more and more behind on what's happening in the circle. So I'm just going to try to read a few posts at a time, respond when I can, and stop stressing about it for heaven's sake!!

    Denise - so sorry about this month being the anniversary of your son's death. My good friend lost her brother when he was 13 (she was 11) in October, over 40 years ago. It's the same for them - good and bad memories, just an emotional roller coaster. My heart goes out to you, and I hope you have a good support system and friends and family that understand how difficult this time is for you.

    NS - how are you feeling?

    Mena - it's getting warmer here on the east coast, but still chilly at night. Hope you are wrapped in your afghan, warm and cozy.

    Tracey - what is happening with work?

    Shel - There is probably news about your work, I hope things are proceeding. BTW how's the tatoo looking?

    Nicki - Are you exercising? I have really good intentions, I'm just not following through on them!

    Vicki - Did you post baby Derrick pictures? I thought I saw a post saying how cute he was, but didn't see a picture I don't think.

    Amy - It sounds like something is up with you - like you're waiting to hear from a doctor. I hope all is well.

    DebC - Lions and tigers and bears OH MY! Funny story!

    OK, well this trying to remember and not really sure if I'm posting the right response to the right person is less than satisfying, but it's all I can manage for tonight.

    A big, huge welcome to all the new girls in the circle!

    Oh jankay, you sound really down! Hope tomorrow is a better day.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    g'night all. gina, are you in the middle of the circle where we can take care of you? cheri, you too. and Cheryl and Amy and Mena and.....sorry if i left someout. remind me and put yourself in the circle. and Jankay, you too.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Jasmine, Nicki - I CAN"T KEEP UP HERE EITHER!!!! This is just over whelming.

    Nicki, stay on that diet - please don't want me fat(fatter). I had to go see a CPA today, old high school friend and one I dated a few times - I've sure put on weight from that 117 lb. girl he remembered. Yes, he had to but somehow it looked better on him. These last two years I look like I have aged 10.

    Amy - thankfully you got some news and it was nothing like your dream or the worries the stress from waiting was creating.

    Sue, welcome. This is a very chatty group.

    Anne, sorry to hear about your Dad. You've been going through some tough times.

    Deb - thanks for sharing the bear story. I think we all love to hear stories you have about the wildlife. My favorite was you stopping by the lake on your way to take rads - that was so very real.

    Vicki, I have no idea what you are talking about on the journals or your post. I'm really kind of lost on lots of stuff here.

    I discovered couple of weeks ago what I thought was a simple mistake by our CPA on our 2005 taxes. Well, that simple little mistake is now going to cost us $3500. plus interest. I took the return to my high school friend who is a CPA and he told me yes, we owe it and said "Brenda, this is a big mistake; someone didn't review their work". I am not a happy camper!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of that, I have an employee that has worked for me the biggest part of 10 years. He may be 27 but he acts more and is about as responsible as a 16 year old. He doesn't pay his house payment, van payment, power, water - nothing is ever on time and he pays so much in reconnect or late fees; behind on the doctor visits for his kids to the point the won't see them anymore AND his parents always pay his way out and three months later it starts all over. He is a problem for me because he steals from me. I can't catch him - he is good, very good. I have to catch him and his posterior is GONE!!!!!!!!! I want proof - save me lots of grief as this is a small community. I have no idea how much he has gotten me for over the years. I trusted him until about l l/2 years ago. I'm sure his stealing has been an ongoing problem he just got more and more greedy. I have a security camera in place, I need the recorder - a good quality one. Tried to get in touch with a guy today that installs these. I want one that is very clear. No wonder my head hurts. He knows the camera is there but knows there isn't a recorder attached - just let him keep thinking that way. To think how hard we have worked, what we get out of our business, what I have been through and he steals from me. Oh, I want to nail his posterior gooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gina, Cy, Cheri, Amy, Jankay, Anne, Robin,Z - anyothers that needs the warmth of the fire and the strength of friends - come close. We have you in the center and we will keep you safe.

    Good night everyone. Hugs and blessings, Brenda