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  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Shirley...gentle hugs to you...seems like lots of broken ribs lately around...hmmm....and I thought you were testing those M&M' now what do I do with the 8 bizzillion bags I

    Brenda...hugs...taxes, and everything else...sounds like you need to be right by the fire and a blue drink in hand..or at least a smore...

    what...someone thinks I'm funny...marsha how could you...and you with the monty python saying...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    I'm at work...shhhhhhh...

    I have a tin cup, but I also have a skill I can teach you all to use while we pan-handle....I make balloon animals! Nope, not of my many weird talents is twisting balloons. SO if we get really hard up for a job we can form a balloon twisting troupe!

    OK...Back to work...

    CHERI WHERE ARE YOU!!!! Anyone got a phone number??

    Shirley- just saw the rib news...sorry about all the hassle. Broken ribs HURT. Believe it or not, my daughter broke 2 of mine kicking me while still in the womb!

    Hugs to everyone...gotta run
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007

    Ok as deb does balloons I might beable to a few clown I guess we can chat all day..pffft on the boss...

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Shirley, great news about the MM!!! I'm sure you are feeling a whole lot better now that the test was neg.

    Deb, is there nothing that you can't do???? You must have lots of time up there, in the great white north, to hone your skills!! You really crack me up ! I still have the vision of you in the pink nightie and gun going after the bear.

    Amy, no moose in Maine yet?? I really wanna see one!! We tried really hard to see moose and grizzly bear in Yellowstone, but didn't see anything. We will be going to Baxter State Park and that is state game lands, so maybe.

    Remembering Vickie, Nicki, Sheri, KareninDenver, CY, Shel, Susan, Denise, Shokk, Odalys, Theresa, Joyce, JanKay, Tricia, Silka, Brenda, Lisa, Madison, Dear NS, Gus/Sue, Norma, Newter, Peggy, Tracey, Iris, Boo, SoCal, Cheri, ChristineK and any others I missed. If I didn't mention you, don't think I am not thinking of you, I just can't recall everyone right now. We are becoming such a big group!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    Hey girls, I haven't read any posts yet so I'll be back. i can't remember if I posted about when my appt. was or not. I have a Brain MRI for monday, 7th at 7:30 a.m. They THINK they can go ahead and do one. Hope so. I'll be back.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    ok missing tracey...snow where are you?
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2007
    The addict is back for a minute before driving home!

    Great news Shirley, but OUCH! You should treat yourself to a new pair of shoes--it might help the pain.

    Deb, your talents are limitless! The only thing I can do is dislocate my shoulder and put it back in the socket. The trick used to be in higher demand when the Lethal Weapon movies were big and I could say that I was just like Mel Gibson. Of course, now that Mel has gone bat sh!t insane, I'm trying to distance myself from him...

    Amy and Jan, let me know if you are driving through NH on your way to Maine. I'll call one of my friends in the North Country and try to arrange a moose sighting for you!

    Love you all!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Yay, Cheri, glad to see you back! I'm glad they can do the MRI. Don't worry. When they get a good look in that brain of yours, and see there is absolutely nothing wrong, you will be able to do this:

    Tee hee!!!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Silka & Marsha, Hello from Michigan.

    I post sporatically, but I read all the time.

    Shirley, sorry about the broken rib.

    Anne, rest as much as you need to.

    Sheri, it's good to see you post again.

    Been busy with craft and sewing projects. Made myself a new spring dress. It's red, my favorite color. Finished a sweet afghan for my niece's baby due any day now. Mended a couple of things on my sewing machine. And I'm sorting out my craft supplies. I put them all away before sx & chemo, and now I cann't find anything. Stupid chemo brain!! Trying my best to reorganize, but I run out of steam easily. I am seeing progress.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

    I'll be back later to check up on our missing sisters. Next time I'll try to take notes.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Jan- LOL…Yup, lots of things I can’t do….like:

    Find any of my 6 pairs of reading glasses

    Remember anyone’s phone number

    Organize the 6 foot-high stacks of papers on my kitchen counter that must be important because I haven’t thrown them away

    Keep my mind on work

    Oh, the list goes on and on…..

    I have to make a little confession girls…I am having a rough time the past few days. I don’t really even know why, other than school is about over and I have never been very good at transitions. I am just having a lot of free-floating anxiety that I can’t nail down. I have been grumpy with friends, short with my husband and kids and just stressed for no visible reason. THEN I get mad at myself for not being able to get my shit together when there is NOTHING WRONG!

    I am hoping that just talking about it will help. Things really ARE going well…I don’t know where the stressed out feelings are coming from.

    Thanks for letting me vent. It will get better soon….in the mean time, I am going to laugh until it starts feeling natural…fake it ‘til you make it!!

    Hugs…Circle girls are the best
    Bus and Fishes
    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls,

    Okay, so I saw my oncologist. He says labs all look good. Then we talked about the bone scan. He looked at it, read the report and wants to "watch" the spot on my sternum. Hmmmmmm He said to call him next month and let him know how things are going. As for my neck - he said to alternate Aleve and my Darvoset if it gets really bad. He was more concerned that I've lost 8 lbs. in 3 months. Well hello! I've been trying. He was okay then. He said the abdominal pain could be an ulcer. So guess it was a good visit. He said we can do a PET scan if we need to.

    Okay - need to read back and I'll bbl.

    Hugs to you all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Awww Deb, you know we are always here, no matter what is going on. Sometimes it does help just to say it out loud. I have been just where you are plenty of times. This too shall pass!

    This is for you, from me!

    Feel better, girlfriend. We need you and your big gun to patrol the perimeter, to keep out the bears!! I'll take the first watch with you!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Deb...hugs...but bus & fishes? take my DH bus....things will smooth out soon, and your family I'm sure is understanding...ok now for the mental picture to put a smile on your a box inthe mail today...and DH is opening (my mail) but anyway...he calls me hysterical...laughing his butt he thinks its a cool package...hmmm like the on ei sent...NOPE just a left boob someone couldn't use....(JFYI...he's never seen anything that big before...)...can't wait to get home...
    bugs & fishes...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Liz, sounds like good news for you! It seems like so many of us are taking drugs to relieve pain. I hope your neck feels better soon!

    Wow, MB, you got a Boob-in-the-Box!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Hugs to all….

    Wow, it seems to be the week of the doctors….just got back from ortho…he injected my shoulder (again)…
    Still no word from surgeon on biopsy….

    Pass the tin cup…..I sure don’t feel like working…..

    I'm going to take the day off tomorrow to finish EE's afghan...
    be back later.....
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Liz- Glad the labs look good and that they are keeping a careful eye on you…I hope the drugs help your pain…big hugs

    Jan- Thanks – It would be easy if I just had something visible to put a Band-Aid on. Me and my gun are here, on patrol… You always make me smile

    MB-Big boobs in a box I meant to say “Bugs and Fishes”…my friend had 3 boys that didn’t like her to say “hugs and kisses” so they switched to “bugs and Fishes”…I am just the typing spaz today

    Madison – Ouch on your shot! Call your surgeon and tell him to get you some results or we will be in his office with a whole lot of angry women…that should get them going! If not at least I will have someone to get my aggression out on…LOL Sending hugs

    OK really have to get work done…really…I mean it this time….

    Deb C
    BUGS and fishes
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    I am sneaking in while the chicken is finishing up in the pan.

    Deb, I am sorry you are blue. You always cheer me up with your posts. maybe you should reread them and see how good they are! Of course, if my kids were finished with school this early I would be down too!

    Vickie, I did not learn form your experience...I am chaperoning with the 7th grade to the Philly Zoo. I have 5 boys in my group. good thing I know all of them and they like my cooking so I have something to hold over their head.

    Shirley, Skinny Scalloped Potatoes have about 1/3 the fat but they taste great. I will pm or email the recipe if you want!

    Gotta go...ds is starving, what else is new? will stop back later....
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    I'm still thinking of what I can do to get money and so far I havent come up with a dang thing. I can do manual labor like stack hay and scoop poop. Hmm, not a big calling for that on the streets.

    MB-a boob in a box? wow got a secret admirer? LOL! Hmm, speaking of, I dont know where my boobs are. I havent worn them all week and sure didnt wear them on the weekend and not real sure where I took them off last. I'm thinking maybe the truck but wouldnt swear to it.

    Madison-shot in the shoulder doesnt sound like a fun visit. B9 on the biopsy no doubt.

    Robin-I have a backhoe in Alabama so might not take as long to wait for me as it will for MB to come from New York. Just a thought.

    Gus-better be one big moose because I am flying to Maine and not sure my eyes are that good to look down and spot a moose. I'm sure I will be in CT at some point so maybe can arrange it then.

    Deb-hmm,dont like change huh? Is it hormones or is that a possibility? I am sure your family understands but I hate it when I act that way around the ones I love. Big "Hey Jude" hug to you and even a soft nose to kiss.

    "Hey Jude" is really learning to run and him and Mazer were being pals when I left this morning so Mazer just might let him be co-pilot. We will have to watch Cheri though because we know how she gets with donkey breath on her neck.

    Cheri-hmmmm,so you drop by and post a small little post like that and expect us to let you get by with it? Hmmm, I dont think so missy!

    Liz-I hate that "watch" word. I so wish there wasnt things we had to watch.

    Laura-you are quiet the crafty little one. Might need to teach me something when I lose my job for staying online too much.

    Shirley-cracked rib huh? You girls must live wildly to do things like that,,,lol.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Afternoon Evreyone! My life was pretty boring today. Same old, same old thing. Busy - busy - busy. Hope you all had a great day.

    PurpleMB: Well I dont live on a farm. Have Chicago Hiways to deal with. But today, a mother duck with 10 newly hatched babies stopped traffic going both directions on a very busy street. Very, very cute.

    CY: Im hoping all went well with the liver biopsy. I was standing up against the wall with my arms crossed. Staring at the doctors, just making sure they take good care of you.

    Silka: My oh my, you must be excited about going to NOLA. Dont worry about answering every post. It will make ya crazy! Just glad you joined us.

    Suzfive: The ticket to South Beach is no cheating. I have been on and off it (more off) for the last 3 months. Didnt lose a pound. Im finding now that I am following it by the book, Im losing weight and Im not hungry! Tahts the best part. But I dont care what the diet is, if ya dont exercise you wont lose weight. Thats been my other problem Hating to exercise. Thats why I have started walking. Hoping thats my ticket. Otherwise its gonna be big mama clothing for me all summer.

    Madison: Bears, Alligators, and Boa Constrictors OH MY!

    Amy: Your sound so much better today. Less stressed. Here is the thing with my goofy dog. Half black lab, half border collie, all monster. He has a huge yard he can run in. Runs agility courses around the pool and inbetween trees, around bushes - just like a border collie. He is so motivated by food that he would rather be in than out. Thinks they are eating food while Im not there. He is enjoying the walk - I thinked he has marked every tree! Towards the end he was trying to mmark the trees but nothing was left. Goofy Goofy dog. His name is Mister.

    Shokk: Well you just described my kind of chemo brain. Dont think is has anything to do with OCD! Sometimes I have to check 2 or 3 times to see if I took my medicine. Before I leave to go to work my husband and I do a check list. Got my wallet, took my medicine, have my name badge, have my pedometer and of course have my keys. If I dont do this everyday, I WILL forget something. My chemo brain is more like being spacey and having to retrace the same steps over and over.

    Sherloc: did they give you antibiotics for the bronchitis? I had that, it wasnt fun. I was really sick from it. In fact, thats how I broke 2 ribs. From all that coughing. I suspect I have osteoporosis also and think that contributed to the broken ribs. Geez - makes ya feel like an old lady singing the lack of calcium blues.

    Puppy: This is for you:


    Jan: I cant believe it. 2004? My PCP makes me see him every 3 months. With regards to the weight loss. I lost another pound today! Did you follow it by the book? I never did before. Im making myself breakfast everyday. My menu so far for today was
    ...omelet with mushrooms, green peppers and parmesain cheese.
    ...V8 midmorning
    ...Hamburger patty with grilled vegetables for lunch
    ...cheesstick midafternoon snack.
    ...Gonna treat myself to Italian sausage tonight with some sort of vege.
    ...After dinner snack - Pistatio pudding. Surgar and fat free with whipped cream!
    ...Wake up hungry one tablespoon of peanut butter.

    Alas - its exciting isnt it? I really believe it the combination of the diet and the walking. Anyways,hope the appointment with your doctor went good.

    Dehbc: Nicki does not want Bullwinkles baby to get eaten!

    MarshaB: Im so glad you found the wagon circle. Lots of different women at all different stages, but we one thing in common. We want to start enjoying life again after being hit with this darn bc. Glad to meet you - officially!


    Oh my goodness. Im still have another whole page to read and its time for me to go. If I didnt say hello its cause I ran outta time. So no one get upset or feel left out OK? Cause I love you all!


    Love to you all

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Well I am po ed now. I lost a beautiful post lol
    z thank u for calling i did appreciate it. Good to see you cheri
    any more awol sisters ready to turn t hemselves in.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Geez, where do you start - I'm always afraid I'll leave someone out.

    Madison, you are a lovely person but somehow I don't think you will ever get the gals to your area for "Pinkstock" - snakes, alligators. Nope, NC looks better all the time. Yeah we have snakes and I think they could honestly make me walk on water. We have had fox, deer, in yard, racoon and possum on back porch. You are brave!!!!

    Amy, how did I catch the mistake. I'm old enough to get a print out from SS every year about what I would draw if I retire and it showed zero earnings for 2005. When I called the CPA, they first told me that they had given all earnings to my hubby; but that wasn't the case. They totally missed putting what our self employment tax was for that year on our taxes; which gave us an overpayment that we didn't deserve that went to 2006 taxes. I called today and ask the CPA that did the forms just how much I was going to get in fines and penalities and told her I was not happy. She said I probably would hear from them and if so, bring the letter to them and they would try to get waved. It is just we have had so many medical bills for three years in a row - well you know; most everyone here understands the money issues.

    Beth - the skinny scalloped potates sounds GOOD!!! Do you cook all the time??? You have to have more recipes than anyone I know. I collect cook books - don't use them that much. Had planned on trying something new each day but now that I am in food - you just get tired of seeing it(fixing it is more appropriate). I did much better with all the children were home, I worked in medical. I enjoyed cooking more.

    Marsha, hello. Welcome to the chatty circle. It is a good place to come.

    MB- give me another hour and I figure I am going to have a big glass of wine - Red wine.

    Shirley - a broken rib. About 6 weeks ago now, I had bronchitis and I had coughed pretty hard for a few days. I have had a cough every single night that I lie down since I had rads but nothing ever shows up. A week or so after that, I got so sore on a rib just under my breast. It felt there was a knot there and it got more and more sore. I couldn't stand to wear a bra and then it hurt if I took it off. I was miserable. Nothing showed up and finally on US they told me it was a rib that I was saying hurt. THAT IS WHAT I HAD BEEN TELLING THEM. YIKES. Anyway, I honestly think I cracked a rib as it slowly improved and all is Ok now. Kind of makes you wonder what else is in store. Some days I feel old as dirt with all that happens. Sorry you are having to deal with this.

    I have a question for some of you that were on estrogen and have been off for a while now. It started in the fingers of one hand, now it is my toes and now the bones in my feet. They are so sore and the fingers feel like "trigger fingers". Rheumatoid arthritis runs in my family and I'm beginnning to think that since I have had to stop the estrogen it is making me hurt. I am not on an AI so it isn't coming from that. I worked outside last week and something about ate me up and I got lots of bites but I can't think of anything that would cause these joint symptoms. Anyway, would appreciate any thoughts you might have on this.

    Cheri, glad to see you signed on. Hope you have had a good day.

    Robin, I have heard this saying all of my life, in fact, from my mother. She has said many times: "The sun don't shine up the same dog's ass all the time." I think his sunshine is growing dim!!!!

    Gina, Cy, hope you guys are ok. Madison, hope you got the results of your biopsy.

    Off to put some clothes in the dryer. I had to run errands for work and got home late and am way behind.

    Hi to everyone!!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hey Lisa - Would love to see your Dodger stuff - maybe you can take pictures and post.

    Cheri - HI - Glad to see you back.

    Everyone - Look at me in my new shirt! My girls at work got it for me for the Revlon Run/Walk and I couldn't wait to wear it.

    Have a good day, I'll be back later, very busy today at work and stealing time here and there is no good. So, I'll wait till I get home.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Robin...maybe a steamroller, flatten him out and then we can mail him anywhere but near you. xoxo

    Shirley...Yeah on the NED, but boo on the rib. Get well soon, you've had enough this year.

    Beth...big sports fans in this house. I grew up with 3 older brothers that played all sports and my dad coached and referee'd also. Now I have 2 men and back to sports 24/7
    Madison...I've had those lovely cortison shots in the joint and they are terrible but worth it after a day.
    Liz...I've found your 8+ lbs and you can have them back whenever. xoxo could have your own circus or petting farm with all your critters. Maybe ship Deb's bear and moose down.

    DMDeb.....(((((((((((((smack)))))))))))) that's a kiss from way down here in Jersey.xoxo Sometimes I like being in a pissy mood. I was like that after all treatment was finished and my body was in a letdown. You'll rebound very soon. We'll just have to wait.xoxo
    Time to walk Ted...Love to all.xoxo
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007

    Z...we posted at the same time sister. I love the shirt

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Z love the shirt! I take it you work with some pretty nice peoples.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Z and other gals that like this tshirt. There is a website: savethetatas. My daughter saw a lady she knows wearing one, told me about it and this is their webside.

    hope you enjoy the website.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Z:I love the shirt.

    Theresa:Now you're talking I dont know why we didnt think of that before.We can flatten him out and mail him to canada to his beloved and that way we can all be happy.I love it.

    Amy:What do you think? Would save some time and money to use the steam roller.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007

    we don't need "no more" evil men in canada!!!!!! lololol!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yeehaw! I made it home early today!

    Z -- awesome shirt!

    Shirley -- broken rib? First Nicki and now you. Wow! Did you two get into some kind of boxing match.

    I'm not going to address everyone because quite frankly I have no idea what everyone is talking about because I haven't had time to read the posts.

    The most I can figure out is someone mailed MB's hubby a boob, Madison has snakes and alligators in her backyard, and Robin is mailing her hope-to-be-soon-be-ex to Shel but Shel is refusing to pay Canadian postage.

    Or did I totally miss what is going on?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    hey ladies...just gonna pop in and tell ya all how very much you mean to me. had a rough evening with someone unmentionable that decided to pop in and rip my heart out. think i'll make a bigger hole with the dozer...we made need a bigger dozer.
    why can some people be so incredibly cruel and heartless. I truly don't understand.
    i love you all very much. sorry for the mood. see you in hte morning