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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Lisa, Spain is one of the places I hope to visit.

    Beth, I'll take the skinny scalloped potato recipe.

    Zazette, I'm glad you found this site. The women on this board are great.

    Jankay, I wish I were closer so could give you a real hug rather than a cyber hug. I haven't been around much these last few weeks or I would have noticed you were missing. Zazette gave you good advice.

    Denise, I wish you were closer too. This will be a tough month for you but we're here with you.

    Checking to make sure everyone is tucked in; will be back tomorrow.

    Love ya guys.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Making my final rounds before I turn in. Checking to make sure that you all safe and sound. Threw another log on the fire. CG's that have medical stuff tomorrow - best wishes and tap into the courage and the strength that you surely have in abundance.

    For those that are going to work, like me, have a good day, check in when you can, if you cannot, know that you will be thought of through the day.

    Tonight I think I'll hang out in the middle of the circle for a bit, I'm missing some folks I lost this year as it gets closer to my birthday and the party my hubby has planned - I sent out 4 less invitations to 4 beautiful women who passed away recently: My grandmother, my aunt, my mother in law and my grandmother in law - boy did I love these girls, tough cookies they were.

    Stay safe.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited May 2007
    OK, I can not keep up here either, but I love my my CG's and think of ya'll always. I am working too much and maybe having a lil fun. My wireless connection was messed up, but now that it is working, I can multi-task.
    Just got in from owrking late and want to say:

    Congrats Shel, on getting back to work, Tell them Pinkstock is a madatory BC conference and you need a few days off.

    Jankay- hope things het better for you and dh.

    DebC- you are a talented writer, keep those good stories coming.

    Vickie- have you rescued Derrick yet?

    Susan, prayin' for our boys. Maybe they are celebrating too much, as it seemed with Hancock. Last season is over and it is time to focus on 2007. My thoughts are with his family and team, but those young boys need to slow down.

    Nicki, Brenda, Gina, CY, Z and the other many, many CG's I have not mentioned you are right here, with me ,in St. Louis, in my heart and thoughts!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Thank you for the welcome margaretb, it's a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Denise: March and July are the months for me. I lost my daughter 17 years ago and she never leaves my mind especially around her anniversary and birthdate and last July I lost my grandmother, aunt and mother in law. I know the funk that settles on you and makes you feel so heavy with sadness. It will subside with time, but you'll never forget and you shouldn't, they deserve to be mourned and remembered. Peace will find you.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Brenda: I hope you get that terrible person who is stealing from you, you don't deserve that. Go get em girl!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Just got home from the baseball game..The Padres won!!

    here is their mascot..


    Here is one of our players at bat...


    A win is always nice!!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hey Lisa, maybe we can meet at a Padres-Dodger match up one day. I bleed Dodger blue! I love sports, just love em'! Glad the Padres got the win.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    Just popped in to say HI!!! I haven't had much time on the boards or computer time in general for the past long while. Don't think I have been here since last thursday or friday. So many posts since I was last here, it seems way to overwhelming to try to read and catch up. I think that is why I don't check in sometimes. I've been reading on the Hormone threads quit a bit when I have time, due to side effects of the tamox and before that the AI's. I've now been on tamox for 2 1/2 weeks (and off AI's that long) and knees and hands are still sore, but not quite as bad, but at night, like right now knees hurt from sitting. Body just feels weird. Hands/fingers are turning blue and sometimes cold when this happens (Reynauds???). Acid reflux is acting up- even with my 40mg Nexium, a little bit of diarrhea on the tamox, brain is foggier and I am much more tired - most nights I am in bed two hour earlier than I was on AI's. Still don't sleep without the temazapan - and have more trouble getting up in the morning. Just don't know what I want to do. Not sure it is prudent to not take anything, but I am tired of feeling crappy. Body just feels weird - mostly the arms and hands. And stamina - does it ever come back? Does it ever end? Onc said to see how I feel in a month, so that is in 1 1/2 more weeks. What is a gal to do? Someone asked my dh today if I was back to normal and dh says that does not happen (or something like that), then the person asked if I was doing better, getting better and dh said yes. Oh what is normal!!! Was I ever normal??? Well its way past my new bedtime. One of these days, I will have time to go read all the posts. Karen in denver

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007


    The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang.

    But, the man did not hear.

    So the man yelled, "God, speak to me" and the thunder rolled across the sky.

    But, the man did not listen.

    The man looked around and said, "God let me see you." And a star shined brightly.

    But the man did not see.

    And, the man shouted, "God show me a miracle." And, a life was born.

    But, the man did not notice.

    So, the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are here."

    Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man. But, the man brushed the butterfly away .

    and walked on.

    I found this to be a great reminder that God is always around us in the little and simple things that we take for granted ... even in our electronic age.

    So I would like to add one more:

    The man cried, "God, I need your help!" And an e-mail arrived reaching out with good news and encouragement.

    But, the man deleted it and continued crying

    Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.

    My instructions were to send this to people that I wanted God to bless and I picked you. Won't you please pass this to people you want to be blessed.

    Have A Happy Day!

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Good morning to all you Circle Girls,
    Well, I have read forever trying to catch up since I wasn’t able to post yesterday. I just had a crappy day and spent it with my best friend, Xanax.

    Jankay, that was a beautiful post this morning. I hope that you are feeling better today. I understand as I also suffer from depression. I also know what you mean about the Parkinson’s, I had several patients with it.

    Karen, sorry you are dealing with SEs from hormonals. I am beginning to think they all suck!

    Zazette, you have a wonderful gift. Your posts are so nice and the words flow so beautifully.
    Margaret, nice to see you posting. Hope you can join us more often.

    Brenda, hope you catch the thief. Seems like the world had gotten so evil, it’s hard to trust anyone huh.

    Colleen. I know what ya mean, I can’t stay caught up either. All that matters is that we all know when times are really tough we got the love and support of all our sisters in the Circle.

    Hello Tricia, I don’t think we have met yet. Welcome to the Circle, glad you are here.

    AlwaysHope, I’m telling ya, some people just cannot drive.One that really gets me is when someone is turning off the highway with 10 cars behind them and they come to a COMPLETE stop. Oh yeah, and have you ever noticed if you really gotta poop and you are trying to get home not only do you get stopped by every traffic light and trains passing each other on the track so they are going 10 miles per hour. Then you get on a 2 lane road and in front of you is a “Sunday Driver” looking at everything on both sides of the road and almost stopping and in the left lane the other driver won’t let you pass either grrr. Guess I am gonna have to do what that astronaut woman did and buy a bag of Depends and keep them in the trunk.

    Why Shirley I didn’t know you could sing. And Shel, you are related to Jethro Bodine? Shame on you 2 for holding out on us lol.

    Deb, I love your stories. Keep it up.

    Robin, I hope you are feeling ok. I had a really bad day yesterday. My back is really acting up. I didn’t realize that Jankay is our neighbor. Maybe we can all get together sometime.Take care sweetie.

    Denise, my heart goes out to you. Just letting you know if you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, I am here.

    Amy, I am so happy that you got good results.

    Shel, glad they saw things your way.

    Christine, don’t work to hard. Play more lol

    Vickie, you are too sweet to be nasty to anyone. Whoever has the journals are the ones being nasty.

    Nicki, hope you can lose some weight for me since I can’t seem to do it.

    Cheri, I felt the same way. Hope to talk again soon. Where have you been, I’m getting worried.

    To all I missed, love you all and hope you have a great day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Finially, Im awake at my usual time. Making breakfast everyday and going for a walk in the morning before work is hard - but I have lost 3 pounds in 2 days. So I think new routine of mine is working. Hoping I can catch up here.

    Z: Y aknow people ask me all the time why I come to these boards everyday. Why havent I "moved on." I was thinking about it this morning and I am moving on - I realize that cause I have been so busy lately. But all of you are my friends. And I can say things here I dont say anywhere else.

    Denise: Its normal to feel sad and out of touch when you lose a loved one. Especially a child. Just not right. Parents are supposed to go before their children. So Im sending you a big hug.

    Liz: My whole exercise routine is walking. When I go to different hospitals, I park in the furthest space. I go for a walk in the morning with my big goofy dog and when I come home. I really forgot how much South Beach works if you follow it. Im doing Phase 1 now - not cheating at all. So Im hoping to see some progress. I was so obsessed about exercise, I hated it, and just stopped doing it. So walking in my new routine.

    Jasmine: Im laughing cause I have to drive in Chicago rush hour everyday. People are amazing! Sometimes I feel like Im driving in a war with psycho cars and truck drivers. Like its them or me! My only salvation is that Im getting paid to drive about!

    Sherloc: There is nothing worse than having to take care of a sick husband. They are such big babies. I think you should pop and ativan along with him! You probably need it. Just take some advice from an older nurse. Quit trying to diagnose yourself. Some subtle abnormalities actually have no significance. I hope you get to see your doctor soon so you can move past this.

    Jankay: I think that many of us get depressed and feelings hurt easily. So dont you worry, your in the wagon circle. We are here to help whenever we can.

    Colleen: Im with you. Things have gotten so busy around here and when I cant write a note to everyone I get crazy. No big fancy exercise routine this time. Just walking. Alot of walking and changing my eating habits. Im wearing a pedometer and trying to get to 10,000 steps a day. Im up to 7500. Thats is keeping me motivated. Even when I go to the grocery store, Im parking in the furthest spot I can find. I do worry that when I dont make a note to someone, their feelings will get hurt - but hey, Im doing the best I can now that my time is limited.

    Brenda: I sure feel like you do. I look in the mirror and know I have aged 10 years from all this stuff. The sparkle in my eyes - thats what is missing. Sometimes I take life for granted. Yesterday was a beautiful day. I drove around with all the windows down and my sun roof open. For the first time in along time, I could feel my hair blowing in the wind. What a good feeling that was. Last year at this time my hair was just beginning to grow back. As far as your employee who is stealing - well he needs to go! My SIL owned a white hen pantry at one time. Found out the employees were stealing. She made them all take lie detector tests. Hope you catch this guy soon. As Susan would say - he is a crummy button.

    Christine: Could this mean we are indeed Moving Beyond? Life has just become busier. So much to do and not enough time to do it. Sending you a hug.

    Lisasocal: Boy it sure looks like you had fun at the baseball game. Great pictures.

    Karen: Man its good to see you. Normal? What is normal? I will never be the same person I was. But I think Im figuring out the new me. Im hoping the side effects your experiencing with the tamoxifen become tolerable. My sister is on Aromasin. I tell her all the time about the symptoms you all experience on these meds. Being ER/PR negative was one of the biggest disappointments I had, but now I think, wow - these meds sure cause some ugly symptoms. Hope your feeling better soon. I have decided Im not gonna fret over not catching up. I will join in a chime when I can. Hope you do too.

    Lisa: Im laughing cuase I had that experience yesterday on my way home from work. The South Beach diet changes the way you metabolize things and I have a bit of diarrhea. Im driving home and some guy is doing 10 miles per hour - almost did make it. My husband and dog didnt know what was going on. I went flying into the house without saying hello and went directly to the bathroom. I think what bothers me most is that when traffic is backed up, there are always some people that think they are special and pull to the right side of you then try to cut others off. Grrrrrr! And speaking of driving. Has anyone noticed the gas prices? Its getting ridiculous - yet the cost of barrels is not going up. So what is going on with the greed from these oil companies.

    Well my time is up. Gotto go make breakfast and go for a walk. I will see ya all later - I hope!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Oh my...guess who overslept! Stayed up too late crocheting!!
    Good morning sunshine sister Nicki! Felt you tweaking my toes to get up...thanks.
    Really gotta get in the shower and heading out.
    Love to all and I will check in when I get to work!!!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Good morning! Sending everyone Hugs and well wishes for a good day. Off to work now but will check in later.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007're wrong, we HAVE moved on, but this is now about friendship and our family. No one shares even with their closest friends what we discuss here.

    Same with our new many close circle of friends bring in new members so easily??

    We have moved on and I love our new place that we've moved to. xoxo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Vickie, Odalys, and Tgirl. A special hello to my sunshine sisters. Hoping you have a wonderful day.

    Tgirl: You are right - this is a good place to be.

    Wheres Madison?

    Ok, see ya all later.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning....overslept-so I'll be back later.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hopefully this will be a better day and maybe we can find out how our awol sisters are.
    I was up earlier but it is getting where i can not loosen up for a wh ile
    Love jankay
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Just walking through and doing a quick check on all! The Sunshine sisters are up and at em. Someone's cooking, Some are still know who you are! Very peaceful.

    I've only scanned over last nights posts. You girls are so funny....guaranteed to be atleast a couple posts that make me laugh!!!

    Green Acres! To Tues. Morning Client always has that on when I'm at her house!!

    My new motto........"I will leave for work on time!"
    Now I have to write this on the Chalk Board 100 times.....

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    hmmm...I had lots of messages on my email (personal) that said I had pm's here but there are none so if anyone sent me a pm and I didn't reply let me know! Or...send messages through my regular email...don't know if there is a problem or not. You can get my regular email by clicking on my name...its on my home page.
    I'll be back!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Good morning
    board addiction least I know I have to be AT work to maybe I'll start coming earlier to work...

    Ok...I even took a few notes..
    jankay..I am sorry some days I don not respond personally, doing this at work is hard, but know i do try to read and keep you in my prayers EVERY day...may the sun shine on your face today and warm your heart with all the love we send you...hugs... glad you come in more often, this is such a great place
    Welcome Kathy...
    Socal, no new camera yet, hard to find stuff in little nowhere town...but trip to the big city soon...
    Denise, gentle hugs and warm thoughts your way...
    Robin...hehehee back ho easy to run....just 3 strong
    Vickie free lessons at Pinkstock...I'll even let Nathaniel run it...
    Shel, mean there are supposed to be lines painted onthe streets, we just think there is one lane, ...behind the yeah ..road hazzards in our area are the free roaming cows that got
    Shirely...hugs, I just hate when DH is ill, you'd swear the world was ending...(and a M&M test....hmmmm I like peanut ones )I'll test the M&M's...sorry I just had all goes well...

    Cy, Cheri, Amy And all...hugs and we are waiting with you...

    Missing many and sooo many are missing..

    Tgirl you are right, I count you all as my friends, not just BC friends, ..I have moved on just try not to forget my friends...just in case they may need me someday...

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    OK, AWOL sisters report in please!

    I lost my whole post because I forgot to copy!

    So here is a quick recap:

    Jankay, see if there you can get a chemo buddy at yoru onc's. My friedn Marge had one and they pulled each other out of the doldrums. Maybe you live close enough to Robin to have her take you on a marathon visit to Walmart, LOL. It couldn't hurt and would be fun!

    Vickie, Liz, Amy...I want to help bury mistakes too! Can we take on dh's ex too? Is it limited to males or can we through in some female PIA's too?!?!?

    Margaret, I will pm the recipe. I used red bliss potatoes so I didn't have to peel them. DS really loved them. I tried the unfried fries with sweet potatoes and YUM!

    Karen, good to see you. I still remember when you answered some of my stupider questiosn like the one about tatooes after recon. I ended up asking our Rabbi's wife. Turns out she is one of the chairperson's of the Philly FORCE chapter. Small world! Hope you start feeling better.

    Theresa, GO PHILS!! Can't wait for Rotary Night. My Broker gives away tix for that and we take the whole family, 12 in all with the grands! We have also learned to hit WaWa for hoagies first! Love the new ballpark. Have you ever gone to Trenton for minor league games? We are thinking about it this year.

    I know I have not mentioned you all but you are all in my heart and soul. You are all such an integral part of my life. I speak to you more than some of my family!

    Will check in after my hair appt and the podiatrist.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Thought I would come check in before I hit the shower. It is a beautiful day again - I think we are to have showers and we need them. It is dry here already.

    Christine - Hi!! Know what you mean about working long hours. Glad you are having some fun though too.

    Karen - you ask about stamina. I just reached another milestone; out of all treatment for a year. Finally, on most days, I can cut back on Provigil(gave me for fatigue/stamina) but if I know it is going to be a hard day then I still take the larger dose. I tried doing some yardwork and I honestly thought I was going to just collapse in the yard - it frustrates me and can quickly bring tears to my eyes. I can tell a difference - I'm better than I was 6 months ago but still limited. I'm not on AI's and been off estrogen now 1 1/2 years and all of a sudden my finger and toe joints are acting up.

    Nicki - my eyes give me away. My eyes can tell when I'm tired, sick, angry - they sure don't have that happy look back yet. As far as aging, my skin looks as tired as I have felt. We can put all the cream we want on our face for wrinkles but the neck gives us away. What happened to my neck - it wasn't this wrinkled before BC. Is there such a thing as neck lifts????? I want one. Everything this year is sleeveless - I looked in the mirror yesterday and go, "Oh no, my neck has wrinkled my arms". I am NOT ready to be one of these 80 year old women whose arms have no muscle and look all knobby - you know not firm but has ridges. Honestly, these last two years have made a huge difference in my body. I'm here though and that is what matters most and what I keep telling myself anyway.

    Driving story for those of you that have been frustrated with other drivers. On Monday I was on a TWO WAY STREET. I do not live in a big city. The street runs by an elementary school. It was time for school to be out and the parents were backed out in the street to get into the school. You patiently wait and then go around when traffic is clear - right? A little further down, we had to stop for a traffic light - remember this is a TWO way street. ALl of a sudden here comes 2 cars flying by in the OTHER lane and stopped at the stoplight. Yes, there was oncoming traffic stopped at the light too. Crazy people, good thing the light had to stop them. I'm sure they knew it was a two way street, they were just trying to "get around" the rest of us.

    OK, time for the shower. Denise,JanKay,Amy,Nicki,Cheri,Shirley, Margaret, Theresa, Odalys, Sue, Newter, Z, Christine,Anne, Shel,Karen,AlwaysHope, Deb,Vicki, Puppy, Robin, Susan, Cy, MB, Colleen, of course Gina, and anyone this brain has misfired on - have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007 a couple of minutes to play catch up here at work. I found a tin can so me and MB can beg on the streets when we lose our jobs LOL! you are, sad, discouraged and unhappy and you're trying to make US smile! Put you butt right in the center of the circle and we'll see if we can make you smile! Hope your day is better.

    Odalys...were we supposed to send you our address for something...chemo brained me is saying yes but I can't remember! you a hug...sounds like you need one!

    Karen...sending you a big hello and a hug. Things will get better and it's so good to see you.

    Lisa...good morning. I suffer from depression too along with the anxiety that never seems to totally go away but I can usually keep it under control.

    I think we need another Deb story to cheer us all and put us in her virtual world.

    Oh crud...boss alert.
    Love to all
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Morning ladies.
    Had to skim through all the posts. But I wanted to check in with my support group! You are the BEST!
    I'm off for a day at the hospital to get the liver biopsy. I can already feel you holding me up! I love you all and will try to check in tonight. Now remember I'm on west coast time so it may be late for most of you!
    Cheri did they figure out what they can do to check on the cyst?

    HUgs & Prayers and know I'm thinking of you all
    Got to run!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for all the warm welcome's and I apologize for being slow to respond. Been kind of busy the past few days and it seems to not be letting up anytime soon.
    I just spent quite some time catching up on posts' this is a busy place and lots to be said.

    Such a warm and caring group, it is a blessing when most of the world is so cold and uncaring.
    Got a new roof on house yesterday, thank goodness it was an insurance job due to hail damage and the $$$ weren't out of my pocket. Running around trying to get last minute things done before I leave for NOLA Saturday. I try to have everything organized just because of all the what if's.

    I will get in the swing eventually and be able to respond to the different posts'. Be patient with me, I am a gooooooooood gurl. LOL
    Hugs my friends.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Silka, welcome!! pull up a wagon!!

    CY, the magic carpet is ready....Mazer has the pilot's hat on and we'll all be there for the biopsy. I have to tell you that Mazer loves to play tricks with the medical staff!!! Holding you in tight hugs...

    Amy, and Cheri - my dears, where are you?
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CGs,

    I was going to try to post last night but I have to share computer time with my 3 dd's and now even my 10 yo ds wants to go "online" to play games - so it just did not happen.

    Deb - loved your bear story. I have a little dog too, but he is only brave when he is on a leash and knows we can "save" him.

    Vickie - you were a lot nicer than I would have been. How can people keep things that are not theirs and spoil it for others.

    Z- you are a gifted writer. I enjoy reading your posts.

    Beth- what a great group of supportive friends and family you have. You will do fine. Will be thinking of you on Monday - B9 all the way.

    Jankay - you have a lot to deal with - sending you a cyber hug.

    Nicki - glad you are sticking to South Beach. I tried to do it about a month ago - did well for two weeks then we had lots of invitations. I am a carb addict - just one bite and the diet was blown. I really should start it again - the food is great even my kids like it. My dd joined a gym for the summer (home from college). I have a one week free pass so I will go with her. Thinking of joining myself - they have a really nice heated pool that is so tempting.

    Karen - right there with you with this HT therapy. I have been on Arimidex since last July. Not too much joint pain - but lots of fatigue - feel like I am dragging all the time. I had 5+ nodes so afraid not to take it. I hope the tamox will get better for you.

    Brenda - Ouch - taxes. That happened to us one year - dh mistake. Hope you can catch that thief - if his parent's are paying his bills - its not like he needs it.

    Shel - glad you got your job back. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today about similar situations and how businesses are accommodating workers.

    Lisa - enjoy reading your posts - hope you are feeling better today.

    Denise - hugs and peace to you.

    MB - you are very brave taking on pinkstock - sounds like it will be fun.

    To all those I missed - have a good day and I will try to come back later and check up on everyone.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, let me see what story I can come up with (you know I live in the South with snakes, opossums, armadillos, alligators, etc.)
    Well, we lived on the bayou and sure enough……there is an alligator sunning himself on the bayou bank….called all the children in the house (and all the children in the entire neighborhood)…
    When it rained (2-4 inches) and part of our yard became the flowing bayou….there were and fish and other animals swimming in the yard (really kind of interesting to see fish jumping in your yard)
    Another time, one of our neighbors had boa constrictors and one morning one of them was missing….well, once again we had a child alert because those snakes can eat a small child. We found out later that someone had actually stolen his snake….but for about a week no child was let outside without adult supervision. We were all on snake alert!!!!
    My dog used to chase the armadillo’s in the yard…..
    We had the most beautiful owls that would be on the oak tree limbs at 3-4 in the morning….absolutely beautiful creatures. And yes, they do turn their head COMPLETELY around.
    At night the flying squirrels were so cute….they would fly from one tree to another.
    Pass the tin cup…(time to work)
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CG's

    MB your roads sound like my roads. I didnt know there was supposed to be yellow lines in the middle. Whats it like to not get behind a tractor in the morning? Yep I live in Green Acres but I love it here and wouldnt trade it for the world.

    Robin-Save your back honey, the backhoe will do the trick.

    Jankay-sorry you are having a rough time with parkinsons. I am glad to hear your husband went to work today so thats a good thing. Hugs to you.

    Shel-if jethro is your brother,,are we related? I swear I have some real winners in my family but I guess we all do.

    Nicki-congrats on the diet and exercise. I am sure your dog is enjoying the walks.

    Madision-here I am, thanks for looking for me. Are you in pain from the biopsy?

    Shirley-maybe the ambien can be one for him and one for you. Might not be a bad thing.

    Deb-I am missing my nature story for the day so cant wait till you check in,,no pressure though,,lol.

    Brenda-wow thats bad about your taxes. How did you ever find it?

    Sue-wow thats alot to share computer time with. Wireless network might be the way to go with that many people using it.

    Karen-never let it be overwhelming that you cant keep up. Post when you can and we miss you when we dont see you.

    Z-excellent advice to Jankay. You have such a way with words and glad you found us.

    Kathy-if you are lurking hello to you.

    Silka-never apologize for not having time. Post when you can and kick back and relaz with us. No stress.

    Cy_mazer has her pilots hat on and is leading the way. Doctors better be nice or they get the swift kick.

    Cheri-Where are you missy?

    Denise-I cant imagine what it would be like to lose a son or daughter. I always tell him I love him but thanks for reminding me how precious life is and to treasure the moments we have with our children,,even if he is about to turn 13!

    Gotta get the camera down to the donkeys and get some real pictures so you all can see how cute Hey Jude is. He was drinking water this morning next to mazer and they looked so cute. I think I love him! No baseball practice today so I will be home earlier to spend more time with them and watch him figure himself out. In laws are still here visiting so the nights are busy socializing.

    ok gotta run for a bit and get some work done.

    Hugs to all