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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Oh just so everyone 14 yr old just hates it when I am on the computer at night......for some reason if it's not all about her then she doesn't seem to have much use for it....but anyway thats ok because I'm going to blink and she is going to be like her sister and is going to be gone........I always catch up pretty quickly in the's are the newbies won't take ya'll long to catch on.....NS hope your feeling better today....Liz hope that cold is better.....see ya'll later alligators.......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Hello Everyone! My goodness there are 3 pages since this morning. We sure are talkative. Hope tonight, Im not pulled away so I can read everyones posts. Between work, diet, and exercise - my computer time has dwindled to almost nothing.

    Jan: The most common cause for headaches and dizziness is sinus problems. Glad your gonna see you PCP. My doc gave me zyrtec and boy did that help! And if its sinusitis, you may need an antibiotic. You and I are almost the same. I drive 31 miles one way to get to work. But after morning report, my job involves driving all over the place. Drove 100 miles today.

    Amy: Oh ma I hate dreams like that. And they seem so real. Wake up, perspiring and anxious. So who didnt call you back. Your onc or the onc at the local cancer center.
    I gotta tell ya, from your description I dont care for this place so much. If the time comes when your veins get tired, you can always get a port. Your darn tooting this is about you.

    Suzfive: Well its might nice to meet you. We sort of live near each other. Im in a northwestern suburb of Chicago. Ya know, I never thought about thinking we all lived near each other. I guess cause I feel like we do.


    Debc: Im sorry, but that is the funniest thing I heard or read all day. Im laughing out loud. Can relate to the bed head hair and picturing you with a gun! Glad everyone was safe and sound.

    Anne: Of course you are tired. Your going through treatment and dealing with aging parents who are having some serious health issues. Between the RADS and the stress - I would want to sleep the day away if I could.

    Shokk: South Beach isnt too bad. I have lost weight on it before. But the first 2 weeks is a grinder. Not even wine so I am indeed whining.

    OK! Im have to admit that for the first time since the wagon circle was started - I am officially ovrewhelmed. I still have 1 1/2 pages to read and its time for me to go. And I see there are more posts after my already. So anyways I love ya all. I promise. Tomorrow I will wake up early and try to say hello to all of you.


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    congrats Shel

    Anne:We do miss you when you are gone.

    Deb:Me and the EVIL sure dont need his and her guns we will kill each other so I just got my own.

    Hi Shirley

    Z:Love your posts,you are a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    WOW! Miss the morning rush and check in so late in the day adn I really missed a lot!

    {{{AMY}}} hoping and praying for the best.

    {{{CHERI}}} ditto to you too.

    Shel, great news on the workfront.

    Zaz, you are the best.

    OH, Welcome Suz! Pull up a log and join the group. Yup, there is a lot of "vitual" stuff going on but we do get a lot accomplished anway!

    Vickie, so when are gettign the pack 'n play set up in your office?

    Robin and Sherloc, packages went out to you guys this morning. I went to the P.O. and took Mom to her dentist so I was not on earlier to tell you guys. Look for them around the end of the week.

    Deb, all we have around here are groundhogs, squirrels and other assorted rodents. I'll have to tell you the chipmunk story sometime. We don't have 22's but dh does feel we need at elast one gun in the house, just in case. We are going target shooting over the weekend as a matter of fact.

    Susan, next stop is your thread.

    Hi Margaret! Made those fries again and I have a great recipe for "skinny" scalloped potatoes that the guys loved. All of my family are potato hounds.

    Joyce, how are you doing? How about all of your guys, home and overseas? Keep us posteed on Kevin.

    Had a scare today with my dil. she takes classes at Penn State Ogontz campus and they had bomb threat emails. The classes were still held but if they didn't go, they were not penalized. Held my breath yesterday! When will this end? One fo the community colleges has been closed since last week too for similar reasons. Jeez!

    I gotta go finish fixing dinner. Chopped steak, braised carrots and mashed potatoes. Tomorrow, I am trying my hand at Chicken Marsala. I will let you know how it turns out.

    Later gals! I kknow I didn't say hi to everyone but I love you all!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    I am really trying to keep up. I love the growth on this board. Whether I check every 10 minutes or 10 hours, there is tons to read. I may not address each one individually, but my heart and mind is full for each and everyone of you on this board. Combined and individually you all have contributed to my well needed emotional healing and I am forever indebted to you. Like I've said before this communication has made the voices quieter and my coping has been much better. My group is going to be so thrilled to hear about this at the next session, see, I needed an attitude adjustment when I went the first time, I was pissed at the world, now the world has the CG's out there, and hey, there's hope after all. For all of you who have not heard it today:
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    z we specialize in attitude adjustments for a bargain price lol
    glad u are feeling better
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thanks Beth Noelle will love the books.

    Z:you explained my feelings exactly.Without the people on this board I really dont think I would have made it this far emotionally.I can turn to them anytime about anything and always get understanding words to go by.
    I am here for you anytime you need anything.Someday I am going to meet everyone special one here and I cant wait to meet you!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well i am starting to wonder if anybody noticed i haent been posting

    dont thinkk so
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    JF:I have noticed and was thinking about everyone today.Where have you been? Hope all is well with you.WE never forget our sisters out there.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007


  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    JF: how are you? I did notice that I had not seen your sunshinelite in a bit, your name reminds me of california, so I do pay particular notice. I hope you are good, if not - let me know what I can do to help.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well iam not ok
    i missed pt because i was too down to go
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    z to explain
    i also have parkinsons depression is part of parkinsons
    i have lost my indepedence i dont know wh at my body will do
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Jankay...I was wondering about you today and planned on sending out a posse to round you up tonight. Good thing you showed up when you did. Imagine yourself duct taped and hog tied in the center with Mena and Cheri who haven't posted all day either! Sending you a big warm hug. What can we do for you?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Everyone Else: See ya in the morning

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    image {{{JANKAY}}} Sending You a Beautiful picture and hug!! to help you feel better!!

    We Love Ya Sweetie. Puppy

    See all of you in the morning, Gods Speed!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    JanKay:I am sorry you are having it so rough right now.I am praying for you.What part of tn are you in? Maybe I could come and visit sometime soon?? If you would like.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Nicki:You come up with the neatest pictures.I love the one with the cat.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    JF: My heart goes out to you. The Parkinsons is enough, to add depression on top of that and the inability to control YOUR body has got to be the most frustrating aspect of the illness.
    I know about depression and reliquinshing control - it sucks, no bones about it - it bites the big one.

    I am glad you are still reaching out to the CG's. Please keep reaching out, I will listen to whatever you want to say, just say it, get it out. I'm not a brush and gloss type - if you need to say screw it all, I feel like crap and hope seems so far away - speak your mind girl! I am listening, we are listening.

    My hubby asked what I get from being apart of this board, I told him I feel connected and I feel heard and I don't feel alone. JF, I'm not sure of your support system at home, but if it's anything like mine, though I know my folks love and care, there are somethings my pride won't allow me to share, but this board has allowed me to open the vein so to speak and nobody has been afraid and they have listened and shared and helped. Let us do that for you.
    If you need a call, pm me and I will call you. Take care. Hope to hear from you one way or another.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    z support system what is t hat
    my mother died sudddenly in feb.
    I almost left my hubby of 20 years thanksgiving and am closa to it now. 7 mos of him not working is getting to me
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Why is it that if I take time to read some posts and then post myself.........the stupid thing comes up about...Something invalid, time has ran out? Not those words, but similar.

    Okay, this will be a short post. However, long enough to let you all know that I am thinking of each and everyone of you.

    Nicki: Thank you for the picture!!!! Perfect!

    Madison: Any better news than the good news yesterday?

    Cy, Cheri and Amy: I'm with you all week...Cy, I know you have a week full of testing. Cheri, I hope they figure out how to get your head scanned. And Amy, I hate dreams that seem so real....especially if someone is monking with my toes. I'm glad you are getting some answers. And I'm thinking they are pretty good answers??!!
    Also, Thanks for caring that I might be floating (sinking) in a Murky pond!!

    Shel: YIPPEE! It's about time they quit messing with you and let you get back to what you really want to do!

    Deb: LMAO! I have a very vivid picture of you in action this morning! Girl, you are to funny!

    Shokk and Deb: Our gun toting Wild West Girls!

    Anne and JF: Of course we notice when you don't post. With the exception of the boards, most of us don't know how else to contact you.

    Jan: It sounds like sinuses, but get it checked out. Especially with the driving you do.

    Suz: Welcome to the friendliest, craziest place you will ever go! Every girl here is the best!

    Okay, this isn't a "pity me" bit..........just a fair warning. May 1st.! Warmer weather, flowers and trees sprouting and I am determined to stay somewhat focused on all that Mother Nature offers. However..May is the month that my Son died. I can and will handle it....but I ride a rollercoaster throughout the month. Happy, Sad, up and down. Good memories and bad memories. They are all here. Don't worry, I will be the same Denise....just a bit crazier than usual.
    A high schooler was killed in an accident yesterday where I live. There is soooo much of this.
    For everyone, make sure to always give a hug and I love you when your kids walk out the door. Something I will always be grateful I always did and always will.

    I'll check in later to read up on all......

    Have a good night!

    p.s. Robin: If Evil would have been successful in his attempt to have you would surely be more sane than living with him!!
    I love that MB is lending you her back hoe!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    oh denise, we will be here to help you through however we can. I can't imagine but I bet that is a pain that never goes away.

    jankay, i'm sorry i havn'et been paying attention. i was trying to set up the secret pals and just kinda glossing through here. ((hugs for you))

    zaz i like your posts. glad we can help each other.

    chemo, great picture. i thik i'll make that my mantra.

    cheri, where are you???? are we hiding???
    hugs for you and cheryl and amy.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Evening girls,

    DebC – I laughed so hard at your post. Thank you! I love everything you always say. Don’t you dare change a single thing about you.

    Nicki – you are doing so well. Exercise? That would be something I think I should be doing. Keep it up girl. Love the cat!

    Sher – hope man person got the staples out and is a bit less grumpy. Men are such horrible patients anyway. As far as the tests, not sure on those – hopefully you’ll get the answers tomorrow. I’m so glad you called your oncologist about your breathing. Hey maybe you can get Ativan now. That’s what they gave me.

    Vickie – how are the bruises? Please stay off ladders now. I can’t follow Z’s journal now. I never kept one really. I did write my “story” for the Relay last year. Will that work?

    Shel – woooohoooooo! It’s about time. Good for you for getting what you deserve.

    Jas – I hated going to any type of seminar/training. They were always so boring.

    Suz – welcome to the best place in cyber land. Nice to meet you.

    Amy – what a dream! I’m so glad you saw someone today. Glad it wasn’t anything. I hate waiting for results.

    Shokk – I’m sitting here thinking of some of my relatives who still live in Texas being allowed to carry a gun anywhere. Scary thought.

    Z – You write wonderful posts. Your journal was amazing.

    Jankay – okay missy! I know you have horrid days. I know you are also strong enough to get through those. Hang in there.

    Anne – I didn’t do rads. I have been told by many that it is exhausting. Take your time and get some rest. Let us know how your dad is. I’m so sorry about his health.

    MB – you’re welcome. Tell Betty she’s in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll send another card soon. I’ll be sending you Pinkstock info the first of next week.

    Susan – hope your weather is nicer than ours is. I told Cheri on the phone last week, that I was going to head your direction sometime this summer. It’s only about 6 hours from here I think.

    Margaret – good to see you! Hope everything goes fantastic at your auction.

    Robin – I have a new shovel! Yep bought one yesterday. Now we need to find a good place to start digging. Oh look – MB offered her backhoe. I’ve always wanted to play with one of those.

    Cheri – where are you? I’m so glad you called the oncologist. I do know that can do localized MRI’s. Hopefully they can do one of the head and we will be in there telling them it’s a cyst. Thinking of you.

    CY – thinking of you. You are going to be a busy bee this week.

    Denise – hugs. I cannot imagine the pain you have suffered with the death of your son. Of course your emotions go up and down. Know that we are all here for you. PM me if you need to talk.

    I know a lady here who is undergoing treatment. I’ve told her about us and have asked her to join us. Kathy – if you’re reading, please come sit by the fire and we’ll take care of you.

    To all I’ve not mentioned and to all I have – thanks for being here daily.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Liz:I like the idea of the backhoe cause I got a bad back anyway.I got the perfect place in mind so you can mark that off the list of things to do.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Jankay: Sounds like your plate is terribly full and you need support. I am sorry about your mother and the stress on you in relationship that doesn't work well is no good. If you have not already, I hope you think about going to a support group with folks who have this illness in common with you. Don't wait to take care of you, I did that and I suffered and alienated people. As wonderful as this board is, an outside support group may help. Make some calls to some cancer centers in your area and maybe some one can even go to you and sit with you when you cannot get out. And please stay here on the board when you feel up to it. I don't want you to go through this on your own. Not one of us does.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    We are off to a baseball game..San Diego Padres vs the Washington DC Nationals
    Not a very nice evening for it!!! and the Padres have not been playing very well, lately...Just hope it doesn't rain
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters,
    Whew...long day at work where I felt like I had accomplished nothing. I did accomplish a lot but there is so much more to do. Three payrolls to enter, checking account to balance, benefit sheets to be done, personal allowance to be's endless. But I'm home and I'm happy.
    Kathy...if you are lurking and reading just jump right in and post and we will take good care of you. We are sisters and we take care of each other quite well.
    Liz...Your "story" would be just fine as that is what I am writing. Happy moments, sad moments, whatever strikes you. It doesn't matter...its from our hearts. It's our battle with the beast and how we are now and how we have changed.
    Speaking of battling the beast...Gina are you feeling? How often are your treatments? I know that you will be having them until September but are they weekly or every two or three weeks? Sending you a hug and warm wishes.
    Jankay...oh a hubby home not working is the pits. I had one like that for 20 years before I escaped (and it truly was an dd and I moved out with nothing but our clothes!) Praying things get better and he finds a job soon.
    Cheri, CY, Mena...where are you?
    Susan...really excited about the secret pals project. I have so many good ideas!
    Denise...will keep you in my prayers this month. No words to help you...something that I simply cannot imagine but lots of love coming your way.
    Jan...are you feeling better? Did you get things checked out?
    Tracey...are you hiding? Haven't seen you!
    Joyce...I sent you a pm.
    Karenindenver...I miss you!
    Lini dear...I know that you have moved beyond and are content with that but if you should read this know that I miss you too. I will write soon.
    Carrie and Deese...anyone know anything about the two of them? MIA for quite some time now!
    Puppy...sending hugs your way!
    Gotta finish an afghan after starting the dishwasher and sweeping the kitchen but I'll be back.
    Love and hugs all around