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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters....I was alittle chatty yesterday have no idea where that came from.....Denise I truly believe that someday you will be reunited with your son....I know he is waiting for you with his arms open and when its your time to move on you two will be holding each other basking in the warm white light of true love never to be parted sweet sister....a child and mother are forever united....Jankay there is no way to fulling understand what it must be like for you have a mind that is as sharp as a tack but a body that will not obey what that mind is telling it what to do......I just want you to know that since Cheri encouraged you to join our group you have inspired me and I believe just getting to know you has made me a better person in just the last few wks....thank you........Vickie brb........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Lisa Elder.....I have always enjoyed your postings and many of the threads you have started.....I know you have had a very tuff year but if you can could you cut and paste that post you wrote about moving on....I cannot find it for the life of me and I know there are some newbies here that would love to read it........I want to bookmark it in my favorites list....thanks........Ok guys I am really worried about Cheri......I cannot remember the last time that she did not post all day long.....Susan maybe you could check in with Amber......late us know whats going on if its ok with them......Vickie sweeetheart I am so sorry about the journals....its strange that our bc lives are constantly changing and what sisters wrote even a couple of months ago may not be what they would write now.....I think Sige said it best......Deb everyone likes your stories......many of us dream of visiting a place like Alaska but to live there must be some adventure....I would encrouage new sisters to go to Deb's blog and look at the pics of her driving to her doc. and the pics of her trip to Hawaii......just beautiful........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Just a couple of more quick notes....geez...I have got to get some work done......first of all my youngest is having drum line tryouts this Satuarday......I am so excited about being a high school "band parent"....Friday night games and sitting in the stands with all the other band parents....yippeeeee....second I am beginning to have a issue I think with OCD......I keeping checking my stove and cannot leave the house until I walk back in at least three times....nothing else...just the stupid stove...what's up with that??????????

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good morning dears. Praise the Lord for ativan. Hubby slept thru the night. Yehaw. I'm sure that will do wonders for his crabbiness. Have appt with onc today about the not breathing issue. Perfect day for it. All grey and yucky.

    Theresa, the coffee thought crossed my mind a few times. Shame on me.

    Colleen, good for you. Stressing gives you wrinkles.

    Brenda, yikes on the taxes and shame on your employee. Hope you catch him soon.

    I wanna know what a Skinny Scalloped Potato is?

    Hope you slept well Z. Have a good day at work.

    Way to go Padres.

    Karen, Normal is a setting on your dryer. Hugs hon. Praying your bod gets used to tamox.

    Jankay, I liked that one.

    LisaE, its a hidden talent. for a very good reason. hahahahahahhahh

    Nicki, self diagnosing is what I do best. Of course I'm 99.9% wrong all the time, but o the things I learn. I promise I'm not stressing over these tests. Just annoyed me that I couldn't figure them out. If I have multiple myeloma (which I don't) I'm pretty much screwed. But if I have celiac disease it will be a major pain but I can deal with it and perhaps fixing that problem will fix my bones. Which according to the labs that I do know how to interpret are not doing any better after a year+ of meds. And that would be the answer to why I have such crappy bones at all.
    So there you go. Still haven't heard from big city doc about my dexa scan. Grrrrr!!
    Glad you are doing well on your diet.

    UHOH Vicki overslept. rush rush rush.

    Have a good day at work odalys

    Theresa, amen for friendship and family.

    Madison overslept too. O my it's becoming a trend.

    Denise, did you leave for work on time?

    MB, peanut M&M's...hahahahahahhahahahhahhahahhah You can test them all you want. Gotta be nice to the girl with the sword.

    Beth, new hair day. Yehaw!!

    Vicki, take that tin can to San Francisco and be a street performer. You'll make a fortune.

    CY, praying.
    Haven't seen an update from Cheri. Hmmmmm?

    Jankay, yehaw for Chester.

    Hi Doris, is the visit to NOLA a follow up with PS? Have some fun while your there too.

    Hi Sue, nice to meet you.

    Madison. sounds like Wild Kingdom...or whatever that show was called.

    Amy, not a bad thing at all.

    Shokk, I'm worried about Cheri to. Very unlike her. Our little two bit high school has a nationally acclaimed band. It's quite the honor to be considered a "band geek" here. Good luck to your youngin.

    Hmm I've been sitting here for two hours. Wonder how many new posts there will be when I hit the button.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    I have been worying about Cheri also.I hope all is well.
    Amy:3 scoops should do it.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    xoxoxo Puppy
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good morning CGs!

    I was very busy at work yesterday and didn't have a chance to post. I am seeing my PCP this afternoon about my headaches and dizziness. I am pretty convinced it is sinus problems. It is slightly bettertoday, but I'm still gooing to keep the appt. I haven't seen my PCP since 2004!!! When I called yesterday, I told them that it seems like either cancer or chemo had scared sickness right out of my body! I swear, I haven't even had so much as a cold since dx. Oh great, now I've gone and jinxed myself. Anyhoo, I see enough docs.

    Deb, I loved your bear story. I can just picture you running outside, gun in hand, lolol!! Aaaaaahhh! Life in the wilderness!

    Shel, great news about getting your job back. I am also a cursing, arm-waving driver. Other people on the road drive me crazy. Where did all these bad drivers come from and why are they always on the road when I am????

    JanKay, how wonderful that your DH went back to work. You have enough on your plate without worrying about him too. My DH was out of work several years ago, and it was very tough on our marriage.

    Vickie, I also live in the land of tractors on the road. When I'm running late to work, that's the time they will be there. #%*&#*!!!!!

    Sherloc, I'd be sneakin' myself one of DH's Ativans . I'm glad the man person is doing better.

    Denise, I'm so sorry that this is the anniverary of your son's death. What a terrible thing to bear. I just can't imagine how hard this is for you.

    Amy, wow! What a terrible dream! Thank goodness your news was good! Give that little baby a kiss on his on his nose for me! They really do feel like velvet.

    Brenda, that's awful that you owe taxes and even worse that your employee is stealing from you. When you catch him, I hope you get it all back and then send his sorry butt to prison!! And yes, you can get a neck lift. My neck is wrinkled now too.

    Zaz, how sad that you have lost 4 beautiful women. Your posts are moving and beautifully written.

    Karen, I'm sorry that you are still going thru so much. It's never easy.

    Lisa, oh, I've been in that car, stuck in traffic, having to take the worst poop!! That is the worst feeling on earth!!

    Nicki, 3 lbs. in 2 days???? I'm so jealous. It took me two weeks to lose 3 lbs. last time on South Beach. And, I followed the stupid diet. I will hve to try again .

    CY, I hope your liver biopsy went well. We were all with you today. Mazer brought us on the carpet.

    Silka, good luck at NOLA on Sat.

    Cheri, where are yooooooooou? Did you get any answers about an MRI yet???

    Gotta get ready to go to the doc now. BBL!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

    I have a really stupid question. Remember that I am a computer moron. How do you highlight the text when you want to copy your post?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Jan, put the mouse cursor in the text box. start at the top or bottom of the text you want to highlight. Hold the left mouse button down and scroll the cursrr across the text. That will "highlight" the text. Let go of the left mouse button. Click the right mouse button. A little pop up menu will appear with copy, paste, so copy. Wala.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    I loved the Green ]Acres stuff. When we moved to Kentucky I seriously felt like I was in that show. The phone connections didnt work inside the house, so we had to hook it up outside and sit on the porch to talk. We had an extra washer and dryer (the house already had one), and no garage, so we kept them on the front porch. It was like every cliche about Kentucky came true!

    Shel--yeah on the job!

    Amy--hope you get a full report soon.

    Jan--hold down the mouse button as you run it across the part you want to highlight.

    Z-- you are a very good writer. Such a beautiful way with words.

    Jankay--I get the same way. I didn't post yesterday and nobody noticed! Sniff, sniff. My excuse is that I'm such a sensitive person, of course I do take Cymbalta to keep from being too depressed.

    To all the rest--hope your days are great.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK…I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off this morning, but I had to stop in with a wildlife story….Our mamma moose had her baby!!!

    We have had a mother moose that spent most of the winter around here. We would see her at least 2 or 3 days a week. In fact, her yearling is the one that figured out how to get the wrappings off my baby lilac bush and ATE it…the little bum! ANYWAY…momma had her baby! I was sitting in my recliner reading and I saw what I thought was an Irish Setter in the long grass at the edge of the woods, about 50 yards from the house. When I really looked I could see it was a baby moose. Mamma was lying in the trees and before I could get my camera, they went back into the trees.

    This is early for her to be giving birth. Usually we say that the moose should be having calves by Mother’s day, but I have seen them this early in the past. We are also wondering if that is why the bear was hanging around. This time of year they eat a lot of baby moose…one more reason for me to dislike them. Even though I know it is natural, I still don’t like them getting “my” moose. The baby looks little, so it could be a twin and the bear DID get one….no way to know fro sure, but that happens a lot.

    SO…there you go. A wildlife update…LOL Don’t expect something like that every day…most days they update would be much less dramatic 

    I have to run, but I wanted to tell Shokk that I had some OCD stuff for a few years. I was the one that locked up my office at the end of the day and I would doubt that I locked the door. First I would just turn around and check. Then I would do that, and then I would have to get out of the car and do it again. THEN it grew to the point that I was driving back to the office once I got home to “make sure” I had locked up….then I started getting up in the night worrying that I hadn’t done it…even after I had checked, double checked and DRIVEN back to check…I was making myself nuts. I decided that I was done. Every day I would lock the door and then say out loud…today is May 2nd ( or whatever the date was) and I have locked the door. For the first few days I actually stood outside the door and wrote myself a dated note…You have locked the door…It took a while for the compulsion to check went away, but it did. I don’t know why I started doing it, and I KNEW it was nutty, but I had a really hard time stopping. All that to say…I really do understand!

    Thinking about all of our girls in the center…Cheri, CY, Gina, Jankay…everyone having tests and waiting for results…I’m with you in spirit.

    Yikes…I’m late AGAIN…love ya all

    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Sherloc and Sheri, Thanks for the directions! I am such a dummy sometimes, but I only use my computer at work to file dental insurance. Ya don't need a lot of knowledge for that, lol!

    Deb, I would love to see a moose. Maybe when we go to Maine this summer. I hope the bear didn't get one of the babies! I know it's "nature" also, but I still hate it!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Jan...I know what you mean about not being sick. I think the chemo killed all of the germs throughout our body...but now everything's coming back. Had bad cold, then sore throat and so one and so one.
    Puppy. nice to see you. Anyone heard from Mena or Cheri lately?? Inner circle has been too quiet. I know they're getting in trouble, probably going through all of our wagons while we're at work. xoxo
    Back to to all. xoxo way I'm telling hubby that story after yesterday. My biggest animals are hawks and foxes!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Aww Deb love the story!

    Jan-I have been to Maine about 4 times and yet to see a Moose. I keep my eyes peeled the whole time but so far no such luck. Then again, maybe your luck is better than mine.

    Sherndon-I mentioned you in my post yesterday so there missy. You are always missed. I must admist these past few days I have been caught up in my own drama.

    Shirley-are you sure the man slept through the night or did you take one too many ativan?

    Robin-3 scoops you say. We might want to go real deep just in case he tries to dig himself out. I say maybe till we hit water.

    Cheri-still looking for you. did you run off with Mena?

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    image Looking for Cheri!!

    Good Morning CG's. I am at work and wow, been running since I got here. Just want to check in, will catch up with posts in a little while. BBL
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Sneaking in at lunch! Just one more day after today for this training. Yahoo! Then I'll get my board time back.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Sherndon: Wassup? How ya doin'? Hope all is well. Hadn't seen a post from you in a bit. Just checking on you.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Hey Circle Girls,

    I've read your posts many times but being the good girl scout that I am (not) I kinda followed the "system" here at Started at Not dx...but worried, thinking "Oh crap what the hell?" to Just diagnosed "Oh Crap!". I joined the Lob gals cause I'm a lob kind of gal. (shout out to fellow phishy lob girl, Gina) Post on No Recon because so far I've not had any and swimsuit weather is upon me . (Hi MB, you're hysterical) Mainly spend most of my time in the Feb Chemo thread since I am 3/4 way done with chemo. The natural order of things would move me to this lovely thread on May 23, but dang it that Secret Pal thing sounds like fun so Hello ladies I've moved in three weeks early. LOL Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Hugs, Marsha
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Hi Z..a Dodger fan..well my oldest son would be elated..
    My grandparents were teachers in Brooklyn starting in the late 1800s, at any rate in the 1940s they used to rent their house out to the Dodger doctor in the summer because they had a summer place in Cooperstown.. my grandmother knew what a big Dodger fan I was so she asked the doctor to get me autographs of PeeWee Reese, Roy Campanella and Duke Snider on Dodger they did ..I still have them and my oldest son has dibs on them.
    Then the Dodgers moved to LA and in 1964 I moved to San I started rooting for the Padres..but my heart still has a warm spot for the Dodgers.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    LMAO...Marsha...moving on up...welcome ......we dont care just join in...(hey the srubby thing works and is sooo much lighter than a real me...lopsided swimmer that I am...)


  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    image to Marshakb!!

    You've found a great place!


    For All the CG's today!!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    WOW Zazette....thank you, let me just say I hope you get my name......LOL

    MB...swim??? Isn't that like exercise?? I just want to look good in my lounge chair! teehee Marsha
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Marsha then all you need is one or two of Vickies really good looking pool boys to fan you...hugs...evryone will be envious...'s the teaching your soon cooperating? maybe a field trip to my neck of the woods, rock climbing, a few back ho lessons and how to fix a hot rod...or how to pimp your ride...take care of your self..

    Doris..never say your sorry...we understand...

    Vicki you working some one needs to

    Cheri missing you...hugs GF...

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2007
    You know what, girls? When you go on vacation for a week and then come back to work, the time you spend catching up seriously cuts into "circle time"! Just hopping on quickly to see if there were any updates on anyone who was waiting for a call from the doctor or for test results.

    Welcome Marsha! I love your signature fact, I bought a t-shirt with that saying on it when I went to see Spamalot. My mother is horrified every time that I wear it!

    Argh, one of my little cherubs (students) is in the hall waiting for me. I'll try to get back on later between shuttling the kiddos to soccer practice and dance rehearsal.

    Hope you are all having a good day! You all are in my thoughts every day!

    Much love and hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    good afternoon ladies...peeking in at work and I see I'm right behind MB...boy are we gonna get in trouble!

    welcome recon here either and the bath scrubbies really are great! I used them last year at Cocoa Beach both in the ocean and in the pool with no problems. Where are you in dd is in Mount Dora.

    Deb...I loved the story and hope you can snap some pictures. I too hope the bear didn't get one, nature or not it's still a baby.

    Z...good morning!

    Hmmm...Jasmine is sneaking in too...she's gonna need a tin cup so she can stand on the curb with me and MB.

    Ummm Shirley...just what kind of street performer would I be? LOL. I'm imagining all sorts of pretty hilarious stuff here.

    Silka...oh my goodness...did I say hi and welcome! If not then I apologize..chemo brain!

    Gotta tell ya girls...loved the NY Times article and emailed it to several people so I could say "SEE...I TOLD YOU SO!" there, I'm NOT as crazy as they thought.'s like this...when you disappear, we worry, when you don't post, we send out a posse. I know your safe with your new alarm system and all but um...aren't we allowed in your computer? Hmm...maybe that's it. Iris's new alarm system is going off when we log in...heehee. Come out come out wherever you are!

    Madison...thanks for the great visual. I loved it. Not at all fond of snakes and I would imagine that I wouldn't have slept till that sucker had been found! Had a little fun with an alligator when I went to Florida to see my daughter though LOL!

    Robin...and all...Cheri is doin ok...I'll go yell at her and make her post!

    Hi to Lisa, Amy, Jan, Robin and everyone else!!!
    One hour till quittin time!!!
    Love ya all and sorry to everyone I missed.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Welcome Marsha,this is the place to be

    Amy:You are a genious,I like that until we strike water and there is a lot of well water out this way so wont have any trouble finding a spot.How soon can MB get the backhoe here? I am tired of waiting.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    LOL..Robin it only goes about 10 miles an it may take
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    So the good news is....I DO NOT have Multiple Myeloma. I could have told them that but nobody listens to me. What a waste of good blood.

    The bad news is I have a broken rib (thank you osteoporosis) and probable bronchitis. He said the breathing thing could still be a PE but he really doesn't think so as all the tests are normal. Only way to completely rule it out is with CT, but I had reaction to CT dye so doesn't want to do that unless he has to. Sending me for pulmonary function? test. Then go from there.
    The that I have a broken bone I have officially graduated to Advanced Osteoporosis. yehaw for me. That clinched the decision to do aredia.

    Sheri, you know we love you.


    Theresa, hmmmmm is that where my ummmmm personal items have disappeared to?

    Amy, my lips are sealed.

    Hi Z

    Jaz the nerve of them to make you waste your time on silly training.

    Welcome Marsha

    Hi socal and mb.

    Can anyone call Cheri?
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Sneaking in behind you Vickie and be sure and save a tin can for me. Not too talented when it comes to singing and dancing so not real sure what I will do to get money but I'm sure I will come up with something.

    Marsha-no rules here as to when you post with us. We take you anytime. PUll up your wagon and enjoy the view. Yesterday we saw Deb in her pink nightie with her gun out to shoot a bear so you just never know around here. NO recon here either. funny story on the bath scrunches. Son and I shopping in Wal Mart and I picked up several and believe it or not they all have different feels so anyway I am standing there getting a good feel and making sure I have two that are alike and son say, man I didnt know it was so hard to get a bath thingy. I just died laughing and said boy, these are my boobs for my swimsuit so its more than a bath thingy. Needless to say his mom embarrassed him once again and I dont think he has used his bath thingy in his bathroom since.

    Cheri- uh hummmmmmmmm excuse me,,,,where are you? Not nice to make me worry! Its not that I care or anything but some of the other ladies worry when you dont post.

    ok geesh its only 2:40 here and I will be here till 5. Why is the day crawling along?


    Sue-work interfering with circle time,,might better save you a can also.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Wellllll...I'm back from the PCP and she gave me some Allegra in case it's my sinuses, an order for blood work (like I don't get stuck enough already), and *gasp* an order for an MRI of my brain ! I don't wanna go down the tiny tube! Waaahhhhhh!!! Just add me to the list of people with brain crap. I read the insert that came with the Allegra and SE include headache and dizziness. Uhhhh....isn't that why I went in the first place????? I guess we shall see!

    Marsha, welcome to our humble little family!! There is always room for another wagon in the circle. This is the best place on the boards and there is plenty of love and support to go around. We even have a donkey named Mazer, who takes us to all our appts.!

    Zaz, you always say the right thing! This one's for you!


    Still no Cheri, huh? I'm tapping my foot and watching the clock! It may be time to get the posse together and go after her. She better not be gettin' in trouble with Mena. I think I have enough duct tape in my wagon to take care of both of them!
    This way to the posse!

    MB, you better get a move on if you want to be back in time for Pinkstock, lol! I'm with Robin and Amy. I'd just as soon go deep enough to hit water!

    When we get everyone back, we'll sit here.


    Love to all I missed. I will check in later.